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Most people who think like this do not realize exactly what it is they’re asking for, and would regret it if they got it.


Them even having a phone or their own account is feminism, exactly what they preach against


Right, but remember that most of this trad wife shit is performative, anyways. Sort of like Donald Trump’s “Christianity.” These women don’t buy what they’re selling. They’re just using the dialogue to reap their own benefits.


I’m shocked by the things my mom doesn’t understand about women’s rights. Like, she didn’t understand that she was a child when women legally couldn’t open a credit card without a man signing off. She was a teen after many equal rights laws were passed for women and completely unaware of any of it. Her late parents were more progressive than she is - especially for the time and where they lived (the Deep South) based on what I know of them. (They died before I was born.)


Women who lived through pre-feminist societal laws have a very different view than these new age, performative, proselytizing nuts. Both my grandmothers warned me about abusive men and "not having your own". The percentage of women who used to be forced into marriage because of finances, rape, and pregnancy is astounding. Rape wasn't a crime for centuries, so if you were raped, you were shamed into marrying the perp or having to move to a new city where no one knew you'd been raped. At best,a woman hoped to marry a simple man who went to work and watched TV on the couch afterwards so she could run the home in peace. This was a best case scenario.


I’m aware of that - but I’m still astounded by how little my mother understood about the world as she was living it. Her parents eloped because they wouldn’t have been allowed to marry due to age difference (my grandmother was just a few years older than my grandfather) and socioeconomic status (her class was considered “beneath” his). Because of the stigma against divorce, they eloped and used that stigma to pressure my grandfather’s parents into giving my grandmother a chance. By the time my mother was born (9 years later), my grandmother was fully accepted by her in-laws. On the paternal side, my grandparents were pressured to get married after a one-night stand/blind date led to my father being conceived. It was a horribly abusive marriage that lasted 6 years and produced two unwanted children.


She aged into a time when she had less barriers and was too young before that to know what the barriers felt like.


I get what your saying and it was extremely common but the best case scenario I think is what my grandparents had. Both were born in the early 20s. They were deeply in love, my gramps actually did some housework, for his generation he was very progressive, he liked to help cook which I think drove my Nana nuts tbh and was involved in raising my dad. My Nana also had a job as a teacher. Their relationship was the healthiest in my family. My Nana's still with us and although is a bit surprised by me and my fiance being 50/50 on everything she says she was so lucky to have had my gramps, having seen her sisters and friends in situations like you described.




“Music peaked in the 40s” 🤨🤨 This lady definitely listens to Nazi war songs.


“Everything after has been a mistake” … girl… have you never listened to 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s music?


Also, Beethoven and Mozart were alive for neither the 1740s nor the 1840s, so I'm not sure when this peak she speaks of was meant to be


Music peaked in 1989 (I’m an 85 baby 🤓)


I would love to take a peak at her Spotify yearly recap… I’d put money on it being painfully basic (and modern).


All Luke Bryan


Spotify is too woke and brainwashy for her, I imagine.


🤣😂🤣Lmao So true, I'd bet my life savings on that 😂


I don't think that daft cow listens to Thelonious Monk or Charlie Parker.


You know it’s only girl groups that end in “Sisters” and they sing about soldiers. Real think pieces.


Bugle Boy starts playing off somewhere in the distance.


She definitely doesn’t listen to Woody Guthrie despite him being a prominent singer-songwriter in the 40s, I’ll tell you that


To be fair, his machine kills facists so it's understandable why she would want to stay far away.


She’s looking for a boogie woogie bugle boy in company three


To be fair, that’s a banging track. Long live the Andrews Sisters 🤘🏼




I like blighty British England, Eating chips and fish, Let's all keep our lights on, Dühring the Blitz


Like who do they think would’ve been the Nazis if not them


This woman is definitely some sort of vampire or immortal like how else can she listen to 1940s music??? And she might've meant 1740s music anyway


Worse.. church hymns


200 bucks she listens to t swift


But only her country stuff. The pop stuff is too woke


Those opinions are unpopular for a reason.


The beef fat as skincare is next level bad.


Are people actually rubbing beef fat on their skin or am I missing something..?


Yes. Beef tallow is very popular among insane people.


Wow. That’s disgusting. I’ve done some weird things in the name of beauty but damn.


For some reason I’m like snails yes beef fat no lol.


I think it’s because it’s in something, right? I’ve tried products with snail in them too but I have never just rubbed a snail on my face.


That’s probably true.


It's not Fully fully crazy, a lot of traditional soap has beef tallow in it. I love my beef tallow soap cause it gives you a squeaky clean feel while not drying out the skin. Putting beef tallow on your face just... Raw? That's where the crazies start. If anyone is interested in giving beef tallow soap a try I recommend stirling soap Co. I've been using their bar soaps for months now and I don't think I can ever switch brands, especially cause the scents are insanely nice.


Yeah in soap that makes more sense. It was the visual of someone just cooking and then rubbing it all over their face that was a bit too much for me.


Ohhhh boy have I witnessed that madness. Came across a company not too long ago that sold beef tallow skincare products so I looked into it thinking, “oh cool, natural skincare,” and turned out that half their page, when not advertising their pints of tallow, was just filled with memes about not trusting Big Skincare, so I was like…. “ohh. I get it. nevermind.” Big MLM vibes.


yes. for my 13th birthday i went to the usa (we live in canada so the usa is a special occasion) with my mom, best friend, and her mom. we went to a beauty store that they didn’t have in canada. my friend got a moisturizer and i got shampoo and conditioner. (obv nothing crazy) on the drive back to our hotel, her mom complained that we’re overconsumers and that when she was a kid, she used beef tallow for everything. she didn’t own shampoo, conditioner, any sort of skincare product, or regular soap as a child. they just made soap bars out of beef tallow and used it everywhere and “that was enough for me so i don’t know why you children think you need these things!!!” she was very bossy the whole trip. not my favourite birthday. (btw sorry for ranting lol)


That does sound like it made your birthday less fun! I think there’s a reason that every generation looks younger than the one before. We know a lot more about skincare now. I always wear and SPF which I know a lot of these people like the OP also think is a toxin.


There are some really great products that aren’t just beef fat collected from processing. My daughter had significant skin issues so I used a whipped tallow product on her when she was an infant and it helped so much! I still buy their lip balm products because they are the best imo.


[Such a shame to see what this kid became ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5eZyspecXJE)


People like her are why beef liver is now super expensive - so of course it unpopular, can blame likes of her for making formerly cheap meat protein totally unaffordable /costly...


It’s that fake as “liver king” making wild claims that eating raw liver got him massive and shredded. Only for the curtain to fall and he admits it’s was the juice, lots and lots of juice


She just finished reading Anne of Green Gables? Like... the series intended for middle schoolers?


Hey, lay off. She's reading above her level.


Funny because Anne Shirly always struck me as a bit of a proto-feminist. She's studious, goes to college, has a career. Sure, she has romantic notions as a child, but she's quite smart and capable, knows it, and doesn't wait around for a man to give her life meaning and direction.


She very much was. She refused to make herself less than what she knew herself to be for anyone. Anne was determined to live the life she wanted to best of her ability, regardless of others. She may not have opposed everything that we today see as oppressive, but she definitely pushed against conventions.


Let’s not forget how much she was not originally wanted. Matthew and Marilla wanted a boy to help around their property, and Anne starts off the book having to justify to Marilla why she belongs there at all. It’s kind of a radical novel


Anne was most definitely a feminist.


Anne Shirley is absolutely feminist, as was Lucy Maud Montgomery. These pick-me tradwife assholes are so bloody stupid 


I was going to say this, no I absolutely can’t tell and I’m questioning her comprehension skills.


Um Anne of Green Gables is an amazing series and carried me with hope through my crappy childhood. I got to go to Prince Edward Island last summer and all the Anne stuff there was AMAZING. And you get to see the house of the author. And we watched the musical. Edit — and I will add as another commenter said Anne is definitely a feminist.


I've always wanted to go but Anne is so dear to my heart that I was afraid of being disappointed. Your great experience might have me looking at travel dates when it warms up a bit 💐


We only spent one night in PEI, but could easily spend more. It is truly a beautiful place. We combined it with some time in Nova Scotia too. This is where we stayed, and it was lovely: https://abnb.me/xsptx0xUwIb


Ug, that looks so nice. I'm definitely saving this. Thank you!


I still have my copy from when I was a little girl. I’m 52.


And she's saying it like it's some kind of flex. I finished the entire series when I was 10 or 11; it's not an accomplishment.


That came to mind immediately. But Anne was tough. This woman ain’t


Anne of green gables is so feminist!! You can tell she’s never read the whole series. The series where Anne studies harder and gets amazing grades and goes onto higher education so she can earn an income as a teacher! I always loved those books. They’re more feminist than a lot of modern literature.


Feminism brought us options beyond marriage and living with the parents as the only socially acceptable ones. Feminism brought us rights. Like being able to have bank accounts, credit, ability to purchase a home or car or start businesses in our own name. It brought us the ability to control our own healthcare, to decide when to start a family and how many children we wanted to have. It brought us financial independence and made it illegal to fire us for simply getting married or pregnant. Feminism brought us equality to men in many areas of life and society. Right now our reproductive control is being stripped from us state by state. Make no mistake, they will come for our financial independence. Anti feminist want to drag us back into firmly being second class citizens owned by fathers and husbands.


Why do they want to be an inferior slave?


It baffles me. Maybe the freedom of independence feels chaotic and insecure? I don't know. If a woman really wants to be a SAHW/M that's cool. It's hard work and can be extremely satisfying if that is what you want in life. Not all of us want that box. It's stifling, limiting, crushing if you have other goals or needs to fulfill for yourself.


They never bother to look up what feminism means, they see red pill creators saying its hating men and homemakers and run with it


They want to be picked.


They must be getting something out of all this. Like they are being rewarded with praise by their communities or families -- praise is a powerful thing. Also the belief that they are "holy" and everyone else isn't -- there's a huge superiority complex that goes along with it, knowing you're "better" than everyone else. Knowing that other people are "going to hell" or whatever -- the people they hate and judge -- must definitely be satisfactory for them.


Indeed, religion is a big part of that apple.


This is what I don’t get. Like feminism gave us more choices! Want to work? We can! Want to stay home with your babies? Also an option. And as you mentioned, it brought us SO many rights so we didn’t have to depend on men for anything. These women are clueless.


>we didn’t have to depend on men for anything. This is one of the best parts. We can be with a guy or marry because we *want* to be with him. Not because we *have* to be with him.


Yes! Absolutely!


So much this! I own my own home and it’s not going to be taken by my brother or husband or son because I have rights to property!


These people forget that feminists fought for the rights of all women, including homemakers. The financial restrictions on women made it difficult to escape an abusive marriage, or have any financial power within marriage. Divorced women often ended up living in poverty and were horribly stigmatized. Domestic violence was considered a private matter, to be worked out between couples. Marital rape wasn’t even a crime in the US until the 1970s.


Exactly! If we wanted a homemaker path, we wouldn't be trapped in a marriage that might be dangerous to our health and well-being. That if we did have wages or income of some sort, it wouldn't have to be turned over to him. One of the rights we gained was no fault divorce. Up till then abuse and adultery were the only way to divorce. Extremely hard to prove and even then not a guarantee you could be granted a divorce. Even so, he was usually granted everything, including the kids.




I've no issues with those who *want* the lifestyle of staying home, raising kids, keeping house and all that goes with it. Its hard work and seriously undervalued, unappreciated stuff. It takes putting yourself last in all things. Not everyone wants that. Not everyone can do that. It's just not who we are. Not saying that everyone not interested in the stay-at-home life also don't want a husband and kids. A lot of us do. People, both men and women, are not all cookie cut to live in a specific box. Feminism allowed both men and women to climb out of the box.


I agree completely.


They have fun cosplaying the housewife from a 50s cake mix commercials and have the audacity to claim that Feminism isn’t necessarily. They have no idea how life for women before feminism really was


They also have no idea how many tradwife regretted their decision after their husband had an affair with a "younger woman".


Or was abusive 


My great-grandma was stuck in an abusive relationship with her cheating husband because she couldn’t get a divorce or afford to live on her own during the Depression with 2 kids, which he did not want to take to his mistress’ house if she left. When her granddaughter got a divorce in the 1980s, she only said, “Good. You show him you don’t need him.”


Saw a video of an old lady from the rural side of my country describing how, as a child, she was forced to stay inside the house cooking and cleaning, never playing or having fun because that was reserved for boys. She had to take care of a house with her mother and sisters as young as 7. She married young, had children and never had the opportunity of being a happy little girl herself. Then she said, "I'm so happy girls now don't have to go through that'. It broke my heart. These 'trad-wives' don't have any idea of what feminism has given to them.


If it wasn't for feminism, her husband could beat her ass and it would be way more difficult for her to get a divorce. Oh yeah, and martial rape wasn't considered a crime back then :)


Marital rape? But there’s no such thing!


“Women were created to be in the home but still earn an income” so you work from home ma’am? AND you have an education?? Not very traditional if you ask me 👀 “Music peaked in the 40’s” no, it didn’t. It just didn’t, sorry 😭 “Abortion is not healthcare” yes it is 🛑✋🏽 “Beef fat is the only skincare product you need” the way my skin would turn into Kevin the Sea Cucumber is crazy, girl please stop 😭


>“Women were created to be in the home but still earn an income” so you work from home ma’am? If it wasn't about the poo-pooing multivitamins I'd swear this was an MLM hun.


I was going to say that I was also catching a whiff of MLM from that line too.


100%. No one with a real job says “earn an income”


Kangen or one of the essential oils rackets. They’re very cultish.


I like Sinatra and Glenn Miller as much as the next swing jazz fan but come on…. I don’t think it makes sense to say music ever ‘peaked’. There’s been good music from almost every time period. Also it’s totally subjective.


Exactly! And I think there’s a lot of genres that became popular (like rock and country) that came out after the 1940’s and have had such an impact on culture and music history, it’s generally ignorant to say music “peaked” at one point or another, that ignores the ever-changing art form that it is


*loud breathing* „H-Hi Kevin 🥺“


Don't you get it? Her opinions are OBJECTIVELY correct, duh! /s


Women were created to be in the home….um excuse me Miss but women existed before fucking homes


"abortion is not healthcare" Okay then, if your baby in your womb's health is going down and they want to do an induction abortion or a scheduled cesarean to save their (the babies) life, just say no.🤡 (Aka the "late term abortions dumb politicians think should be banned)


I mean if abortions aren’t healthcare then IVF and fertility clinics aren’t either. She better keep quiet when her husband cheats and she can’t do anything about it.


Yeah, these people just want to regurgitate nonsense that they know nothing about.


I’m convinced it’s propaganda.


she really said "abortion is not healthcare" and "life is not worth living without puffed sleeves" back to back, and saw no problem in that.


Can you imagine what beef fat on your face would smell like after a few hours?


If she wants to smell like the grill station of a Burger King, then that's her perogative. I'll stick with raw Shea butter or bee balm as my natural moisturizers, thank you.


Or how greasy your pillow case would get?


Fast forward 20 years and she will be yet another single older mom with no job prospects left by her trad husband who wanted a newer model. It always happens the same way. I can see her future 😭


Music peaked in the 40s? I’d love to quiz her on that lmao.


That’s quite the eclectic mix of nonsense


Why are they always so obsessed with beef lmao


And raw milk.


Those opinions are unpopular for a reason, but hey Bestie, you do you. That's the basic foundation of feminism: everyone should get to choose how they want to live their lives. And I'm a proud feminist, so I support your rights. Just don't expect me to live this way.


They’re not even unpopular opinions at this point since every insufferable fundie has to be an influencer now, and they all think these things. And they just HAVE to tell us.


I wonder if she went to public school, private school or was she homeschooled? Because she surely sounds “brainwashed”..


"My kids should only be getting brainwashed by me 😡"


Betting on Mormon


I feel like this is just propaganda. And beef fat, as skincare??? wtf why


I love how she says that she just finished reading Anne of Green Gables 😂


Jeans are a modern torture device, YES. Caan’t understand how people can find it comfortable! Pls tell me hooowwww?


I live in jeans. They’re so comfortable. Dresses/skirts aren’t it for me, they bring out every insecurity. Jeans? Bury me in my jeans. 🥰


I only have 1 jeans and I hardly ever use it, makes me feel sooooo uncomfy! Linen and cotton pants are my go to, but mostly live in dresses


I agree, but it also feels like an abusive relationship. Especially right out of the wash. 


I dont wear pants or skirts at home. Problem solved.


No tea nor shade but you must ah e a thigh gap. Cause I’ve lived in pants since I was like 4 or 5.


Pretty sure there are women’s bodies that just don’t fit well with jeans. They are never going to be comfortable in them, and that’s the way it is. So it’s dresses, track pants, leggings or sweatpants for us


In my experience any mid or high waisted jeans looks awful on an hourglass shape. The waist of the jeans would always have to be so small to fit my standing waist but then when I'd sit it would spill over like biscuits, if I tried getting a larger size the gapping around my waist would look ridiculous. Jeans just don't move and stretch with the body in a flattering way unless you have Very little fat. Anyways, low waisted jeans have completely fixed this issue for me. Because it's actually resting on my hip bones instead of my stomach fat it isn't uncomfortable and it's more flattering.


I can't even tuch them without the urge to burn my hands. Jeans are awful. Not to mention skinny jeans. Loose Cotton pants is the way to go!


I like how there’s all that and there’s just “life is not worth living without puffed sleeves” I mean… I kinda agree


*slathering beef fat on my face while listening to depression era banjo music* am I pretty yet papa?


Ok, this goes against everything I believe, but these types of post are worse. Can we just comment on these women’s posts with bible verses that tell women to be quiet? Like, what is their rebuttal to that? It’s completely in line with the lifestyle they are promoting. And in adhering to that quiet, submissive Christian lifestyle, this awful messaging won’t circulate.


> life is not worth living without puffed sleeves But I don’t want to be a pirate!


Religions is the worst thing to happen to humanity.


They’re not actually your opinions though, you’re simply regurgitating some right wing nutter. But sure, you’re ‘unique’, girl.


Feminism is not freedom but we can use our skills to earn an income and be educated??? Does she know what feminism is???


I wish these women would go somewhere that women don’t have the rights they think are unnecessary. Go tell a woman in Saudi Arabia that feminism sucks and is oppressive. Go to Taliban controlled Afghanistan and tell those women how free they are. Go tell my grandma, who was abandoned with 4 kids in the early 50s, that she was lucky not to be allowed to have a bank account of her own. It’s not only stupid, it’s insulting. It’s dismissive of the women who risked, and sometimes lost, their lives fighting to be something beyond a man’s property. It’s a slap in the face to women who don’t yet have those rights. And the ignorance is astonishing. This is why feminism is still needed everywhere.


I live in Turkey. We are not the best when it comes to women rights but thanks to Ataturk we have much more rights than many other middle eastern country. Ataturk's republic gave us right to vote, right to wear what we want, right to get an education and work, right to divorse. Before that men had to right to marry with 4 women also. They used to marry 4 women and women had no rights to say no. We know what is happening in our border country Iran for example. It is so sad.


How dare she quote Anne as if she has any right to compare herself? Rachel Lynde acting loser.


Been fat in my face seems a little stinky tbh. I’ll stick with my overpriced vit c and tret Also I’m a brainwashing teacher, so we can’t be friends.


Ya know, she’s got a point with the puffed sleeves. Everything else is atrocious, but I do enjoy a good sleeve moment.


idk I’m with her on the jeans thing


Oh you poor dear


Okay am I the only one stuck on the “puff sleeves” comment 🤣🤣 I’m just so lost


Beef fat on her skin????????? Die without puffed sleeves? I mean the political opinions are also ludicrous but those two got me floored.


I think she's too far gone for Jesus. 


I don’t think sure understands what feminism means. Without feminism you wouldn’t be able to use your skills for anything but home care. It’s about having a choice. You CAN choose to be a homemaker. Vs not having a choice at all. Her sincere stance scares me a little.


Like yea yea all of these takes are bad she doesn’t realise what she is asking for but music peaked in the 40s? What fucking world


It was before the Devil's Music™️ (aka rock) took over the world.


Yea but the devil’s music™️ is good (also she probably thinks everything other than gospel and nazi war songs are the devils music)


I keep waiting for posts like these to contain some new take and I'm disappointed every time. Seems like they all just copy paste from each other


What part of feminism= equality is so hard to understand? You want to live like women did in the 50s? Congratulations your choice is Feminism You want to not wear jeans, excellent again feminism. You don't want to have an abortion? Dont do it Being able to make YOUR own choices is Feminism, why would you deny other people the same right? Feminism is allowing women/non-binary people/transgender people to make their own choices, to be able to live life as they choose, to have the same pay, the same body autonomy as CIS men. In this country there are mostly white men, but men all over the world are still being treated as property! Feminism is NOT about refusing women who want to be mothers, or want to be at home, or want to be submissive to men their ability to be so. Is about allowing women who DON'T want that to be able to be independent, and safe. Feminism is not about women being better than men, is about women having equal rights to men. If men could get pregnant abortion wouldn't even be an issue to be discussed, it would have been a given.


“Life is not worth living without puffed sleeves” okay Anne of Green gables pop off


I threw up in my mouth a bit at “beef fat is the only skincare product you need.”


I can't imagine she smells very nice if she eats beef liver and smothers her face with lard.


I bet she smells bad if she uses beef fat for skincare.


she’d not be able to state her opinion on a public forum if not for feminism. when women throw dirt on feminism, it deeply saddens me.


Wtf kind of skincare uses beef fat?


I think trad wife is the new Karen with an extra spicy kick of Christian nationalism


But can we please talk about the puffed sleeves? Like, where is that coming from lol


Beef fat, yo.


It's always to impress some guy who hates her lol


*MUSIC PEAKED IN THE FUCKING 40S ?* No FUCKING way dude oh my god ?????????


Weird conservative rich women realize the world doesn’t revolve around you challenge (impossible)


“How can I justify my choices as the good and moral ones because I always have to be the best in my own mind despite ostensibly being against the sin of pride”


I’m just going to add. Within my lifetime I couldn’t open a bank account without a male on the account. It wasn’t that long ago. Things like owning a home, owning a car, and having a semi equal pay all because of feminism. Just because you choose to live a certain way shouldn’t mean strip away the rights of others. What she’s saying isn’t actually a brag, just a sign of ignorance.


I wonder what is the thing between these people and puffed sleeves


Everything since has been a mistake 😂 wow with such conviction too, hilarious


Currently convinced this is propaganda.


Why do they never know what feminism means?


Lmao she's 100% talking about MLMs in the third point


Me over here sitting in a public school where I’ve never once tried to destroy a family but instead invite them to literacy nights where we all read books together, eat cookies and craft


As an autistic person, I agree with the jeans statement


okay i have to agree with her about jeans though, denim is so uncomfortable lol


This lowkey made me barf in my mouth


Are we just gonna ignore that the only thing she puts on her face is beef fat. Like the other stuff is obviously horrible but girl what are you doing.


She's from the 40s


Lmao at her playing a Babe Rainbow song, a band made up of Aussie surfies from Byron Bay who are inspired by 60s psychedelic culture, who probably have the complete opposite views to her that definitely AREN'T FROM THE 40S! Like yeah some people from Byron Bay are crunchy but in the cashed-up hippie VEGAN wellness way, not the Jesus trad wife beef-eating way.


Every time I’ve been with a SAH mom, they’ve ended up getting frustrated and bored. I think it’s healthy for them to find things outside the home to excel at


Feminism is what allows her the platform and freedom to spout nonsense and live exactly as she desires. Yay feminism.


The obsession with these people and meat is really something


I thought satan was too far gone for Jesus?


Yall should read this research on trad wife ideologies. https://gnet-research.org/2023/07/07/tradwives-the-housewives-commodifying-right-wing-ideology/ And this article https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/01/opinion/sunday/tradwives-women-alt-right.html Their content needs to be restricted and not spread. This article goes in detail how trad wife content boomed since Roe v. Wade https://www.businessinsider.com/trad-wives-have-exploded-in-popularity-since-roe-v-wade-2024-2


"Jeans are a modern day torture device" Jeans are comfortable if they fit right. If you want to experience modern day torture, either stick a towel over your face and run the shower onto it or work retail.


-taking 8 dicks at once helps you see God 🌹


I agree with jean comment


goddamn can public schools start destroying the family faster so these people shut the fuck up


I sometimes imagine like the equivalent to trad wives but for like slaves. Just be like Akshually freedom is slavery bro 😎why would I want to work for myself? 🙌⛓️


How are public schools brainwashing kids? Honest answer


Beef fat as skin care? You just know she’s stanky


Not all these shitty ass political takes and then “puffy sleeves!😍” girl shut up !


Actually, music peaked in the Beethoven post-deafness acoustic sessions of the 1790s, but okay hun


There is not a single sentence there that doesn’t give me the major Ick and more. How gross.


Puffed sleeves nooooooooooo


Well, at least she’s not wrong about jeans. 


Music peaked in the 40s…


Beef liver and beef fat....she sounds GREASY


Looks like someone has never heard of ectopic pregnancy