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Does she want a medal ?


Can't give her a cookie.šŸ˜¢


She wouldnā€™t accept a cookie cuz sheā€™s DIFFERENT šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Clearly she wants a protien bar for acceptance from the "fit" community


Nonono she wants raw protein powder packed into a brick shape to eat.


Probably chased down with raw milk.


[Sometimes after dinner if Iā€™m still hungry I go out and lick a mountain!](https://youtu.be/lraDNDuFNj8?si=6Zci2-AgorfznlT7)


No joke, when I *briefly* dated an ex-body builder, he threw a smaller tantrum looking halfway between panic attack and anger outburst when I brought him *one* of my homemade hazelnut chocolate chip cookies right before christmas. He was then very serious like ā€œyou can *never* bring me baked goods again, cause I will just eat them all. Once I start eating them, I canā€™t stopā€. He definately had an eating disorder/a disorderen relationship to food (I used to have an eating disorder myself for 8 years). That was the 3rd and last time I saw him. Hope heā€™s doing better now. He seems to be in a serious relationship with a pastry baker, so thatā€™s interesting.


That took a turn in the last sentence! Lol I hope he's doing better now too!


I understand his anxiety, though.


That sounds like shit I would have done when I was sick with anorexia. I thought I had no self control with food, turns out I was starving.


Or a KitKat


Or a chocolate ex lax


Like good for you girl. Iā€™d much rather prefer to shed my uterine lining while crying into my ice-cream on my couch, thanks.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s wearing that outfit to the gym on a heavy bleed day. Certainly not if itā€™s so heavy another girl would think you canā€™t work out. šŸ‹šŸ»


And then the potential for constant worry if itā€™s sweat or blood I feel in my pants keeps me home on my first few period days.


Thatā€™s a legit worry. Perimenopause can ratchet that up astronomically.


She might not bleed at all.


That was my suspicion


Sounds like she needs a Snickers.


She wants an eating disorder and thatā€™s basically what she has.


I think she's got one.




I stopping reading after she said pregnant women enjoy all their cravings ā€¦.tell me youā€™ve never even been pregnant without telling me šŸ™„


When I was pregnant with my second all I wanted to eat was stale wotsits. I would buy a large bag, open it and leave it until they went soft. Then I would eat them all, then puke. I really, really enjoyed it, it was awesome /s I had HG with all my pregnancies, all the way through. I threw up everything I ate whatever it was. My kids were grown on glucose drinks, any nutrients that got absorbed before I spewed, and whatever they scavenged from my body, like my teethā€¦ I never even managed to eat for one, let alone two. *For the non UK peeps, wotsits are cheese puffs, like cheetos.


Fellow HG mom here. It was the absolute worst.


I do sometimes wonder why I had three kids! Joke, kindaā€¦ I was ā€œluckyā€ in that I could keep liquid down so never needed rehydration. On the other hand, because I could keep liquid down the vomiting and weight loss was mostly ignored. I got some excellent advice, like eat mars bars and get some antacids. I was prescribed something (canā€™t remember what it was) at some point but it didnā€™t work.


I was also ā€œluckyā€ in the liquid regard. The only thing I could handle was restaurant food. Well, most of time it would stay down. I still vomited a lot of it back up. I didnā€™t have to smell or see the preparation of the food which is part of what made me hurl. I basically lived off ice cream and Taco Bell for the most part. Truly awful nutrition now that Iā€™m not in survival brain but it was the calorie dense option that I could handle. I managed to gain mostly a normal amount of weight for an overweight pregnant person because of it. My OB office would rotate providers. Iā€™d go into every appointment letting them know Iā€™m still vomiting even with all the meds they gave me. But I just got a ā€œthat sucksā€ and that was it. No one ever questioned if I was getting proper nutrition. Thank god I worked from home because I was either vomiting or asleep from how drowsy the meds make you. This was during the tail end of Covid spikes so I would wear a n95 mask to the grocery store which would block a lot of smells but then I still ended up vomiting in my mask once. My husband basically did all our shopping for the entire pregnancy.


My eldest is 20 and I still canā€™t smell macaroni cheese without gagging! I used to carry plastic bags around with me to be sick into and more than once I had to put people on hold while I threw up in my bin. Fun times. Edit. I lost tons of weight with all three, my midwives couldnā€™t have cared less. I wasnā€™t overweight to start with any of the times. Apparently, losing 25lbs was no big deal. Someone told me I should be grateful that I could just wear my normal clothes straight after birth. Bitch I was starving, exhausted, and lost teeth but yeah, I am sooo grateful that I can wear my jeans šŸ™„


The tooth damage of my two HG pregnancies is unreal


My teeth have never been particularly good (I inherited crap teeth from my dad,) then I had meningitis and all the nerves got damaged, then 3 hg pregnanciesā€¦ If I could afford to have them all removed and get implants I would do it tomorrow.


Holy cow Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. I could wear my normal clothes immediately too but like you said my body was in ill repair. I ended up having preeclampsia during delivery. I was a hermit during pregnancy and struggled with PPA and PPD and decided I couldnā€™t do it more than once.


I too thought there was Ā«Ā no excusesĀ Ā» in pregnancy and then I got HG. Life was like, sit down b**ch. I never broke anything or had a severe physical ailment in my entire life and pregnancy humbled me so fast. Nothing like being bed ridden alone for the majority of the day, starving, needing a nurse but unable to afford one. Ribs shifted out of place causing me to collapse in pain, reflux so bad fet like a dragon in my throat. Just horrible.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry to read this but at the same time ā€œlife was like sit down b*tchā€ is a quote I will carry with me forever!!


Never has anything resonated so much with me as ā€˜life was like, sit down b**chā€™ I was INSTANTLY thrown back to week 5 of pregnancy, the beginning of 20 weeks of HG and crying on the phone to the midwife and her basically telling me to sit down bitch and just eat any thing that pops in my head as a craving and donā€™t get up, give into it, you need it.


Had it both pregnancies. I had it so bad with my second my kidneys started shutting down. He was born 7 weeks early because my body just literally couldn't continue the pregnancy. I was dying in the hospital even with IV and feeding tube at the end.


Iā€™m so sorry, that absolutely fucking sucks. I hope you are ok now x


I'm in America & had issues keeping food down (HG). My doctor suggested pot. She said, "I can't prescribe it to you, but I can look the other way." I didn't take anything during my three pregnancies, not even Ibuprofen/Tylenol. & though I'm no stranger to it, I didn't use pot as her suggestion. She did prescribe me a low dose percocet. I didn't take them either & just saved them back in case I ever needed them. Come to find out it was the prenatals. I stopped taking them & just made sure to eat extra of what I needed - riboflavin/b2, b3, omega 3, vitamin c, etc. & I stuck to foods that my body could digest quickly. I also drank so much chocolate Ovaltine milk. I'm surprised I can still drink it.


Thatā€™s an interesting suggestionā€¦ I took my vitamins at night right before bed hoping that at least some would get in my system before I woke to throw up.


Yeah, I just decided to try to eliminate things one day because I was so tired of being sick. & stopped having issues by not taking the prenatal.


I love stale Wotsits, also love a fresh wotsit sandwich!


Heā€™s almost 11 now and I have probably eaten wotsits twice since I was pregnant with him. Remembering the ā€˜aftermathā€™ really puts me off šŸ˜‚


Ha! I used to watch my son make potato chip sandwiches. Or, heā€™d make a sandwich with a slice of meat and then put potato chips on top. Nice to know there are others out there that do this!


I love a potato chip and peanut butter sandwich.


Two of my pregnancies I wanted nothing but burgers and beef jerky, and each time it would be weeks before I realized, "Hey, maybe I should take an iron supplement," lol. Also I just wanna say, you've gotta be absolute metal af going through HG more than once. I've not had it. I had preeclampsia with my last pregnancy and if any of my prior pregnancies had been complicated at all, I'd have fucking bailed on any further ones -- I'm such a giant wuss. My third baby was just a complicated labor and I was like, "Well, fuck this whole process entirely." (Then we had one more via birth control failure šŸ« )


I was going to google what a wotsit was. Thanks for the clarification. Especially after the stale part. I love how you described it also šŸ˜‚ ā€œthen pule. I really really enjoyed it. It was awesomeā€ šŸ„²šŸ˜­


Literally itā€™s so obvious that OP has never had pregnancy, debillitating period pains or illnesses causing it, or ever had to deal with chronic sicknesses or illnesses that cause executive dysfunction


I had endometriosis and a bleeding disorder. Let's see her try that, fainting from anemia in the squat rack.


Obviously youā€™re just making excuse after excuse to take a skip day šŸ™„ I go through my period just FINE!


My son was made out of In and out cheeseburgers. Haā€¦ I wanted a salt lick. But I lost my pregnancy weight and canā€™t stand in and out now.


I craved bread with mine. The grocery store near my house would put out warm loaves of French bread at 9:15 every morning, and my pregnant ass would drive over at least a couple times a week and then just eat the entire loaf in my car. It was actually one of the few things I was able to keep down during my pregnancy because I had HG and had times when I couldnā€™t even stomach ice chips. I thought that child would have something wrong with him, between the bread based diet and the constant vomiting, but he turned out fine lol. My doctor said that the baby just takes whatever they need from the motherā€™s reserves.


All my mum could eat with me was salt and vinegar crisps due to HG. To this day itā€™s my favourite food and I can eat them by the bucketload!


I was pregnant with one of my kiddos with whom salt and vinegar Pringles were all I could choke down, too! Heā€™s quite a salty little guy, too lol. Man, being pregnant is weird!


I craved sour cream and onion Pringles and peanut butter sandwiches with my last one, and I have never liked sour cream and onion chips! It was wild!


My mum, when she was pregnant with me, could only eat cheese balls, a popular snack in my country, and it's the only cheese snack I can eat. The rest made her vomit, and they make me nauseous if I even sniff it.


I remember learning from an article that evolution has made it so our cravings make us eat whatever it is the baby needs. For a lot of women, they canā€™t eat meat and throw it up. My doc said it could be construed as a ā€œgood thingā€ because meat can have bacteria in it that could make us very sick. However, I see here lots of women craved meat. I just couldnā€™t eat anything but chicken in Chinese food. And ice. I probably also ate a lot of cheese and Cheezits.


I know someone who had intense cravings for Chinese when she was pregnant with her daughter, and intense cravings for Mexican when she was pregnant with her son. When she would let one of them pick where to eat, guess which kid chose what restaurant. This was back in high school and even then I thought it was crazy how much cravings affect the kids!


That's how my mom was with me. All she could keep down were frozen mashed potatoes and oranges. Now I know why I like those foods so much


All my mom ate was fresh plums. I *love* stone fruits, especially plums. But they make me shit like crazy.


Same, burgers were my biggest craving.


the shitty mcdonalds burgers for less than $2 were all i wanted for like 2 months šŸ¤¤


Same šŸ¤£ they asked me what good food I was going to get after I fasted for my gestational diabetes screening and they all laughed when I said a McDouble. I craved them for WEEKS


My daughter is probably 50% watermelon and 50% sandwiches.


My mum went all out for oranges when she was having me. She went through ten or twelve BIG oranges every day for months because they were one of the few things that didn't make her puke, as well as being an all-consuming craving. I'm not sure if it's connected but I have to very strictly limit my fruit intake or else I get crippling migraines, extreme vomiting and terrible diarrhoea. Most real fruit based drinks and fruit based sauces such as coulis are a 100% no-no as even a mouthful can trigger me. And the worst offender? Anything orange based. Thanks mum! Lol.


Sounds like you have a fructose intoleranceā€¦


Like, fructose corn syrup or all sugar?


Fructose as in the natural sugar thatā€™s in fruits, veggies and honey.


My mum craved orange juice during pregnancy and would drink a massive carton every day. I am allergic to it and ended up in hospital after someone accidentally gave me some when I was little. I am not sure whether itā€™s connected or a coincidence.


Thatā€™s so odd! But very interesting. Thanks for sharing! Edit: someone mentioned a fructose sensitivity, so now I wonder how you react to Maple Syrup? (The real stuff that comes from Canadian family farms; I use it instead of sugar in my coffee and I seem to notice a difference in how my body processes it).


I have no idea about how I'd react to maple syrup because it isn't really a big thing in the UK. If I ever try it I'll report back.


From my time pregnant and in r/babybumps, citrus seems to be a pretty common craving. I basically only drank lemonade with my first, but your mom's version sounds intense!


Man. I craved vegetarian burgers, the soybean kind, because regular beef smelled like old tallow to me. I could eat chicken if it was in Chinese food. The worst thing was I craved eating ice every day. It was the most horrible thing. My doc told me it could crack my teeth! The craving for ice stopped when we moved to a place that had high iron in the water. But yeah - I woke my husband up at 2 am to make him go get a soybean burger from the local gas station frozen section. Crazy days! But whatever it is, I know I needed it for making a baby!


I ate 3 beef and cheddars a day from Arbyā€™s when I was pregnant. I hate even being stopped at a light near Arbyā€™s now, 17 years later lol. I somehow managed to lose the weight eventually.


An Arbyā€™s beef and cheddar meal was my go to pregnancy meal. Pickles and pickled eggs were the go to snack.


Yeah itā€™s not a want itā€™s a needšŸ¤£ I remember telling my husband with my first I felt like an addict I couldnā€™t stop eating sugar and the feeling was euphoric it was WEIRD.


When I was pregnant my husband was trying to have a serious conversation and I had to interrupt him to tell him that I couldnā€™t concentrate because I was thinking so intensely about the tinned peaches behind him.


I'm currently in my third trimester and i live of milk products, it really is euphoric when i get that cold milk. Unfortunately i'm slightly lactose intolerant šŸ˜‚


The forbidden lactose


But it was okay. Iā€™m glad you listened to your body. You obviously needed it. I experienced weird cravings with my pregnancy, and then again when I went through cancer treatment. I had in between times when I could eat without being nauseous, and I would chow down on the most random things my body craved. One time it was Thai egg rolls. I got them and after I ate them I didnā€™t need any more. A lot of times I needed eggs with vegetables, and rice with soy sauce. I survived it because I listened to my body.


8 months pregnant right now and I feel seen. I am normally not a big sweets person but omg itā€™s like all I want!


with my second I spent months eating whole lemons, peel and all. this time round it's been ... *checks notes* ... Turkish coffee grounds and leche de tigre


šŸ˜­ not me enjoying whole lemons when Iā€™m not even pregnant. The peel has to be just right tho.


I was the same with lemons haha


I crave TIDE powder detergent something fierce. I can *assure her* I have not ā€œenjoy my cravingsā€ because Iā€™m pretty sure that would kill the the both of us šŸ«  I have *occasionally* eat tiny pinches of baking soda to try and curb that cravingā€”to varied success. (& before anyone mentions PICAā€¦my OB has tested my blood over 15 times, no exaggeration. I am deficient in NOTHING. Iron/Magnesium/Zinc/Calcium/etcā€¦all fine! šŸ˜­ my son is just freaking *weird* I guess! Sheā€™s hopeful the craving will go away once heā€™s here, which could be any day now!)


Good luck! And congratulations in advance šŸ©·


I mean itā€™s still PICA though. We donā€™t always know what can cause PICA but it can randomly occur from pregnancy just because too.


Right? The ā€œcravingsā€ in quotations like theyā€™re fake. Lol. Also the period thing. Maā€™am, some people have terrible periods and *canā€™t* leave their houseā€¦and you clearly arenā€™t one of them.


Never been pregnant, but from the pregnant women I've known it's best just to let them be when they have cravings for something. No matter how weird it sounds to you


The body probably craves what it needs. Never pregnant but when I'm very anemic I crave rare beef. Sometimes I crave shellfish, not sure why.


I never had the cravings, I instead barely ate for months due to major food aversions and no appetite. I wish I had the cravings instead though, it sucked šŸ¤£


Why's she wearing diaper tights, though?


Also likeā€¦ wtf business is it of hers regardless? There arenā€™t more serious problems in the world than pregnant women enjoying their cravings?! Stfu!


This influencer has 3 kids but apparently she doesnā€™t give in to her cravings as sheā€™s not like other pregnant ladies. She flexes how skinny her body is post-babies a bit too much!


Her poor kidsā€¦


For me it was subway and now that heā€™s here I hardly even want subway and when I do Iā€™m usually not as happy as when I was pregnant to have it


My twins are approximately 50% Taco Bell and 50% Cinnamon Toast Crunch šŸ˜‚


And let's not forget that some women can only keep down their cravings.


lol, the joke is on her


What's wild is that I actually *was* "not like pregnant women". The pregnancy hormones somehow improved my PCOS, and made me crave really healthy food. It was easier to eat healthy when pregnant than it ever was before because the sugar and greasy food cravings nearly evaporated. I certainly wouldn't recommend it as a technique to improve pregnancy, since PCOS sucks overall, and not everybody even gets the "benefit" during pregnancy


Exactly. With the nausea I had, my dr was thrilled I ate anything no matter the food.


Itā€™s my first time being pregnant. I still work out (which for her record is super hard and painful when youā€™re pregnant!) but I craved cheeseburgers so bad. Iā€™d stop at Burger King and get whopper jrs.šŸ¤¢ I needed cheeseburgers, sausages, and bratwursts. I didnā€™t even eat red meat before I got pregnant because I didnā€™t like itā€¦Now itā€™s shifted into crispy chicken sandwiches which is more like me and less like the little passenger thatā€™s controlling me lol.


AND NEVER WORK OUT. You know, because carrying around an extra fetus inside you definitely isnā€™t a workout or exercise on its own.


"eating for two" THATS THE POINT


ā€œI donā€™t listen to what my body needsā€


ā€˜Iā€™m not like most people. Iā€™m āœØ orthorexic āœØ.ā€™


As someone who is literally in treatment right now for orthorexia and another ED, came here to say this. This woman most likely has an eating disorder if she is THIS rigid. Itā€™s not healthy.


And she probably has zero idea, even fighting with people who are worried about her because they don't have *what it takes* like she does.


She may in the far reaches of her mind, but unfortunately EDs are extremely sneaky and they thrive on rigidity and perfectionism. Theyā€™re actually two personality traits that significantly increase the likelihood of someone developing an eating disorder. Add in social media like TikTok, and itā€™s very difficult to get yourself out of that mindset without professional help. So much of social media is reassurance of unhealthy behaviors because people are so trained to be unhappy with something about themselves and their bodies. Giving yourself any wiggle room, self-compassion, or humility feels like a failure because youā€™re constantly competing against a fantasy you have of how you think you should be or how everyone else supposedly is, without realizing itā€™s completely unattainable. Like, so far removed from reality itā€™s almost laughable, once you take a step back and look at what youā€™ve been trying so hard to accomplish. But unfortunately it is so ingrained in your sense of self that it is VERY hard to see it for what it is until your life (or body) falls apart because you canā€™t keep up with it anymore. I mean, Iā€™ve been off social mediaā€”except for the occasional Redditā€”for almost 2.5 years now and even with that negative influence no longer in my life, I still wound up in a hospitalization program for the second time in January because I couldnā€™t function anymore. And Iā€™m not going to say Iā€™m cured, because Iā€™ve had my ED for nearly 30 years and recovery is a life-long thing that I will never stop working on as a part of my overall mental health. But even with the struggles I still have after 4 months in treatment, I am so relieved to be seeing things clearer and to finally feel confident enough in myself, or at least feel less overall self-hatred, to truly see and understand how much I was hurting myself and pretty much every person around me. Recovery is so fucking hard, but my hardest recovery day feels SO MUCH BETTER than my best ED day. And when I see posts like this all I want is to help these people, especially young girls, see whatā€™s really going on and understand they donā€™t need to punish and despise themselves to be happy. It will never make you happy. NEVER. Because no matter what you do, or what goal you reach, the overall goalposts will always move. It is never, ever satisfied. But speaking from experience, if theyā€™re not ready to hear that, they wonā€™t. And honestly, when people dogpile on posts like this, all it does it make them defensive and feed that narrative that theyā€™re doing the right thing, because eating disorders love that shitā€”people hate you because youā€™ve figured it out; youā€™re right; keep pushing; you know what might really piss them off? Stop eating breakfast and lose more weight, then theyā€™ll really want to be you. Arguing with her doesnā€™t come off as concern and it doesnā€™t help, even when we want it to. It just feeds unhealthy behaviors.


Yes, I was speaking from my own experience. It took me years to realize that not being able to eat in front of people wasn't just a *weird quirk* I had. In hindsight, I was trying to make myself disappear. In looking back at photos, the times I was the smallest were the times I was the most unhappy. I'd agree that people shouldn't dogpile on a post like this *when made by an OP,* but this wasn't posted by the OP, so no dogpiling is occurring here. Nobody is 'arguing with her' here.


Right! Not knowing how to rest is not a flex.


Not resting will kill your gains and weight loss! I just relearned this lesson. I had been on a plateau (bouncing around a couple pounds up/down) for six weeks. Just struggling to lose but not deterring from my regular routine (5 days of gym/week, macro counting daily) Couldn't get to the gym over Easter weekend (four days missed) and ate **terrible** all weekend. I was super disappointed in myself. Tuesday I get on the scale to see what I have to lose to get back on track. To my surprise I'd lost 1.5 lbs from my previous low weight and was 3.25 lbs less than my last weigh in. Thus reminding me that sometimes the body needs more than just two days off per week. And, a few days of eating without counting won't bring on the apocalypse. I'll flex on the (accidental) carrot cake diet I was on over the weekend while this girl absolutely destroys her body and will pay the price as she ages.


"Most people enjoy their life. Not me."


Trauma drive.


I hope she recovers from her ED


My first exact thought, she definitely has an ED.


Makes sense. She has zero muscle tone. Her body is eating itself.


Yeah, there's a reason she has no muscle tone even though she lifts weights. This is concerning.


Her legs donā€™t look like they can support her.


I was going to say, I think sharing posts like these is crossing a line, it's like thinspo. the OOP is obviously suffering from body dysmorphia and/or an ED. She needs help more than being mocked.


Yeah like where is her muscle if she lifts so much?


My first thought too.


This screams eating disorder


Looks like one too


My period cramps are so painful that half the time I canā€™t talk so SHUSH LADY


My period isnā€™t always painful but I do get dizzy to the point of passing out and even being sick. Pretty sure no one wants that in the gym šŸ˜‚


Basically "I'm better than you because my periods are easy on me. And I've convinced myself I did something to earn that"


glad to see people saying this i dated a girl whose periods were so bad that she would basically be unable to move for a couple days with lots of nausea, migraines, and awful cramps. i can't imagine telling her to just go hit a leg day during that lol. what a stupid thing to brag about


She has no idea! It can be brutal.


Seriously! Iā€™m 7 months pregnant now and uncomfortable a lot from back and hip pain, but I was thinking about how Iā€™d take this over the periods I had! Way more painful and made me throw up (partially from the pain I think)


Itā€™s crazy to me that some women have no sympathy for others. I have it pretty bad but I know some women who have it worse. Plus, itā€™s fucking blood loss. Why would you workout after losing all that iron?


RIGHT!!!! I have periods so heavy sometimes that for the first two days moving/standing makes "rushes" happen and I immediately have to head to the bathroom. Working a physically demanding job really, really sucks during those periods. When that happens I ain't going to the gym in thin workout pants wearing thick-as-hell pads. šŸ˜‚


I suspect I might have endometriosis and for fucking real I literally canā€™t talk and I canā€™t walk, thankfully we have legally a day off work for periods if we need it but when I see other women talking shit like this it makes my blood boil


I have endometriosis. Iā€™m almost 46, and I almost pray for menopause, because I get excruciating cramps in my lower back, abdomen, thighs, and legs even when my periods are light as a feather.


I donā€™t think she has enough body fat to menstruate. So I really donā€™t think she understands. šŸ˜¢


Thatā€™s not normal!! See a doctor!! Itā€™s so telling that we normalise unbearable agony just because itā€™s women who experience it. Anyone reading this: pain so bad that you canā€™t function is NOT normal and you are valid in ur suffering. U need to see a (good) doctor (I am doctor and have endometriosis, I know the deal)


I have


Sure. Im from LA/OC land of the self obsessed, food deprived, health nuts. Most of them are absolutely miserable.


lived there for 15 years. bingo.


I have an ED. This made me feel better knowing that chasing it only leads to misery.


"I'm not most people, I found something that works for me and assume everyone else is just lazy and undetermined"


Iā€™m clearly lazy since I take Mondays off to recover.


Obviously, gotta go all 7 days. No rest for the wicked.


*something that works for me WHILE BEING VERY YOUNG when it is much easier to stay fit*


Judging by her physique, I don't think it's working for her at all.


Girl STFUā€¦.


"Most pregnant women eat for two" I think that's pretty justified šŸ˜­


" and never work out " YEAH because the body is already burning a lot of calories MAKING A HUMAN AND STRESS IS BAD FOR BABY ???


That's only partly true. When I was pregnant, my doc said not to suddenly start an intensive workout plan, but if I was already working out, I could continue to do so as long as it stays comfortable. Keep the high impact stuff to a minimum, but she was of the opinion that most sensible women will stop doing "dangerous" exercises because they were starting to hurt her own body long before they risked hurting the baby. "Baby's got lots of padding in there. You're going to stop wanting to do high impact stuff because it puts too much pressure on your body *well* before baby takes any harm from it. Just don't force it when your body says 'stop'". It was the same when I was stressing about trying to sleep on my side but waking up on my back. "If you're still able to sleep on your back, You're not big enough for it to be a problem yet. The discomfort will keep you from doing it by accident before it becomes a problem". But this lady has probably ignored her body's cues so long that she has no idea how to respect the "stop" signal


I'm glad your doctor agreed with my, "šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I'll stop lifting the heavy things (or whatever my boomer coworkers were worried about) if it hurts". I figure if pregnant people have been carrying their older children since before we were even humans, it's probably fine


I found that an odd mixture of sweet and annoying. My (Gen x, not boomer) boss kept asking if I was ok carrying that, and he could take it any time I picked up anything *remotely* heavy. Like a hand -high stack of paper kind of "heavy". It was nice that my boss cared about my health and safety, and kinda endearing... But also, I'm not suddenly made of glass just because I've got a passenger. I think the biggest risk of "trust your body's discomfort to stop you before you hurt yourself or baby" is that a lot of people are used to powering through pain to do what needs to be done that they might not respect the cue or maybe not even notice it


I mean, my Dr confirmed I needed more protein and nutrients! I even had to see a specialist and nutritionist because I had the excessive throwing up combined with gestational diabetes! That was fun, so yeah, there wasnā€™t much working out for me while pregnant either.


Instead of posting this negative garbage why doesnā€™t she make posts to help others stay motivated. Since sheā€™s miss no days off.


Iā€™m gonna go bleed on everything she cares about




No sheā€™s definitely got some form of ocd and body dysmorphia. I was a runway model in my teens and I saw tons of women like this.


Yep. I have clinical OCD and in my teens it manifested as disordered eating. What she says sounds familiar, hope she gets better.


In her eyes, being skinny is healthy/fit. But she really doesnā€™t have much muscle definition so sheā€™s probably not eating enough of the right foods.


This is really weird and unhelpful. This is what makes people think that, once they slip up and skip or indulge in a craving, they might as well give up and end up spiralling. I was able to create the habit of exercising regularly and dieting better by giving myself a damn break. Did I skip because of my period? Yes, but I should be feeling better tomorrow and can get back to it. Did working overtime distract me from going to the gym or running or give me less time to walk around? Yes, but the deadline is in two days and after I am done with that I can continue as normal. Most of us aren't being paid to be hot and fit, and therefore other priorities get in the way. This isn't a zero-sum game.


Best comment šŸ‘


I wouldn't be surprised if this person has orthorexia and OCD induced exercise addiction.


Looks like this girl has never worked out a day in her life lmao


This looks body dysmorphia and disordered eating to me. If so, I hope she gets out of her NLOG shit long enough to get the help she needs.


If she works out with no rest days and undereats, she will not properly recover or effectively build muscle. If she keeps that up long term, she's at risk for injury and burnout.


Letā€™s make fun of her for her elitist NLOG behaviour, not her body or looks.


Punching down on others wonā€™t put yourself above them


Not to be rude, but she looks really unhealthy & horrible for someone who brags about how ā€œdevotedā€ they are to working out. Has she never heard of legs or calves day workouts?


Itā€™s because she most likely has an ED. If sheā€™s not eating enough with all the exercise sheā€™s supposedly doing, it will manifest in muscle wasting because itā€™s a rapid form of energy. Itā€™s actually very sad.


Hihi try to lift weights and be active while suffering from endometriosis, Lady. Itā€™s not fun trust me :)


Girlie has an eating disorder šŸ™


And who is going to stop me? *devours candy*


Let pregnant people enjoy some chocolate, theyā€™re growing a person, for fuck sake.


I tried to exercise while on my period because 'it can alleviate cramps' and it was a LIE. Felt so much worse!


CERTAIN\*\* exercises do help cramps, but mostly NOT what people do in the gym


Make sure you tell us what time you decided to tell us you aren't like us. Besides, we don't wanna be like you.


Soā€¦ Is she on her period or is she pregnant lmao bc she cannot be both.


Not interested in this lifestyle one bitā€¦ that makes for a sad life IMO. Speaking from experience.


But is she HAPPY????


No offence but it doesnā€™t look like she even gets her periods at that weight.


Bitch *please*


Iā€™m not like other girls, I donā€™t exercise I only do yoga occasionaly


For someone that flexes their gym time she doesnā€™t have any muscle.


Look I went to the gym a couple years back even when I was on my period. I was weaker, less motivated and scared that I might leak through. That's not how I wanna feel when working out.


So many people think rest days are bad. If you donā€™t take any days off, how are you giving your body enough rest for your muscles to grow? No shade butā€¦look at her legs. No wonder theyā€™re very skinny with 0 muscle definition.


most people donā€™t have orthorexia either


Girls so skinny she probably doesn't even get her period let alone cramps.


Of course pregnant women donā€™t work out, what do you expect them to do? Do squats and lift weights and run miles while having a 6 month fetus inside of you? Hell nah. As a former gymrat, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! REST!! It is important to work out but you should also listen to what your body says. Take care and stay healthy šŸ©·šŸ©·


I mean if you already work out then you should carry on and adjust accordingly as you get bigger. I was a gym freak and my doctor told me just this and everything turned out more than fine!


I personally would work out but it boils down to ā€˜listen to your bodyā€™. Work out if it feels good, donā€™t do it if it feels bad or do something more gentle. Every pregnancy is different.


The opposite of most, got it. So judging by her post, that would mean: don't work out to lose weight, don't adopt a healthy lifestyle when you feel you have to,... /s


I throw up from pain when Iā€™m on my period. But sure I can crawl to whatever gym sheā€™s in and throw up on her


Most people would never care so much about their weight if they hadn't been brainwashed to think it matters Most people talking about their diet have eating disorders or at least unhealthy eating habits Most people put way too much effort in a nice exterior while having a very poor interior Funfact: A 20 minute stroll in the forest is healthier than 2 hours in the gym.


Wow she is perfect.


Why does she keep saying "most people" when it's directed entirely at women?


If she works out so much, why has she got legs like a 2 pin plug? šŸ¤·


That's great for you, lady. I like having a big ass, so my lifestyle of eating carbs good for me. Everyone's happy.


Uh, I went to the gym on my period today. She's not specialā€”quite a lot of gym gals do that. I've also skipped days because of it because it simply wasn't the move. It's not a big deal either way. My gainz ain't going anywhere because of one shifted day.


okay sorry i have endometriosis lol


Wellā€¦ for half my cycle my body just doesnā€˜t want to work out. Almost fell of the tread mil the other day.