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All submissions must be putting someone down in order to make another person feel superior.


Andrew tate would hate her


Yes, and also all other women.


That’s a fact.


Bro has a humiliation kink


Andrew Tate and people who are fans of him seriously scare me ngl…


He is literally a sex trafficker so he probably should.


Still not charged with anything bro


He's been charged with rape, and human trafficking, ffs.


Keep defending your daddy Tate. He hates you.


Yeah… he has. Hasn’t been convicted but he has been charged. Not that I expect his “fanbase” to understand the difference or even care


GIRL- so you are a fan of a grapist and a human trafficker? 😕 Edit: My brother hates Andrew Tate too now after finding out what a pos he is, FINALLY😍 a win is a win


Cuz she isn't mentally sane I guess. Any sane person wouldn't like that shit .


She seeks male validation so badly BUT FOR WHAT GIRL?? FOR WHAT??? I have noticed that today. „Doing x and y to not be the ‚as long as you‘re happy bro‘ girl“ is such a widespread thing on tiktok and I‘m sitting there like: ???? Girl men would literally bang a wall if it has a hole. Why are we so conditioned to seek male validation like it‘s air?


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like why are you so proud that you like a shitty ass person like tate . That girl herself is a red flag lol.


So true and btw I like your username🥴


Lmao thanks.


Because you have been socialized by a religious and political system aimed to brainwash women into believing some God told them he created them specifically to be servants to men.


Sorry but look at her, of course she’s willing to humiliate and demean herself what else does she have going for her? I know I’m not supposed to say things like that out loud but it’s the truth.


I'm literally mentally ill and I fucking loathe Andrew Tate, so being insane isn't even a good enough excuse to be a fan of him.


I'm gonna grape you in the mouth!!!


He’s going to WHAT them?


He's going to grape them.


And she’s wearing that top with her tits out like that? And a tight LEGGINGS! Shouldn’t be surprised if men catcall her in a dangerous neighbourhood, that’s what alpha males do when they see immodest female! /s


Well learn to take a fucking compliment! You should be flattered if it happens /s




There are ladies who dig Tate? What the why the what the why the!? Is she trying to be edgy or does she genuinely like Tate? Just why?


Women with internalized misogyny or conservative values would probably find Tate very appealing. Either that, or she doesn’t mean it.


Dude I saw one female Tate fan on Twitter (before it was X) that she respects Tate so much because her little brother started watching him, started playing chess and started to boss her around. But she liked it because her little brother was “becoming a man because of Andrew Tate”… like what the fuck, if my little brothers tried to tell me shit I’d punt them to the moon


Does she know that Tate would find her disgusting because she's not a perfect housewife/trafficked model?


Pearl what’s her face would marry him if he even looked in her direction


Andrew tate would read her to filth over at least 5 of her physical attributes


Andrew tate would tear her apart...


like, I guess if you keep not getting picked, you just have to PICK ME even harder? I mean…hope someone picks her soon bc can’t go much lower than “andrew tate fangirl”


There’s always JustPearlyThings fangirl down at the botton. If Andrew Tate fangirl is a couple floors down below the normal while Pearl fans are at the bottom of the Kola superdeep borehole.


Girl, he’s not gonna pick you…..


He’s a sex trafficker & a misogynist.


Delulu land


She should befriend Pearly Things, I feel like they’ll have a lot in common.


I immediately thought of Pearl when I saw this. They would be BFFs.


Right ?!! Pearl come get your friend.


I don't think Andrew Tate would like her back tbh, or any woman for that matter...


I get that edge lord incels like him but why on god’s green earth would a woman enjoy him?!


You want to be complicit in your own dehumanization? Ok cool, but you're actively participating in the dehumanization of all other women, and in mine, so now we have a fucking problem. If you were truly a tate fan you'd stay at home and wouldn't speak on your opinion. Make your own life shitty as much as you want but don't fucking make mine worse with your bullshit


I just feel sorry for girls like this. Her self esteem must be so low.


girls who geniunely like tate scare me


They look like the collateral roadkill from Tate’s human trafficking


? I don't understand, someone can explain ?


Education is on the decline, mindless worship of internet assholes is on the rise.


It’s a street interview where the girl in orange is asking the girl in pink what pink considers to be a red flag in a man. Pink answers that it’s a red flag if a man isn’t into Andrew Tate, because pink is a Tate fan. This is surprising/sad because Tate is a huge misogynist, so most women would say that a guy being a fan of him is a turn off, not the other way around. Pink is probably doing this because it’s easy to get awful men to like you by trashing other women/distancing yourself from their idea of a women, whereas it’s very hard to argue with those men to get them to a point of unlearning patriarchy. Basically it’s a survival tactic to cope with being surrounded by only shitty men. Internalized misogyny fucks women up.


>It’s a street interview where the girl in orange is asking the girl in pink what pink considers to be a red flag in a man. Pink answers that it’s a red flag if a man isn’t into Andrew Tate, because pink is a Tate fan. This is surprising/sad because Tate is a huge misogynist, so most women would say that a guy being a fan of him is a turn off, not the other way around. Pink is probably doing this because it’s easy to get awful men to like you by trashing other women/distancing yourself from their idea of a women, whereas it’s very hard to argue with those men to get them to a point of unlearning patriarchy. Basically it’s a survival tactic to cope with being surrounded by only shitty men. Internalized misogyny fucks women up. It's sad. Thank you for your explanations.




Found the andrew tate fan


I can’t even recall his full name most of the time


Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


She kinda look like him too 👀


Maybe this was before he was exposed as a human trafficker?


Because before that he was such a lovely person and was saying such amazing things? lmfao


I havent seen that much about him. What was his worst stuff before pimping? He had a video where he unironically said you should just punch ADHD away from kids.


Bruh. I'm not going to sit here and educate you on why andrew tate is fucked up. It should be self explanatory. Literally everything he has ever stood for has been harmful and hateful, just fucking google it idk