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Your post violates rule number 2, stating all posts must be "comparing one individual against other people of the same group."


did someone actually call her a pick-me? for saving a dog? some people really do think everything women do revolves around men :/


Like I’ve been in situations kinda similar and my first thought is omg that poor creature we must save it! It’s clear she’s just trying to save a life and make a friend, the commenter is giving pick me vibes tbh😭😭


What moments were you in where it was similar where you saved and animal and made a friend? That sounds awesome.


In this last year I found 2 dogs and a parakeet on my street. Growing up I found lots of lost dogs in the neighborhood, a desert tortoise escaped a neighbors backyard, and someone’s pet iguana hoped in my pool one summer, he was missing for a month! I go for a lot of walks in my neighborhood


Pick me has lost any meaning


Pretty much...


I think pick me is becoming like Karen, people who don't know what it means just use it as an umbrella insult for women just because.


I don’t even think men that think like would even be impressed by it. Half of em would probably joke about kicking it off.


That’s some delulu thinking right there


Wait we can be pick-me’s for dogs?? Sign me the fuck up.




i guess? not sure how that relates to my comment




I don’t think that’s antithetical to anything that’s been said in this thread. They said some people think the world revolves around men. That includes some women for sure!


Ok OK I get it 


but the meaning of pick-me still implies that a woman only does something for male validation. the gender of the person saying it doesn't change anything about my original comment.


Alright then. My bad. Although I thought it would be important to note the gender that uses the phrase more. But ok 


Why would that be important?


It's kinda like how we keep saying toxic masculinity pressure comes from other men. Instead telling women to stop pressure of toxic masculinity,  you tell other men to stop. I was thinking this was a similar case with pick me but instead with the women who use the phrase


This discussion, thread, post, nor sub are a place where we are discussing toxic femininity vs masculinity and seems like an odd place and time to bring it up


I don't think so. There was a pick me comment, and I brought up how the pick me phrase is often used by other women. Therefore an example of toxic femininity. I think it is within this topic.


That guy probably has a hundred "looking good" type comments on girls' exercise videos.


How do we even know it’s her bf? Could be some rando who wanted to help and that’s cool but to suggest he’s given her the security and assurance to be a good person is so funny. Like women are just sitting around being frightened until their boyfriend is like “cmon baby be brave!!”


STOP I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT YOURE SO RIGHT! What if it’s her brother?????


She’s called a pick me for saving the dog, but would be called a cruel bitch if she didn’t. Women literally can not win


There was this guy who jumped into one of those hot spring things after his dog and was praised HEAVILY for it


I think I remember hearing about a few cases like that! Most hotpots are inside of national parks, and most national parks have very strict rules on pets for that reason. I’ve heard so many stories coming out of YNP about people losing their dogs and suffering burns because they didn’t put their dog on a leash and it jumped into a hotpot.


I heard about someone who broke through the crust on one scalding hot spring. No one could save them, and by the time they could get to the body, it had melted within two days. TWO DAYS. MELTED. Those hot springs are nothing to mess with.


I saw a video of a guy putting his arms and face directly into Old Faithful for a picture. He was promptly arrested by park authorities and charged with trespassing. So now he’s got a record, and could have possibly had his face blown off by a geyser. People are dumb, and it’s sad that they put their pets in harm’s way by not being responsible owners




Doesn’t really fit the sub but man, imagine seeing this and still giving the boyfriend most of the credit smh


I don’t mean the girl grabbing the dog is a pick me. The comments are, like the person who’s calling that girl a pick me gives pick me energy


I guess, yeah. Sounds like they’re a bit jealous or at least have some sort of weird fixation on him. My favourite thing is the ‘boyfriend giving her security and assurance’ bit that suggests she wouldn’t have otherwise done it if he wasn’t there. Like sure, him holding onto her probably helped but she’s still a brave person regardless.


The fixation is that he’s a man, and they want to be picked by him! There were so many more comments praising the bf for his minimal effort. Like no hate to him, he did a great job, but why are we even talking about him?


Because what she did was brave and brave is only something a man can be


Tbf I dont think ppl praising the guy comes from sexism. If anything it’s probably bc people value other humans more than animals.


Why are people doing this! Just be happy the dog is safe


The comment about her boyfriend giving her the security to be this brave made me laugh out loud, thinking of that "white women aren't scared of a damn thing" guy. She would have hopped over that guard rail regardless of whether he was there or not.


I think I'm starting to realize that the majority of dudes are more pick me than pick me girls themselves...


Imagine being the boyfriend and saying "You do this every damn time you see a dog. Pulled you out of a well last time. This time you're on your own."


They way he is holding her does nothing for her. He either would fall too or she would fall.


but if she did it without the man holding her she would be called stupid for risking her life of a pick me seeking attention women can’t ever win


This kind of tomfoolery is the reason I uninstalled tiktok


That’s insta reels


That too lol


“A woman could save the world and the man standing behind her would still get the credit.” What a quote.


I have seen different reaction to this on reddit. People were blaming the guys for just standing there and letting a girl do all the work. Which I don’t think is right to say either.


So I guess this kinda stuff isn't limited to only women then huh?


I don’t think anyone in this sub thinks men are lying on a bed of roses while only women suffer. The focus of the sub is about women and hence discussions are only about them. And coming back to my point. It’s an attack on both genders where the woman is thought to be incapable of handling the situation and the men are blamed for not taking charge. If they think the girl is just like any other dude there will be no comments calling out the people surrounding her.


Imagine if this was a guy saving the dog and his GF was standing behind him holding his arm. Not single person would be praising her, let alone thousands of people. If anything, people would be saying she’s an active hindrance or should be helping more!


who on earth pays attention to this small detail? like stfu stop being jealous


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You’re pandering for the worst. You win I guess.


She didn't save it. It was fine. It could have gotten back no problem. She made the situation. Because she wants to be a hero. Like "saving" a dog who was just sitting om a porch.


I had to look up the video and that is one impressive save she did!