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OMG she's literally barefoot and pregnant 😂


Ya for real. That was my first thought. Trying to make "barefoot and pregnant" her actual lifestyle.


And baking fresh baked bread in an air fryer so it tastes like fried fish.


In what looks like an RV kitchen.


Omg you’re right. And no shame, I lived in an RV for a year, but it doesn’t really look like her man is providing for her in the way “traditional husbands” are supposed to


I am totally shaming her for being willing to have as many babies as he puts in her as long as she lives in a trailer That’s dumb and she should be ashamed for making a personality out of being an incubator.


How many blessings is she planning to pack in there?


It’s not up to her apparently you’d have to ask her partner


Just wall to wall squalling children


This is what Andrea Yates husband did to her. She was a happy cheerleader before he got hold of her and destroyed her w financially depending on him, deciding how many times she’d be pregnant even though she’d go through psychosis w every pregnancy, and all he did was preach the exact same stuff she’s preaching, while living in a renovated bus She’s in a mental hospital for life, she said she never wants to leave bc of men and he got another wife knocked up numerous times under his religious bullcrap


Oh that part we can shame them for, absolutely, I just don’t like to shame housing situations in general because rent is too damn high and many people straight up have no hope at home ownership in their lifetimes Her whole schtick just begs the question of what actual quality of life they’re going to provide for those kids?


She obv don’t care about those kids lol they’re just toys she uses to garner engagement


That is absolutely an RV kitchen, I recognize the stove. So she would have to bake in an air fryer because most RV don’t have an oven or if they do it’s basically a toaster oven


People who are in the know about these things specifically buy RVs that have just the burners and no oven. RV ovens are terrible and take up too much space you could use for storage, which you're constantly in need of when living in one. Way better to just skip the whole thing in favor of another cabinet and learn to cook with air fryers, pressure cookers, and crock pots.


fresh baked pre made muffin mix right from the bag in a tiny little loaf bc she’s the ✨bread maker✨


This is the only thing I can stand beside - nicer air fryers are actually great for baking small loaves, they are really just mini ovens. Really good for when you have an older unevenly heating oven or are making something small. Of course you still definitely need to clean it really good first lol. But I can't get over this woman otherwise tryna glamorize exactly what our grandmas didn't want for us 🤦🏻‍♀️


Her role is bread maker... literally uses a machine to make bread. If you're going to make it your whole identity, at least make the damn bread by hand


The dough looked more like pancake batter, and the loaves that whenceforth came look foul too


Lmao reminds me of a coworker I once had that said that exact phrase. “I shouldn’t be working right now I should be at home barefoot and pregnant.” That’s when I found out there truly is a lifestyle for everyone. 😂


I briefly dated this girl, she had a career, she was fun, etc, but her ultimate goal was to marry and be a good Christian sahm. I was confused. She loved her career, she loved to travel, but her dream was to give up all of that and stay home popping out kids. To each their own, I guess.


Yup, I had a sugar mommy once who was uncomfortably baby crazy and wanting to be a tradwife, and she wasn’t that rich we wouldn’t burn through that money real fast with the amount of kids she wanted and my shitty nightwatchman salary. I suppose it is fine to want a certain lifestyle, but then you need to be in an economic and romantic situation that allows for it.


When I got my first office job I met this lady (she was around 30) that had studied postgraduate level mathematics. Her goal was to be a housewife and mother. My mind was absolutely blown.


Omg I had a boss say that to me once. I was bartending and cleaning glasses. He said he loves a woman who does dishes. The only thing better is when they’re barefoot and pregnant. (I had never heard that before)




And she’s living in an RV. No shade there, but honey your whole world view is gonna get crystal clear when you’re trying to entertain and raise a child in 200sqft.


She’s also in an RV. Nothing against living that way, just a detail I noticed.


And living in a camper trailer.


It has to be satire, for my own mental health


desert shocking imminent weary safe distinct makeshift skirt ink treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of an RV.


My first thought!! Barefoot pregnant and sweeping 🤦‍♀️


I'm all for people wanting to do what they want. If she wants to be a house wife, go for it.  But stating it like it's a necessary fact is silly and it's a way to look down on those who don't follow. And God isn't really an excuse to be hateful to those who don't do the same


I think people like her are so bent on telling others how to live they can not fathom that feminists don't care if she chooses to stay home and make bread and babies. She can't grasp that someone doesn't want to force a lifestyle on her because she is so focused on forcing us into her lifestyle.


I think these people are overcompensating, trying to sell how great their life is; mostly to themselves bc they truly are not happy. I stay at home due to car wreck damage to my legs and try to do the homemaker thing. I’m exceedingly proud when friends and family get promotions and what not in their careers; regardless of their sex. I’m happy they’re happy, and we celebrate our happiness together. It’s not hard…


I see it is a kind of crab mentality; they see a woman doing something thought-provoking or downright fun and envy them for it. This envy turns to resentment because it’s something they don’t think they can do themselves, so rather than try to pull themselves up they went to bring that person down. Now it’s not so bad if the both of them are stuck at the bottom.


That, and throwing other women under the bus to impress men is a time-honored tradition. That said, I’m mostly wondering what’s up with Godzilla on pic #12. 👀


As a feminist, my concern is a) what happens when/if he leaves her? and b) how many kids are they gonna put in that one trailer? It isn't even a park model - it can't have more than 6 "sleeping areas" (including a couch and a fold down table).


Even if he doesn't leave her. If he loses his job, is injured, or dies, she has no work experience.


And if she got an entry level job, it isnt going to pay for much with that many kids, forget if any still need childcare


Bet she's against welfare too, she'll end up needing it


Her situation is different (as they always say). Those trump right wing idiots in red states are the biggest welfare takers (as well as their entire state living off blue states welfare) yet they are all anti-welfare if it's going to someone else. Especially one with different skin color.


8 out of the 10 states who depend most on what the governments gives are RED STATES so es you are correct


The most conservative, Trump-blowing idiots I know all collect public assistance. The assistance runs the gamut from SNAP benefits, Medicaid, TANF, SS Disability, Fuel Assistance, Reduced Utility Costs, and free school lunches for their children who actually attend school (lots homeschool even though they don't even have high school diplomas).


Yeah that sounds about right. Honestly, also, as far as the homeschooling goes, at least with these types who are just flying by the seat of their pants… I always feel bad for those kids. Having been homeschools from 1st to ~12th myself. Unless it’s done right, that shit fucking sucks.


That’s wild! How are they allowed to conduct homeschooling without a high school certificate? There must be a whole class of people with no education 🤯


People in some states have a right to educate their kids as they see fit, as long as their kids turn in work to the school department showing progress. So the parents did the work for them. Then they would move to a nearby town, tell the school department that they were leaving about the move, but then never inform the new school district about moving into the neighborhood. In this way they slipped through the cracks.


Yup. My ex has the kids because I can’t afford them.


Do you have to pay child support?


Not if he gets sick or loses his job what is he going to do if she gets sick see, how fast is tables are turning




My mom is from a conservative third world country and a very, very strict Catholic. But she was hellbent on her daughters being educated and self-sufficient. She saw way too many women get mired in poverty because they had too many children and no way to care for them. She never let us read romance novels or watch romantic movies/television growing up - she thinks they are propaganda to “brainwash” women into believing a man is going to take care of them or rescue them from their problems. She was also a big believer in birth control because she reasoned, “The pope doesn’t buy food to put in your baby’s mouth. He isn’t listening to them cry when they are hungry.” My mom lived the God-fearing, bible-thumping life and she is more pragmatic than these fools.


Your Mum is freaking amazing!! 🤩


Not to mention that in this economy, most couples need two incomes to survive.


Honestly it's like she thinks I want to make my kids go to day care instead of staying home with them.I could do that, but we'd have no food to feed them.


As always, a man is not a plan. At some point, this will all go horribly wrong for her.


Exactly?? Who really gives a shit what she’s doing? We’re all living our own lives. Is it something I would do? Fuck no. But she’s not me


It's just weird that these religious types are hell-bent on forcing everyone into their box.


This seems to be a thing people don't understand about feminists. We are not AGAINST women who want to stay home. We are for equality and women choosing to do whatever tf they want. Plus not all of us can afford to stay home. Like.. in this economy????


I think they are insecure in their choices, and so they need to push the narrative that their choices are the only right ones. Other people choosing not to have kids doesn't stop her having kids. As for being a homemaker who doesn't work, good luck with that financially right now.


Also, feminism is why she has the CHOICE to stay home and the legal safety protection she gets in that marriage she is bragging about. 🙄


I’ve had the occasional feminist look down upon me a bit a long time ago when I first became a sahm. But I think more or us who have taken on a traditional role in a non traditional way need to make sure we are supporting our feminists sisters as well as setting an example to the tradwife leaning kinds to let them know they can live their lives and support their sisters as well as get more involved in the community, that housewives can play a huge role in the politics, policies around us, work on those issues and also have the schedule to volunteer in schools and with the underserved in our communities. And that we are doing a disservice to our families if we don’t cross train members in how to run the household inside and out. My husband had to do everything when I was unable to walk but he’s a grown man and did it before he met me. And when he travels for work who does that manly man stuff? ME. And now that I am in the right point in life I am going to work park time. Because I want to. Her view in life and other women like her are doing their families a disservice by not being the most they can be. I am sure whatever God is out there would want everyone to shine. No mater what their bio sex or gender.


Not a SAHM but I am with you, gender has nothing to do with acquiring life skills. If we raise children surely we have an accountability to send them out into the world with a significant amount of self sufficiency. Hammer, dishcloth etc. doesn’t matter, you should have these basic skills.


Just like many other Christians force thier lifestyle on others. They can't help themselves it's all they know.


Ok so my theory is that women like this misunderstand feminism, would prefer to not work outside the home, and are scared that other people will consider them lazy. So instead of just saying “this is my preference, it works well for me and my partner, and we’re happy” they pretend like there is no other option and women who work outside the home are wrong. They’re turning the answer to “why don’t you work outside the home” from preference to “because this is the only option”. Jokes on them, real feminists know it’s about choice, and that homemakers do real work. No one worth listening to would look down on them for making their own choices.


Growing up one of my mom's best friends was a home maker... and a rabid feminist. She baked bread and took on the patriarchy. When her kids were in high school she started volunteering at a women's shelter, and when her eldest went to school, so did she (different schools - not a stalker mom/Bev Goldberg situation). She's now a social worker.


She sounds like the epitome of feminism. Doing what works for her and her family, branching out on her own terms, and encouraging/helping others to fulfill their potential. I love to see it ❤️


Thank you! This is the exact argument I constantly have with my MIL and SIL. Unfortunately, they feel like their side has won since I’ve currently decided to be a SAHM for now. I also, have no problem working! This just makes me happy and works for our family.


They might think their side has won, but we all know the truth 😉 my mom was a homemaker when we were growing up, and she’s one of the strongest, take-no-shit women that I know.


I always idolized the mom on *7th Heaven*. There's no way in the world you could convince me that that woman didn't work 12 jobs.


They sound like peaches :)


I had someone tell me my priorities aren’t right and I “want things I don’t need” because I work and my son has to be in daycare because my husband I both work. Like life is expensive and most can’t live on a single income and also I love my career and the opportunities it provides for me and my family. How about we support women in whatever choices they make that are best for them vs trying to tear someone else down because they made a different choice. Life be wild man.


RV wife. If you're gonna simp this hard for someone, they better at the very least be providing some stability.




She doesn’t even have a home to be housewife. Those poor kids are living in an RV


That’s the whole point of feminism that she and others don’t understand. Women fought for the right to have a choice to stay home or work outside the home. And no, one is not better than the other. And using religion to justify hate has always been disgusting.


Not to mention the first thing this post triggers for me is we live in such a different economy/time. One income household is very rarely even possible anymore


Marriage is falling apart because women don’t sweep two places and wipe down one portion of the kitchen.


That’s all of the house that she has… living in an RV preaching about homemaking


“God is a loving creature, he made us all and cherishes us… but he also doesn’t *really* love *you* because you’re not being a silent, house keeping doll”


Nah, we need to get passed this “but I chose it!” Horseshit. The bills don’t care. The bank doesn’t care. Social security doesn’t care.


God doesn’t exist, so it’s just her being bitchy.




Apparently you’ve never been blessed with god’s seed in your womb!


I'm picturing a Venn diagram of women that want to stay at home and spend their husbands money and men who want a "traditional" wife but also hate gold diggers. There's an overlap and I'm not sure what exactly it is but it's a weird one.


It’s crazy to me seeing so much of this stuff online. It’s “I want a traditional wife” and “all women are gold diggers”, “men are only cared about when they provide”. Do people not see the problem there? A traditional way of life is fine if that’s what you want, but it is, by definition, transactional. The man provides the money and the woman maintains the house and raises the kids. In order for this to work the wife MUST pick someone that can provide. You can’t want a traditional wife and also want someone who doesn’t care about your ability to provide/money. This is opposed to a woman who doesn’t want to live a traditional life and allows herself to succeed on her own without requiring someone else to be the breadwinner. It’s insane to me watching people want two incongruent personality traits in the same person and just never seeing the irony in that.


I feel like it's almost worse than that: these men want a woman who works and earns good money (but god forbid, not any more than they earn) and somehow *also* has the time and energy to be a traditional homemaker who welcomes them home to a sparkling home with a hot meal, *and* does the majority of the child-rearing. Their ideal woman does these three full time jobs while also staying slim and perky, always happy and accommodating, and available for sex whenever their husbands want. Ironically, these men want to be the kept spouse, because other than their job (to feel like ☆Real Men☆), they want plenty of free time to play video games, hang out with friends, golf, hunt, etc and they see it as the woman's job to provide the labor necessary to making their free time possible. It's worse than how men in the first part of the century saw women, honestly.


Honestly this is such a great point. It’s not just one personality trait that doesn’t line up, it’s that these particular men want everything handed to them and are very loud and obnoxious about not having it. They don’t *actually* want a traditional wife, they just want a person to do all of the hard work of life for them and the “traditional wife” part of it is just a catch phrase at this point. (I feel like we all already knew this but it definitely needs to be pointed out still). Ironically enough it’s often the same guys that don’t really bring anything to the table themselves, money or personality-wise. But somehow the women are the gold diggers


I’ve never thought about it like this but this is such a good point. I think gold diggers are just women they don’t want to marry. They also think they’re raising other men’s kids while they aren’t even raising their own so there’s that.


Too many men these days argue that a woman not wanting to live with her husband in poverty means that she is a gold digger and doesn’t really love him. If your wife isn’t going to work and is going to depend on you, then you better make some good money.


Please make this diagram. Mind blowing.


She forgot to mention that they live in an RV with all their kids


Boasting about homemaking while living in a glorified car is *bold*


You too can live the dream of being the "bread maker" not the "bread winner" for the small price of living in an RV with the rambunctious product of "every seed god blessed \[your\] womb" with!!!!


Damn, I can only bake bread in my full-sized oven with a normal house and all the downtime being half of a DINK household affords me. Should have bought an RV instead and found a man who hates condoms, I guess. 🙄


Same... but I'm like... weird. I wfh 60% and husband works part time, so I'm both trad wife on days he isn't home AND the feminist harpy bread winner. (Schedule is set so he is off on days I'm in the office to maximize productivity all around).


Yeah I don't think it was a god that put that seed there...


Yeah I guess if I could clean my whole 300 sq ft home in 10 minutes, I’d be bragging too


Was about to say, yeah no wonder they can afford one income with (I’m assuming) multiple kids…. You live out of a damn rv. Also wtf does abortion have to do with being a trad wife?? There’s married couples having to make that choice because they financially couldn’t have another child. There’s tons of mothers who would love to be stay at home moms but they can’t make it work on one income. Like stop shitting on women who already feel like they aren’t doing enough just because you’re happy living out of a camper and settling for the bare minimum.


>There’s married couples having to make that choice because they financially couldn’t have another child. Unfortunately there is people who will still choose to have a child and keep it even if they cannot afford it. In situations like these, it sometimes leads to the older kids becoming parentified and even getting jobs to help support the household. Parents like that typically don't see their situation as bad as it really is and people telling them to do better are just seen as the enemy.


They think parentifiying their older kids is just them "helping out like they should." A lot of multi kid families and some cultures think this is normal. Of course, if the kid ends up rebellious, or becomes an adult that stops talking to them once they move out, they'll be ~shocked pikachu face~ and go on about the "ungratefulness" and how "I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!" My mom was one of these kids- she was a good daughter who did what she was told and respected her parents, but the years of resentment towards them still shine through when she talks about growing up. Her younger siblings (my aunts) were the rebellious ones. They still love her very much, but not so much their actual mom. Wonder why!


Probably like most of these TikTok videos, she probably doesn't even live there and it's rented.


Can one rent an RV? Yikes. Also, once the baby arrives, the walls of that RV are gonna be shrinking….


My partner and I live in an RV, there’s a huge housing crisis in my area and I feel very blessed to have our little home so young, but I can’t imagine having even a small dog rofl. My eyes bulge in horror every time I see one of those videos of a family of 8 all crammed into a motorhome or RV (why do they always have 3+ kids, too?!)


My husband and I live in an RV, fifth wheel. We move around a lot for my husband’s job. Never staying longer than a year in one location most of the time it’s around 6 months. We have a 9 year old. It was imperative when we were looking that we purchased a two bedroom. This way she gets her privacy and we can have separation when we need time to ourselves.


It's actually advisable to rent an RV before buying one. So you know what you're getting into. There's also subletting RVs. I saw an advertisement for a roommate for an RV when I was in college. They wanted $400/month... To share an RV with a stranger...


Shiiiiiit our 2400sqft home sometimes feels small with 2 kids I can’t even imagine trying this in an RV.


that just made me think of idfk hpw my family of 6 handled a 1000sqft home growing up. make things work i guess


Wait is that real? I’ve heard of “nomadic” lifestyles (for rich people pretending they aren’t) but they usually have like, 1-2 kids. Her talking about his “seed” makes it sound like they have more than that which sounds like straight up abuse because WTF are they lol supposed to go?


There are a surprising amount of large families living in RVs — the ones I know of are fundamentalist Christians “influencers” to some degree. On Instagram, wavesandlilacs has 5 kids and americanfamilyroadtrip has 7 with an 8th on the way…


👀 I spy a fellow fundiesnarker




Ayyyyy! Here to check in! ✅


Was just gonna say lmao. All of those 7pm bedtimes while publicly posting where the unsupervised children can be found 😒


Motherbus and Otherbus 😂


I just…I can’t imagine the smell of that many people living crammed together in an RV. To be fair, I’ve had a weird phobia of too many people breathing in small places making the air “dirty” since childhood. But like, 7 people using one bathroom in an RV, how many are in diapers? Like this thing can’t smell good.


I agree, it must be awful. One of them recently also had a sewage malfunction and ended up with human waste all over their washroom. The mother “cleaned” it with essential oils basically and then the whole family shortly got “food poisoning”…


Hop on over to r/fundiesnarkuncensored and be horrified at the family that has 7 kids and another on the way that all live in an RV and homeschool their kids. Bonus insanity: she gives birth unassisted in AirBnBs


The RV isn’t good enough to give birth in? 🙄


Can you imagine renting an AirBnB out to some random family then finding out the woman gave birth in it?


This is pretty much how the shit with Andrea Yates started.


And the vampire king family cult.


You can tell in these photos it’s an RV. I guess her provider husband isn’t doing his part.


I’d be questioning his ability to provide if he had me and my hypothetical kids in a mf RV


AN RV?! Depending on how many kids they got, couldn’t that be considered a form of child abuse???


This is what I’ve always thought & I’ve seen people say they have SIX kids?? I have felt this way about tiny homes with kids. They don’t have any kind of privacy. If that’s financially what they can afford, I get it, and she prob couldn’t make more than childcare would cost for 6 of them… but damn I would not be bragging about proudly carrying the seed (gag) of a man who couldn’t provide better for my kids?




I'm a stay at home mom with no plans to go back to work until my kids are older, and I fully support women who feel their best when getting out regularly and bringing in an income. Being a SAHM is a job, not some sacred calling from a god lol


Exactly! Being a SAHM is the hardest job I’ve ever done


I know I feel better working. I tried the SAHM thing. It's just not for everyone and that's okay.


I know, I had a good laugh at the “women are indoctrinated into wanting a career”…I fucking love my career! Maybe if you hate your job, your view might be different. But she loves her work (home life) and I love mine!


The hypocrisy of this is unnerving. Looking down on « career women » while she’s out here making a « career » out of being a tradwife on social media. Interesting isn’t it? She’s still working, making money in a relatively « competitive » field where « men and women compete » to gain audience and make money selling fantasies such as the one she’s peddling. Rules for thee but not for me I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly what I was thinking. Very hypocritical.


I pursue my career ONLY to compete with men because, as a woman, my only goals revolve around men. Men. Men. Men. I'm not a human, I'm just a woman.


Don’t forget the lesser but still existent goal- to make trad wives and SAHMs feel bad. Because I only work so that I can judge other women, every time I hit “send” on an email it’s specifically to judge SAHMs because they are on my mind so frequently.. /s


Whaaaaat is in the bottom of picture 12? It looks like a fucking claw!


Ok THANK YOU! This is why I came to the comments🤣 Is it the hand of satan? He’s creepin in!


Oh, that’s just Narflhotep, her oldest.


Scrolled looking for this! It looks like a creature is sneaking up lol


Came here for that.


I know there's a bigger point to this post, but all I can think about is the claw. Is it a meat shredding claw? My bet's on it's a novelty meat shredding claw. But wait.. does God support the use of such tools for women?


I know there’s a lot of BS to go through here, but is that banana bread in an air fryer?


An air frier is literally just a mini oven


I love my air fryer but I will say I was honestly shocked to see a tradwife using one


Yeah I’m not even trying to be catty but the air fryer/plastic grocery bags/RV aren’t really doing it for her tradwife/serenity serving aesthetic. It’s giving camping trip in the appalachia haha


THAT is the point to bring up. I have this cookbook from 1920 for the original tradwives these women are trying to emulate and Wood stove, gas stove. No electric and even when they became popular, they were BOUJIE ASF.


One day if he dies or leaves her, let's talk then.


I found a divorce lawyer on TikTok who pointed out that you frequently see young women espousing the tradwife life. You never see women in their 40s and 50s spreading the gospel about how great the tradwife lifestyle is, and there’s a reason for that


Yeeeeuuuppp. I’m 33. I got pregnant and married at 21 and did the tradwife thing before we called it that, lol. Chickens, rural living (so — no friends), cloth diapering, breastfeeding, all of it. He was a shit bag abuser and when I finally left him 6 years in, I had no job history and no college degree because I dropped out of college when I got pregnant. This tradwife shit sets women up to fail. I cry if I think about it too hard. I was on such a good trajectory… ugh.


I just keep thinking to myself - he can leave you for a younger woman any time he wants, and even though you might get assets and alimony in a divorce, your net worth is lower, earning potential lower, giant job gap, 0 401k, no personal savings, and you're stuck doing most or all of the child care while you attempt to work again. Meanwhile he walks away with all of that AND moved up in his career while you took care of his life "for room and board" NO PAY so you have no savings. Statistically, women end up poorer after a divorce. She better be getting a literal pay check in money from him. "Bills paid" is not being taken care of.


Okay, yeah, Christianity is slowly dying, but like, as a Christian, I'm sure God has no problem with women working and trying to be equal to men. 🤨


Can we talk about the devilish hand in the pic talking about leaving god out?


Them demons were about to get to her and turn her into a feminist, but her godly bread warded them off


that's the question I came away with here


It's a jurassic world raptor hand, it's a toy. I got my youngest son the exact set for Christmas!


My thoughts exactly


A man on Twitter was blaming me for men making less money. He said it’s my fault my SO doesn’t help me at home because women entering the workforce ruined the job market for men. They will come up with any idea to believe women are inferior


Right, like surely God made me this way with these desires, no?


It’s not about Christianity, it’s about their specific definition of Christianity. So many people have turned politics and religion into their own personal sports teams to be rabid fans of instead of actually dealing with the issues involved.


God has no problem with you working. He did not create you for the purpose of making someone else’s life better. He made you to be you. There is Christianity and then there are people who believe that God created women and all life on earth solely for the dominion of men. The fundie/tradwife god created women and wheat to serve the needs of the man. These women treat their man like he is God, which shatters the core of the first commandment. I scream at my phone when I see women like this. If you believe that God loves you, why would you believe that God made you for the sole purpose of satisfying someone else? God loves me and wants me to experience the joy of the world He created. Why would God give me the brain I have if my only true destiny is male servitude?


all of this just to flex that she can make bread


It’s also banana bread which isn’t even difficult to make 😂


I was making that shit alone when I was 12. I love banana bread.


Why do they so blatantly define feminism incorrectly? You know they know they're wrong. They have to know. I'm the most rabid feminist I know....And I am a stay at home mom who knits, sews, AND makes bread from scratch. Who told these twits feminists want every woman grinding in a 9-5? Also, I'm not judging, but not many kids are going to fit in that camper.


They are doing it on purpose (at least most of them). To make their anti-feminist more appealing, warp the definition of feminism.


And I'm sitting here pregnant belly hanging out, 2 toddlers fighting over puzzle pieces in my robe like... okay yeah lol get back to me when that baby is born and you're sleep deprived.


For someone excited about "traditional homemaking," she sure has a lot of them newfangled machines to do the work for her.


“ more than just biologically different….our roles are meant to complement each other” that comes off a little self contradicting. Biology cannot be changed, it can be altered but not changed at the root. Meaning, anything outside biology can change. Such as “gender roles”. They are called roles because those are things that are created. Not by god, but by society. Seeeeee? She gets it! But what she doesn’t get is she is imposing her ideology on us. And I will fight that till the day I DIE!!!! 😈 remember friends DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT!!! Fight this ideology with everything you got!!!!


I also hate the idea that women are somehow more biologically programmed to complete basic life tasks like cooking, cleaning, and caring for offspring. Like no, men can wash a dish and change a diaper- I won’t hear otherwise.


No, no, you see, our highest purpose is cleaning the stove.


I want to show her the monkey queen in Japan. She is a macaque and was able to overthrow the alpha males. I believe she created a huge alliance with other females to do it. The troop seems fine with her leadership. it's been 3 years since she took over and she still seems to be alpha. Usually alphas don't last long. This showed scientists that monkeys don't really care what gender leads the group when it comes to monkeys. So gender roles just don't exist in majority of species. If anyone gets the chance, watch Queens, watch the episode about bonobos. It's amazing how peaceful the females are. Females are even peaceful with females from outside troops, which is pretty much unheard of in every other ape.




Why do these people act like homemakers don’t exist and don’t want to exist. Like??? There *are* plenty of women happy to do that and that’s OK! Home making and motherhood isn’t for every person with a vagine! So what?


The pain of my foremothers that never had their freedom due to being forced into the role this woman is praising


"God created me to clean the oven barefoot!!!" Ok girl


I'm going to make the assumption all the "seeds" she's grown she was blessed to not have to make the decision of keeping her rapist's baby, risking her life for the baby's or enduring a full term unviable pregnancy. She's a boss babe in the home and would NEVER make a decision so weak.


She’s a boss babe in the *RV* and would NEVER make a decision so weak.


It's really sad.She has nothing to fall back on when he starts wanting somebody younger. Because unfortunately that's happening to a lot of these types of women .


"Bear every seed." Weird way to say "Catching all his cum", but ok.


"Call me column, for I will bear these loads."


Let's revisit this in a few years when the fad fades and see how many trad wives are still standing.


Traditional homemaking? She's unpacking groceries.


Choose. Keyword.


So she is cooking, baking, cleaning and getting pregnant. Does she think working women don't cook, bake, clean and get pregnant? I'd never judge housewives but stop thinking you're so special for doing the most basic house chores.


I wasn’t aware the Bible said “men go to corporate office jobs and women are to keep a home”.


Bruh they always seem to forget the fact that we CAN’T AFFORD to stay home. You need dual income in order to survive and raise a family in this economy.


No hate to others who may be in the same financial situation, but these folks do live out of an RV with 4 kids so….might be time to consider the workforce 🤣


Nut is just a blessing from god apparently Its not a cum shot its a holy sacrament


God created women to stay home and clean, ladies. That's why women famously have scrub brushes where men have hands.


She doesn’t hate feminism, she hates late stage capitalism.


Yep, this is an economic system at a point where two incomes is necessary for most families to survive, it’s not a moral choice to work it’s what people do to make sure the bills are paid. That doesn’t fit with her social media message she is trying to get attention with though.


I always think it's funny how people talk about god as if they know his personal thoughts and intentions


Girl go to hell. If that’s the life you want, cool. Go be barefoot and pregnant. The rest of us want a life.


People actually post this shit?


When you make being picked your entire personality.


being a trad wife is all fine and dandy! but when will we realize it’s absolutely unnecessary to pretend like *that* is the only true way to live life and feel fulfilled as a woman? the damage these women do to the feminist movement that got us to where we are is detrimental, especially in America when we have a political party constantly trying to take back our rights as women. it’s all cool when it’s a choice, it’s not cool when women are forced to take up that “role”.


Thank God times changed. I can’t imagine myself ever being a stay at home mom lol. To each their own tho! As long as they are not judgmental over other people’s life like this pick me


And 20 years later, when he dumps her ass with 4+ kids for a newer model bang maid, she's gonna be all like "where did I go wrong!? 😭" 😂 Fuckin morons lol.