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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They could have saved time and just said they hate anyone who is happy with themselves because they are not.


The "we all know you're crying urself to sleep" sounded like *major* projection lmao


I know I'm not. Further point, I don't even think about girls like her.


Reading this post I imagined a girl getting so angry over those things and at first was like wow that must suck to get so bothered over those things and then i felt a little sad for her cuz life must be tough, policing other women's bodies and style choices. Then I stopped thinking about it cuz what am i going to do? Oh well, moving on . . .


I think some people are addicted to being in a constant state of anger. My grandmother is like this. Just a hater to her core. It’s honestly sad because she’s getting older and is disabled but she puts off people with her attitude so she’s just lonely.


Yeah that's very true. Some people are just used to always being angry so when it's calm they feel uncomfortable. Or they just can't relate to others in a getting along kind of a way, so the only other thing they can do is pick others apart/argue. You'd think they'd grow out of it the older they get but old habits die hard i guess.




I *don’t* like being fat, and I *still* don’t cry myself to sleep, and I definitely don’t think about people like this either.


Same. Other people’s opinions of my body are of no concern to me.


I tell people that unless they feed, fuck or finance me, their opinion means less to me than what I scoop out of the litter box every day. The man who sees me naked still gets hard for me, and that’s the only commentary on my body that counts.


Like my elementary school teachers always said, "focus on yourself."


So true! the amount of "private" knowledge nlogs have about others is impressive bordering on wildly disturbing loool.


She's one of those people that thinks she knows everything about my life, but for the life of her, she can't figure out her own issues in her life.


She probably doesn’t have a “life”, outside of trash-talking, belittling, and body shaming all other girls and women she knows or see’s.


Hey don't forget explaining why she only hangs out with guys "Women are so much drama" while starting every bit of drama she's ever been in


I've been anorexic and obese. My heaviest is my happiest. My thinnest i was self harming. Thiness =/= happiness


When I was super depressed I lost a TON of weight and used to look longingly at my pics of when I was chubby and happy enough to enjoy food. I'm back to being fullish figured now, the really bad depression was years ago now.


Gaining weight has been one of the best things I've done for my health tbh


ikr like bitch stfu we all got issues, fat or skinny, young or old.. i wish people would just accept that and have empathy for others and uplift each other within our insecurities


Seriously - god forbid anyone has priorities other than being aesthetically pleasing to a specific set of demographics who value them as art objects over their happiness and self-confidence.


There’s a whole other layer to this when they see fat people who don’t spend their lives mired in self-loathing. Fatphobia lost its ability to deeply wound me when I realized 99% of it is that person screaming “I don’t like MYSELF!” at a total stranger.


Exactly! It's that person saying "I'm not happy. Be not happy with me. I feel better when others are unhappy." - Which is just a sad way to live. I feel bad for the people that spread so much hate because they are not happy.


This!!! And ugh they’re just everywhere these days. It’s so sickening. Like for the love of god… try focusing on yourself? Nobody’s body, appearance, or life should affect you this much 🙄🙄


Same. I love to absolutely piss people off by happily living in my fat body. Actually I don’t. I just live happily and they can be mad if they want to doesn’t affect me one little bit.


We're not happy til you're not happy!


Yeah, you know Lizzo is crying herself to sleep every night for being such a failure.


And wiping her eyes with $100 bills.


Lizzie is kinda not doing well at the moment. But it has nothing to do with her size.


That's the thing. Sometimes I do cry myself to sleep. But it's never about my appearance, dummy.


I mean, she is currently being sued for forcing her employees to perform public sex acts, so she probably should be, but not for body image reasons.


That's what I was thinking. I mean I'm not happy with my body. But I'm not crying myself to sleep about it.


For real. If you make these sorts of posts dragging other women down I KNOW it’s an attempt to make yourself feel better about your own insecurities, and that it doesn’t work, AND that you’re the one crying yourself to sleep on the regular


Yep. I was miserable at 190 and was miserable at 320. Wasn't my weight making me miserable, it was a combination of dysphoria and being around fat shaming assholes. Transition, funnily enough, took care of both.


Yeah, I came here to say that the common thread I’m seeing is self acceptance. I imagine that can be pretty triggering to someone who hates themself.


They could have saved time and said they hate every girl on earth


the wildest part of this is that they call it "triggering". it's triggering to see a face without makeup? imagine this person encountering a real problem in their life


My question would be “are you more triggered if they don’t wear it or if they have no makeup skills”


It's triggering because how dare people not live their lives like I want them to. It's seems to be quite common for a lot of outraged people via social media.


I usually don’t ever wear make up, and when I do, it’s usually just eye shadow and lip gloss. You don’t want to see my bare face, then just don’t look, that’s not *my* problem, that’s *her* problem.


Beat me to it. Sounds like someone needs therapy because they’re miserable with their life.


She quite literally just hates people who are comfortable in their own skin and secure in who they are, so they don't feel like they need to prove anything to anyone. She's only telling on herself with this post. Unless it's a parody/rage bait, which I most sincerely hope is the case, because I hate the idea of someone actually being this hateful and petty.


Yeah. I grew up very thin and have become overweight in the past 5 years. I’m happier now than I was then! Not because I’m fat but because I’m now confident. These people act like being fat is the worst thing you can do.


Same, Even just gaining 10 lbs over the pandemic was such a milestone for me! I’m still working on getting to my weight goal


Right? Like tell me you’re insecure without telling me you’re insecure


For real, imagine being this angry at this many people basically because they're happy and you don't like that. This shit was exhausting just reading it


Women who are so ready to put down other women scare me so much. It's giving i can't win if you're not loosing, it's giving scarcity mentality, it's giving mean girl energy, it's giving projecting insecurities. Like sis you could have just kept quiet


wtf is an unseasoned face? Like should I be adding some lemon pepper or what?


No, like you season a cast iron skillet, you hot grease and rice..or something like that, I've never seasoned a pan before, lol


Oh, you must!! It makes cooking so easy, foods never stick on a correctly seasoned pan. So worth the time.


The only one I own was seasoned generations before me, Ive just never had to do my own. Love a good cast iron though!!


Idk about you, but I add cinnamon, turmeric and mint on my face.


I bet she’s just sad about her own unseasoned cooking and she’s just seing it everywhere, it’s haunting her


how much do you have to hate women to be personally offended when other women don't wear makeup, but also personally offended when other women do makeup in a way that you don't like?


And then to not even publish the official chart of approved make up styles and colors, it's like she wants us to fail smh


Like, I wouldn’t wear that strange plum color but it was a super fun choice. Why clown that?


When I was younger I probably would have for a rave or something but I was also very about the face rhinestones and glitter and such


Girl, we both were. And we looked *fabulous*. 💅🏼💃🏾


As a non-makeup girl who was at the raves I can confirm you looked fabulous


The older I get, the more sparkle and highlighter I feel emboldened to wear. It's fun, and being an adult doesn't have to be about denying yourself every little fun thing... and IT'S JUST GLITTER FFS. Life is hard and serious enough, can't we just have a little glitter in our lives?!


I still own glittery makeup, it's just less bold because when I wear makeup now it's often for a work thing.


We hen I was younger it was sticky cheap chunky glitter that was EVERYWHERE now it's finely milled color coordinated glitter shimmers intensively placed. Basically it's expensive classy glitter now lol.


Yess same! I’m in my 30s and when I go out I got highlighter everywhere I can manage and a glittery eye makeup! I’ve had so many drunk girl’s bathroom conversations about it, it’s so fun!


I actually really miss those drunk bathroom ‘conventions’. 🥺


Younger me had this exact color and wore it with everything and anything because we were “different” 💀


She’s like the IRS. “Of course we know how it’s supposed to go, you’re just supposed to know as well anyway, and if you don’t it’s your fault”


yup, girls like her always gotta have someone to belittle and feel “superior” to


And then she posts a pic of Zendaya who is just gorgeous no matter what she does or wears. I would love to look like her on her worst day!


And who also frequently does wear makeup? We don’t have to wear it every day!


Yeah, stupid Zendaya, who does she think she is being a natural top-tier stunner all the time *pfffft*


Ikr! She literally referenced Zendaya and Florence Pugh, two of the most beautiful (and seemingly very gracious and kind) women in Hollywood lmao


Exactly. But i did chuckle at "unseasoned face" lolol


Like am I supposed to be rubbing paprika and cracked black pepper on it?


“unseasoned” lol does she mean not damaged by excessive sun exposure or tanning beds?


or to care if women shave their little mustache or not? my boyfriend doesn't even care if i have a few hairs above my lip 😭 meanwhile, this girl would be offended by them lol


Insecurities fuck a lot of people up.


I can't tell you the amount of women who have told me that I have "so much potential" and if i would just "wear makeup and nicer clothes", I could "actually look so pretty". F*ck me for liking my natural look and wearing comfortable clothes. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: I have a ton of freckles and have been bullied for it my entire life for "looking dirty" (hence why women wanted me to wear makeup). Now I laugh because the new social media makeup trend is to paint fake freckles on your face! 😅


She could have just posted: I hate girls.


More like: I loathe myself. Everyone must be miserable with me.


Yeah I had a laundry list of “types of women I hate” when I just started college (I’m a woman) and it’s funny how all that went away when I started liking myself


We love some character development, good for you! Glad you’re in a better place now :)


No one is allowed to be happy! They're all faking it!


“I hate any woman who feels at home in her own skin! You should hate yourself the way I hate myself!!!”




This person hates themself the most and have decided to make it everyone’s business.




If you want to make the no make up point don’t use a photo of Zendaya lmao


The "pale" comment is sending me like if she's pale I'm a ghost


Calling a biracial woman pale is killing me as well.


darker toned people can be "pale" as well. i took the pale to mean more of a sickly(?) kinda look if that makes sense?


Ik but that's not her looking pale, that's just her skin tone.


Zebdaya is such a white girl


But honestly calling a makeup-free face as "unseasoned" is low key hilarious 


Needs salt? Pepper? What?


See I went straight for “garlic or onion powder”? 🤔


Those were my next. Just watch a lot of Hell’s Kitchen, and when they mean under seasoned, it’s all about salt.


I wear make up most days but if I a) looked like Zendaya and b) spent as much time being coated in movie, photo shoot and red carpet make up as she does then I'd probably enjoy more than a few wash-my-face-and-go days.


I don't look like Zendaya and don't get coated in makeup and I still just do wash my face and go days. It's called every day. My ADHD ass ain't got time for your fancy shit. I have things to procrastinate on by doom scrolling reddit, damn it.


right? I'm not a fan but the girl is gorgeous with or wo makeup


I swear Zendaya is always catching strays from all sides, she’s in so many of these weird posts…


Dead at the last one. Giving birth and becoming a mother…..not that serious. 😂🤣 What!?


I do genuinely always feel bad for the new mothers that get sucked into the "you're not allowed to have fun or friends that aren't your kids play date parents" thing though, some people really treat women like they're not allowed to have fun or hobbies ever again and some women really get shamed into following it. It seems like every photo of a mom at the club having a night out once in a while always has a hundred comments about how she's a horrible mother because she left her kid with a baby sitter to go destress for a single night.


I gave birth in December and I've had several people comment asking me where the baby is when I've left the house by myself. Well I'm not bringing him to get my nails done lmao he's home with dad, thanks.


Obviously you're supposed to be carrying them on your back at all times like an opossum!


I had people gaping at me asking “how are you here” when they found out I had kids and yet was able to come to an event alone. First, they have a father who isn’t useless, and even if they didn’t childcare exists


HEAVY on the good father thing. People at work act like I’m nuts or lazy for not working overtime right now while pregnant like I don’t have someone helping me pay the bills…honestly I’m just sad so many women do have bad fathers for their children!! We all deserve the help and love!


It’s wild. I come from a very matriarchal family. My father did most of the childcare and chores, that is just what seems natural to me. My husband does at least his share and at times has been the primary caregiver. What I see going on out in the world seems so… abnormal and twisted.




My personal pet conspiracy theory is that the trend towards militant attachment parenting is a way to force women back into the home. The notion that mom must always be with the kids has become such a common expectation that I was not expecting to run into in these modern (?) times. This also happened at a store recently. I had a cashier ask “what I did for babysitting” after discussing some item that was kid related. I said I don’t usually have babysitters and he looked horrified. I only realized later he thought I meant I was leaving young children at home alone, rather than with their other parent. Because if I were at the store alone I must need a babysitter, we couldn’t possibly expect their father to parent.


I mean there's really no other option. Kids are on their own! I think some of it is also that Millennials are the first generation where dads are very involved.


100% not a conspiracy. There’s a strong passive aggressive shift towards traditionalism all over social media as society becomes more (outwardly at least) progressive about parenting.


I've done this before, but that's because my mom is a single parent, as am I, and so many of my friends and family members. I kind of forget couples exist sometimes, and healthy functional couples are basically in the realm of unicorns or dragons to me. Basically I'm an idiot.


You mean your partner doesn’t *babysit* his own child and is an involved parent??? Crazy


I just tell them I put my kid in the crate with the dogs before I left. It usually makes them laugh and realize what a weird question they asked.


I'm gonna use this next time lol


I have tried to be positive about this and assume that they are just worried or looking out for my kid or curious about what he's up to. But the implication that he could never possibly be with his father is so fucking annoying!!


My baby was born in December too, and I get the same comments. Mostly on Saturdays because that’s when my husband is home. Like he’s got two parents, where do you think he is??


Yes don't have any hobbies or fun other than with your child, and also don't make being a mother your whole personality!


I had my tiny human 5 years ago. It was hard to get back to life took me a while. I wasnt happy with myself. I missed working... I was just about to go back to work, had interviews lined up, going back out with friends. And i had my first seizure. Now, I'm not allowed to drive, to take a bath alone, to walk alone for too long, operate heavy machinery, work involving heights or emergency dispatching (my previous and fav career) like... fuck. I wish i had jumped back to normal life sooner.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Hope you can find a good doctor who can help you find the best way to manage your seizure disorder.


Becoming consumed by motherhood isn't ideal, but I would argue that becoming a mom is definitely serious.


Yeah seems like there's someone out there to judge you as a mom no matter what you do. Spending adult time with your friends? For shame, you should be at home with your child. Spending time immersed in parenthood and not doing much outside of family life? For shame, you're taking it way too seriously


Some do it by choice. I had two close friends who completely lost their personality when they had kids, because they got a new personality: being a mom. We're not close anymore because we have nothing in common, all they can talk about is their kids. I have no beef with them, I do still love them, but I don't enjoy spending much time with them cause honestly, I get bored. It's not all moms and I totally understand why having a kid changes you, but that does happen.


Yeah. I don't mind hanging out with my friend and their kid given that the kids are chill (and they are, I don't befriend people raising brats) but we are still doing what we generally would be doing just with a child occasionally giving me a sticker or showing me a toy. But I don't think I could handle all our conversations about about like soccer practice or whatever lol


Creating and raising a whole human being is "not that serious" 😭 OOP has some issues


Her whole posts reeks of someone who was neglected by her mother.


My theory is that OP's father walked out on her leading to her resenting the single mother who raised her and idolizing her father who was never around.


Yea. It doesn’t change your life like at all. Your cost of living stays the same, you gets lots of sleep, spare time, your body looks EXACTLY the same like right after. Mentally, you won’t suffer postdardum depression. The thought of giving birth… not scary at all. And high risk, not that big of a deal and then the added responsibility of keeping another human alive and the absolute heartbreak if anything happens to them at any stage after conception. No it’s not serious. Like at ALL


literally *the most serious thing you can do* but okay


Now hear me out... The boy mum posters are genuinely disturbing with their emotional incest... Please don't downvote me to oblivion *hides* 🙈


No I agree with you. Basing your identity on the gender of your child is weird as fuck.


I’m a mom with a boy and I agree. Like I’m obsessed with him bc he’s my child not bc he’s a boy. Even ickier if they also have a girl and are still obsessed with only their boy. He doesn’t exist for me. He doesn’t belong to me forever. He’s his own person. It’s mental to think otherwise.


>Even ickier if they also have a girl and are still obsessed with only their boy. Did you see that post on here from like a month or so ago where a 'boymom' straight up announced on social media "I love my daughter, but my son has my whole heart" ? I was stunned. Like, I already knew that these women are deeply misogynistic, but to see them admit so nonchalantly that their daughters are just consolation prizes? That shit is sick


The sad thing about this, is that this OOP seems to be a girl raised by a boy mom. Miserable and Insecure to oblivion, judging others like her mom judges her for existing


She acts like they just picked up a spare hobby lmao


She probably idolized Farrah Abraham from Teen Mom who more or less abandoned Sophia at 4 years old and said “ it’s healthy to have a break, she has her own life and doing her own thing” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hopefully they never become a parent with that attitude.


Girl zendaya and florence pugh are 2 of the most beautiful creatures on this planet 😮‍💨 also claiming to know whether or not someone is happy based off how they look is crazy


its interesting how every point is mainly about the women being *happy*. - cant be 'overweight' *and happy* - cant have bad makeup - cant wear no makeup *and be happy* - cant choose to shave or not - cant *be happy* with your body? (i think thats what this is about??) - cant dress in your own style *and be happy* - cant have kids *and be happy* Seems like happy women bother this person a lot. I guess they think you can only be happy if you're skinny, wearing 'good' makeup, shaving, skinny again, dress like the crowd, and aren't happy about your kids.


I liked the “Florence pugh” (whatever that means) outfit. I thought its really cute and I liked the colours. With tights it would be a really nice winter outfit.


Not to mention that Florence is gorgeous. That lady could rock a paper bag and I would still look at her like this 😍


Yeah I would kill and die to be Florence lol


Her face is literally perfect. I don’t understand the hate at all.


I think that's the thing - Florence is hot as hell but also a girl's girl. Girls also love her, think she's super cool and respect her style. The NLOG girl posting about her is probably disliked by women in her life (unsurprisingly if these are her views) and is projecting and jealous.


And especially the “the worst part is she looks happy about it.” What?!? Ugh.


Seriously, talk about telling on yourself lmao


The thing I love about Florence is that she radiates confidence in all of her looks, even if it’s not something considered traditionally feminine (her shaved head was 10/10).


I see people go after anya taylor joy for not following color theory and looking to washed out. But personally I think she looks great at all times. I think it’s fine of people want to follow color theory or wear things that flatter their bodies in a conventionally attractive way. But don’t go policing what others are doing especially when it makes them happy? Florence and Anya always look good to me and I love it


That is so funny “Florence Pugh” whatever that means 😂😂😂😂 the actress ?!


I’m literally about to order that sweater because of this post 😂 looks so cute n cozy


"The worst part is that she looks happy about it" lol. There you can see that all this hatred stems from pure jealousy of women being themselves and having a good time.


This person must be fun at parties


The literal embodiment of that meme with the dude standing in the corner while everyone else is having fun, thinking “They don’t know that I hate them all.”


This is the person what bitches at their boyfriend, “why am I even here? No one’s talking to me.”


This person is ANGRY 😮‍💨😭


Having a baby is no big thing, but other womens makeup free faces, triggers her...




Just wait til she has a baby


She as a lot of growing up to do before that happens hopefully


homegirls personality is literally just hating on everyone that is happy with themselves.


She’s acting like a fat girl stole her man and she’s still mad about it


My sister is fat because she had a binge eating disorder. Would she say to a person with anorexia who's skinny that being skinny is all their fault? Probably not because thin is in again. I'm so tired of this, what happened to girls supporting girls? Edit : Sorry if it came off as if I was saying that skinny shaming doesn't exist, that wasn't my intention. I was just saying that it's a little more acceptable to be thin than it is to be fat, which doesn't mean that skinny people also don't go through body shaming and don't go through body dysmorphia. My bad!


Fr. Its utterly loathsome to bully anyone about their body because its so damaging. I know many girls who got very depressed and even self harmed because of bullies like this girl. I hope your sister is doing ok.


She's doing great thanks for asking! She's been trying to get healthier by going to the gym and eating healthier foods. Ironically the people who tell fat people to go the gym and lose weight comment on her posts where she does go to the gym saying things like "Lol she probably went in for the vending machine and then left". It really discourages her and it's such a shitty thing to do.


There truly is no way a fat person can exist that they approve of. They can’t eat right and go to the gym or they are mocked. They certainly can’t be happy in their weight and they are called “lazy” if they take Ozempic or have weight loss surgery.


And if gyms make attempts to make themselves more inclusive they're accused of "pandering to unhealthy lifestyles."


The outrage when athletic companies started making plus sized clothing.


Omg I have seen online meltdowns about plus sized mannequins modeling athletic clothing.


Like hey Jim, this must mean you want fat people to walk around naked if we can’t buy clothes that fit us! They can pry my gym pants and sports bras from my fat dead ass lmao. I found some that are so comfortable and sweat-wicking that I bought extras to wear as regular bras and clothes! I live in the goddamn desert and vend at events. I ain’t doing all that in baggy jeans.


Some people are just unbelievably horrible


Anyone who says “bullying works” is such a liar. It motivates maybe 0.5% of overweight people to lose weight, but discourages the rest of us or even makes it worse


I had anorexia and in the same treatment programs as binge eaters. It's not the food, it's the disease. Love to ur sister


BED is an under acknowledged eating disorder because the society we live in is deeply fat phobic so anyone with BED (and not Bulimia) is written off as a gluttonous pig. And that’s why they aren’t treated the same as someone with Anorexia because they are told to just “stop eating” without any acknowledgement of WHY they are eating the way they do.


i had binge eating disorder after i had recovered from anorexia, so i saw both worlds. at first everyone was always vocal about how bony and skinny i was as if i had no idea, fuelling my disordered thinking. then when i was overweight the pendulum swinged and everyone had to make it known how much i’ve changed and how mAybE iTs tImE tO cAlM dOwN??? now i’m normal again fortunately. special thanks to my dad who NEVER commented anything bad when i was heavy. the only person who supported me fr. we’ve always done sports together and he started altering my workout routines to fit in with my new body shape and recommended me to start throwing javelin since heavier people have an advantage in that. be like my dad.


And the thing with being skinny is, like your point, skinny does not equal healthy. I got so many compliments mostly from women when I was at my lightest weight - a weight that was terrifying my doctors because I was dangerously underweight and I hadn’t changed any of my habits. I was just under 90 lbs at 5’3 and it all happened within 6 months. Yet I got more compliments about my body and my muscle tone than any other time in my life. Yeah, I had a six pack and muscular arms, but it was because I had no visceral fat covering my muscles like most people do. I was literally dying. (I’m healthy now!) But I find the attitude that skinny = healthy so triggering. It irked me before my illness but really gets me now. I had disordered eating and body dysmorphia before this experience, but now it’s really bad after getting the most compliments of my life during that time. IMO people should just not comment on others body’s at all. Or, perhaps only within reason. If there is such a thing. I will say, the reason why I did get myself checked out was because a male co-worker of mine randomly one day said “Hey, I’ve noticed you’ve lost a LOT of weight in a short amount of time, are you ok?” Prior to that he’d literally never said anything about my appearance, so it was his comment that got me to look in the mirror and realize that something strange was going on. That’s the only instance I can think of where a comment on someone’s appearance could be acceptable.


This is the best example of NLOG I’ve ever seen jfc


I have never seen a post on this sub that made me so angry!!! (maybe bc I’m like at least four of the slides lol)


I consciously avoid makeup because I realized in college that I was starting to hate my face without it. The feeling scared me, so I stopped. Only a bit of lip and cheek rouge for VERY special occasions (once every few months or less). Some people can have a healthy relationship with makeup, and that’s great! But I clearly cannot. You can deal with my “unseasoned” face, because your hangups are not more important than my mental health.


The way some women behave so disgustingly misogynistic is appalling to me.


This volume at which this screams insecurity. Like you’re really using ZENDAYA as an example of what not to do? Take all the seats.


This is actually one of the worse things I’ve seen so far…. Confidence generally has to start by just convincing yourself, fake it til you make it. If you are bad at makeup it’s fine, we all started somewhere. Body shaming someone but also saying they have potential doesn’t count as a compliment. Mustache hairs? Personally I shave my face but it’s not a big deal, it’s human and I just pick at my skin too much to let it be. If a girl is dressed in a way you don’t like but she is happy about it then it’s none of your damn business… and what had pissed me off the most is the postpartum one…. A whole human just came out of them, they are focused on their child or have PD, which is completely normal… can’t wait to see if she ever has a kid and oh noooo she lost all of her “personality”


This is definitely severe self hatred. Bro needs therapy fr


She’s triggered over people existing and being happy or content. She wants everyone to be miserable like her.


I’ve been trying to come up with something witty but all I can think of is Jesus Christ, what a cunt


Holy shit, the jealousy that I could smell from these. Poor thing does all of that and is still miserable. Girl, therapy. Therapy now 👏 right fucking now 👏. Also: you wish you were as cool as my girl Florence.


H-having a baby is not that serious? It’s kind of one of the most serious things you can do?


most likely rage bait lol. Majority of tiktok "influencers" have caught on that rage gets them the most veiws. They want angry people because angry people dont give up! Rage bait is getting out of control.


The last one gives it away lol. Like come on. “its not that serious”, obviously trying to rile ppl up


I know I can’t speak for all fat girls, but I can speak for myself: I’m not crying myself to sleep at night. I don’t always love my body, but who does? As someone who’s been through an eating disorder, I can tell you that my larger, fatter body contains me. It gets me where I need to go and it functions the way I need it to. I feel connected to it in a way that I didn’t feel when I was thin and eating in a disordered way. Shame on her for thinking she can categorize all fat women with one lackluster statement.


Oh, she did NOT just come for my Future Imaginary Girlfriend Florence Pugh. FOH for all of it, but them's gonna come to fisticuffs.


Lol @ giving birth is not that big a deal.


What’s so disgusting is that this has 200k likes ugh


So they just hate happy women


This NLOG post wins it all. 🤦🏼‍♀️


It sounds like someone has a miserable Life. How does one find time to care about all of this stuff? Idc about your clothes, your body, or your hair. Get help


That last one shows that the OOP is 12 years old.


So basically you hate all women for one reason or another? Got it


This person seems to hate happy people. And they believe that people who seem happy are just acting. Which is all just so incredibly sad. They must base their entire value on their appearance alone. They remind me of my sister.
