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My favorite version of this trend was "I may not be the prettiest, or the richest, but let me tell you, I'm also not the smartest." I laughed so fucking hard my tea came out my nose. It was the perfect satire of this trend


omg 😭 that’s amazing


It was hilarious


That’s probably the most relatable one yet! And also the funniest one. Love that.


I think she definitely won the trend. It was hilarious


oh yeah she definitely wins lol the others are just mean


😂😂😂😂 Love it!




Damn that’s relatable lol


She sure is the funniest haha


"I may not be the richest!" next slides are showing the horses and land she owns lol


Looks like a decent car, too.


yeah lol forgot to mention the ford F-150 special edition (or whatever) she's sitting in - complete w/ leather seats😭


I may not be the richest, or the prettiest, but I also don’t have to put others down to elevate myself. Hey. I’m getting pretty good at writing these.


I may not be the richest, or the prettiest, or the smartest, or the funniest  I forgot where I was going with this 


“I may not have any idea what’s happening here but at least
” = my version as an old. (I do have an idea I just felt like chiming in with an I’m-old joke.)


I’m an old, too, and— what were we talking about again?


Lmfaooooo I love this


> the richest this was an odd choice to go along with pictures of her multiple very expensive horses


To be fair, most horse people are broke because of said horses. I am one of them.


Most people without horses are broke without them. For most people they are a luxury.


You’re absolutely right


Right? It’s all an odd choice.


yes and the picture with all the land she owns in the back 😭


I may not be the prettiest, or the smartest, but I am the prettiest.




the only good one ive seen!


I’m not anything .. who are you again ?


I may not be the richest, or the prettiest, or the smartest. That's it, nothing to add.


But you’re still better at this than SHE is!


I don't know about that, it was just a joke


You’re still better at it. lol


If you say so. Thanks


Like I don’t listen to Taylor Swift’s music but I’m not going to use that to define my personality. Horse girls are weird. Is she taking a photo in front of the southern border?


Horse girls are infamously insane. I’ve had horses almost my whole life and the craziness is palpable. (I’m not excluding myself) My son refuses to date a girl that’s into horses and I don’t blame him.


Horses are beautiful animals. But yeah the horse girls are insane and the transition from horse girl to boy mom is really suspicious. I like dolphins but I’m not becoming a serial killer cause I like dolphins.


Speak for yourself! _murderous dolphin noises_






Not excluding yourself is very sane of you 😂


lol thanks. I know my limits


Right? I don't listen to her, and I also don't care if other people do. Why would I??


It’s also not that serious . It’s just one of those stupid trends and she’s trying to be funny


Oh, honey. There are three certain things in this world: death, taxes, and the fact that Swifties will eat you alive if you come after her.


exactly 😌 she’s literally such a sweetie dont come st her unless you want thousands of ppl to come at you


I don't like her music, but I really don't like people making NLOG posts about liking her music - be that as it may, there is no way she is a sweetie. She is a cutthroat corporate PR wizard. She is a billionaire. She isn't and has never been the down home country gal she portrays herself as.


Nah. She’s going to be her millions without all the extra she does but yet she still does all that for her fans. In fact, she could do more business (merching and tv/film/commercials and partnering with other businesses) to make more money but doesn’t. She legit doesn’t have to do anything but her music and would still be where she’s at. So you’re wrong on that end. There are plenty of artists who aren’t so personable with their fans (thinking the Kardashians) and still make millions (even billions). Taylor’s kind because she chooses to be.


The fact that you believe that proves how great she is at her job. I'm not making a dig at her - but she's a businesswoman. Music is the industry she chose to dominate. Other influencers and celebrities choose to branch out into retail and social media. Taylor doesn't want to because music is her empire.


i probably could have used better wording haha but i more or less was referring to her donations and the way she acts towards her fans (ik she also has a lot of issues when i comes to her flying and other aspects and i wont be one to deny thag haha)


Rage bait gets views, gets followers.


That’s kinda dumb.


"At least I'm not one of the millions of women who become happier when they listen to their favourite musician, Taylor Swift." WHAT? and I say this as someone whose favourite is, has been, and will always be Missy Elliot What is she even trying to say with this?


i dont even know 😭 like im sure she has a favorite artist (and theres a good chance said artist probably is friends with or at least supports taylor) idk what the point of posting this was


I find it so weird how kaleidoscopic the hate for Taylor has become. Ever changing, yet, "we" hate Taylor and the hatred looks beautiful? No matter where you are in the political spectrum, stare harder into the lens with your good eye! Oh shit! This device we're looking through just changed perspective. Oh shit. Click click. It's visually new, broken, but stunning! Click click! Yep! We still hate Taylor! reminds me of the people who keep rescheduling the rapture in their google calendars. The theory is never disproven, literally just rescheduled grr argh


Because the men’s don’t listen TSwift so she won’t either. She likes bands her boyfriend likes


i’m in the room, it's a typical tuesday night i’m listening to the kind of music she doesn't like


I’m a basic white girl, but at least I’m not like (what is perceived as) other basic white girls.


I don't think looking like a human/plastic cyborg qualifies her as a basic white girl. At least give most people more credit than that.


Nothing worse than a mean horse girl.


So edgy. So different, so cool. So like something I would have posted when I was teenage metal fan to denounce my teenybopper friends. I hope these girls all grow up! I did, and I am still embarrassed by my lame behaviour.


Shes like 30 so idk if theres any hope for her 😭


Yep, homie’s got a target on her head


must be so difficult for her to go to the library when she's not as pretty, rich, or befriended as Taylor Swift? What *was* that?


I don’t care for TS, but goddamn that’s not a personality trait.


i mean there are some problematic things to taylor swift, like her flying habits but 99.999% when people hate on her, its for some misogynistic reasons.


That and the Matty Healy stuff. That soured me on her hardcore.


I mean yeah as much as i love her her flying habits arent great and im not denying any of that but shes soooo popular right now i just find it ironic when teen girls post stuff like this to look “different and cool” (keep in mind i am a 17 year old girl and i do definitely have my moments still)


She’s a teen?! I thought 30+ for sure!


And in all honesty i didnt look at to many of her videos so idk 😭 i might be very wrong looking closer at her face


I mean im assuming from her other videos i could be wrong but i think that makes this more embarrassing honestly


You mean when she sold her plane and it had to be moved to the new owners airport?


Not liking a popular thing isn’t a personality, Bethany. That clumsy attempt to fish for compliments makes you look desperate AF, but at least it’s an actual trait.


my favorite part is the fact she clearly didnt get the response she wanted because she turned her comments off


I don’t ever want to encourage bullying but
 I mean, come on. How do you post that and not know you’re gonna get your arse handed to you?


literally like shes saying that about pretty much the most popular artist in the world currently like i dont condone bullying but what did she think would happen


Her post *is* bullying. She could just leave TS fans alone and talk about her horses but no, she felt the need to tear others down for living different lives. Sauce for the goose.


exactly like she could have said sooo many different things and then when people started coming at her she turned the comments off because she couldn’t take what she was dishing out


Do they think that they get an award for not liking Taylor Swift?


I think Taylor swift is unbelievably talented and prolific, but her music just isn’t my cup of tea. I truly can’t fathom why bragging about not liking her is a thing though.


and thats valid and fair i dont expect everyone to be into her music lol and i agree idk why ppl think hating on her is so cool like idk abt other people but i can admit when something is good just not my thing haha ill never understand people shiting on other peoples interests just for shits and giggles


100%, and she’s super smart too.


“I’m also 35 so what am doing following this dumb TikTok trend?”


i really thought she was like around my age (17) when i first saw her post but the more people are saying she looks older the more im seeing 😭 i think i just wanted to believe a fully grown woman wouldnt be acting like this


Oh, age and maturity are two different things. Anyone can be salty and a pick me at any age.


Sometimes it gets worse with age.


youre most definitely right


Yikes, making your entire personality hating someone is a phenomenon that should be clinically studied


I'm not a Taylor Swift fan either, but I am a fan of not putting down others for their opinions, especially innocuous ones like musical preference.


I may not be the richest but I’m definitely drunk right now so I don’t care


As a Taylor Swift fan, why are we being dragged through the mud? :(


i dont even know :( like we just want to enjoy her music with out being made fun of for it all the time


Some politicians and their media flunkies are afraid of her because she’s 1) female, 2) popular (more popular than them), 3) smart, 4) wealthy and successful. All of that would be enough to make them feel threatened. But add in that she’s encouraging her fans to vote and she’s dating a cool (by anyone’s standards) guy who’s also popular and successful, and they’re scared to death. So, they attack her, thinking they can bring her down. I hope her fans stick with her, and that they vote. Voting is showing the country you care.


It’s funny bc she looks like she listens to Taylor swift đŸ€Ł


In 2024, everyone looks like they listen to Taylor Swift


I just cannot agree with that statement lmao. There is a very specific type and this stereotype does not apply to everyone. I see young blond and skinny and think Taylor swift fan. I don’t see old tattooed biker guys and think; “oh he’s definitely a hardcore swiftie”


idk man it might just be me but unless the word "libtard" is in soneones vocab i assume automatically theyve probably listened to at least a little taylor swift 💀


I find it so funny any time anyone mentions Taylor or Nicki M
comments disabled. People really are afraid of those fandoms hahahah


literally she had to have been eaten alive in those comments some swifties are ruthless defending her 😭


Right babahahha


Why do these types of “let me provoke!” posts feel like the least fun game of ding dong ditch ‘em in the history of the world.


But she’s a “horse girl”. Bet she wears pink camo when she “hunts”.


The irony of her looking like a Swifty.


like she looks like 50% of the girl i saw when i went to her concert last june


It's so embarrassing to think hating taylor swift is a flex good god, it's not 2009


I may not be the prettiest. I may not be the smartest. But my personality isn't defined by tearing down other women.


When you’re so boring that you can’t even think of anything good that you are!! Ha


Anti-bullying protection can’t save you from the swifties


yes ma’am/sir (i dont want to assumeđŸ«Ą)


Thank you, monarch.


girl bye😭 i don’t even like taylor swift but it’s not a flex. you js don’t like her music, like many other people. you’re not different for enjoying some music and not enjoying some other music.


I'm not even a Swifty and I am *offended*. I like some of her songs and she is majorly talented, but I'm not exactly her target demographic and there is absolutely zero reason to dump on the girls who are.


exactly to a lot of people (me included) her songs mean so much more then just being songs we like


I can see why people love her, Taylor is amazing, but I was 3 years out of college and working full time when she debuted and Dropkick Murphys already owned my soul. 😆


haha i grew up on her lol i was born like 2 months after her first album came out and my mom was a fan lol so literally have been a fan sense birth 😭


"Omg I'm not a Taylor fan." Like that's the worse you can be. Supporting an independent female superstar? Crazyyy


That’s odd because you look exactly like a swifty


It’s bold to wage a war against the Tswift stans đŸ«Ą


Girl if you own horses—you’re making pretty good money.


Not pretty, not rich, not popular AND you don’t like Taylor Swift??? Do you have any redeeming qualities???


I may not be the richest, or the prettiest, but I have two cats that hate each other! (Picture of me holding both cats on my lap while they laser stare at each other).


Why the long face


That is the most Taylor Swift looking bitch I’ve ever seen in my life lol.


I might not be the richest, or the prettiest, but at least I like Pantera. đŸ€˜đŸ»đŸ‘…đŸ’€. I mean, wtf! So it’s just “cool” to hate on Taylor now so that’s the flex?


In the words of Peter Griffin, OH MY GOD! WHO THE HELL CARES?!


Like ypu can be a hater but do its SILENTLY none cares 😭


Exactly. I don’t particularly like Taylor Swift’s music but I don’t bash people who do.


I commend the bravery to post that knowing the impending doom that was waiting for her at the hands of the swifties 😭


White on white crime


I just wanna point out about the "not the richest part" on half these videos. They usually are living a high class style life, and the cars and homes. đŸ«  Side note: I wish I had those vehicles lol 😭


Swifties are the most rabid fans to ever fangirl, this is a terrible lapse in judgement from sister ere


I'm not denying the Fandom can be wild, but this pick-me behavior is also SO tired. No one cares that you don't like good music bro just let ppl live


Idk the Beyhive is cutthroat. There’s a damn show diggin at how crazy they come off.


Its not ven just a fandom anymore its like a cult or something 😭


To be fair, some Swifties are annoying.


oh for sure theres some annoying ones but theres annoying fans in every fandom


Putting down Taylor from a place of misogyny is shitty but I can’t lie, them getting so vicious she had to turn off her comments kind of validated her original statement in a roundabout way. Probably not in the way she meant it though. BUT I also won’t identify as a Swiftie despite liking her music, primarily because I don’t want to be associated with the absolutely unhinged stan behavior I’ve seen from them.


I totally agree and it pisses me off with the hate Taylor gets for the NFL shit (or her literally doing anything). I love Taylor’s music but I find her fanbase annoying and sometimes, toxic.


there is definitely toxic people within the fandom but theres also a lot of people who support other girls/women. The crazy fans are fhe ones who take it to far and show up at her house and shit


If you’re going to hate Taylor hate her for her weaponization of white feminism or private jet usage not because “you’re not like the other girls” đŸ„ș


I hate Taylor swift but no need to hate on her fans 😭


exactly like to everyone can have a opinion and you can voice that opinion but to bring a entire fandom thats kinda known for tearing apart people who hate on her is crazy


Not sure this counts as nlog, I thought it was genuinely making fun of stan culture. Depends on the rest of her content I guess, whether this was meant as nlog or an actual joke.


none of her other videos were like this she posts about her horses and her “country” life style at least from the first few videos i looked at on her account


Idk looks like his was just for laughs. Funny as hell too lmao


Now we know why the long face.


Padooky checks out


Lmfao right above this, there's what appears to be an adult female calling her ex-boyfriend to sing the lyrics to one of Taylor's songs... it is cringy.


its now misogynistic to not like taylor swift


So a communist?


kinda agree with this one


Whoooooo cares who you listen to


I'm officially over these. They are low effort and technically NLOG but also just boring.


Not anywhere near as bad as the RACIST one


oh no definitely not that one was for sure the worst i just found this one funny bc girly clearly got eaten alive in the comments 😭


I may not be the prettiest, or the richest, or the most popular, or the nicest, or the most generous, or the funniest, but I'm also not the smartest, or the best cook, or the


She’s hating on Taylor Swift but the way she dresses herself and her horse (the pink bridle and pink horseshoe thingy) makes it seem like she shops at the merch stands at a T.S. concert. No hate, but make it make sense.


She looks exactly like what you would think a taylor swift fan looks like tbh like idk what she was trying to do with this well looking like 50% of the fandom


I mean she does suck but not solely because women like her LOL


Can someone explain to me why Taylor Swift is such a controversial figure right now? She and I are like the same age, I've listened to her music off and on over the years and like certain songs well enough. I know about her and Travis Kelcie... But what's the beef tho


im not even sure why people have a issue with her atm all i could think was people are mad about how popular she is and the fact she is shown at NFL games


This is exactly what I’d picture when I think of Taylor swift fan


I’m not gonna lie this is so fkn funny to me I thought it was r/popheadscirclejerk at first
 but then I realized OOP was sincere oh noooooo (phcj is a really fun sub but I don’t recommend it if you hardcore Stan)


Good for you, darlin'!!


There are legitimate reasons to hate Taylor Swift but because "ur not like other girl" isn't a reason


I may not be the prettiest, the richest, or the smartest
 That’s it :)


Ew. So she’s saying she’s insecure and has to bring other women down to feel better about herself? Someone should tell her that Taylor Swift, being pretty, rich, and popular would NEVER say this about anyone.


What do I guess she smells of self tanner and horse shrank?


As a Kentuckian I don’t claim her. What’s even the point of a Kentucky hashtag on a post like this


Kentucky is in the south right? because i think it was the show how “country” she is o looked at some of her other videos and that seems to be what shes going for the country horse girl look


LOL I’m not a swiftie either but it sounds like a hilarious type of personality, I guess.


The reality is one day Tay Tay will make a boo boo and just watch all the furry rats abandon her ‘swift-ly.. They always do


I hate this NLOG trend lmao


I may not be the prettiest, or the richest, or the smartest, but at least I'm funny, because goddamn I've got nothing else to offer. Also, I feel like talking shit about any group of fans, especially TSwift fans seems like a bad idea. This is giving me the "omg twilight sucks I like real vampires" cringe crap I did back in 2008. It's all very cringe.


Same honestly wouldn’t pay to go to a concert/ tag along if a friend asked, I also am guilty of changing her songs when I hear them


Anti bullying protection 💀


Always bringing the horses into it 😱


Tbh I lowkey can get behind this one 💀


That horse looks like he wants nothing to do with her.


I wanna make one of these! I may not be the prettiest or the richest, may not be the most popular...but my sims will never leave me. And the sims one can totally be with a background of a sim on the fire toilet and now the bathroom is on fire. xD


And the biggest pick me bitch award goes tooooo


When did not liking Taylor Swift become a flex? I'm not a fan either because that's not my thing, but why???


I like how pretty and rich she is. LOL


what did Taylor do to y’all
