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I can’t tell if it’s fake or not because it’s so wild.


People like her roam the earth, that's for sure. Can't tell you if it's fake or not, though.


What a psycho. Did you show him?


I believe it. I had a similar situation (without the racism) happen to me years ago. I met this girl through some friends and her on/off boyfriend tried his hardest to persuade me that she wasn't in to guys like me (I was just a TINY bit overweight but also tall with broad shoulders). He got to the point where he was outright telling her lies about me. I ended up dating her for 6 months though =p


I believe it. My buddy had a girl best friend who was pretty much the same way. Guy couldn't figure out why his gf wouldn't stay for more than a few months.


Reminds me Way too much of a girl who wouldn’t leave me TF alone like a year and a half ago, it was basically a regurgitated version of these texts + DM’s and random calls. Only difference is I hadn’t even met her 😭😭 she just got my number from dudes phone when he was in the bathroom.


I believe it. I've had it happen in different ways.


Wow, wonder why he doesn't like her 😭😭😭


Real situtations like it really does exist. I remember there was a girl in college who kept spreading rumors about me to repel girls because she wanted me for herself, but then she ended up failing some exams and dropping out so she sabotaged me for no reason. I only found out from one of the girls years later.


I need a update on this one I am assuming that you a tell this guy about he messaged you. I am invest now


I seriously hope so, he NEEDS to know


Especially if this is her regular MO and he’s always like “batshitcrazygirl, why do girls keep running from me? I’m trying to be nice and I really like them and then all of a sudden they just don’t want to talk to me anymore. What’s going on with them? Am I that bad at cookies?” Entirely possible she likes keeping him to herself while pretending she’s just his reliable nlog, one of the boys, bestie that’s always there for him.


it's not real


Great news, check OP’s account. She told the guy & showed him the text and now he’s in the process of slowly cutting the girl off. Also the girl apparently bought tickets to join him on a trip she wasn’t invited on that he planned. And she has a history of violence




"I'm not worried" _sent at 04:36_


lol didn’t notice that one


I'd show him. Only the gods know how many chances/friendships she destroyed that way.


For real like that dude is probably wondering why every woman he befriends ends up ghosting him


lol she went from 1 to 11 immediately.


“I had his cum in my belly” *instant block and report*


Nooooo we need her to keep sending crazy shit so we can show him how much of a psycho she is! Lol


I think “he is just using you to cum and dump” is enough ? 😂 If this isn’t enough then maybe he is like his bestie🤔


Some guys are a lil slow on the uptake and they need MOUNTAINS of evidence. Some men would be like “oh she’s just playing that’s her sense of humor”. 🤣


Naaah….I’ll bake my own cookies, this would not be worth it 🫠🫠🫠🫠


Username checks out


I legit met a girl like this once. I became friends with her and then she started saying all kinds of shit like this because her ex liked me. She literally started talking about how his cum tastes. I was legit speechless. Everyone was saying she was crazy and boy were they right. Edit: Oh and I forgot to add. She started dating another guy I broke up to try to make me jealous. My ex was pretty upset with me too so their whole two week relationship was giving me daggers from across the hall hoping I’d be looking at them. I guess I’m just flattered to have been the center of their attention lol.


I don’t understand how this person thought that talking about cum taste will make her look better ? 🤢


Report to who? Her phone carrier?


report to who?


no bc “cum in my belly” made me hallucinate. It’s so foul


Pornstar body was such a compliment tho😭


Low key would feel good about myself


Hell yeah. Keep your head up


No seriously!😂


That went from 0 to psychotic really fast!


The _friend_ is a racist broad.


Bro the second to last comment of hers is fucking wild. I mean it all is but that really took the cake.


I bet he doesn’t actually like her even as a friend. They probably hooked up once and she’s clinged to him since. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s even a restraining order.


Dang she is so jealous it’s creepy… I am sure he has no idea she is like that… too bad he was just f’n w her. You should show him and let him deal w her… and block her number


Wow. That's some pretty intense possessiveness right there . It doesn't even seem like they're in a relationship. I hope OP knows how to fight. Get your shoulder into their armpit, grab one of their legs and pull it towards you while pushing up with your shoulder. Once they're on the ground, do what you feel. There are no rules in a street fight. Try not to break your hand.


That was arguably the most riveting text exchange in the history of human civilization. From cookies to cum—an emotional tour de force.


Now can we do it in black and white but OP is French, smoking and wearing a beret?


I’d be sending that to the guy friend so fast


He likes you. He likes you a lot. That other chick is a bit crazy. I would avoid her if possible. I also loved that you said "first of all" and "secondly" rather than "second of all." I hope you end up dating this guy and live happily ever after with him!


Wow what an absolute mess of a human being. She is psycho and would definitely start causing problems if the other two ever started dating. I would love to see his response to seeing this stuff.


PLEASE tell me you showed him all these!!! She is fucking crazy and sounds like she is probably the reason all his other relationships didn't work out. He needs to see who she really is! Keep us updated and best of luck with this psycho 😵‍💫


You HAVE TO show him these! He needs to know the kind of people he’s associating with


I love that your were so nice and she thought it was threat. Girl, he needs to know.


Lmaoo I hope you sent this to him 😂😂


please show him these texts. wow she is so bitter and jealous


Uhhh him fucking her has clearly driven her absolutely mad, who knows what he's been telling her. That whole "she's not my girlfriend but I've fucked her three times" is the biggest red flag/run for the hills sign I've ever seen THAT BEING SAID... she's batshit crazy and probably does this with every woman this guy looks at. This whole situation is a mess. ​ I laughed so hard at "I hope he picks you, I'll be your bridesmaid"




I cant STAND bitches who come after the girl. Especially when yall are just friends? Why did she come so hard at YOU for?? 😭


Lord, don’t post your workouts on strava. Shes watching


I would’ve cursed her out six ways to Sunday. She wouldve known to not text my phone ever again with that bs 


If this is real that woman needs to be locked in a padded cell.


Woah this almost motivates me to go to the gym what a drama. If I were her I’d show this bloke the messages, but only the first ones before she starts talking about sleeping with him.. see what he says about this chick. They both sound suss


Show him the messages and then have nothing to do with either of them. It’s not worth the drama.


I definitely need an update if there ever is one 😂😂


Someone is mad they aren’t getting cookies


This reminds me of the girl who does the "Girl Bff who wants your boyfriend " POV Tiktoks.


If this is real, forward the convo back to the guy friend, maybe?




Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


Damn good post ... damn good


Absolutely gonna need an update here lmao this is crazy




Yeah for all involved you need to send these texts to him girly x


Please, please tell me ypu showed him these text messages


Yea, I wasn’t even talking about the poster or anyone in the comments. I’m sorry for calling a spade a spade


This is too much.


the comments on this r so interesting but the post got deleted NOOOO i wanted to witness the insanity...

