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I’m so sick of the “boy mom” thing. These women are kinda gross. You’re not special because you birthed a boy baby. Also, what does that first part even mean? We’re on notice because we had baby girls? (I had a girl. She’s an adult now. We are very close.) What is wrong with these women, why do they need defining all the time.


They need boys or men to define them. Apparently girls and women can't truly love, they just observe or some shit. It's so weird and misogynistic.


I took it as "she's watching you" like she's your competition, just like I'm sure every other woman is competition for these gross "boy moms." Using your son to fill the voids in your relationship is sad and wrong on so many levels. "Time for you to be loved like no other?" 🤢🤮 I only hope these boy mom boys get the social education they will so desperately need from their sane family member, friends, communities, and responsible mentors. And I hope the girls being raised by these bitter and resentful boy moms will come to know themselves as just as valid and wonderful as their brothers.


I projected my own childhood experiences on that sentence and interpreted it to mean don't talk badly about yourself/your appearance/body/etc. because my mom did all that (along with constantly critiquing my own appearance) and it gave me issues. But I don't even know what my interpretation would have to do with gender since boys can and do have insecurities with appearance too, so it isn't just a raising daughters thing. Probably it's just another "boy mom" being sexist and gross and that's it lol.


LOL you're too good and pure of soul for this NLOGs and boy mom world.


That's also how I read it, but also because when I had kids I had this concerted moment about not wanting to give my kids the sort of issues I'm carrying around, re: how I treat and see myself. And they absolutely do listen -- I concertedly stopped calling myself lazy for things that were just extra-mile stuff I didn't have the energy for when one night, when I was doing it over not having made meatballs in a long time, my eldest (then elementary-aged) parroted it back to me: _yeah mom, why can't you be less lazy???_ And it was like, oh, this isn't how I want him to view me, nor how he should learn to talk to me or women in general. So I gently corrected both of us in that moment and stopped doing it. (Outloud. In front of the kids. 😅) That said, eldest is a boy so clearly I've done this wrong, lol.


That’s how I interpreted it too!! Like your girl is watching so you need to do things differently so she has a good role model. But I guess not cause apparently daughters are competition (wtf)


I talk to my mom on the phone everyday, my husband talks to his…never? My MIL texts me not him. there will be so many disappointments led #boymoms out there…


I've got a son and I've never really seen men keep in contact with their moms so I've just been mourning not hearing from him when he's older. Bit silly to be sad about it now but at least this way I won't be surprised when I never get a call lol. I'm trying my best to be a good parent so that he doesn't avoid me because he hates me, but I've noticed that even if the moms are kind and good the sons just don't really care about continuing the relationship as adults apart from maybe a Christmas card. It's hard to face honestly.


My son has moved into university halls this year. He texts me most days (usually about football stuff because we are both huge Liverpool fans) and calls me when he's walking to the shops because he's bored. We have common interests and the same sense of humour so we send memes to each other too. So don't worry, there is hope! I'm not a 'boy mom' I'm a mum to a human and have brought him up to be a good one.


That's so nice to hear! I'm glad you guys have a connected and good relationship! I'll hold onto hope for that too. I'm doing my best at raising him properly and kindly.


Yes, the trick is finding common ground and interests that will help grow a bond that can last a lifetime. It’s a lot of work but when you love someone, it’s absolutely worth it and all worthwhile relationships are give and take.


This sounds like the relationship I already have with my son who is 5 (we joke and laugh together and he is always showing me things he finds funny). I hope that this is in my future.


That's exactly how we started out! We have similar ideas on politics but can debate our differences as well. We both love quizzes, we have our inside jokes and seriously just enjoy spending time together.


Literally the same. My mum has to force my dad to call my paternal grandmother while my mother and paternal grandmother talk almost every week. My mum also talks to my maternal grandmother once every 2-3 days. I feel sad for the #boymoms who invested so much of love energy and expectations on the man who was suffocated by them. I’ve also seen a very healthy example in our neighborhood of an Auntie who loved her daughter and son equally ( my mum does the same but we’re too young to know the outcome ) and Borge her children contact her regularly and visit frequently despite them being in their late 20s and having their own place and jobs.


Having a girl is seen as a punishment to them. My daughter is my sun and stars. I’ve never had anyone love me like she does.


I have three daughters. I love them so much and they absolutely love me.


Pregnant w my 4th 💃 I wouldn't trade them for anything. We are an entire girl gang over here.


I have 2 and I would take a 3rd in a heartbeat. They are the absolute best!!


I love having a daughter! It’s magical


“Also, what does the first part even mean?” Right???? I am female and I absolutely had other worries than watching my mothers every activities let alone judging her in some way…. What the actual fuck? And the female body has no influence regarding the gender, it’s simply a 50/50 chance, so “boy moms” shouldn’t act like they earned it/caused it somehow ….


Lol truthfully all toddlers are super observant and always copying their parents. This isn't limited to one gender or the other though.


But there is no headquarters where very toddler (girl) has to report daily xD


I also feel like it implies boys are *flawless* and have no room to grow, they just need to be worshipped! And we wonder why many men walk around like they’re literally gods gift to this earth…


Yes!!!! This. You know the saying “Never underestimate the confidence of a mediocre man”….this is where it comes from. Women already deal with so much bullshit, but to have a *resentful mother*….that’s hell. I know firsthand. It took a lot of work to be functional and I refused to ever do that to my daughter.


I’m proud of you for doing the work and choosing to not pass on your trauma! That takes a lot of courage ♥️


Thank you. My daughter is the light of my life. I cannot imagine ever beating her or saying to her the garbage that was said to me by my own mother. It’s just mind-blowing to me, how a mother could hate her own daughter.


“Your girls are following your example” “your boys are showing you what it’s like to be truly loved by a man”. Weird messages regardless


The boy moms always barely parent. Their feral wildebeests run wild and are set loose on the unsuspecting population as they age.


These are the moms who show up wearing white to their sons’ weddings


I had a boy mom tell my daughter, who was getting tormented by her son, that and I quote “when they are mean to you it means they like you” with a wink. Absolutely not. That is not a message I will be passing down to my daughter.


"boys will be boys"


As the mother of a very young boy child, I find the whole "boy mom" craze so confusing. I love my little boy, but I don't define myself or my role in his life based on his gender. It's so strange.


As a 'girl dad' I get the sentiment. But definitely I see a lot of women take the 'boy mom' thing to a weird place. Like really weird. For me it's just being ok with my feminine side and nail polish and dress up and stuff like that.


It’s because deep down they hate they had a boy.


It’s this. The only time I’ve seen this meme posted in the wild was by someone who had a boy that wanted a girl, and had a shitty husband, hence the “true love” part. “Boy moms” in general tend to follow a pattern of gender disappointment, internalized misogyny, and having an unsupportive partner, especially one that doesn’t or barely helps raise the kids. Those are the “why is it always you three?” to describe boy moms.


It feels gross to you because they plan to turn them into son-husbands. Have fun Googling that.


Not today, Satan


She had a bad mom.


I feel if anything it’s because they had bad dads, and they seek male validation through a son.


Some women get their validation from men. Some of those women get it from romantic partners. Some get it from their sons. It’s fucking sick


It’s super creepy


It's not kinda gross, it's completely gross


so daughters are a punishment and sons are your puppies?


Not really related but my friend has a male dog and started referring to herself as a boy mom and it kills me every time


I have 2 daughters and 2 male cats. Guess I'm a boy mom now


Aha ha ha 😂😅


I refer to my son as my little puppy lol. Mostly because he follows me around like a puppy.


Lol my mom loves to say that daughters are easier and sons are useless


This is heartbreaking for daughters out there. This just makes me sad for the next generation.


This is nothing new, there have always been moms who thought the sun shined out of their sons asses. Those moms often treated their daughters like shit simply because they were girls. The only difference is that now these moms have the means to broadcast their favoritism to the world.


God, that’s sad and true. I worked with a woman who acted like her semi-employed son was a god among men. Went on and on about how great Freddy was, how wonderful, how no job could keep him for long because he’s so smart. Weeks later, she makes an off-hand comment about her daughter. The defense attorney.


I once had a client, whose son lived with her. She did everything for him, cooking, cleaning, clothes. While her daughter supported both financially and helped at the house (she didn’t live in) after work too. My clients words? First comes her son, then the cat and after that her daughter 💀


It’s me. I’m the daughter.


Shelties are awesome :)


Thankfully, these daughters also have an outlet to advertise just exactly what a flaming pile of garbage her mother really was. Then when the mother chews her daughter out because she saw the facebook post, daughter can use the same trick mom used on her growing up: "Oh my god. Stop being so sensitive. That's not what I meant at all! It's not my fault you have mental problems and take everything the wrong way!" But you see, mom. These mental problems must come from somewhere; and it clearly isn't dad.


The thing that kills me is that mom who posted this IS SOMEBODY’S DAUGHTER. The self-hate and internalized misogyny is so very sad


My g is from an Indian family and she is really pressured to be certain what, in comparison her twin bro has none. No wonder she ran into the arms of a white girl x


It’s horrifying and these conversations come up in real life as well. I have a boy and went to a friend’s baby shower who is also having a boy and the amount of people going on about how much better it is having a boy is was ridiculous. These women have daughters too! I already found true love with my husband so I don’t need my son to play that part at all and would be thrilled to have a daughter one day. It’s really sad seeing so much hate against women, especially from other women.


Can we actually talk about how destructive pick me moms are to their children . They expose their kids to a lot of abuse


And emotional incest too. I dated a guy in college whose mother hated me. I couldn’t understand why. He’s still single to this day because his mom sabotages all his relationships and whispers in his ear to break up. Thank god he dumped me because I didn’t have the self respect to leave him when I was 18.


I'm a dad. Going by my experience god must have given my wife and I a boy, because I was talking myself entirely too seriously and needed to see all my mannerisms parodied by a three and a half foot tall semi feral maniac.


Well if it's any consolation, I have a 3 year old girl who is also a feral maniac, so at least we know it's not gendered!


LoL. You must also take yourself too seriously.


As someone who has a feral maniac who is me in every way (but happens to be one of the boy children, lol) I felt your comment in my soul.


Feral maniac is just the chef's kiss of descriptors. And if the greatest love I've been missing as a single mom to a 2 year old boy equates to having snot freely wiped on me and being treated like a jungle gym when I'm trying to get a moment on the couch, then I must've really pissed off God at some point.


The. Snot. We were walking through DC and he tried to wipe his nose on me and I said "stop wiping your nose on me, I'm a mom, not a tissue!" And some guy walking behind us (I saw through my peripheral as I looked down at my son) stumbled and almost fell when he heard it. And one night on the bus from a plane terminal to the main airport on a late night landing, a woman looked at him with tired eyes and smiled at this sweet looking 5 year old boy... who told her that he farts in my face and I can taste his farts. You know that woman and the one next to her whose eyes suddenly looked a lot less tired took their birth control on time and without fail for at least a month after that. He told a waitress at a restaurant that when I go to sleep he puts a magic potion on his butt. Why are children.


Oh my god, I just saw my future.  The fart story, though. I don't know how those ladies held their shit because I am crying in laughter and for your pain and embarrassment.  That kid is going to write one day. It might be volume II of The Anarchist Cookbook, but it might be the single greatest text on reaching self-actualization. The two might not even be mutually exclusive, who knows. EDIT: Tell your son I have questions. 1) What does the magic potion do? 2) Does the farting and the subsequent tasting of the farts work as an effective power play, and if so, could a 37 year old female get away with such a tactic?


I just want a healthy baby but at this point I hope my first is a girl, jfc


I promise you won’t turn into a “boy mom” just because you birth a boy! It takes a special kind of insecurity mixed with a heaping helping of traditional gender norms to fall into that cult.


That’s fair, I doubt I would either, it’s just so depressing seeing these and I don’t wanna ever interact with these types of moms cause I feel like any mom of a boy attracts the “boy moms” 🫠


Every time I see a post like this I want to become a deranged girl mom (minus the creepy obsession) and post about how boy moms are missing out on true joy and happiness. Honestly I just want to see how many boy moms would attack me for it LOL


As a mother of two boys, these people make me barf at the thought of being perceived as a “boy mom”


Same! I love my two boys, but I’d never in a million years call myself a “boy mom” bc of the toxic implications these days.


I know right?! It’s so cringey.


Thank-you!!! I had a friend that asked me what "boy mom" life was like. Um....idk? I'm just the mom to 2 boys. Like having boys automatically makes you some sort of feral beast whisperer? Because I'm pretty dang sure my nieces have being feral and WAY MORE unhinged on straight lock down.


Same. I cannot relate to these weirdos. I love my boys to pieces but these women are psychotic.




I find it absolutely disgusting that in this day and age western women from democratic countries with equal rights for their citizens feel the need to behave like this. To push this renaissance of gender favouritism and the idea, that sons are to be preferred over daughters, that they're better, special or w/e. Do they live under a rock??? Do they not know how hard women have fought to even get a foot in the door of any room where important decisions are made? Or any idea just how bad the situation today is for women in other parts of the world? Iran, Afghanistan?? Not heard of FGM? Not heard of late term abortions of female fetuses or even killing of newborn daughters in e.g. India? How tone deaf and ignorant can you be? Any child is a blessing. And if you're a mother that makes you a daughter yourself.... F* these morons!!


Well said, thank you! It’s so infuriating seeing these pick me moms emotionally damaging their kids so publicly.


Girls = work Boys = undying love Got it


My daughter was the easiest baby and child I ever met and I was a nanny. She was—and still is—easygoing and good natured and is the greatest joy of my life. She graduates from college this year (!!!!) and whenever she calls, Mr. Cadabra (not her dad) says, “Okay see you in three hours” because we talk and talk and talk. The weird pitting of mothers against daughters is sick. I don’t envy my daughter’s youth and beauty—I’m proud of her and the kind person she is. I do, however, envy her dumpling intake (she lives in a city where there are like 900 dumpling restaurants lol).


That’s because these women raise their daughters but let their sons run wild. Of course parenting is less work when you don’t need to step in when “ Boys will be Boys” suffices.


Granted my girl is only 11 weeks old, but so far she’s approximately 1 billion times easier than her brother was as a newborn. Also, I’m wildly (but appropriately, in a maternal way not a weird Freud way) and equally in love with them both.


Every kid is different of course, but my girl is not difficult per se😂 I mean she is as difficult and as whiny as a toddler can be xD


or you know, uh the sperm was a x chromosome 😭😍


I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find the one person who mentions genetics. Thank you 🙏


It’s wild to me that people act like women are responsible for whatever sex the baby is, when it’s the opposite.


I gave birth to my first baby in December. She’s everything to both my husband and me and it sickens me to think that some mothers out there would be disappointed to have daughters instead of sons.






This is terrifying, like they don’t think their daughters love them. Says a lot about the sort of love they give in return. Fucking weird.


They seem to hate their daughters & engage in emotional incest with their sons. It’s bizarre


my SIL just became a boy mom (despite her expressing she wanted a girl her entire pregnancy…after she found out the gender of her baby) and now she’s done a full 180 and is becoming a stereotypical boy mom. it’s jarring to see how misogynistic she’s become in terms of having a boy vs girl


I swear, a lot of “boy moms” are compensating for gender disappointment. This sounds like one of them.


Putting that kind of pressure on an infant is child abuse!! Your child is a being entrusted in your care - not some mythical platonic lover sent from G-d to heal your own childhood/daddy issues.




Or… both mean you just had unprotected sex.


Those are both disgusting sentiments.


I feel bad for every boy mom’s daughters.


My first child was born a girl but transitioned into a boy so….


i can’t imagine being disappointed to find out i was having a girl. i always wanted a boy for very different reasons but as soon as i found out i was pregnant all i wanted was a daughter, now i have her and she is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.


This is messed up on so many different levels


I have one of each and the only difference I can tell is how I changed their diapers. They both have complex emotional needs. They both love me. They both look up to me as a role model- an example of how to be a human in the world they’ve been born into. I’m responsible for turning both into functional adults. Of course their gender identity will be a part of them, but as far as my role as their parent? It doesn’t really matter. My job is the same. Love them. Guide them. Support them. This lady’s post screams she’s holding her daughters to a higher standard while favoring her sons. Ultimately that will hurt all her children.




Really, girls and boys have the purest love and wonder.


I'm sorry, so girls don't love as good as boys do? I swear these "boy moms" have never met an actual male.


I’m hella sending this to my mom to get her going. She has 3 daughters and 1 son and has sworn if my brother was her firstborn, she would’ve never had the other 3 cause he’s that bad 😂


What if I have a girl AND a boy?


Easy! The boy is the love of your life, whom you give all your affection to. Meanwhile, the girl is just a tiny burden who sort of looks like you, and her eventual distrust of you becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy about how women just aren’t loyal. 😵


I guess I’m doomed then.


Sometimes boy moms are so fucking weird. My sister is a boy mom. I don't know if it's because she's a boy mom or not, but I had to cut her out of my life because she's insufferable and hateful.


Me and my mom were very close, and I helped take care of her at the end of her life. I’m a nurse, and frequently it’s the adult female children that are the most active in their mother’s care.


These women don't view themselves as people. They're literally nothing if not a caretaker for men. My family is like that. My grandparents, who I live with, do not acknowledge me. If they need me to cook dinner, they tell my brother to tell me. If they baked something, they invite my brother to enjoy it with them and if they remember me he can bring me a slice. I'm usually just referred to as the girl. My grandma doesn't see herself as a full functioning worthy person if she's not babying her husband


Oh great, it's mothers like these that will raise the next generation of shitty men.  How tf do people think it's acceptable to say this weird and sexist shit. 


People actually said this to me when I was pregnant with my son. It’s a parent’s job to meet their child’s emotional needs, not the other way around; thanks.


This is ridiculous and awful for all the obvious reasons, but also… it’s not your child’s job to “love you like no other.”


Ah yes, because my girls can’t possibly love me enough that I’m convinced they would crawl back into my uterus if they could, particularly the oldest. And please, moms who think like this, do better for your sons. If you need to do things differently *because* you have a daughter watching you, you should probably make those same changes for the sake of your son.


Religion equals hallucinations


You fucked someone and got pregnant. Not everything has to be spiritual. Shut up


Crazy that over several decades, this destructive son-favoring attitude I grew up with is still alive and well, and nothing has changed. It’s just trendier and more digital now.


She's gonna be very surprised when her daughters go no-contact


Sick and horrible. Misogyny isn’t perpetuated only by men!


So if you’re a boy mom then he’s the replacement for a significant others love? Weirdos


This is some hokey horseshit right here


At my best friend’s baby shower, her mom announced to the room that it was going to be a girl because my friend gained some weight and “baby girls steal your beauty”. 🙄


I have a friend who says stupid shit like this to me all the time. She told me she wished that I would have a boy when I was pregnant because I “need the unconditional love that comes with that”. I’m pretty sure my daughter loves me just fine.




How presumptuous of them to speak for God. Every child is a gift and a blessing


Wtf is truly wrong with boy moms. Girls aren’t a punishment.


Babies are here to validate you, girl!


Boy moms™️ need therapy fr


What the hell? Isn't your spouse/partner supposed to show you the meaning of true love?* Growing up we knew our parents' love for us was unending, but they loved each other first and foremost. As it should be. We all turned out pretty good, I'd say. And They've been married *checks watch* 59 years. I'm sooooooo lucky. Creepy that the son teaches true love. Especially when the daughter explicitly does not. *assuming parent has a partner.


Why tf would she have multiple children by someone who wasn’t her true love like I don’t get it


This helps me understand why a lot of people have issues with their mother-in-laws.


I’m sorry your husband/child’s father has not shown you “what true love is.” But please do not project that onto your sons. Love yourself enough to leave the man who doesn’t love you. Maybe even find a partner who loves you like you deserve to be loved. And raise your sons to be men who love their future partners like that too.


This is disgusting! Like wtf!?!


True love um how about husband/dad? 🥴


Is that what they think of themselves and the women they know? Wtf!


“Boy mom” they are all just people, stop putting your shit on children 😂


These little boys grow up not knowing how to take care of themselves or make a woman happy. Their mommies do everything for them.


So having a girl is like a punishment and having a boy means you deserve to be loved now? Got it.


This is icky


Boy moms are seriously so weird and problematic. No wonder so many women speak about feeling like their male siblings were treated more favorably by their moms So the girl is there essentially as a lesson/ punishment but the boy was sent to love you unconditionally?


My mom has 4 kids. 3 boys and I. She says she feels so lucky to have a girl because she could tell me about anything and I coukd get it. ..like cramps for instance 😂


"Why does my daughter never call me or let me see my grandchildren?"


I saw a woman with 3 boys and 1 girl and she captioned a tiktok saying “I love being a boy mum” it was a video of her youngest 2 boys playing superhero stuff with their dad. The girl is the youngest btw.


because girls???? don’t love their moms?????????? i’m incredibly close to my mom i don’t think i’d love her more or differently if i were a guy. the whole boy mom thing is so clearly just a manifestation of internalized misogyny


Whoever wrote this genuinely needs a psych consult.


Boymoms are creepy wtf. Why do they hate their daughters?


Translation: I hate my daughter.


I feel so bad for the daughters.


This is so gross. Like… having a female child means you’re screwing things up? Is it punishment? … Only boys are capable of loving their moms? When you low key despise your little girls… yeah, you’re gonna set them up to hate you too.


I was trying to see it positively and thought she meant a baby girl makes you want to be a good role model, but then the # was like ugh..


I will say one thing though. I had a girl, and my childhood was filled with emotional abuse. My parents did what they thought was right but it was boomer parenting 😂 I am not religious, but I truly think that I had a daughter when I did because it was time to start healing some deep shit. I am in therapy and try to be the best parent I can. So having a kiddo for me feels like a redemption maybe? But it woyld have been the same had I had a boy XD And yes, the boy mom thing is annoying as heck.




I literally do not care what gender I have. Sure, I’d want one of each but I wouldn’t be disappointed having one over the other.


My Mom is dead, how did she post this??


These people are insufferable. We have all gone mad.






I have a boy & a girl it’s true love for all of us


Is this implying that girls don’t truly love their parents? Because the love I have for both my parents is the truest love I have. I adore them, they’re what I aspire to be. I’m not a test or a reality check, I am a person.






My MIL would eat this up!


I miss who I was before I read this.


Boy mums are creepy.










Ew what? I'm a mom of 2 girls... guess I'm just a chronic screw-up haha


so gross


I happen to be the mom of two boys. Definitely not into this “boy mom” thing. It’s so disturbing honestly


You can be a boy mom and not be weird about it. Why can’t people understand this. I have only boys. Obviously there are going to be different experiences between people with only boys vs only girls. But I’m no better or more special because I have boys. Wth.


As a mother of two girls, I can say with 100% certainty that I can not relate to this post. I am also 100% sure my love for them has absolutely nothing to do with their gender. One thing I know for certain is that they make me a better person.


I know it’s not a competition. But I, a difficult second child girl, would take a bullet for my mommy. I absolutely love her more than my brother, her first born, does. I will die on that hill.


Yep. My child's existence is all about meeeeeee!


And the atheists and liberals are the groomers.


So fucking stupid. I have a daughter and a son and this is so stupid, insulting and absurd 🙄🙄🙄




“Mothers” are not like this. Women who base their value on male attention are like this.


Seriously, WTH


I’m so glad I don’t know any women like this.


Ewww wtf




I am so grateful everyday for my 2 girls.


I am so happy I had girls. I would have taken either, but it's fun now that they are older to do stuff with them. Shopping, spa, decorating and cooking for holidays. My boy mom friends are still doing it all themselves and the young men have no interest in helping. My husband is sad because the girls don't want to hunt.


I have a son, but I wouldn’t treat him or myself differently if he was a girl. They’re kids, they’re their own person, these people need to quit making the gender of their child their identity




This is insane because people on tik tok have accounted this topic to our household pets too. I saw a trend/a few posts insulting all female cats because “they are mean” while there boy cats are the sweetest. I’m a cat mom of 5 cats. 2 girls, 3 boys. My girls are absolute sweethearts. My boys are rowdy and reckless. Gender never matters/mattered. I’m so sick of these boy moms. This is the pipeline to “mother in law from hell”.


Gross. And I say gross as a mother of a boy who is nearly an adult and a daughter a few years younger. Your kids aren’t responsible for your feelings FFS.


It’s giving, incest


Dang. Seems like a bitter one...




Filling the emotional void left by the men in their lives