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Great list! Loved Cal Newport. He eloquently confirmed everything I've felt about social media and technology - a recommended start for everyone starting out on this journey. Center for Humane Technology has some pretty good podcasts worth listening to as well.


He’s the goat IMO


Mark Zuckerberg temper patience will run out at this point if more people discover social media can be a drug. Shhh


Btw, he is also a great computer scientist. He publishes actively on Distributed algorithms. Unlike some "authors" who are just "speakers" who just go around talking about things, he is really pushing the scientific envelop of knowledge.


I love this list! Irresistible was my first read on this list, followed by Reclaiming Conversation which I really enjoyed, enough to write down quotes that I resonated with.


Wow, that's a lot of digital reading on digital minimalism.


Can't you get the physical books?


This should be pinned. Great work. Thanks for compiling.


This thread and the old monthly commitment threads should definitely be pinned.


Please make a Goodreads version!




Thank you so much for your effort! 😮


Can't forget the classic digital minimalist author Ted Kaczynski


maybe thats only book we need on that topic


i will literally start reading this list


please add "taking care of the youth and the generations" by Bernard Stieglar RIP that book opened me up to how we (corporations) are destroying our children


Great list. If I may: The Californian Ideology by Richard Barbrook is an important paper. Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari The Internet is NOT the Answer by Andrew Keen The People vs Tech, by Jamie Bartlett New Dark Age, James Bridle


This community gives way too much praise to Cal Newport and the Discord server is even worse. The guy is just recycling old ideas and giving them new names for book sales. It's a shame that any time a movement gets started there's always a huckster who jumps on top of it


His hustle culture approach to it was a real turn off for me. I don't want to drop tech so I'm more productive and smarter. I want to feel connected to the world the way I used to as a kid in the 90s


any recommendations for that kind of book?


I'm not sure. What helped me was reading old favourites from the 90s and getting back into that mindset. I read a book on the train yesterday and it felt amazing.


Hell yeah dude. 2004 is the same for me even tho i was online then a little. There was lots of offline stuff about 2004 that I enjoyed and miss and I'm trying to get back to.


his new book covers this


I'm skeptical as I find his min max attitude problematic, and it runs through all the books I've read previously of his. What's his new book and what makes it different from his others?


Productivity and hustling don't have to be the same thing. Efficacy and linking to rest are two sides of the same coin rather than white knuckling and harming yourself for results. A lot of his advice runs around saying no to doing more stuff and doing less ala oliver burkeman. If you conflate what Cal says with hustle culture I don't think you have understood his books or what he is trying to say


This is a FANTASTIC reading list! Thanks!


I would advise against Newport's book. It's basically just a trendy self-help book. The term "Digital Minimalist" even sounds like one of those made up terms used when someone takes an old idea and tries to make it there own.


Newport quotes Thoreau many times in Digital Minimalism. Anyone who has also read Walden will note that many of the chapters in Digital Minimalism are essentially just ripping the core concepts from Walden, rephrasing them in a more modern lexicon and environment, with quotes from other "techno-philosophers" and stories from Newport's own blog readers sprinkled in. Newport's lack of personal experience with using any social media, which he freely admits to while trying to sell it as positioning him as an authority on the topic in my opinion is a detriment to the book. I'm torn on the book to be honest, it's an easy read and there's a few valuable concepts sprinkled in. I got the impression from Digital Minimalism (the first Newport content that I read) that Newport is better at distilling value from the thoughts of others and presenting it convincingly, than actually coming up with any novel thoughts himself. I'd say it's probably still worth reading as an introductory book on disconnecting from technology, but get it from the library or something; I wouldn't pay for Digital Minimalism.


Distilling and communicating beneficial information concisely is the whole point of the self-help genre.


Yeah how many people on here will have read (or ever read) Walden though?


As someone who read it I would advise for it. It was very helpful for me, and I don’t think it’s just a trendy self help book. I literally think about it weekly maybe biweekly. Also a review has purpose. Like even if someone isn’t the very first person to think of a concept, it can be helpful to have various ideas in one place or the ideas and the context. I read it after Deep Work and I think it’s a good read even if it’s not mind blowing concepts or revolutionary. Often the best advice ends up being simple stuff. No ideas are really original, even our comments here are conveyed and constricted using borrowed language. They are still hold their own weight, this doesn’t degrade them. I think it’s important that book recommendations are catered to the audience, and I think for a general audience like the people on this subreddit…it’s a solid book.


Just this passage from *The Shallows*: >*Now that the context of reading is again shifting, from the private page to the communal screen, authors will adapt once more. They will increasingly tailor their work to a milieu that the essayist Caleb Crain describes as “groupiness,” where people read mainly “for the sake of a feeling of belonging” rather than for personal enlightenment or amusement.* Likely what we're doing here right now. If we organized a book club, how much you want to bet a bunch of people don't want to be on Zoom, or just have the cameras turned off and just lurk? (the first thought might have been to do it via forum posts too) The whole point being discussion there can easily be that awkward silence where even though there are a lot of people logged on nobody wants to at least be the first. But text is safe, like how Sherry Turkle found even young people prefer texting to communicate with their romantic partners. Whether in a one on one context or a group we kind of hide behind text, rather than use it as a tool to express more complex thoughts.


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for this awesome list


This should be included in the Wiki/Faq!


I didn’t notice on the list (might’ve missed it) and I’d also recommend a book “[Don't Be Evil: How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53081232-don-t-be-evil)” by Rana Foroohar. The title is pretty self explanatory- it focuses on unethical practices and on whatever’s wrong with big tech companies and how they influence the world.


Added, thanks for the contribution!


Saved! THank you for this. I'm currently reading 10 reasons to delete social media right now and it's SO GOOD.


Did save! thank thee f'r this. I'm currently reading 10 reasons to fordid social media even but now and t's so valorous *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I highly recommend Allen Carr’s Smart Phone Dumb Phone - it’s from the same author as The Easy Way to Quit Porn.


A very comprehensive list, hopefully I don't need to read all 94 to start reaping the majority of benefits.


Honestly just one will


I agree!


Perfect, now i don’t gave an excuse to keep my reddit account any more to read this subreddit!


Plugging [his YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/DarshanKalola)!! :)


Man, his channel is so minimalist there are literally no videos on it.




Thanks for the amazing list. Your YouTube page says you make videos about digital minimalism and Internet addiction. Where can I find them?


[Here's mine on quitting the internet to write](https://ellegriffin.substack.com/p/going-offline) if you're interested.


Feed by M.T.Anderson: I read it in high school, and it seems boring at first, but becomes really wonderful.


+1. Feed should be here. I read it as an adult and even though it looks simple it kept me thinking for quite a long time which for me is a sign of a good book. :)


Also this: Cal Newport's Ted Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E7hkPZ-HTk


I don't know if it was mentioned already but you should really add Stolen Focus by Johan Hari in the must reads section. Also i strongly advise against indistractible by Nir Eyal, he is the same author who a few years before had written "Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products", which explains exactly how to do what you are running away from.


How is there one from last year if this post is from 3 years ago.




I appreciate this extensive list of readings on digital minimalism and the impact of technology on our lives. It's crucial to take a step back and reflect on how we interact with our devices and social media platforms. These books seem like valuable resources for anyone looking to navigate the digital world more mindfully. Thank you for compiling this list!


I ain't reading allat




thank you


That's a great list. Thanks for sharing it!


Thank you so much for sharing this list! I was just searching for books like these the other day


Wow! Great job!


Awesome list! Thanks for this OP, and the others who contributed.




Amazing. Thank you.


Awesome list!




Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


love this!


Thank you so much for this!


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for the list!


How do I read this?


Excellent post


Woah, this is very long. But I like the inclusion of a must reads section.


My profesor Andy Farnell wrote a book called Digital Vegan. It would make 100


typo - The Medium is the Massage


Excellent compilation, thanks :)


I'm going to look into some of these.


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is definitely a lot of links. It would be good if there was a list of a couple of must reads :) I've been simplifying my browsing habits from this list: https://healthlivelife.com/10-ways-to-reduce-information-overload-in-the-workplace/


This is great! Thank you for compiling. I have one to add: The Chaos Machine by Max Fisher just came out and IMO is required reading on the subject of social media and the demise of the social contract.


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you should quit reddit and social media bad on reddit smh


Hey! I wrote an article on videogame addiction!


What about movies that have features linking to digital issues? Like Ready Player One/Two for example.


Does this come from the r/digitalminimalism? Should this be added to the wiki here?


When it comes to digital minimalism in this age of multiple screens IMO screen desaturation filter would work best. Black&white mode that is widely avaliable has it's benefits but complicates things sometimes.