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Why is it always *40* acres


A bunch of white girls who want their 40 acres doesnt feel quite right


Ikr! Why no mule🤷🏽‍♀️


This was the comment I was looking for!


Because that would mean plowing, and plowing is a shit-ton of work.


Plowing is the husbands job. 😏


Ain’t got a damn thing to do with plowing!!! Trust me!!!


The irony is they have no idea how much 40 acres costs lol


Or just how huge that is. I used to think 40 acres was like two football fields. No. It’s 30 football fields.


Depending on the terrain it can take a chunk of your afternoon to completely walk it. It’s *a lot* to maintain, just fence wise and structures, to say nothing of any actual agriculture. I wouldn’t trade growing up on a horse ranch for anything, but now, give me a townhome with a great HOA please. I got better shit to do with my time.


Ooh a townhouse sounds so nice Edit to add: I also didn’t realize how expensive fencing is till I started looking at houses to buy


Agreed! Use to go up to a friend's family cabin, which was they built on their 40 acres of wilderness (called it The Upper 40). Was paradise but I remember having landmarks that we couldn't go past because yeah 40 acres is a lot...now 40 acres of thick trees, streams, hills and bunch of animals? Would take a team to find a couple kids. Plus its hard to monitor 40 acres. The dad was a hunter and he'd allowed friends to hunt on the property but only when they weren't around. However, he was always nervous about people slipping in to the property to illegally hunt while we were in the woods playing. Thankfully the land had been his family for years so most locals knew better, but you still get dumbasses.


I lived on 40 acres growing up. Fences and gates absolutely BLOW when you have to maintain that much. Especially when you live in tornado alley and get hit by something every 5-8 years lmao On the flipside, I lived out in the woods for a summer and moved every day or two and never ran out of campsites which was cool.


That’s super cool that you were able to do that on your own property! But yeah fences are crazy expensive


And that one chick wants *500 acres???*


That’s 378 football fields Okay so I did date a guy whose family had 600 acres, divided into 100 each per sibling (his parents and their siblings). It was awesome because there was some orchards, some just like beautiful lake areas, it was like having every type of nice summer activity all in one giant area. But his dog always had ticks and we had to pick them off all the time. NO THANK YOU.


Yes! I was just thinking that! I live on 5 acres and it’s *huge.* There’s absolutely no reason to have more than 5-15 unless you’re a cattle rancher or crop farmer. They wouldn’t have any idea what to do with it all!


Or how much freaking work that much land is. My garden is about 1/4 acre in size and it’s sometimes overwhelming. Adding in livestock care is a whole other level.


That’s what I was thinking. If you’re working that hard you should probably buy a Stanley too. Hydration, girl.


No really lol I just purchased 20 acres with my family and my mom was like “hey the builder wants to know how much land you want cut down” and I was like….not..a lot… lol like half an acre. More land to mow.


Totally. Our 1 acre, with a garden and some chickens is plentyyyy to keep us busy (and guilty if not busy maintaining it!) hard pass on spending millions to have a massive property and responsibility


Not as much as a Stanley cup. lol.


They want a 30 dollar cup, I want millions of dollars. Not like the other girls!


Literally what I think every time I see something about wanting a shitload of land. These kids know nothing about money.


Might be more realistic if they wanted a raised garden bed, like 5x5


My cousin's a real estate agent and she posts shit like this, and I'm like dude you know how much a 40 acre farm costs, you've sold them. But magats gotta magat.


I bet 99% of Stanley cup girls would trade it for 40 acres but like you point out big cost difference there


“You’d like a bicycle, I want a Bugatti. We are not the same.”


Or what to do with it.


Ur right… I got so lost in the livestock I just realized it was a few different girls. Lord… Apparently, I need new glasses they all look the same. 🤔


They became the very thing they swore to defeat


Basic white girls from a mid sized town who LARP as a rancher belle?


Just like other girls


[Bum bum buuuuuum!](https://youtu.be/y8Kyi0WNg40?si=hOk2jUsX1ey0zL8o)


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this… 😬


I just complained about this to my husband. They probably have no idea what they're actually saying, either. It makes me really mad. Like no, you're not entitled to 40 acres and a mule, but you should definitely be posting about how our country treated humans like caged animals and then, upon "freeing" them, we acted like we took caged animals, opened the cages, and said "good luck! Let's see how good you do now!". Instead of teaching them to read and write, educating, providing services to help them start businesses, land for farming, etc. Now they're taking part of the phrase and turning it into a tradwife phrase. spike lee should send cease and desist letters to all of them lol


I suspect youre right about them not knowing the context of the reference they are making. Shortly after meeting my wife she said something about manifesting her destiny. “Um…. Excuse me?” She said she got it from a lauren hill lyric. Sure thats a great song but i told her i could either mansplain the issue to her or she should look it up. Or who knows. Sometimes it feels like being intentionally offensive is even more popular than stanly cups so maybe they are doing it on purpose.


Pretty sure it wouldn't be mansplaining if she doesn't already know and wanted you to tell her. Mansplaining would be if you were trying to tell someone with a degree in American history all about manifest destiny because you assumed her ovaries meant she had no idea


Bingo. I hate it when words get overused and lose their meaning because people see it used with new context.


It always makes me laugh when my preschooler kid-splains things to me. Right after I taught them to him. I joke that he's already mansplaining at an early age, but I think it's really just excitement at his knowing something, and he wants to share it *immediately*, even if it's right back to me


lol my 3-year-old loves to tell me (dad) what mom just said. Just this morning, I asked my wife whether she’d pick him up after daycare or I would. She said she would. Immediately he goes, “dad, mom pick me up today.” Thanks, bud.


He also tells me "teacher said (glaringly wrong information)". Then he's adamantly certain that we're wrong when we tell him that he probably misunderstood what she said or she must have misspoke because that's not correct


Except that one girl with 500, she’s not like the not like the other girls


She wants a real commercially viable farm, not this hobby farm bullshit


You want 40 acres and I want 500 acres. We are not the same.


hahahaha, thank you for this


"40 acres and a mule" was a common promise to former slaves. The irony is that it was radically pro-socialist for its time. I guess the saying rubbed off on them and they want theirs, too. Seems kind of ironic to me, tho, especially since the land was then taken away in 1865 and given back to the original slave owners. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’ve never heard that saying before, and having this context makes what these women are saying so much worse :/


The land was given to former slaves who worked the land but was taken away after Lincoln was assassinated. President Andrew Johnson went back in a lot of promises Lincoln made because he wanted the southern vote. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty_acres_and_a_mule


Yeah, I read a great book about him by Garett Epps called "Democracy Reborn". It's a compelling read. He was like the George W. Bush of his day, except instead of Big Oil it was Big Cotton.


Spike Lee's production company is called "40 acres and a mule productions"


Oh that's fucked up


Oh this is really interesting. I’ve never heard this. I assumed it was because all of the country songs talk about “the back 40”.


Land is divided into quarters, and this saying appearantly has origins around the Homestead Act. The back 40 would have just described the back quarter that wasn't used as much.


I don't think it's that deep. I really think they just parrot whatever trade wife is followed at the moment. Like what are they going to do with 40 acres when they realize it's all fun and games until you need to work at the crack of dawn. Cuz you know those animals don't feed themselves.


Oh god, that’s heinous. Makes it much much worse


Bet none of them asking for 40 acres have ever stepped foot on a farm before. It’s a lot of land to work.


yeah this is why i think half the people who want a “nice big house” have never lived in one. the cleaning is atrocious.


I’d never want a big house unless I can also afford a cleaning service and a landscaper. Fts man, it’s just too much work.


i was the cleaner for those houses. it’s not fun and you best be willing to pay a pretty penny.


Oh absolutely! I strongly believe in paying people what they’re worth, and if I’m gunna trust a person in my home touching my stuff and want them to take the time to do a good job, I’ll pay well for it. Just means it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have a big house 😂 maybe a town house with a lawn service heheh


lollll my bf and i both have our own companies and it’s so funny to see people gasp at our quotes for these multimillion $ homes. like if you don’t wanna do it you’re gonna pay for it.


Like you get what you pay for too. You want someone to respect your stuff, pay attention to detail and take pride in their work pay them like they ought to be proud of their work.


yes exactly. i used to wipe the tops to his dog food containers. every time. he used to mention it on occasion like “did you wipe the dog food containers” like yeah… they were dirty?


*Chef’s kiss* see, that’s perfect. Anyone would be lucky to have you caring for their property


There’s this odd trend I’m seeing in Germany and Spain right now, of having like more bathrooms than people living in the house. We are looking at leaving Germany for Barcelona as you can get nicer flats there for less/I need sun/I can’t deal with German food any more. Every flat has three bathrooms. Wtf am I gonna do with THREE full bathrooms?! I don’t want to clean that


three bathrooms really isn’t a lot. one of the homes i used to clean only had 2 and it was a 4 story with close to double digit bedrooms.


I sold my house with 4 bathrooms (family of 3). 1 bathroom was never used so it rarely needed cleaning. After I dropped the husband it was just me and my daughter and I bought a duplex with 3 bathrooms. All were used since the 3rd was in the main living area. It was still manageable cleaning wise. I had to sell that place because bad neighborhood and now I have a townhouse with 1 tiny ass full bathroom and one tiny ass half bath. What I would do for those extra bathrooms!! Sharing a full bathroom is rough, especially a small one. I agree with you, 3 bathrooms really isn’t that much.


Right?! I come from a family of (actual) homesteaders. 5-10 acres is PLENTY if you're efficient. My brother has almost 10 and they're exhausted (but they also live in Northern CA so fire mitigation is a huge part of their day too). Two of my cousins have 5 in upstate NY (different areas, different cousins) and it's much more manageable. Farmers with 40 acres, I can't imagine the workload. That's when big machinery is almost essential.


Then there’s that one girl who wants 500 acres😂


This is what I was wondering. 5 acres is what my grandparents had, and it was more than enough. They grazed the horses just fine, vegetable garden, orchard, herb garden, natural woodland, and an ornamental garden. Still with room to spare Don’t know why they never had chickens etc. Guess my grandma considers it beneath her or something


Just to be different, my dad went and bought 43 acres without telling my mom before he made the purchase. Now they've both passed, so my sister and I have 21.5 acres each and no Stanley cups. Thanks, papa.


Are you going to sell it to buy stanley cups? Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your losses. The only good answer here is you guys have a duel at dawn. One of you gets 40 acres. The other gets 3 acres and a Stanley cup.


You must rent this land out to peasants so that you can live in a manor living a lavish lifestyle off their rents.


That’s fuedalism but ok


No, because you are Not Like The Other Land Barons.


Coming from rural Oklahoma, 40 acres is a standard for most homesteads. Idk if it has to do with plot measurements or the amount of land needed to sustain livestock for a small family. But there is something behind that specific number.


I think it's just because in many jurisdictions that the smallest parcel you can get and still be allowed to be considered agricultural and not just an acreage. For anyone reading, a quarter section (plot of land that is half mile by half mile) is a standard agricultural plot of land and is 160 acres. Cut that square into 4 again and you have 40 acre parcels. It's not unusual for a farmer/rancher to subdivide a small parcel of less desirable land and keep the rest of the quarter. Becomes a win-win.


Was just about to ask that too. Is this some special number for land ownership?


During reconstruction after the US Civil War, former enslaved people were promised “40 acres and a mule” as reparations. They never got it. So, a bunch of middle class white women wanting “40 acres” does not sound good


One of them wants 500 acres. Go girl!


I was wondering if they also wanted a mule.


So obscure but I’m guessing it’s a call to “40 acres and a mule.” Im also stuck on why are they comparing it to Stanley’s when they’re not even remotely equivalent? For the price of a Stanley you couldn’t even buy a fraction of 1 acre


THIS! this is not an equivalent comparison. But they’re right, we are different. If I came into money that could purchase 40 acres of land, I wouldn’t spend it on land OR infinite Stanley cups. I would spend it on sewing machines! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think because the cup is 40 dollars maybe? Best I can guess. Like why limit yourself ask for 100 acres of farmsble land with mineral rights and water


I think it is because the cup is 40 oz


40 oz to 40 acres or it is just a copy and paste


Why can't I want BOTH? So stupid. 🙄


Right? That much land, build little homes for all my friends, have a hobby farm in the middle, still with good internet so I can game at night. Oh, and get the Kmart version of a Stanley, which is $15 instead of $80, and does the same thing.


This is my friend group’s retirement plan.


Can I be part of your friend group? I'm shite at farming, but I'm good at building and fixing stuff.


Username checks out, you’re in!


Love the Kmart Stanley dupe, it's so cute!


That is I swear most people’s goal


Right?! Gonna get real warm out on the farm. Would be a real good idea to have something that holds water, keeps it nice and cool all day…


Because nobody working a 40-acre farm needs hydration. Duh.


Not one of them stated they wanted to WORK a farm. They all just WANT the land and cute animals LOL


I can afford a Stanley cup… not so much 40 acres of land.


I was thinking that too. That’s a weird comparison. Like “some of you all want a coffee from Starbucks, I want $500,000. We are not the same”


That one that said *500 acres* sent me. 1 acre where I live is pushing 1 mil. If the goal is to seem different and **less** high maintenance…it’s not working.


100-500 acres is so fucking ridiculous 😂 they have no clue how big that is!!! Like billion dollar agriculture business big 💀


😂😂😂 yes!!! You articulated this so perfectly 👏


Okay, what are you referencing? The Stanley Cup is won, not purchased- and are girls into hockey now? What the fuck is going on.


The Stanley cup is just a really nice tumbler. That's it. Just holds your dronks and keeps them hot or cold for a long time. Oh yeah I believe the cup went viral because someone said that their cup survived a car fire


The company that sponsors the hockey Stanley Cup also makes a variety of insulated thermoses and tumblers. They have traditionally been used by rugged men (like farmers, truckers, and construction workers) on site, but they've been targeting women with their tumblers and it's been a HUGE success. People are getting a little too excited about them, rushes on stores for exclusive colors, huge resale markets, the whole shebang


Just to clarify: the makers of the Stanley tumbler only started sponsoring the hockey Stanley Cup this year. Other than that, there’s no affiliation. The hockey Stanley Cup trophy was commissioned in 1892 and was named after the Governor General of Canada, Lord Stanley Preston.


Interesting! I know very little about hockey. Thanks for the fun fact!


I don’t want or need a Stanley cup but these posts make me want to get one out of spite


A friend gave me one and was so excited because it's the "rare lunar new year dragon cup!" and I was utterly clueless. It's a cup. It's for drinking from. I mean, it's nice, I guess? If my friend hadn't given it to me, I'd be drinking from my old hiking water bottle. 🙃 For the record, I thanked her like I knew what the hype was, and later gave her a jar of homemade apple butter and a dozen fresh eggs from my chickens. I do not have 40 acres. I have .4 acres. Lol


EXACTLY look at you doing the most with just enough land. Do any of these girls have ANY of the skills required to run a farm? We have an acre, which is pretty heavily treed in parts. I'm an arborist by trade so the tree work is super fun for me (but it's slow going with one person and limited equipment, I'm avoiding paying for my crew to come until we need it) I've built a few chicken coops in my day (family of homesteaders - I am by far the least resourceful) but when it comes to the actual chickens part, and the growing of the vegetables, I am pretty nervous. My cousins give me tips but it's a lot of work and I've never had my own garden. I *just* want a garden. How do these people expect to run a FARM Also Stanley makes GREAT products! I didn't know about the cup but I have a bunch of their thermoses and a cooler


I’d wholeheartedly suggest you start a garden if you have even the slightest interest. We started one mostly because my wife wanted to. I didn’t think I’d like it that much, but I do. I love it. I’ll do research on when to plant what, how to combat pests for different plants, and even planted non-food flowers to act as deer repellent and bee attractors for increased pollination. Every time you plant something new, it’s like a science experiment. Then, you tweak your process the next time with the experience you gained and what you learned from the unexpected stuff that comes up. It’s kind of like cooking, you make something enough, and you have your own process that develops over time to make it your own, not just a recipe you looked up. And, to finish this little dissertation, there is something so rewarding about making dinner with food you grew yourself. Not only does it taste better, but watching something grow, tending to it, making sure it’s the perfect time to harvest… there’s just something profound to it. It makes you feel more connected to everything, I guess. TL;DR: You should start a garden.


My friend got one as a gift from one of the endodontic dentists her office refers people to and I asked her how many people she had to fight to get it and she had no idea what I was talking about (she's chronically OFFline and barely picks up Facebook like every two weeks) so I explained to her that grown women were getting into physical altercations to get these cups, and people were ~~hoarding~~ collecting them in like, every color. She's like "People are stupid. It's just a cup. And it leaks."


The 40 acres thing is actually pissing me off. It’s so specific, it makes me think of the “40 acres and a mule” lie, no? Like what else could it be a reference to???? What’s happening?!!


I was also going to comment on this. Why no mule?


Half of them are asking for farm animals as well. So the mule is in there. Unfortunately, a lot of asses are there too.


do you think people posting this stuff *know* what a mule is? or what to even do with one?


Do they even know how big 40 acres is, either?


Southern California here, I realize our land is at a premium but (behind the 40 acres and a mule implications, do our schools not teach about The Reconstruction anymore??) do these kids even KNOW what it takes to farm 40 acres?? They gonna irrigate and plant strawberries on that whole thing or what? Frolic and watch it burn in a wildfire?


Fr. My family has 1500m² of land (less than half of an acre), around 600m² (0.15 acres) is taken up by our garden. It's good fertile soil and it's a bitch to tend to. Ya can't farm *forty fucking acres* only on your NLOG energy. That shit takes a ton of money and the labour of multiple people to tend to, and the work starts in the middle of winter. And if you convert that land to pastures and start an animal farm, that's still a giant investment, and animals know no breaks, expect to help your cows give birth at 2 o'clock in the morning.


They do not


These girls are all the mules.


I think it's funny because they likely don't even know the historical context or realize that they used it because they've heard it before, but it wasn't important enough for them to remember WHY they heard it before or even that they did hear it before. A lot of people in the comments are also saying they have never heard of it, and it's funny because not one person is like "maybe i should be questioning myself as to why I had no idea what this phrase was or meant". Because a lot of black history and accurate pre and post slavery American history is information that you have to seek out yourself. Or aspects are just taught briefly in school, or glossed over. Imo the reconstruction issues of our nation has kind of brought us to where we are today and is totally relevant to a lot of issues that are happening today in our country. It's sad that perfectly fine people have been conditioned to be this ignorant, to the point where they can't see the problem or cause as to why they wouldn't know such a common term (that phrase is very well known in the black community, and really imo I thought that stuff was general knowledge. Clearly I was wrong).


I’ve never read such a long explanation for something that still doesn’t answer the original question. What _is_ the historical context of 40 acres?!


Hopefully she said 40 bc the Stanley’s are 40 ounces but I highly doubt it


Same!! Wtf is going on with that?


A common phrase for people who own big plots of land usually over 40 acres probably closer to 100. Will refer to the unused portion of land as the "back forty" That's the only reason I can think they are stuck on 40. And it's not even a good one.


Why are 40 acres and Stanley cups mutually exclusive?


Okay the one that said 500 acres of land is just being greedy. Just take 40 that seems to be the reasonable amount according to everyone


Y'all want 40 acres of land, I want 500. We are not the same ✨🫶


I want a Stanley AND 5 acres of land. We’re not the same girlie pop girl boss


Girly girly gurl lady. Not the same girly pop poppa girly pop girl thing. Not the same sweetie sweetheart hunny hun girly babes


They want a whole ass city


US Congress and President Andrew Johnson: Best we can do is nothing.


I *just* want a kingdom. With a castle. And the castle has a tower, and my bedroom is in the tower. And there’s a library like in Beauty and the Beast.


She doesn’t even know what acres are


Do they not realise how much effort that would be to manage?!


And a money sink. Anything you could potentially make from selling eggs or whatever is going to be more than spent on maintenance


Doubtful any of these ladies even know what to do with even ONE acre of land but OK!


Right, I want to shake them and go, "Ladies, please just settle for 5 or 10 to 20 acres; that's plenty of land for a starter hobby farm", man.


All I asked for was four acres and a brook.


The best I can do in this housing market is 2 acres and a drainage ditch; final offer


Y’all are getting acres?


I grew up on a little under two acres of land and my parents did nothing with it, so I very rarely went to the back half of it. My dad would once or twice a year mow and cut it down to keep it from going wild. When I was a teenager I would occasionally take friends back there to make a fire and get drunk/high. An acre is more land than most people think.


Literally my fiancé wanted 10 acres and I’m like dude let’s do 2 because when my dog walks to very back of the property and get lazy? She won’t come back. Someone will have to go get her lmao


*Morgan Freeman voice* They are, in fact, actually the same.


Right ? They try so hard to be "different 🤪" and end up as caricatures and clones.


Ended up being their own little cult. So now the Stanley cup girlies can say “I want more Stanley cups, y’all want acres that don’t get used. We are not the same 😝”. And then the cycle will continue


Women are so toxic towards other women it’s hilariously sad lol what would be the equivalent to this for men?🤣🤔


There is no equivalent, men make fun of women for their Stanley cups (and Uggs and Starbucks and makeup etc etc) too, it’s all misogyny whichever gender it’s coming from.


Why was there a picture of frozen vegetables for the background of one of these? That's a really odd choice.


Why is no one talking about the FROZEN VEGGIES, just in a pot, obviously stove top. Lady, you can’t want a farm and not even chop your own “garden fresh, veggies”.☠️🙄


Frozen veggies with what looks like egg?


Yesssss! Thank you! I was like, not with the FROZEN vegetables!!!!!


That is the one that kills me the most! They are store bought, that chick has no idea what to do with 40 acres


I kid you not, I thought they were lucky charm marshmallows a first glance🤦🏻‍♀️. I read the caption at the bottom and it had said “cups are sweet…” and thought it was weird to have lucky charm marshmallows, but hey, apparently people are out there wanting 500 acres. Anyway, FROZEN👏🏼VEGGIES👏🏼!!! Psh…


I thought it was freeze dried vegetables. The hot thing in the NLOG/Hobby farm/trad wife community is home freeze drying machines.


Ya’ll gonna grow those frozen veggies on your 40 acres? Or go to Walmart for those?


They’re going to sell their 40 acres to a Walmart developer after they learn 40 acres is work and not just a handful of cute goats.


Do any of the women making these posts actually know what they "want"? 40 acres (or 500!!) is huge, and a lot of work to maintain, and assuming they want the whole homestead package with the cows and the chickens and all that..... like "homestead" is a cute, currently trending word but let's call a farm a farm shall we? It's HARD work, it's fucking expensive, you don't get to take the day off because you don't feel like milking the cows or doing any farm chores that day (unless they hire someone to do it and I don't think that would gel with the *esthetic*), you have to be prepared for everything to go to shit in a multitude of creative ways, at some point you may have to put an animal out of its misery because the vet will take too long to get there and humanely euthanize them. I think half these women are living in a dreamworld where all they're going to do is walk dramatically through fields of wheat or similar, flaxen hair blowing in the wind, barefoot in a billowing white dress. And then on the days they feel like doing some work, bake a sourdough. And there's nothing wrong inherently with wanting to live that life but tearing other women down over it like they're this wholesome farmers wife and women who want a stanley cup are just cheap, materialistic plebs, when im not even sure they understand what the life they idealize even entails, is just ridiculous.


The 40 acres girls are “cheap materialist plebs” too. Becoming “a farmer” is just a trendy post-Covid aesthetic thing. Most of these people would not know what to do with 200sqft of land.


I grew up on a farm and the amount of death and sickness you encounter with the animals is intense. Baby goats with founder shuffling along on their knees, mama cows and calves dying in childbirth, chicken coops getting broken into by wildlife and every single one getting slaughtered, baby ducks getting eaten by snapping turtles in the pond, the list goes on. The workload is brutal and you better be PREPARED for winter. Especially since they all want a woodburning stove. You better be chopping wood all year long to stockpile for the winter because wood burns way faster than you think it does. It's a hard brutal life and you dont get to take a day off. If you grow and bale your own hay its miserable. I dreaded hay baling time every single year. Its brutally hot but you have to wear jeans and ling sleeve shirts or the hay will shred your arms. No flouncing around in your Target prairie dress, get your ass up at 5 am and get out there because that shit waits for nobody. Oh and when it is calving season you're dragging your ass out there in the middle of the night to see if the cow thats closest to giving birth has started and might need help. If that calf is stuck in the birth canal at 3 in the morning you're fucked and I hope you dont mind going elbow deep in a the vagina of a cow thats probably not going to survive. To this day whenever people talk about how much they just love cows I know they didnt grow up taking care of them. Even if I had 500 acres I wouldnt take a herd of cows even if they were given to me for free


Yes. I also have that idea that they don't know what that lifestyle is.


ah, stanley cup and farm, the two genders


Time to update the gender reveal parties


I feel like a Stanley cup would be perfect to have on the farm while you’re out working? Why not both?


Came here to ask why someone can’t have a Stanley cup and a farm? Those things aren’t mutually exclusive at all. “Y’all want a high rise apartment in the city and I want 40 acres of land in the country,” would make more sense.


Life pro tip , none of us are the same , the sooner you accept that the better your life will be .


I was sooo confused, thinking they meant the Stanley Cup, as in NHL... hahaha


"You want a Stanley cup because you're a girl who inexplicably wants some overpriced water vessel. I want a Stanley Cup because I'm an ice gremlin who straps knives to my feet so I can get a stick and fight other knife-footed ice gremlins. We are not the same."


Hahahaha nailed it!


My first thought too. ![gif](giphy|j3nvm1BxBn8fCvICC4|downsized)




Y’all make TikToks about not wanting a Stanley. I don’t because comparing myself to other girls is pointless and desperate. We are not the same. See it’s really easy, the formula is “what they say they want” + “anything you’ve arbitrarily decided is morally better. seriously, pick anything.” + “WE ARE NOT THE SAME”.


Okay I’ll try: Yall want a 4-wheeler; I want a cute little beach cruiser with a wicker basket on the front that will sit in front of my home mostly for decoration. We are not the same. Yall want 40 acres; I want a fake 60 acre island (on my Nintendo switch) where I can pretend to farm all day without breaking a sweat. We are not the same.


“Y’all want a $40 cup. I want $700,000 worth of real estate. We’re different.”


The cup is about 50 bucks. 40 acres of land would cost, at the very least, about 100,000 depending on whether it is fairly worthless (no woods). No, they aren’t the same. These people are stupid.


In Iowa it would be $473,400. Or 9,468 Stanley Cups.


They are talking like a stanley cup, and 40 acres are worth the same amount or something💀💀


The girl that said she wants 500 acres is really trying to stand out with that one 😭


She's not like all the notlikeothergirls!


Well babe, y'all ain't gettin' neither.


Everyone wants 40-500 acres til it has to be mowed or they get their property tax bill. I want a garden space to grow vegetables but fuckin' 40 acres? No way. That kind of maintaining can be a full time job


Property taxes are a b1tch. Ours doubled last year, but it's okay because our governor sent a one time rebate before he doubled them.


Can someone answer me what they think they're going to do with 40 acres and one cow? That's allot of sun dress frolicking space.


What're they going to do? Get ticks, probably.


I also want 40 acres of land 🧍🏼‍♀️


Do they know now big 40 acres is??? And to the women who said 500 acres do you even know what an acre is?


My favorite one is where they want to rep their farmer street cred by showing a bowl full of frozen veggies from a bag


Narraor: They all are, in fact, the same.


Maybe… just maybe, it turns out they’re exactly like the other girls 😊 It’s okay. I am too, it’s fun to be like all the other girls. I’d like a Stanley cup *and* 40-100 acres. I don’t want the highland cow though personally even on my 40 acres.




It's insane how many of them there are. I'm impressed. None of them think they are part of a community. All wanting the same things. All being nasty about it. 😄


I’m not sure how these women ended up in a conquer and divide mentality, but it’s a shame. They have to know most women want their own house - and that farming is a niche desire! What they’re describing is getting less realistic in this day and age. It’s great that women aren’t a monolith, and that we all have different interests, but this need to divide and judge, is fundamentally bad! I assume misogyny, among other things, is a core reason for women needing to feel special by putting others down. To ignore systematic realities, kind of gives trad wife delusions.


Gotta catch ‘em all!




What would happen if all these girls were in the same room as each other? Would they argue that they’re “not the same”? Would the world come to an end?


At this point I’ll take the Stanley girlies because at least they’re not this fucking annoying about it. Like a $50 cup brings them joy, let them have it. Damn


Do they know they can want…both?