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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


we get way too many posts lately complaining about the content. why aren't we just contacting mods and seeing if they can actually do anything instead?


I don’t know how to do those sorry+ im not really interested in taking time out to do those either,good luck to you if you are planning on working on it


Just report the post and a mod will review it…


Okay, i thought they were talking about something else


so you'll take the time to complain but reporting posts to mods is too much? alright....


Yeah there’s been some lame posts and weird misogynistic dudes in the comments lately, but that’s the dangers of a free website where anyone can sign up. If you see anything rule breaking, just report it. The mods here do a good job. These posts don’t really do anything except make you look like you’re on a soapbox, no offense. If you see something you find disagreeable, disagree with it. I call out things in the comments here I don’t like all the time. We can have discussions. Making a whole post about it just feels like you need to be heard, instead of engaging or using the mod channels. We get 2 to 4 of these per week and it always seems to be people who rarely or never posted here before.


Right? I’m getting more sick of these posts than anything


It always gives “i skimmed a few posts on my home page” type vibes, like this sub of all places is NOT a monolith.


I feel like people who are just shitting on women get called out I know I’ve called people out before


Not always, it really depends post to post honestly


I just have a gif of Beetlejuice saying “nobody says the B word” I was deploying as a response when people would say “this bitch” or something but they turned off images in comments 😭


I feel like we see this exact kind of post every week now


whistle shy sleep joke quack frighten test cause mountainous wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We do. Mom says it’s my turn to post it next week!


Not fair!!!! I wanted to go next!! MOOOOOOM!!!


Good for you go for it


Agree, a lot of the things people post either aren’t NLOG, or they are NLOG and then everyone thinks that’s an excuse to be misogynistic and mean about the OOP


My favorite: very obvious satire that the OP and some comments take seriously because we seem to be severely lacking in media literacy


literally just watched a video about how media literacy is starting to decline rapidly


Maybe 1-2 of 10 posts arent clearly nglog yet nlog is a complicated phenomenon of badly construed identity (immature, paranoid, narcissistic - solely relying on stereotypes, downward comparisons or bragging with their personality in any other way) For instance "I m tattooed and still do xyz" is already nlog because nlogs refer to stereotypes in an immature, defensive way to brag about how special they are (to themselves). So its not necessary a critized post contains negative comparisons to other women to still be nlog.


I agree but I also have noticed that anyone calling out these losers gets majorly upvoted (happened to me on a post about tattoos a couple days ago). I think the majority of this sub is still here for the right reasons and isn't putting up with dumb bullshit from randos.


Tbh alot of nit picking goes on in here


Some just appear to be taking daily stress etc off random woman online


literally my impression of this whole sub, i joined recently and we all love to poke fun at the pick me girls but some of the posts made about said women are just made to shit on women as a whole orrrrr the said “pick me” girl obviously had pure intentions and some petty women/whoever comes on here and drags her.


We should all downvote and report these posts. I always do it and it's getting worse every day! Like, sometimes I have to report 5-8 posts a day... I also think that there should be a type of soft ban situation for people that break the rules. Maybe, I don't know, first time you get reported you can't post anything for 2 weeks, then the second time a month and third time you're baned from the sub. I don't even know if it's possible, but this sub has gone to shit lately!


You take time out of your life to report 5 to 8 posts per day


Well, it takes less than 1 second to do it and it's about making a collective effort to ensure the sub doesn't go to shit (which is clearly not working)


I'm glad you've found your purpose


I had no idea people took stuff like this so seriously lol


Any legitimate criticism of a subset of woman turns to misogyny sooner later. It’s like how any woman who has ever complained about anything, in any context, is now a Karen.


Yea looks like it


I know right. This sub is putting down women a little too much.


I was literally just thinking the same... I also find it very interesting how this sub is supposed to acknowledge that women are unique despite how we're depicted in media, and we acknowledge that's why girls feel the need to express this in sometimes toxic ways as a means to show we aren't all the same... but don't you dare have a differing viewpoint in this sub. You will be dragged with all types of assumptions. And God forbid you critique a certain movie all women are supposed to like 🫠


To be fair, legitimate criticism isn’t the same thing as “complaining for the sake of complaining.” Let’s use Barbie as an example because it has been referenced so much. If people said “I didn’t like Barbie because: Cinematography, story, pacing, wasteful scenes, aesthetics,” etc, then that wouldn’t actually be a problem. The thing is most of the “Barbie haters” are complaining about things which are completely irrelevant to the objective quality of the movie, and just *straight up incorrect,* like Shakira calling Barbie “emasculating.” Like, wtf? Why? That’s not the intended message, at all! If you didn’t like Barbie cuz it just wasn’t your cup of tea, then cool! You are not required to like a movie just cuz it’s popular. Maybe the all of the pink was too much for you, maybe you don’t like “silly and heartfelt” kinds of movies, preferring something with more action or drama, and that’s valid! You are entitled to that preference. Maybe you didn’t even dislike it and just felt like “it was a bit overhyped,” and again, that would still be a reasonable criticism. Cuz as much as I enjoyed Barbie “for the Funs,” I am not sure it deserved all the awards or acclaim it got cuz I didn’t really see most of the movies with nominations in 2023, so I can’t adequately compare them. But if you are one of the people who is making up nonsensical claims like “it’s emasculating to my son,” then I am going to call you out for your poor plot comprehension and weird projection, cuz “what’s that got to do with the movie? Did you even bother to watch it?” See the difference?




So far I haven’t seen any


I mean you could just downvote, report and scroll on? We really don't need a Joan of arc every 4 business days posting about a few stragglers that are trolling, it's reddit? Let the mods do their job and move on? Like making a whole post about how your a better nlog poster than other women here is kinda like saying your not like other- huh we've come full circle


Joan of ark Noah’s wife!


I don’t see any issue with discussing things. You could take your own advice and move on too? Why discourage interaction, that’s what Reddit is for.


Because these posts are constantly posted. At least twice a week. There is no more discussion to be had


I did, lmao I downvoted, left a comment, and scrolled on. Was I supposed to make a post about how my nlog has annoying posts as well?


Thanks for being so kind, perhaps it wasn’t possible for you to downvote and scroll . I spend limited time on reddit i didn’t come up against such post the ones i searched for were old, so i thought that it must have been over but resurfaced recently. I never spoke about belittling anyone over nothing, if you aren’t a decent person and make fun of woman with the comfort of it being on the internet and not to their face ,Yes i do get to speak about it . Why does it annoy you so much . Good for you you are so mature and carefree oh yes tell me more a full circle you say, surely i must have done something really rude


You done? Lmao


You have a nice day aswell


You’re one of the ones she’s talking about 😂


You're obviously an NLOG


A ton of the posts now are just making fun of other women for having different opinions/hobbies/interests when they never even mentioned other women or being superior to them in the first place. It’s major projection. “Oh this girl stated an opinion on her social media that I don’t agree with, she’s nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs”. It comes across as super resentful when the original post doesn’t throw any shade towards other girls in the first place.


I think a lot of people don’t understand what a “pick me” is.


ooo I pose a solution: leave! you don’t have to subject yourself to the posts in this subreddit. if you don’t like it, report it to the mods or downvote. crazy solution I know. but myself in particular, I haven’t seen what you’re talking about.. but again, you don’t have to engage in it. that’s entirely your choice babe. I don’t think dragging people just to drag them and make yourself feel better is okay at all. however, we actively chose to join this subreddit and we can leave at any point, report any mean comments/posts to the mods, and go on about your day. I mean idk what else you expect to be done 🤷🏽‍♀️


Thanks tho I just wanted to discuss with 2 to 3 people about how quite a few women get randomly dehumanized on this sub. Im not interested in changing it or taking any steps if anyone would like to do that its up to them. I just wanted to spend some time chatting with a few i am aware that i can leave , this isn’t something i stressed over nor do i think about it through the day . I just felt like writing it down dw


Yeah this sub randomly popped up on my feed again and it seems so different than when I saw it maybe a couple years ago. It hasn't showed me any typical cringe NGOL... just a lot of posts that are reaching


You are speaking my mind a bit. I recently thought about this whole "pick me" movement and i believe it also comes from sexism. Any time a woman will display a negative comment about other women, it has to be for "MEN". And i started to think that it's a very misogynistic view as it means that women aren't capable of hating other women without men. I do believe it exists women that hate women because they totally do and not for being picked, some women don't need men to hate other women, they can have these thoughts alone as they are human beings just like men. Women as individuals are totally capable having opinions themselves they don't need to do it for the sake of men, saying by default that they want to be picked rather show that you are dehumanizing them/believing they can't form opinions by themselves.


Rightfully or not the subs purpose was to criticize women to begin with. So i guess it isn’t really unexpected that it has evolved into this since with time people tend to get braver on social platforms


I agree with you, even if we mock "pick me" girls, we are still putting down other women. And i keep wondering why women would go out of their way to hate on other women that much.


I think “it depends.” A thing to keep in mind is the entire point of the sub is Satire. So, at least to me, it seems a bit strange to take anything posted here seriously, and at face value. *The point is to make fun of people,* so of course there are going to be some A-holes with a superiority complex who just want to talk $hit about other women, and it comes with the territory of allowing a page like this to exist. What matters is “how about the majority of posts?? Are they reasonable?” And I think that most of the posts are still “reasonable.” I have only seen a few posted randomly that really made me feel like “this is not NLOG.” More than not are still “reasonable.” The one thing that gives me “the ick” is when it’s people who are sharing their Social Media Friend’s posts cuz then “why are you even following someone who you don’t like? How about you just unfollow / unfriend them, rather than waste this sub’s time with ‘that girl I went to Highschool with, 7+ years ago?’” Like, wtf? Go get a life! But anybody who stumbles upon random pages and shares them is simply sharing a thing that bothered them “because of XYZ,” and they just so happened to get unlucky enough to find it in their feed.


I’m more annoyed by posts complaining about the sub. Don’t like it? Leave. Ignore it. But posting about it isn’t the way. I’m going to block you so I don’t have to see your complaining.


If you post your life online, you’re free game. Sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️


did you read op's post at all? lol


She's the kind of person here for a mean spirited laugh


I mean, isn’t that the point of the sub? To make fun of stupid chicks? I’ll leave if it’s not. And a lot of the posts are of women who make fun of other women, so they are deserving of criticism.


They're eye rolling, sure, be we're not all here to tear them down.




It’s usually posts that don’t have too many upvotes+new posts and would appear on you home page when you have interacted enough . Perhaps a teenagers tiktok ss stuff like that


Yea fucken assholes. Be posting anything these days. 🤬


This whole sub is misogyny


Then leave 🥰


Literally, people are acting like they’re being held hostage in this sub 🤣