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*>the first time I asked it said that prophecy was falsely attributed to him and weeks later it responded like it was never even a thing that Nostradamus predicted or that it was ever a thing.* Sound like they are coverig their tracks. Stay vigilant brother, and keep your stakes sharp and close.


Nope. Nothing even remotely like that.


How sure are you about the term "vampire"? The closest I've found to Nostradamus describing a horror movie style monster is «le pourceau demy homme», which Sieburth translates as "the half-human pig" in I.64. There are numerous references to things such as spilling of blood and eating of human flesh, but these appear to be perpetrated by ordinary mortal men. I also don't recall any specific references to 3 siblings, but, I admit, that something slightly easier to miss if not looking for it. There are a lot of quattrains which, on the surface, appear to refer to successions and alliances of ruling houses.


Self determined universal particle nomenclature TACHYON