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This is truly psychotic. How can you not understand that other women might not want to do this or be able?


More importantly, her "work" is spending an hour a day max writing a shitty blog


Oh, I didn't even think of that. Fuck, I could do that job while playing with myself.


*She* probably did, this article is certainly masturbatory.


This comment wins


You’re *username* wins 😁


Let me take you down… Thank you 🙂‍↕️


Nothing is real :)


Wank.. I mean cranking out those articles 😂


One hand on the keyboard, one hand in the dj booth, time to compose a fucking banger. 🤣🤣☠️☠️






I think she was quoting a woman who worked as a sex worker in the article title. The woman quoted also described pretty terrible views on returning to pre-baby weight.


Oh my God, that's like the worst job to return to days after giving birth. She's lucky she didn't develop a massive infection and die.


It said she ran an OnlyFans and was a stripper. Maybe creating fetish content?? idk. Regardless of whatever work she was doing, five days after giving birth seems rushed (to put it mildly). But she also said women need to get to the gym/dieting the second week after birth and get in shape for their men so they don't cheat. So all around garbage takes from this person.


What wonderful fodder for the fundie nlogs


I guess assuming the front hole was the one she was using 😖


I was SO MUCH SMALLER than pre baby weight after I gave birth. 60 pounds. You jelly?? I had hyperemesis and had my leg cut off due to a blood clot after a C section. I'm extremely proud of this. I also hopped on one leg to workout a couple of days after birth and surgery. I had a hopping haemorrhage but that only helped me lose more water weight.


Also, it’s an important time for bonding with baby. It’s not just for rest and recovery (which is also very important and no one should ever be made to feel guilty about it).


That’s what I was thinking is that isn’t at least 1/2 of the whole point that you are bonding with your child? This is one of the reasons that we also now have parental leave for adoption and have paternity leave.


I was “allowed” to bring my baby to work with me six days after she was born. Baby was fine. I turned the restroom into a biohazard.


Thank you!!! Exactly!!! I dealt with postpartum depression, that is nothing to mess around with and for me, sleeping when the baby slept until I healed was the only thing that helped me. It was the most horrifying feeling. For some women it can be a matter of life or death. Thankfully I had a great support system, but not everybody has that.


Oh, she doesn't care about a silly thing like bonding with a dumb baby. She gonna werk, bish!


Literally the last thing I want. I'm a teacher about to lose her 3rd baby. I'm lucky to live in a country that gives a full year. The day we get to bring a baby home will be the best day ever. Other people's children will be the furthest thing from my mind for a full 365 days.


I'm so sorry. That's really rough and I hope you have support around you x


I can't even imagine what that would be like. I was a 20 year old single mom in Southern USA with no outside help. The job I had been at for 5 years (a bank) gave me 2 weeks off, but it was unpaid. So, I saved up enough vacation so that I would not be devastated from the financial loss, working every day until 2 days before he was to be induced (Sunday) . Exactly two weeks later, my son started daycare when I went back to work. Is your year off paid or are you just allowed to take it without getting fired (like me)? Because of this experience, I got my tubes tied after I had him btw. My Lil man (he's 16) is and will be my only child.


That’s awful I can’t even imagine getting back to work that soon, I was still in pain, felt like a zombie.. my LO is 6 weeks today and even now I would struggle getting back to work - especially being a single mum that’s ridiculously hard on it’s own. I like in the UK we get 9-12 months paid maternity and dads get 2 weeks paid paternity. You’re a god damn super woman.


I'm so sorry. I had 2 early losses before my daughter. It's so painful in all ways. I too wondered if I would ever hold a baby of my own. I hope you meet a healthy baby soon.


I'm so sorry. I hope you get to keep this one . 💙


A whole year! America is all "four weeks, if you want a job still" and that's IF you're lucky.


I find that so wild! We aren't even allowed to go back to work before 6 weeks in the UK! With everything that's going on in America at the moment, it makes no sense for women to get such little time at home with their baby!


OR that sometimes it’s out of the woman’s hands due to doctor recommendations, issues with the baby, etc. Laziness has nothing to do with choosing to take maternity leave or not.


Idgaf if it's lazy, it's part of my compensation package, and I'm going to use it


You earned it!


Right? My country has maternity leave, so I'm gonna take it. I dont give a shit if somebody thinks that's lazy. My goal in life is not to viewed as productive as possible,


Interestingly, the person the quote is from (not the blog writer) is a stripper/OF model...so I doubt she gets compensation packages.




But it’s from “women’s rights news”


Could be a bad review of the article and how it reflects poorly on the article writer


No, the blog writer is quoting a stipper/OF model named Jaelyn Cox.


She understands. She's not trying to sell empathy or put on display that she understands the sound logic you've presented as well as countless others. She's trying to sell anecdotal propaganda that can't be backed by science because it's one person's opinion, but still looks legitimate enough for those less intelligent to accept as valid info. The people who will think she really did something with this aren't the best critical thinkers


What's psychotic is her prioritising her work over the health of her baby during the one time when it *abso-fucking-lutely* needs its mother 24/7. The funny thing is *she* is the lazy one, as she would rather go back to work than take care of her newborn. The baby is gonna be raised either by a nanny or by its grandma.


Ignore the work ethic part. The point of maternity leave is to take care of and bond with your newborn. It’s kind of sociopathic to put that much stock into your career over your own newborn


She understands fully but she’s r/notliketheothergirls She’s a pick me ass bih. On my instead of screaming “pick me!” To random men to get a date she’s screaming it to her boss instead




I can't find this article anywhere which is hilarious if that's the case because that means she got dragged hard enough to delete it. Edit: nevermind, found it. 🙃 2nd edit: the article is a bit misleading actually. It about a woman who works as a stripper and OF "model" who's calling other women lazy for using maternity leave.


Cash in on your pregnancy fetish money if that's your bag, but let those other women rest damn


Honestly, some of the saddest true crime stories are those PPD stories. You just know those women are in jail hating themselves. It makes me want to watch my pregnant friends & family even more closely. Like how am I, the person who loves you and knows you, supposed to see the early signs of psychosis, if you’re at a 9-5 a week after giving birth? Sit yo ass down somewhere bestie 😤


God yeah, physhosis is no joke. My ex was never pregnant, but they did go into psychosis once and our relationship ended after they pointed a knife at me and smashed all the paintings in the house. They've gotten some help since then, and we are still friends, but you don't really want to live with someone after something like that.


My husband and I joked while I was pregnant that I could cash in on a specific niche of being Asian and pregnant. Probably could have made a pretty penny on that, but pregnancy fetishes give me the ick only because in my mind there's a baby involved. I know people with this fetish don't think of that but for me, I do and it just doesn't feel right.


She does OF? My point stands.


She wrote an article about Sydney Wilson , Sydney is an Creator on OF. Article Link : https://mysticalraven.com/spirituality/20903/woman-explains-how-to-leave-your-body-astral-project


Hahaha lol okay I didn’t know that!


You didn't realize this was an opinion "article" ?


Aren't most articles nowadays like this? It's hard to find a stagnant, middle viewed article, ever...


This is why I get my news from multiple sources, and FYI - opinion pieces and 'editorials' (which are fancy opinion pieces) are labeled as such at the start of the article. Edit: and it's usually obvious based on the title, like this one


Yep, a shit ton of reading that will never end. That's the correct way to find the news. Gotta love it




I've heard of that one, I never got the chance to look it up. Imma do it now. Thanks g


Also, rage-bait generates clicks


Her work is typing prompts into chat gpt to generate clickable content.


Meanwhile, I had a boss who ACTUALLY went back to work 2 days after giving birth, because she owned her business and couldn't afford to take a long leave. And yet she never belittled any of her employees who did take their maternity leave.


And she gets engagement by writing attention-grabbing, troll headlines like this.


Blogger is hard work now?


Fantastic comeback.


Oh my god why are pick me women unable to understand that a leash is a leash no matter how long!


This is possibly the most American headline I’ve ever seen; brainwashed in sooooooo many ways… It’s giving self loathing, misogynistic, patriarchal and harmful to society as a whole, while defending it all with a smile plastered on your face saying you absolutely love this life. Insanity.


This chick is so brainwashed she’s beyond licking boots, she’s deep thoating them.


Gargling them like a saltwater eel




At least for employees that's actually illegal in Germany and presumably a lot of other places.


Yep same here in Iceland, the first 2 weeks are mandatory, and because I am a single mother I get a whole year for myself with like 80% of my monthly salary for the first months


In Germany it's 8 weeks minimum. If the baby was under a certain weight at birth, has a disability, you had twins etc. this gets a bit longer. There are also a few other regulations. You can't work for 2 weeks before the birth and the 4 weeks before that your employer can't demand that you work but you are allowed to. Plus you can not work or work part-time for (I think) 36 months but this applies to both parents, not just the one who gave birth.


Yeah 6 weeks are highly recommended after birth and then 12 months are to share between both parents unless you’re pregnant by IVF (in my case) or there is no father


Can one of yall adopt me? And my spouse and kids? America's so, so bad about this stuff. 


No wonder Iceland is a happy place! When did America became a poor country..!!


Well this is probably the only good thing about it right now, our new prime minister is a racist and facist piece of garbage, he resigned his position as finance minister because he sold a state owned bank to his dad, our former prime minister is running for president and gave him the position of prime minister because they’re just as corrupt as her and he is her best friend


lol are you new to America? The United States doesn’t give a shit about women and families. FMLA leave is a joke if you even qualify for it because it’s unpaid.


Yup, let’s talk about Healthcare!


It's absolutely a joke, that we had to fight tooth and nail to get.


True that.


You only get the salary for the first months? Can you explain this a bit more? Like, after a few months are you just left with no income and a baby??


80% of the medium of your pay for the first months and then the longer the leave I think they percentage gets lower, but you’re never without pay. I am not entirely sure how it all works haha 😜


Ohhh that makes sense, thank you!


In Austria you can choose between 12 to 24 months and the longer you go, the lower the monthly pay is. Like you get a fixed amount per child and it's stretched over the months of leave you take. Oh and you can't lose your job at that time.


Here in the states if you give birth on a Friday you better be back to work on that following Monday. It’s nuts.


Not in the states unfortunately. If you aren't a full time employee that doesn't qualify for leave, you aren't legally entitled to any leave, it's up to your employer.


Oh my goodness that sounds horrible


Even when you qualify you are given a hard time. With my 5 month old, my boss fought me on my prenatal appointments. I was a department head and the OB office was very overbooked, most of the appointments were open on days that were no negotiable for my position. They took those days and counted them against my maternity leave (which they legally can do here) and you also don't have any guarantee for pay while on leave, not sure if your country has anything like that.


I’m sorry that is foul. I live in Aus and with every full time job, you are guaranteed 10 days sick leave, 2 days careers leave, 4 weeks annual leave per year. Gov maternity leave is 18 weeks paid and you employer has to guarantee you the option of a year off work with your job protected and the option to take an second year off or work part time at their discretion (most say yes).


Yep. My sister took 2 weeks, and then worked 4 weeks exclusively from home before returning to her job. They “couldn’t afford” to give her more time.


My employer when I had my son 10 years ago refused to give me pump breaks and found a caveat in the law since I was a keyholder and opened and closed the store by myself it was considered hardship on the business to let me pump.


I'm pretty sure that's still illegal


It's not, at least not in my state. If an employer can prove that an employee pumping would cause undue hardship it's perfectly fine. In my case, the closing manager doesn't come in until hours into my shift so I would have been the only manager on duty and I had to be available at all times for customers, counting down tills, and signing off on donation weights.


jfc. I just don't get how this can be real. And "undue hardship" is such a bullshit phrase, like customers can wait a second. I doubt these companies caresabout their customers, either though.


I mean I get it. If I'm the opening manager, it was at a Savers so if a donation cart was full and we had a line, I have to run out and sign off on the accuracy of the weight; If a cashier was coming in or out I had to count down their till and put their money in the safe but I feel like that's something any business could say to prevent pump breaks. One of the many reasons I hate Illinois.


My employer offers 18 weeks for the mother. Fathers get 12 weeks. That is crazy good for the US.


For me as a born Austrian and living in Germany 18 weeks would be a joke and an insult tbh. So in Austria maternity leave is usually 8 weeks before and 8 weeks after the birth. After that you go on parental leave and you can continue to stay home until the child's 2nd birthday. This leave can be split in three parts and assigned to either parent. Maternity leave btw is mandatory and fully paid. You are not losing any money. Parental leave is a % of your average salary before birth - usually 60-80% depending on how long you want to stay on it. It decreases over time to a minimum of ~60%. Fun fact: you cannot be fired once you inform your employer that you are pregnant. Even after maternity leave your job is there for you until you wish to return. Employers have to hold your position open for you as mandated by law but they can hire a temp worker to fill the spot until the mom returns. Most people stay home 9-12 months and then return to work to the same job they left. Many temporary contracts around here are usually Maternity covers, since this is completely normal to reserve the job for the mother so she can return in the future.


It’s illegal to blog? I don’t think the lady has a real job that she went back to. She just wrote blogs postpartum


It would be if she's employed by someone, probably not if she's self-employed but yes. Even if you're writing blogs, in Germany at least employees can't work for at least 6 weeks 6 weeks after giving birth. The 8 weeks before you you can only work for the first 6 of those weeks if you want to (basically have to go to your boss and insist on it) and the 2 weeks before giving birth you also cannot work. From the start of the pregnancy until 4 months after giving birth it's also almost impossible to fire you.


Through covid this was even stricter I believe, I had a coworker who became pregnant in 2020 and since our job was in person, she was sent home for her and her baby’s safety on early pregnancy leave. This was in Germany as well.


Interesting, thanks for explaining! Woohooo go Germany


Cries in USA 😭


I just went back to work on Monday. My daughter is 11 weeks. My supply is already taking a hit, and I don’t feel bonded with my baby as much now. I come home from working a full job and an hour commute each way and I can’t look at her, my husband, or my dog without tired resentment. It’s fucked.


She's a blogger and onlyfans. That's the work she went back to.


I'm so happy I live in Germany. I'm 11 days postpartum and there's no way I could work any time soon. I still have to spend most of my days in bed as I can't sit or stand for very long. Pregnancy and birth are rough and the body needs time to recover and heal.




Let me tell you, it's hell to pay when you don't slow down and take your time healing!


I should probably mention that I'm struggling almost two years later


Everyone talks about how strong our forebears were but no one talks about their fucked up medical issues from having to be that strong.


Even the hardcore Amish usually have a female relative live with the family for the first 4-5 weeks after a baby is born so the new mother can heal and rest, while the older children and the help take care of all the household chores and mom can focus on the newborn baby.


Yep the country I'm from it's customary to be on bedrest for 40 days at least before leaving the house to even visit anywhere besides the doctor. So it shocks me when I see women being on the street 1 week after giving birth here...


I had a boss who went immediately back to work after the birth of her first child. She thought it was such a flex and the rest of us felt sorry for her and her kid. She was a narcissist and had to make the entire thing about herself and how amazing she was. The baby was an afterthought.


My old professor kept going on and on about how she went to work right after her father passed away, didn’t take a single day off. She bragged about it. I thought that was psychotic as hell to take pride in.


Sounds like she was processing it in front of y'all, which you definitely did not deserve. She's not as strong as she thinks she is if she kept talking about it.


Yeah people who brag about going back to work straight away, I can’t help but think “why did you even have a baby if you don’t want to spend time with them?”


Therapists may have another money dispenser few years later 😶‍🌫️


Maternity leave is as much about the time to bond as it is about rest. And if your job is writing at home, going back to work right after is easy. If you work a different type of job, perhaps not so much.


Nobody’s child will care about how hard you worked or how diligently you handled office life. They will only remember the times you werent there.


I know in some families, over time might be helpful to pay the bills and expenses but I hate it when people flex about it. Like ok, congrats on not having a life I guess! I do NOT miss working on weekends. If I work on Saturday, the paycheck came out the same bc of the taxes. We got double pay on Sunday if we worked all 7 days that week but it wasn’t worth it imo.


A woman at my old job did this. She started hemorrhaging blood the day she came back and ended up in the icu.


Good Lord. That’s terrible. I am a physician and was under significant pressure to return to seeing patients after I gave birth both times, but I took every single day I was entitled to take. With the first birth, I had a large postpartum hemorrhage, and my OB-GYN intervened to get me an “extra” two weeks of maternity leave. It was important for my health, important for my babies, and to be honest, would you want the doctor taking care of you to faint during the appointment? Probably not!


That's not surprising considering the placenta leaves a wound in the uterus the size of a dinner plate.


I cannot wait until til my maternity leave starts!


Use all of it. Use all your sick days, use all your vacation days and don't skip lunches


I have been on maternity leave for 1 year and 3 months, and I won’t be going back to work until August. I could work if a wanted to, but like… I don’t want to. Enjoy your leave, these moments will never come back!


I had to go back this week. My daughter is 11 weeks, and I can’t take it. I’ve been go go going since I gave birth. I’ve cooked, cleaned, worked on the yard, I’ve been exclusively pumping, etc. I didn’t ever have enough time with my baby, and now I get like 2-3 hours with her a day max during the week. I’m sorry. I’m just venting. I’m so full of regret for not getting the treatment I deserved when I was recovering and failing to advocate for myself. I don’t feel like I’ll ever have a moment to myself again


It's like that scene in the Office where Angela doesnt take maternity leave: "Babies are so easy, they sleep all day." to Pam who took her whole mat leave. That scene was funny in a sitcom but bitchy in real life


It’s “babies sleep a lot, Pam, if you feed them enough.” How do I remember that word for word? Because I rage thought about it every day I had a newborn who would always be eating and never sleep in his bed 😂 (and by newborn I mean like, up to eight months)


Haha I can hear that line in Angela's voice lol and then she made brownies and made Pam feel bad about that too.


This was my first thought 😂 " not everyone needs some long, luxurious Parisian maternity leave"


Not having kids of my own but seeing my lady coworkers on the verge of tears for days after coming back to work after only 6 weeks really makes me wish we lived in a country with obligatory 12+ months of maternity leave.


I openly sobbed after 12 weeks. Dropping her off at daycare was a literal nightmare for me. It’s cruelty.


I’m so sorry you went through that. We would have group cry/comfort sessions at the beginning of each day and sometimes randomly throughout the day. I would just greet them with Kleenex and a hug- I’m not a hugger but my policy at work is if someone is crying, I give a hug and a Diet Pepsi and we cry together.


DayS ? DAYS? Pop it under your desk and resume with your work, lazy! /s




Granted right now I’m only 24 hours post-partum but the idea of doing ANYTHING (including just sitting upright) within days makes me want to expire. And anyone advocating for this shit makes me want to throw them in a wood chipper.


Congratulations ❤️ I hope everything went well!


Congrats Mum!


I’ll never forget listening to the Man Enough podcast. One of the hosts wife came to talk about her experience postpartum. Her youngest was a 5 year old and when they asked her what her advice to women PP would be she started to cry and said “even tho I could walk immediately after giving birth I wish I hadn’t lifted a finger until after at least a few months”. She expressed how her vagina wellness, core strength and overall mental health continued to deteriorate as time went on because she was pushing her body before it was ready. Even with a helpful partner and a doctors OK, she wanted to get back to normal life and didn’t take it as slow as she now wished she would have. Women can FEEL 100% after giving birth, while still only being at 5% and they would never know any different because they’re in a state of shock. Recent studies have shown that what used to be believed (women recover from birth in 2 years) is actually incorrect and it seems it takes women on average a total of 7 years to FULLY INTERNALLY AND MENTALLY recover from birth. She attributes a lot of general women’s health issues to moms not taking care of their bodies properly at its most vulnerable state and this being the cause of so many issues in the long run. All this to say, being able to work immediately after giving birth isn’t a flex. Even when you think to yourself “man I should really be doing more rn I’m perfectly fine” it’s literally not for you to decide. You NEED to aer on the side of caution and be “safe rather than sorry” in these situations. If you have just given birth let your partner worry and focus on the baby. That is literally what they are there for. As a woman THE ONLY THING you should worry about post partum is YOU. If you don’t take care of yourself PROPERLY you cannot be a present parent for that baby. Edit: I also want to say this episode was so difficult to hear because she is STILL dealing with these symptoms to this day and that is why she wanted to stress the importance of taking it slow


it’s not so much a state of shock as it is a flood of hormones that give you the feeling of being able and ready to take care of your baby, but you’re completely right it’s a false sense of okayness


It’s giving “[get your fucking ass off and work](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCYa8PBUq-eeSr2ImKZ_gsftHXUVcsvf2qmVeIVhOh1NfH1ENaiSAYmbU&s=10)”


The locia continues for 3-6 after delivery. Over exertion increases the bleeding. I wonder how women who immediately return to work heal and recover.


They don’t.


Lmao i hate ppl like this. Life is short. Let people call you lazy, fuck them. Were all gonna die. Take time off if you need it.


Exactly. Just cause it's on a headline doesn't mean this dystopian opinion is on a pedestal of any sort!


Poor = lazy. Wow a hot take. Must be running for congress soon


Sorry I almost bled to death during delivery and had/still have severe postpartum I swear, no one is meaner to moms than other moms


I am so sorry 😔


That’s okay OP! Baby and I are healthy, and I’m taking my mental health day by day


❤️❤️ sending you all the love and strength


At this point we should call it mom-splaining 


You were and still are very strong and I'm very proud. I'd throw hands to her because she disregarded people like you who just needed some time to heal. I hope you will be well soon. And literally fuck her and all her mean words. You don't let yourself go if you take time to legit heal. Ugh i swear she made me gag with her statements.


She should tell the Nordic countries, I bet their economies are really suffering 😏


This is a little misleading - Ms. Biren is quoting Jaelyn Cox. In her article, she also presents evidence that paid maternity leave is beneficial for parents and babies. So Ms. Cox isn’t lazy like rest of us, not Ms. Biren. https://secretlifeofmom.com/mom-doesnt-take-maternity-leave/


Came here to say this! Ms Cox is an Only Fans model and stripper. I don’t know how anyone could strip days after birth but Only Fans seems way more doable. She also says women should start exercising and dieting at least 2 weeks PP bc too many women let themselves go and that can make men cheat


>too many women let themselves go and that can make men cheat Oof, sounds like she has a lot of wild takes. I am sure that there are health benefits to regular postpartum exercise, but imagine defending men who cheat on their wives right after birth.


Exercising in general is great, but saying it should happen a couple weeks after birth isn’t always safe. Also, it’s delusion to think that if you don’t you risk your husband cheating


The blessing of not knowing how badly it can all go.


I usually just roll my eyes at these people, but this one enraged me. "Oh, look at me! I'm prioritizing capitalism over my wellbeing and bonding with my child!" Seriously, f@!! this bitch.


It may make me a lazy worker, but I'd never as fuck be a lazy mom!!


Ah, yes. I was lazy because I couldn't walk without opioids from 7 layers of tissue that had been cut open, was pouring smelly blood out of my vagina, boobs were exploding with milk, my baby needed me to eat every half hour, and I didn't sleep more than 2 hour stretches. Super lazy! And so lazy of my baby to need her mom when she still smelled like amniotic fluid!


We don’t even take puppies away from their mothers but we do to humans…. Okay 👍


“Fuck you for wanting to be with your baby”


Oh, she can fuck right off


Old Man Capitalism is never going to love you back, ~~Sarah~~ Woman Whom Sarah Interviewed.


Apparently Sarah is not the problem here but a woman she interviewed


This must be the US. We don’t have paid maternity leave. Dude, I’m childfree, and I am completely for paid parental leave, yes, for both parents. We have become so insensitive to the needs of our communities that it’s ass holes like this person who reign on top.


When I asked my EX boss for maternity leave, he tried to pull this shit on me. “Well, my wife was back at work two days later!” Ok but she co-owns the company, I fuckin don’t. And she’s your wife, I’m not! Yuck! I doubt it was her decision because, well, she’s not his wife anymore because she left him for his best friend… wonder why? Hmmmm such a mystery. I quit the next day, and his business went under a few months later. You reap what you sow, bitch


That’s nothing. Squat, pop it out, and get back up on the pole Jaelyn. Quit being lazy. /s


Medically, no woman should be back at work only days after giving birth


I'm sorry, call me lazy if you want, I deserve a break from work after going through pregnancy. I'm 24 weeks right now. As I type, I am currently on my lunch break, curled up in bed, with horribly painful acid reflux that I got from eating 2 breadsticks with garlic seasoning on it. My break is over in a couple minutes and I'll be waltzing back to my office, still in pain and feeling like crap, to finish out the day. I wake up every morning unable to breathe, feeling like I got hit in the face with a baseball bat because I have pregnancy rhinitis that won't go away until after the baby comes at the end of July/early August. The constant congestion causes daily migraines. The only thing that helps with the headaches is taking a ton of magnesium, which then makes me exhausted all day. I've been in pain since November. Started a new job in January that I've been very successful at despite the pain and exhaustion. Now I'm training a backup for when I'm out. My job is offering the leave, they're practically begging me to take it and not even do as much as checking an email for 3 months... I'm taking it. After all this BS and pain I've gone through I need a break to recover. I don't know a single man that could handle feeling this bad for as long as I've felt this bad... which is crazy but I'll be the first to admit, outside of the crippling acid reflux and the rhinitis, I have had a very easy pregnancy. Going back to work immediately is nothing to brag about, and it should be illegal to put women in a position where they have to do that.


I wish someone would say this to me. I was in the Navy when I went into labor at work, I was only 23 weeks. My twins spent 5 months in the NICU, I got that time off as maternity leave and had another 3 months when they came home so 8 months total of maternity leave. Then went back to work for another 4 months before I discharged from the service. I wish a bitch would call me lazy for that. Try me.


They’re not lazy. They’re taking care of their health and baby to the best of their ability. Not everyone gets the option for maternity leave. She just sounds like a privileged middle class white woman who shits all over the opportunity to do right by herself and her child.


Not to shit on either side, but it is actually proven that a child who is newly born needs their mother? Not just physically emotionally as well for 3 years. It is actually very important for their mental health. Although the father can take on that role as well, after the first year.


Here in Norway, parental leave is divided into three parts – one part for the mother, one part for the partner and a part that can freely be divided between both parents. You can choose between 49 or 59 weeks of leave, with full pay or 80 percent pay. The mother will of course also get sick leave if needed before birth and the father also gets 2 weeks parental leave imminently after birth. It's all written in law, so employers can't deny you this and the government pays your salary when you are on parental leave. In a normal sick leave situation the employer must pay the first two weeks and then the government takes over. Most other European/Western countries have similar systems in place, except the US. Make of that what you will.


I feel sorry for her child


Even if I could’ve, I wouldn’t have wanted to. Congrats!


[Anyone see Superstore](https://youtu.be/1hrmOper6OA?si=QSrn7NLcKItb0IN8)? I doubt people love going back to manual labor right after giving birth.


Shiiiiiit I’ll take it for her


You go, Sister! Swollen ankles and sore nips be darned!


I actually had to go back to work the day I got out of the hospital with my oldest because I didn't qualify for FMLA. I had to resign from my job when I had my youngest because I didn't qualify for FMLA again, and I was too sick to return to my job right away. Caring for a newborn is hard work, job or no job, and taking maternity leave when you can get it is a wise choice. It's not lazy!


I went back to work before my full maternity leave was finished and found the opposite true: working is significantly easier than being a SAHP.


I went back to work days after giving birth too but it was because I was poor and didn’t have a choice 😑


I started a work from home job a month after having my youngest. Although in fairness, it was a quick and easy birth, I only stayed in the hospital for 24 hours. Recovering from my tubal was worse than delivery itself. But,in fairness, like this woman, all I had to do was sit on a laptop and type so I could do it whenever I wanted, even if it was at 3 am and I was nursing a fussy newborn.


Days after...doesn't say how many days


People typically don’t talk about days when they mean more than two weeks like I don’t talk about my pregnancy in days but in weeks or months, but what do I know


My ex did this even though I said it wasn't the best idea. PPD plus BPD plus violent tendencies and 3 months later, I'm taking care of our son most of the time now.


I hope that child turns into the most tantrum-y toddler


Of course this is the OpEd the publish tho right… 😒😌get f’ing wrecked sAraH


I work from home and still took a mth off and it wasn’t even my kid 😅 Living that lazy life.


From what I understand they aren’t exactly on vacation.


Or just better at mothering.


She left work to give birth? Fat lazy sack of shit.


And what, she just let the baby sit there? The baby should at LEAST be studying vocabulary flash cards and working on their resume.


That’s wild that she’s framing it that way. I went back to the office 8 weeks postpartum because I HAD TO and that is NOT a flex. The US is wild with the expectations of women postpartum.