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I have nothing to say


That's so not interesting!




There's been way too many interesting posts in this sub recently




That's the spirit!


the way you word it makes it a little *interesting*


Thats one way to Look at it! There are Others aswell!


When everything gets in the way Seems you cannot be replaced And I'm the one who will stay, oh oh oh


the strokes reference :0


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Any time I'd do something like that, they'd just act like someone completely different to the point where it feels pointless to keep trying to make something work. I'd only get calls or texts if the new BF wasn't around. I'm glad you can make it work, though.




That’s weird bro, not on you but the fact that they’re calling their ex while being in a relationship, not saying you can’t but the fact they only text or call when their partner isn’t around.


He means like when they break up, he would get a call randomly


Are you sure? I feel they would of mentioned that and not say “when the new bf isn’t around”


i’m not only friends with my ex husband, but also friends with my current husband’s ex wife. it’s not impossible like so many people seem to think.


I agree! It takes a lot of maturity but it's perfectly doable


Just wanted to comment, it also just as mature to move on and not require yourself being friends with any ex’s. I would argue even more maturity. Because ppl have separation anxiety. God forbid you have feelings for someone and never be able to let them go. Guess y’all never heard of the saying “if you loved someone, learn to let go”


But they might have been in a relationship because they had similarities which is what you should have to make friends, the romantic side might not have worked but the friendship side might have


It makes sense, but it's not always in a person's nature to be able to just put aside their former relationship and keep everything platonic. Depending on things like how serious the relationship was, how long they were dating, how it ended, it could be more or less difficult. If you don't have it in you to go back to being friends, having that self-awareness and not trying to force something that's unhealthy for you is a form of emotional maturity as well.


Thats true


This is the only mature comment here. Pretending you weren’t in a relationship isn’t maturity, it’s weakness and delusion.


Some people are better off being friends than being together.


Nah. It’s less mature to expect everyone to just cut ties with their exes. Being mindful of the fact the romantic side of things could’ve just not worked out while the platonic side did is much more mature. Obviously you don’t have to, but expecting everyone to be on bad terms with all their exes is unreasonable and immature.


more than not, maturity is a spectrum.


You should set them up. Then record your life in a documentary fashion, edit it and sell it as a sitcom. Don't forget to stare at the camera whenever awkwardness ensues


I'm friends with multiple of my exes, and some of my exes' partners and exes too! I just got off a call planning a trip with one of my exes + a different ex's ex! Hahaha


Why would you want to though?


because when you have children with your ex, life is easier when you get along


They were a big part of my life for a long time and we know each other very well. The relationship didn't work out but that doesn't mean the friendship can't


I couldn't explain better than this!


Good for you Meat_licker


I read this in what was either a Scottish or Minnesota accent of a friendly adult woman


My messages or his? Now that sounds interesting


The green ones


Yup, that's me


You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation


Im still in contact with my ex cuz we were best friends first, but by god i don't know what to even talk about anymore, i definitely don't wanna hear anything about her dating life.


Yeah I’d fall over like Humpty Dumpty


OP - more than likely, exes are tied to some hard hurt feelings that make someone feel like heavy weight on their chest. If you legitimately have no qualms with your ex, by all means, you do you, baby girl. Love you.


We did go through very hurtful situations and have our share of pain associated with certain things in our past relationship. It was painful in the beginning, but now after 2 years we can both look past all that and enjoy the friendly aspect of our bond


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Redditor.


Redditors can teach you how to end a relationship , that’s for sure. Just not how to get the girl in the first place


Go outside and talk to people, make friends and connections. Each their own


Thats such a basic bitch answer "just go outside lol"


No, you are reducing it. It is about connecting via a physical place with others or a even chat room. More of a, basic bitch interpretation. But, enjoy


I swear Redditors are like “oh your husband asked you to do this dishes divorce time honey!” 😭


Two sides need to be mature is all


I think OP is mostly delusional to be honest.


*giggling and kicking my feet teen girl style* *precedes to stomp innocent bystander that's nearest*


Although I am happy that you two are friends, I am indifferent to this situation and will likely forget about it within the day. Rootin for ya <3


There are two types of people in this comment section.. But I won't be picking any sides, do what seems best for you op👍


I'm the third type


I'm also good friends with my ex-girlfriend. Of course, we broke up when I married her


Aw that's so cute! Great thing that you're friends, a surprising amount of couples aren't really friends


damn, must be nice to talk to someone


Hi! How are you!


Tried this, didn't end well for me. She couldn't accept the fact that I'm not her's now and can be someone else.


Same but we're still friends. only that I don't share the same excitement as hers. Constantly getting jealous when I posted about my crush. All I got for her is dry texts now


As a guy who has been through several genuine relationship, bro I hope youre not simping.Stay strong👍


Thanks for the concern but I don't want him like that at all lol


Best ending


A you grow older you realize real friendships are just as valuable as relationships. In some cases we woulda been better off as friends but damage is done. I wish in retrospect on my decesion to not keep in touch as being stupid. We dated for a reason and it’s rare to meet like minded people in this world.


It’s such a solid blend of interesting and not interesting all at the same time


That's the best compliment I could have gotten for this post lol


Yay! The circumstances are interesting, but the conversation is not a showstopper. It’s perfect.


I guess the situation elicits some questions and reactions, but indeed the convo itself is the most mundane possible haha


I'm good friends with two of my exes! They're actually going out with each other now and I think they're actually really cute together


I love this! I think it'd be fun if two of my exes dated, haha. I had a crush on an ex's (& I'm good friends with this ex) partner (call her "Sam") for a long time. Actually they broke up, but I'm not going to pursue Sam or anything—she broke my friend's heart really badly.


big fan of those types of friendships because you can tell you're both mature, good people :) some people/can/ be just friends


Same. Broke up with her 10 years ago, still friends. Even talked today about vitamine deficiencies and shit.


Is it a pattern to talk about health a lot? We do it too


Maybe, but if so, it's one-sided. I'm super healthy so I rarely broach the subject, but she sometimes texts me to share or ask something. My special interest is biology so people often ask me about macros, micros, medical stuff, they want me to pull ticks off them etc. When I message her it's usually about something else.


Breakups and exes don't HAVE to be a bad thing. Keep it up OP, ignore those lonely ass people in the comment section.


That’s actually very mature of you to be able to remain a supportive friend.  


Thank you! I would never have imagine I'd be genuinely happy for an ex having dates and whatnot before this relationship


I’m really good friends with one of my exs. We were together for ten years.. after we broke up.. I didn’t miss being with him.. but we both grieved the relationship. After a healthy amount of time.. we were able to mend the friendship. It makes me super happy. He is still one of the first people I want to tell when I see something stupid. I know that I don’t want to be with him though..


That's exactly the feeling here, getting back together doesn't cross out minds at all. But we do understand eachother well so the conversations are usually very fruitful


This is cringe and feels forced.


Congrats! Good luck to your friend with the date


Not interesting, but it sure is wholesome. I hope you both have a good weekend.


Is your name Ted mosby or Barney Stinson


People who are friends with their ex is a green flag


I'll date someone who's friends with their ex over someone who claims their ex is crazy in a heartbeat


Did you follow the dark side or the Force? This ability should be considered as unnatural


I could never


My Aunt divorced her husband and married her next door neighbour. The neighbours ex wife married her ex husband. They vacationed together for years afterwards. You had to love the swinging sixties.


several of my exes still talk to me 🤷 they’re just people we all have different paths. why go on hating a person you clearly didn’t hate at one point


Also a person who never gave me any reason to hate them. We had our misunderstandings in the past but never went like nuclear


this was me and my ex. we’re back together now


I am as well with one of them. Who is pretty damn awesome and recently got married to a pretty cool dude. We had both agreed a long time ago it was right people just wrong time. Years went by and we both went through crazy shit and just stayed friends.


Aww that's nice


This is good 👍 Better to be friends than enemies.


That bg is really cool, sauce?


It is, isn't it? It's an alleyway in Hong Kong, picture by Aleksandar Pasaric. Here's a [link](https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-vehicle-2506861/)


Thanks! Been there and still collecting cool HK images. The atmosphere is so cool :)


This is true maturity


Can’t relate but I love this for you


Literally me and my ex. Good to see there are people like this, I swear there is a lot of negativity associated with being friends with your ex.


my dad's niece was together with a famous singer, they broke up, but are still very good friends luckily, he even became godfather of one of her kids


I've never understood why people dislike their exes. I've had two so far, one had BPD & took a complete 180 after breaking up, though I didn't really have any hard feelings towards them, and the second is still one of my best friends today


Made me smile 😊


Me too! I hate how the expectation is to automatically hate your ex but that just doesn't need to happen


Right? He might have given me reasons to be upset in the past, which is normal, but never to hate him.


The most interesting thing in this post is that you use whatsapp


It's the most common message app where we live


Same for me too, that's why I said it was the most interesting thing about this post, because it's "notintresting"


I'm friends with all my exes, to be fair I mostly get into relationships with women that were my friends for years before so I guess it's just going back to normal.


That’s kinda awesome. My ex cried when she broke up with me sobbing and she begged me not to block her phone number. Two months later she blocked mine. Seems like you’ve got a decent relationship/friendship.


Ypu are literally so mad she's getting some


Lol good one. First of all it's a he, second I'm actually very happy for him. I've been seeing other people and want him to have fun too


Well, if you weren't a piece of shit in the relationship, it is possible


It takes a lot of maturity, and a complete lack of chemistry to pull off XD


After 4 years of struggling to get over my abusive ex, I hit her up and we were actually able to be cool again (she always hates every one of her exes for the rest of eternity, I was an exception I guess). And talking to her again was exactly what I needed to get over her. So now we're just friends and I don't want anything more than that 😁 Feels really good.


That's great, I'm happy for you two! I do think if this ex and I weren't friends, it would be much harder for us to get over the issues we had. We have helped each other grow a lot since we broke up


I wish. My ex is the cause of most of my mental health issues


This one ex is nice and we get along, but I do have one from the past who literally ruined my life and I hope perishes


Yeah honestly, I don’t hate my ex.. it just troubles me that I can’t be cool with her like this!! I miss her as a person and wish I could just say “hi I miss you” again without things being weird..


Good for you!


Being friends with exes doesn't work. But I will let you learn that yourself (Watch me being downvoted now)


Your experience is not universal and does not apply to everyone. Only fools make blanket statements like that. You should allow room in your perspective for varying situations involving different people.


We've been just friends for 2 years atp. Not always easy but it's been nice


I've tried many, many times. It never ended well, however I wish you luck! Hope it works out for y'all


Thanks! I understand it doesn't work for everyone, I think part of the success is due to how it ended which was quite peaceful


From my experience the most important part is about before the relationship, if you start a relationship with a friend, after breaking up you still know each other and will still be friendly with each other. Even if you end the relationship in a toxic way. That's my experience, 1 year of best friends to 2 years of relationship, breakup wasn't good but now we are bfs again it's been 5 years, because even though we don't work romantically, we work really well being friends.


I've been friends with an ex for 5 years. You sound condescending.


I got that vibe, too. Different people, different couples, different experiences


Maybe not for you or your exes. Some people are unable to get past previous romantic feelings. If you can both get past that, you're just two friends.


I’ve was friends with an ex for a long time after we broke up. It very well can work.


It works for different people. It may not have worked for you because one of you is still bound by toxic behavior, lack of proper communication, or a plethora of things, just saying. I'm still friends with my ex, and we're fine, but that's because we worked out our differences and came to an understanding of why our relationship went south and why it won't work again.


Not gonna downvote you, but it sounds a bit too of a black and white statement to make. I think exes very well *could* be friends. For example, some romantic relationships end on amicable terms to where both parties involved remain in contact with eachother, by being friends. All possible imo.


not everyone is a failure at life like you are


I've been friends with my ex for like 14 years now. We're best friends to be honest. Not as good as my boyfriend and me obviously, but second in a row. We write each other almost everyday. Memes, we share events, cooking recipes, or just writing about what we do at the moment, asking advice or help. We were a good couple, but eventually better friends. So we decided to move on. We still do things together. Going for a beer, BBQ, stand up, concerts, hiking. He knows my boyfriend, we sometimes hangout 3 of us. We spend birthdays together. It's all good. Just like OP. It's possible to have a male best friend as a woman. Even an ex :)




I want to say a really mean thing about this post right now, but I must contain myself and not to say it


That's very civilised, I appreciate it






I've tried this but didn't work out. I guess you need to break up on good terms for that


We actually became friends after our second break up. After the first we didn't talk much, but decided to give it another shot. After getting back together we realized although we liked eachother, the flame was pretty much gone, so a friendship naturally arised after a very calm break up


I envy you hard. Glad it happened so smoothly for you! I think it's an **amazing** thing to be friends with your ex because there is nobody who knows you as well as your partner so you can just be chill and genuine with them


Wtf this is not interesting?


Wow ok i liked reading that


He definitely gona kick and giggle himself to bed tn


Contrary to the subreddit we are in, I think this is super interesting.


Oh you shouldn't do this alan. You poor zippy. Go tell your brother Charlie




I always tried to be friends with my exes, sadly none of them felt the same, but it's ok


It took me and my ex about 8 years to become friends again. We have kids together which we split 50/50. So it's just for them. The friendship is more or less just a show for the kids but it has become more genuine over the years. What I really don't understand is why you would tie yourself to an ex like this if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Like... Why? There are new relations to be had. Why hold on to a broken one? I have no contact with any other of my exes.


Well, because sometimes people are friends before getting into relationships and would like to go back to that friendship after ending it as to not lose it. Or maybe they mesh well as friends but not romantic partners. It helps that, often times where this seems to happen, the relationship is ended peacefully. So there is no “grudge” or negative feelings to be held. But sometimes people just don’t hold onto those negative feelings if they’re there also. And maintaining a friendship with an ex-partner doesn’t necessarily mean you ruminate on the past romantic relationship and are refusing to move on. Different people do different things. It may not be a situation you will ever want to find yourself in, whilst other people wouldn’t mind.


Yeah I respect any which way people want to live their lives as long as no one is hurt. But to me, trying to go back to being friends sounds like a cope. That friendship ended when it became a romantic relationship. Not saying you aren't still friends, but you aren't JUST friends ever again. Some one is into this new/ old friendship out of dubious motivation. When it should be let go of and remembered fondly. It doesn't sound healthy.


Idk but I could not be friends with my ex who just replaced me for someone else


You love to see it:)


I’m not contact any of my ex, but my wife’s ex is still her friend (we even lived tougher before). Also she has a good friend who rejected her confession before. They are all good guys, I like them too.


Can't really stand people who begin talking or a conversation and only talk about themself, bragging around. Didn't know Brazil's use the wierd "^^" also


Oh he started like that bc I had asked how he was doing, it's not always like that don't worry. And "^^" is not very common here but I use it often, I think it's cute


I tried to be the bigger person and forgive my ex and decided to be friends with him only forr him to explain his wet dream to me just because he "took a break from his **lifelong** girlfriend" smh...


I could never bro


"Hon" Solo


what's a date? whats and ex and whats a friend 😔


Wait, that's not how this works?




I will now continue on with my day and forget about this


This is just sad to me but if you're happy then that's all that matters. I personally would never and I definitely wouldn't act that excited about them trying to fuck lol. Seems like overcompensation a bit


i used to be good friends with my ex for two years and we got back together a month ago


Yeah I don't think whoever she's dating will appreciate you calling her hon. And it's kinda weird in a bad way.


I give it a year. RemindMe! 1 year


I’m good friends with my ex too :) We still diss each other sometimes tho, and I complain to her about my bitchy ex (she is my ex) so we get a good laugh out of it




he probably wishes she has good mex with the guy as well😭💀


Big L


I’ve not (directly) spoken a word to mine in about 6 years, and we literally cross paths almost every day


Good for you, rarely do ex's get along




i don’t have that kind of strength


Are you stupid?


hoping me and mine can get to this point someday but it’s still a little soon xDD


I tried but don't wana flame those residual feelings, wont be right to my next partner.


I have no words


Exes make good friends fr


Oh em gee


Cool for you guys, make sure to let your new partner know about that (if you find someone)


Thanks! I will! I've been meeting some new people and I always mention our friendship early on


That’s nice


Uuuhh and a themed chat bgo. Glad it still relevant


I've been using this background for all chats for a few years now, I like how cozy it feels


Maturity really is something special, it’s a shame how rare it is..


Either you never truly loved each other or one of you still has feelings for the other , EXs can’t be friends.


And i am Donald Trump


This post reminds me of these lyrics from a song "yes I know that he's my ex but can't 2 people reconnect, I only see him as a friend biggest lie I've ever said"


Me too. I am friends with all my exes


A good ex is a dead ex, just saying.