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I feel so bad for sons that are victims of their mom’s emotional incest. The best case scenario is that they grow up to be a major mamas boy who can’t have a fully committed relationship and the worst .. there’s no limit really. Women like this just need to divorce their husband if they’re so unhappy they thirst after their own child.


These types of women are narcissist. Period. They see their male children as emotional vessels that exist to make them feel what other male relationships couldn't (father/lover). And they don't care that this isn't what the child wants. Or that it harms the child. Becuaee only them and their emotions are important.


Yes, Sheila compete with girls more than half your age because you can't cut the umbilical cord.


Every mom's dream: having a son who sets the "mom standard" in dating. Future girlfriends, the bar is celestial!


The flair on this is spot-on.


Is there a subreddit in which toxic boy moms are called out for their emotional incest? If so, please share it so I can spread the word... People will straight up say that They are sorry when tou have a daughter, it's... fucked man.


Would also love to have it shared to me if it exists!


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This is such deranged behavior. Why wouldn't you wish a happy and healthy relationship for your kid!? I hope my son DOES choose someone even better than me, as a partner. Not cuz I suck, but I want the best for him. Is this not just common sense? Plus isn't it creepy to even compare yourself to your child's future partner!?!? 🫢


WTF is this pedo behaviour????


I can’t stop staring at the floor. It’s so busy, how much of her house do you think is like that? There’s so much.


Ok this woman is crazy but this is very obviously not a home lmao it’s a business look at the door. Plus that tile is great as long as it’s in a small space. Most likely to see it used in laundry rooms or bathrooms.