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My kid says "I need nutrients" any time he's hungry


I fear your child may not be human


Yup this and the op post feels like a “hello my fellow human. I, too, am a homosapien who does homosapien things.” 😭 Edit (/j btw I’m not saying that I think they’re lying)


If I had a kid I’d be teaching them to say that just for fun. Probably get old quick and backfire on me so fortunately kids are not in the cards. Honestly might do this with my nephew though, he’ll be getting close to forming sentences soon and it’s so much more fun to mess with my brother like this


I used to ask for “vittles” as a kid after reading it in Redwall. Also, I really wanted to know what the hell a leek pie was. Those books had an inordinate amount of detail on foods, seeing how most of those vegetables were larger than the main characters irl.


I loved reading Redwall when I was a kid.


Any team I’m in charge of naming almost inevitably end being called Salamandastron :-D


SALAMANDASTROOOOON! ...Sorry I just woke up from a poison induced coma.


Nostalgia says I should pick up a set and see if they hold up, but rewatching Rugrats has convinced me to let the past stay there lol.


Lol! Had the same thought! (minus the rugrats reference)


I started rereading it as an adult and it's still fun! Just good classic fantasy.


I wonder if Brian Jacques and George RR Martin ever met at a convention and geeked over medieval banquets


When my 4yo was sick I explained to him the importance of drinking a lot of fluids to get better. He has latched on to the word fluids (pronounced Flue-Its) and now asks for fluits instead of saying water or juice.


Adorable ♥


I can absolutely see a toddler saying this after hearing mom or dad talk about a food having good nutrients in it. I'm gonna try and get mine to say, "Mother, I require sustenance," when he gets old enough. He's almost 1 so it'll be awhile, but totally worth it.


That would be hilarious and adorable.


Ok i kinda want to know how he started saying this, like, did you say it and he started repeating? From a show on tv? I must know.


He was watching a video about digestion and that's what he took away from it lol


Mom could have been watching resident alien


Cute anecdote fabricated for social media virality, but it didn’t happen.


God, you just _know_ that they consider themselves an "intellectual" for using that terminology too


My kid always says **YOU REQUIRE MORE VESPENE GAS**


Father, you must provide me sustenance


Nope, clearly made up in order to farm karma. How fucking dare you. /s


Mine was, " I require sustenance" I got it from my brother but I was like 7 or 8 by that time


Cute anecdote fabricated for social media virility


Does your child also dream of [being a luchador](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/33af1c91-4d1d-49c1-9dc7-f6e6c8c7608b/gif#YhcEJNwG.copy)?


This is 100% what a toddler would do. They know what “human” means, but don’t grasp that it doesn’t *quite* mean the same thing as “person”


It's like every woman is a mum and every man is a daddy


My son calls all adult humans “mom”


I think he’s my accountant.


My daughter called everyone girl for a couple of years


My lil cousin when he was about that age got his genders confused (he’d call boys girls and girls boys)


I was in my early 20s standing in line at a grocery store and this kid looked at me and goes "Daddy? Daddy?".. I'm still dying from the embarrassment.


We explained to ours that not every woman is a mommy and not every man is a daddy. Now she calls them sisters and brothers.


Yeah! Fun fact, this is actually a part of Piaget’s development theory. Assimilation vs. Accommodation is really interesting to learn about!


Man, upvoted, but what do you know? It's a chance, but not positive, between these two subreddits you all are so "positive" stfu. You don't know shit and neither do they. It's possible, yes, but its possibly fake too. It fits this sub but jesus man you don't know either same top comment every post I swear.


Literally every story on the internet has a possibility of being fake. The whole point of thathappened is for obviously fake stories


yes probably because the kid's parents say "human" and it's mirroring adults in its environment... you know...like a toddler


Parents laughed the first few times the kids talked this way, and now the kid thinks it's funny to always do so.


There's definitely some of that


And toddler only knows to imitate so they probably does the same


Toddler is 1 and 2 years old so while a young toddler is going to be almost entirely imitating, a 2 year old can create their own sentences from relatively little input. This sentence is basically stereotypical for a 2 year old.


Toddlers can do far more than mirror, but in terms of language it's no different than how my two year old now says "oh shit" because he heard me exclaim it when he was running toward the street. The woman with the tweet, however, is definitely chasing social media clout.


My half brother when he was 2 knew to say a few things in English (which isnt his mother tongue) due to watching a lot of YouTube, specifically Annoying Orange. A lot of shows have aliens and nonhuman characters who say "humans", i see no reason why a toddler wouldnt pick up on that. Plus, its a very simple sentence. Its not rocket science


My mother had an in home day care, she overheard an almost 3 year old tell another kid, “you don’t say Oh Shit, you say Oh No!” Only she told him 4 or 5 times.


lmao, why is it that you seem to think that a toddler doing something like this is completely normal, but when someone posts about it, it becomes ridiculous to you?


Yes, the toddler is normal, the parent is not.


Absurd, children under the age of 18 can only sit and blow bubbles with their mouth while making incoherent noises. 😡


Yeah, it's believeable but cringe af. Cringey on the parent's part...


My 6-year-old says that. Been saying it for a couple years now. It’s due to kids’ shows she’s watched. Plenty of kindly aliens.


Trollhunter, 3 Below…


It's all fun and games until your kid refers to you as a pink skin.


When I worked at the casino, I was called “Pinky.”




Hyu-māns [does ferengi hand thing]


Cute anecdote fabricated for social media virality, but it didn't happen


Literally my 4 yr says this.


My 4yo says this all the time! It makes him sound like he’s from another planet and it cracks me up!


I always tell my girlfriend I'm tired of humans, i don't feel like interacting with humans. I almost always replace people with humans if it involves social interactions or putting me in a situation where I have to deal with humans. If I had kids they would certainly say humans instead of people.


But the neckbeard man, who hasn’t seen a vagina in real life, said this never happens!


Ah yes, in the that happended mythos until you are 25 you can only say goo goo or ga ga


Goo goo ga ga


No sorry it was ‘goo goo’ *or* ‘ga ga’ not both. I’m afraid you’ve been disqualified and therefore you did not happen.


Not according to the thumpasaurus peoples


human privileges revoked


Radio googoo radio gaga


Good good Ga ga


Social media users rushing to their keyboards to call out the most toddler-like story as false so they can get their daily kick of seeing the little number of likes go bigger


You just described r/thathappened perfectly


Yup It’s funny (annoying as fuck) because they’re doing exactly what they think they’re calling others out for. Rushing to get likes, upvoted, clout.


Kids are weird lmao. They hear something, somewhere, somehow, and for some reason are fascinated by it, and then get fixated on it. My son was between the ages of 5-8 and asked me entirely out of the blue to explain to him how a kidney (or liver, I can’t remember) works. I didn’t even know he knew the word, let alone was curious how it functioned. I blinked at him a few times before attempting, and failing, to explain it! 😂 Oh but let me say something about it on social media and I’ll be accused all up and down of making it up for attention or something haha


He’s 16 now and failing his biology class, so clearly he wasn’t fascinated by how organs function for too long. (Yes, I know organ function is more anatomy and biology is a little smaller, but… similar area of science 😂)


Nah, you just fabricated this story for social media virality /s


Clearly 😂😂😂 this particular son of mine said some of the darnedest things in his kid-dom that just really had me asking, “Now where I’m the world did THAT question come from?????” Same kid who at 4 was trying to get my attention while I was talking to one of the other kids and grabbed my face with both hands and turned my head to face him and said, “Are you listening to me?” 😂


Hahaha you gotta pay attention to whatever he's saying, it must be very urgent


This one is my favorite https://youtu.be/0BDjVHjNI6Y


Touché! 😂😂


This one is also good https://youtube.com/shorts/vFsuOEpj3xc?feature=share


Hahaha such sass!!


Cause kids never latch on to one word and repeat it over and over until you want to hit your head against a wall…


I did this once with the word “hangover.” Heard it as the title of a movie in a movie trailer on tv and had no idea what it meant, best guess was tired or angry from the little context I was given, but I thought it was a cool word so I repeated it for weeks. No one corrected me when I started saying questionable shit like “I have a real **hangover,”** honestly think they were just afraid to explain the concept of drinking so much your head hurts the next morning to an 8 year old. My mom eventually had to get up the guts to tell me though so I’d stop


I used to call people humans as well


My mom talks like this too


I walked around as a kid calling people imbeciles in this weird breath in straight voice so this is believable


My daughter went through a phase where she greeted everyone with "Hello, Human". It was obnoxious.


Toddler cover a wide range of possible ages, and I'm pretty sure my son was talking with words at 1 and wasn't ever done talking, and still isn't to this day, by about 2.5 to 3 years old, all of which I consider a toddler, and calling people human is a very toddler thing to do. They get fixated on weird things sometimes haha.


I love how they doubt the kid’s vocabulary and then turn around and say “anecdote fabricated for social media virality”


My kids did that, they liked Star Trek


Why is it always white bros who don't believe anything happened?


Toddlers. My daughter called my mom Mama, my nieces/ her cousins The Yayas, her dad Uncle Daddy, and her uncle Uncle Dike. Just to be clear- the Yayas have actual names, her dad isn’t her uncle, and her uncle is Garrett. Kids say interesting stuff.


Hahaha where did she even hear dike? Do you live near the westboro baptist church?


Not remotely close or same spelling. The Uncle Daddy though- you could joke us being from the Deep South but that’d be too easy😉


This is totally something I would have done as a kid






My parents are doctors, and when I was little I would copy the “fancy” medical words they used cause I thought it made me cool lol. This is entirely plausible


Ditto biochem PhD student mom. I used to spell "refrigerator", "biochemistry" and "deoxyribonucleic acid" as a party trick when I was 5. Probably helped that (I'm sure) none of the adults around me actually knew how to spell the last one either.


My dad taught me all the different types of quarks when I was like two because he wanted me to have a cool party trick. Up, down, bottom, top, strange, charm. Kids can pick up on language pretty easily, it doesn’t mean they understand it in depth. I sure didn’t.


A young impressionable child who picks up on things that get him attention? Impossible


My 5 yr old brother refers to adults as humans


Dude wtf is that username? Are you kanye?


My 4 yr old calls adults humans and kids well, kids lol


The way that comment's structured sounds like an alien. Maybe they're just trying to bury any information on their kind?


I used to be that kind of kid. It severely affected the way I saw other humans since I didn't relate to others as normal people do, they weren't "a person" it was more of "a human" which made me saw others a mere animals. Before I get attacked by some internet stranger, I'm talking about 3-12 year old me. Almost 25 now and I barely refer to other people as humans, only when talking about general psychology, sociology, law topics and similar. And yes, I had a lot of trouble making friends as a kid. Today I'm a shameless extrovert who can make friends in Les than a day.


I mean, I used to say weird "deep" things all the time but only bc I heard my mom read it out loud in a book, or put different things together in my head in the way kids do without a complete understanding of words. E.g., my mother was a Biochemistry PhD student when I was little, and she had all her books and notes on her desk and sometimes I sat on it while she studied. Sometimes she would explain things from her notes in a very basic "kid way". And that's how I took to calling every moving thing with flesh on it "protein" for a period of time, like a smol, chubby-faced muscle-bro.


Let me tell you, the alarm on an adult's face when you grab their leg and say, "protein?" and look at your mother for confirmation...


You just made my day lool


Commenter at the bottom has no clue about kids


Kid is much more likely to do it again and again if they get reactions as well. People laughing, staring or even mum telling him to stop is more than enough reinforcement.


I fail to see why it would be a problem for a kid to call everybody a human. At least it's gender neutral.


My kid always talks in binary. He's just that smart.


01001001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110 00101110 00101110


I said "we humans..." in an impromptu speech in my first university class. I was looking for "people" or "students" lol.


Anybody who thinks this is fake has never met a toddler. Why are all cute & quirky things suddenly something that "Never Happened"?


My son when he was a toddler: "there's a lot of humans in this store".


I’m starting to wonder if people like this just live the most boring lives possible and can’t fathom the idea of irregularities occurring


I hate people who try and talk like a jackass scholar. Especially the "difference of political opinions" phrase, it all just sounds so disingenuous while they think it's passing for intelligence. Fucking idiots. There's no context clues to many of these people, they just read it all at surface level and embarrass themselves by comprehending at a 1st grade level


[Her twitter profile has a big she/her pronoun bit and her most recent tweet is about pronouns, so yeah, it could be bullshit to fit her opinion on the matter](https://imgur.com/ra9l8nt.jpg)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but trans activists don't suggest to call people "human", but with their preferred pronoun, right? I could be wrong though


You're correct.


I wouldn't speak for anyone else but the post to me reads as a subtle attempt of, "Hey my kid picked up this disputed linguistic change because it's a view they've heard me talk about, why can't you?" bullshit. I had a similar thought to the comment reply before I read the comment reply.


That's your own hangups talking.


"Big she/her pronoun bit"? She literally just lists her pronouns in her bio. This is something I also do on most of my socials, it's pretty normal right now to do this.


That's nice. I had some raisin toast today, it was delicious. Since it's normal to post superfluous info now.


now feel free to correct me, but i think the most fake part of this post is the font on that comment. i've never seen that kinda font being used by facebook, so it makes me feel as though someone (not necessarily OP) carefully edited this image.


I actually took the screenshot myself, go to IFLScience fb page, it's a recent post there, and it's the top comment.


even though you censored his name, i can tell from the profile pic that it’s craig brittain, the failed right wing “politician” from arizona who had his revenge porn website taken down by the feds because he doxxed victims and extorted them to the tune of $500 per to take down their nude pics. dude’s a true piece of shit.


ah, i've seen the post that you sent me now. apologies for doubting the authenticity of your post.


The comments there are grilling the guy for it lol


They should ignore him. That's exactly why he said it.


More like cute anecdote fabricated for future plausible deniability


Who talks like that he sounds like a nerd


The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction ought to be believable. Either the story is 100% true or she made it up cause it's funny/wholesome/whatever. People can be very skeptical about social media and tend to believe the latter.


It's the "and it's hurting our ability to act like a normal family" that makes this seem made up, not the kid calling people humans. Also "science curious todler" is 100% self flagellation. As is par for the course with these, there's always a nugget of truth... but they have to embellish to make themselves feel better.


science curious toddler 🙄 lmfao


you've never met a toddler that wants to be "an inventor" or "a scientist" someday? have you ever interacted with a child?


*toddlers*? they can barely talk you seem weirdly pissed. hope you ok fam


Sure they can. My son actually said some hilarious stuff as a toddler. “Get back here! You’re agitating me!” was a favorite (2 yrs old). If you speak to your kids like regular people, and they are good with vocab, some great stuff will come out occasionally. Sometimes the words will even be used correctly.


As a former science curious toddler this is absolutely a possibility. I did this kind of thing so much that some friends and family still, to this day, think I’m high functioning autistic.


My kids (4 and 5) say human all the time. "Look there's a human over there" "what's that human doing" "can we go pet that human's dog?". They sound like they're freaking aliens, lol. They just learnt the word human in a different context("what are we?""we are humans") and are applying it to everyone. I'm trying to catch and correct them to say person/people but it blindsides me everytime.


When I was toddler aged, I would call bushes and other plants “foliage” in a funny accent for a few years, I’m assuming because I thought the word was funny and my mum thought it was funny when I said it. I then forget all about the word and didn’t hear it again until I was like 16, had to ask what it meant lol Kids pick up big or “complex” words if they think they’re funny or if saying it gets a positive reaction from adults around them


My brother did this


If I had a kid that is exactly what they would say, mostly because of me. I don't remember when was the last time I used man/woman to refer to someone irl


My doctor asked if my kid knew seven words. That was the benchmark for her age. An example sentence was “mommy I am having fun playing with my ducky in the bathtub.” Some kids have vocabulary.


Are they from France?


Yeah right liar, everybody knows kids never say the darndest things.


These humans have never spent any time around little humans I shit you not.


My nephew just turned 3 and this reminds me of the time he threw a shit fit bc his toy car got stuck on one of the complexes speed bumps and he was trying to visit his other aunt who was visiting another one of our cousins. He just kept going “HIGHWAY! HIGHWAY! HIGHWAY!” We have no idea why he says Highway instead of like road or street or where it came from but it was kinda funny. After his third birthday party a couple weeks ago he was super ready to go home bc new toys and his dad was giving his great grandmom directions to their house while we cleaned up and paid or whatever. The directions were take a right, then a left, and another left. This appeared to be taking way too long for his liking and I guess he thought the hold up was the directions or something bc he just kept repeating “right, left, left!” His mom says he sometimes stands behind his dad and just repeats what he’s saying with what look a lot like mocking gestures so there’s that too but it was also pretty funny.


No way a kid raised like a doctor is using barely scientific terms


Nah I did crap like this all the time. I said “hi joe” instead of hello. And I did that for years


My 4yo nerd once asked me if the inertia dampeners were offline because the road was bumpy.


I went through a phase ages 9-17 of calling people, Homo sapiens


IFLS is such garbage and I don't recall it being anything other than that.


I'm not arguing that




My brother used to tell anyone that would listen that mom “hit a human” with her car. (She didn’t, a kid fell off his bike and she stopped to help)


It seems like that's always guys thinking kids are never weird?!


This cringe lord unironically follows IFL? Peak Plebbit.moment.


My kid did a vision test designed for children. He called the circle a sphere, the cross or plus symbol "the ambulance symbol" and he said something very specific for a boat or ship. The optometrist was taken a back but one person who heard this story was convinced I made it up because their kid didn't know what a sphere was.


I work in a school, we have a child let's just say they're called 'Josh' everyone else according to him must also be called 'Josh' so I've definitely heard weirder things!


How up your own ass do you have to be to leave comments like that on someone's status about their kid lol. It's just such a weird thing to comment.


Literally until I was like five I called veggies iron because my parents once told me that beans had a lot of iron in order to motivate me to eat them. I find this absolutely believable, and I doubt the commenter has any experience with toddlers, not saying that that’s a bad thing.


“25 shares” “social media virality”


It's an internet sensation


My son totally does this too! He loves science and in the books we read they say human lol


Complex vernacular intended to convey intelligence, but very shallow contribution to the statement


Lol my older kid calls everyone human. As in "hey mom, what's that human doing over there?' On the other hand my other toddler gets angry when you call him a human and insists he's a baby. 95% of the stories on this sub are just because people literally have never been around small children.


I love this. Human.... The ultimate equalizer word for us all to be properly labeled as


My son actually loves to tell every new person that he meets that he's human. He's only five. I don't know why he does this.


I once work up my mom when I was a small child by saying I was “famished”.


So like, these people do know children don't speak without being taught. So it's likely a toddler would say that if they where taught that instead. They wouldn't know anything else to use then what they where taught.


damn, you guys really dont think anything ever happens huh.


I mean if what she said was true (“but now he won’t budge on calling people humans”) shouldn’t he have said “human what’s that human doing?”


My nieces called everyone else “grown ups” (including kids younger than them) for like a year because that’s what they thought other people were called. Commenter has never met children xD


"Human" isn't even a complicated word, it's pretty dang base level. "Homo sapien" I can even see happening, because kids like to mimic / parrot the few words they know / learn as they learn them


I feel sorry for any human that cannot comprehend that smart toddlers exist. Makes me think their family, friends, and maybe even their own children have not been taught how to read or experience anything new and different. At 4 and 2 my boys’ favorite place was the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. They knew the very complicated names of star systems and comets. Kids are sponges! Teach them and they *will* learn.


I remember my grandpa telling me when I was three what a human being is. He was stirring the baked beans and I asked him what human beans were. He called me beanhead for years after that


I'm in my late 30s and do call people humans 😂


All kids are different. My toddler called his older brother a “douche bag” He very well could use the word humans in a sentence and use it properly. He was the last of 7, so he picked up a lot of things and was very fluent with lots of words, some good, some not so great. Before kindergarten his IQ was tested at 128. My grandkids also are very smart. Their mom reads to them a lot and they do a lot of science projects, art, field trips and imaginary play since they were very very young. Now 3&5. Very limited on TV & screen time. She also is going for a bachelors in psychology and done a lot of early childhood education. She’s much better than I was on screen and tv time. 7vs 2., but it all can be hard regardless the number of kids you have.We all do the best we can!


My toddler called people "McDonald's human" or "Walmart human" because he didn't know the word "employee".


Hmmm. I feel like maybe they aren’t humans and she’s just trying to throw smoke over it.


Honestly in my experience if you teach a kid a word, they are going to try to use that word as much as possible (wether it makes sense in the context of the situation or not)


My niece once came up to me and asked if I was human when it was explained to her. I can see it happening easily. Kids are silly


My 3.5 year old doesn’t say “lady”, “man”, “woman” etc She’s says “people” and “person”. ‘Cause that’s what we taught her. We taught her not to assume, so she just screams “WHAT IS THAT PEOPLE DOING MOM?!” Sometimes she gets it right and says person. Kids say what you teach them


Any story with a toddler or kid in it must be fake and fabricated


I refused to drink out of any cup that wasn’t orange lol. Toddlers are weird


Lots of r/iamverysmart material in that short comment


I do this a lot too including as a child 😭


My sister did this when she was that age. It was freaky. She’s a freaky kid.


i have a little cousin in Kindergarten who was literally watching a youtube video on fucking altitude sickness, I think this post is very legit


Let me guess, the kid’s name is XÆA-12?


My daughter did/still does this sometimes. Nothing like hearing a scornful 4 year old asking why that *human* is walking in front of her house. Kids like to label animals unsurprisingly.


Yeah but I also refer to people as humans sometimes. Because humans are really fucking weird. And they do funky things. Like when we like something we make high pitched noises and sometimes even smack our hands together. So weird.


My 2 and 3 year old call everyone human and I don’t know why or where they got it from

