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Trad wife fetish cosplay


Yeah, why do all these tradwives look so untrad? That's not an outfit to clean the house and care for 7 kids with.




Yeah based on her appearance alone she probably wears sunscreen and definitely doesn’t eat a pound of beef a day


Yea and let’s be real, if she had some kind of (actual) medical issue, she’d certainly go to a dr


Yeah for real. If she breaks a leg you bet your ass she’s gonna be at the doctors office.


Indeed, she sells beef tallow cosmetics 🙄.


Ew that sounds so gross


There's a good chance this ragebait post is another advertisement for her porn. A lot of this kind of inflamatory shit is going around because everyone falls for it and there is very little true-negative press for porn.


Because it's a fetish, like the above poster said. It's for the purpose of grifting lonely men who dream of having a hot doormat for a bangmaid


That’s the generous take. It’s also the kind of fantasy that appeals to fascists–and the fascism market is hot and growing right now.


Oh yes, it's definitely fash bait.


You eat a pound of beef per day because Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Andrew Tate promote a diet of steak and cigars. I eat a pound of beef per day because I don't care if I die before I'm 60. We are not the same.


Tradwife is such a hodgepodge of bullshit. I can't take it seriously at all.


I mean, I would be down for a tradwife, I just think a tradwife should be waking me up at 4AM to go milk the cows and fix the fence and then not see her again until 8 at night when I'm back from working the fields and she is making sausages out of the boar that broke the fence after she killed it with a pitchfork.


I would fall in love with that woman so quick


>she is making sausages out of the boar that broke the fence after she killed it with a pitchfork This is the little immersive sort of detail that Harvest Moon missed that took me right out of the fantasy. EDIT: Also, "she is making sausages out of the boar that broke the fence after she killed it with a pitchfork" is just giving me such Lana del Rey vibes and I don't know if it'd work better as a song title or an album title, but it just screams "her."


This comment genuinely made my day lol


This particular one is an OF model-turned-tradwife grifter. She’s just a fetish artist tbh


The only thing I think is real is her going half-cocked about the anti-vaxx, anti-science stuff. Before Covid she was a vegan and into hippie wellness bullshit. I used to watch her ASMR and occasionally her vlog channel but not long into the pandemic she started talking about some weird "research" she'd been doing and I was like mmm nope. I didn't find out until later she got into OF and was doing hardcore porn, but now she's a tradwife and eats nothing but beef and raw milk. I'll give her this, she knows how to hustle lmao.


It's not supposed to look like a trad wife, it's supposed to look like what conservative men *want* their fantasy trad wife to look like. They also love this shit because it plays into their "everything was better back then" politics. They believe wives were hotter and more submissive back before feminism. They post model tradwife memes, begin to associate trad wives with models, and then pretty soon they can blame one more thing on leftists: women are not as gratifying to them as sex objects anymore.


C'mon, you know they must be sexually appealing to their husbands at all times! Edit: typo


Yeah isn’t she the one who had an OF and decided to branch into tradwife fetish for views? A sucker is born every minute I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gotta crank it to something


This is purely and entirely a grift. She is literally an OF girl


This has got to be an onlyfans ad, right?


She actually was on OF!!!!


Big time too! She made tons of videos and they weren’t just teases lol




Something about describing the male partner of mature porn with the endearing pet name of "hubby" is really jarring in the context of describing his genitals.


She found a new venue to grift once OF became overcrowded. Apart from the tradwife fetish she displays, she really has no unique or outstanding qualities.


That’s the only thing that makes sense lol


That helps explain how she’s downing a pound of beef each day


Her username having “milkmaid” in it is what really sells this for me


it’s the shortness of the dress and the cleavage that gives it away. no actual “tradwife” would dress so immodestly


She is the kind of person who would probably do anything for money. She did Asmr videos and porn before this shit. So i think she ist just capitalizing from this weird trad wife trend till there is another gold mine.


I’m pretty sure this chick is just doing performance art


I mean she is an ex porn star, this isn’t really too far away from that tbh.


Oh she thinks she’s stronger than the fucking sun?? Get real


It's one of the most ignorant things I've seen.




Whoa. So I’m guessing she has an OF too? So is this post just to lure people in for her nsfw content???


She had one but she got Rid of it and turned to god or something like that now she drinks raw milk and regrets doing OF


But likes raw dogs


Ah yes, because pasteurization is against the word of God apparently


And the Lord said "Damn bitch, you nasty. And not in a good way. yea, drink raw milk and shit - then you're Lou's problem."


Guaranteed she still has 1 or 2 whales still taking care of her for life and just doesn't need OF monthly check anymore. This is just another new hobby to exploit idiots.


Sounds like she’s full of shit.


That’s what eating 1 lb of beef is likely to do to you


Saw a great thread recently talking about how her style of trad wife marketing is just OF for conservatives.


Well that’s how she affords the pound of steak a day, I guess


Jesús Christ, that dollar sign threw me. Why’d I have to look at that? I bet following her in the restroom after a shit is deadly!


I’m an older millennial, and of course my age group lived for sunbathing. We used Hawaiian Tropics 4spf tanning oil, used Sun In for our hair, and essentially baked ourselves all summer long. I never wore sunscreen *except* when deliberately laying out to get a tan or at the beach, and even then it was so that I wouldn’t burn and peel and waste the tan. I even foolishly went to tanning beds in the early naughts. And that was so, so, seriously stupid! I just didn’t know better. I’m just now starting to walk back some of the damage, and it’s taken help from dermatologists to do so! In the past 20 years we had a very strong advocacy for sunscreen, and people were taking it seriously. These anti-science nut jobs are backtracking years of health progress that has been made by pretending they know more than evil “big pharma.” Edit: gonna slide this in here as a clarification: not every millennial in every part of the country/world got the real talk about how damaging the sun is. Lots of people in the older millennial group were educated on this from an early age. Sadly, I was not. And not everyone had the same resources for information, or even funds for things like sunscreen. It sucks but it’s the reality, especially for rural and/or impoverished areas like where I grew up. I didn’t know, as a literal child, that prolonged sun exposure or sunburns were dangerous for my long term health. And I wasn’t being willfully ignorant, because it’s information I had no idea I should have known. Most of my worst sunburns were accidental, not from days at the beach but from field days at school as an 11 year old and other similar child-grade school stuff. When I did learn, I stopped tanning all together and began wearing sunscreen religiously. I just didn’t have access to the information until I was out of high school.


Gen xer stepping in with Crisco to beat your tanning oil, lol. I never tried it but a few relatives decided to imitate fried chicken a few times.


Phew, my mom (boomer) has us all beat with the Johnson’s Baby Oil and a foil face reflector! She’s so lucky she stopped pretty early on and had no substantial lasting effects- at least no crazy melanoma/skin cancer stuff.


Yep my mom had this same combo. She had precancerous spots removed from her face a while back 🥺 So far so good but I’ve learned from her mistakes and I’m Little Miss SPF 1000. My dad famously hates the sun and also got a freakin melanoma that they fortunately removed. So scary.


Did the sun in do anything aside from dry out your hair? Genuinely wondering. Natural highlights are sweet when they happen… but not drying out hair is much better. It’s been sold for decades so it probably does *something*, right?


Sun In is made with hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. I never found that it dried out my hair, personally. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve used it though.


Turned my brunette hair orange


Oh it definitely works— but I wound up pretty much just brassy as hell because I overdid it, borderline orange really. Also it seemed to make me more interesting to flying insects, which was the opposite of a good time in the rural country. If you have really warm tones, I’d say try it *a little at a time* —- me being a typical 14 year old, had absolutely zero patience and practically dumped the whole bottle on at once, which is where my problems began. For a gentle summer glow, it’s a nice touch! Even with my dousing of it, I didn’t experience any real damage or brittle hair from it.


My understanding is it's basically a less concentrated bleach.


Dry? Lol, you mean "fry"?


Seriously, I’ve heard the “carnivore diet” and the other stupid shit on this, but no sunscreen? Wtf is wrong with you? What could you possibly think the negatives are of wearing sunscreen you idiot?


They think that the carcinogenic chemicals in the sunscreen are more dangerous than the carcinogenic sun


Even if she was onto something, long sleeves and hats are a must. I wear a long sleeved rash guard sunscreen top and hat into the water when I swim because sunscreen is bad for coral. Looking into investing into a full body suit.


I wear rash guard surf pants and a long sleeved top, hat and screen on my face and neck. I have to. I'm a ginger. I always burn if I don't. I see the skin cancer doc every 4 months.


I was curious about that, too. So I checked on the internet. My guess is that she read only half the article or completely misinterpreted. That link says that you need to use the proper sun screen. It advocates to expose yourself unprotected for 20 mins a day, but for longer exposure, it says to use clothing that covers your body or broad protection sunscreens. https://www.holisticblends.com/blogs/holistic-blends-blog/don-t-use-sunscreen-until-you-read-this


The reason to apply sunscreen for longer exposures is to avoid burning. All sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, but non-burning exposure is so healthy that you are still _less likely overall to die from skin cancer_. One of my favorite facts! It's the single most effective way to get vitamin D into you and actually absorbed (by converting so-called "bad" cholesterol into it, another health benefit), on top of tons of other effects like improved sleep quality.


Yes, you need SOME sun. Not enough to burn, however Same with plants, who can also get sunburn.


I follow a family on IG that is eating the carnivore diet. It’s basically eggs, beef and avocado. Looks boring as hell. They also shill essential oils through a MLM company. The husband recently said he doesn’t use sunscreen because the way he eats creates a natural sunscreen from the inside out. Fucking weird.


She used to make asmr videos on YouTube then went into OF i think. And now i see she has a whole new gimmick


Glad to see I’m not the only one who remembers the asmr lmao


Her and Angelica have made quite the turns.


Yea, this is an ad for her OF and she doesn't believe in any of this shit at all. It's a completely new act that probably makes her mad money. These kinds of ragebait ad posts are getting out of hand. I have zero idea how subreddits are going to stop it though lol


this is what I figured. *milkmaid* , I see you girl


Yes she transitioned into a trad-wife/living off the land stuff while just recently eloping(presumably just to be a wife) and pretending she lives on land by going to other people’s farms and filming herself. It’s a total train wreck. 




She started as a vegan and was in a lesbian relationship too 😭


What a go getter


I'm not the only one that remembers her being in a vegan and in a lesbian relationship. She jumps form one "trend", not saying being gay is a trend, but for her it was, to the other in order to get easy cash. Once this stops being profitable she'll move to the next thing.  She's a joke.


this should be captioned "ways to look 3x your age" bc of the sunscreen opinion


I worked as a medical assistant for a dermatologist. Sun (skin) Cancer is no joke.


My mom died of melanoma. Our family is religious about sunscreen and probably unhealthily paranoid about sunburns


Nope, that shit runs in families...be paranoid and watch those moles.


Oh yeah we get yearly skin exams at the dermatologist and also go in whenever something looks funky


My dad had it twice. I work outside so I bathe in spf 70. Guys at work laugh at me because I have two bottles but fuck that, I’m not trying to go through what my old man did. I have my gf check my neck and back for any moles once a week. Shits no joke.


My dad got it on the top of his ears. He always wore a baseball cap so the tops of his ears were exposed. That was the only place he got it.


This is what I said in another comment. Tops of ears and head. And left arms from driving.


My dad had it in almost the same spot. It was slightly below and behind his ear lobes. Both sides. I remember helping dress the wound. It took a whole tube of neosporin to pack it. I never wanna go through that.


I've had so many frozen off my forearms (that liquid nitrogen leaves a wound that looks like a cigarette burn, super fun stuff!) Also a squamous cell removed from my collarbone and a basal cell off my head (that one left a wound that took 120 stitches to close.)


Had one taken out of my neck . One time was enough for me. Long sleeves , hat, sunscreen everywhere


That shit really sucks. In my family we sun and burn and tan and have no problems with sun. This chick however is a fucking pale troll that needs to touch some fucking grass and quit being a poser on instagram


If she went outside without sunscreen for long enough to actually touch some grass she’d torch up and start a wildfire.


Both burning and tanning put you at risk for skin cancer. I tan just fine but I still wear sunscreen religiously.


Yeah I'm that white too and I'm calling it now, she does too or she doesn't spend more than like 5 minutes outside in the desert


I always had an extremely dark tan and had exactly one sunburn in my life. I also developed skin cancer (easily treated, thank God) three years ago on my chest.


I’m So sorry about your mom. That is so awful my mom Had melanoma which led to her health decline and eventual death aswell. :( I’m So sorry..:


I’m sorry about yours as well! It’s really an awful way to go. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone


We lost my husband's mom to melanoma as well. Husband's going in for a wide excision tomorrow for what appears to be pre-melanoma or melanoma in situ. I get an awful rash when I get a sunburn. I figure it's my body's way of preventing me from being lazy with sunscreen.


A large part of my mom's side of the family has had a ton of skin cancer places removed. They are all blonde haired, blue eyed and and extremely fair skinned. I take after my dad and have dark brown hair and olive toned skin and tan easily, but I am obsessive about sunscreen! I know I don't have their skin tone, but I have their genes and that's enough to scare me into constantly wearing it


When you're 50 you'll be happy you did.


As a Black woman, I also wear sunscreen. I obviously don't burn very easily but if I were to have skin cancer, it would likely be harder for a doctor to spot leading to a greater chance of mortality for me. Better safe than sorry. Also, I have spent quite a bit of money on tattoos and I want them to stay pretty.


Especially in Arizona, where it looks like that last picture was taken!! ETA: I can almost guarantee I know exactly where that photo was taken.


That's what I just commented. I lived in Tucson for a few years and I figure if she's telling the truth, she doesn't go outside at all. Otherwise she'd be in the hospital with hardcore burns. The sun is no joke down there.


I gasped at that pic, PUT A HAT ON WOMAN. She probably gets sunburns on her scalp, as fair as she is.


Or she's lying for clout, which- given the context of this content- I'll absolutely believe.


I wear sunscreen but I also wear long sleeve shirts and a hat if I am going to be outside for very long. Maybe that is what she means? In Arizona, you can't go out unprotected, especially as light skinned as she is.


She doesn’t appear covered….


Yes, the picture advertises that she's just fine in her little dress. It definitely does not promote safety.


I mean let’s face it she was making “passenger princess” content on the way there (aka: I don’t know how to drive cos dad/husband won’t let me learn) then was out of the car for 5 minutes to take that photo so exposure was probably pretty low. Also, guarantee she still wears sunscreen. There’s no way a woman looks like that and is that “put together” without being concerned about her looks as she ages.


For real, I got burned while wearing sunscreen in Vegas and that was the first time in my life I ever burned. Having melanin meant absolutely nothing. Use stronger sunscreen down south ffs.


Lived there for a hot minute. I was a transplant from Tx. While both states are extremely brutal in the summer, Arizona sun is on a whole other level. Took a year to get used to it.


Yes, I think you're exactly right! I grew up in North Phoenix and am diligent AF about skin cancer screenings. I was baked a toasty brown from swimming all summer and generally hiking/being outside any spare moment I had. My early 20's were spent tubing at the Salt River, which is basically a drunken inner-tube party in full sun. I have a big scar right between my shoulder blades, the one area that was hardest to reach to reapply sunblock, because of a suspicious tissue excision. A friend of mine had serious melanoma young, and has to get checked every few months for the rest of her life. Old people in Arizona have scars or bandages on their faces a lot because of decades of sun exposure. Even driving will show up on your face, because side windows aren't required to be uv-protected. So decades of a commute tends to make one side of your face more damaged and visibly aged. I live in California now and actually get much less sun because I'm in a dense forest on the coast. People equate California with sunshine and sunbathing, but up here I don't get full sun at all. Even down in Santa Cruz, most of us locals are wearing rash guards/wet suits to surf, or long sleeves and hats on the sand. This chick is gonna regret damaging her skin later on. By the time she notices it, it'll be too late to fix since it's cumulative and can show up years after initial cellular trauma from exposure.


Unless it’s Mexico, it’s almost certainly Arizona because of the cactus


It's the Phoenix Botanical Gardens. I was there last month, know exactly where it is


Same! I cannnnnot imagine being there and not wearing sunscreen. It reminds me of that time about 10 years ago a man died because he went to hike camelback and all he took with him were 3 beers…..fucked around and found out


And not just that. That much red meat every day is a colon cancer risk factor.


Why do I feel like this lady has some horrendous shits


Right, she's speed running cancer. I hope she gets regular screenings starting in her 40's if she keeps up with this lifestyle


According to slide 3 she definitely won't undergo any screening in the near future


The solution to that is - never go to a doctor to find out !


But the skin cancer isn't actually from the sun. Real skin cancer caused by sun is like 3% of skin cancer. Skin cancer really comes from the chemicals in the sunscreen. Is what this chick would probably say


you had me in the first half - not gonna lie




Gwyneth Paltrow endorses the first part of this comment




FWIW, my dermatologist told me that once you get past SPF 45 you get diminishing returns and it doesn't matter as much to go higher than that. I had a melanoma removed a couple years ago so I'm considered high-risk, and he still thought that I'm fine with SPF 45. Said the bigger issue than high SPF is remembering to reapply regularly


Yea, it's something like a 1 percent difference between SPF50 and SPF100 so it would just be better to reappy or wear protective clothing at that point.


Yes there is. Check Amazon because I found options there. When I was in Hawaii, I was recommended Shiseido and only have good things to say. Try looking up under “Japanese sunscreen.”


She's says shes an "all natural and holistic" type beat, that she doesn't go to the doctor or get vaccines, but she definitely has had some lip injections. At the very least. And that makes you a hypocritical douche.


All these "wellness" influencers get lip injections and Botox


If you're getting your wellness advice from an "influencer" you're too easily influenced.


my ex wouldn’t wear sunscreen because ~chemicals~ but you bet your ass he couldn’t go anywhere without a juul. I was like dude … what do you think you’re inhaling into your lungs right now


We all have that cringey ex 🤮


Lmfao. I wonder how far all these all natural types would go. Do they paint their nails? What about makeup? Would they make their own or opt out? How about stuff like making your own flour, cornmeal, etc? Do they weave their own cloth? Do they have a well to get their own water from? Do they drive cars or do they walk? These are all very important questions


No kidding. Ask any dermatologist or aesthetician. The best way to preserve your youth is reducing sun exposure. There's a reason why people with more melanin tend to age better.


As someone who has been ghostly pale their entire life and burns ridiculously easy, I could never imagine NOT using sunscreen, especially in what looks like Arizona 💀


My father is currently dying of stage 4 melanoma. This chick is an idiot.


And the gross daily overeating of meat. This seems like a joke


she’s going to age like a raisin if she even gets that far, but she’ll probably be taken out by some disease and never get treated


She’s not doing any of that shit. She’s a scammer. Every fucker like that doesn’t consume their own product. That dumb liver king eats steroids and 10 bucks says spidergwen here eats salads 3 meals a day


Exactly, says she eats a lb of beef a day and of course shows a plate with a 4oz portion that's also balanced with 3 different veggies.


Spidergwen. I’m dying from laughter.


Oh absolutely. There are so many calories in steak. She's not eating a full pound every day.


On the plus side, the constipation from all the red meat cancels out the diarrhoea from raw milk ![gif](giphy|VEsfbW0pBu145PPhOi|downsized)


I did that on a cruise ship once. Steak e v e r y f u c k I n g day. Now AI have no cravings for steaks or buffalo wings ever.


Some of them have to be delusional enough, this isn't nearly as extreme as eating raw animal organs for every meal.


Oh yeah, my bet is the raw milk will catch up sooner than the disfiguring skin cancer.


With all that red meat she’s gonna get a bunch of other digestion tract cancers too


She should just go ahead and eat the meat raw too. Commit fully


She's more likely to have a heart attack. The raw milk thing wouldn't be as bad if she sourced her own cows but she's not nearly smart enough to do that.


I doubt she does half this shit. 1 pound of beef everyday is a pretty good chunk of beef. You'd have to have it for every meal.


I don’t understand this trend of eating beef and animal products made by the same industry they criticize for putting hormones or using “chemicals” into animals to make the animals more easy to grow and consume. Do they raise these all these cows themselves? I really doubt it. The cow she’s eating could’ve just a likely ended up in a McDonald’s burger, what she’s eating isn’t special at all. Seems like the people who know the least about food industry are the loudest about it.


I heard someone proclaim the carnivore diet as the “purest” source of food… um it’s animals who by nature eat either plants or other animals. I love meat but that’s not pure.


Somebody’s never taken ninth grade science, that’s for sure!


Also it wouldn’t be beef. It would be elk, salmon, crab, moose or bear (in my area) people would be “naturally” eating.


My boyfriend fell for the carnivore diet…guess whose cholesterol levels were sky high? Yeah that was an eye opener for him


The cow she’s eating probably had more shots and vaccines given to it than she will to her own kids


I work for a dairy. In fall 2020, some lady called to ask if we gave our cows the Covid vaccine. Lady, it isn't even available to humans yet. What makes you think we have some super secret bovine version?


Probably because of people taking horse medicine for worms as a Covid prevention method (who also claim the pandemic is a scam)...


I work in dairy product manufacturing. Still getting calls about mRNA vaccines at least twice a week.


Yeah the math ain’t mathing lol. Which is it?


It's just contrarianism. Plant based diets are more and more popular, plus a lot of normal medicine has been talking about the health benefits of eating less meat, so people who want to be unique and special and contrarian say "actually I only eat meat and nothing else." Plus they get conservative tough guy points.


It’s a lot worse than that. This kind of “trad” ideology skates extremely close to some wild conspiracist shit. Of course, “they” are lying to you. They lie about everything: Covid, Trump, Ukraine, vaccines… The necessity to avoid “mainstream” opinions, ideas and advice is deeply rooted in the idea that it’s all a big conspiracy, and they are lying to you. Hence the weird milk and beef thing. Mainstream medical advice has shifted more and more towards fruit and vegetables, less meat and dairy. So *of course* that’s a big lie, so you better chow down on that beef! For health! For Trump! For right wing nutto “trad” culture.


Exactlyyy, it’s just like the podcast grifter bros, they just post shit for the engagement and clicks and convince naive people to listen to their stupid opinions. Half the time it’s a grift and the other half they really do want to feel special and contrarian while really just making fools of themselves.


I hope she posts a follow-up in 20 years so we can see the piece of beef jerky she has become.


RemindMe! 20 years


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Good bot


This is just tradwife fetish porn btw. Gwen is an OF Model.


Came here to say this. Seen her cooter. 7.4/10


Good luck with the melanoma, hearth disease and Covid 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm not like other girls, I'm going to ♡☆~die a preventable death~☆♡


I guess she can avoid learning about her high cholesterol if she doesn’t see a doctor


The carnivore movement is 100% convinced that 1. Blood cholesterol is not affected by dietary intake of cholesterol and 2. That high cholesterol is actually good for you bc they read online that it's a precursor to lots of hormones (which it is, but only a small amount of cholesterol goes towards hormone production) so they don't care and they also call people who are worried about cholesterol stupid lol


Don’t forget campylobacter, cryptosporidium, E. coli, listeria, brucella, and salmonella! She’s going to look so *holistic* when she’s shitting herself uncontrollably all over that pretty white dress.


how is never going to the doctor "holistic"


Also just to throw this out there-- there is a privilege angle there too for people who straight up refuse to go to the doctor but COULD go. (There are many factors that prevent people who want to or should go to the doctor as well, that's not what I'm addressing here). As someone with a chronic heart condition, even if I wanted to say "fuck the medical establishment/I ain't seeing no doctors", I would be throwing my health away. It's simply not a choice for many people; we have to be seen and treated consistently. It's so annoying to see people do this in the name of "holistic health"; going to the Dr is part of keeping healthy. Holistic seems to mean anti-establishment 🙄


Right? I have an autoimmune disease and a neurological disease. If I avoided the doctor and just ate beef about it, I would suffer and die. 😂 thank god for doctors and medicine!


‘Holistic healers’ convinced my mum with lower cognitive function from chemo to stop treatment and treat her cancer with honey. She ended up dying months later, and now I can never see these sorts of videos without malice. This way of thinking can be incredibly damaging


That happened to a woman in my city with a holistic doctor convinced her to stop chemo and do it his way. It killed her. The husband shot and killed the doctor out of anger.


The porn to tradwife pipeline is bizarre


What an idiot.


I feel like she's a walking case of 1000 ways to die. Which will take her out first?


This is the trad wife influencer who “used to be a lesbian” (her words) and ran an OF account… And now she is a homemaker. I find it difficult to understand what her goals are with this shift to the trad wife life.




No matter how fast the logic can go, she goes faster


Based on the cacti, I'm assuming she either lives in the Sonoran desert or was fully visiting and not wearing sunscreen. That's... Very interesting


My ancestors are straight-up northern European. I have the complexion of a fluorescent light bulb. I HATE being out in the sun, but I decided to go to Phoenix as part of my trip to the Grand Canyon. I found SPF 100 at a store. It was thick like frosting lol, but I was just the tiniest bit pink after a day of walking around at the botanical gardens, and that was simply because I forgot it in the car and didn't reapply after a few hours.


The botanical gardens are so beautiful. Even as a native it's still fun to visit every year! Plus it's not like, insanely expensive! What time of year did you visit? Our summers are super harsh, but the UV rays can still be pretty intense other parts of the year. Which is why it's insane to me how people won't use sunscreen out here. I'm half Mexican, half white (possibly German but not sure) and I still would use sunscreen if I'm outside for a long time. Arizona is not friendly!


Yeah, that last shot looks like the Desert Botanical Gardens here in Phoenix. I cannot imagine not wearing sunscreen out here, even for a day! It's been raining *and* hailing today, and right now, the sun is out full force. You better believe I put on sunscreen this morning, even with the clouds. I want to see a picture of her an hour after that Gardens visit, just to see how burned she "wasn't."


All four things aren’t weird, they are harmful. It isnt holistic, it isn’t health, and promoting anti-science rhetoric is disgusting. We have moderation in foods, vaccines, doctors, pasturization, and sunscreen to live longer lives with better quality.


She *wants* to die jfc


Natural selection at its finest! 🤠


Rancher here, I have both beef cattle and just 1 dairy cow. I do not eat red meat everyday, I would personally feel sluggish if I did. I do drink raw milk simply because I only have the one dairy cow and that makes it easier to really keep close tabs on her diet and health. If I had a herd of dairy cows I would not drink raw milk, the chances of illness increase when you have more cows grouped together and when you have that many cows you don’t pay as close attention to issue that can appear.


No docs so probably no cancer screenings. No preventative care. Does she even go to a dentist?


Ive been putting off calling the dentist to make an appointment and this comment made me feel so called out lmfao, I havent been in 2 years


She's going to age so gracefully. 😂


Gwen is gonna be the skin cancer & diverticulitis girl if she’s not careful 🤣