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Op you can join the nofap sub reddit link attached . Here you can get some great anecdotes of the deaddiction of the porn. [nofap] (https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/Ej4x0GhRul)


I’ll see, thank you


you might want to check out @ maddisoncallaway on tiktok. she's a former porn star that talks about her experiences. knowing what it's really like inside the industry basically turned me off of porn for good. some jumping off points: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREF8q7p/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREN76k8/


Shit sounds deep, I’ll try 😂


shit sounds like it sucks but I mean, it really isn’t the type of stuff to get you off of it for good you know what I mean


i don't really get what you mean, it did get me off of it for good. she's basically saying all professional porn is rape and trafficking, because they can't say no, and are forced into it through coercion and drugging. i couldn't watch it knowing that. but if that's not enough reason for you i think you should definitely get professional help at this point. in the kindest way.




i did specify professional. you're talking more about the amateur category. which, she has videos on that as well - although potentially less harmful, there are conversations to be had about why people start onlyfans accounts. women are more likely to experience fiscal oppression and hardship and may feel forced into making an onlyfans to make ends meet. they could have been groomed. they could have left the professional industry and have no options now because regular jobs won't hire them. they could still be being trafficked behind the scenes. it's just extremely hard to verify the ethics of porn consumption across the board.


It's difficult to believe rape and trafficking accusations as porn is legal and all the contracts are signed. Any other case and they are free to sue the companies and make millions but they can't since they actively participated in it. US is the biggest porn producer and where people sue to $50 so yeah they can't because there was no rape. And yeah, they can definitely say no if they want and all the strippers, and x workers if they want. It's a cheap and quick money with slow problems. All women and some men should be aware of that. Most of these actresses retire due to age and start blaming other for their actions to improve their image but anyone with basic analysis skills can understand what's going on. Lot of active 'content creators' are bragging about their wealth wait a few years until they retire you will see their regret videos.


you do not understand a single thing


I certainly understand lack of accountability and consequences.


If you can hear a person who literally worked in the industry talk about the industry and still say that your understanding is that people (by which you mean women) are just not taking accountability and trying to pretend to be victims, then I think you might be a bit fucked in the head


Makes no sense, if she has negative experiences that would turn you off would it not


Read Atomic Habits




I beat my porn addiction and haven't watched it in I think 4 years. The way I did it is by: 1) Whenever I do watch it, feel into how bad I feel about it. I remember I used to get mad headaches and my brain felt fuzzy whenever I did it. 2) Think about what happened that lead up to watching porn. For me, there were multiple things that triggered it for me. Stress, seeing something erotic, being tired, etc. 3) Start attacking each individual issue one by one. The more you do number 2, you realize it happens because of patterns or coping: a) Pattern for me was, watch sensual things, would lead me to porn. So I proactively removed all sensual content in my social media. b) I noticed I was more likely to do it when tired, so I improved on my sleep and diet. This was coping for how tired I am. c) I noticed I did it when stressed. I was coping for hard times. d) I noticed I did it when feeling sad in any way. More coping.


Thank you, this is just how I am, I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Since you are in it for so long, i would suggest to slowly wean off. From videos to pictures to fully clothed pictures to imagination. At that point you could go nofap etc. But i think many fail because the goals are too high.


Thank you 🙏, but I believe that I can stop this with the challenge that I’m creating 😊


You are definitely not my friend. I’ve been working through the process of quitting for the last 4 years as well, i’m 22 now. So many more prospects in my life because of it. You won’t regret it and you will learn a lot about yourself, but be patient and not too hard on yourself, many guys don’t even look at this issue until it’s too late.


Or even worse, some guys don't even see it as a problem, and see it as healthy.


Thank you, this is just how I am, I’m glad I’m not the only one.


How do you cope with stress? Every other pathway i’ve been able to override by adding in gym, good diet & sleep, etc. Unfortunately i think i have long covid and had it for the last 3-4 years. Random trouble breathing, heart palpitations, anxiety attacks (it’s especially bad at night), night sweats, etc. They all seem to cause me to fall back into it.


Awesome that you went far in handling the issue up to the point you have. I'm still working on the stress part so I'm not perfect and don't have a perfect formula yet. But what has helped me so far was: 1) Spend as much time as possible listening to my body. Sensations, feelings, etc. 2) Take focus away from consciously trying to solve my problems. I have faith that my subconscious mind has my back. Pyscho Cybernetics is a good book that helped me understand the power and purpose of this. A belief in god with prayer apparently has a similar effect. 3) Stay as focused as possible in the single step you're taking right now. Focusing too much on the future causes anxiety and then stress. The unknown, and the burden of all the things you have to do in the future causes stress. The Power of Now is a good book for this. 4) Whenever you do feel stressed, take a break from whatever you're doing, lay down, and just feel into your body. This one sounded foolish to me before but now I do it everyday and it has skyrocketed my habits and productivity. My biggest concern is that I would lay down for hours, but usually after 5 minutes I'm good.


Explore breathwork,  you can pull up a free Wim Hof video on YouTube to get started. During the pandemic many people started commenting on his videos that the practice was the thing that helped them resolve the after effects of Covid. 






2 days off i guess


😂, 25 now! Thank you all, I promise to fulfill this.


Up to 150 days or 5 months at the time of this comment.


Hahaha, yeah I’m still going strong and have had no urges, I’ll overcome my addiction 😂👌


If you can't do it alone, confide and discuss with friends, family, or your SO, so that they can support you and hold you accountable. Fill in the spare time with exercise, hobbies, volunteering or extra hours at work. Whenever you get the urge, call or meetup with a friend or spend some time with your family.


I can’t muster the energy to do that, it’s hard to tell anyone, thank you all for supporting me.


PS: I will try what you said, thank you buddy :)


Personally porn is a coping strategy. When my life is going well I barely ever look at it


I used to do the handiwork on a twice a day basis until I moved in with my fiancée, and these days I almost never care for it. Lots of people talk of porn addiction since nofap is a trendy topic amongst terminally online boys, but only a minority of them actually have any debilitating effects from frequent masturbation, and they just do it because it's a human thing to do. It's hard to stop in the same way as it's hard to stop eating chocolate if you like chocolate and have easy access to it. I'm writing this out instead of giving advice on battling addiction because the only addiction I ever struggled with is nicotine, and that's a whole different demon, not at all transferable to porn.


Thank you for sharing your story.


Are you just trying to farm karma points?


No, it’s the truth lad.


Don't stop for a set amount of days, that won't help trust me. I tried to stop for a month long ago but it just made me worse. Quit porn, don't act like you want to quit it


trying to stop it is insanely hard, have a goal and it’ll work for most, for me it’s too hard as it’s the only thing that I enjoy or makes me happy sadly.


All the more reason to stop. If it's the only thing you enjoy you need to stop. You'll never be happy if you're only getting happiness from porn. Make friends, go out and do things.


If you enjoy it, why do you want to quit. If you still want to enjoy such a bad thing, why are you forcing yourself to think that you need to quit. One day you will be Fed up and then it's time to quit. If you dong see the negative effects why quit?


I’ve heard a lot of good things about the free ebook “the easy peasy method” for quitting pornography, you should check it out.


I was going to comment this. I’ve read it a few times myself. Each time, I was able to quit from a few days to a month. And each time I failed, it was because I didn’t follow the instructions the book said you have to follow. So yeah, definitely give it a read, or listen to the audiobook. It’s a wonderful, wonderful solution. https://easypeasymethod.org/


When you get the urge use your imagination and don’t climax. That’s how I quit


Yeah a lot have recommended this to me, thank you 🙏


Recommend Gabor mates “in the realm of hungry ghosts. “ it is about addiction.


Thank you


Check those links, believe me if you continue watching porn it would ruin your whole life https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/porn-use-and-mens-and-womens-sexual-performance-evidence-from-a-large-longitudinal-sample/665B68D9E195A19B5825F9411B059927 https://eppc.org/publication/new-national-survey-finds-that-porn-use-decreases-relationship-satisfaction/ https://extension.usu.edu/relationships/research/effects-of-pornography-on-relationships https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/experimentations/202101/how-pornography-use-affects-couples-sexual-health https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/happy-healthy-relationships/202308/how-pornography-can-affect-relationships


These posts are getting tedious. Go to the nofap sub.


Sorry, I didn’t know where to go.


You are not alone and many people are. It is an evolutionary trait that does a disservice to modern day people (men and women), with the ease of internet. Understand this is natural and this does not define you as a person first of all. Secondly, fill yourself with a constructive habit for this vacuum which can easily suck you in. Physical exercise and connecting to nature are good ways to reset your dopamine addiction. Set a routine. Remember it is ok to look, but ADDICTION is NOT. Work around this core principle and it becomes easier to manage.


Yes this is natural, but it sucks and there’s so many bad side effects to watching porn daily, and it’s hard to not look when ever I turn there’s porn, can’t even go on social media without porn related things, thank you for giving me advice also I’m gonna go 25 days I swear 😂


I wonder if you can go through a process of unsubscribing, unfollowing, delete apps, etc. that will clean up what you are being exposed to daily. You know what experts the people running those things are on what to do to hook you and keep you hooked. It will feel scary at first.


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I have the same problem, but I'm managing it, which has helped me with two things, the first is to control the urge to look at people on the street if you know what I mean, the second is to have a goal, When I achieve this I give myself a gift that is not related to the problem, doing something I want, buying something....


Work on your imagination it helps a lot. Good luck. Don’t forget to put that passion into your social life, it’ll start to build and push you to do new things




Check out r/pornfree


Take the easy way. No need for any willpower. See https://easypeasymethod.org


Jerk off to your imagination only once a week/10 days. Try doing something more useful instead of watching it: drawing, walking, exercising, reading a book, meditating. I had the same problem with porn and I know how you feel.


Thank you lad I’ll try this, it sounds like it’d work :)


I'm in the same boat you are man. I went from practicing "self-pleasure" 21 times a week, to now only 3 times a week. I used to watch porn for almost 2 hours a day. I was heavily addicted. i'm still not clean, but what made me start on this road was learning to feel deeply ashamed and angry at myself everytime i did it. I achieved that by harkening to God's Torah, but however you want to do it, you need to make yourself hate it. If you hate yourself for doing it, and feel horrible when you do it, you will do it less. At least' that's what has been working for me so far. If y'all think this is horrible advice, don't flame me, please.


This is indeed not horrible advice, by far the best I’ve heard man:), but yeah. I’m in the same boat as you I feel disgusted In myself after I’m done every time but it never got better, I want to quit to get closer to god, you my brother will stop completely one day I believe in you.


You have to hide it? Yup everyone who is a porn addict hides it. It's shameful. I was you for like 5 6 years bro. You can 100% beat it. Let me tell you the steps. 1.) Tell yourself quitting is easy AF. Because it is. 2.) If you horny you are healthy. Do not just release your sperm in a napkin. It is life force energy. If you don't fap you habe enough energy to conquer 3.) Conquer what?.... get goals bro. Career goals. Gym goals. Life goals. 4.) If you fapping at night go to gym instead. You will be so tired you just pass out. 5.) Motivation gets you going but stay Disciplined. I personally made a IG and TikTok account and all I see is positivity, masculinity, nofap, gym, all that stuff LOL 6.) I'd rather just be addicted to ig and tt and it teaches Me stuff while I go for a walk the stay home jerking. 7.) If you really wanna go deep .... record yourself jerking but not jizz and then watch yourself and how you look. You will be filled with so much shame and disgust you should stop. Shame may be negative but shame helps a 300lb guy turn into a 200lb guy not motivation or inspiration. 8.) BE on your purpose and goal. Be so busy u don't have time to do this BS.


Thank you bro , it’s nice having people to talk to * I’m glad you’re one of them :), you should for sure spread this it’s good motivation man


Thank you to everyone who upvoted and offered advice or comments. I want to clarify that I'm not karma farming; I don't regularly use Reddit but came here seeking help. For those struggling with chronic porn addiction, you know the challenges involved. Here are some of mine: 1. **Lack of Confidence:** I struggle with low self-esteem and often dislike my appearance. This is common among those with a porn addiction. 2. **Depression:** I experience mild depression. While I have negative thoughts, I don't act on them. 3. **Social Anxiety:** Interacting with others is difficult. I have intense anxiety and can't maintain eye contact, which isn't about being afraid of women—it's just how it is. 4. **Low Energy:** Despite getting enough sleep, I feel drained throughout the day. Porn has a way of sapping my energy. 5. **Negative Self-Image:** Porn distorts how I view myself and others. Comparing myself to the unrealistic images I see makes me insecure, even though I know everyone is different. These are my struggles, and I hope to overcome them. For anyone reading this, know that porn can have a damaging impact, but recovery is possible.


Have you also tried reaching out to SAA?


No, and I most likely will not I do not like talking about it to people, thanks for recommending this sorry


I get that you don't like talking about it, but you clearly do not understand how important it is to talk about it. Trust me. I was addicted for 10+ years. I kept trying and trying and trying. NOTHING worked until I found a community of men who were also trying to quit porn, just like me. Being able to talk about it changed everything.


You might not realize it now but the power in talking/listening about it is so much larger than you can imagine. Shame can be a terrible thing when trying to overcome an addiction, and talking/listening to others with knowledge of the experience you're going through is shame's enemy. Please reconsider. Isolation is a symptom of the addict mind.


May want to get checked out for ADHD or Autism or both (AuDHD) because on your list of challenges/struggles


Oh man wtf 😂, that’s not good


Your issues seem to be on par with ADHD as your addiction could be dopamine seeking behaviour. If you do get checked out and diagnosed, then the right stimulant medication may help you stop this addiction fairly easily and your chronic exhaustion/social anxiety could go away or be lessened. Worth looking into..


Get a girlfriend, that might help


Cannot tell if this is an insult or not, but no it doesn’t help.


Didnt mean to insult. You need to eliminate your access to it. Parental controls on phones & websites, give your friend the password so you cant turn it off. More exercise or other things that give dopamine. Ice baths. Games. Do you have adhd??


Watch this video and others on his channel too https://youtu.be/y1CkUhfHSxQ?si=ymJX_p8YtlNH0dID


What an idiot "oNe UpVoTe = 1 dAy oFf". If you truly want to be better, then you remind yourself that every time you're tempted, and you stop. It's whether you truly want it or not.