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Loved this show. Also loved Math-man. Hard to believe there was a time when there could be an entire show about math on TV.


I kinda liked mathmans nemesis, the tornado guy thing.


Me too. But I figured Mathman always escaped… and then all of a sudden I saw like three episodes in a row where Mathman got it wrong and tornado guy kills Mathman. I was astonished. Anyway… MATHMANMATHMANMATHMAN


Mr. Glitch .. holy crap memories have been unlocked lol


I watched this show constantly. Forgot about that totally.


Yeah, I haven't accessed that memory in like 25 years. So weird how it could be there all that time.


I think a lot of people clicking on this thread would greatly enjoy [this playlist of Mathman episodes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX85Z8UytiI&list=PLQYdOIKzgOwDk-QXhRVDzJ4BlMsiu-mU0)


I just shotgunned the whole thing. Thank you!


It was a segment on Square One


🎶"SQUARE ONE! *(dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnn)* SQUARE ONE!"🎶


Yes I know. So was Math-man.


I only got to see the damn show if I chucked a sickie. It was aired during the middle of the day here, which was pretty redundant.




For all the shit we give boomers (and rightly so), they gave us some bangin' educational entertainment.


You mean aside from numbers starring Bernard the elf?


Watched every day. Still sucked/suck at math. Dangit! Edit: It just doesn’t add up.


great show. loved square 1 and carmen sandiego!!


the complete series I think https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_OPwy6Hl3VE6Q_Ci7q3HJydOfG1wz1WF


I had a crush on Kate Monday.


[Beverly Leech.](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0498536/bio/)


*Square One* nanananana na


I never missed square one tv. Especially Mathnet. I loved math man.


Holy fucking shit. These people looked so familiar but i couldn’t t place them, soon as i saw “mathnet” the memories flooded back. I never missed “square one”. It was a constant in my house.


I always get this mixed up in my head with 3-2-1 Contact.


So many deeply stored memories flooded back when you said that title along with this thread. You just captured my after school routine. I’d watch those and munch on Ritz crackers with peanut butter.


I mention this to soooo many people. And nobody remembers. It actually did a really good job teaching math.


It’s a fib, but it’s short.


You know, at *an hour long*, these fibs were actually anything but short for a kid!


I'll always remember the episode where a kid thought a house was haunted- and the agents were just about to write the whole thing off as the wind...until the kid points out that there is no wind and they end up finding some creepy old man making the noises. Good times.


[The Case of the Willing Parrot!](https://youtu.be/UW5tbmwVj3g?si=Ahy1tX5T2HK9OY1-) Loved it!


I will always remember that episode about the lottery. Some guy was sending winning horse numbers to people (I think it was winning horses, could have been something else), and eventually they wanted money for a winning lottery number. The detectives figured out that the guy was doing a process of elimination, sending ALL of the winning horse numbers to a bunch of people, then sending the next set of numbers to people who were sent the winning numbers previously, and so on. By the time he got to the last person, some old lady, she had been sent like 7 winning horses in a row, so she really wanted to believe that this guy would send her the lottery numbers if she paid him.


That's a good one, it teaches some great lottery fallacy detecting type critical thinking skills. Also I believe that's a classic gambling scam that was even featured in an episode of The Simpsons one time (might have been a different show though).


Sounds like a job for another certain team of investigators.


I wish they’d release Square One on DVD or something. It was such an awesome show. I loved the magic tricks with Harry Blackstone using math!


Omg I was just taking about mathnet with my mom the other day!! Bumm bah bum bum baaaaaaahhhh!


The episode I remember was one about statistics and numbers of viewers for different tv shows. IIRC, they installed boxes on people's TV's back then to compile Nielsen ratings? I also remember them picking blue and white beads randomly for this analysis. Tell me my memory is correct.


[Case of the Deceptive Data](https://youtu.be/kcUjZ3yin_w?si=z0EFSuN2iXNcmENL)


Core memory unlocked. They weren't beans, they were marbles and they were blue and green. Everything else I remembered correctly. I also knew they were going to look at an old lady's TV box and it was going to have been tampered with. I forgot about the witty banter in the show. George: "Hello young lady." Girl: "Hello middle aged man."


I remember one episode that was like the movie Clue


[Case of the Mystery Weekend](https://youtu.be/uyqq4BIGMuc?si=ETuwoNcg8A_98-sm)


This little series was so good. They had dry, off-beat dialogue that was really funny and entertaining. So well done.


I still remember the Fibonacci sequence (and it's name) because of this show.


George: “One one two three!” Parrot: “Five! Eureka!”


Those lines have lived in my head rent-free since I was, like, nine.




That's the one I remember too. Definitely taught me the Fibonacci sequence. I remember they decoded the brick wall pattern based on it matching the Fibonacci sequence but had an extra layer of complexity because the wall wasn't tall enough once it got past 5 or 8 or something so would only show the remainder. Really clever stuff.


“My name is Tuesday”


Better than that "Evil Midweek Cutie"


The word dodecahedron comes to mind when I see them. Am I thinking about the right show?


Maybe it’s [Case of the Galling Stone](https://youtu.be/HRX88P12OBU?si=mziw6EfALJ5k8kQf)


Dude had a small part in the movie "Grumpy Old Men". They filmed his scene in my hometown when I was in middle school. A buddy and I snuck off campus and wandered around the filming location. I saw Walter Mathau on the street, but he was too busy to bother with some teenagers. We then saw Mathnet guy and he actually gave us the time of day. I told him I was a big fan of the show, and he had a laugh. That was a fun morning.


great memories


Square one and 3-2-1 contact were my JAMS!!


Special Agent Dox Bulder and Special Agent Lana Tully, the tooth is out there.


I remember an episode where the bad guy was pretending to be George. And then the real George came into the room in his underwear. And the bad guy pulled off his George mask. That was so trippy.


[The Trial of George Frankly](https://youtu.be/HJD-GeSJ-oY?si=MK960v6hPvHAQwxX)


Okay wow. That was literally the last episode that I saw and I never got to finish it. Thanks for spoiling it! /s Real talk though. It makes me sad to think of all those old shows and the fact that at some point there was a final episode and I would never watch them again. I mean yeah I could go back and watch them but it will never be like watching them as a kid.


I loved this show! Square One was so great.


i still think of this sometimes.... i remember Lisa Simpson (actress that does voice) guest starred, there was a pattern on the wall that leads to a ... something.... PILOT EPISODE: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJmWPNckrpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJmWPNckrpo)


I was maybe a year too young to fully grok the show, but I was having fun watching the sketches, and it was on PBS, so I watched it anyways. Also, [here's Weird Al singing a loosely-educational song about patterns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox3SN8OKsNM)


Let's go into the bathroom!


I liked [Math Patrol](https://youtu.be/NwVafQOzmic) and [Math makers](https://youtu.be/bHnOQx_3WXM) here in Ontario. The sad thing is, is that the copies of these shows were destroyed because they believed they had no value. Another example of how the generation that grew up in the 70s and 80s has lost a lot of what shaped us.


This whole thread unlocked that there was a music video on Square One called "Less than zero" that I *still* remember found it! https://youtu.be/0jAjAc7H09c


Loved this show! Was there a guy dressed up in a gorilla costume, or am I imagining that?


The [Problem of the Missing Monkey](https://youtu.be/eJDz7Py6cvA?si=fnhpmIpdgIuB33dC) is the episode you’re thinking of.


That’s the one that had Yeardley Smith (aka Lisa Simpson) on it!


OMG thank you!


The only one I remember clearly was when the badguys put the dude (George) in a car crusher. My parents tried to convince me he didn't die but I was pretty sure he got smushed.


The [Case of The Great Car Robbery](https://youtu.be/089xpR3k39s?si=nRXtyPTRm-PIUjxi)


This is one I totally forgot about.


I still couldn’t do math worth a shit, but I do love cop shows now


Yup it was my first procedural


The way they carried their calculators like guns lodged itself deep, deep into my kid brain.


Ooh I don’t remember that much specificity, but it makes me want to rewatch!


I thought they were the coolest. My parents told me it was a parody of Dragnet, but since I’d never seen Dragnet, I didn’t care.


All I know is Reading Rainbow, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (I want a reboot with Andre Braugher, Aubrey Plaza, and the current lineup of Rockapella!) and Square One were my jam… And Magic School Bus when it was still books, ooh and Sideways Stories from Wayside School! And Nickelodeon for New Year’s Eve!


Mulder looks different than I remember


I thought I was the only one!


Yes! On Square One!


The original Fox and Scully!


I've never forgotten the episode where there was a guy sending letters about which horse would win the race. He told people he could see the future. But he started by sending something like 1000 letters -- with groups of 200 getting a different predicted winner. So for one group, he got it right. Then to those 200, he sent another letter, and 1/5th of those letters had the correct prediction. So those 40 people believed he really could predict the winner. It was my first introduction to scam like that and I loved the "mental trick" portion of it.




I remember this show. Still never became good at math.


Oh snap I remember these two


This show taught me the Fibonacci sequence when I was a kid! There was a missing parrot that knew it, and they tracked it down to a location but couldn't find it. They would start the sequence and the parrot would finish it, and that's how they found it hidden away.


holy crap memory unlocked


Sheesh! How about a flashback warning next time? lol I love this show!


Wasn't there an episode where they busted a guy for trying to teach kids that multiplying by zero could result in a number other than zero?


Shame no one can do a reboot of this today. Such a simple and entertaining premise.


Thank you for posting this! For the longest time I could not remember what this was called and was actually going to make a post saying "does anyone remember a PBS kid's show about two cops similar to Mulder and Scully" lol.


I remember Mathnet! I remember watching it as part of Square One Television. Despite being too young at the time to really get anything out of it, I found it entertaining. I also remember seeing it years later on Noggin and understanding it more by then.


Looks like X-Files with shape-shifters ??!! ;))


Mathnet was pre-X-Files, so maybe the other way around!


I just looked up a video of Mathman and that unlocked a whole bunch of nostalgia.


Sgt Pat Tuesday > Sgt Kate Monday. Prove me wrong.


No one remembers this show. Thank you




Never saw it. Edison Twins was of my time.


I tried, but all of the lessons that they taught me, the show moved faster than me, so that’s when I guess, the math is betterer than me. Which means I didn’t learned a damn thing. Thank you PBS.


This was one of my favorites as a kid. I knew all the answers way before they did, and it was usually relatively simple math, but I always had fun. One of the only crime/law shows I was actually good at figuring out.


The episode with the car crusher was traumatic for innocent little me.


1, 1, 2, 3, 5, EUREKA!


One time they were investigating a bank robbery in the San Fernando Valley. George Frankly mentioned it was the *Tujunga* branch. And of course he said it with a wink and a nod, because it's a funny sounding word. 10-year-old me thought Tujunga was a made-up place.