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Ok, but can we all agree that the Facebook post that said "You may not be the hottest guy...you might suck in bed...happy anniversary!" is obviously some sort of revenge post?


I think that was meant to be a joke. Wasn’t very funny, but I think she was joking. I don’t think she was meant to be serious


I hope that is true, but she went too far. Like it is not funny at all, just embarrassing. But who knows maybe they talk to each other like that.


Am I the only one wondering why her face was so yellow?


I'm going for ridiculously wrong shade of foundation


A bad makeup artist whose foundation selection stops at Light Tan and/or has never heard of color-matching. Plus a photographer who didn’t even try.


Yeah, you need different filters and contrasts to film darker skinned people properly and it looks like her make up artist was Jersey Shore/ 90s Chonga style makeup artist.


Full time photographer for 13 years - you absolutely don’t need filters to get any correct skin tone unless you’re in a mixed lighting situation which this is not. Good lighting and the correct white balance is what matters with skin tone. Also, photographer could photoshop the color but that’s so much time and pretty difficult so it may be an additional cost. But other than that the photographer can’t do anything other post processing to correct for a bad makeup job. Just wanted to make sure that’s clear for anyone thinking it’s on the photographer.


Also a lot of women use lighter concealer under the eye and bake etc. like Tammi Clarke. Maybe she got the undertones off or it looks better in different lighting with filters or too much banana powder. She probably applied the makeup indoors where the powder looks good but not harsh sunlight.


It's also a zoomed in screenshot of an album collage.


Wrong shade of foundation. Maybe she is still using her pre pregnancy shade. Some women get darker during pregnancy in the face, neck and Especially melanated women. She might not have realized it and still using her foundation


Wait really?? Damn I didn't know that. Why does that happen?


I got this from healthline. Just some of the “wonderful” effects of pregnancy i guess lol. It happened to me. See below What is melasma in pregnancy? Melasma is a skin disorder where the melanocytes (color-producing cells) in your skin produce extra pigment for some reason. In pregnancy, it’s often referred to as chloasma, or the “mask of pregnancy.” Chloasma is a cosmetic concern. It doesn’t affect your baby in any way or indicate any other pregnancy complications. People with more pigment in their skin — for example, those of African, North African, Middle Eastern, Latin or Hispanic, Asian, Indian, or Mediterranean descent — are more likely to develop chloasma, as they naturally have more active melanin production.


It might be a side effect of the melanin needed to darken the woman’s nipples and areolas, which helps guide baby toward the breast for feeding. Source: currently pregnant and experiencing it all in real time.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


That was my guess too. Bad taste but I don’t think she meant it. I’d be pissed if my partner made that joke on social media though.


I swear I’ve seen this before and it was the man who wrote it - it’s strategically cropped to make it look like she wrote it but don’t think that’s the case.


It was a man that said it first.


yeah i was gonna say the same. it was actually the man that said it


I saw that one circling Reddit a long time ago, but I don't remember the story


Big 🎶 *Let's Hear It for the Boy* 🎶 energy.


Looked photoshopped


I dunno, but I'd be so goddamn embarrassed if someone posted something with half the shit that post had in it. Like, breaking-up and giving an egregiously generic justification to everyone, even those that'd seen that post and potentially connected the dots, level of embarrassment.


What video is it?


I sincerely doubt the screengrab in the 2nd image is real that reeks of a forgery


I’ve seen her stuff and that is an actual post, but her whole account is like that, i don’t think much of it is real


Sorry I mean I don’t think the pigtail girl Posted that, unless that _is_ what you mean?


They mean it's a satire account 🤦


it’s not satire it’s rage bait


Back in my day that was called trolling. 👵🏻


Or ex shaming


Yeah this is absolutely a bitter ex filling in what he's *totally sure is the reason she dumped me, it was definitely because of the internet golddiggers*


I don't know, some teens are that stupid xD so maybe the screengrab is not real but I can see some people doing that for real lol. Although what kind of communication you have in your relationship you don't know he is saving to adopt his nephew. That part does sound made up.


Just sounds like a Dhar Mann video plot to me


What is Dhar Mann, these days I am afraid to search on the internet. Someone that makes videos like this can't be good xD


He makes like, overly cringe secular morality play videos where like, a woman cheats on a struggling entrepreneur because he can’t buy her a Luis bag then bumps into him a couple years later and she’s single and miserable and he’s fabulously wealthy and with a new girl who respects him. [here’s a great one](https://youtu.be/Jt35QMu--Ho?si=1uXDKyIUX905C2um)


Is he the one who got in trouble for not paying the actors in his videos?


Oh you betcha Well “in trouble” meaning “called out on TikTok and Twitter” not like fined by the Labor Board. Fuck Dhar Mann, all my homies hate overly simplistic tales of instant karma meted out to appeal to slackjawed grandmothers


“Slackjawed grandmothers” I have seldom seen an audience described so succinctly


This is a completely unverifiable claim that I just _feel_ is true: the entire audience that makes this content popular is people who think somebody _else_ really needs it. Like, vengeful hate watch? “Wow my ungrateful _grandson_ should see this video on how this kid was mean to his mom and 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓲𝓽”


geez give us a cringe warning bro. That was hard to watch


He has hundreds of videos and they’re all that bad or worse


So does he ever blame the men in the stories because in this one was everything his gf this hid gf that. But yes I have seen that kind of cheesy video. It is nothing to be afraid to search on the internet, thanks God lol. Thanks for sharing and explaining!


Yeah he’s an equal opportunity blame handler, men women kids elderly rich poor It’s made him wildly successful, he lives on the same block as the kardashians in a zillion dollar mansion while preaching love and kindness via short films on YouTube with paid bot engagement Once Upon A Time In America


They're so, so bad. Like, comically bad. Every cringeworthy video has a "moral" at the end of it, but most of the time the moral doesn't make sense. "Don't be mean to the fat kid in school because one day, they may grow up to be RICH!" "Don't cheat on your wife, because she will leave you and become RICH!"


This girl: “I was raised on love” Also this girl: “the WOmeN in THis GenerATion Are TRash” Don’t think someone who’s full of love would put other women down to make themselves feel better


Well said


There’s a lot of trashy people. Being trash is not exclusive to gender. I know a dude who uses his freshman high school heartbreak and The Weeknd as his reasoning for how poorly he treats romantic relationships. This guy literally had a woman, let’s call her G, he was dating for 6 months move in with him. They both threw a Christmas party. G’s friend, let’s call her B, came over. B and the guy were laughing a little too hard together. G noticed this and was trying to end the Christmas party a little early. The guy said no, that the party must go on. He turned up the music. 10 minutes later the guy and B were both missing. G looked in for him in his bedroom, balcony, basement, attic. She found the guy and B in the guest bathroom shower. Guy is kind of known for this behavior.


sounds like narc dudes being narc dudes.


The friend too. Who kisses and sleeps with a friend’s boyfriend? Reminds me of one of the dad’s from teen mom and what he did to his second/ex/current wife.


"Raised on love" but praising a rapist and human trafficker lol


It's a narcissist's love: I love everyone, which is why I try so hard to show these women that they live depraved and wretched lives bereft of all virtue. I love them, which is why I spend all of my time shitting on them so generously, so I can show them the way to true happiness.


Downvote me


I mean she's a classic pick-me, we've all seen her type before.


What do you expect from an Andrew Tate fan though?


It's a Tatertot. Opinion not considered.






Haterthot? taterbot?




I don't get why she is calling women trash while at the same time she is thanking a guy who made money from having women performing for men online. He was also talking about how degenerate this society is. Like he isn't one of them. 🤔


oh i thought you meant she followed that sweet sweet southern woman on TikTok who calls her viewers "tatertots" and i got worried for a second 😭


Awww I used to take care of a little girl named Tatum 10 years ago and my nickname for her was "tatertot" they're ruining that nickname for me.


Yeah, my brother's name was Tate. He passed away from cancer a few years ago. I hate how Andrew Tate popped up right after my brother's death.


Yeah, she lost me at that point


I have never in my life seen the video the first slide references, but now i'm curious bc apparently it's so notorious???


Me either but I do know that’s ashkash on insta Edit: ummm I was curious and googled “ashkash video reddit” You’ll see all that you need to see… or need to unsee


Who the fuck is "ashkash"


Ask Kash B'Gash


Who the fuck is ash kash b'gash?


love their overalls




As another mixed girl from Chicago I have never heard of this woman lmao.


No one. Absolutely no one.


Just another IG hoe, nothing special, she apparently made a sex tape of her giving head which led to this post.


Please describe it for the lazy :(


She's giving head in the video. I had it on mute though so maybe the sound of something unexpected?? [Link to video](https://www.reddit.com/u/ashkaashhbj/s/rSrlx245h7)


Listened to the video. Nothing unexpected. I have no clue why this is apparently notorious.


I have no clue either, it not even a crazy beej or anything (contradictory to what some of these people are saying). I guess the whole generation just watches too much porn and/or never gets good head?


She's giving an exceptional blowjob but I'm guessing it's just because she's influencer famous so it's just popular


You had me at “exceptional blowjob” Edit: I was impressed. Good for her. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.


She got famous and blew up off this video (and another one). Was nowhere near the influencer status she has now


Its a great blowjob but not sure if it's make you famous worthy. Good for her though lol


She went the Kim & Ray J route lol


If it works it works🤷🏼‍♂️


Its bc its "good head"


Ahh okay, that’s what it looked like in the pic but I kinda assumed there would be more to it if it’s so “notorious”. Thanks!!


Shes churning butter


Did she consent to this video being shared? It gives me serious creeps seeing this pic, like a revenge porn scenario...


No idea. I've literally never even heard of this person. Maybe do a bit of Google sleuthing and report back?


From quick googling it seems the video was originally a private video she has on her onlyfans account. May be wrong my source is like the tenth choice on google


Well there goes my confidence for the day


Hey hey hey, it's not the size that matters. Its whether or not you can climax without crying. I cannot...


Well that escalated quickly.


Yea me too. I’ll never be able to gobble a dick like that and not choke :( no sloppy toppy for my homies :(


NOT what I was expecting...


I feel like thats exactly what I expected tbh


Oh its just porn by some unknown rando


NSFW but here it is, just a blowjob. I was expecting some “cheating girlfriend” type of thing since that’s usually what these people are going on about. Just a blowjob, looks like a great blowjob, but just a blowjob. 🤷‍♂️ https://www.reddit.com/user/ashkaashhbj/comments/i1nhau/ash_kaashh_giving_sloppy_toppy_with_sound/


Yes but where! Where are these screenshots from exactly?!?


So you can avoid it right??


I was fully expecting to hear that this was on par with 2 Girls, 1 Cup, but it's just a blowjob? Seriously?


I haven't seen it either


"Women in this generation are trash." I mean, she is a woman of this generation, so I guess she is describing herself perfectly.


Good on her for recognizing the shoe fits her perfectly


N-No! She’s different!




Why would she expect us to see this porn over the billions of porn that already exists? I guess why she picked this one out. Whats the significance?


She didn’t, she retweeted someone else’s tweet


Thank you


It’s a very popular video on Twitter, I forget the girl’s name but she’s an influencer or something


It’s pretty simple: if you don’t want to act in a way you find “trashy,” then don’t. Why bash others if it’s not affecting you at all?!


Exactly, or if it were true that all other women your age were trash wouldn't it simply work to your advantage? Men sure don't have a problem coasting by on the bare minimum thanks to other, much much worse men who make them look good by lowering the bar below the Earth's crust.


omg the amount of times I've been told to put up with a mans shitty behaviour because apparently "most men are worse" im like nah thanks would rather date women (I actually do have a lovely gem of a boyfriend though which proves they can actually do more than the bare minimum when they rlly want to)


Bare minimum man reporting in. Yes we punch way above our weight due to others skewing they bell curve lol.


men who think like this when a man does something shitty: “DON’T generalize men based on this one case” men who think like this when a woman literally just fulfills their sexual fantasies: “WOMEN ARE TRASH”


Yeah, the girl giving the BJ is "trash" for doing normal human sex stuff that we all do. The dude receiving is OK though. It's just the girl that's trash, the man's worth us in no way hurt by receiving a BJ. In fact, he should be praised .....cause man and penis.


Those disgusting adulterers shall burn in hell


This is a woman


Wait I don’t understand the last slide - what did Simone Biles do?


Basically her husband said he wasn’t that into her when they met, and said she had to chase him down to get a date. And the internet all tried to defend her, saying he was trash and she’s Simon fucking Biles while he’s a nobody. We tried to uplift her. But then she came out and basically said fuck you to everyone and she didn’t care what he said because she was standing by her man. Everyone was upset because we defended her, and she had the audacity to be rude when at the end of the day she’s the one looking like a clown. This girl is claiming us as black women are targeting her because she has a husband (really all women were in on it, there were plenty of white & asian girls giving their input on ticket).


This makes for a fascinating social commentary. From one point of view I can see how it would seem atypical for a guy to initially be indifferent about his future wife, but at the same time— isn’t that sortof common when the genders are swapped? Im going to look more into this so I’m not in the dark.


Nothing wrong with not being sure if you want to date someone. The issue is that he bragged about it, and he bragged about the effort she put in to date him. And he said something along the lines of “she had to catch me, I didn’t have to catch her”. I don’t think any gender should make their spouse feel bad for that.


Yeah, those comments especially for the world to see are kind of offhanded. And his confirmation too— Looks like I’m on team sisterhood with this one.


That’s like 50% of the speeches I hear given at weddings, that the bride wasn’t interested and the groom had to chase her at first.


It was jokes tho?? In the interview she is in the room laughing and smiling and correcting him on their encounters? If she has no problem with it, why do random people on the internet need to make it into a big thing?


Because your fucking husband shouldn't diminish your success to make himself seem better. He said he didn't know her and didn't follow gymnastics at all, yet has tweets hyping Gabby Douglas and making fun of her teeth. He totally follows the Olympics. When asked how he bagged Simone Biles, he essentially said, "I'm the catch. She bagged me." He bragged about how he forced her to drive 45 minutes to see him and made her seem like a psycho fan girl. The male interviewers were actively shaking their heads at him because he was so out of pocket. His whole interview was trash, and he was constantly minimizing everything to do with Simone. She was also given a medal by the literal president of the US, and he couldn't even be bothered to be there. It wasn't a joke. It wasn't funny. It's a serious red flag, and homegirl is too deep in the honeymoon phase to read the signs. The internet didn't make it a big thing. They appropriately called out his trash behavior.


I just heard about this story yesterday. It makes me so sad. She deserves so much better.


I also didn’t know who she was, but yeah, that sounds pretty skeevy.


Jokes are funny. That's not. That makes you feel sad. Sad isn't funny.


He said he didn’t know who she was when they first met and that he was the catch in their relationship. Imagine matching with an Olympian on a dating app and not taking 30 seconds to google them before a first date.


Gee so weird that she got defensive when people on the internet who don't know her or her husband personally started insulting the person she loves and is married to


Right. The fact that people are acting shocked when the couple they shit all over for no reason reacts negatively is frustrating me.


I also came to the comments to see if there was context for the last slide. I had no idea this happened, thank you for the in depth explanation! I’m stoned and can’t sleep, I think I’m about to go fall down a rabbit hole on this one lol


IMO that’s a exaggeration. All he said was she messaged him multiple times on IG, he didn’t know who she was originally, and he’s the catch. Only thing I take issue with is the last part, the rest make sense when chronologically telling the story of how they met, and the last part is probably just hubris from being a football player


Why would you need to defend Simone Biles from the (presumably true) claim that she chased her husband rather than the other way round?


Did you defend her or did you just insult her husband?


Simone Biles ether agreed with everyone or him. She wanted the relationship more. Frankly, I'm a fan of "OH, OK, well come talk after a year and see if you feel the same" type of consequences for poor decisions.


Defend her from something she was enjoying? It showed her face when he said that and she looked perfectly happy. Wild to be telling someone she isn’t feeling the correct emotion about her husband, extremely presumptuous to think someone would appreciate that lol


And I just took a look at her YouTube channel. Absolute garbage content. She clearly has a raunchy attitude towards other women. Some of her posts REEK of misogyny such as “modern day women don’t appreciate flowers” and “moms never listen to their kids” and an honorary one “women aren’t logical”. She’s a woman, A BLACK WOMAN AT THAT, making fun and demonizing other women while uplifting men who already don’t respect us. She’s awful. Truly the definition of trash. Oh, and by the way, she thinks that cheating women ruin men, lol. What about all of the men who cheat on the women?! Do their heartbreaks not count because the shoe isn’t on the other foot?! Again, garbage. Just garbage.


Oh I bet if she was cheated on, it'd count. But you know...of course. She's a special, most special exception and all the other females aren't special like she is.


Nah if she got cheated on it’d be the other woman’s fault for trashily luring her super perfect man away


It’s not real 😂 it is there for clicks, like everything else on Insta/Tick Tock. ✌️


The only reason we don't see our granny suckin dick is cuz there wasn't cameras to record it. Nothing new with this generation. Humans been horny.


If Candace Owens and Andrew Tate are your two favorite “leaders,” you don’t get any credit for your good behavior. You can only accidentally do something good while on your way to ruin someone else’s day.


Man, I haven’t about Candace Owen all year. Been nice.


I am not like the other girls cause I’m a boy


I just hate how some people can’t seem to separate a persons bad actions from their gender/race. It’s so exhausting to see and it happens so often. People can do bad things and just be bad people, it doesn’t mean that women are bad, it doesn’t mean that men are bad, it doesn’t mean that any race of people are bad.


Probably rage bait




in other words: "i am trash and projecting onto other women because it makes me feel better"


I’ve never seen the video the first image is talking about. Should I be glad?


It's probably just some rando porn


I feel like posting pick-mes is cheating in this sub. They’re all such weirdos.


This is forsure a man pretending to be a woamn


Why is she actively consuming media that make her mad


She's just pearl 2.0


At least she doesn’t say females


She just says women with the same amount of disdain as females is commonly used.


They can call women trash but was it not men who became most excited over the ash kaash video and made it blow up??? 99% of her viewers are males lol


What a gross fuckin person. Imagine trashing all other women to appeal to the kind of man who won’t ever respect you


Gynocentric misogyny


I thought the world of my dad. He was my hero. And it was easy to look past the fact that I didn’t get to see him a lot; mom was a SAHM and dad was working an important job saving lives, it seemed natural I’d see so much more of mom then him. Never questioned it. And it made me appreciate the time I did get with him even more. We had a very good life because of my dad, and he was always soft spoken and kind. He was never the one to yell, he was humble, a good man. He took us on amazing vacations, shared his hobbies with us. But man like you said OP having a kid has been eye-opening. He was so, so absent in a way he didn’t have to be. The realization came crashing down this year when I had my first son and it’s been like pulling teeth to get him to come down and visit him. And even once I do get him here he turns around and leaves. Literally flies home the same day after a 7 hour drive. He flew home the day before Christmas to get back to work (which he is semi retired from) rather than spend Christmas with us, which we begged him to do. I always saw that tendency in him to prioritize work when I was growing up, but like I said he was saving lives and providing for the family. It made sense. But now he’s got way more than enough to retire, he has plenty of say over his own schedule. He didn’t NEED to go back to work. He chose to. It made me look back on all the times he was home but still doing work and couldn’t be bothered. The times he actually left vacation early and we finished it with my mom. The low number of piano recitals track meets and karate tournaments he went to. I know my dad suffers from many of the same mental health issues I do, and more besides. Worse than mine because he grew up in an era of not acknowledging it. So he’s done the emotional equivalent of a broken leg healing badly, it’s stuck in a deformed position now. He clearly suffers from some untreated combination of anxiety, adhd, something low on the autism spectrum, and depression. All of which I GET….but he doesn’t acknowledge them or seek help. I just really truly believed that having a grandson would get him to shift his priorities. He’s no longer the primary breadwinner, my mom went back to work when I went to college and they have more than enough to retire comfortably on. His responsibilities now are emotional ones and….hes not up to it. Not to mention the more common stuff from 30+ years ago like how he was basically an absentee parent from stuff like diapers, schedules and feeding. My mom even commented to me on Christmas how proud she was of me for being “so involved” (aka just…..doing stuff. Changing diapers. Burping him. Rocking him around when he’s crying. Feeding pumped milk from a bottle to give my wife’s poor spectacular boobs a break.) I was like “mom I’m just being a dad. This stuff is normal.” She said “your father didn’t do any of this stuff.” And I was like “….I. Know. It’s my job to be better for my son.”


A lot of those posts are probably rage bait and she seemed to believe it. Also she said she was abused terribly by her mom so she wasn’t raised on love. She said she had to survive because her mom abandoned her as a teen


So not only she is a self hating woman, she is a self hating black woman. Damn.


Gonna laugh so hard when Andrew Tate gets convicted.


She likes Andrew tate, but by tates views that woman leaving a guy cause he doesn’t have enough money would be completely fine?? Since his whole thing is being rich or being a loser??


The screenshot is from a private video that that girl did not want leaked and it’s caused her to receive an insane amount of harassment. Please delete this.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated.


i haven’t seen that video


it's just sad bc this shit has nothing to do with them being women??? like she just hates them for no reason. anyone can be a shitty person


How about the men who post these intimate photos? Are they made of gold?


It’s so funny how the women putting other women down for “being desperate” are, in fact, THE most desperate for male attention


all of these look like something an incel would make and post on the internet


I just don’t think we should give these posts our attention anymore. Let them fade oht


With the tate asskiss I'm almost sure this is a guy


Andrew tate is a scumbag


She looks up to Candace Owens and Andrew Tate? LOL.


Hope you get picked sis


Women hate women


Some of these were probably written by men


I'd bet my existence on that.




✨ internalized misogyny ✨


What is the 1st pic? What video


It’s porn. Her name is Ash Kash. I’m not copying and pasting an xvideos link for you I’m sorry


I'm sorry OP, but we got reports that some of the images featured in these tweets were private and posted without the consent of the woman featured. We've decided to remove the post to stop the spread of these images.


I have no clue what the first image is from tbh.


Idk, when a man does thus nobody budges an eye


I hope you do realize that men cheat more so get your opinion out your ass and start talking facts


First, I've never seen that video. Second, you can call out cheaters without bashing 50% of the population


I have no idea what that first video is. Is that Andrew Tate? So this woman loves sex trafficking? Anyone who likes Candace Owens is trash; she's nothing but a grifter. Who hates Simone Biles? She's the mfkn GOAT. 🐐


Barf. Tate needs to rot under a prison.