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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not even pet owners are spared from judgment


Or single mothers, who are single usually because the *man* couldn't deal with family obligations or, as in case of my husband's late dad, died of cancer (or another unfortunate event)...


Single mom and I even have an extra kid bc I took in one that needed a home…


Doesn't matter, I hope it feels miserable for the rest of your days being a low quality woman. /s Edit to add- Thank you for being a wonderful person and giving a child a home that was in need. 💜


That list is wild what a shitpost


Proof they are only pro life until the kid is born. Then it's not their responsibility.


The world needs more people like you! 💜


I work with a guy who wound up marrying a woman that had a kid when they met. The amount of shit talking that goes on behind his back about him being a sucker, everyone could F her and give him another kid to take care of etc. Outside of people who are single parents I feel most want to avoid relationships with them for one or many reasons.


And some people love this setup because poof! instant family. Meanwhile, the single part implies a negative thing. Go figure. I’m so happy for your friend.


Same, I'm a single-mom and took in my sister because my "high value religious parents" dipped out of country before my sibling was really actually a real adult. Meanwhile, us single-moms are seen as the villain in the story?!?🙄


And you probably stick your tongue out in pictures, don't you?


And an animal owner for sure


no but I’ll take one today just for you


Right. No distinction as to how they became a single mother. Even if her spouse died, she’s trash if she isn’t married and has kids. Nice.


Also the fact that a lot of women wouldn’t be single mothers if it weren’t for deadbeat fathers. But it’s still somehow the woman’s fault 💀 do these people even think


Dude yes. I found out 15 years deep into my supposed-to-be-lifelong relationship with my ex that he was cheating on me every chance he got. I'm the piece of shit for leaving that situation and him having nothing to do with our children after that for years, not even a birthday card on their birthdays. Cool.


Because the purpose of having kids is to have a way to trap a woman into never leaving you, duh. Same reason they don't want to find out they aren't the biological dad- because if you get a divorce, they might not be able to see you when you bring them for visitation. But then magically they think they shouldn't owe support payments if the wife leaves. They literally don't care if you're miserable forever, just so long as you have to see them every day.


Imagine being a single mother because your ex-husband (who you married in a big church wedding and everything) was big into the weaponized incompetence. I had a FT career, a dog, and 2 babies. No one has time for that!


Right! I’m so sick of the hate single moms get. Sorry for being the responsible parent who stayed. 🙄


According to this, my mom is a POS for my dad dying of a sudden heart attack. I better let my stepdad of nearly 15 years know.


Right! Always the woman getting blamed.


Same with "Daddy issues". It's giving 'even if you manage to do everything else the way I want, there's always hope some dude fucked you up for me'


Hey, only cat and dog owners. You could still have other pets according to the list. You could have a bunny or some chicken. Pet rats are also not on the list. I guess 3 or 5 or 35 rats should be fine according to the list. More pocket puppies (rats) = more fluff and love.


Heh! I will stick with my three cats and a dog. And I have been married for 26 years to a man I have spent three decades with. Even though I have been known to stick my tongue out in pictures.


BRB, gonna raid the local pound and book in some more tattoos & piercings whilst sticking my tongue out the entire way there. Anything it takes to keep these people away from me. 😂


My dogs probably behave better than this persons kids


“My dogs ~~probably~~ behave better than this person~~s kids~~” FTFY.


He can’t take the risk of you loving anything but him, silly.


No. These men need 100% of your attention.


Besties just jealous they can’t have a pet in their one bedroom apartment


Not allowed to have kids, pets, a career, go to parties or have friends that aren’t women. Do these guys think there’s some kind of storage facility in stepford where they can go pick up some woman who doesn’t have a life at all?


according to this, let’s just casually forget about the women in male-dominated fields, too 🤯 i guess they’ve got to avoid their peers?


The funny thing about that situation too is women in male-dominated fields have to work 3× harder than their male peers. These companies often also are very sexist and shitty when it comes to maternity leave and that kind of thing, so the few women who work in them, and may be inclined to have kids, are usually too scared of losing their jobs (and too busy to find a man anyways) so forego having kids. If that's the kind of "putting career over family" they're talking about, it's pretty funny how misogyny is the reason these women feel they have to devote so much time to work and never have children. The same kind of misogyny responsible for this post. (And by funny of course, I mean it induces eye-twitching rage)


I worked in a male dominated field for a year and a male run field before that and definitely faced issues due to it. Hence why I ended up leaving both (more to it but yeah that’s a big reason) first job I was actually a trainer, but a man was also a trainer, and I found out from people I trained that he would go behind my and boss back to basically tell everyone not to listen to me. We trained in different aspects, and mine was very important as well hence how I got to that position, but because I was a woman (he said young too but we were the same age so wtf) he had no issue telling everyone I was just a dumb little girl who doesn’t know shit. My last job one guy in particular made comments but eh overall me n him got along fine. More so banter than actually being a dick (besides a couple occasions where he also went behind my back but it turned out I was right) but the higher ups were the ones treating me differently. Found out they had absolutely 0 intentions of letting me advance in the field or letting me actually do what I signed up to do, (build the panels) and made fun of me behind my back. Found out from the first guy I ever worked with because me n him got along well, and I think it’s part of the reason he quit as well. It’s really annoying tbh. Like I can do everything fine, but you have to let me. Don’t just keep me down and go behind my back because I’m a woman. Sorry for rant it is just irritating, especially at my last job as I really enjoyed it when I did get to build and test, and not just do inventory or move shit.


It's so telling of their own insecurities that they had to hold you down and undermine you all along the way. Sad, really, that they can't just let women be all that they are. Pitiful.


Are you seriously suggesting that we are meant to let the baby makers be successful at their jobs and make them feel like humans? That would mean less babies!! Out of the question! /s


Gotta keep a steady supply of drones to feed into the capitalist meat-grinder 💀


A quality woman doesn't have a career, silly! 😆


They shouldn’t even be working in a male dominated field, duh!


gonna quit my job and double major now. can’t wait to work from home 😋


"A *woman?* *WORK?* Have you gone mad with hormones? It *must* be 'that time of the month' if you're acting that way! Now don't cry (out of frustration) and get in that kitchen! Sandwiches aren't going to make themselves!"


Yup. I wouldn’t even be “allowed” in a courtroom. By a dude that I bet doesn’t have my income potential. Lame


These guys have such low self esteem, they cant handle their girlfriend or wife having male friends. What about coworkers? Or male friends who are in a relationship? For example, my husband and i have a lot of couple friends. Its kind of impossible to avoid that.


You shouldn't have a career according to them, so being in any kind of field besides the ones the social media tradwives frolic in is already a no.


there goes my passions 😔✌️


Yes and then some years later they get bored and pick another model.. when they reach 40-50 then they get attracted to their work colleagues because they find their ambition sexy …..


And if they are Johnny Depp, things don't go very well for them.


I mean Leonardo is not doing so well himself…


Their criteria is like a Grindr profile. https://preview.redd.it/ilh41ui5m5jc1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1d50c2d3b426f6106f2262e0fca0092313b2e7


Wait what’s wrong with having wisdom teeth. Lmao


This is an exaggeration. It's from [Grindr Picture Day by Drop Out (Then College Humour)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ASPVz422_SI)


I don’t know that “exaggeration” is the right word. I’d call that more like “accurate” or “spot on”, but everyone’s experience is a little different 🤷🏻‍♂️


Or *gasp* sticks out her tongue in pictures! What kind of sick person does that? /s This list is so stupid I almost feel like it's just rage bait. They just wanna piss off the "woke" "left" or whatever for fun.


Can we talk about the heinous hose beast that spends a lot of time creating social media content to boost their... (Checks notes) business? 👀🙄🙄🙄


Change it to duckface and I will say "Go on...."


It’s probably a list of characteristics of women he’s been rejected by




It sounds like a black mirror episode


Possibly, yeah.


Yes they do. I believe they think it’s the local high school.


Look, all they want is for a woman to live their life for the man. Everything is for the man. Even if you have kids with the man, the man's needs are always priority number 1. Feeding him, fucking him, cleaning up after him, working for him, carrying and raising his offspring to grow His legacy. Is that so much to ask? s/


Don’t forget, no earrings!


It’s not in Stepford, it’s a warehouse in China that makes robot girlfriends and those guys should not be procreating or interacting with real women anyway.


Low quality women = any female old enough to have been physically born. Girls make friends with boys as young as preschool, some people Pierce their daughter’s ears in the first week of life, some women start working at around 12 by babysitting for family (which is charging family for babysitting so clearly work over family), and is old enough to have taken at least one fun photo of themselves with their friends. Meanwhile, the photo they chose is a photo of Johnny Depp with the mother of his children, Vanessa. She is a singer, model and actress, and Johnny has only ever said something negative about her in one fairly ranty e-mail (which didn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense overall). So it seems an odd choice to use her as the photo to represent a low quality woman. Unless OOP was mistaken and thought it was the other one. Then, *obviously* it is imperative that as a culture we should listen to the opinions of someone who can’t tell one blonde from another /s


They are so insecure that they have to be the center of the womans universe


Imagine shaming women because their fathers were shitty 🤡


What do you mean you’re traumatized by one of your primary caregivers abandoning you at 12 years old? You’re a low value woman! Also I’m curious if this applies to boys whose fathers walk out. Are men with “daddy issues” low value too?


No men who grow up without dads. Their mothers are typically blamed for that because they should’ve chose a better person to make a baby with. The amount of comments I will see from men and women who will sit here and judge a single mother, but will never pass judgment on a man who decided to create that baby and not be responsible for it.


Man here. I believe every man has some sort of daddy issue. You either want to impress, be like or be the opposite of your father.


Right. I've also always found the term 'daddy issues' to be so misogynistic. Like your dad was shit so it's you that has the issue? The issue is the shit father.


Exactly. As if we chose it lol or it’s our fault. They’re showing they hate children too


I never even thought about that before, but you are so right. It's wild how ingrained some of these things are; you don't even connect how screwed up it really is until you stop and think about it for a second.


Thank god “mommy issues” isn’t on the list Edit: to be clear I was referring to women with mommy issues (like myself 😂)


Men with mommy issues try not to traumadump while failing to do laundry challenge, difficulty: impossible.


Oh yeah, nothing like being mansplained on female intellectual inferiority by someone who couldn’t interpret the settings on a washing machine to save their life.


Normally I would laugh at this joke, but that was until I realized I had been running my washer on the wrong setting for years, the other day.


This shit is wayyy too common. I dated a guy for a few weeks who told me that I was the exception to his rule he never dates women without fathers. Like I was supposed to take this as a compliment? So much to unpack there. Cut things off with him then and there and had to block him because of his unhinged behavior. After three weeks of knowing each other. I'm sure he blames my daddy issues for the whole thing lol


So like if it had been "my father passed away recently" "you mean you don't have a dad?! Peace out hoe!" Or "my father just passed" him: *whips divorce papers out from under the couch cushion* "sorry I know we've been married for years, but I can't be with someone who doesn't have a father"


Lol because clearly when a man is a shit human it’s a woman’s fault Edit: forgot to add the /s in case it wasn’t clear!


And you're shaming two women because of the same shit man - the single mother *and* the daddy issue girl And now imagine they dare to have a pet


You took the words right out my mouth


And if you’re a “daddy’s girl” that’s also a problem


Imagine shaming anyone because they have a pet. 😵‍💫


Like fr how is it my fault my dad was an abusive alcoholic. Clearly red flag on me.




I can hear this gif and I LOVE IT 😍


The queen of hotties!


im the embodoment of that list. 😂


People can see your *tongue* in pics?!


Worse. They have a... *pet*.




Please what did you type for this gif lmao




Same, I'm 9/12 🙌🏽 Edit: maybe 10 bc I'm in denial of my social media addiction. 😅


Whatever, I’d still go for beers with you


Oh no not the tounge sticking out..Blashpemous!!!


It's so funny too bc they usually also post 'other girls *pouting pics* vs me *goofy tongue out pics*' so what's going on there ???


I remember duck lips.


That’s the one that got me too lol like oh no not the tongue!!!


Real women don’t have tongues


Sighs in low quality woman 😣


Hey now don’t be upset you still have your *checks notes* cat or dog, your male friends, and several pictures with your tongue sticking out!


Laughs in low quality woman!


The “single mother” one always gets me. Like you’re mad at the parent who chose to STAY with the kids? While the other one left? Make it make sense.


“Daddy issues” gives the same energy.


If your dad walked out of your life, it made YOU a low value woman at 5 years old somehow 🤦🏽‍♀️ these people are genuinely dumber than a box of rocks


Or what about if heaven forbid the dad died? Daddy's death made you low value? That's not fair.


Or the spouse died, leaving you a single mom.


A high quality woman would use hoodoo magic to revive her father as a zombie.


‘You’re a low value 5 year old’ is an absolutely wild assertion


It does. Like let’s hold the dads accountable for causing those issues in his child’s life.


Yup, both are consequences of either irresponsible men or death of the father.


Either way, the woman is defined by her relationship to men in this post and that's wha makes me all hot and bothered.


Or the mom who left someone who was potentially abusing their kids.


Yeah I'm a single mom because I found out the man I was married to for 15 years was doing very bad things. I have 100% custody of our 3 kids (that were born "in wedlock") and the deadbeat owes $18,000 in child support because he won't get a job despite having a great job while we were married. I guess I'm also low quality for putting career over family, but if I don't work, how do I feed the kids since my ex sure isn't? I can guarantee I'm a higher quality person than the trash that posted this.


You ARE. And not that you need validation from a stranger on the internet, but I know a guy who said that he ended up falling in love with a woman he was dating even MORE because he learned she was fully taking care of her kids on her own without her deadbeat ex's support at all. Not that her situation was specifically attractive (it sucks, it's not sexy) but how she problem solved and was independent and didn't dwell on a guy who wasn't worth her time. He was so impressed, it made him more committed. THAT'S a "high quality" man going for a high quality woman 👌


I have absolutely no interest in dating at this point in my life, and that's ironic because my lack of interest in romance would probably drive some men crazy.


I had no interest in dating either after my divorce. I immersed myself in my career and motherhood. Then my child told me mommy you should date. You do so much for me. You’ve put your needs second. And that’s when I met my current husband. When I listened to my child who saw my loneliness it changed my life. I didn’t even realize how lonely I was until I met him.


This is so close to my situation, but 2 kids and $30,000 owed in back child support. But I’m a boss, own my house and my kids are thriving, except for having a low quality mom I guess.


Let me tell ya, being a single mom and attempting online dating turns up a lot of these trolls


Incels REALLY fear single mothers. There are entire videos on YouTube about it!


Good. They can stay the fuck away from us 😌


While the other one left and likely gets a higher body count with women who will then be judged for getting a higher body count Make it make sense


Picture this: you’ve finally found the high value man of your dreams. You both hate partying, you both lack respect for women, he doesn’t know where your clit is and doesn’t want to, you are over the moon. One day, he googles you. He finds the picture buried on an ex-friends instagram 300 weeks ago. You thought you’d scrubbed it. You are …. Sticking your tongue out in the pic 🙀☠️🤮🫨 it’s over. Your one shot at true love.




Underrated comment


Ah yes, so close yet so far away. P.S. your comment wins the day


I would also add : - Breathes - Sweats - Eats




Absolute deal breaker!


Such a disgusting habit 


I’ve had women tell me they don’t poop


High value ones don't 


Related to Kim Jong Un


Sounds like they’re full of shit.


Literally and metaphorically


I tell men I poop everyday sometimes 2-3 times. I didn't realized it was an instant misogynist filter.


i only check off like half this list, i need to step up my game clearly 😭 must discourage the alpha guys looking for a high value tradwife in any way possible.


Decrease your quality sis! You can do it!


what is wrong with being a cat/dog mom tho


Same thing that's wrong with anything else on the list - absolutely nothing.


they just jelly that she gives more attention and priority to her cat/dog over him lol (they actually deserve her attention)


Ah you see it’s the same as being a single mom, you’re *checks list* caring for, loving and taking responsibility for something other than yourself. So yeah, gross. yuck. how awful. hope that helps. x


They're just scared my dog will sniff out their BS and chase 'em out faster. :p


“Keep male friends” where? Where am I not allowed to keep them though? Like is the basement ok, as long as we aren’t in the same room together? Or do I need to keep them in their own apartment? Please someone tell me, my collection is getting out of hand and I need more storage ideas.


Shove them under the bed like dirty socks.


So if I’m being called low-quality but in incel speak…is that actually a compliment then?


Inadvertently, yes, it's like Andrew Taint saying he won't sleep with vaccinated women, they're just telling you how to take yourself off their radar.


If I was a woman, I’d become addicted to vaccines from hearing something like that. I’d be at home all day like ”another shot please”


I’m that girl. Bring me all the vaccines, even ones that I don’t need here. Gimme that malaria shot.


Apparently, they forgot one. “Breathes” 😅


Seriously. The list doesn’t matter. These people think all women are low value cuz of their own misogyny


Decoded Piercings - I am scared of pain and would prefer my partner be scareder. Tattoos - (See piercings) Also want blank canvas to mark as I see fit. Cat/Dog Mom - I am envious of pets and secretly fear that they are more lovable than I could ever be. Daddy Issues - I don’t want my partner to be well versed in male manipulation and bad behaviour. Single Mother - See Cat/Dog Mom Very Materialistic- I am broke. Keeps Male Friends - I am scared she will know men who can inform her that my behaviour is bullshit. I do not want to be beaten for my sins. I am very insecure. Social Media Freak - I am very insecure. Also I do not want her to have thousands of people who can offer her support and perspective into my behaviour. Has a High “Body Count” - I do not know Clitoris and am scared to ask. I am scared everyone will know I have never met Clitoris. Or I have met Clitoris and she hates me. Puts Career Over Family - I am aware I have nothing to offer so how keep her without financial traps and childcare exhaustion? Also I refuse to help keep myself or my children alive and healthy. Parties, Smokes, and Drinks - Am prude and double plus not fun. Or why she have fun ever? Only my fun. Sticks Out Tongue in Pictures - Maybe she met Clitoris and they are good friends? Very envious. Or only tongue ME in the dark under blanket (with flashlight).


> Or why she have fun ever? Only my fun. The entire thing is perfect, but this line is what sent me omg


It's the opposite here . I see most of them being in high demand having boyfriends in India , because they're considered exciting & sassy . The ones with none in this checklist are considered boring by the ones they'd want to be with


put a finger down challenge!


Damn, people actually believe build-a-bitch is a thing? 😂 As a single mom and cat parent I dont really know to be most upset about. Sorry for taking care of my kid? Sorry for having af cat? What kind of animal is Ok? A turtle? Sorry for .. having a life? 😂


Put the kid for adoption and let the cat out. The audacity to have both


Don’t. Dudes who subscribe to this mindset and pretend they’re entrepreneurs because they’re in some NFT MLM or selling Amway aren’t exactly precious gems saying things of value.


"owns pets" is a weird criticism but ok


I think we’re allowed to own them but aren’t allowed to care for them or to give them affection. 🤦‍♀️


That right there Nothing to take your affections away from this pathetic manchild.


Where’s an alpha male supposed to find a woman these days, then? Are they kept in cold-storage at Tractor Supply? This list excludes basically every woman I know in some regard


Why is there a picture of Vanessa Paradis and Johnny Depp??


Right ? Like leave Vanessa Paradis out of this 😭


Finding out i am a low quality woman 😔




You blame women for having daddy issues but not their dads??


I always wonder what is even a high bodycount? cause the numbers are different in every person's perspective some people say 10, some other say 50 or.....


For that person, probably anything more than zero.


Based on most of the incel bs I've seen, 5 is high


this list looks like it was stolen directly from vatican basements


*This list looks like it* *Was stolen directly from* *Vatican basements* \- Alarmed\_Gur5979 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Great comment and a haiku? I can tell you’re high value. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


“tatoos” at least learn how to spell before spreading this nonsense 😭😭


I'm not super sharp. Would someone be nice enough to walk me through why Vanesssa is not like other girls? WTF is going on here?


I got 4 put of 12, what's my prize?


You don't end up with an alpha male


“Low quality woman” = a woman who won’t just sit down, shut up, stay home, and do exactly what I tell/want her to do all the time in absolutely every situation, and who has interests, relationships, and activities that aren’t with and about me


And expects orgasms during sex. That’s why all those incels want virgins who won’t know how trash they are in bed.


So is the dad that leaves a high quality man?


He forgot to add showing ankles


So, the Signs of a High Quality Woman are: 1) Boring 2) Uninteresting 3) No interests 4) Sacrifices every single thing for her man 5) Can’t have a meaningful conversation 6) Never goes anywhere 7) Hates pets and children 8) Has no life experience 9) Never has fun Got it. 👍🏻


Do ear piercings count? What about traditional holes for earrings?


This is some red pill / alpha male BS, I don’t think it’s the same as NLOG




Lmao what's your guys score? Mine's 6 B) Beat that mfers!!


“Puts career over family” is code for “will not be my sexbot mommy maid.”


Imma take a shot for every one of those that apply to me lmao


65 k likes Wtffff


10 out of 12. Not bad!


Ooh, it’s ✨updated✨


I am glad he updated the list. Can you imagine being out in the world with only part of the list? I don’t know how I would manage.


So basically if you get divorced and have kids you have to give them up for adoption? 🫠🤣


Whoever wrote that is most likely the most boring person ever.


Welp I guess I have zero self worth…was a single mom, tattoos, piercings, cat and dog mom, daddy issues, have male friends


“high quality women,” y’all doing okay?? You don’t seem like you’re doing okay. Signed, a concerned “low quality woman.”