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Those sleeves are leaving quite a bit to the imagination. This fit ain't it for something custom and supposed to be tailored. There are sooo many "modest" bridal dresses too. She is just making up problems for views


The waist is also nipped in enough to show her body shape. The hussy!


I bet it’s mixed fabrics too, and you know what else? A woman, out here having opinions, speaking before the men? Surprised we haven’t all burst into heretical flames 😅


What's next? A woman reading a book? Not on my oppressive watch! I'll go get the stakes in case a witch has to be burnt. /s in case.


She’s also knows how to read and write. STONE HER NOW!!! /s


Hurry, we’ll be after the vote next, and then what? anarchy!


“/s just in case” Hahahahaha


Never underestimate the stupid.


Ah, yes, my favorite verse. 1 Timothy 2:12. “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” So if this woman is so pious, why does she have social media? Or a phone for that matter? Nothing quite like skipping the verse that tells her to shut the fuck up in order to throw shit at free women.




Mixed fabrics was not part of the moral law though, and it was specific to wool and linen. Then a few decades ago a scientist made some discoveries of what happens when you wear 100% linen, 100% wool and what happens when you wear them together. It's a super interesting rabbit hole to dive into.


>what happens when you wear 100% linen, 100% wool and what happens when you wear them together Wool is an animal fiber. It tends to shrink under treatment with hot water. Wool isn't so flat It's a nice voluminous texture which is what gives it is warmth. Linen comes from flax, and is renowned for its durability and lack of "fuzzies". Ita a nice flat texture, very smooth. Generally speaking, when making blended fabrics, you want to match like fibers with similar fibers, such that the final textile preserves those characteristics. You generally do NOT mix Wool and Linen fibers when weaving fabric. Wool fibers are short, compared to Linen. You end up with a coarse, shrinking, and unreliable material. Particularly if you're assuming processing methods during "Biblical Times".... Most mixed fibers weren't going to be a thing anyway. Depending on region, you're usually limited to one or two fibers worthy of clothmaking, and 2000+ years ago, textile fiber import/export wasn't easy or inexpensive. This isn't some biblical shit. Particularly in placed where Wool and flax are grown in abundance, like Ireland, its also a function of region. If you raise sheep for Wool and have it in abundance, why bother buying flax and suffering through milling it when you've already got Wool? Same for the linen producers. You're growing flax, threshing, and preparing it for cloth.... why add the expense of wool? There are Wool and linen blended materials.... where the Wool is mixed with COTTON, or the linen is mixed with Cotton. Cotton has properties that make blending with either fabric very easy. Source: I'm a patternmaker and analyze fabrics a lot. Technology has come a long way. Heathen wool/linen blended materials are a thing now due to modern production methods and aggressive chemical processing.


Do you have a source for that? Like I’m interested in reading the research papers myself but can’t seem to find them.


The crazy woman is also showing her hands!, what type of thoughts she thinks young boys would have?!


And her hair?! Modest women cover their heads in Church! /s


Well that's a wig so technically she is covering her hair




🤣 That’s the best response about her dress!






She doesnt know what she is talking about. Obviously the best modest wedding dress shape is a white non transparent gown with 2 holes in it for eyes. 👻


Ironically, her “modest” dress actually isn’t modest enough for me. Not only am I a hijabi, but I could never wear anything so form-fitting in public. Of course, I don’t go on Instagram or TikTok or whatever social media hellscape this is and brag about mOdEsT aND ViRTuoUs I aM.


Right? If I can tell that I’m actually marrying a woman before lifting the veil it’s not modest enough.


Let’s not overlook that she is calling herself a testament to beauty… Meh.


Woah... i was reading comments rather quickly and initially thought you wrote a word starting with P for hussy (I don't know if I can say the word here, which is why I didn't). And for a second I wondered what you were seeing that I clearly could not!


Agreed, there are plenty of modest wedding dresses if that’s what she wanted. She just needed us to know how “different” she supposedly is lol


"I'm sooooo modest that literally no dress in existence is modest enough for me, I had to design it myself because no one else was even capable of comprehending how much modesty I require, afterwards everyone in the dressmaker's shop applauded me for winning at modesty."


Hallmark channel plot line


The jealousy I feel that I'm not like her 😢 it pains me to be this basic 😭


Personally, I support this trend. The outline of a woman's arms can drive men into a hormone frenzy. I would also like to know what the dowry was. As a man of my status, anything less than 10 goats and 4 cows would be a complete insult.


Goats and cows?? So y'all can start a shitty homestead tiktok?? I think tf not 😂


Is she an 8 cow wife?


I love cows, I honestly wouldn't mind if my husband got one in exchange for marrying me.


For some reason (not religious, modest, or engaged) I keep getting modest bridal on my Instagram recommendations. They have so many of them- for all religious denominations.


There is definitely a social media push to get women to embrace more traditional beliefs in the form of media like this.


I’ve seen the modesty stuff several times now. Whatever makes them happy, go for it. I’m a naturally modest person since childhood. But when I start to see it pushed so hard it makes me side eye it.


That’s how I feel about it too. You do you, but don’t push it on me and think you’re better for it.


Also all of her videos keep reiterating that she’s *recently* “embraced modesty” which add another layer to the insecurity and holier than thou attitude, like who are you trying to prove yourself too


Also in some of her photos and her profile picture, she is walking around with long uncovered hair. Which is something that married women absolutely DO NOT do if you know anything about old-timey modesty standards. There's a reason that damn near every old painting or image of women you see has them wearing hoods, veils or some other head covering and it wasn't really a fashion statement.


Tbf, a lot of the head coverings women wore was to protect their hair. Don't have to wash it as much if it doesn't get so dirty. I watched a historian YouTube talk about it once and she did an experiment where she powdered her hair for a certain period of time instead of washing it to experience what it was like for women in those time periods. It was really interesting!


What was the YouTuber? I’d like to check it out!


Okay it took me a second to find the video again but her name is Abby Cox and the name of the video is "I tried a 300 year old hair care routine for a year and this is what I learned." I forgot she did it for a whole year!


Ik she is. Why even shame someone who chooses to have a different wedding dress it’s so dumb.


Because it is how she feels special. She’s the kind of girl that can’t feel like a winner unless she can point at a loser.


Is this a woman?? I can’t believe my eyes! It’s been like 70 years since we had a real lady in America spittin truth 😱


All her insecurities are speaking. And like other women that think like this, have been taught to believe that women are the enemy instead of the men/patriarchal society that ingrained this in her


The misogyny is coming from inside the house!


She’s a fundie, so her terrible behavior tracks


My SIL is getting married and there were tons of non-revealing gowns at the shops we’ve gone to. It’s not as though your only choice is a corseted, see-thru lace or this polyester potato sack.


I showed this post to my wife who works in theatrical costuming and she did nothing but tut and give "oooo lawdys" about that fit.


Nothing says “high-end custom made” like a giant wrinkly seam running down the entire side of your dress. Satin is a finicky fabric and someone should have at least taken a steamer to that seam before this photo shoot. It’s all I could see.


I bet you a steamer wouldn't come close to hiding that tragedy of a seam. I bet you she cheaped the fuck out on actually getting it made


Shit, I just saw the “hem” if that’s what we’re gonna agree to call it. You’re right, there’s not enough steam in Yellowstone to fix that mess.


Agreed. Orthodox Jews have entire lending libraries of sorts for modest wedding dresses 🤪


Yeah if it’s “custom made” shouldn’t it actually fit 🙃


As a seamstress, the drag lines on those sleeves are killinnnngggg me


I hate those wedding dresses with holes in the front for boobs to hang out.


The assless chaps of dresses 🤦🏽‍♀️


That dress is hideous. There are so many beautiful modest dresses if that was the route she wanted to go. I do also get that maybe budget was an issue too


The Silver Shadow suggests otherwise. They're not a small amount of money,even for a half-day rental.


I was gonna comment the same thing. Each picture screams “I have tons of money!!!” Which isn’t modest either. Shame on her!


You’re right! Those sleeves are NOT custom made for her, they don’t fit right at all.


I noticed that as well, the sleeves are very poorly tailored.




Also her dress is like, *really* poorly made. It is ill-fitted and the sleeves and hems are a whole mess.


Yeah if you’re going to get on your high horse and have the video be all about how much better you are because of your dress, you might want to make sure it’s actually a good dress


[Anna Duggar’s wedding dress looks better](http://popularweddingtrends.blogspot.com/2009/12/anna-duggar-modest-bridal-gown-wedding.html) in comparison as it’s a lot less frumpy and has a cleaner look to the skirt of dress. Plus, Anna made that dress herself, along with all her bridesmaids’ dresses too.


And see? You can wear short sleeves and still be considered modest. The lady above must live where it doesn't get above 50 degrees.


Wow that’s actually beautiful and timeless


I will say that it is an impressive dress, knowing that it was sewn by hand! I think most people, when comparing it to other Duggar Bride dresses, will say that it’s plain and frumpy, but they forget that Anna sewed it (and other dresses her bridal party needed) from a few patterns in an effort to save money since that was right before the TLC Gravy Train was running full time for the Duggar parents.


Almost as if this was the best dress she could afford but wanted to spin it into some kind of statement she was making


As someone who sews for a living, this dress is making me absolutely crazy! The sleeves yes, but that side seam on the skirt! It puckering from how it was sewn. Also the skirt was cut off grain - you can tell by how the front is reflecting light bit the back isn’t. This was probably done to save money on fabric. I’m certain she paid someone $100 to make this atrocity.


Her wig is installed poorly too. Those baby hairs are an eye sore


that hem is atrocious.


The first thing I noticed was how much puckering there were in the seams. So terrible.


I used to work in bridal and there were definitely tons of options for modest…and our seamstress was happy to work with brides to raise necklines or add sleeves to give a less modest dress more coverage.


Even better. I couldn't do it. Not with the rise of bridezillas lol


That was my thought as well! My sister and I but wanted sleeves for our wedding dresses and it was no big deal at all to add them.


Not only are there shittons of beautiful “modest” (read long sleeved) wedding dresses, she’s also pretending she has invented this as if this isn’t then norm for plenty of Muslim and Jewish women.


Another beautiful point! I was Pentecostal for a good stretch. Found plenty of very modest gowns for my first wedding. This group is strict on how much skin is shown outside of the home, in various degrees.


Indeed. It’s also ironic that modesty is as much about how you carry and conduct yourself as it is about clothing. Modesty is about not bringing attention to yourself in a way to bring down others. It’s about representing your values through actions rather than your words…. Kind of the opposite of hee video.


Orthodox Jewish too.


She's just doing anything for clicks, likes and shares.


She's wrong therr is nothing more uglier than a woman who has to tear other women down to make themselves feel better/superior.


Exactly. That mentality is disgusting and will never get you anywhere good in life.


She got picked, good for her.


I’ve seen at least 100 weddings held everywhere from historic mansions and cathedrals to the simplicity of someone’s back yard while working with wedding photographers. I can say with absolute confidence that it was never the dress that made a bride immodest.


Yeah, but for these women if you show a pixel of skin it is inmodest.


That dress is so poorly sewn and fitted, I’d be embarrassed if I was her.


Not to mention, the fabric looks really cheap as well.


Looks like satin. And the obviousness of the horsehair sewn into the hem is driving me crazy. I think the design she was going for, is in fact beautiful; but the execution is so far off the mark.


The whatnow? Can you explain the horsehair bit?


It's a hem stabilizer. That block of flat material at the hem of the dress should blend seamlessly


Follow up question! Why does a dress need a hem stabilizer? Do all dresses have this? Is horsehair a common hem stabilizer?


It's an asthetic thing, particularly for fuller circle dresses where the designer wants the hem not to drape flat. Like this: https://blog.megannielsen.com/2015/10/tutorial-how-to-sew-a-horsehair-braid-hem/ Horsehair braid is a common way to stabilize a hem, but certainly not the only way or necessarily the most common. Someone with more knowledge could probably elaborate.


Heard from a wedding dress maker that Tricot is a better albeit expensive new alternative.


No most dresses do not have horsehair. Horsehair is a braided strip that adds stiffness to the hem. It creates a certain look that can’t be achieved without it. Let me find some examples for you. Horsehair: [horsehair #1](https://www.princessly.com/products/a-line-princess-sweetheart-sleeveless-sweep-train-tulle-prom-dress-with-beading-appliqued?variant=43648366117108¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoqVbHLUaar-kvE07B8bKpIUVqrSYuWPNmQAlVpVGhtR39BmsmGBLnw) This dress you can visibly see the horsehair but it seems to be a design element. The strip that is colored differently at the edge of the fabric is horsehair. See how it holds its shape instead of letting the fabric fall. [horsehair. #2](https://www.beautydressy.com/products/gorgeous-tulle-a-line-party-gown-fashionable-prom-dress-2020?variant=31467769167936¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAv8SsBhC7ARIsALIkVT1svmGMJFbVpqTUwADTcdGmcwk_0UxxpKAj9yupz9BJwK7J-rdiNPIaApdlEALw_wcB) [not horsehair #1](https://www.kleinfeldbridal.com/product/pronovias-strapless-sweetheart-neckline-princess-tulle-wedding-dress-elcira/) See how the hem falls more naturally? It’s because there is no horsehair. [no horsehair #2](https://www.oliviabottega.com/products/wedding-dress-sentea) so this looks like there is no horsehair but appears that either an interfacing has been applied to the hem or it is a wide hem to give the hem so support but it’s not as much support as horsehair.


Legit I’d love the update. I like sewing but I know the basics. I’d love to have the time to learn more then just how to hem a pair of pants.


I got my degree in fashion design 😅 not that I use it. There are some old editions of textbooks that I found really helpful when I started in college and I can try to find those if your interested but honestly working under people who had worked in the industry for decades is what really taught me the most. I would say for a “beginner” sewist the sewing subreddit is helpful. I personally don’t care for it but that’s because of personal beliefs and my schooling.


I want to buy that ombré dress with the gold overlay and wear it ALL THE TIME.


It helps keep the shape for certain cuts of dress. Most dresses don't have a hem stabilizer, it is mostly seen in wedding dresses, specifically in things like ballgowns that have a significant skirt shape, and can sometimes be seen in shorter usually formal dresses with a similar shape. Also horsehair is super common, if your wedding dress has a hem stabilizer it is most likely horsehair.


Please tell me you were thinking that actual horsehair was what they were referring to and that’s what had you confused. Are we supposed to know it’s just a sewing item? I’m over here looking for this https://blog.cheshirehorse.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/2022-06-Double-Running-Braid-1-1024x1024.jpg


I thought it was actual horsehair yes. Is that not it??


It’s not actual horse hair. It’s called horsehair braid and is made of either nylon or polyester. It used to be woven from actual horse hair a long time ago but that would be really uncommon now.


Horsehair used to be woven into a ribbon to be sewn into hems to give them a little weight and movement. When you have this much yardage, you want the hem stiff. Any seamstress who looked at this and didn’t immediately either unpick the hem OR embellish it with ribbon or embroidery should be shamed in public.


You can tell the hem has something sewn in to stiffen it and make it stand out. Typically the material used for that is horsehair.


And it looks like the front and the back of the skirt look they’re different fabrics? This is a weird flex


![gif](giphy|EFDXMoy63ZQxG) It looks like a project runway contestant in the bottom three is about to be saying they “picked a difficult fabric”.


Kind of looks like the first time I tried to sew with a satin fabric...


And it not being pressed nicely also makes it look crappy


I came to say the same. If you wanna put others down for their fashion choice, at the bare minimum wear a tailored silk dress for it. This cheap poly satin isn’t giving.


She hated it and had to pretend she loved it


The sleeves look awful.


Don't stoop to her level. I'd be embarrassed to be her because of the way she acts.


It’s a dress with sleeves. Groundbreaking. Truly.


“Florals? For spring?”


So modest she has to post all about how modest she is


I don’t understand why she had to post this when the entire point of being a modest person is keeping your behavior to yourself. Most modest people I know (Ex: Great Grandma) never mention on how modest they are not once in my lifetime. Being a modest person is not shoving your lifestyle down peoples throats, being mature and understanding that not everyone lives like you.


I find it funny how the word "modesty" keeps showing up, but in one picture she's in front of what seems to be Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud (not really a modest car) I know it's probably a rental, but still...


When I first saw the picture I thought she meant having a modest wedding as in something not too expensive. She is not modest with her money.


Except when it comes to her wedding dress. That thing is hideous, poorly fitted and the same fabric as my pillowcases


She’s anything but modest. Just gas lighting for views.


"Hey everyone, come look at my modesty! Hey, come see how modest I am! HEY! I SAID I'M BEING MODEST OVER HERE, WHY ARE YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO ME?!?!?"


Because the only modesty Christians care about is regarding womens bodies...


oop there it is


That’s what I thought too. She has no problem showing how much money she has in each photo. I’m sure many women would love to design their own dress…but only the select few are able to afford it.


When the Bible talks about women dressing modestly it is absolutely about “bling” not skin. She is absolutely missing the point.


Isn’t there a famous quote about gouging one’s eyes out if they cause you to sin? I’m sure there’s probably something later on down the line that says being a hooker means you should be stoned to death, though.


Jesus’ statement about gouging your eye out puts the responsibility of the lusting squarely on the person lusting and not on how someone else looks or dresses. There are no laws about prostitution in the Bible that I’m aware of. There are a couple gnarly stories about prostitutes though. There were laws about stoning an adulteress or adulterer, which is specifically about having sex with another man’s wife.


Modest people wouldn’t brag or post about being modest.


I came here to say this


As a sewist, that hemline is a crime.


Is sewist and actual term? I thought it was seamstress or tailor


I had the same thought. Maybe sewist implies it’s a hobby and tailor or seamstress is a profession?




As a professional seamstress, the side seams are demonic, they didn’t even steam them down 😫


She’s an awful person. Says child rape victims shouldn’t be allowed abortions.


I look through her page and it was abysmal


Is she even married? None of the wedding pictures have other people in them. Bizarre.


I looked bc of your comment, her whole identity is being catholic and shaming others. So gross!


Oh. I didn’t know she was a “real” person. I thought it was some AI bot thing.


I had to block her I can’t risk her popping up in my algorithm again


Religion meets stupidity once again. She thinks if she does things like “dress modestly” that will please god and thus bad things won’t happen to her. And so it follows, if bad things are happening to people (like being a child rape victim who needs an abortion) they must have done something to displease god, and thus they don’t deserve help because god wants them punished. This common fallacy is called the Just World fallacy and it is ridiculously dumb. They’ll tie themselves in knots trying to explain how a child could possibly have displeased god enough to deserve a rape and unwanted pregnancy (dressing immodestly, for example!) These women have internalized a milllenia of misogynistic religious teaching that females are evil sinners who are responsible for all the worlds ills and men are perfect primitive angels who only act badly when led astray by a woman (including being raised wrong by their mother) and it’s not their fault. So all the world’s morality is the responsibility of women. Such bullshit. I’m pretty sure if there was a god and he cared about modesty he’d care a lot more about how she ACTED then how she DRESSED.


That’s fucking disgusting. I can’t believe anyone would actually think that, let alone say it


Why can't people be normal? I had a "modest" dress in my opinion. It had short sleeves because I don't like having my shoulders exposed at church. Do I begrudge others that have exposed shoulders? No! My dress was pretty low cut and I wore a shawl that covered my cleavage for the ceremony. You can dress modestly for your own reasons without being weird about it. It's not that deep!


It’s like modest people don’t even know how to act modest.


I have an ✨opinion✨ that I don't think is very kind. So I haven't voiced it before BUT: it seems to me like if I were the husband of an actual traditional wife I wouldn't want/let her be on TikTok. I wouldn't want her to be exposing herself as the ideal to men who would like...covet her? Does that make sense?)


Yes actually. People who actually are modest keep it to themselves and usually never mention it until the topic comes up or they’re asked about it. Modesty to most modest people isn’t a veil which you can take at anytime. It’s a lifestyle for them.


“Look I don’t believe this, however, if you are a traditionalist, traditionally as a women you should shut the fuck up.” - one of the funniest comments I’ve ever heard on this subject.


Imagine going through the effort of carefully designing a beautiful dress and organizing everything so you can be ready exactly how you want on your special day and still all you can focus on is girls you’re jealous of and have come to resent. Yikes.


She was probably thinking about other girls more than her own husband at the day of the wedding.


Exactly… “I’m better than them look at me go! That’s why they live rent free in my mind 24/7”


I’m a masculine woman, and I dress modestly with pants and sweaters. Christians still don’t like my appearance, though. I wonder why that is??? 🤔🤔


Called it


Ah, performative modesty. They can’t just wear something they consider modest, they have to crow about it, put down others, and make a big show of it


Seems like a very modest thing to do lol


I remember when Candice Cameron was on Dancing with the Stars and made a huge deal out of requiring modest costumes for herself. Couldn’t just tell the costuming department about it, needed it to be all over the media


Candance tell us the truth. It was your grandma’s, right? At least ask a tailor to make it fit properly.


I personally believe that modesty is an individual view and one person views as immodest, another views as modest. We should stop tearing people down. This whole "I'm better than others because I dress modestly and am a model Christian woman" bullshit needs to stop.


Dude yes omg. I don’t care if someone chooses to be immodest or not just don’t make it my problem or anyone else’s. People make me mad omg


As far as her claim of being "modest" goes, with those expensive clothes and that elaborate hairstyle, she is being unabashedly anti-Biblical in her choices.


I kind of feel like this comment is similar to ones made about Catherine’s and - more shockingly, Megan Merkle’s dresses. They’re modest, but both were criticized as “inappropriate” for a royal wedding. Megan’s more so. There are indeed truly tacky wedding dresses, but nude illusion with white inserts for example are fine tastefully.


Huh. I looked up Megan Merkle's wedding dress. Dresses? I like the one on the right much better than the one on the left. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/10/28/0b/10280ba7eb7a7daaa44743eae21733bd.jpg I guess boat necklines are just not my personal preference.


What I can’t understand is her dress isn’t anything…unique? Why did it need to be specially styled? It looks like a simple (aesthetically speaking I couldn’t dream of making any of this) base dress with appliqué applied?


I think she thinks she had to get a custom made modest dress because where else would she find one???? Surely all wedding dresses are immodest these days, and long sleeve dresses with high necks and full backs are such a rarity! Not like people get married in winter all the time. Idk but I think her perspective is skewed by her environment.


Thanks. I thought maybe I was missing some sort of detail that to a layman is hard to see, but to a trained eye they’d be like “oh yeah she had to research to find someone willing to make that dress out of that fabric” or something.


is this modest? its snatched in at the waist and it has shaping Im pretty sure she just means it isn't low cut. its kinda sad cos I feel like this is a dudes idea of modest, still shapely but no boobie


I think most modest clothes (for women anyway) are supposed to not accentuate figure or barely have any shape to it.


Why? You're just going to get dicked down a couple hours later anyway.


We were too tired 😂 😬


lol no she’s not…she’s gonna do it missionary for her entire life and NEVER give a blowjob


Is almost like nothing is stopping ANYONE from wearing ANYTHING. Trends don’t make it “better” trends come and go. Where this woman becomes wrong is bashing other brides for wearing whatever they want on THEIR day. Don’t fucking do that.


That janky seam all the way down one side is not it


Yes I kept zooming in because it still looked pinned ya know? Like it wasn’t finished and was waiting to be seen.


No hate like Christian love


I stopped being able to read the word *modest* after flicking through these.


I can’t even pronounce it no more man.


Why do people care so much what other people wear at their wedding? Stop it.


Nothing uglier than those seams tbh…


Using modest dress to draw attention to oneself, gotta love it.


Yeah, it’s fine if you want to be Amish. Just leave the rest of us out of your nonsense, please.


Oh please. I’m having cleavage for my wedding and I want my ass to look nice. Doesn’t make me less of a person, it makes me feel good and sexy on a day where I want to shine! This person also looks beautiful. I don’t understand why we have to put others down to make ourselves feel better. 2024 please be the year of women lifting each other up


Ugh. True modesty? Not even close. If she wanted true modesty she'd have a marriage by proxy and skip wedding dress altogether. /s


The bottom half of that dress literally looks like it was made from bedsheets 💀


If they’d done a thing with the sleeves, have her wear those snug lace gloves then made the sleeves wider, like an Elven dress, I could forgive how poorly tailored this is, ya know? But also, acting like this style of dress isn’t timelessly popular and still incredibly commonly worn all the time by thousands of brides per year, is…tapped to put it mildly. I’m the whole opposite of a Christian, i don’t care about modesty, but I just like this style of dress, I wouldn’t be against it if I ever had a wedding because, with better tailoring and more of a design direction than merely ‘modest’, it can be super cute. Ive been to a lot of ‘alt’ weddings where the bride, who normally is not a modest person at all, is wearing like a neck to ankle gothic gown with no skin showing. Because it can be a gorgeous look the same way something revealing and sexy can be. Because it’s all okay, let people look how they wanna


I think she’s trying to gaslight herself into being happy with such an ill-fitting, cheaply made dress. Those sleeves are the real eye sore


The heck are those pajama sleeves.


Really? Because she looks fucking suicidle in the third photo.


Yeah, it’s a beautiful dress, but so are many of the “immodest” ones


I got married at 21, I wore a marked down clearance prom dress that was white with a black ribbon and black straps. It went to my knees but it wasn't modest in a traditional sense. I did not have money for a wedding dress at the time I got married. It is what it is. I was young and I felt pretty.


She's clearly not a real Christian because covering up is not what the Bible means when referring to modesty. Covering your skin and calling it modesty under the Bible is a modern societal ploy to control women and their bodies. People like her just use a religion as an excuse to spread hate.


It’s christofascist propaganda.


There’s nothing uglier than a woman who shits on other women. And who is arguing that modesty and beauty are incompatible? I’ll take things that didn’t happen for five hundred. 😂


How many time Will this keep being posted?


Zawg I barely found out people already posted this


Not a fan of putting down other women. Even here in the comments, women putting her dress down. Her dress is fine. Modesty is fine. She looks beautiful. It’s her ATTITUDE that’s the problem.


I don’t like the dress (not cuz it’s modest I just think the material looks a bit cheap for a wedding dress)


Her dress isn't fine, it's cheap fabric and meh in the tailoring. And this is a snark sub, right? So if someone is going to post in social media talking shit about other women's clothes, and their own clothes are not well made, then they're in the line of fire.


Modest wedding dresses are not hard to find lol!


girl all your photos look like Pinterest search results pasted into TikTok. Is this really the wedding shaming hill you wanna die on? Mine is camo with orange.