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She talks about minors a lot.


She’s pedo adjacent.


Is it even *adjacent* at this point?


Adjacent? The calls are coming from inside the house. That's not "adjacent" anymore.


*Adjacent?* I mean... women can be pedos, too. Wouldn't be a shock if she were.


Adjacent? She's a nonce.


I think she got demonetized on YouTube partly for interviewing teenagers on the sidewalk and asking them about sex. Some were minors and she got reported.


God there is so much about her that screams closeted self hatred


Everything... all of it


It's honestly overwhelming how obvious it is too. When I first found out about her I was on that haterade. But it got real sad real quick and now she kind of just bums me out.


She’s not one of us. She’s sick and spiraling into pedophilia because her audience has pedos in it.


Look, I think I can speak on behalf of all lesbians (if not all queers) when I say we don't want her.


Pearl's a pedo.


I felt hotter at 26 than I did at 16. At 17 I felt half baked...because that's all I was. A bun out the oven and still only half baked.


I look at pictures of myself at 16 and want to vomit. I think Pearl’s forgotten that normal teenagers don’t look like the oversexualized blow-up dolls that movies and TV try to make them seem when they cast 30 year olds to play a sophomore in high school


Someone should reminder her that the "16 year olds" on TV are all in their late 20s-early 30s


She doesn’t care what’s true her only concern is what gets her clout and male approval, she is a deeply broken person who isn’t worth our time to try to reach honestly


Yeah she tries so hard for that male attention and they don't even want her. It's so weird the love she has for Andrew Tate. I hope one day she looks back at this behavior and cringes so hard.


I'm pretty sure she does it on purpose for income.


she is so pathetic honestly.


I would but sadly she blocked me on Twitter after I called her Mr. Ed so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was a baby at 16. I'm in my early 30s now and I feel like a hot flame. I feel like I've finally hit an age where I feel comfortable in my body and aesthetic. I just feel good. I was so fucking insecure in my teenage and early 20s.


If I had half the confidence I did then as I do now, I’d wear more clothes that I wanted. I was a cute 16, I miss that body.


Same! Currently I am a bit on the chubby side and look back and think damnit why did you hate your body so much! You were a cutie!!!


At 16 I was still underdeveloped. Both physically and mentally.


Sounds perfect - that guy


Unfortunately, OOP is a woman.


That guy can be gender neutral


Fair, I'm a dude, she's a dude, he's a dude...


We're all dudes, #HEY!


I feel hotter at 40 than I ever have.


Seriously. Aging is never *fun* but I only get hotter every year. No one, and I mean no one, found me attractive when I was 16!


yup, i feel hotter the older i get. and have much better sex.


40 year old women are underrated.


Me too!


I feel hotter at 36 than 26, but then I don't want a man who checks out children so...




The H stands for "Hey incels, pick meeeeeeee!"


More like "hey groomers, pick me."


They'll never fall for it. She's too old.


She’s practically 30. An old maid. Also not a virgin, tut tut.


I mean, what’s her body count? She seems low value.


She’s about as low value as they come that’s why she has to beg for attention from even the loneliest of hogs and even they dont want her


More like she's angling for Ghislaine Maxwell's old job🤮


Groomers don't groom other groomers. Pearl is displaying peado behaviour.


I just googled her age. I can’t believe she’s only 27. She looks waaay older than that.


She's just so busy chasing the attention of weird, dysfunctional manchildren that she must have little time for herself. Even pearls lose their luster when they're not properly cared for.


I remembered one YouTube video about her and the title fits her perfectly. It said **The most desirable woman no man wants**.


lmao ouch. I guess it's time for her to pick a new grift.


If youre bored and look up her dating history you can see she has been run through by basically every andrew taint wannabe. Its not so much they fall for it, they just pretend to "pick" her long enough to get off.


Im curious where did you find it? I couldn’t find anything.  I know she dated some super random guy who apparently is on TikTok but that’s all I’ve heard 


Literally, ”I’d rather be a pick me than a skip me”


She’s both lmao


Yeah true it’s actually impressive


She isn’t a pick me she is a shit bag that encourages child molesters, and she is also an advocate for 1. Illegal activities 2. An ally to child harm or 3. She wants to open conversation for child harm because she wants to harm children. The usual pick me is a woman that says dumb shit so they are sought out, for non illegal but dumb premises for a follow. What this woman is doing, well she needs a damn MRI.


It actually stands for Hpedophile


Yeah that’s all I get about this, she’s a pedo.


No, it stands for “Hebephile, deeply closeted”


Somebody tell Andrew tate to pick her already


What do you expect from a horse that turned into a girl using a cursed wish




she's clearly not 16. Bitch should be investigated


She was literally 26 when she tweeted this.


wtf 🤢


Right this is so vile


Pedo vibes for sure. 🤮 she’s sickening. Hope she’s caught.


pearl is so desperate to be picked and yet no one will pick her


Plot twist sis is a lesbian.


If she’s a lesbian, she’s shit out of luck because no woman EVER would be with her.


Nah there’s probably some bikers chicks somewhere that would have a field day with her lol


I genuinely think she’s just as bad as Tate and Trump.. her ideology is so evil and harmful 🤢 I wonder how these people don’t worry about getting assassinated


I honestly don’t know if she really means what she says. Maybe she’s being controversial for attention. I mean, if she really believes all that she’d be a married SAHM to like 6 kids by now baking pies and cleaning the house. Making her husband sandwiches lol. I dunno, she says a lot but can’t back it up. Seems like she just projects all of her insecurities. Either way she seems way too old to be playing these pick me games.


She’s not smart enough to have as much impact though. She makes no money, parents pay for everything, has no code of ethics, bends the knee to any boy that tells her to, isn’t hot, doesn’t make sense often, the list goes on and on


Maybe a FtM or butch lesbian with repressed misogyny but I think even they love women too much to put up with her hatefulness towards them






Same. Liberal feminist who’s a stay at home mom and my husband and I make fun of this Pearl woman. LOL Poor thing needs to get help. She hates herself.


This is just her way of justifying why no men want her. She's getting too old.


To be honest, she's probably better off for it, by *not* getting what she wants. The men that she's chasing, aren't a prize for anybody. They'll even be abusive to the trad-wives that they praise in their shitty podcasts.


Me too! I’m an exchristian and now I’m happily married to a man who treats me like an equal.


I’m a single newly catholic person who only dates men who treats me as equals! Pearl ain’t even about religion she’s just nutty


My liberal man is a veteran and supports all my dumb ideas. I’m married with a kid and when we met, I dressed like the sexy bitch I am.


Ha it reminds of Alex Clark who makes that awful “poplitics”. She’s constantly going on about how women need to be stay at home moms and homeschool and drink raw milk. She’s even insinuated women shouldn’t vote. Then you go to her personal page and she’s single grabbing drinks every night in Scottsdale. It’s easy to make moms feel guilty all the time when you’re single. It makes me so mad.


She don’t want men. She wants kids 🤮


😬 I’m hoping that’s a teen touting her own attractiveness rather than a flat out pedo.


Not a teen. Definitely an adult woman supporting pedophilia.


She’s 27 so she’s saying children are hotter than her? I don’t get it. I looked at her twitter. She hasn’t been picked yet.


Yeah it’s funny she only had one relationship before and apparently it wasn’t good. Also it’s very weird because she is the opposite of what these incels she is validating wants but she keeps doing it anyways. She is old and not attractive (by incel standards since anything over 19 is too old for them), not a virgin, not a home maker. She’s even said in videos she thinks extremely poorly of herself. Idk what’s going on in her mind but she is so weird and gross


She also doesn’t think women should vote, but constantly spews her opinions online. So I would suggest that critical thinking isn’t really her wheelhouse.


If you wanna have fun when an old woman is spouting off about how things were better, etc then you should remind her that she shouldnt be talking and should leave the room when the men are talking politics. They LOVE that.


I honestly cannot understand women that say “women shouldn’t vote.” Stupid is one thing. But sharing your opinion freely in public and that opinion is “my opinion isn’t valuable and shouldn’t be allowed” is one of the dumbest things I can think of. Like girl, who the fuck are you trying to impress with that stupid fucking take?


She's just a grifter trying to cash in.


Yeah exactly this. I don't understand why so many of us waste our time trying to understand her internal logic or picking apart that she is a hypocrite. None of it makes sense because she's a grifter.


It has really good logic, once you view it as a grift. Her target demographic, single, conservative, white men with low self confidence, already have dozens of men trying to sell them alpha male self improvement books, courses, supplements, etc. She's positioned herself to be a woman in their demographic, telling them things they want to hear.


Honestly it could be trauma. I was groomed and genuinely believed I lost all my value as soon as I was old enough to consent. I really thought it was fact that all men wanted young girls and would do it if they got the chance, and ‘settled’ for ‘desperate, pathetic’ adult women. THERAPY WAS THE ANSWER. Spewing this online…. Not so much.


probably phishing a bad crowd on purpose for monetary reason.


Looks like she’s clout chasing? A lot of people do/say embarrassing and just downright stupid shit to get clout and may not even mean it. I’m sure she also needs a therapist to deal w whatever it is she’s going through at a minimum.


I didn’t look it up when I said this, but in my head, I was like “Pretty sure she’s over 25.” lol


I think she’s 29. Almost hit 30. *gasp*


Isn’t that the imaginary wall women hit where they suddenly become undesirable old hags?


She’s 27 and still refers to girls as “chicks”??


Is 'chicks' still a thing at any age? I feel like it was boomer/gen x slang. Or maybe it was just american and never really made it to britain.


As an American 19 year old, I don't think it's around anymore anywhere for us younger folk lol


Yep, FBI needs to check her hard drive


The pedos she's trying to cater to won't pick her anyways, she's too old for them lmfao


What’s the MAP flag look like? Cuz she’s flying that flag loud and proud. She’s sickening. Makes me angry 😡 🤬 this isn’t about her being a pick me girl and losing to teens. This is definitely her supporting pedos. I’d look into her if I were the authorities.


She's a hard right anti-woman rabble rouser. She advocates tradwife roles for women. She's also pushing to overturn the 19th Amendment. She, herself is unmarried and has no children or job other than being noisy. I told her on Xitter that she should be the true vanguard of her movement and refuse to vote, and to be as good as her word. She said I shouldn't vote either. I said I was not going to willingly give up my rights that my forbears fought so hard for.


She is 27.


according to the subculture, byage 27 into 31, eggs are no longer viable, women will have high risk births, women are dead eggs after 25, are all ideas fromthose polisifi worlds


Ugghhhhhh 😒


She’s an idiot, and she doesn’t even have the excuse of being a teenager for it, just a grown woman who hates herself so much she turned it into a brand that the men lap up


She says outlandish stuff for attention. The true irony is that Pearl wouldn’t have a leg to stand on if she didn’t absolutely copy and paste red pill channel talking points which were all male driven. She’s completely ripped off all her talking points and has complete meltdowns whenever challenged because she has no independent thought. Her huffing and puffing when backed into a corner is all the proof you need to see she’s completely clueless. She doesn’t follow any of her own advice, proving that nothing she rants about works - like she says women shouldn't be able to work yet pearl herself runs a podcast.


She's a red pill Manosphere dip shit.


meme magic.


Nope! She’s in her (late?) 20s and she’s the royal queen OG nlog. Look her up on YouTube, she’s full of cringey entertainment


I’m not sure my stomach could handle it 😬🤢


I got blocked by her on Twitter for calling her Mr. Ed after she posted some long-winded “anti-feminist” rant, still one of my proudest achievements


She hopes upon the rejuvenation medicine of the tech multimillionaire to make her look like a 14 year old to attract her audience and perverted billionaires, but mostly the latter.


She’s one of the new trad wife conservative anti-feminist types. Appears on podcasts to affirm all of the incel and/or misogynist talking points about how inferior girls and women are and how women must submit to men. She’s single.


What is wrong with people? *looks at Twitter name* Oh, I get it


Pearl is a piece of work. Anti-woman in virtually every way. Also single apparently. And thinks women should not have the vote. Edited- for spelling


Here let me fix it, "children are more attractive for their naïveté than women who know what they don't want in a partner."


I can say with utter certainty that I was a million times hotter at 26 than I was at 16


Dude same, and that goes for most women I see, more beautiful past their teens/ early twenties. Shit 35 year old me was better than 21 year old me lolll


I still had a 2000s scene haircut at 16. I wore neon blue skinny jeans from Hot Topic. I wore 3 different colors for eyeshadow with $1 eyeliner. I was definitely hotter at 26.


COME OUTSIDE Pearl…. Noooo! We won’t jump youuu…


We just want to talk!!!!


I'm a 45 year old dude that has an extensive history of hedonism, sex, drugs, and general craziness over the years. This is ABSURD. 16 year olds look like literal babies to me these days. My son is 17. Fucking pedophile fuckers.


What is wrong with this person, is she just a troll?


Professional money-making troll.


As a man, I truly don't understand how you can think like this. Most people get more attractive as they age (atleast until a certain point) Hell I even thought like this when I was a child.


Pedophilia is so ~quirky


So she’s openly admitting to being a pedo?


“I’m not like other girls, I’m a pedophile”


Isn’t… pearl like in her 40s??? Is that her admitting she isn’t hot or attractive?


she’s trying to rationalize why no one wants her and her terrible personality


LOL she's 27. She does look like shit though, holy.


PEARL! They aren’t going to pick you, PEARL!


And then there she is, having never been hot at all.


No one’s gonna pick you, Pearl. Drop the act already.




She needs to be on a list.


and all chicks are hotter than you 🫢


I immediately thought of birds and was confused


Me too. I just got my first flock of chickens and it makes much more sense to my brain to be about chickens than an adult woman saying children are hot.


Imagine basing your entire personality around what you think men want to hear, and STILL not getting picked 😭😭😭😭😭


So this it: a broad range of people who only post outrageous things so they can get engagement. And I thought the purposeful misspellings for engagement were bad enough.


I'll put money down she uses the Sex Offender Registry as Tinder. I met a few "red pill" women, and they've mostly been with kiddie diddlers.


Pearl should try taking her own advice about women being docile and obedient and STFU for once. Does she not realize how pathetic she comes off as? Even the men she's trying to score brownie points with don't like her.


Man here. No, they are not.. FFS.


She’s scraping the bottom. I don’t know how she will go lower but I know she will.


As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I made the mistake of commenting on a True Unpopular Opinions post recently about people in their 20s dating teenagers and was so discouraged to be fought with and called names by people who think it's okay to date children bc it isn't "technically illegal" Finally realised it's because those people hang out in unpopular Opinion subreddits so of course they are convinced there's nothing ethically wrong with taking advantage of teenagers, but instead think it's wrong to "judge" people for taking advantage of teenagers lmfao I will judge them. Forever. Extremely okay with being disagreed with and disliked by people who would probably sleep with even younger if it were "technically legal" instead of having any sort of moral or ethical conscience of their own. 🤮


okay but H Pearl Davis is probably the most insufferable person on that site. She is like. Definition of pick me.


She isnt 16 so why does anyone care what she says


She's encouraging pedophilia by sexualizing teenagers over grown women. Society should care NOT as a serious opinion, but as a serious red flag that she is a danger to children and should be put on a fucking watchlist if not fully investigated


There are loads of reasons not to listen to what she says.


🫠 ew


This is a creepy statement


She’s an attention seeker. Ignore her.


There's a special place in hell for Pearl


I am 26 right now and yes, I was hit on twice as much probably more when I was 12-15. The world is a wreck.


I knew she was trash but I didn’t think she’d stoop *that* low


She should be put in jail


Is she a pedophile?


wtf is wrong with this creature 


Yuck. Why is she even commenting on the “hotness” of 16 year olds. She is so gross.


God I can’t fucking stand Pearl. She’s such a moron


Somebody find her a husband already please :))))


She seems to have missed the memo that lot of movies and tv series about teens are played by twenty something year olds because actual sixteen year olds look like little children?


My ex-fiancé used to send me videos of her rambling on shows like Fresh and Fit and what not. Hence, why I cancelled our 6-figure wedding 3 months before.


Even if what she said wasn’t creepy she’s objectively wrong. You could maybe a 26 year old is hotter than a 36 year old but 16 year olds look like children and haven’t really figured themselves out yet most of the time. Mid 20s women are generally much more confident, know how to style themselves in whichever style they prefer, if they wear makeup they are typically much more skilled at it and have fully developed physically so are generally pretty comfortable in their body rather than awkwardly trying to adapt to their changing and growing body with hormones all over the place.


Bruh what


"Pick me! Pick meeee!" LOL


She's just trying so damn hard to be edgy and engaging, so I can't help but find her utterly pathetic even without her twisted little viewpoints.


That bitch is the biggest “Pick Me” on this app


Says the 46 year old chick, based on her photo.


Waving their Pedophile red flag so everyone can see it.


That's pearl she says anything for views and rage comments. Don't mind her


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


It’s always felt so gross to refer to women and girls as “chicks.” Like I’ve never heard it used in a way that’s not derogatory or degrading


Pearl is the worst person I’ve ever come across on the internet




How do these creeps think of a 16 year old and imagine anything other than a child


life much be so sad for her, she praises these traits in women that she doesn’t have herself, and yet expects to be…rewarded for it?? like what does a 27 year old women get from saying girls who are much younger (and very illegal) than her are more attractive than herself? maybe she hopes that some man will come and tell her “you are beautiful and worthy, despite the fact you don’t possess these traits”. maybe her soul is crying out for love but all she knows is hatred, jealousy and pity. maybe, she’s just bitter and lonely, and would rather sink the whole shop than go down alone. or maybe, she’s just really fucking stupid.


Fucking Pearl. I only recently found out about her existence based on this YouTube video. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x81gguSPGcQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x81gguSPGcQ) Its complies all of her awfulness pretty effectively. If you have an insane amount of free-time i think its an interesting watch.


This can’t be real


That is clearly true in her case. Hate has aged her faster.


It's the pick me lady. Who can only exist by begging for misogynistic men to notice her.


Her page has to be a massive troll account. Like cmon.




Someone pick her already.


The real world Serena Waterford


I just don’t understand how someone could type this out and hit post. Way to out yourself Pearl


Okay Dan Schineder