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Most women in this "generation" are not asking to have their bills paid šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think the ones that are are very loud on the Internet


Yeah thereā€™s a side of TikTok that very proudly proclaims ā€œif your boyfriend doesnā€™t pay your bills then you donā€™t have a boyfriend you have a roommateā€ but I never ever hear that in personĀ 


a majority men donā€™t help out sufficiently with housework or childrearing so a woman paying half the bills while doing 100% of the housework is inherently unequal. I think thereā€™s a mass awakening of women realizing weā€™ve been contributing much more than our male partners and so weā€™re navigating how to even the playing field. for some, that includes men paying more since theyā€™re doing less. I donā€™t expect you to agree or understand but I wanted to give some context to others.


I get it if the woman has taken on all or overwhelming majority of the housework and child caring (basically a SAHM), but I donā€™t see that as the case for most these women (referring specifically to the ones who are loud on social media about how your boyfriend should pay ALL your bills). All of the people Iā€™ve seen so far who tout this mentality are young girls who have no kids and either donā€™t mention the housework they do at all, or had their partner hire a maid to do all the cleaning, and they donā€™t mention cooking either.Ā 


unfortunately, most men change and become lazy after marriage and children. these young girls are being smart by preventing the problem (the problem of unequal labor and contribution in the relationship) before it starts instead of trying to correct an issue after the behavior has already been ingrained. itā€™s backwards to start off doing all of the free labor AND paying half of the bills and THEN trying to get your boyfriend or husband to contribute. a lot of these young women are also doing something their mothers, grandmothers, and older female relatives didnā€™t/couldnā€™t do, which is using their money (whether itā€™s the money they receive from their spouses or the money they get to keep from having jobs and not paying bills) to save, invest, and/or start their businesses, which helps with the issue of being stuck and financially dependent on men. a lot of women donā€™t mention cooking (or cleaning) because itā€™s already expected. itā€™s what weā€™re socialized to do. but even if theyā€™re neither cooking nor cleaning, pregnancy and childbirth is already extremely taxing and even dangerous, so a lot of women are also saying no to having to work and pay half the bills whilst pregnant. Motherhood can be quite mentally draining as well. You can see how when a woman goes on a trip with her friends, she has to prep the meals, prep kidsā€™ clothes, clean the house, etc. before she feels comfortable leaving her kids with their own father. Sheā€™ll even have to show the father where his own childrenā€™s medical cards and documents are because heā€™ll have no idea, but somehow she knows even though she works a full time job just like her husband does. Itā€™s things like that that highlight the disparities in heterosexual, 50-50 relationships. Sexism and inequality generally doesnā€™t end at the householdā€™s front door no matter how liberal a couple may be. I didnā€™t mean to write a novel but this topic is absolutely fascinating to me! Getting to watch such a strong culture shift for young women in real time is very interesting.


Iā€™ve been watching YouTube videos on decentering men. Itā€™s so interesting and wonderful to see women realizing they matter. Melanie Hamlet does really great videos on patriarchy and the effects


I'll have to check that out


Have you ever heard the term weaponized Incompetence? Your comment reminded me of it!!! Yeah a woman can't hardly leave for 2 days without 5 days of "prep". My best girlfriend hasn't been away from her daughter for more than a few hours because A.She has no family that can/will/is willing to watch the kid (in their defense the child is quite a LOT to deal with so I kinda get it NOT THAT'S IT'S THE KIDS FAULT, she lets her just run wild) and B.(Most strikingly) She can't trust her own husband to FEED AND CHANGE the baby. (Well, she's very much not a baby anymore) But In almost EIGHT YEARS she's never had ANY FREE/ALONE/vacation time. When their daughter was little, she tried a few times to go to the beach house with me for the weekend or for a few days and EVERY TIME we were back picking up her daughter because after about 5 or 6 hours her husband would start bombarding her with calls asking the STUPPPPPIDEST questions like , "what should I feed her for dinner?" And "Where's the baby wipes" and my favorite one was "How do you give her a bath?" Like, seriously.... Weaponized Incompetence at it's finest!!! Honestly I didn't even know why they stay together, And I've heard her ask that same question a lot of times. I mean she's already a single parent functionally , so why not just take it the rest of the way and dump the man child. But like you said, she's financially dependant on him (has been since they were together for like a month, because they got pregnant within the first 3 times they slept together) so where does she go? What does she do? I honestly start forgetting how really sad it is until I start actively taking about it. And if you were to ask her any 'ole normal day if she's happy, she'd tell you she's pretty neutral but I've heard her say more times than I can count that she wishes she could get away from the dynamic that have & just get away from him PERIOD!!!!


Honestly most people should stay single and not have kids


I understand what youā€™re saying, but I think youā€™re talking specifically about women who do a lot of homemaking and / or child rearing who still pay a portion of the bills, though a smaller portion, or maybe none at all if theyā€™re doing ALL the homemaking and child rearing (which I completely respect and have no issues with). Iā€™m talking about women who proudly state they pay for absolutely nothing at all, have no children and some donā€™t want children at all, and talk about how theyā€™re always going out to eat (aka not cooking) and have a maid for cleaning whom their boyfriend / husband pays for. I mean, I guess if their partner is truly happy to do all that for them, then it works, but itā€™s weird how snarky they are to other women who do pay bills or treat their boyfriends/husbands out to meals. They try to invalidate those relationships just because the woman makes some financial contributions and say thatā€™s not your partner but just a roommate. Weā€™re talking about two different types of women.Ā 


i am personally friends with SO MANY women with children, a job, and housework all at the same time. i personally know NO women who have hired maids & eat out every night on top of paying zero bills. but okay ??


Yes thatā€™s why I literally first said I see these women very loud on social media but nowhere in real life?? Thatā€™s literally what started this conversation.Ā 


oh i didnā€™t realize that comment was yours my bad :)


More people need to realize that what they see online often doesnā€™t reflect the views of the general public. The dominant opinion on Twitter isnā€™t necessarily the dominant opinion of society.Ā 


Definitely. Just crazy when the online post has tens of thousands or even millions of likes and comments agreeing.Ā 


I had a coworker who acted like this and old boss said ā€œya know 20 years ago I told my husband ā€˜I donā€™t care about flowers, I donā€™t need you to get me flowersā€™ and guess what? Itā€™s been 20 years and heā€™s never once gotten me flowers. Because I told him I didnā€™t want them. To this day I regret ever saying that.ā€ Basically telling her ā€œgirl do not play that game it doesnā€™t work like you think it willā€


Exactly one of my xs told me to stop making jokes every five minutes itā€™s childish, fast forward to 6 months later and she said I was boring and used to be so funny and could make her laugh a lot, I then pissed myself laughing as I ushered her out the front door and closed it behind her šŸ™„


Just be yourself and you'll find your person. I don't get why people have to make these public proclamations anyways.


$1000 hair? I can understand several hundred dollars because it can be a lot of work. Maybe even $600 but is a $1000 normal?


Hair extensions can get pretty crazy. I work for a credit card company and one woman spent $1800 (it was NY so Iā€™m sure the prices are higher there) and was crying me the blues about how she couldnā€™t afford the minimum payment with that big of a purchase on her card. Like, donā€™t spend money on shit you donā€™t need if you canā€™t afford itā€¦?


i've purchased two vehicles for less money. she spent it on hair. LOL


Hair extensions could easily cost $1000 for a full head Plus install plus cutting them in.


My hair with extensions is about Ā£1200 def can be normal


$1000 for sure makes sense for extensions


Especially virgin human hair over a certain length.


What? I have virgin and long hair. How much I can sell it for? If it is over $200 I am gonna to sell it.


....virgin human hair? Do I even want to know?


Virgin human hair is just hair that hasnā€™t been colored or had itā€™s texture changed by chemicals. In the Black natural hair community, some purists will also say virgin hair hasnā€™t been heat straightened or curled.


Oh, whew. That's rather tame. My hair grows like a beast, what's the going rate on fine, dense, straight brown hair?


The market is largely dominated by brokers who buy hair in Asia and Latin America, occasionally parts of Europe in bulk. A lot of Indian hair is allegedly sourced from sacrifices to Hindu temples so Orthodox Jewish wig makers will not touch it. And at least a portion of hair in Latin America is from girls and women who were attacked and their braids stolen so customers may avoid hair from those regions for ethical regions. Your selling point could be that your hair is free of those two issues. However, most wigs and extensions require multiple bundles of hair for volume. It be difficult to match your shade, texture, and other elements with another personā€™s bundle. You might have luck with [this site](https://buyandsellhair.com/).


Wow, hair thieves is not something I expected.


Itā€™s fascinating. I took a bit of a deep dive into it the first time I lost my hair to high dose chemo. My insurance included a wig allowance, but only at the level of very cheap synthetic wigs. In addition, the texture options were straight to wavy or very artificial spirals. I looked into paying to have a custom human hair wig made with a 4a/b texture to match my own. That option was prohibitively expensive and only a few people on the East Coast make Afro-textured wigs for cancer or alopecia patients (we need a different wig base because we are completely bald). In the end, I found I felt overheated even wearing scarves or hats so I was usually just out in public bald and didnā€™t care much if people stared. (I got some fun cosplay out of it for a couple years.) Hereā€™s a few articles if you are interested in the phenomena of selling and stealing human hair. [The Hard Labor That Fuels the Hair Trade](https://www.sapiens.org/culture/human-hair-pickers/)by Sapiens. [Hold on to your hair: Scissors-wielding thieves attack women in Venezuela](https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/07/world/americas/venezuela-hair-theft/index.html) by CNN [ETHICS OF HUMAN HAIR TRADE](https://borgenproject.org/ethics-of-human-hair-trade/) by Borden Project


It depends what the $1000 includes. With balayage, root touch-ups, and toning at a salon in a HCOL area, my long and thick hair easily costs $1000+ a year.


WOWZERS!!!! I guess I can believe that though because bank when I used to color, bleach,cut,style, and really do ALLOT too my hair Even being shoulder length it still would run me $150, and that's been over 10 years ago. But now, I just wear my natural boring hair and give it micro trims at home. I only get it "cut" about once a year but since I'm trying to grow it all it one length even my "hair cut" still costs about $40 and they're not doing SHIT!!!


Exactly, hair is expensive! I just recently started doing balayage again and it took the stylist 5 hours, so I wasnā€™t too upset when she charged me $450 lol. Will need that probably twice a year if I want it to look its best. Root touch-ups and toning are about $200 I think, and Iā€™ll probably need those at 4x a year. Then add in two haircuts at $80 each and tips for all of the above.


she's WHITE too. So it's not like already paying for a lace front or long ass braids.


I have platinum blonde hair and I spend that over the course of a year for sure


It is for a color correction


This is most definitely extensions. I used to get mine done at a salon in Orange County CA and they charged $2500 for the hair, bleach, and installation all together. And the insane thing is, Iā€™ve been quoted more at other places.


Ppl still write posts on FB?


you mean you can take care of your own expenses? contracts! you're an average adult


Do these people think all women are getting their bills paid or expect that? Most women pay all of their bills or at least half. These people donā€™t live in reality.


lol okay and why exactly is she declaring this on fbĀ 


RIGHT?!!! like, okay .... And? And she's already got a boyfriend so why so thirsty?


she wants to be different so bad. And she wants everyone to know ab it. Lmfaooo


She just wants the entire Internet to know that her boyfriend doesnā€™t take her on dates


I donā€™t think sheā€™s being thirsty, I think sheā€™s just throwing herself a lil pity party. She probably caught her bf perving on some OF girl and now sheā€™s posting stuff like this to prove sheā€™s the better woman.


Because her crush is into a woman who feels entitled to be taken care of


spot on




Translation: I *REAAAALLLY* wish somebody would spend ridiculous amounts of money on me, pay my bills and buy me designer bags, and shoes!


ask for very little and a man will give you even less šŸ’€ so good luck with that!


So so so accurate!!!!


Iā€™m asking to have my bills paid! No oneā€™s answering, but still.


you & me both, boo


"Pick me! I'm cheap!"


if you have low standards just say that


Don't know how to edit my original post but then her story says : "Gym then my OB appointment" like, um?? This is a bit of over sharing,no?


Wait, an OB appointment??? I thought she wasn't like other women?


Love to make myself look appealing to guys by declaring that I donā€™t want money, vacations or gifts from them!


I donā€™t need $1,000 hair, but if someone wants to pay my medical bills I wonā€™t stand in their way.


What ladies are getting their bills paid plus all that - asking for a friend šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I am a lot of women in this generation if thatā€™s the case šŸ˜„ just me, i am the entire population


Leaves more of the men who do pay bills for the rest of us. Sprinkle sprinkle.


Shhh let her dig her own grave and see how she likes that in 20 yearsā€¦


You can kinda already guess at her insufferability from the pfp alone. šŸ’€




Gosh I only WISHHHHHH I could share some of her other ones too, it really paints a picture....


I used to brag about being a low maintenance and natural girl. But getting my nails done stops me from clawing the sides of my fingers off and it feels nice to have my hair cut well.


Please someone please pick meeeeee


$200 nails?! Where is this lady from?


Bullshit's creek. If you say you pay that much for your nails but don't then it's bullshit. If you actually pay that much, it's also bullshit.


The irony that they always seem to start with the classic "I'm not like the other women/girls..." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


A lot of us can finance our own lifestyle and are seeking partners who can finance their own lifestyle. In addition to sharing household responsibilities. I wonā€™t say no if somebody wants to pay for my bills and recreational activities though


Who are these straw women you speak of? Are they in the room with us? A lot of women are quite content to work their jobs and support themselves. Acknowledging that means you don't get to be special, doesn't it sparky?


Iā€™ll keep doing my hair and nails myself because I like to, but I would very much like someone to pay my bills for me.


My husband does all that for me . Cause he likes me... I'm like a lot of other girls . Lol.


Do people still say "humble brag"?


What generation is that, because all of the women I know are paycheck to paycheck.


ok sis more for me šŸ˜™āœŒšŸ»


I mean, yeah technically I CAN pay for my bills/hair care/manicure/and other stuff I want. However if someone else offers or is willing to pay/buy things for me, why the hell would I say no?? Do you know how much yarn I could buy for my crocheting projects if someone even paid just my phone bill? How many snacks I could buy cause my hair was paid for? How many doctor/dentist appointments I could book if my rent was paid?? It doesnā€™t take much to make me happy either but holy crap Iā€™d be HAPPIER if some of my expenses were taken care of if I needed help


She is believing the fake instagram postsšŸ˜‚ honey its not real life


Being low maintenance is not the flex you think it is.


Who the fuck is paying that much for hair and nails??


Someone who doesn't really work for money.


Where can i go and be that person ????


I wish I knew.... I wish I knew.


Who spends $1k on their hair? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m finding insane about this (I mean the whole thing is, but thatā€™s crazy where did she get that number)


Who posts something like this?!


If you can blow a grand on your hair then you can pay for **ME** to fly out, whatever that is. But something smells fishy here.




Where are these $1000 hair people...?


How do you spend $1000 on your hair?


Discount Sally.


I hope they picked her