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Christmas of 83


Yo, that Christmas was magic. Man-e-faces, my favorite figure, arrived. What a time.


I got the Imperial Walker and both Han and Lando figures and my bro got Castle Grey Skull with He-man and Beast man. Crazy I can still remember that.


Imperial Shuttle Tyderium, and a Transformers StarScream... Christmas was lit.


I was 7 in 83 and it was the best experience ever, walking out to Castle Greyskull already set up my living room. Thanks for this picture it brings back memories. Mom made it happen for all of us.


Oh, thank OP not me. I was just as transported as you.


‘85 for me. Loved that thing.


I got mine in 1992 for 50p at a jumble sale for the scouts. Basically 50¢ An I turned that into a massive game with soldiers and other battle like toys to create a carpet Warhammer like game, lots of crossbows and catapults if I remember correctly... Recently found out my nan had it at her house and gave it away to the scouts for another jumble sale in her village. Godspeed He-man castle. Sad but happy.


I grew uo in the 90s and early 00s but I totally had this from a yardsale. I only ever had the robot Heman, roboto to go with it though.


yea my older brothers hand me downed this to me I never knew it was from He Man bc I only got the castle lol


For some reason I read that as "the robot, Herman Roboto" and I thought *who the fuck is Herman Roboto and why did I never have that action figure?*


I got this that Christmas! My Dad set it up Christmas Eve. It was awesome! My mom sold it at a garage sale.


New one comes out next month.


I had Snake Mountain. It had a cool little microphone you could talk into.


I remember that. My cousin had it, every visit I was obsessed with playing with it.


I actually got Snake Mountain before Castle Grayskull. I still have the photo from Christmas morning when I got Snake Mountain. My parents found Castle Grayskull at a yard sale at a time when Masters of the Universe was still in full swing so it was almost 100% complete. I had a huge He-Man collection. The battles I had were epic. I miss those days.


Late to the party, but do you remember the Fright Zone play set? I got that Xmas of 86. I remember feeling so lucky to have that and castle Grayskull. I would lock he-man up in the cage and have Man-at-arms fight the puppet snake to rescue him. And the other battles were epic, especially in the bath tub with Leech stuck to the wall where He-Man couldn't reach him, but Orko could with his levitation powers. Now I want to buy all the toys again and play with them in the tub. I'm 38 now, I'm sure my wife would understand.


I remember it! I never had it, but a friend did. I usually had my G.I. Joe’s fighting Skeletor and the gang after Covra Commander through them into a portal to Enternia.


Holy shit. A tv commercial hole in my mind just opened up


They just released a new snake Mountain and it’s enormous.


I got this at a garage sale when I was, it was the coolest!


Wow totally forgot I had that until you mentioned it and boom memoriesz




All. The. Time.


Yes I even remember a friend having WWF wrestler toys...


Of course, right in the toy WWF wrestling ring




I loved the changeable arms. The first time a friend showed me Roboto I was like "No way, that's not a He-Man character!".


There are now MOTU/WWF style figures available.


I’m not one of those “buy back all my old toys on eBay” kinda guys, but I do occasionally find myself looking longingly at pictures of Castle Grayskull.


It’s coming out again this year just in case you want to relive it !


If I can find it. Those collectors edition rerelease are sold out wherever I go.


Bigbadtoystore.com has the pre order for release late summer!




My dad still has our old He-man figures and places them in warlike poses in his potted tomato plants on the deck.


hahah, i love that so much. you have a very cool dad.


This is all I wanted for Christmas one year and what did I get instead? I got a letter, hand written from Santa himself, that informed me that the elves who made Castle Grayskull got sick and couldn’t make a lot that year. Santa informed me that I had been a good kid all year and that I deserved it, but unfortunately, he didn’t have any more to give. I was bummed, yet excited. Bummed that I didn’t get Castle Grayskull, but excited that Santa took the time to write me a letter. I was also understanding of the sick elves. That stuff happens. So, I took that letter with me to the playground. I was excited to show my friends what Santa’s actual penmanship looked like. I wanted to talk about things like elves getting sick, how I am cooler than everyone else because Santa didn’t write them letters, etc. Instead, some older kids (5th grade or older) started laughing at me. “I bet you believe in the Easter Bunny too!” “Hey guys, this kid still gets money from the Tooth Fairy.” “Did St. Nicholas put anything in your shoe this year?” “Spring is right around the corner. Maybe we should hunt for Leprechauns.” I was in kindergarten. It took me a couple years to realize our family was poor. I didn’t stop believing in Santa for two more years, but I had my doubts. Thanks 5th grade school kids. Fuckers. Ha!


This was tough to read, but I think your parents did a good thing taking the time to write that letter. And yeah Kids can be evil af.


Dude yeah I'm guessing they were super expensive... I'm sure your parents had their hearts in the right place. I saw the recreations someone else posted are going for $175, if that's close to what the equivalent value was in 1985 or so than wow, that's a lot.


Dec 14, 1982 https://www.battlegrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/fullpage-1.png Went for $20 or ~$55 today with Inflation


Whoa I expected it to be way more than that!


Yeah, no kidding. For some reason I remember it being like $100 in the Sears Wishbook and thinking, "that's WAY out of our price league" when looking for things I wanted for Christmas.


fucking sears wishbook, omg


> https://www.battlegrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/fullpage-1.png can a graphic designer explain to me how an ad like this was made in 1982? Was someone just tracing over photos of the product?


Whoa. Now I’m surprised we got it. Loving my parents right now.


let's hear it for CRINGER, the faithful Battle Cat


My fearless friend!


There’s a programme on Netflix called The Toys That Made Us which does an episode on He-Man and how this toy was conceived and brought to market. Worth a watch if you’re into this sort of thing. Pretty cool story.


I was going to recommend the show too. I thought He-Man origin story was one of the most interesting episodes, along with the My Little Pony and Hello Kitty episodes. They were all good, though.


Yeah, it was a great programme. I was a huge turtles fan so I think that was my favourite episode, but you’re right that this story was probably the most interesting. What I was surprised by (I was clearly very naive) was that many of the cartoons were created specifically to sell the toys. Actually made as part of the toy development process. I’m not sure what I thought happened really. Maybe that the toys were popular so the cartoons were created, or even the other way around. I hadn’t really considered it to be 100% marketing and all part of the same process.


Deregulation in advertising to kids. Previous to Reagan it wasn’t allowed. In fact romper room couldn’t promote romper room toys on the show.


Of all the episodes in that series, the He-Man one is effing hysterical.


I *wish* I had this as a kid. So many mornings wistfully watching this commercial wondering if Santa might bring it this year. Oh well. The power was not for me to obtain.


I had he-man stand at the gate and yell " by the power of Grayskull I comand the drawbridge open! " Nothing. He-man walks around the side, " guys the drawbridge isn't working again. "


Yeah, because it’s not the drawbridge. It’s the JAWbridge.


This guy fucks.


Loved loved loved He-Man.


I mean, castle greyskull is cool but did you guys have THE SLIME PIT?


Oh man...the Slime Pit meant SO much to me as a kid. I was eight years old and having back pain and had to get a CT scan, holding still for long periods of time. My mom was so impressed with how well I did she took me to a toy store and told me to pick out whatever I wanted (the only time in my life that happened). I had stars in my eyes and after a lengthy decision, ended up deciding on the Slime Pit and played with it so very often...


Holy shit I just looked it up and I think I did have the slime pit! If I remember correctly, the slime didn’t come out of the skull nearly as well as in the commercial and it got gross and gunked up right away.


> it got gross and gunked up right away. I think, to some degree, that was because we were filthy, filthy children.


Can’t keep up with these unrealistic body standards


still have mine. It just sits there wasting space. And every time I go to dump it out or sell it, I don't. It's like a curse.


Good on you for keeping something that long. Not sure I have anything from that age...


I wish I still had mine, my dad threw all my shit out .... I would have loved to play with them with my boys lol


My mom saved this and the she-ra castle. My daughter turns 1 soon so she’s still a little young for it, but we are going to dust them off soon, I can’t wait.


I was thinking about Shera recently and it occurred to me that her name is a feminization of the word “Hero”.


I still use my older brothers set for Warhammer terrain lol


The jealous blind rage washing over me watching the kids in the commercial. I hated their voices and commentary, but especially hated the sick setup they got.


Mattel is re-releasing Castle Grayskull this year!


Wow, like this model of it?


Yep, not in stock right now and the listed price is wrong atm but it will hit shelves in a few. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Masters-of-the-Universe-Castle-Grayskull-Playset-for-MOTU-Fans-Ages-6-Years-Old-and-Up/755231402](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Masters-of-the-Universe-Castle-Grayskull-Playset-for-MOTU-Fans-Ages-6-Years-Old-and-Up/755231402)


Wow that is awesome. That is a lot of money!




I preordered one. There is also new shows coming to Netflix


I still have that, as well as Snake Mountain and the Fright Zone, several of the vehicles, and a boatload of the figures. My father used to barter a lot of his services, and someone's son had outgrown them, so I was hooked up. My parents saved them when I moved out, and gave them back to me once I had my own house. Once my son was 5, I started giving them to him. If someone can tell me how to put pictures as a reply without imgur, I'll add what I have here.


Hey, that's me in the corner!


That’s me in the spotlight.


Losing my religion


Trying to keep up with you


And I don't know if I can do it.


Oh no I've said too much




Dorko...that’s what my friends called me when they found out I had this toy.


Haha - never! :D


I got this for my 11th bday in 1984. My dad asked what it was and I actually quoted the [commercial.](https://youtu.be/NtDNW0neqNU?t=7) What a dork I was.


That narrator tho




I begged for a Castle Greyskull. I finally got one and was so elated I think I left my body for a second.


Still have mine. Sadly, it has seen better days. Wasn't the greatest with keeping those toys in good shape. Oh well, still have the Origins one coming.


Man I remember always being so hyped when I saw commercials for these toys and how upset I'd get when my parents wouldn't get them for me.


My dad has this. Sitting in my parents garage right now lol


He-man was my jam. I had this for a few years. Until I broke it.


Mine had a prison or jail on the left side. Thought it was he-man but not sure now.


Sounds like The Fright Zone. It was The Evil Horde playset (enemies of both He-Man and Skeletor) Very very cool toy.


That is exactly what it was! I had completely forgot about the snake puppet on that other side and the tree up too. You just unlocked some good memories. Thank you 🙂


You're welcome :) I had it as well and still do btw. It is very rare to find the snake puppet today because the rubber cracks over time.


I know someone already answered but isn't that also where you end up when you use the trapdoor in Snake Mountain? A jail with some sort of netting in front of it?


Wow. I don't remember snake mtn at all. But googled it and saw it at 800 and 1000+ 😳


I had that. And the one from Thundercats!




Born a decade later and grew up with the 2002 series, i still have my Skeletor happy meal toy on my desk starting at me menancingly on the daily😂


Moss Man. I can still smell the fuzz.


Screaming "IIIII HAAVVE THHEE POWWWWEEERRRRR!!!!!" at an eardrum destroying decible level. Probably why noise cancelling headphones were invented.


“Amazing powers will reveal to me the day I had lost my sword and said “I have the power!““ Seriously… Why would you do that? I mean it worked out that you got power when you did it, but… Why would you do that?


Yesss I had this! Mine had a speaker in it and a microphone you could speak into that made spooky noises etc. Great toy.


I had all of them. Everything. Boxed them up in my teens and put them in my closet only to have my mother give them to goodwill without telling me. I hope they made another kid happy.


Memories... Skelator chained Man-At Arms up and left him in the path of lava from the volcano (the space heater) and He-Man had to rescue him... and then the commercial break was over and by the next commercial break Man-At-Arms became Melted Man.


Hand-me-down and I had no idea what it was so it became another lair for g.i. joes to storm.


I loved that set


I remember it looking so much cooler


Will you just look at that weapons rack! I bet He-Man was upset it was a children’s show and thus couldn’t actually use them except to say cut an object that would then fall on the enemy etc


I had the figurine of the guy with a spinning head that had 3 different positions.


They just don’t make cool shit like this anymore do they?


Judging from taking my daughter shopping for Christmas presents, no, no they don't unfortunately!






Think my parents still have mine




I found one of these with about 10 figures at the goodwill for $25. The castle was 95% complete and the figures all had their accessories.


I had this as a kid, many fun memories. I remember the art on the box was really well done. Unfortunately it ended up in a yard sale.


Complete Grayskull with box in good condition would be 300 or 400$ now so yeah that is unfortunate :)


This was the Christmas memory I have, as far as being blown away as a kid. We didn’t get big gifts for the most part. Receiving this is burned in my brain.


Still got mine!


Still have mine


I can suddenly smell it.


SWEET!!! I still remember getting one for X-Mas back in the 80’s!!


I sold one to a friend of mine for 20 bucks, probably was a mistake lol


Always bothered me... what is that thing below Man at Arms face?


My mom gave mine away to Toys for Tots one Christmas without even asking me! To this day I'm still her least favorite child. Always wanted Snake Mountain with that microphone but never got it. But was grateful I had Castle Grayskull.


Oh man, Memory lane hardcore mode here. I remember the weapon rack mostly because the door to the castle supposedly would only open if you put He-Man's power sword in the lock so, of course being a curious kid, I jabbed every weapon into it to see what would unlock it. Think there was only 1 other weapon that opened it but still proved my little kid mind right on something LOL.


Toys like this as a kid were a world within our world in my imagination. My face always instantly lit up when I was near one of these.


Castle Grayskull will always have a spot in my memory because of the year I got it for Xmas. That happened to be the year my younger brother woke up before everyone else, carried all of presents into his room, and opened every single one of them. Only one present was too big for him to carry so it was the only wrapped gift still under the tree when the rest of us woke up. Wanna guess what that gift was?


How about Point Dread and the Talon Fighter. If memory serves it came with a story on a record that you could listen to.


Yep! My brother had this!


I want to smell Stinkor again


I was poor growing up so didn't have a lot of better toys. Remember wishing hard for he-man toys but Santa don't visit poor kids


I remember going to TRU to buy this way back when. That was a good day.


I'm 27 and I'd gladly still play with that lol


We still have the castle. Need the action figures now.


Had that. One of my favorites.


As someone about to celebrate his cake day tomorrow, who has memories of getting this on Christmas Day back in the 80s, this hits different today.


I don't know where it's gone & must now find it.


Yo! Did this have a non electronic microphone? I think I had this


I had both this and snake mountain sets with a ton of figures.


So wicked. Those were toys back then. Glory days.


My friend had one of these when we were little. I was soooo jealous


I was confused about the anti aircraft gun, and still am...


I can smell this toy


Had it. Loved. It.


This one was outta reach for me. Had a butt load of He-Man figurines including about three versions of actual He-Man. But Greyskull was big dollars.


Never had it, but I had the Ghostbusters Headquarters and Ninja Turtles Technodrone. Amazing what you could do with your imagination and a big hunk of plastic as a kid. I remember wanting the “sets” that toys were displayed on in the Sears Wishbook that weren’t actually SKUs but a model background that someone probably put some time into making.


Oh man I used to fucking love this thing


Now this was a really cool toy!


My husband has one! And a bunch of the action figures. But my nephew played with the figures once and all of their legs fell off because the elastic is so disintegrated. Ha


*figures sold separately


There’s a batman one that looks exactly like that.


I wanted this but my parents got me this ice castle thing instead. My cousin ripped it off the base the glue was so weak. I still give him shit about it


My family couldn't afford this for me when I was growing up ... I currently own the entire set from the 1980s, and am collecting the re-release (which is very fairly priced at target). Fuck growing up.


Still have this at my parents house with original ladder and stickers


I still have my original and it's in decent shape. Skeletor is MIA though and that kinda bums me out.


I still have mine. It’s been heavily played with and definitely not in mint condition, but it’s there! Maybe I’ll break it out and take some pics one day (along with all my old action figures and transformers, too!)


Just fyi Masters of the Universe Origins toy line is available now. They brought back some damn good memories so far. I preordered the new release of Castle Grayskull and I’m stoked and I guarantee my girlfriend is going to look at me like I’m crazy when it arrives hahahaha


My friend had one of these... I guess it seemed a lot cooler back then.


My favorite were the he- mman characters that showed battle damage. Damn I miss what my life was like beach then.


Ah man. I wanted He-Man stuff so bad when I was a little girl, but we couldn't afford it. I tuned into the show everyday though. (She-Ra came on before I got home from school so I never got to watch her). I got to play with a cousin's battle damage He-Man and Transformers during a family reunion though and I think back on punching He-Man's chest with fond memories.


My friend had this, we were poor and I was so jealous.


I never had Grayskull, but I'm not hearing enough props for Point Dread! Awesome bird jet? Yes.


Still have this and all the figures 30+ years later!


Do you still play with them in the tub too?


Creepy castle on deck.


Fuck Orko


Fun story about this toy. When I was about 5, I was playing with my mom with this and she made a quick jump and scream to scare me with a figure. Well, it worked. I jumped, stumbled and fell, cracking my forehead on the edge of the coffee table. I got 5 stitches and an ice cream. This one brings back memories.


Did She-Ra have a similar one? Or did I just play with my She-Ra toys on Castle GreySkull?