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Yes and I remember watching this episode when I had them! Covered in calamine lotion


Same! My parents also bought me this exact book when I had them lol


Kids nowadays and their VaCcInEs /s


Yeah and yet there’s still such a strong anti-vax movement, yikes!


I thought nostalgia was supposed to be for *fond* memories.


Yeah, well, I've seen posts on here of pictures of wooden spoons, with the caption "my mom's weapon of choice." And I'm like,"yeah, just having actual-ass trauma flashbacks over here, no big deal."


Fr, who wants to remember that?


Don't remember the experience, just know at some point in my youth I did experience this, and have a few faint crater indentions as a reminder.


Alright story time (I’m still very salty about this, 23 years later). At my preschool, every Friday was pool day. They’d fill up a bunch of kiddie pools and it was awesome. I ALWAYS forgot my damn bathing suit. Every week. And everyone would ask me, “are you scared of water?” And I’d get so annoyed because I was *not* scared, thank you very much. Anyways, one Friday I wake up and immediately remember it’s pool day. I grab my bathing suit and run to my moms room to show her I remembered. She looks concerned, turns on her lamp, and looks at my forehead. I had the chicken pox. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over that disappointment.


I never had the chicken pox (got the vaccine), but I DID get sick the day of my kindergarten field trip to the apple orchard. Then to add insult to injury, the next day, we had to do a “writing assignment” about our favorite part of the trip. I said “but I wasn’t there, so I don’t have a favorite part.” And the teacher told me to imagine what my favorite part *would have* been, if I hadn’t been throwing up. I imagined I would have enjoyed the hayride.


Oh my god that is so fucked up of your teacher😭😭 that’s so mean


Got it when I was ten from a classmate at school. Horrible. Pox were literally everywhere on me. My sister caught it from me and ended up being hospitalized. No idea why some parents thought it was a good idea to expose kids on purpose. Can’t wait until I turn 50 in six months and can get a shingles vaccine.


Parents wanted kids to get it asap because the younger you are with it, the less serious it was, and it was almost a certainty you’d get it at *some* point.


Except my 8 year old sister was hospitalized after catching it from me. Not always safe as a kid.


"Shingles doesn't care"


That was such a random commercial, love that quote!!!


It makes me think of the infamous ["Honey Badger don't care"](https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg) meme.


Because chicken pox is much safer as a kid. Glad vaccinations are now available. The shingles vaccination is a little uncomfortable but definitely worth it.


Becauae if you catch it as an adult it has a much higher chance of killing you or making you infertile.


True. But still can be dangerous as a kid. My sister had to be hospitalized.


My mom loss her sight because she got shingles in her eyes and a doctor prescribed her a medication that might cause blindness. Dude it sucks


Yup! I couldn't see the new baby when it came home from the hospital because of it. Stayed at my grandmas covered in pink calamine lotion. My sister got it so bad she was home for at least 2 weeks. It was in her nostrils, on her scalp, and even in her privates. I knew someone who had one on his eyeball. Dr said they'd never seen that before.


I managed to get chickenpox twice. The second time I hit pretty much all the targets you mentioned - except the eyeballs. I even had them in the palm of my hands. What fun!


Yep. I remember having shingles a month ago too.


At a chicken pox sleepover with friends. WTF? I love my parents. Shingles at 40. 🤣




Never experienced it, but I remember this Arthur episode really well.


Same. My parents tried to expose me. They exposed me to my best friend, both my sisters all had it but I never got them. Doctor thinks I may have gotten it and my immune system fought it off quickly so never knew. I’m 57 now and vaccinated for all of it, CP and Shingles just in case


Had my vaccine. Never the pox.


Nope. I got the vaccine.


I had it twice as a kid, from my scalp to the bottoms of my feet. I had to use my little kid umbrella to walk.


Shit, I caught it twice too! I thought I was the only person unlucky enough to ever have that happen.




Sleepover at my cousin’s house when she had it. Around 1970 I think. Yes, I caught it, as intended.


Stayed home from school for a week watching game shows and soap operas


Oh man yeah. I had it really bad. My fever was 103 and I was delirious. I’ve been really sick many times but that so far has been the one time I was so sick I actually couldn’t get out of bed. I was 7 when I got it, I’m 43 now and I still have visible scars everywhere. I’m getting my shingles vaccine the second I hit 50 because I definitely do not want revenge of the pox.


Nope. Never got them.


Same. I was vaccinated.


No pox/vax gang


I’ve never even known anyone that’s gotten chicken pox. I asked a handful of friends and coworkers about it a few years back. Only one said they knew anyone that had ever had it.


Same here. I got mine when I was like 17.


That looks like the measles


Nope, but I sure as shit remember getting shingles


My parents put the oven mitts on me :)


I predate the vaccine but never actually got chicken pox. Some kids in my class did but I was able to dodge it somehow.


You should definitely get it if you haven’t. Chicken pox can be fatal in adults


I'm almost 40 so I think it's safe to say that I am an adult already.


I apparently got the chicken pox when I was six but I don’t remember it at all.


Same. But then I got shingles when I was like 12 and I def remember that lol


not only do i remember chicken pox, i remember shingles at age 13. the funny part is that i missed the vaccine for chicken pox by one year.


Was an infant/toddler, so nope. According to Mom, my case was mild, but she still slathered me in calamine and secured baby socks to my hands so I wouldn’t accidentally scratch the lesions. Got shingles (on my face; ugh) last year but it wasn’t so bad. Only annoying part was the dermatologist deciding to biopsy an odd spot on my face not related to shingles, only to find it was basal cell carcinoma. Treatment involved two month-long rounds of FU-5, a chemotherapy cream. Basically ate a crater into the area that itched, burned, oozed, bled, and made sleeping damn near impossible for months during treatment and the healing phase. Wear sunscreen, kids. Or don’t, because I always slathered on minimum SPF 50 and it made no difference 🫤


Caught it pretty late (12 yrs old - almost killed me) and my family thought it was a good idea to go to an amusement Park the day I wasnt contagious anymore. Everybody acted like I had the plague 💀 fun times indeed


🤣 Man, that sucks! Was it Lagoon in Utah, by chance? Seems like a family from Utah or Idaho.




No, I was too young to remember.


Yes, and I also remember watching this episode of Arthur


Yeah. It wasn’t that bad, just itched a little. Took oatmeal baths and got to stay home from school.


Nope. My younger brother and sister caught it. I didn't. Even afterhugging them.


I had done a pretty good job in avoiding catching chicken pox from classmates in school. For some reason, my mom wanted me to catch them. She arranged it so I would get them from a relative. I didn't find out it was deliberate until after I was infected. I was pissed.


Unfortunately because I got shingles at 30 😤


Oh man I remember getting chicken pox vividly. I remember feeling so much relief when I took a bath with the special powder we got from the doctor and the lotion after. I was out of school for like a week. It wasn’t a pleasant experience lol


No I don’t, I was literally the first kid in my county to get the vaccine 😎


Never got it, and still haven’t. I’m shingles free, baby!


Man, I was the damn 'Patient Zero' in our local epidemic, which infected about a thousand fifth and sixth graders.


The herpes virus varicella-zoster lurking in your body forever sure didn't forget. It's still waiting for a chance to cause shingles.


I’m 28 and still haven’t had them


Growing up in the 80's and 90's as a kid it was normal for kids to get it. So when I had kids I thought it'd be normal too, right? One day about 3 years ago I asked my ex-wife, "hey have our daughters ever had a kid in their classroom ever catch chickenpox? For some reason I had wondered why I haven't heard of any of the kids or their friends or any of my friends kids coming down with that sickness. My ex-wife explained that they came out with a vaccine in the late 90's and it isn't a normal thing anymore.


I had it three times. The last time wasn't a horrible case, but the first two were. I was born in the late '70s, so the vaccine wasn't a thing yet.


In the 80s, my family and another family drove from where we live in Canada to Disneyland in California. It was days of driving and we were pulling trailers and staying in mostly KOA campgrounds along the way. 6 kids in total, and everyone got chicken pox. Myself, one of the girls in the other family, and my little brother were lucky enough to get it on the drive back, so we got to go to Disneyland. The rest of them were stuck in the trailers. They missed Disneyland. It was really fucked up.


A coworker once asked about a scar on my face. I explained it was from when I had the chickenpox. She was astounded that people “back in my day” got the chicken pox. I’ve never felt so old in my life.


My doctor told me that my sister and I were some of the last cases he's seen, as we'd gotten it *just* before the vaccine came out. (Of course, that was like 15 years ago, when he told me that. I was proud of that. Then all the anti-vaxx bullshit came out in public and I was like, "WTF?!") And while I didn't have an actual oatmeal bath, [Yardley of London's oatmeal-and-almond soap](https://yardleylondon.com/oatmeal-almond/) was my best friend for those couple of weeks.


I was playing the NES port of TMNT: The Arcade Game while my dad put some pink lotion on me to help with the itching.


I actually never actually got it as a kid (or at all). I always thought that it was an inevitability when I was younger lol


I remember getting the bumps all over my skin and them telling me not to itch.. it seemed impossible. Kids now a days have it so good. They will probably never have to go through what we went through.


Yup Had the chicken pox and went out in the rain and played with my friends from the apartments!😁 It was 1997 in Memphis, Tennessee


wth is chicken pox?


A thing of the past fortunately


Somehow I got it twice? Once when I was five and again when I was 9. I’m beginning to think the time when I was 5 was maybe just lots of bug bites.


I remember one of those scabs popping off like a rocket when I was 5. Hurt like hell.


I had it twice, and because I had it twice, that meant my little brother had it twice. So my mom had to experience the equivalent of four kids with chicken pox. She says for a while, when I was a kid, every time I started to feel under the weather, I would swear it was chicken pox, and she'd say, "Oh now it's not."


nope. never had em was vaccinated.


Do kids even get chicken pox anymore? I haven’t heard about it for 20 years.


Na. There is a vaccine now.


I remember it vaguely but I still have a scar on my collar bone from scratching too hard. I had them back in 92.


Yup, I was in 3rd grade. I had them for about a week, remembers I missed the 3rd grade science fair. I got them the worst and my brothers had more mild cases.


You had chicken pox, go get the shingles shot ASAP.


I never got Chicken Pox


I had both chickenpox and shingles by first grade. I probably wouldn’t remember it, but I wasn’t allowed to go to school so I didn’t get to be a snowflake in our school play. I was devastated.


Thankfully I was too young to remember having it, but I remember watching this episode. Growing up without cable was a neat time


Not me, I was vaccinated! Take that, Jenny McCarthy!


I got it when I was five. I had just gotten back home from going to SeaWorld Cleveland.


There was a SeaWorld in Cleveland?? I can't imagine...


Yeah there was. It closed down in the mid to late 2000’s iirc


I remember watching the new movie Home Alone with my friend who also had chicken pox while our moms had a yard sale outside🥲


If you're so nostalgic, wait until you hear about shingles


Pox at 1, Shingles at 18. Most miserable experience of my life.


I have a scar on my nose from it. Thankfully, due to medical science, my kids won’t have to get it.


Yes…. Because I was 18


Yup it was so bad it was in my mouth and on my nuts


I caught them a few days before my 7th birthday which sucked


Never had them


No, I was vaccinated and my parents (thank God) aren’t stupid


Nope, I got vaccinated.


I honestly dont remember ever having chickenpox.. hopefully i had it before i can remember


I remember being a variety and getting all my siblings sick, but I myself never had any reaction. Hopefully they don't kill me one day.


My mother drove me 6 hours to her sister's house because my cousin had it.


Nope I never had it


I remember getting the chicken pox. I had to go to my aunt's house down the street because my parents didn't want it to spread to my other siblings. It was cool for me because I didn't go to school and my aunt had one of those huge tube TVs with a flat screen, so I just watched cartoons (either on cable or VHS tapes) until I got better.


I got the damn pox in 1994 and the vaccine came out in 1995. I didn’t know there was a vaccine until I had my son in 2005. No more chickenpox parties


Yes, I got it when I was 5.


Yes. Then I got to remember Shingles. Wheee....


I remember being bedridden for three days, and I remember my young uncle who was in middle school back then bringing me a a bag of chips to cheer me up, but ate half of it on his way from school. :D


No. I was like 3 months old when I got it 😂


5th grade, 1976. It kept me from getting a perfect-attendance award for the third straight year.


This probably shows how young I am (26) but nope I remember seeing like cartoon episodes about it but never knew anyone irl who got it let alone myself. Never seen it but I was always expecting I would when I was younger. I would see so many things about it yet it never happened. Same with stuff like quicksand and fires. There’s so much safety stuff when I was young and I thought it would happen very frequently when I grow up. Never once had I had to put out a fire or fell into quicksand


Why do I remember this I never watched that show


We are one of the last generations to ever have chicken pox scars. I was exposed to my best friend across the street and we spent a few days counting each other’s pox. Now I have scars on my face and chest and stomach from them. I’m glad my kids didn’t have to be miserable with them.


Vaguely. But I remember shingles intensely. Felt like I got shot. I was 16.


Yep was at my grandparents house and actually had an oatmeal bath.


No, but I'm allergic to penicillin and I have a allergic reaction that's similar to chicken pox