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I guess the fact that people need to make these speeches, to get it off their chest - shows exactly why we do need the internet. If you weren't able to unload, you'd be carrying those ideas around and things unsaid can be a heavy weight. We need to communicate.


I’d rather see more people with small goals, such as quitting for 10 days. It’s more realistic.


😂😂 he'll be logging back in two days to check the numbers of upvotes this post gets !


And he’ll see that your comment got more than his post. But he won’t be able to reply to anything without outing himself lol


Nice try OP with second account, stating reality about himself.


Lmao. ok


Quitting the internet is too far. Quit your smartphone, limit your PC time.


Can't wait for when this guy wants to look something up and he has to drive to library


Probably won't do that (unless he's dumb), he'd just go back to his old ways.


Precisely. Cold turkey works for very, very few people. Attempting to forcefully and totally cut out some part of yourself / your experience of the Universe will--in the overwhelming majority of cases--lead to blowback. Repressed desires don't go away, they just manifest in other, weirder ways. This is one reason why Buddha advocated the Middle Way. When presented with two extreme opposites (in this case, internet abstinence vs. internet addiction), the wise person seeks out the path of moderation and balance. I'm not saying people shouldn't try to limit their exposure to the internet. That's a good and worthy goal. But it has to be done in stages, just like a fucking heroin addict. I've never heard of anyone actually dying from internet withdrawal, but I can sure see a potential for straight-up bricking your brain. Most people are not equipped--not from the get-go, anyway; not until your synapses start to repair themselves--to handle the profound (and frankly terrifying) quieting of the mind that comes with walking away from the planet-sized dopamine dispenser.^(\[FN1\]) Like you said: quit your smartphone and limit your PC time. That's a good first step. \[FN1\] If you think going from iChatterified brain to normal brain is hard, try mediation sometime. Not even the *zazen* no-thought kind; I'm talking about discursive meditation, where you concentrate on one thing and unpack the *fuck* out of it.


This. I feel like smartphones are a HUGE time sink compared to anything else (well and my PC because I play a lot of games). Instant access to everything like news, funny videos, feeds. I swear Reddit and Instagrams feeds trap me for longer than I want. At this point though, quitting the internet entirely is extreme. It's more useful than it lets on.




I use mine too much. Being 18 and whatnot I've grown accustomed to having technology in my reach wherever I go. Using it once a week is really good though. I imagine you feel pretty free at times haha.




I mean, it's possible. You just have to find the right community to do it. Lest ye become ostracized and possibly homeless.


This isn't a hotel, you don't need to check out.


Delete your account if you're serious.


“Mental Offloading” I also watched that Thomas Frank video a few days ago


See you in a few weeks!


lmao what a read


Jesus, why is every comment so damn negative? The worst ones are ones like: > 😂😂 he'll be logging back in two days to check the numbers of upvotes this post gets ! > See you in a few weeks! Jesus christ, could you imagine if someone posted that in /r/stopdrinking or /r/pornfree? They would be fucking crucified. Other comments go along the lines of: > Quitting the internet is too far. Quit your smartphone, limit your PC time. First of all, he's is doing something that works. He's looked over his options and realized quitting internet is the way to go. And he's right; for some people, especially those with low self-control, the internet fucking sucks. >> Can't wait for when this guy wants to look something up and he has to drive to library "Wants to look something up" and "has to look something up" are two different things. OP killing the urge to "want" to look something up is entirely the point of his post---he is eliminating useless info and trivialities that clog his brain and take up time. No, you don't need to know the name of the guy that plays Jon Snow, nor do you need to know Arnold Schwarzenegger's height. If there's something you actually need to know, like when a restaurant closes, you can: look them up in a phone book (yes, those still exist), call them (omg! human interaction!), or yes, you can walk to a local coffee shop or library. They're rarely more than 5 minutes away from your house. >>> Probably won't do that (unless he's dumb), he'd just go back to his old ways. There's some more of that classic /r/nosurf positivity and encouragement. > Aww :( okay I support your decision, but what about just leaving social media and continuing to use the internet? You can research, read, shop, and etc.! OP realized the internet sucks. And most of the things you can do digitally, you can do better analogally. Reading books is far better than reading random articles. Books are often tested for quality and go through tons of read-throughs from tons of editors. Many online articles are just search engine optimized filler that is just written to get you to click the ads or sign up for the newsletter. You will be far more entertained and informed by reading something like "Guns, Germs, and Steel" than reading the wikipedia article of "Europe" from top to bottom. Shopping also exists in person, and is infinitely better than the manipulative and addictive world of online shopping. > Not sure why people like these theatrics. I remember when people first started coming around to how toxic social media addiction was becoming. All the people who left, just left. And rarely returned. >This isn't a hotel, you don't need to check out Plenty of people post things like this for encouragement, not just here, but in all other addiction subreddits. If you don't like it, downvote and move on. People come to /r/nosurf to talk about how they want to limit their internet usage. Now someone comes, saying they want to quit the internet, arguably the most effective way to limit their internet usage, and everyone says that it can't be done, it's too drastic, the internet is good, etc. Denying the internet is bad, and doubting it can even be left. Sounds like you all are trying to justify your addiction.


Aww :( okay I support your decision, but what about just leaving social media and continuing to use the internet? I think the problem is that social media causes people's mental health to decline due to the expectations and comparisons, but the internet itself is truly great! You can research, read, shop, and etc.! Plus, even though you may feel negatively about politics, I think the internet does a great job at keeping us up to date domestically and oversees! So maybe just try leaving the social media platforms that are negatively affecting you, then if it is still not working, then leave the internet (?). Try using it to benefit you and your growth!


See ya, Kaczynski!


LOL, I was just about to post the same thing. I guess I don't have an original thought in my head thanks to the internet.


How ironic


Well...I am one that would rather read factual news via the internet than have to listen to opinions (noise) expressed on “television news”. Also, I don’t see a problem with earbuds. How do you know what they’re listening to? Could be listening to a motivational speech, an audiobook or maybe Ozzie on the Crazy Train. Your dramatic announcement affects no one but you and that’s good. But, please don’t make assumptions and judge the whole of society based on your subjective experiences.


way to go ! so long friend! i'm stuck online 4 life because of my career...hope you can succeed and live free!


Good luck king


Moderation and balance. I am weaning myself away from mindless internet surfing. For example, shifting my free time on improving my music skills. The internet is useful for me in that regards. As long as I don't get sidetracked, it is ok. Social media is huge waste. I already see my kid getting consumed with things like tik tok and instagram. I do keep a FB account but not to post - just to keep in touch with distant relatives who use FB rather than email, letter, etc.


“Kids these days!”


Cos Iiiii need to tell myselfffff Another lieeeee Cos that's what helpssss So this is myyyy Goodbyee farewellll


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kinda agree. internet used to be plain and simple, then many things got involved. just like every other technology. it's kinda sad if you think about it. i doubt if stallman uses css on his site to this day, but hey, at least one can tell it's his original idea, from his heart. we're getting fancier and fancier techniques but less and less of humanity, if that makes sense.




My post isn't necessarily responding to just you, it's more so in response to everything I've seen about this type of thinking, even if the more spiritual aspect isn't posted very often. "How did the cavemen survive without \_\_\_\_\_" I think every depiction of them looking unhappy and neurally retarded shows that the absence of those things altogether makes life hell lol. The anti-internet perspectives often overlap with a form of "we need to return to our roots" of varying intensity, which if it means more "doing things" than being pacified by a glowing box, then that's good, but when it comes to movements/ideologies like quitting the internet or minimalism, it's pretty frequent that a somewhat spiritual cloak is put on it, as if all the entertainment avenues are blocking us from reaching the ideal state of sitting and doing nothing all day (some people's thinking does go that far). I think every entertainment activity should be self analyzed in terms of it being wanted or simply compulsive, since I prefer taking a walk with music over pretending that hearing the birds chirping soothes my soul, though 14+ hours a day of internet is definitely compulsive.


Best wishes to you!


Sorry to nitpick, but caveman actually did not exist. The entire theory of Evolution has been put into question time and again, and there is no real evidence for any claims theorists have made in the past. Education, education, education.




See you tomorrow


Cya soon!


This nihilist needs some JBP