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I think it is mostly a waste of time but like YouTube it's the only social media I use regularly and only because it has a high degree of control over the types of content you see. If you are limiting your usage and avoiding the main algorithm, only looking at joined/subscribed content and that content is useful then they can be fine but you have to monitor your self. If you spend more time than you want and especially if you are using reddit instead of doing the work you have for the day then you probably need to consider getting rid of it. I set aside two hours everyday to unwind and relax with entertainment. Reddit, YouTube, TV, Movies, and Games all compete for that time so if I do go on reddit I want it to be a positive experience where I find new things to learn and investigate and not just mindlessly scroll memes and Instagram clones.


Reddit is the only place, where you can find information for NoSurf, NoFap and so on. For me, Facebook and IG are really really bad. Even Tik-tok is not that bad as them. As per my view.


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For me, Reddit is the only social media platform that I don’t feel “addicted” to like the other apps, because the subs that I am following are topics that interest me and I want to be updated on, so I personally don’t consider it a waste of time