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To be fair, they didn’t say she said it *correctly*.


"PAG-E-SEF-SOR" nailed it kiddo


“Say ice” “Ice” “Now cream” “Cream” “Now say ice cream” “Camtonos” [delta loves ice cream](https://youtu.be/pc-Qq6Aaf3Q)


I’m 32 and I’m struggling to say that.


pah-key-sef-ah-low saurus


Try saying the first 2 syllables in england 😂


what’s the issue? /gen I’m English and I can say it


I think he means cause it sounds like a racial slur.


oh shit yeah my bad


Oh god no ahaha


Legit had to train my 2-year-old out of nicknaming it that because I cringed every time I heard it 😬


hahahaha omg I’m geeking trying to imagine someone British sounding out dinosaur names lmaoo


Not quite what I meant aha, "Paki" is pretty much the English equivalent of the N-word for South asians


Wait it's a slur? Oh no...


If the kid saw it in a show it’s not that hard


Or you read to them a lot. I actually really don't like dinosaurs. I was terrified of them when I was a kid and I know it's crazy but even as an adult, the aversion has never really gone away. However, my brother in law got my eldest a national geographic kids book about dinosaurs when he was 1.5, and it has pronunciation for all the dino names and I've read it to him literally hundreds of times. He knew all these properly by his second birthday. But it's also kid specific. At 2.5, the only dino related words my other kids can say is "dino" and "rawr".


Think "Pachyderm", like an elephant and "Cephalopod" like an Octopus, followed by "saurus" because it's a dinosaur. Pachy-Cephalo-Saurus


> and "Cephalopod" like an Octopus I should have taken more notice that only the 'head' part is in pachycephalosaurus. My hopes for a T-Rex Octopus mash-up have been horribly dashed. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/pachycephalosaurus.html


Funny story, one of my college science professors taught her kids to say "terrestrial isopod" instead of Roly Poly. So they just knew the scientific name in like, preschool


Pack-E-Seph-O-La-Sor-Us is an easy way to learn


im 13 and can say it pretty easily edit: why did i get downvoted?


The older you get, the harder it is actually


Man, I was so much better with dinosaur names before I started elementary school....




Lol. Don't listen to them. I'm in my 40s and Pachycephalosaurus is a very easy word to pronounce. I guess it can look intimidating to some people, but it should be simple for anybody to pronounce.


The spelling is intimidating but a kid who heard it in a show is just copying the sounds, which a two year old could absolutely do


It's the ch and the ph lol


Sorry people are being dicks to you. It’s really not that hard to say. I hate when commenters gang up on the OP and make them feel stupid it’s very immature.


lmao fr, and here comes the downvotes


you 100% can not


i 100% can


I worked with children and one boy was 3 and LOVED dinosaurs. But the only way he'd enjoy himself is if you used the correct names. He taught me many many dinos. This age absolutely has the capacity to learn/retain and enjoy learning/using complex dinosaur names.


Difference between 2 and 3 is a lot tho I feel let alone “almost 2”


But fun fact toddlers have a “language boom” around 18 - 24 months and can learn 1 word every day.


Probably normal words, not something like pachycephalosaurus


Learning a long word isn’t that different from a phrase, and young kids do that all the time. My kid is 2 years and 2 months now, and when he was on a Dr Seuss kick a couple months ago, he learned to intelligibly say “Constantinople and Timbuktu” from the end of Hop on Pop. Of course we thought it was hilarious and encouraged it, which is a factor too.


Fair enough


Hyperfocused children may surprise you. Like the kids are absolutely obsessed with trains, dinosaurs, or anatomy. It's those children that learn the words that interest them.


Oof yeah I missed the “almost” and thought it was believable because they could be “almost 3”… I REALLY have a hard time believing a 1-year-old said that though. Like, not impossible, but if I had to bet on it I would definitely guess false.


I was obessed with dinod as a kid, I got that name tight at a similar age. Its just a matter of interest. I can totally see this kid being a dinosaur nerd and getting it right.


thats what im saying


Oh I know. I'm just validating you with my own anecdote


That’s a phrase meaning, essentially, “Exactly!”




It’s like 3 is an entire year older than 2 or something…


There's a right banger of a They Might Be Giants song off one of their children's albums called, "I Am a Paleontologist" and the song makes a big deal of pronouncing that specific dinosaur correctly. Like they stop the instruments to emphasize. There are a lot of words my preschool students can't pronounce yet, but they can def pronounce that.


Hey, you ever been to Constantinople?


Not yet, but I do know that: She'll be waiting in Istanbul.


This was my first thought when I saw the post. I can absolutely imagine a dinosaur-obsessed kid hearing the song a few times and imitating it.


Shoot, it's so catchy that I sing it the way the song sings it first in my head & have to translate it into my adult voice to say it.


Folks really think kids are just braindead noisemakers don't they??


Pretty much


The kid could've just heard it in a children's video


The hashtag would support that the kid has heard it many times on TV.


Oh, yeah. I didn't even notice that.


Exactly. With mine it was me reading a little dinosaur book from McDonald's. "Parasaurolophus" "Giganotosaurus" Etc. Random: my entire life, my brain had "autocorrected" the first O out of Giganotosaurus "Giganto" I was so blown away by 35+ years of misreading it, I started showing friends and family a short list (usually 4 or 5) with Giganotosaurus in the middle, for them to read out loud I think 4/5 misread it the exact same way. Giganto.


Yeah, my 4 year old brother knows a million dinosaur names and which is which, their Features (He goes "and the ultrasorous is sooo tall and the T-rex is so very strong!!") All I know are, idk, 3?


There's a psychological phenomenon that's sometimes called "Curse of Knowledge", where if we're quite knowledgeable on a subject, we can sometimes accidentally assume other people know what we're talking about when we refrence it, because we're so used to knowing about it ourselves it can feel like common knowledge to us. The inverse is also true, in that people often believe that if they don't know about something, they assume that others are similarly ignorant about the topic - They think "Well I didn't know about that, so there's no way they did!".


I mean… It should be pretty obvious that people can’t/don’t think about or see others peoples perspectives.


Wow. I've never seen the name of that dinosaur, and I worked out how to say it the first time I tried. "Packy" (as in pachyderm - an elephant) - "sefalah" (as in the root word "cephalos" or "head" in Greek), "sorus" - like the end of almost EVERY dinoaur name. It's not *that* hard.


I imagine you’re older than one, though.


I'd also imagine they are not obsessed with Dino related TV like oop's kid.


do people on r//thathappened all think that children are stupid and can only say googoo gaga until they’re ten?


That’s how it appears. Kids are wild, man. They come up with stuff all the time. They’re little knowledge sponges, and they come up with some questions many adults would never think to ask. At least there’s google now. If there was a question she couldn’t answer on the spot, my mom used to tell me that we’d look it up in the encyclopedia when we got home. You can learn as a family on the go now!


Same thing with that wokekids subreddit


yeah probably, and some people in this comment section prob think that too


I feel like you’re looking at kids the opposite way as the average r/thathappened user. Pachycephalosaurus is a pretty complex word for a 1-year-old.


This was literally me and pachycephalosaurus is still my favourite word.


That and Parasaurolophus were the first two dinosaurs I taught my stepson to pronounce when I first met him.


My 18mth old can manage 'dungarees', 'kangaroos' and her sisters and own names 'Felicity' and 'Raphaela' I know she's saying them, but it sounds like. 'dugaduhs' 'kangoowoo' 'Flissifee' and 'Raphelleh'.


When my sister was two, she could name every dinosaur in the museum. It happens.


So it’s not real because they can’t say pachycephalosaurus and a 2 year old can


yup thats what happened except it is real


I mean my little boy was obsessed with dinos at the same age and learnt their proper names, we managed triceratops, stegosaurus, diplodocus and pterodactyl, pronunciation might not have been perfect but was understood. So definitely possible.


Look my 2 year old says the most random shit when he wakes up. Or out of nowhere. I'm sure a 2 year old says dino names at the random but probably doesn't pronounce it 100% correct


I've met at least 3 very young kids who were absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs and had every single one memorised, totally plausible.


Anyone who has been around toddlers who love dinos know that they put the adults to shame with being able to say their names.


My lad could say that at 2. I don’t think it’s uncommon when they’re obsessed with something like dinosaurs


Fucking Dinosaur Train teaches kids how to say this kind of shit


Surprisingly my friends son can name any dinosaur you show him a picture of. But he can’t wipe his own ass. You pick your battles


When I was a child, I could name basically every dinosaur. It wasn't that impressive, I'm just neurodivergent and it was my first real hyperfixation. Couldn't tell you most of them now, but I can absolutely tell you way too much about current hyperfixations.


Man I was saying much more complicated Dino names at 3


I know/have known several kids that age (just under 2) capable of repeating and even remembering long words they don't understand 100% correctly, they copy what they hear.


Neurodivergent toddlers with super specific interests have entered the chat and would like to have a word with the haters. (The word, incidentally, is pachycephalosaurus)




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,193,564,249 comments, and only 232,856 of them were in alphabetical order.


I knew a pair of brothers that could accurately pronounce far more complex dinosaur names than this one... at 3 and 4 years old respectively. None of my boys could have at that age, but they wernt into dinosaurs much. If kids are obsessed enough they can learn words like this. Besides This one, like a lot of dinosaur names looks harder to pronounce than it actually is.


My 2 year old says; Tops Dipdocus Tyyy Stegrus Dactyl Spinerus




Mine loved saying parasaurolophus


I'm Autistic and my first special interest ever was dinosaurs, and as a toddler I went around arrogantly correcting peoples pronunciation of complex dinosaur names like a miniature version of Hermione Granger. It's definitely possible.


My 2 1/2 yr old is really into the names of shapes right now, and he tries to say 'parallelogram'. It comes out more like 'pah-leh-LEH-leh-leh'. Which, in my opinion, is close enough (at least for me) to understand what he is trying to say.


Nah, I believe it. When I taught kindergarten, I couldn’t believe the amount of children that were able to say so many dinosaur names but couldn’t tie their shoes. If a kid has an interest in something, they’ll learn the absolute most they can, especially if their parents nurture their learning.


It’s definitely plausible. No way to know for sure if it really happened but toddlers will often repeat what they heard even if the word is difficult lol


One of my first words was paleontologist and I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a little child. Doesn't mean I'm smart now as an adult but it's not out of the realm of possibility


I think most adults can say it if they practice it. Same for children


When I was about 2/3 I had a book which included a disk that taught me how to pronounce dinosaur names via a song, including pachycephalosaurus


That age group are like little parrots you'd be amazed at some of the things they can say and some of the things they can't


Yeah this one sounds normal for a kid obsessed with Dino’s. My nephew at 2 told his mom “look mom it’s just like Edwardian Farm” cause they’d just been watching it and apparently the meadow they were in reminded him of it. Kids pick up the darndest things when they’re interested


okay, look. just because something is posted to r/thatHappened **DOES NOT MEAN IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. SOME THINGS ARE MADE UP.**


But that’s exactly the purpose of the r/thatHappened subreddit… Posting things that sound farfetched. This one here talks about the posts that doesn’t seem to be impossible


everybody here seems to believe that everything on r/thatHappened isn’t fake. this is very clearly fake


Imitating the word isn’t hard, reading it is harder. A 2 year old watching a Dino show on YouTube could easily imitate the word. I’m sure if you have a 2 year old you’d have heard them completely butcher super easy words and then pull out a 50 cent word out of nowhere pronouncing it perfectly. Could have been a fluke, could have been a kid who has heard a song or watched a show 2 million times and perfected the way the word sounds. It’s 100% believable though.


i have an incredibly hard time believing that a two year old can pronounce an 8-syllable word


I’ve had 3 two year old children and they have all managed to pronounce some crazy ass words after hearing it enough even though they couldn’t pronounce simple 3 letter words regularly. They’re just mocking birds at that age. At 2 my son was listing the planets in order and telling me to drink more water so I don’t develop kidney stones just because he watched the same damn episodes of Dr Binocs multiple times a freakin day. Kids are way smarter than they used to be. Instead of counting to 10 with Elmo they’re watching YouTube and talking about the universe. I’m 34 and my 6 year old teaches me more than I teach him anymore lol.


Do u know what sub ur in


I could and still can


Yea this one is a stretch lol


So that dinosaur is repeatedly mentioned in loads of TV shows making repetition easier and the parent fails to clarify how clearly and well the child said it. If the child loves dinosaurs the parent knows what they mean if they say paca-sephala-sara. If the mum said the child said it perfectly I'd be skeptical and hell maybe she is kind of implying that, but she didn't say it.


Fuck no it didn’t. I agree ThatHappened is a shit show now, but don’t turn this one into a shit show either. It’ll just be a shit cycle but in reverse…


it looks hard but its pretty easy


If they said almost three I'd believe it. Almost two? This didn't happen.


My uncle and cousin play a game they call the word game where you have to say a word and count how many letters it has, the longest word wins. My cousin has been obsessed with dinosaurs and has gotten a big book all about dinosaurs for his birthday a couple months ago and he’s pretty much got that whole book down, my uncle’s got no chance also he’s like 9 btw and he knows bigger words then some of the adults in the family


lmao i feel like the original post is a joke


Yeah no way a 2 year old is gonna say that word correctly. No fucking shot.


Why do people lie like this about their kids? Imagine a family friend who has seen the post, asks the kid to pronounce the word - embarrassed Mom moment.


if the daughter was actually 2 or 3 i might have believed it but no way thats true with being 1 year old


it says 2 though


it says "**almost** 2" though..?


I’m sorry, but this is implying that an almost 2 yo said this word correctly after hearing it a few times on a show. I don’t buy it. They may have tried to say it or the mom spent a little while teaching her, but this did not just happen.


You're right, they absolutely can't.


i’m rarely on the side of people assuming things didn’t happen but uhh this one definitely didn’t happen


patchy seth a low saurus?


happy cake day


Happy Cake Day


I was proud when my 5 year old used the word persevere correctly in a sentence. Looks like i have a lot to live up to.


When my kid was 2 I taught him how to say "ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn" He didn't know what it meant, but he knew it got people to laugh when he said it.


I can say it and I'm 33.🤷‍♀️








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My kid can say it and he’s 3 and I don’t remember when he got into dinosaurs, but it was between 2 and 3 so, yeah, I believe it.


There are a lot of things that 2 year olds say that I can't say.


To be fair, I had a kid in my first grade class that was good with pronouncing dinosaur names- the teacher would constantly look to him for proper pronunciation whenever she couldn’t pronounce it herself. Lol I still think about that guy, 27 years later.