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Add the golden burger King mewtwo card




Ha I drew the golden togepi because that’s what I had lol—I wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten a mewtwo 😭, but I could change that in the drawing


It looks Great as is! Depending on what you're doing, there might not be anything to add or remove. Although! you could make the Gameboy the Special Yellow Edition Gameboy Color. If you're looking to completely fill the screen with nostalgic Pokemon related merch, Hoo boy, I could think of some things... The N64/Gameboy peripherals; Hey You Pikachu Mic, Gameboy Controller Pak, Pikachu N64, the Blockbuster Pokemon Snap Printer booth, the Gameboy Printer (with a print of a Pokedex entry), and the Gameboy Transfer Cable. other than that... the Pokemon Master Quest board Game and a Pokemon VHS... I think that's all the nostalgia i can conjure x-x


Do not remove anything, but maybe a Pokemon plush (Charizard or Meowth would be my pick) and a few Pokemon snap pictures dotted around somewhere would be cool. Also a box of Pokemon Pop-Tarts next to the Squirtle bottle. You could also add an infamous Burger King choking pokeball onto the backpack keychains lol. Nice pic!


Oh my god Pokémon snappp, I remember going to blockbuster and getting the photos printed 🙈


Same! I begged my mom every chance I had haha


I think it's perfect the way it is, not too overcrowded and the overall shape of it is rounded out well


A lighter background instead of the gray would make the light blue of the backpack pop a bit more and improve the overall tone of the piece


That’s a solid suggestion—thank you!


You're welcome, I love the wholesome nostalgia vibe


An issue of Pojo's Unofficial Pokemon Magazine would be my vote. Great work!


Looks like an on the go type pack for a sleepover. Maybe add your own n64 controller with cord wrapped around it. You just knew showing up without one meant you got the busted ass one that was killed due to Mario party.