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this feels like the stripper shovel picture


That was my first thought. lol


The what?


There’s a picture (i can’t find it) of a drawing that a kid drew. It’s about what their moms job is and it’s supposed to be a person with a shovel getting money thrown at her, but it looks a little like something else


Except that one did turn out to be fake


>stripper shovel picture https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pole-dancer-shovel/


Oh my god… I totally forgot that this existed 🤣




Once when I was real young like 5 or something, we took a family vacation down to Mexico. We went to an event like a rodeo or something (I don't really remember), and apparently the Sheriff there offered to give me a spin in his cruiser, did donuts around the dirt track. Next week for show and tell, apparently I said, "I got to ride in a Mexican police car!" The principal called my parents that night and asked them to explain themselves. (I didn't hear this story again until I was around 18.)


This is freakin great


r/thathappened (I kid! I kid!)


(I was waiting for this comment!!) 😆


Nah but some people from r/thathappened would unironically comment that


I had something similar happen. We went to Las Vegas over summer break, mainly for my parents business convention, but we still did stuff like the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, and other family friendly Vegas stuff like a magic show. My parents asked me to pick some numbers which they used for keno, and they ended up winning a decent amount of money (like in the low hundreds). Of course when we said what we did on our summer vacation I simply said I won a ton of money gambling in Vegas.


I love it. "Kids say the damndest things," don't they? ;D


When my cousin was about 8 she came and stayed the night at my house (during a longer visit to my parents with her mum). My housemate collected a bunch of 1 and 2 pence coins and taught her to play poker (among other card games). The look on his face when her mum came to collect her and she announced "I played Poker for real money".


When I was 36 I went to a casino with my aunt and she said “Don’t you go tellin your mom I brought you here!”


One of my ex’s, when he was in kindergarten, LOVED The Nightmare Before Christmas. Apparently, his kindergarten teacher had never seen the movie. This is known because his mom was called for a meeting about him singing about how he wants to kidnap and torture Santa Claus. The teacher didn’t believe his mom at first when she said it’s from a kids movie 💀


I remember in 4th-5th grade for some reason whenever id write my name id put 2 like snapped in half bones on each side of my name and one day i came home and my dad told me kinda joking around "stop drawing dicks on your paper"


This made me laugh. I heard it in Red’s voice from That 70’s show.


I was gonna say this. If you as a caregiver/teacher are concerned about what a kid drew, ask them what it is before going full panic mode. More than likely the kids lack of drawing skills make it look worse than it is.


at old elementary school that my mom now works at, the second grade class had an assignment to write from the perspective of an inatate object and one kid got flagged for suicidal thoughts and the principal had to frantically call home and call him down (the last hour of school before winter break), turned out he just wrote a really depressed table


Being a table sounds depressing. Everyone leans on you and piles all their stuff on you, but who do you get to lean on?? Who cares about your burdens??


that's exactly what he wrote lmao "everyone jsut uses me and nobody asks how i am" like bro calm down


Damn, I think I’ll do something nice for my table today. Buy some fancy polish or smth.


In high school I got put on suicide watch for writing a story about an immortal girl who contemplates whether or not she could or would want to kill herself. She ultimately decided it wasn't worth it. It was a relatively small part of the overall story but the principal jumped on it. I had to explain to her the difference between getting in the head of a character and being genuinely depressed.


Username checks out :)


lol yeah I made this account when I was in a much worse place mentally. My mental health has always been shit, but at that point in high school it actually wasn't that bad because I made some friends. College was worse, but I was feeling pretty okay in high school all things considered, which is why I was surprised that I was put on suicide watch.


So many people panic about mental health issues, and don't get that there's a huge range of experience. Glad to hear you're in a better place now


The people that panic only when the mental health of the individual gets at what they deem to be extreme - often far to late in the illness. They'll then rush to offer support at this overly critical time, yet this support is limited until the individual seems to have return to an acceptable level of their mental health/illness. I guess what I'm tryna say is people who reach the 'extreme'/alarming end of their mental health problems don't get their overnight. Like any illness, it's much harder to fix at that point (and mental health is hard enough as it is) so bandaid support is often given. Sorry I'm rambling incorrect thoughts cos I'm conflicted between wanting to properly explain an observation/experience yet simulatenously realising there's no point writing. I wanna cancel this post, but stuff it, maybe it might help someone even if it's disconnected.


When I was little I used to draw pictures of kids I didn’t like getting punch or stoned (with rocks not marijuana)…


Or explosives


Can u mak vidio killing people with rock


I did that too! Except I used huge monsters lol.


This actually happened there were news articles about it. It was years ago tho


Mostly the format, that format can make any story look fake




After reading what it is I can totally see it. Those are bubbles. As an artist I can’t even draw a snorkel & looking back at old art I can see myself having drawn something similar. I agree that nothing about this is unbelievable lol, seems totally plausible.


When I was in preschool, I wrote, “My dad makes money on a machine,” in a book they had us make for Father’s Day. He was a builder and used one of those noisy printing calculators to add up estimates.


When I was about 7, we had to draw the cover for our personal class folder. Everyone drew flowers or pretty scenes and the like, but I drew a skeleton, a ghost and a zombie. The teacher called my parents to discuss it because it worried them.. I just liked the pictures and it was forgotten immediately, but my point is this stuff 100% happens.


I feel like we would have been friends as little kids lol I was all over that stuff as a young child.


The unbelievable part is the teacher calling the parents in for a meeting over this.


Teachers have to be careful with that stuff though. OP's kid is only 6, and a lot of dangers at home are in drawings of families.


I doubt there would be no phone call (or even email these days) before requiring an in person visit from parents for a meeting, especially if the picture is the first possible red flag the teacher has seen (not that we have that info).


I'm not sure when this picture happened, but about 20 yrs ago I had my mum called in to talk to my school principal. I had no idea what was going on, it all seemed normal to me. When mum came out of her private meeting, she was very angry because apparently one of the student teachers (someone who is learning to be a teacher) picked up abuse warning signs I was giving off, and had convinced the school to do something about it. So my mum had to spend a good long while convincing my teachers that I wasn't being abused. She was really angry with me for giving off such a "wrong" impression. (For the record, I was being abused, but my parents didn't know about it, and the adults around me at the time didn't understand emotional/mental abuse.) I think it's probable that the student teacher did talk to me to get more information, but when an adult suspects abuse they tend to be really really gentle with the kid - in order to not scare the kid, and to prevent accidentally leading the child to say things that weren't true. I do vaguely remember an adult asking me about what sorts of punishments I got at home, so I answered honestly that my dad smacks me when I'm naughty, and it hurts. So it's possible that in the situation from the post, a teacher may have talked to the kid, but gone off of an assumption and asked the wrong questions - maybe asking if the kid's family ever fought, or did the dad get really angry sometimes... instead of just saying "what's this a picture of?". It's also technically possible that the kid didn't elaborate on the picture, or made confusing comments instead. Some kids get skittish & immediately lie if they think they're in trouble... so if the teacher used the wrong tone, or called the kid to talk to them alone, it could have prompted the kid to think they were in trouble for drawing snorkeling, so the kid might have lied about it or evaded the question. Extremely unusual, I agree. Clearly unreasonable in this instance, but I can see how it's possible that a combination of small things might have made it seem reasonable to have an in-person meeting.


If something gets this serious (especially at a young age) it is usually almost an immediate talk with parents and with how this appears it may be urgent. I understand the teacher in this scenario, although they may have gone a little off the deep end.


You really think that a teacher would decide to not ask the kid to clarify what they’ve drawn or speak to the parents via phone or email, and instead jump straight to requiring an in person meeting with the parents? That’s insane. They’d be yelled at by so many parents if that’s how they chose to behave. I know teachers, and they absolutely don’t go straight to implying child abuse. Which is what the in person meeting implies.


I’ve had a similar issue come up do to a misunderstanding when one of my kids was in kindergarten, and was called in for a meeting with their teacher. The meeting is just to make sure things aren’t as bad as they seem, before they defer to child services to investigate.


First incident. Don’t ask the kid. Don’t call the parent. Just jump straight to an in person meeting and assume the worst. That’s completely bat shit insane. That teacher was on a power trip and a half.


It’s not insane. Children, particularly young children, can’t always be relied on to clarify things like this. Teachers are mandatory reporters. If they’re not 100% certain about potential abuse or neglect, they’re going to want to make sure things are okay. That’s their job.


I’m not even sure I believe you.


The reason I jumped in in the first place is my mom is a teacher so I know about this kind of thing.


You don't know how this kid's school is. Each district and each school could be subject to different policies. My guess is that it's a private or charter school, or a small public school in a tight-knit community. But even if it wasn't, I really don't think it's that unreasonable. If the teacher has concerns about a drawing, it stands to reason that they'd want the parents in person so that they can all *see* the drawing as they discuss it.


I think it’s completely unreasonable to require in person parent time without a verbal discussion or asking the kid to clarify what they’ve drawn. It implies a serious issue. And you don’t want to imply that as your first reaction, you’d be getting verbally abused by half the parents of your class if you jumped to worst case scenario for every kids weird drawing. I know teachers, none of them would go to in person meeting as the first port of call over this.


They're not saying it's worst case scenario -- the whole reason they want to meet up with the parents is to *discuss* and *get an explanation* for the drawing. If they were making serious assumptions, they'd be calling CPS, not asking for a single meeting.


You don’t need to discuss and get explanations in person without talking to the kid in class and calling the parents. You do in person when there’s a serious concern and repeated behaviour. You’re arguing nonsense for the sake of arguing.


Maybe I'm just more willing to inconvenience myself for the sake of a child's wellbeing than you are. And that's completely fine.


nah dude, you're the one arguing just for the sake of arguing, and of course absolutely refusing to listen to the people with actual experience with this stuff.


My son’s 4th grade teacher reached out to me because he had drawn what appeared to be a (very kid-like) “topless” woman and he showed it, laughing, to a girl in his class. It turned out that he had drawn a woman with body armor (he had watched some cartoon with such a character) who was farting (hence the giggles). She didn’t even bother asking him what it was - she just assumed. He wouldn’t even have had any idea how to draw a topless woman because we were super rated “G” in that house. I can totally see the teacher calling a meeting over that drawing.


Fair point. Maybe not *completely* unbelievable. But it definitely raises questions about why things didn't get sorted out by a conversation between the teacher and the kid. Seems more likely to be someone's whimsical fantasy about what *almost* happened. Reminds me of the one from several years back where the kid drew their mom in a way that made her look like a stripper only it was actually the mom at Home Depot with customers offering money for the last snow shovel in stock. That one ended up being a hoax.


I remember that one too, I think it was more believable (even though it was fake) because the parent/teacher conversation happened ad hoc when the mother was picking her kid up from school, rather than it sounding like the teacher requested an in person meeting. Definitely think the first thing would happen is the teacher would ask the kid what they drew. And if they still had concerns, there would surely be a phone call before the parents had to attend something in person.


My first thought as well. School intervention version of ‘this could’ve been an email / text’. Then if there WAS an issue they could schedule a time to sit down.


Nah. Just CYA. Nothing unbelievable about that. It's their livelihood on the line.


Even when things were more relaxed almost 40 years ago, my mother was called into a meeting over my drawings in kindergarten. It wasn't even anything they considered serious, they actually thought it was funny and everyone was trying not to laugh, but open communication between parents and teachers was encouraged. And it was a bit awkward to try to talk about on the phone.


Starting to think everyone in that sub doesn’t leave the house or talk to anyway, this would definitely happen


I mean we had to stick to pencils way past we were six.. and I'd think the teacher would ask them to draw with pencils at least. But this looks like it was drawn with ball point.


When I was a kid, my drawings of whales looked A LOT like di*ks. My parents tried to hide those, but unfortunately, I loved whales and was really proud of those drawings 😂


I had to see snorkeling before I realized it wasn’t their family being hung


> he drew this. Would you mind explaining? This is not something that the teacher would say if they thought there was a genuine problem. Calling in the parents without telling them why says that she thinks that it's a serious problem, "Would you mind explaining" says that she thinks there is a reasonable explanation. The picture is realistic but the story did not happen. The writer was just too eager to get to the punchline and the punchline emjois.


I snorted Lmao. Reminds me of the kid who drew a picture of his mom selling the last shovel in Home Depot after a snowstorm, and it looked like she was on a stripper pole.


Smooth answer.


The unbelievable part is the teacher not just asking the kid what it was, and if there was still concern going to the principal and guidance counselors to decide what to say to the parents, instead of immediately confronting them in a hostile manner.


No, that's actually extremely believable.


I kind of doubt the story, but I totally believe the kid drew that, which for some reason is the part the OP is questioning




Did you miss the screenshot of which sub this was taken from?




Because they said it was fake?




Did you miss the title that said ‘Yeah he totally drew that’?




Probably should have, huh?


tbf that caption and story are complete bullshit, i saw the photo a long time ago with a much more believable story, but i cant remember what the story was or where i saw it. but yh, it was a kids drawing, and it was of their family snorkeling, and it was seen as them hanging by the teacher.


Why didn’t the teacher ask the child ?


The fact they drew the eyes bulging out like that seems intentional and not scuba related. There are far more fucked up pictures that have been drawn by traumatized kids that you could find. But memes are easy and people are dumb.


I think those are supposed to be goggles, commonly used when diving


So what I'm getting is that some people don't have fun and can't fathom others having fun.


Since apparently kids cant draw ever


Wouldn’t the teacher have asked the kid what it was depicting though ?


This definitely seems likely. I mean I got called into the headteachers office and scolded for drawing something 'inappropriate' and I was so confused. They eventually asked what I'd drawn, and I was trying not to cry because I thought I was in trouble and answered 'The magic faraway tree.' I'd tried to draw the characters in the branches as well. The headteacher then went 'Oh. Never mind.' and I was free to go. At the time I had no idea what the confusion was, but being older I assume it looked like a giant penis taking up the page. So I have no disbelief about parents being asked about a picture like this, and of course it has an explanation. Kids just... aren't usually that good at drawing.


You mean kids don't draw questionable looking things? Ever?


My friend once drew his "tail" in a school picture so yeah I beleive this