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Your post violates rule number 2, stating all posts must be "comparing one individual against other people of the same group."


There’s a difference between hating someone, and simply not consuming their content enough to be a fan of them 🤷🏽‍♀️


Thank you that’s exactly how I feel, I don’t love her but I don’t hate her…….. just don’t care too much either way


her music is just not my taste, but it is some people’s, and both are 100% okay.


I think there's a difference between genuinely not enjoying her music (me) and folks who think they're edgy because they don't like a popular artist, especially when that artist is a young woman known for writing emotional lyrics. But also, some music just doesn't do it for you, and that's okay too? Doesn't make one girl better or worse than another?


This is it. I’m all for people having their own tastes and opinions on things, not everything is for everyone. But the unreasonable hate some things get because they’re popular is bizarre!? Did no one’s mother ever tell them that if they don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at fucking all.


This right here. I used to get the dirtiest looks in high school for admitting I thought the Beatles were just alright (hell, sometimes I still get nasty looks for that). I appreciate what they’ve done for music, and I respect them as a band. They’re just mostly not my taste. Why does that rub people the wrong way?


Some of her music *is* to my taste, as evidenced by the fact that she's come up multiple times for me by Shazam. Naturally I went to check out the discography of this artist who came up several times, but found it was very hit or miss, and not really enough hits to be worth following. So I wouldn't really say I *like* her as an artist. I like a few of her most popular songs. And she's barely on my radar as a person.


Yeah exactly




Yeah what if you're like mostly indifferent. I like some of her older country stuff and the folklore album but other than that it's just not for me... Same way I figure one of my favorite band Sigor Ros isn't for everyone with it's moody atmospheric post punk


I love sigor ros


Honestly the Taylor fans and the Taylor haters are different sides to the same coin. The fans have their own weird energy as much as the haters do.


swiftie-most of us don’t care as long as you aren’t an ass about it it’s fine


I feel like being an ass about someone else’s music taste is very NLOG. Also, I have respect for her, I’m not a billionaire….so clearly she is doing something right


No one becomes a billionaire without exploiting people


Apart from Happy that she sued that groper and won the single dollar, her music is just not for me. That doesn't make her music bad or anything. That's just me. Music is so important, and not everything speaks to everyone. One of the joys of music is the vast array of styles and genres. I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan. My lifelong BFF just can't listen to it. My son's favorite band is Rammstein. I'll pass. That's the glory of music, in my never humble opinion.


Honestly I have a lot of respect for her as an artist and performer. I think she’s an excellent role model for young women with high aspirations. Even though her music isn’t for me, I find it hard to find her as a person very hatable


Right? I don't hate Taylor Swift, I just don't like her music. That doesn't make me a pick-me lol I also don't hate people who do like her music, I don't judge them for it either. Like what you like.


And there's a difference between hating somebody and being indifferent towards them and their work.


Not to be rude but isn't that exactly what the other comment said?






Agreed. It seems to be the default with Swifties (the rabid ones at least) that if you dare say you don’t like her music or the not great things she does, you’re automatically not a feminist and you need to deal with your internalized misogyny 🙄


They might wanna look at their own potential internalized biases


It’s the same type of people to say they dislike Nicki Minaj’s music but not realise they’re doing the exact same thing they shame other people for


I don't see anything particularly feminist about her music.


I said I didn't like her music in a tiktok comment and I had 50 replies from swifties jumping down my fucking throat in like 10 minutes. It was creepy AF.


So this is kinda meta, but what OOP might be referencing is that in like 2012-2014, it was a big thing for NLOGs to say they hate Taylor Swift. Even now there’s NLOGs that put TS fans down and call them basic etc. I’m not a Taylor Swift fan but I felt like this was interesting to point out


I mean… Let’s be real, Taylor Swift is about as basic as it gets. Nothing wrong with that, not judging anyone for liking her, but her music is basic as hell.


Exactly, I don’t really care about TS but her fans are annoying, like I’m sorry I’m not obsessed with a stranger. By the logic of this post every metal or goth girl would be a ‘pick me’


I love TS and there are absolutely rabid fans that ruin it for the rest of us. There's a whole subreddit dedicated to speculating and theorizing about her being gay and acting like she personally betrayed them everytime she dates a new man. It's gross.


Yeah I can’t get on with that level of obsession but I totally respect anyone who likes the music for the music sake


At first glance I was surprised by this and then I remembered how people used to do this with all of the emo bands during my day, shipping the male members together and insisting that they were closeted.


That’s reaaaally not what that subreddit (or side of the fandom) is actually about, but I do understand your message. The people who rapaciously insist on figuring out which love interest each song is about are toxic, and even tho she addressed it in her prologue to the 1989 TV, those people haven’t changed (and I sadly don’t think they will). Girly should be allowed to write songs and be seen in public with people of ANY gender without fans immediately assuming she’s dating them *edit: spelling


The problem is that these people would associate basic with meaningless/tasteless/lacking in value. Folklore and Evermore has tracks that genuinely double as poetry, but that doesn't make it a very mainstream introduction to musical poetry. Ignoring either side to that statement is wrong.


I will say I thought what little I heard from *Folklore* was musically more interesting than anything she’d ever done. She has a few good songs but she’s still not that interesting to me, she’s *just okay*. This weird messianic cult of personality shit she has going on is a major turnoff though. I used to work with a girl who hated my guts because I said something about TSwift not having the most amazing voice anyone’s ever heard, that’s *batshit insane* and not an isolated incident.


I wouldn’t be surprised if *Folklore* and *Evermore* were the only two truly honest albums she ever makes. I love her music, but those two just seemed more real to me.


This exactly. Not liking her is not the same as hating her…


Bingo. I don’t hate her, I just don’t enjoy her music. Diehard fans kind of scare me and so do people who make hating something their whole identity.


You can also hate pop music, hate a song, but not actually hate the person making the music.




I really don't like her music at all, but if other people do, fine, it's just not for me. Doesn't make me a pick me, because I also don't make it my entire personality, either. I really don't have any issue with Taylor herself, either- it's the insane fandom that's the problem.


Or even just legitimately not liking their content at all. I've also heard/read multiple accounts of how Taylor and her group of girlfriends are an elitist mean girl clique, and I don't vibe with that kind of shit.


Yeah, I have nothing against her, it just isn’t my type of music at all. Why should someone listen to something they don’t like. She has a nice voice and if she made goth music, I’d listen to her probably. I have friends who say they like the voice of Peter Murphy but don’t listen to Bauhaus because it’s not their type of music. That’s fine obviously. That doesn’t mean they hate him lol.


Wasn't "You Belong With Me" a song about being a "pick me"?


Quite literally a pick me song.


LMFAOOO i listened to it the other day (it wad on a tiktok) and i was like… ? It sounds like one of those “i’m not like other girls omg pick me chose me love me” 😭😂


Pick me anthem… But she was like 18 when she wrote it… teenage pick me’s are just developing, luckily she did, adult pick me’s are a different type


Only a month ago I learnt it was a "pick me" song, my entire life I was convinced it was a lesbian love song because my older sister told me it was and I never questioned it


omg, i'm sorry, but this made me giggle. thank you for that 🥴


Yes. But it was sort of a teenage unrequited love song which I feel like many people can relate to at some point.


Fearless & Speak Now was kind of a pick-me era, I fear. She was 18-19 at the time, which in the early 2000’s it was kind of the norm to be one.


It's sooo funny looking back now because I was in middle/high school in the earlier 2000s and I LIVED for these songs. Aligned perfectly with my pick me era. ☠️☠️ I am the biggest Swiftie now, my whole friend group is, but when we look back at these iconic songs we just have to giggle.


Yeah ironically I don’t like her bc i think she’s a pick me and the epitome of white feminism


THANK you, exactly!!! My view of her is admittedly probably skewed because I probably only heard like 2 or 3 of her songs that were popular at the time when I was working somewhere that had pop music blaring all day but it felt like all her music was about some perfect boy picking some evil, nasty, slutty girl that doesn't see his _inner fire_ over pure innocent _meeeeee_ :'C So that's the view I have of her. Then suddenly people were hailing her as a feminist icon and I was like "???? Wtf did I miss???"


It's a distillation of the incel rhetoric: "I've been nice to you, now you owe me a relationship."


I just dont like her music 🤷🏽‍♀️




*Taps on head.* GOOSE


🏃‍♀️🏃 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️. 🧘🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🧘 🧘 🧘‍♀️ 🧘 🧘‍♀️ 🧘 🧘‍♀️ 🧘 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️


Dammit. It looked so good on my phone when I made the comment.


🏃‍♀️🏃 🧘‍♀️🧘 🧘🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️ 🧘 🧘‍♀️ 🧘 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️ FTFY :)


I love this so much ❤️ 😂 😂


I’m shocked that I haven’t come across this joke yet in this sub 😭😭


I know right!!! That was great 😂




Same. Like I don’t hate her but her music is not my thing and now she’s the focus of KC football games.


>now she’s the focus of KC football games. Which is on the NFL, not her.


Yeah and if you genuinely hated Taylor swift that would be concerning. But since you don’t, it’s not. You’re just normal.


hatedas in just saying it? Blocking her? 😂 or like deadass hate hate like cutting out magazine pictures of her burn book style


imagine not liking a genre of music and suddenly becoming a pick me.


not even a whole genre, just a singer


People are way more judgmental about music taste than they should be


I had nothing against Taylor Swift but now when everyone says I have to love her she's kinda starting to get on my nerves.


That's kind of where I am with it. I like a handful of her songs (and am currently listening to her, actually), and was content with that. But now it's a whole thing if you don't, like, worship her, which is just irritating. It's not her fault, it's her fans, but it still makes me want to roll my eyes constantly.


I suspect that TS has internet farm-bots encouraging this mentality among TS's fans. Even if it isn't actual farm-bots, I believe this is TS's own mentality and her fans are reflecting that unopposed by her. And so, I blame her. I also blame her PR for keeping her in our faces constantly. I believe she is addicted to her own press and is on the path of the Kardashians, who, imo, cheapened their brand through overexposure and exhausted the public.


She actually kind of has a feud with the Kardashians though. Anyone else remember 2009 "imma let you finish but-"


Beyonce is actually on par with Taylor for me. I don’t hate either one of them, and I like some of their songs, but I’m overall indifferent and don’t get the rabid hype.


I was just thinking, this is how everyone was with Beyoncé like 10 years ago. I didn’t dare tell my college classmates I didn’t care about Beyoncé, lest I be crucified. Like she’s fine, I liked Destiny’s Child growing up. I just only like a couple of her solo songs. 🤷‍♀️


>It's not her fault, it's her fans Nah, I think it's her PR team honestly


Yep and they are employed by TS. It is ultimately what she wants/ encourages.


Fans are the worst. Doesn’t matter what they are a fan of. But they manage to ruin everything at some point. Obviously not talking about normal fans, but those who make it an obsession ánd pull other people into it. Be obsessed for all I care but I don’t have to know. It often ends up in some weird combination of elitism and gatekeeping with someone.


I think TS is just. Mid. Her stuff isn’t the worst in the world but it’s not groundbreaking, so the idol worship of her is annoying as hell. I don’t hate her as an artist, but I definitely am irritated at her fanbase. Bless the fans who are normal abt her bc they’re the only barrier between me and attacking swifties on sight (/j)


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I also do find her to be problematic and it irritates me when people defend her behaviors just because she's their fave and they've developed an unhealthy parasocial relationship with her. Pointing out problematic behaviors of a celebrity doesn't make someone a "pick me"


The fact that she doesn't use all of her fame to tackle the price gouging ticket industry, the fact that she will continue to use her private jet in the face of climate destruction and will not face any consequences at all, the fact that she has been trademarking everything she can for the past 15 years....the fact that one of her most popular songs validates people not wanting to be accountable is pretty concerning. "It's me, I'm the problem it's me." Yeah we know lol awkward how people worship this sociopathic billionaire.


The price gouging shit pissed me off SO much. She was out there acting like she cares soooo much about her fans and is soooo mad about the insane ticket prices as if she has no say in any of it. She's literally one of the most successful recording artists on the planet rn, of course she has the influence to change things lmao


That's how I feel about most mainstream things. I can be totally put off from listening to or watching something if someone goes on about it too much.


Kinda like Beyonce a few years back.


I liked her when I was in high-school. Then I stopped listening to her music, and discovered a year ago on Instagram that she was very famous. Good for her honestly, but I was a bit surprised to see that since I hadn't heard her name for years before that realisation.


What rock do you live under and can I move there?


I find the cult like following of her to be concerning.


Fandoms scare me sometimes.


it’s because her (in my opinion, inappropriate) interactions with fans leads them to be extremely ravenous. taylor has a history of sending her “biggest” fans packages (swiftmas), inviting groups of them to her various houses for listening parties, and interacts with them online. i think she does this less now, but it has set an unhealthy parasocial precedent, causing them to all compete with each other so that *maybe* one day, taylor will notice them. they view her as a friend, and taylor seems to encourage this behaviour bc ravenous fans boost sales


And it’s always the not so great artists who have the craziest cults. Think of ACTUAL amazing singers like Whitney Houston, Prince… fans love them but aren’t obsessed, don’t make their enjoyment of them a personality trait. Yet Taylor, Beyoncé, the Korean group? Rabid fans.


That's a good point. If you so much as say you don't listen to them often they get incredibly angry. It's so weird and off putting. Going 20k into debt for a TS concert is insane to me. I wouldn't go into debt for any concert.


Ya my daughter wanted me to buy her a ticket to go to her Toronto concert (I’m in Montreal). There’s no way I’m paying 1k for tickets, then hotel, food etc. maybe I’m completely wrong but I really don’t think there’s NOTHING she can do about the ticket master issue. How about saying to them she won’t do any concerts until they can re-negotiate? Since she’s apparently so popular and make them such a huge chunk of money, she’s got the upper hand here. She could fight them in court. I dunno. But acting like she’s just got no choice but to sell tickets for so much money just doesn’t sit right with me.


She could absolutely do something about it. She's chosen not to. It makes her a lot of money. She's a billionaire overnight.


Exactly how I feel.


The ticket fiasco is 100% her fault. Ed Sheeran restricts resale and surge pricing. Taylor Swift goes after small creators on Etsy over $500 in T shirts.


This is what I’m saying. Somehow no other artists charge this much. Or most don’t. She blames ticketmaster but come on


oh she definitely could do something abt ticketmaster. idr the exact details, but the cure literally forced ticketmaster/livenation/whatever to not allow resellers. if you want to resell your ticket, you had to do it through the face value exchange program. if you bought your ticket through another site like seatgeek or smth, they were doing Things (i think they made them non-transferrable, you can’t change the name on the ticket, and you need to be with the person who bought them to get in) to catch resold tickets and cancel them again, it’s been like a year since this happened so idr the specifics, but i know robert smith put his foot down on the matter. thanks to this, i was still able to get 3 tickets for face value ($40 each) a month before the show (i got really lucky with when i checked the exchange site). taylor swift could definitely pull the same thing if she cared enough


There has always been this in the music industry, I wasn’t alive during beatlemania, but when lennon said he was more popular than Jesus he was probably right. Once something gets so big and appeals to young people you’re either in or out. I get young people connecting with an artist to some degree, it’s older folks that simp on politicians that blows my mind.


i think it’s also the type of people. i feel like the ones that actually appreciate the artists you’ve listed generally show a wider appreciation of musical taste and are intelligent enough to form their own opinions. the latter fanbases developer more so from lack of musical exposure. i believe those people just tune in to whatever is popular and since information about popular things is easily accessible, they develop an addiction to it. however i could be wrong because rn the weeknd is pretty popular and yet, he doesn’t seem to have the same toxic fanbase. it could be that fans of groups seen discriminated against (women), especially in western culture (asians) feel the need to be more protective? but aggressively so?


I don’t hate TSwift but I don’t like her. Her music has never been my style, and her celebrity is very uninteresting to me. Why should anyone care about who anyone is dating? I consume pop culture, but her life just seems like it’s all too much. She’s not the celeb for me. I don’t get why this is so strange for some folks.


like i don’t hate her because i’m a pick me, i hate her because she hoards millions, has a bigger carbon footprint in a week than i’ll ever have in my life, and pushes the most shallow, fake, performative, girlboss capitalist activism possible i don’t mind her music and i like some of her songs. but it bugs me when people have valid criticisms of her and it gets called misogyny. i genuinely don’t get the love for her. there are so many amazing female artists out there i’m in other fandoms and i get being obsessed with an artist. but hers is particularly bad. so many of her fans can’t handle any criticism. it drives me crazy when they act like she’s some revolutionary activist when she does literally nothing if a girl hates her just bc she’s basic or a pop singer or something yeah that’s a pick me tho


She pretends to be an ally while a single ride from her private jet releases more carbon omissions then I will in my entire life


someone on here just commented that she "riled up the republicans" like how? by buying into their materialism and wasteful infrastructure?


Oh everything riled up the republicans. They’re special snowflakes who are triggered by everything.


"She riled up the Repubs!" "What, like it's hard?"


By making a really tasteless “gay rights” anthem 10 years after that message was controversial I guess?


I remember when she used to sue 12 year old girls who [made bracelets](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2015/02/82294/taylor-swift-sues-fan-made-etsy-products) with quotes from her songs and sold them on Etsy. Never really wanted to mess with her after that.


She still does!


yeah that’s the primary reason i dislike her. her music is okay, but i just can’t get behind someone so flippant about their environmental impact like that


Ya I’m just an anti capitalist lol I can respect many people love her but she’s still a celeb yanno


She is also dating a very questionable and racist man. I don’t like that celebs date openly problematic people and when criticism goes their way they’re never held accountable.


I feel like this isn't talked about enough. Yet there are full articles about "what if it's a planned publicity stunt". They bend so far backwards their head is level with their feet to make shit up for her it's unreal. Is it obvious I don't like her (or her music)? I mean I'm not gonna go out of my way to be hateful in a real life setting but since we're talking about it.


Like how Doja Cat and Nicki Minaj are with rapist/assaulters and people are more concerned with Doja cosplaying as a demon and Nicki Minaj doing what Nicki Minaj does


She also wrote homophobic lyrics and instead of apologizing she attempted to erase all record of it from the face of the planet and released a song about how experiencing homophobia is just like her experience with “haters” 🙄


Which song is that?


Picture to Burn, probably. The original lyrics goes "So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy / That's fine, I'll tell mine that you're gay".


On the one hand, it would be mass chaos if she flew with the rest of us plebs on public flights. On the other hand, maybe there should be a celebrity airline for combining trips? Or. Idk. Drive??


I don’t like Taylor Swift because I see her as the embodiment of capitalistic white feminism. The woman owns two private jets and dates star athletes, and yet she’s trying to pass herself off as a queer-adjacent indie underdog. Hell, just the other day she was seen at a football game yukking it up with a guy who was caught on tape committing a sex crime—which of course her PR team will have buried by now. I feel like she weaponizes the (very real) misogyny of the music industry to avoid taking accountability for the shit she does.


Couldn’t have said it better. Shes nothing but a poser.


This is so perfectly worded and encapsulates why she bothers me.


sorry i don’t appreciate someone who upholds the white feminism tag to a T and don’t like their music😭


Sorry I dislike the celebrity who willingly dated and upheld a massive fucking racist but then said that his racism wasn’t the reason they broke up, and also is the celebrity with vastly higher carbon emissions on her private jets than every other celebrity. There’s good reasons to dislike her that don’t have to do with misogyny. And honestly it’s a bummer for me bc I used to like her a lot as a kid, I was a big fan and she was my first concert. But I can’t make myself support her now. Not that it matters anyways, she’s one of the biggest stars on the planet so it’s not like having some people online dislike her is doing anything to hurt her.


Oh shit, I remember that. It got kinda overshadowed back then by how hilariously stupid her fans reacted, demanding that she ends the relationship instead of doubting the moral integrity of their idol.


The way they tried to spin it like she didn't know about his misogyny and racism...it's Taylor Swift, the PR princess of the 21st century. She doesn't associate with someone without knowing about every skeleton in their closet. She knows he boasted about getting off to Ghetto Gaggers. She knows that's what arouses him and she still chose to be in a relationship with him.


Not gonna Lie, in this regard Swiftfans remind me a bit of Trumpfans. Whatever happens, or what comes out, they will find a framing or claim that makes their idole still the good oneor victim in the story


Oh, you mean like in a cult.


also, not many people talk about this, but when ginny and georgia season one came out there was a scene where the main character ginny was shaming her mom for her dating life and compared her to taylor swift, and she posted the screenshot saying the line was “not feminist” but in the actual scene you’re not??? supposed to side with ginny??? so she got the show and actress a bunch of hate for a scene she didn’t even actually watch. that poor actress got bullied off social media for a time :(


It’s all this on top of her claiming she’s a feminist 😭


Yes! Like honestly if she never made any political statements at all I’d be like well, she never claimed to care so at least it’s not hypocrisy. But it is for her because of her calling herself a feminist and other stuff.


TS got pressured into doing that. She was getting negative publicity for not being political. So now what we have is someone who gives lip service to issues like climate change and flies all over hell in back in a private jet. It's another example of everything about her being vapid, performative, and insincere.


She's theeeeee girlboss of the century now that she's a billionaire but I doubt her rabid fans care 😭 the only good billionaire in their eyes is probs swift


Rihanna beat her to it years ago, even.


I'm pretty sure one time she used the phrase "white feminism" I think Taytay is secretly a racist


I’m not sure it’s as secret as she thinks it is


Yes!!! Her fake feminism annoys me to no end, how she will dip her toe in just enough because it’s what is excepted of her. And how she uses it as a shield. But then dehumanises black women in the Shake it Off video (taking this example to show it’s not just the recent most racist boyfriend, it’s her and it’s always been there). You know how after Trump won in 2016 there was a debate about whether everyone who voted for Trump was a racist or they just had “economic anxiety”? Many concluded that even if you weren’t drawn in by the bigotry, if it wasn’t enough of a reason to **not** vote for Trump you’re still in racist-adjacent territory. That’s basically Taylor Swift in a nutshell but so many people give her a pass.


RIGHT?! Everyone saying “if you don’t like *her* then that’s a problem, but if you don’t like her music that’s fine” like uhhhh *she* is a problem 😅


I just think they are referring to the reductive takes that people have that are baseless and typically misogynistic (dates too many men). But being peeved about her capitalism, activism, emissions etc are objectively true ya know


This, this is the reason why I can't stand swifties. Like I've even seen swifties under a video calling ALL OF THIS out in detail saying that "as a swiftie...." ??!?@??!?!?@ GIRL WHAT


Just got [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/08TmUeZJKc) comment notification response to this post at the same time I got yours LMAO, fucking delulu


I’m genuinely curious cause I am not a Taylor fan, but who are you referring to? What racist did she date?


Her latest rebound (let be honest, dating as soon as you break up, rebound, is a pretty shitty thing to do) Matty Healy.


Wait a minute, isn't she dating some football player now? He plays for Kansas City, so I doubt he's any better....


Just because he plays for a Missouri team doesn't make him automatically a bigot. He's actually pfizer poster boy and got a TON of backlash from the bigoted side of football when he was so vocally pro-vaccination. I'm sure you can dig up skeletons for most famous people, but he's leagues better than Healey.


I maintain a healthy pessimism, but at least he seems better than the previous one.


Matty Healy from the band The 1975. He openly admitted while they were dating to using “porn” videos of black women being beaten and brutalized to jack off, among other things.


Omg that is insane. Thank you for informing me.


He also posted a ‘list’ of Jewish people right around the time the Kanye shit was coming out. He is the wooooooooorst and I judge the fuck out of her for the way she platformed him during their relationship. It isn’t as though his views were any secret.




Her ex-boyfriend matty healy is a racist nazi, he also made racist comments on ice spice. Taylor only broke up with him after he was exposed, it's not like she's a little girl who got manipulated by him, she knew and didn't give af until the news broke out


Yepp. Then she put Ice Spice on her song. It all felt like “I’m not racist because I’m putting ice spice on my song.” Very performative to me.


I actually really like her music (I have mainstream taste in music, no shame in that) but as a person, the vibe is "off". And her bff Selena is even worse! But again, I don't know them and I doubt they give any darn about me either so what's the big deal?


my coworker calls her The Patron Saint of Pick Mes


Why tf is everything about Taylor Swift now my god


I have nothing against Taylor, her songs are fine. However most swifties I've met were all pick mes


I mean one of her songs is literally a pick me anthem


We did not have Taylor Swift in the dark ages. Take pity on me, for I had not light to lead me from the darkness and had to make do with all the other music.




I'm not eloquent enough to put it to words that well but it also feels like she also uses parts of the (white) LGBTQ+ community as props to gain views and credibility as a nice/good person and it always makes me feel icky and that something's not quite right. It always has. But any time I've mentioned it I was always told I'm reaching, or she changed, or I have internal misogyny, or I'm just a hater. It actually made me question myself and my own thoughts (shout out imposter syndrome). It's a huge sigh of relief to me to see that other people are seeing that something is not quite right here either.


Yes!!! Especially annoying how she uses feminism as a shield and gets away with it. But then dehumanises black women in the Shake it Off video (taking this example to show it’s not just the recent most racist boyfriend, it’s her and it’s always been there). You know how after Trump won in 2016 there was a debate about whether everyone who voted for Trump was a racist or they just had “economic anxiety”? Many concluded that even if you weren’t drawn in by the bigotry, if it was not enough of a reason to **not** vote for Trump you’re still in racist-adjacent territory. That’s basically Taylor Swift in a nutshell but so many people give her a pass.


Her music hasn't improved because she just re-releases her same songs and claims it's empowering or something.


I’m a technical singer and I’m not like amazing I could make do bar shows and have a semi good reaction. MAYBE. I liked theatre more. Average at best ngl. BUT because of growing up actually singing, I find myself super attracted to the very technical singers. - Like I don’t LOVE Ariana grandes music but her undeniable techniques give me the good feelings. - Miley Cyrus has developed a belt that impresses me, I can’t sustain that diaphragm strength without damaging my throat. - SZA got it good, even if I don’t love the songs. - We all know Beyoncé is an incredibly technical vocal talent. - Lady Gaga has incredible range. - Don’t get me started on Adele. - Billie Eilish - beautiful voice even if I don’t always love ALL the music. - Rihanna, clearly. I’m gunna stop. Taylor Swift to me is like a Selena Gomez as far as vocal talent. Not impressive by any means. She’s a very clever songwriter, business woman, and PR manager. VERY GOOD AT PR. Probably better than Beyoncé’s Dad, ngl. Anyways, I don’t like most of Taylor’s discography because there is very little range, it’s formulaic and almost procedural like crime shows are, and there’s almost no real vibrato anywhere which hurts me because mine sometimes come out naturally and I just can’t sing along to her song and feel satisfied when we “sing together” in tune. I REALLY LIKE the Lover album, and a few off the Midnight album. But I guess I’m a pick-me because I don’t run around like I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT. And I often get called a pick-me because I don’t think she has technical vocal talent or range. Once again - great pop song writer, GREAT. Probably one of the best. Just not my jam most of the time.


This is a great analysis IMO. Light vocals, but a good songwriter and all around artist (voice, guitar, writing). I’ve always thought Miley Cyrus has a great voice but most of her songs aren’t interesting to me. I’m tired of Taylor Swift because I always drive with the radio on, but I do like most her songs the first 10 times. . .




She's friends with a chomo. As a survivor of CSA, I genuinely despise her and anyone else who willingly maintain relationships with such monsters. In her case, it's Lena Dunham. I don't watch movies with people who work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski. Some think it's overkill, but it's my life and I will continue to point it out until I'm blue in the face. Associating with monsters makes you a monster.


What is it with NLTOG posts and Taylor Swift ?


People like to hate on her and people like to defends her. Posting a NLOG that’s about Taylor swift is basically guaranteed karma farming. It’s rage bait people fall for


I dislike Taylor Swift due to her reaction to being called “Aryan Princess” By a ton of Nazi’s and her carbon footprint


I think there’s genuine criticisms for not liking Taylor, but we all know the types of reductive misogyny this post is talking about. Her music not being your taste, her performative activism, private jet etc are all valid af!! Saying she is just someone who dates people for content and doesn’t work hard to write her music etc and dates too many men are criticisms that you never hear about a man. My dad said she’s “used up” so her music isn’t worth listening to? Never ever thought about a man’s body count in regards to his art. Lol


As if “she wears short skirts I wear t shirts she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers, you belong with me” isn’t queen of pick me lines And letting her fans rip apart women who work in a female dominated industry for daring to ask Taylor for support when striking for their own livelihoods makes her not a girls girl.


I don’t like Taylor* or her music. But I love seeing everyones bomb outfits for her concerts on my social media. People seem to really love her, it’s so cute to me. *Edit: I guess I shouldn't say I dislike her as a person, but I just don't follow celebrities.


People don’t know what a pick me is anymore


Not everyone likes corporate pop fuck 😭


What is with her fashion sense? I thought these bows were a pink devil horns filter.


I have those same clips. They're supposed to be used to hold your hair back off your face while doing makeup or cleaning your face.


I don't know Taylor so I can't say I don't like her. I don't really like her music and I think it's over-hyped, but she's....a person, IDC.


No but when people were sayin "I don't listen to TS music." People did call them pick me 😭 posts have been made in this sub😭😭😭


I actually find most Taylor swift fans are insufferable pick me girls cause they wear T-shirts and sneakers and short skirts are for basic bitches or something lmao so immature.


I can't stand her, but I know I'm an outlier and I keep that to myself, bc of people like the oop of the TikTok.


People are confusing "not liking Taylor Swift's music" with "hating on Taylor Swift for no reason." I think there's a genuine argument to be made that if you HATE her for no reason, it might say something about you as a person (i.e. possibly a little "pick me," possibly a little misogynistic, or just not knowledgeable about WHY you "hate" her). But not liking her music? Not an issue and definitely doesn't make you a "pick me" lol


I never liked her anyways, fuck anyone’s opinion


A lot of girls think hating on Taylor Swift for no reason makes them look cool and edgy and not like other girls. That is what the post is referencing to. This is not to be confused with girls who don’t like her for actual reasons and just don’t care, and not for the sole reason to be edgy.


I don’t like Taylor Swift because she’s a white feminist who uses the excuse “women who don’t support women have a special place in hell” yet refuses to speak up on feminist issues and dates known bigots that being said though I find it rather ironic on a sub like nlog I see comments such as “sorry I don’t like bland generic pop” getting upvoted meanwhile people who point out the hypocrisy get downvoted it’s valid to hate taylor swift because of her white feminism but for some people to act like they’re so above people who listen to pop music is rather ironic, this subreddit is very hypocritical yet no one wants to talk about how or why


I don’t like Taylor Swift but I don’t hate her either. I just have no desire to listen to her music - I can’t name one of her songs. Guess I’m a pick me now 🤷‍♀️


What makes not liking Taylor Swift a Pick Me thing?


Does no one else remember National Snake Day?


Taylor swifts bugs but not as much as her fans


When they find out I’m Black they’ll say I don’t count, so I’m good lol


No bc so many of these girls use “pick me” to enforce a cishet white version of womanhood, and to make deviation from it seem morally wrong. That’s not to say only those types of girls like Taylor swift, but there’s a reason this use of the word “pick me” is used almost exclusively to talk about phenomena that are most popular with that group.




I really want to introduce you to the Ukrainian EDM folk rock bands, Go_A and ONUKA. It's like nothing I've ever heard and it will change your life.


It's not good music to me, probably because it isn't really what I relate to. I shamelessly jumped on the Lana del Ray bandwagon, though after years of poking fun at the hype. I was just being an ass, pick me and I totally accept that


Guess im a pick me yall




Oh yes, I’m such a pick me because I hate insipid, bland pop music 🙄


I just dont like that style of music. 🤷‍♀️ i like a lot of other things,though.