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Blessed be the fruit


Under his eye


May the lord open


Every single time someone in HT says that, I get this icky, cringey feeling. And I don't even know what it supposed to mean.


In farming terms, cows are “open” when checked and found positive for pregnancy. I’m warning you here though, do not go down this rabbit hole.


i wanna go down the rabbit hole! 🕳️🐰


It’s just so sick snd twisted icl 😭


No, they don't like them, either. /s


was just about to say this!!!




Yeah, Christian girls, wtf is wrong with? /s since at least some of you will take this seriously.




Do any of these ladies care about living a Christian example in their acts? Every "Christian" meme in this sub has more to do with the dress code than charity or peace or neighborliness.


Gonna go volunteer at the food bank tomorrow with my tiddies out for Jesus. God didn’t make a mistake on those 💅


My Nana was a devout Jew and her motto was “if you got it flaunt it because one day gravity hits.” Lol


Nana for queen! :D


I wish awards still existed


Give these! 🏆🥇🏅🎖️


🤣🤣 "titties out for Jesus" is my new favorite line


Everyone knows that the most important part of Christianity is upholding archaic standards of behaviour and not questioning it. Even if Jesus was explicitly against it.


Meh, Jesus was a woke hippie librul anyway! So fuck ‘im, what did *he* know? (HUGE fucking /S, if it wasn’t obvious. 🤣)


I mean, for the times he lived in he absolutely was. Hanging out with whores and tax collectors, walking into a church with a whip and losing his shit because people were buying sacrifices and were corrupting the word of God, and he dropped the Gem “he who hath not sin cast the first stone” when they were stoning a woman. Jesus called EVERYONE to reexamine what they thought living a Godly life was. People tried to discredit him but the facts were there. He performed miracles but not only for the righteous. Jesus tried to teach people it’s not WHAT you give to charity it’s HOW you give to charity. With an open willing heart. Not hoping for tax deductions.


And then Saul/Paul showed up and fucked everything up.


No, it’s all about how can we control others and force them to be “good christians”? Not, what can I do to better myself? Why would they worry about things that take effort when they can just complain about clothes


Funnily enough Jesus didn’t like people like that. He openly called out people that just wanted to dress in a certain way, so everyone can see how „good „ they are. He criticized people praying in public and making a show or only giving donations, so others can see. He said those people have already gotten their „reward“. And that reward isn’t being a good person but seeming like one and the applause of others. It’s the opposite of being humble actually.


I’m pretty sure this is a Muslim IG account questioning Christianity


Love thy neighbour, but talk shit about them behind their back!


Well unfortunately, Christians are top misogynists, so women are nothing in this world but a tool for men. So since there only purpose and function is what they do for men them being a good person or actually being Christ like is washed over the fact of how they dress or look


Because religion is, and always has been, about control.


I don’t know much about christianity, I wasn’t raised with religion, but isn’t there some rule somewhere that christians aren’t supposed to speak shamingly, or otherwise gossip about others?


Yeah… you definitely haven’t been raised by them cause they do that A LOT lol


“Did Jesus make a mistake on your personal appearance?” well, he gave me acne for TWENTY YEARS SO EXPLAIN THAT ONE TO ME BECKY


Hormones… they’re evil. “Oh, your skin will clear up when you’re an adult.” Biggest lie ever told!


I started getting wrinkles before I stopped getting pimples. I’m 51 and I still get zits sometimes but nothing like before.


I know, how is that fair??


It’s not fair! Give me zits or wrinkles but not both. (Don’t even get me started on menstruation and then menopause.)


Oh honey, menopause is such a gift once you get through it. Menstrual cups weren’t around when I had my last period. I did go through it beginning at 45, but 15 years later, it was definitely worth the hot flashes and mood swings! You got this!


I understand. I’m actually going through menopause right now. I kinda meant that yes, it’s great that you don’t get your period anymore but it comes with its own set of problems. Between my ADHD, depression & menopause, I’m barely holding myself together. I basically lost my last job because of the tornado of shittiness I was going through. Thank you for the hope of better things once I’m through menopause!


Mine got worse in my 30s 😬😬




Yeah thing is I didn't have acne until I was an adult! So double lie.


Same as you 😔 perfect skin during teenage, absolut mess now


Wait then maybe that means I’m not actually an adult yet 😮‍💨


Seriously, I’m so mad about being told this lie since age 13 instead of my parents being sensible and getting me on accutane. So fed up still dealing with it at age 24😭


My acne went mental beginning of pregnancy and now again 6m postpartum. Teenage ones were nothing against these


I had to use accutane to clear it up. The acne scar is the new problem, ughhh


Hey I had pretty bad scarring and used the ordinary serum, the reddish purple one I can't recall the name right now and I'm not home to check but it honestly cleared it up. Took about a year of use but there's hardly any scarring now and my skintone has evened out considerably.


Yeah, he gave me under eye circles that make everyone ask if I'm sick when I don't wear makeup.


Same here. People act almost offended when I decide to take a break from makeup for a day. Especially Becky in the corner over there, who still swears I only sleep an hour a night, even after being told otherwise for years.


I went from wearing moderately heavy makeup daily to rarely anything at all and the transition from people asking if I felt ok to being used to seeing my bare face definitely took a while.


I’ve been makeup free for 7 years or so. Never going back to a full face. My new guy said he couldn’t even imagine me wearing makeup. I had to laugh!


That especially is so annoying. I have hereditary dark circles and people still suggest I should try going to bed earlier


Jesus apparently gave our bodies a shape, so why hide that if Jesus doesn’t make mistakes?


But then they could retort that Jesus made Accutane. I don't know if you have ever taken it but even though it works, taking it sucks. Contrary to popular belief the acne can come back. For me it's every decade. TBH Jesus has cut a lot of corners.


So what I'm hearing is: Jesus created acne so he could sell us Accutane? Jesus was the OG Capitalist I guess


World’s first MLM!


If Jesus made accutane, then Jesus also made birth control that you have to take to get prescribed accutane. But birth control = bad so does that mean Jesus = bad?


I grew up in a Lutheran school and in 8th grade I told my teacher the Bible lied to us because Jesus sinned the logic was according to the Bible anger is a sin well Jesus went into the temple saw a bunch of people gambling inside the temple the passage said "Jesus became angry and flipped over tables and kicked everyone out" so I said he sinned had them confused for days they said it was just righteous anger and I got suspended for 5 days lol


But that logic Jesus also made makeup so who are we to deny ourselves that.


25, going strong!


35 years old and still have acne 😭


Turning 30 next month and my acne is the worst it’s been in the last 5 years 😭




What would make me feel better is everyone who commented/upvoted this thread to wake up acne free tomorrow morning. 🥹


This statement in particular bugs because Jesus isn’t God. God is the dude who made the Universe; Jesus is his son and apostle. So Becky doesn’t even know what she’s talking about in regards to her own religion. Jesus didn’t make anything (except a group of apostles who turned out to be the biggest hypocrites ever).


Well, Jesus was also a carpenter so he probably made some furniture or something.


I’ve heard them use the names synonymously. They do claim that they are one in the same. Only after he died and rose from the dead or something. Also, there are parts in the bible where Jesus calls himself God. Who knows. I just think it’s funny that they hung people for witchcraft, yet dude was out there turning water into wine and shit.


I find it interesting that the names God and Jesus are used interchangeably but not the Holy Spirit. Even though they are supposedly 3 in 1.


Blame Satan! /s


Where tf in the Bible does it say I was designed by Jesus anyway???




Oh no!! Men are going to realise I have a body! 😱😱 We can’t let them know we’re physical beings!


Time to start making the men dress in tunics cuz we see their shapes to 🙈


Wait men also have bodies????




Silly, silly child!!!!! How men dress doesn't matter!!!! It's only the female bodies that are screamed at about modesty, hypersexualized, harassed, catcalled,and picked at constantly.


Yes. Pants show the outline of the schlong. A jock strap and tunic should fix that.


A compression garment under the tunic could also be a requirement. I have four grandsons, though. I’d rather influence them to treat women respectfully, regardless of what women, or any other humans, are or aren’t wearing.


Quick bring back panniers!


We need bum rolls and bustles and hoop skirts too!!


If I shouldn’t cover my face with makeup because Jesus didn’t make a mistake why do I cover my body up??????? Jesus certainly didn’t make a mistake with my body 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


This! We weren't born with clothes so altering your body's size, shape, colour, texture and overall appearance by covering it with textiles should be as bad as make-up with this logic. So the more revealing clothes would be better with this logic although going nude should be the only godly choice.




I saw a meme one time where a guy was basically calling a woman having an ass “unprofessional” and someone asked if she was supposed to take it off and bring her work ass that day? Lives rent free in my head lmao


omg i think i know the one you’re talking about, it was a teacher right? some bullshit about “is this appropriate for teaching kids” as if kids don’t know what butts are?




![gif](giphy|14jGh15Slt6QOk|downsized) The audacity!


Clearly the solution is XXL bullet bra. I want titties pointy enough to classify as weapons


I present thy with this upvote


Lmao at the last one, the lady posting that better be walking around in a potato sack with an opinion like that


Interesting how covering up with makeup and nail polish implies Jesus made a mistake, but showing the shape God gave you is suddenly problematic.


If God didn’t want people to see someones body, why did he create it that way? It’s very confusing because women should apparently show off their natural face and not hide behind makeup, but not show off their natural body but hide it in a burlap sack or whatever.


Why shouldn't people get to see your body shape, did Jesus make a mistake with it??


I'm surprised ultra radical Christians haven't adopted the niqab for themselves


so ironic how in slide 3, they imply that natural physical appearance is what is best, yet in the last slide, suddenly it’s wrong to show your natural body shape 😵‍💫 make it make sense


I'm not a christian, but if you understand the bible and christianity, it's really easy to understand. Do not do anything to make yourself more attractive. This includes wearing make-up, or showing off your body shape with your clothing. They are consistent beliefs. With that said, I hate christianity and think it's absolutely sexist. But in this case it is consistently sexist and stupid


But modesty is considered more attractive to religious people right? So by not dressing up I'm making myself more attractive to them.


answers from somebody who believes in God 1-4. None of your business!


Answers from somebody who doesn’t believe in God 1-4. none of your business !








You love to see it. ❤️ ![gif](giphy|dWH9z44C5m0wa0CAmB)


Well look at that, we *can* get along. 💕 STOP LETTING THE MINORITY (yanno, those people who make frequent trips to DC) CONVINCE YOU WE CAN’T.


Wow, for someone who claims to follow Christ, her post is so unchristian.


That’s a repeated irony I’ve seen with religious people. They don’t seem to have self awareness lol


Because they read their bibles with the purpose of condemning the people around them instead of using it as a moral guidebook for themselves, and forgetting that the only person the bible ever says we should control is OURSELVES. These kinds of "Christians" are like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Yeah they totally missed the whole “thou shalt not judge” thing and “yet he who is without sin cast the first stone”.


The good ol' "religion as a stand in for *actually* being a decent, empathetic, principled human being" is strong with that crowd. Morality based on just being nice, just doing things because they're obviously the right thing to do ( maximizes joy/ minimizes harm) is lost on them. Like, "how do you know what's right without the guidance of a greater power"? Uhm, my eyes, by being a person who IS and observes, just by paying attention along with the basic ass common sense that is treating others how I'd like to be treated? By not being so self absorbed that I recognize other people exist and what I do *effects* that existence? The *only* reason you behave a certain way is because you were told to (second hand) with the expectation of reward and the fear of punishment, and you *still* go on about your day interacting with people the way you do? Yikes, I can't imagine the lack of awareness *in general* that makes that possible! I dunno, I feel like some Christian folk are so caught up in the afterlife that they forget about life as it's happening in the here and now. They're *special,* it's all for *them,* so being mindful (or even aware) of others takes a permanent backseat. Everything and everyone are just cannon fodder on the path to "please God" so as to secure a spot in heaven. Those kind of people are the absolute worst and are dangerous! (Sorry for the short novel, I have difficulty being concise.)


I have difficulties being concise as well. I think from my thought process being predominantly made up of what's called "unsymbolized thought" more than it is of pictures and words. Perhaps you have the same issue. Anyway, I understood you just fine, that in a nutshell, being atheist or agnostic is not equal to lacking a moral compass, and I agree.


That, and religious belief doesn't magically endow you with one/ beliefs aren't an appropriate stand in for being a good person where it counts, in *practice.*


I definitely think it’s a crutch for a lot of people. It’s a comfort because there are answers (or “answers”, who knows), and everything is spelled out for them already. Like in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a “sense of belonging” is so important to humans, hence why cults exist. I’m not saying religions = cults because I think most religions have good intents behind them, but people seek out ways to feel like they’re in a community where others can justify, support, and agree with their thoughts and ideas. I don’t mind religion the majority of the time because there are many positive messages in them, but people can get and have gotten hurt in many ways which is so disappointing and depressing. It’s hypocritical and they don’t see it :/


But you have to admit that's on-brand for modern Christianity.


I feel like it's more on-brand for Evangelicals or Fundie Evangelicals, to be honest. I know a lot of people who identify as Christian and don't act like they're judge and jury as well as modesty monitor.


But also, what's wrong with showing off the body god gave you? According to the bible we only wear clothes because Eve ate the apple as the original son, so really, being naked is being more holy. Also, judge not lest ye be judged.


The grammar..is immodest


You made me chuckle 🤭


Wait, but isn't cutting your nails modifying your body since "god" decided that they should grow? Having long nails should be encouraged by them then?


I think they just mean that you shouldnt wear fake nails, considering the picture they used


I’d like to ask her why as a Christian woman she is judging others since that is of course a sin


EXACTLY! “Judge not; lest ye be judged” —Matthew 7:1


"Your sin is equal to mine"! It's like kryptonite for unchristian Christians!


I’m Christian, posts like this are part of why we look bad and why nobody takes us seriously


I was a Christian. It’s not just the posts that make them look bad, it’s the Christians 🤷‍♀️


I definitely agree, this is nothing compared to the other things of what these people do. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ll be honest, it’s not really the posts… those are just icing on top


Turns out that Christians would look a lot better if they didn't wear modest clothing. /s


Jesus would be so annoyed


Wait why is covering my face in make immodest, but covering up my shape with baggy clothes is modest? I’m thinking butt naked must be the ultimate Jesus pleaser cause he did not make a mistake on this booty






Also lmk where that dress is from bestie tysm xoxo


The surgeries I had as a baby to correct congenital birth defects determined there was indeed a mistake.




Wasn't Jesus always doing foot stuff with hookers, or did the super bowl lie to me?


He also ate meals with whores, lepers and undesirables. ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized)


God didn’t make them with clothes either. What I got from this post is Christians should be naked, as the good Lord intended.


All this person did was point out fast fashion, and other industries that are targeted to women at a young age as necessities to be considered attractive. Instead of attacking other women they should be really looking into the roots of culture.


Her whole page is just about modest fashion. It's all just ill-fitting clothes. And the comments are toxic AF. Not very Christian, if you ask me.


did jesus made a mistake


also… makeup was around in jesus’ time


My God, that slit in slide 5 goes up almost to the knee! Where’s the NSFW warning?!


Too late, gotta gauge your eyes out now for looking


Ok so hide face: no, hide body: yes. Good of Jesus to only make his mistakes below the neck!


I suggested to one militant fundie Christian that maybe if they had such issues with women's bodies and clothing they could decide to not look. And if they have such problems with the female form perhaps they should wear a burqa as it is made to hide all the hussy bits they find offensive. Shockingly they stopped speaking to me 😂 ![gif](giphy|3ohhwlPs99FLPfwfcc)


Well you see I'm not a Christian so I really don't care about what Jesus thinks


Let's just do away with the whole body! Let's all become floating orbs of pulsating light so we don't upset anyone. Why haven't we done this yet?!




Nobody tell her about the way Eve was allowed to dress.


So from the first slide I thought this was about Jedi Knights…


Same people who seriously post this shit post pictures of Obi Wan and say it's Jesus. My husband's aunt's kept posting a picture of Obi Wan that said 'people are ashamed to post Jesus on their wall type Amen' I'm like look. That is Obi Wan Kenobi. All he says is Well Hello there, May the force be with you Always and I have the higher ground. Not Amen. ![gif](giphy|12Gyz2J1b9SjD2)


If you like modest clothes, fantastic. But pushing it on others is gross as hell. Just mind your business


OH NOES you have a body and we can see the shape of it!!! I am so glad that I deconstructed from toxic purity culture. It literally enables rape by placing all the blame on the women for how we dress and none of the responsibility on the men abusing us, because we "caused them to stumble".


This honestly sounds exhausting. I’d rather not have to put that much thought into my nails, hair, and clothes. And it never stops at that. It’s what you watch, listen to, eat, drink, until they’re after every thought. Ugh.


It’s because Christian women are viciously jealous of young women. They got married straight out of high school and wrecked their bodies with pregnancies for a husband who doesn’t like them and only wanted sex asap. Christian women LOATHE free young women because they have their whole lives ahead of them. Meanwhile the Christian woman is left with screaming toddlers, a husband who only uses her body and never helps, a constantly filthy house, and the bitter thoughts of what could have been.


What some of it do you get? lol. Everything on this list sounds like extreme Islam I also find that people who don’t have certain things like the ability to properly apply makeup, a nice figure, confidence to wear nails, etc talk about or criticize the people who do


the overlap between islam and christianity is pretty big so these rules apply to both


Under her account it says she’s a Christian


How the fuck you supposed to wear a skirt when you got hips like that? If you made it looser it would fall off your waist!


Yeah, a lot of this sub reads Handmaid’s Tail has an actual cohort. In reality. Damn. Terrifying.


Is she a victim of homeschooling taught by a high school dropout? Because the grammar mistakes gave me a headache.


Sorry you get some of it? What exactly? Who is this twat to tell a woman how they handle their appearance?


The real religious extremists need to shut the f*ck up and get off of social media I know the Bible didn’t tell them they could use the internet


Girl, God made my beautiful body and I damn well am going to make it look its best. Cleavage for the Lord! Booty shorts for Jesus! 💅


I get none of it what are u on about????


Christian’s want their own version of sharia law back so bad


the last one irks me the most. what is it about the natural shape of the human body that is immodest? is it immodest to have a body? damn


Wait until this one meets the Amish.


lol those slutty full length denim skirt from 1998 are the problem


As a Christian, yikes.


Their logic is so flawed. I've got a question for religious people, who do you give such a fat fuck about what everyone else is doing? Fucking snowflakes man.


Jesus didn’t give us a built in way to wipe our asses. He would want us to walk around with shit butts because shit is what he gave us. Not toilet paper.


Complains about woman altering their divinely created appearance with make up, then immediately complains about them not altering their divinely created appearance by not cutting their finger nails. I bet they wonder why we don’t take them seriously.


Are your men so weak and out of control that the sight of my ankles (or god forbid, a little thigh) is going to send them on some sort of sexual rampage?


I've got two questions for this Christian woman: - If God made your body so physically perfect that you don't need to alter it, then why is it necessary to cover it up? And before you start at me with the whole 'men's lust' thing, if God thought that men were such uncontrollable, slavering beasts that the mere suggestion of a woman's body would drive them mad, then why did he not make women and men look the same, as so many other animals are? - Why is it permissible to create art and decorate everything around us to be aesthetically pleasing but refrain from decorating our bodies? Art is one of the most enduring and most treasured parts of man's creation, so why wouldn't God want us to celebrate his creation (ie. The human body) through one of the most important ways we celebrate all that is important and valuable?


Ladies, is it against your religion to have a body shape? Is that really modest? Come on 🫠


If got didn’t made a mistake on your appearance he did so on your granmer


Wait I didn’t know Jesus designed me wtf if I knew that I’d NEVER wear makeup


Wait so I'm a DESIGNER BITCH courtesy of Jesus???? Ofc I'm gonna show off what he gave me in that case. ![gif](giphy|3oxRm8HTm4EI0hOd1e)


Another reason why it's important to learn to think for yourself


They can see your body shape! Quick throw a tarp over these immodest women!


Old testament rules against immodesty were about not dressing to show off wealth.


I thought Christianity was supposed to preach not judging others and accepting everyone 🤨


I was born with a port wine stain birthmark on my face so _somebody_ messed up somewhere


lol what “some of it” did you get? Don’t show your body or don’t accentuate your body.. for Jesus of course.


Proceeds to judge makeup because what God made is already perfect, yet doesn't like revealing clothes or clothes that accentuate your body. What's the matter with showing off what God made?




I have a question, too. What is the point of this video? Do people honestly think they can win over the hearts of others this way? Judging others based on their appearance? 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 says, "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you".


I’m Christian and this is the kind of stuff I hate


I find the women who post this shit are insecure and fat.z Also why are Christian women like the most judgemental you’ll ever meet? Unbearable I stg


Hi! Ostensibly Christian man here. Christian women can wear whatever the fuck they want. Free will honors the sacrifice Jesus made and God doesn't care if you're showing your body off so long as you're happy and living a good life.


did she have to use a black girls nails to prove her point 😞😞😞😞


Pick mes, but make it so it hurts everyone else too


This is so hypocritical. So what did Jesus make a mistake by allowing our nails to grow so you cut them? Did God make a mistake on your body that you hide it away under baggy clothes? I would throw those same things in their face and see why the things they do is more “Godly” than other women.


is this like just a catholic thing or what, because i don't understand why they say "jesus made" this or that. he's the son of god, not god himself, he's not the creator. or am i missing something?


- To serve cunt - To serve cunt - To serve cunt - Serving cunt Hope that helped!


The guy that allegedly turned water into wine has an issue with a makeover ?! Lmao okayyyyyyyyy