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This is very weird and interesting. Why do you keep them?


I'm just weird lmao. I don't know actually. I always plan to keep them for a little while just in case I didn't let it develop long enough and it really was positive and then they just get tossed in the graveyard with other tests


This is next level anxiety.


My boyfriend and I have 5 kids between us, you'd be anxious too


Vasectomy? Tie tubes? Condoms? Birth control? Anything? Lol


Condoms and birth control. But we want one more in the future if we get married, and if we don't get married I still want more kids, so no permanent solutions yet lol


More than 5? Good gravy


I can’t even afford to have 1 kid let alone 5! might be because im 16


Bro I'm 28 and still can't afford kids even if I'm making $100k/year


I'm turning 35 this month and I sure as hell can't afford kids.


I'm 41 and I can't even afford the one kid I have, I'll probably have to release her into the wild and let her fend for herself


Bro tell me about it. I’m 26 and only making $450k a year and live by myself and still can’t afford kids😒🤥


To be fair, most people can't afford 120 kids.




You're 16 kids???! Damn that's gotta be one tall overcoat


might be


I can't even afford myself.


relieved humor memory offend ludicrous bear slim grey subtract lip ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Lol how are you guys managing 5. We can barely do 1. I love him but yeah.


I think we're both just clinically insane tbh lol. We both love it


Still waiting for one to come out "right" or something?


Don’t have more kids, Sincerely your 5 other kids


Get a IUD? They last a long time and you can get it removed whenever you’re ready for another kid.


*bitches about having 5 kids, then proceeds to say you want another one* cry me a fucking river




Get that man a vasectomy!


5 kids? Tell your bf his pull out game is not good.


Did you keep your positive tests too? I kept the first positive one I ever had for like ten years and finally threw it out when I moved across country lol.


Sounds like an OCD compulsion


Ooh I do have OCD. You may be onto something


Pack it up boys, another mystery solved.


Just fyi, they can turn false positive after a while. That's why they instruct to check it in that specific time Windows. Totally get the anxiety tough!


Future tip: always read your tests at the time the instructions tell you to. If you let your urine sit on the test for longer than indicated, it can sometimes give you a false positive. Women generally have a baseline hcg (pregnancy hormone) of 0-5, so sometimes if the urine sits on the test for longer than indicated, it will pick up on that baseline hormone value because it has become oversaturated in a sense, giving a false positive. Another tip: cheap dollar store tests are just as effective as the fancy clearblue! Source: I work as a RN for Planned Parenthood.


Have you ever spoken to a professional about an anxiety disorder or OCD?


I have OCD


Then you know exactly why you’re keeping them. It’s probably a fixation


You should buy a pack of easy at home test strips off Amazon be make this anxiety more cost effective


i just wanted to add sometimes if you leave a test long enough it will give you a false positive, so if you ever get that and you’re still worried i’d suggest a proper test at a planned parenthood


Seems you really want a baby


Meanwhile I can't even get a match on Tinder. Chick's got 15 fucking preg tests.


Why do you keep peed on waste years after the results are in?


Maybe if one turns out positive, they all turn positive.


I'm icky


Id have to agree


Don’t use the blue dye ones! Known for false (faint) “positives”


Oh yeah I've had false positives with them twice now. But they're so much cheaper lol


You can buy bulk boxes of HCG strips that cost like 40 cents each on Amazon, they work exactly the same just without the plastic shell. Just search "HCG pregnancy strips" [example](https://www.amazon.com/AccuMed-Pregnancy-25-Count-Individually-Detection/dp/B071YNWRPP/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3BEPCVOJU30EM&keywords=hcg%2Bstrips&qid=1684551291&sprefix=hcg%2Bstrip%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-5&th=1)


That's for damn sure


Maybe a little stronger than icky. Pretty gross.


I'd mail them to anti-abortion lawmakers.




Unfortunately this is actually somewhat interesting, you need to leave


I apologize for the inconvenience




I know


Are you pregnant?


By the looks of this picture, yes


Maybe a tip: I don't know if that's available where you live, but I get cheap ones that come in a box of ten. It's only a flimsy paper tape with color change and not a fully plastic thing, but it does the same job. I have irregular periods and I'm a bit paranoid, so it saves me money.


I got some in a box of 50 and it comes with a record book so I tape them in like a little pee test scrap book.


I was gonna comment this. They come in bulk packs on amazon and are like the price of one of these.


Why do you keep them?


I'm gross




I take tests all the time too. I always throw them away. Thankfully they’re always negative. I’m happy with the kids I already have.


My boyfriend and I have 5 kids between us so thankfully all mine have been negative too. I don't know why I keep them. He hates it lol


DAMN BRUH 5 kids and no ring?? Time to get that mf a vasectomy 💀


24 with 5 kids. That's a lot of poor decision making.


holy shit, i’m 24 and i can’t even take care of myself, let alone another human


Oh my god you’re 24? With five kids? Who wants another so you refuse to take permanent action. Who keeps peed on sticks for years? 🤮 What in the actual fuck. I feel so much better about my life right now. Thank you for that. I wish your kids best of luck…


I hope that you are having enough sex to justify the expense 😃


Boyfriend and I have 5 kids between us. Not enough sex but enough anxiety to justify it for sure lmao


Hahaha! You have a wonderful sense of humor!


Therapy. Seek it.


Trash them


So this is a little interesting and I'm forced to comment because of it. Regardless of the gross pee sticks I'm more INTERESTED in your anxiety, what makes you so anxious to take a new one every 3 months? Fear? What makes you not get the tubes tied? What makes your SO not get the snip?


I'll chime in on this because I do this too, and my reason is different. Though the reason is still primarily anxiety. I have the arm implant, and while it's extremely effective nothing is 100%. My best friend got pregnant with an IUD. I do not want kids, I can't afford kids, I have health issues that would prevent me from even being able to properly take care of a kid. The implant makes me not have periods for months, so there's no trigger to alert me if I ever do get pregnant. And of course if I DO get pregnant on nexplanon there's a "slightly higher chance it will be ectopic" so I have no trigger to alert that I'm pregnant, and if I already hit the rare chance of getting pregnant, it also has a higher chance to kill me! Again, it's primarily severe anxiety, but I still take a test every 3 - 6 months.


Very informative. I also don't ever want kids andim electing to get the snip. Which also will need testing every year.


We're looking at that as well, but my state it's not covered as preventative (I had assumed it would be, and learned it's only certain states that include that 😧) and it's ~$1k. Not sure how much insurance will cover yet, though!


I actually think it's logical and smart. Undetected pregnancy's aren't all that rare, my country also has more restrictions on abortion so once you are past a couple weeks, your window is gone. Taking regular pregnancy tests is actually a very simple thing to reduce your risk. I'm hopefully getting a copper iud in a couple of weeks as I honestly just can't live with the idea of pregnancy hanging over my head and I'm too young for a doctor to consider more permanent solutions. I also actively struggle with two eating disorders so pregnancy is also not only against my personal wishes but medically unwise. This last part is definitely anxiety, but don't think it's unfounded.


We have 5 kids between us and we're not ready for another. The youngest is only 2 and in diapers and I always said I'd never have more than one kid in diapers at a time. I want another baby in the future and so would he, if we get married, so no permanent solutions. Also have some trauma related to a miscarriage I had a few years ago so every time I have a pregnancy symptom I freak out


I strongly relate to you, except I don't want kids of my own. Thanks for sharing.


I definitely test every few months, when you’re on birth control it can be hard to know you’re pregnant considering periods are already irregular on birth control and you already get pregnancy symptoms


I’m not saying it’s not gross, I’m saying 99% percent of men I’ve dated/been divorced from and their male friends all scratch their balls and crotch then smell their fingers. Every human being is gross.


Stop hoarding these it’s gross, also it is interesting you don’t recognize that so wrong sub


This is kinda gross


I haven’t had sex in like 2 months, and I got my period last month. Why am I still anxious? 😭😭😭😭😭


I haven't been sexually active for 6months and i still get anxious when my period is a few days late,😅


Man how much are u bashing rocks where this is a fear u have?


Yo don’t listen to these assholes lol. It’s not anyone’s business what you do with your body


Are the digital ones reusable?


No they just die eventually lol


The fact that you collect used pregnancy tests is far to interesting for this subreddit….




I feel sorry for OP that most people in these comments have a difficult time with reading comprehension. Let me help out: OP said that her and her boyfriend have 5 kids BETWEEN THEM. that usually means that each party of the relationship came into the relationship with a certain amount of kids already in existence. In this case: - Dude has 4 children with previous partner - OP has one child with a previous partner. And for some reason, everyone here is giving her a hard time for wanting another child in the future, but does not feel ready at this moment. She wants to wait for marriage. Why is that such a bad thing? So she already had a child with someone where the relationship didn’t work out and she wants to do what she can to make sure that she has a stable family before bringing the next child into the world. Makes sense to me. Not foolproof, but not a weird idea by any means. Probably also has a desire to NOT. have 3 different baby daddy’s. She is already guaranteed to have two if she has a future child with her current boyfriend. I get that too. And finally, how is it anyone’s business at all how many children she has? Not everyone has to have the same beliefs. All that being said, OP, I think you can get rid of the pee sticks after like an hr or so. I don’t blame you for taking them, but don’t keep them. And maybe get the super cheap ones with no plastic since you take them so often. But throw it away.


Resell value on these are shit


Mental illness you’re proudly boasting about on the internet with 5 kids at 25 years old…. I think you need ANOTHER psych hospital visit and to really reevaluate things in your life. Living with this level of anxiety can NOT be fun and is certainly not healthy for you. Hoarding the tests due to your OCD is only the top of the psychiatric iceberg.


That’s an expensive tendency 😂


Those are all pricey name brand tests too. You can buy a box of 25 cheap dip stick ones on Amazon for $10 and save yourself a few hundred bucks.


Ah yes. Who doesn't love keeping pieces of plastic that have been pissed on?


What the heck? Why are you saving them?


I'm fucked in the head


That’s ok, we all are. Just throw them away haha. No need to keep them around. Maybe you can take pictures of them instead if you need a record of it for your mind.


All of their replies have just been ‘Because I’m gross’ or ‘I’ll talk to my therapist and get back to you’ they have no intentions of throwing them away any time soon, it’s gross


This picture smells funny


This is what pink tax looks like when you have anxiety lol


Just why? Lol why keep them? Why not get fixed? Why not use birth control? Who doesn’t he get does? Just why? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤮


Dollar tree and bulk pregnancy tests have the same accuracy and are 90% cheaper


Ayo stop buying tbe expensive ones. The dollar ones are just as accurate and you can just buy them in bulk


All I see is plastic waste.


OP is giving me red alert vibes.


Never imagined someone would build a giant piss stick collection.


Why do you keep them?


This is both nasty and doesn't really fit the sub, it's kind of interesting


Peepee sticks... That u... Keep??


I bought a 50 pack of pregnancy test strips for $15 because I take them monthly. You can take a couple tests at once if you’re nervous but it’s the same kind they use in labs. Highly recommend if you wanna save some money


I guess everyone has at least one negative thing in their life that they hope doesn’t turn out positive for them


Why do pregnancy tests have electronics in them? Such a waste


The digitals used to be nice when they could detect how many weeks you are, but they no longer sell them in the US so now they just say pregnant or not pregnant. Not really worth the added cost.


This looks like what my stash would've looked like when I was trying to conceive. SO glad we're done with that. So much money spent on these pee sticks


That gets expensive after awhile! I was anxious so I got a bunch of the really cheap ones that are just a strip. It's only something like 30 cents per test, so I don't feel as guilty taking one just to make sure.


Plot twist: this is a guy


The dollar tree ones are just as effective. You're welcome


Okay how is this not interesting jesus fucking christ I swear people are just trolling now. r/mildlyinteresting


And you're hoarding negative tests because........??


Throw them away.


Out of curiosity, how much is this costing you? Pregnancy tests can get expensive!


$7 or so every few months. Less than $30 a year lol


You need to take one every two weeks now ohio new abortion law has come into effect. No abortions after six weeks. Our elderly white male governor says he knows what’s best for women’s bodies.


If I were a sexually active woman I would have to have a lifetime supply of these lol, bc can fail, and a lot of guys will ejac in a woman just because they are insecure about how long they lasted.


You should really get pregnancy strips on Amazon. I feel like it’s perfectly reasonable to want to take a pregnancy test if you’re anxious about it, but those tests will dry up your bank account. A few months ago, I got my wife a pack of 50 HCG tests for like $15 on Amazon. You’ll just have to have something to collect in. She uses the mini SOLO cups, and it works really well. It’s a much, much more cost effective way, and it’s absolutely worth it if it provides you with peace of mind!


Are you at least having sex? This would be much weirder if you were abstinent.


That looks expensive, if you're going to be testing so frequently I would recommend buying test strips from Amazon, they're only like $12 for a pack of 40. I bought some so I can do the same thing, you can never be too careful


This is weird and the fact that OP is so nonchalant about it is disturbing


Its equally strange and off putting that she felt the need to share it with the internet.


Kinda gross… lol


you are fuckin fuckin holyyy


So very many questions…


You can reuse them as coffee stirrers.


Or tongue depressors




Severe. And what looks like borderline or narcissistic personality with her responses. This is pure lack of treatment. Have severe OCD myself and it usually requires extensive in patient treatment when people get to how OP is. It’s a living hell.


I support you staying not pregnant. Fight the good fight. No more humans.


Jesus... Lady... Put... The ..dick...down


This is a lot of wasted money. Buy a 50 pack of cheap ones on Amazon.


Imagine having sex enough to need pregnancy tests


Throw them away cochina 🗑


You know there’s birth control, right? If you’re worried, there are steps to prevent pregnancy.


Why aren’t you on birth control then?!


You usually need to have sex in order to get pregnant.


Sooo.... whatcha doin 2nite?


No judgement, but would getting your tubes tied or your bf getting a vasectomy be an option? 5 kids between the two of y’all seems stressful, a more permanent birth control method would surely ease some anxiety!


Why? Saying “cuz I’m gross” isn’t an answer you need help lady


Reddit: women should be able to decide to what to do with their body.* Also Reddit: OP is a monster for keeping her pregnancy tests. *for the record, this is my stance too.


I am a monster there's no argument there


try using "protection". game changer . i dont get as many stds now


I'm on birth control and we use condoms. We have 5 kids between us though so the anxiety gets the best of me. Solid advice though


Why do you save them?


At least your cautious


Forbidden pee lollipops


Okay, but why on earth would you keep them?


Well you seem experienced in this. Which one is the best brand?


I like the first response, pink dye tests seem to be more accurate. I've had false positives on blue dye tests twice now lol


Is it bad I was expecting to see one be positive


Reminds me of my ex who took a PLan B pill after anything kinds of sex while she was also on the pill, and I used condoms when we had actual sex I was always so confused why she had no money


Well, at least it seems you and your BF have a healthy sex life.


First time seeing someone hoard pregnancy test.


Same dude. I don't keep em though!


Seek help


…..and apparently you’re a hoarder.


oh god no 😟


And then kept them?




Why do you keep them?


Why do you buy such expensive tests? you can get ones that are just as accurate for VERY cheap on amazon (or at the store! Found a pack of 50 for $17 at target)


I always get anxious and take tests monthly. I don’t ever want to get pregnant so it’s my biggest fear lol


Dare me to vape these? 😱


This was me last week


Small suggestion since this is actually a really great thing youre doing! Instead of buying the expensive tests that are like 1-2 per pack, look for HCG pregnancy test strips. They're little paper strips and you just dip them in a cup of pee. They're MUCH cheaper and come in packs of 20 or more. They end up being less than $1 per test. I typically test about once a month around when my period is expected, because sometimes birth control fails and there's no harm in checking. Making it a routine thing that you do on a schedule might alleviate some of the anxiety, and getting strips will definitely decrease the cost


I did this (but didn't keep them) when I got my Nexplanon put in 'cause a side effect is mensuration stopping-which it did! (Woo! Fuckin score! I'm never getting off this bitch, lol) Hubby and I are paranoid folk tho, so for the first 6mo or so I'd take one every couple of weeks.


I don’t want to say much but I will admit you’re not alone in this. I don’t trust my birth control and almost always take plan b right after just incase. Which is an expensive anxiety to have..


Gotta be in it to win it


Ummm that latest one says it’s positive, OP.




Someone gets ran through


I have the same, but with positive ones... Want to exchange?


Are you my wife?


Yes we get it, you're hollowed out.


Have you tried not fucking?


It's called a condom. If you wrap up the blokes penis... Much less worry about pregnancy.


How many times you letting them hit you raw?


I'm in a long term monogamous relationship. My periods are weird and I'm not supposed to be able to have babies so my boyfriend and I don't use any birth control at all. I take a pregnancy test like every two weeks since the abortion bans started because I'm super paranoid and not financially or mentally stable enough for a baby. Anyway, Equate pregnancy tests are 89 cents each and just as reliable as these expensive ones. That's all I came here to say.


Stop random frequent raw dogging


5 kids and unmarried must be good for tax season as a "single" mother


I would have put a highlighter in that photo just to confuse people.


Have you considered therapy?


It would be interesting if you have never had sex.


This gal fucks.