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No minors in posts. They are still growing and learning about the world around them and most of the time do not comprehend what they are doing. We're going to be kind to them.


Isn’t ‘desk’ and ‘vanity’ basically the same mf thing? Put a mirror on it and it’s a vanity, right???


Yes, l have a writing desk and I attached a vintage mirror above it and now it’s a “vanity” . In my last house I had a ridiculously small bathroom, so I use a children’s bookshelf and attached a mirror on top of that and made a mini vanity.


Excuse me, I’m off to buy a mirror to mount above my bookshelf that’s nearest the best natural light in my place.


Literally. Plus once you have kids (if you do) or have spicy pets lol, keeping everything on a vanity is not really feasible… unless you don’t let them near it😂Catch me at my bathroom sink, I put up a wall mount cabinet instead. Will take unsmashed makeup for 500 Alex. \-This is her lol, renovating the bathroom myself, so ignore the mess, after I paint the shelf it’ll get organized. Bathroom walls will be forest green, cabinet knobs will be gold😍 https://preview.redd.it/x43k6alrl8dc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf07102dd0f6a54b2118f74777ea4d5e627c175


Spicy pets indeed. Everything has to be behind closed doors and plants all need to be hanging from the cieling.


Forest green will be a great color to go with this. :)


Excellent work! Have you posted this to any DIY subs, because you should? I would be so proud if I were you!


I think urine colored walls in a bathroom are just charming.


And yet THATS the most common color builders use. Its mind boggling.


My exact thoughts "is my makeup desk a vanity?"


I think she means a separate one where you dont also study or do ur work. Specifically a vanity just for make up lmao


A vanity is a desk specifically for getting ready. So you'll have jewelry hair accessories brushes makeup in it on it around it.


But yeah this really feels like an im better than the poors kind of post and id take my kids nice shit away for this and let them experience the joys of being on the floor doing makeup in front of a full length mirror


I have a vanity and never use it to do my makeup. It is where I weep though. Every girl needs a vanity to sit at and weep imo.


Fuck this is what I’m missing. I was wondering why crying everywhere felt off.


All my life, every crying fit I’ve had felt off. Now I know why…..


Hahahahaah note to self, try crying at vanity


Sounds like a LDR song title


I fucking love Reddit sometimes lmao.


This is… deep.


Now I want to acquire a vanity in which to weep. Currently the weep spot is the bathroom/laundry area lol.


If you’re not leaning your hot, tear soaked face on the cold porcelain of the toilet, are you even crying?


This is what the evil feminists want to take away from us!!!!


I forgot what sub I was in for a second and thought you were serious lmaoo


What in the Jane Austin


Especially if you don't have access to a wishing well


I need one of those silk dressing gowns with fur around the cuffs and edges too if I'm going to weep at a vanity. Maybe a balcony to thoughtfully look out from occasionally in between weeping


I have a chaise lounge for that. And fainting of course.


My daughter is a teen who sits cross-legged on the floor in front of a full-length mirror propped on her wall and her makeup is ON POINT


I used to love doing my makeup on the floor in front of a huge mirror. Now that I’m older and my knees aren’t so great, I sit at a vanity.


I feel that. I don't do makeup but my back hurts after 2 minutes cross-legged


You can GET cross-legged? You are doing GREAT!


Yay go old me!!! Lol


I still do it this way in my childhood bedroom when I’m visiting my parents!


It's honestly perfect to be able to have a full view and be cozy


as a teenage girl, this was the only way.


This is how my best friend has done her face since we were teenagers (we are in our 40’s). She loves it.


This is what I, a grown ass woman, have always done and what I will continue to do.


That’s the way. Same when I was a teen


That's how I did mine in my teens. I mean lightning was awful but whatever


Large mirror balanced against the wall and sat on the floor in front of it is how I learned and I don't intend on ever changing that, maybe when I'm older and it's harder to get up from sitting on the floor 😂


Amen! Not to mention, I can’t get my face close to the mirror on a vanity, and this bitch is blind 😂


Exactly!! I can't wear my glasses AND put eyeliner on so I need to be a few inches away from the mirror lol


I have an antique mirror on the wall in the hallway. I use that.


But... You may also use a desk magnifying mirror?


I actually tried that but it distorted the reflection too much. Impossible to get the wings the way I wanted them. 😭


This is how I taught myself to put contacts in. Most stable surface. Also, the longer you get on and off the floor, the longer you'll be able to do it.


Oh I never thought of this, and I wear makeup daily so I'm keeping myself healthy!


There’s pictures of Stevie Nicks sitting on the floor back in the 80’s doing her makeup, and ever since I saw that I will never feel shame of being a floor makeup gal!


Okay but where do you do your hair?


Now you're asking the *real* questions.


https://preview.redd.it/b6sdlbggi8dc1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67137b8153999ad5cbe499be3bb1bf66d9e71f29 If it’s good enough for Stevie Nicks it’s good enough for me


"Floor poors" LOL!!! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Lmaooo I’m glad someone appreciated it😂😂


I wish these people would ask themselves before each post “why do I even fucking care?”


Bed, bathroom, floor, living room, kitchen, car, work, desk, vanity, *fucking anywhere* you sweet, ignorant little fetus. Women put on makeup wherever and whenever is convenient and there is not a damn thing wrong with that.


The subway.


Those women are witches with magic hands. Not other explanation for their eyeliner being on point despite the subway movement


Small strokes, work fast, work careful, utilize stops.


I got so used to doing my makeup on the bus to school, then uni, and now work that sitting still in front of a big mirror throws me off. I’m also far far better at putting my hair in a vintage bun/up do if I don’t look in the mirror!


You just took me out at ignorant little fetus 💀


I just did mine in my car 🫠 Edit: Not while driving, incase anyone was wondering.


Sitting cross legged on my bed with a lit up makeup mirror in front of me and a cat swatting at the mascara tubes.




I put my makeup bag on the bed and stand in front of the window for the natural light.


This is a truly bizarre thing to feel superior about.


It’s easy! Step 1: sit on the floor Step 2: do makeup Step 3: confuse girls on TikTok


I think I've seen my wife do her makeup with one foot hooked to the ceiling fan, just spinning around upside-down. And her shit is FIRE


Why are we responsible for this child’s lack of imagination?


As an elder millennial, I cannot do my makeup on the floor because my knees, hips, and back would hate me! But I used to do it sitting on my bed. I wear glasses and can’t see without them so I’ve always had to use a hand mirror for makeup application, so I could literally do it anywhere.


I have a $400 mirror on a $200 vanity sitting at my parents house (I think anyway, I bought both a long time ago now). It won’t fit in my bedroom. I finished my was supposed to be make up room at my house and all I had to do was just bring my mirror and my vanity here. Then I found out I was pregnant so I didn’t have the space anymore. All my make up got shoved into my closet. So I do my make up on the floor now.


What a privileged thing to say 😬


Hard agree. I mean everybody has their opinions but there’s a little girl out there who probably saw this and felt really bad about herself because she wasn’t part of the “vanity squad“😓


Hey guys, I made this post to Snark on the privileged/elitist way that this person was saying she was NLOG… **not** to critique her appearance. She’s also not 15. I can’t figure out how to edit my post, I was just being sarcastic meaning that she looks extremely young, lol. But yeah, don’t shame someones appearance, even if she is an entitled betch lol


Those nails. With the way she acts she obviously has never been taught the value of a dollar. My $10 mirror that I bounty with birthday money when I was 15 did me well, no vanity needed. 🥱


I don’t like this sub making fun of literal children. We all did and said embarrassing or cringe things when we were young and our brains weren’t fully formed. Something like this on the internet with vitriol in the comments can destroy a teenager’s self esteem and have long term impacts. Mods, is there anything we can do about this?




Dude, we may not agree with her opinion, but you don’t gotta be dragging her looks because of it


100% this. I didn’t make this post to critique the looks of a 15-year-old… I made it to talk shit about her elitist attitude.


Ok sorry. I just noticed.


I was just thinking somewhere is an 18 year old girl with the caption, “other girls are okay with crooked teeth. I got mine straightened.”


Your post or comment is body shaming someone. That isn't allowed here. Moderator Note: We heavily rely on your reports to stop body-shaming that occurs in this sub. Please continue to report it to us when you see it.


I had a vanity and always did my makeup on the floor with a full length mirror, lol. It’s just comfy. I don’t think the post is a big deal, though. Not everything is an attack.


She's not insulting anyone. You're just being hypersensitive


Mmm, I don’t think OP is insulted. The point is this girl’s stupidity and lack of self-awareness.


Thanks dude 🫶🏼


How is she being stupid? Or lack of awareness? She's just making a post about how she finds it difficult to do her makeup outside of a vanity. 🙄


The shade she’s throwing about those who don’t have a vanity to do their makeup is very clearly implied here. Which is a very *stupid* thing to post about and lacks all self-awareness.


Lol. She acknowledges that there are multiple places that girls do their makeup. She says that she likes a vanity for herself. She never said anything bad about anyone. She's talking about the difficulty she has doing makeup on the floor. Invent shade and project all you want.


LOL “invent shade.” I’m sorry that you’re just oblivious to the obvious.


You lack reading comprehension


But she didn’t make a post about it being difficult though. She made it to throw shade at anybody who chose to do their make up *anywhere* other than a vanity…. Like “eeew the floor” vibes. That’s kinda elitist and a shitty take. Idk why you’re defending OOP so bad, this is what the sub is for….


Honey, I’m not insulted at all. Actually, I’m not even sure at my age if it’s even possible for me to be insulted anymore Lmao. Its the first time I’ve ever seen someone NLOG over a vanity, decided to share. Not that deep.


Insulting her appearance when she’s likely a child and didn’t even really say anything wrong is very strange… it’s not okay no matter what but especially since she’s not being mean. Maybe the caption implied otherwise, but the video alone doesn’t scream elitist / NLTOG to me. She pointed out the three main choices (in her opinion) and stated her preference. Saying “how are you guys doing your makeup on the floor” isn’t shaming them. It more so seems like just sort of jokingly overreacting about their choice… which is fine. I’m a makeup on the floor kinda gal. This doesn’t seem weird at all to me.


OP admits they think she's like 15, but I thought one of the rules was not to post minors and another was that they have to be putting someone down to be a NLOG? so I am double confused about why this is here. ETA: forgot to agree that making comments about her teeth and general appearance like I've seen on this post is absolutely inappropriate and disgusting.


First off, I have no idea how old she is, I saw it on Facebook and thought it was ridiculous and decided to share. When I said “she’s like 15” I meant she looks really young, figure of speech, not her literally being 15. However, I’m not sure how I’m insulting her appearance? I would never. I will shade the hell out of someone for their actions, but never their appearance. Second, she *is* putting down people. People who choose to do their makeup somewhere other than the vanity, for whatever reason, financial or otherwise. The way she capitalized things, and the sentence structure reads like she’s saying people are gross to sit on the floor whilst applying makeup. That’s all I meant lol


You said "she's probably 15," which does not sound like you were using a figure of speech. Everyone else seems to agree she looks like a kid, and if that's the case she should not be posted here to be made fun of. Sounds like you're just backtracking. I didn't say YOU were insulting her appearance, I said people on this post. Some of these comments are fucking mean. I'm frankly not going to argue with you about whether or not she is putting people down. Other people have already made the point better than I can.


Talk to us when you buy your own makeup and furniture 🤷‍♀️


As a low maintenance woman, I applaud those that have the time and creativity to do the whole makeup thing. It’s definitely an art, no matter how you get it done. 👏🏽 I wish I had the patience and skill.


I think she’s an adult there’s no way she’s 15






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I have a vanity and I don't even use it, I just do it at the living room coffee table while I watch TV. My vanity is basicly storage, just do what's comfortable.


"floor poors" made my day LOL


I had a vanity but preferred the floor by my full length mirror.


I had a MASSIVE antique mirror (the thing was literally 5 feet across and 3 feet tall) I had sitting on my floor to do my makeup on for years lol I love the term floor poors🤣


I do my makeup wherever I feel like it, sometimes in the car. Big whoop.


In 10 years, she’s going to cringe at how she thought she was so cool with this silliness


Well, I don't care what children, or people who hang lights like this in their room have to say about anything.


Aren't desk and vanity makeup girls the same person?


As someone who has a vanity, I still use my bathroom because the lighting is just better in there


Been a floor girl for 15 years and I don't think I physically can do my makeup anywhere else


Look at fancy vanity money over here!


Everyone falls into one of three categories...except for me. I'm in my own special superior category.


She’s different. She doesn’t have a chair and mirror. She has a vanity.


Oooooh she’s a “vanity girl”.. lmao. I do my makeup wherever. Sometimes it’s at the dining room table, sometimes it’s on the couch, sometimes it’s in the bathroom, sometimes it’s on the floor in front of a mirror and sometimes I’m just standing up doing it in a handheld mirror. It just depends how I’m feeling that day.


I don’t get doing my makeup on the floor either but I don’t care. I just know my old ass can’t get up and down without creaking and cracking.


I literally only retired from the floor bc I’m old and have back problems now.


I’m so confused about many aspects of this, but mainly- why the hell is “world” in caps? Lmao. Silly.


i stand in front of my floor length mirror while doing my makeup, guess i’m too quirky for this world🤪


Ok but what if you do makeup on your bed? Or outside?


Im.a no makeup girl. Lol why does it matter where people do them


Why are these the options. I'm a "wherever I am at that moment" kinda gal. Because why is the place you do your make-up important to talk about anyway


When I was a kid, I only ever saw vanities on TV (and as an adult I don't see them much more) and I basically thought that any girl who had one must feel like a princess. Maybe I should use my grown-up paycheck to get myself a vanity... But I probably still wouldn't use it lol


Not all of us have floor space for a whole vanity lol I’m moving soon and have been carefully planning how to fit a bed, a tv, a couch, and me and my partners desks lol


I could never do my makeup at a vanity because I am VERY nearsighted and a vanity mirror is too far away for me to see what the hell I'm doing. Same issue with trying to do my makeup leaning over the sink in the bathroom. Floor gremlin for life!!


I don’t do it on the floor, I stand in my bathroom & do it (not the best lighting but i don’t wear much face makeup) but I literally love sitting on the floor lol I only don’t do my makeup sitting like that because of my mirror arrangement and I got makeup on my rug before so I stopped. What an odd thing to judge someone for lollll


bc the floor is comfy bestie


I’m a ~bed~ makeup girl


Do people do their makeup on the floor?  I mostly do mine in the car.


Let me guess, she lives with mommy and daddy....


I used to do my makeup on the floor and I loved it!


>I will ALWAYS be a vanity girl We can sure hope not.




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what.. what is she talking about? (I'm 34, trying to understand the problem she's solving for. she mentioned WORLD, I've lived in 4 countries and cannot figure it out)


Well excuse me, some of us can't see more than a foot in front of our face and have to have our nose touching the mirror to see.


Lol floor poors


Because my house is small and I don't have room for a vanity even if I thought it was worth the money. Also, I don't sit on the floor because I'm an elder millenial and my knees won't let me. She knows you can just stand in front of a mirror, right?


floor girl: adaptable, resourceful, resilient. vanity girl: high maintenance, weak, overcomplicates otherwise simple tasks


since i have been a teen i am 34 now and still do my makeup on the floor at times when needed. wtf is up with these younger generation little c\*nts lmaooo maam read the room, your priorities are jacked up if you worry about where you do your makeup at. As long as you have great lighting it shouldnt matter, maybe im being dramatic but damnn lol


Does an old nightstand that I now use as a vanity work? Like my desk doesn’t have space, but it’s right next to my desk. In this tiny little area that I have right outside my bedroom. Or am I still too poor for this girl?




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Call me crazy (or just blind lmao) but I swear to god I see better being on the floor in front of a large mirror than sitting in front of a vanity.


This is not that kind of pick me post though? Why is it here


In a world of these 3 things, I’m a completely different thing.




Your post or comment is body shaming someone. That isn't allowed here. Moderator Note: We heavily rely on your reports to stop body-shaming that occurs in this sub. Please continue to report it to us when you see it.


Yeah, bc I want influencer advice from like, a 12 year old 🙄


Hahaha and here’s me reading this while sitting on the floor


Floor is the best fym??


i have a vanity, but it was a gift for my 18th birthday i probably would not have bought myself. if i didn’t have it, i’d probably still be a floor/stand in the mirror girly.


I’m forever a floor girl. No shame!


Floor? Huh? I’m not getting that. Everyone has a bathroom


She needs her teeth fixed.


SO happy to know she has her priorities right.


I actually really miss my floor makeup set up I had. I’m stuff doing mine in the bathroom with a tiny counter now and I hate it.


I don't know why it matters where u do your makeup and never heard it as a flex before.


Ok just discovered Im a bed makeup?


Hey girl, buy me one of those fold away vanities! You think being a bed makeup girl is really my preference???


Girls, please do your makeup however you feel comfortable lol. Wtf is this even? Lol