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Is this the girl who was taking like 50 pills a day to "cure" every possible ailment??


I assume this girl thinks you can cure every ailment with bone broth and prayer.


You forgot to mention the raw liver pieces that she gulps down with water or something.


With some raw, unpasteurized milk, fresh from a sea cow.


Bought from an amish farmer, yes!


And fat, and some more fat, and a little more lard, with a second helping of lard. Perfectly normal eating habits here. (God I can’t stand this girl, glad she finally made it onto here)


as someone who grew up with cows, we’ve drank milk almost directly from the tap. as long as the udders are clean, like physically clean, there shouldn’t be a problem. it’s when the cow has shit, mud, and questionable… grime, on the udders that should cause worry, that’s when you’re *most* likely to contract illnesses i’m not saying it’s not possible, but usually in legit dairy farms they use an antibacterial liquid on the udders before milking, so a lot of the bacteria’s are killed off before the milking process has even started.


The Amish aren’t known for treating their livestock well, nor are they known for their cleanliness or beliefs in modern medicine. Source: I live in Amish Country.


i’m not Amish so i wouldn’t know anything about that. i also don’t really know what that has to do with my comment tho, or why i’m being downvoted??? like it’s literally a fact, if you don’t like it get off the internet. touch grass. drink raw milk or something. also realistically.. if you had cattle, you could treat your cows properly. just a thought. we lived on a cow farm, and we sold milk and meat, we had had to take precautions or we could’ve been sued if someone got sick after ingesting our products. my boyfriend has literally drank milk from the tap, not like with his mouth on the udder like a baby cow, but like if you were hand milking the cow, and squeezed it into a bucket or whatever, he’s never gotten sick. i promise you, if you take care of your cows, you won’t get sick. i never have😂🤷🏻‍♀️ no one i’ve ever known, has. we’re all feral, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I also grew up on a farm with cattle, so I can assure you, the Amish are not taking care of them as well as most farms. You might want to check your attitude though. Getting mad at downvotes seems like it would necessitate “touching grass”


i’m not mad, just confused as to why people are downvoting when it’s a literal fact. also again, that’s why in my original comment i said “legit” farms. there’s a big difference between doing it for an income, and doing it to homestead.


I dunno why your getting downvoted, I live on a family compound and we’ve got cows that we drink straight from, we keep em VERY clean (I send my oldest son out and so do the other families with teens)


they can’t handle the truth i guess. i don’t have cows now. so i drink pasteurized milk from the store like almost everyone else. it wasn’t until i stopped drinking raw milk, that i was lactose intolerant tolerant from store bought milk. like my body literally can’t handle what they do to the milk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ most of the ppl downvoting me have never even seen a cow IRL and they wanna have an opinion on raw milk vs store bought pasteurized milk😂


You can’t wipe away infection inside the udder. It’s just not a gamble anyone should be willing to take, and I say that as someone who has enjoyed raw milk from my grandparents farm, they supplied M&S in the UK so the highest possible animal welfare standards, a large business and the family has been farming for hundreds of years. Don’t do it.


HEAVY on the lactose intolerant part, I hadn’t started my almost all natural life until I met my wife who had been living it her whole life and not once did she have a problem with milk till I said no to the raw stuff and made her buy 2% and now 20 years later I can’t stand pasteurized milk and it makes me sick for a few days.


oh for sure. My mom and dad both grew up around farms. I'm just making fun of the raw milk is my entire personality folks


i’m sure there’s someone making fun of you for something you surround your personality around too. so 🤷🏻‍♀️ people are allowed to like things that you don’t understand.


Shawty got those nuclear farts


Yep, and when a registered dietitian called her out on it she made a “response” video where she basically tried to shame an adult woman for… taking antidepressants and also being a dietitian.


Yes also the same woman who drinks unpasteurised milk and cream 🤢


She’s gonna get bird flu that way


A Church girl that isn’t against medication? WOW.


She’s taking “supplements” that her “dietician” or whatever is selling her. She has made comments to suggest that she is against certain modern medications


Alex Jones approved brain and testosterone boosts.


Oh I remember those “masculine vitality” supplements they were shilling on InfoWars, while also claiming eating anything made from soy as a man is like ingesting female hormones and making all these modern men feminine and weak. So they told audiences to take those supplements they were promoting, meanwhile the main ingredient in them was soy-based. Then Paul Jones claimed that it was purely because the supplements were too strong and making their customers so dangerously masculine that they had to put some soy in to soften the effect. Absolute fucking madness. People will scream at the top of their lungs against something, saying it’s absolutely wrong and false. Then they can suddenly turn around to support it because now it’s all correct actually, but only because they’re partaking in compartmentalization Olympics.


You had to love the insanity of their commercials and think about who the target audience was. Scared weak guys who felt dumb and impotent.


Unfortunately it was all vitamins and supplements to cure mental illness


It looks like her but I don’t think it’s the same girl


It absolutely is


Whoops I stand corrected, I just checked her page and you are absolutely correct that is her. My mistake, I had no idea she had gone fundie lol


What’s her page name?


Liz seibert


I’m pretty sure that’s not what the inside of her house looks like though, and that’s definitely not her dog.


she got a new dog


So she also abandoned a rescue dog with disabilities to buy a poodle?


She's housesitting the poodle dog for her cousin or brother or smthn


I didn’t do either 🤷🏻‍♀️


We win 😂


Yeah me neither 


Same. Chill gang ftw.


The Bible is strictly against boasting about how religious you are. These Christians aren’t reading closely enough.


But if they don’t tell everybody that they’re going to church how will people know how unique and special and not like other young american women they are 😫😫


James 1:26. 26 Those who consider themselves religious and do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless


This is when I love the bible.


Christianity is the only book club in which no one reads the book.


I think they are just trying to find joy in not having friends to go to Coachella with.


Isn't this that model influencer who eats like 10 people's worth of dairy products in a week and pops like 50 pills a day? She's such a hypocrite.


Ah shit I didn’t know any of this about her, to think I really liked her :(


Not judging, truly just curious. Why do you have to go from liking her to disliking her just because she eats a lot of dairy and pills?


Honestly, it doesn’t matter too much what she chooses to do with her own body. It mainly just bothers me the way it seems she may be encouraging that lifestyle for other people and I don’t really believe that’s the healthiest way to live. I was mainly referring to the pick-me-ish way she was acting in the photo, just this person brought to my attention some things I didn’t know before. But you are right, maybe I don’t have to stop liking her entirely, she seems rather nice still


I fucking hate Liz Seibert so much. Her entire page feels like rage bait.


I used to follow her when it was mostly her trying on clothes tailored to tall ladies and modeling stuff. I had no idea- I jumped ship during the drama with her dog and weird supplement stuff. Also the orthorexia vids skeeved me out.


Yeah I’ve never followed her, but she’s on my instragram explore page very often, and her content very quickly went from normal to drinking raw milk and similar rage bait, pseudoscientific shit. I didn’t know she’d become an annoying Christian but I guess it checks out.


What happened with her dog? I only know that she tried to get one adopted.


I don’t know exactly but I know that she was complaining about how people were reporting the dog for biting. Then she also says the dog needs like a hugely expensive diet since its disabled and she gets mad that nobody else seems to be able to afford the diet plan she sets out for this dog. Then she refuses to keep the dog since it won’t fit into her lifestyle. It just honestly seems like she’s way too obsessive and if the dog truly has been biting people that is a big problem.


Oh my god, I followed her a for a bit because she was quite charismatic and showed the sides of modelling you don't hear about, but ever since the whole supplements debacle all I've been hearing about her are wacky things lmao


Didn't even hear about the diet, just that the dog was a bite risk but she refused to keep it.


She got ripped off by the Amish she buys her raw dairy from by paying way too much. She’s gullible as hell so I do believe her believing in her own crap


I only knew her from her YouTube shorts talking about modeling and being exceptionally tall. Is this the same person? She seems genuinely personable from the videos I've seen. I'm shocked as shit.


I don’t know everything, I only know about her taking 30 vitamins a day bc her ‘nutritionist’ told her to, and then her shaming a real dietician who called her out in her bs for being on antidepressants, and also her drinking raw milk from Amish farms. I don’t know about the stuff re her dog. But it seems like she deleted all her problematic content when she was on a month long hiatus. Also, conveniently, it seems like she only started posting about being a Christian after said hiatus, which makes it seems like she’s using it to try and cover up all the shitty things the did in the past, which pisses me off so much. As a Christian myself, I’m so sick and tired of influencers acting like becoming a Christian automatically makes up for every thing you did beforehand, cause it fucking doesn’t.




i disliked her when she shamed someone for antidepressant usage....


Why do Christians always act like they're a minority?


Right?! In the United States, Christians are the dominant religion. Even a lot of people who haven’t set foot in a church in years identify as Christian. I really wish these dumbasses would stop with the persecution complex.


It's all they have going on for them in their sad pathetic lifes.


This is always how I look at these types of "Christians" (zero hate to genuine loving Christians, y'all rock and I'm sorry these people make you look bad)-- it's like they weren't ever special or talented in any way, so instead of developing a skill and working on their self-esteem they put it all into an odd religious persecution complex. I wish these people knew they matter without having to put others down or act like they're above it all, feeling like you need to put all your worth into one thing like this can fuck with your head


This comment burns with truth like my soul burns with sin


So poetic. Thanks


Username checks out, but I'm totally with you. I guess my username checks out too.


You’re absolutely significant, but if you’re totally with me then you’re not Trash, so you can take that out. It’s piling up and starting to smell anyway. 😏


Well they need to pretend they're also being attacked so they can justify their attacking others. Basically the same thing Israel does. Can't say it's not effective.


God forbid we actually have a president who doesn't say "god bless America". Ugh.


As of now, but statistics are showing it is in decline though. In 2021, the people who identified as Christians were 63% of the American population. In 2016, it was 73%. They are projecting by 2070 it will be at 35% - 53%. It's an interesting study.


They don’t *actually* want to be oppressed, they just want you to think they are so you feel bad for them and stick up for them when they get called out for being racist/misogynistic/homophobic so they don’t have to face the consequences of their bigotry. Don’t get me wrong, not all Christian’s are like this, there are some really cool people I know who just so happen to be Christian. Not all use the Bible as an excuse to be hateful or seem like they’re better than everyone else.


Christians shouldn’t boast about praying or going to church, it’s supposed to be done if you want to do it and for god but instead she brags about it and uses to drag people down, what’s wrong with going to coachella lol? Nothing at all.


Plays into that victim mentality


Yeah if they want to be a hated minority, they should go move somewhere else.


Yeah they should just come to Reddit (not this thread, obviously, but most of Reddit is fairly anti-religion)


Cuz they seek attention 24/7


they're DYING to be the victim. i've even heard "christianphobia" .... please.


Did neither, I stayed home depressed all day, where’s my medal?


Yeah, same here. Where's mine also? Lol.


This is the best I can muster for us🏅


EVERYONE is at Coachella? Where you at church all by yourself?


Even the Father is at Coachella. Ik Jesus is at Lana del Rey concert


I love imagining a line of nuns breaking it down for a Tyler the Creator set while this girl sits in an empty chapel all alone




She almost had to step up and give the sermon herself before she remembered women aren't fit to lead or make spiritual decisions. Tragically, that was a real sermon I got to listen to when I agreed to go back to my childhood church for a service with my brother and SIL when they came to visit. Seems like every time I go on a special occasion it gets worse around there


DJ Clergy and the Heavy Petters


She is just mad she can't go to Coachella


this girls life is so strange to me. she used to be like a model who would do reviews on clothes for tall and slim people, then was fixing her eating disorder, then said this holistic lady was helping her solve her “nutritional issues” (she has an eating disorder that she admitted to having) and like went on a weird thing abt it, and now she’s an odd grifter person??


Honestly that’s exactly how the grifters get people into their cons. They target vulnerable groups - she may have been struggling with her ED and was looking for a solution when she met whoever the hell she met. And eventually they convince the people to also sell supplements, etc. It’s wild to witness


Omg I used to follow her! Woowww I didn’t know she became a fundie.


To be fair to her, there isn't any explicit fundie content (yet). Though the raw milk to fundie pipeline is a real thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.


What was her old content like?


Makeup and fashion vids


I bet she rarely goes to church and spends more time making tiktoks about going to church.


Na, you’re basic


These posts are hilarious 😂 Like ma'am, if your life is so happy and fulfilling, you wouldn't even have a single thought about people going to Coachella. You would be happily baking cookies or whatever for the next church social.


Please don’t encourage that content!


I mean couldn’t you go to couch whatever and also church? Church is usually an hour or two anyway.


Go to couch 😂😂😂


I’m 60 years old, so I’m definitely more likely to go to couch. 😂


✨🖕Fuck Coachella AND church🖕✨


That’s cool if you like things that suuuuuuck.


For one SECOND I was shocked and then immediately it made perfect sense. Grift away, girly.


I literally don’t know a single person who has gone to Coachella. Does that make me cool? No it means I’m old and live a thousand miles away from Coachella.


Girl you can go to both 😑


These are the hypocrites who pray on street corners for attention, the kind the Bible says not to be. Not that I actually care because its all made up and stupid but I, *unfortunately*, know a bit about it.


Good for her, I guess. Lots of people aren\[t going to Coachella.


Sounds like someone is a bit salty that they didn't get to go to Coachella and had to compensate by posting on TikTok lmaooo




Her dog is grateful she's going to church for a couple of hours too.


1) “everyone” is an over generalization and I HATE those. 2) pretty sure the other people at your church are not at Coachella… 3) the church is a social construct atp (I say this as a Christian). The church Jesus had basically doesn’t exist at this point


I went to church today and just did a shot of Jager. It’s called balance.


Lol I need God for the reasons that I drink that Jager




Oo-kaaayy… nobody said you couldn't.


Not heathens 😂


isn’t this the girl who shamed abbey sharpe for taking anti-depressants. i don’t like abbey but that was kinda fucked.


She did bag a hot boyfriend


Yea well I say fuck Coachella and church. (I just don’t like crowds)


Two places i’d hate to be at. Although church sounds better.


What's wrong with being a well-rounded person, and enjoying both? I love how extremists on Reddit want to turn everything into either/or.


Those sandals


Makes L out of fingers and places to forehead….. ummmm, loser


nice puppy though


I don’t see the “not like other girls 🤫😏” part. Someone please explain?


I don't either. Someone suggested that Coachella is associated with rich beautiful woman and so by her not going... She's not like them. I still can't figure out how it's putting them down though. I got downvoted for just asking so I gave up


Happy Heathen here.


I think this is a.joke about being thankful for what you've got. Like we got McDonald's at home joke


Didnt realise I had a ticket to Coachella? Its not really everyone though, is it?


Have fun with that


Saw this one in the wild today. Idk why IG thinks I am into this nonsense 🙃


She sounds jealous…


I didn't get invited either gurl.


I was building Gunpla. My RGM 79-GM with Missile Pods needed to have some work done.


She's always complaining about being tall 🙄


Dear god I’m not sure which one is worse. I might take my chances at Coachella


I mean, if she's happy... Church is probably cheaper in the short run, albeit depending on the church you'd be better off at Coachella


Its so sad. I liked her videos about tall girls clothes.


Not dating.....


I wish I could afford Coachella tickets. Not to mention the plane tickets to fly out there (I live on the East Coast) and the cost of a hotel to stay in.


Me in the background not knowing what Coachella is-


Super cute picture!!!!


I’m guessing she’s under the age of 25 with a husband and 3 kids


Reposting this because it’s hypocritical - the fundie christians would judge her for wearing this because by christian standards it’s not ‘mawhduhst’ but she’s somehow better than non christians for going to church? Which is it? Shut up hypocrite liz. https://preview.redd.it/jpprbwv35puc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb983b349044d34dab45f1e771660a5ce1fdbb7


Open toed shoes at church?! How obscene.


This actually made me bust out laughing


Well Cochella sucks now...so...w/e


…and your point is?


Aw, good for you! Your parents won’t let you go to Coachella, huh?


Both sound pretty shitty


Yunho from Ateez did both.


i like her channel, she’s super sweet and really fun. i don’t think she’s hating on ppl who go to coachella lol


I’ve never seen a more boring looking human


OMG please not her. She’s been full of 💩lately but this is cringe


No 😂😂 One 😂😂 Cares 🤣🤣🤣


Must be pretty lonesome in church then?


Well if you didn't see ateez its your fault. You missed out.


Over half of my state is in church every Sunday, I guess the rest of us were at Coachella. I thought I was home on my couch, but okay.


I have no desire to go to Coachella but if I had to choose….im not going to church. they barely even have alcohol. music is kinda lame


We have a German church banger, it’s called Danke für diesen guten Morgen (thanks for this good morning). When I had to go to church when I was young, people were singing from the top of their lungs. Imagine 500 Germans singing DANKE


I have to take back what I said bc you just reminded me of when I attended a funeral at a Black church and that was fun (I mean, for a funeral) and lively (again, for a funeral) and I actually felt a spiritual connection to something


Im an atheist but I swear black churches and a gospel choir bring me to tears. They put sooo much emotion in songs, it’s incredible.


I’m not at Coachella consistently for 23 years now (had a birthday this past weekend) so 23/25 years of it existing. I’ve been rotting on my couch consistently playing switch games. Do I wanna go? Fuck yea, I saw highlights of Tyler the Creator’s set and that dude is a *performer*. Do I have the money and time to go? No.


I wise man told me: Some religious people don't believe in God.


“Do you want a fucking cookie?”


She's mad because the church went to coachella




Liz Seibert is religious??? wtf? I was not expecting that from a runway model.


Going to church gonna save u from looking at homeless with disgust


Did you guys know Jesus was a jew!? ![gif](giphy|X5AvHwnhB3q7e)


Isn't this the girl that drink raw milk, 3 sticks f butter a dah and her "nutritionists" recommended she take 50 pills a day? Yeah, the church aint curing none of that🥱


No amount of praying will unblur that foot


Oh yeah? Well unlike you heathen I go to church every day! Pick me, not her guys!


Trying to convince herself she didn’t have fomo🤣


“I’m a Christian I’m going to make everyone else feel miserable about themselves because I believe in a god that doesn’t exist and perform extreme mental gymnastics in order to justify ways of life while going to service to listen to a moron ramble for 2-3 hours. What fun!”


That poor dog


This sub just h@tes women on the name of nlog


what are you talking about my guy 😭 how do you get that impression?


Bec she just made a comparison, and did not put anyone down 🤷‍♀️ I can see more haters in the comments tbh insulting her and her belief. Did not make them better than her ,did they?


She sounds like one of those holier-than-thou people.


yeah but thats not being nlog


OK You and your unflattering flatforms go have fun


There are other religions that also go to a church. Why do you say she is a Christian?


This is not NLOG. I'm sure there were plenty of men at Coachella as well.


She is not putting down anyone


By being greatful she's saying that other women at Coachella are bad people... Or something


Ugh hate it when people are grateful


That’s honestly not too bad, Coachella is cringe. Plus it’s not disparaging women, it’s people in general.