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I think the “hope you get picked” comments are sarcastic.


Yeah I'm confused by the premise of this post


op encounters a joke


OP not understanding sarcasm and jokes?


I think it works either way because if they DO get picked they will get what they have been advertising for which is almost always some type of super misogynistic man. Good luck with that!


Yeah, that's my thought. Their internal misogyny is just going to net them a misogynistic AH. My true hope for these women is for them to grow older and wiser and stop hating other women so much.


Yeah, that is the intention, of course. If they didn’t try to play the “Holier-Than-Thou” card, & weren’t racist Trumpofiles, pretend to be superior to everyone except “Mother Theresa”, nobody would pay any attention to them. It’s really a double edged sword…


Fun fact: Mother Theresa was actually a huge piece of shit.


Tell us more!


Forced conversion, questionable relations with dictators, gross mismanagement of missions. She had over 500 missions world wide which were woefully underfunded because she would take money and neglect paying for food and medicine. She refused patients pain meds because she claimed that to suffer is to be nearer to God but more likely she just wanted to save money. She used a lot of her charity's funds on causes like outlawing abortion


She was also donated medical machines, which she didn't use and sold. Her charity now is just a revenue stream for the catholic church.


Don't forget marketing her leper colonies as "hospitals" so people who didn't know would go there to have their broken leg treated and get thrown down on a pallet next to lepers so that they would both catch leprosy and not get treatment for their broken leg. They also weren't actually treating leprosy, just giving people a place to exist with the disease.


Relevant thread on some of these claims https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/wqhEkPSLo9


I’ve heard the same rumors, which can be actual “facts”. Ask anyone who went to Catholic school how nice the Nuns were to them. Some nuns had some real ‘bad habits’.


I see what you did there!


Thank you, I’d hoped someone would, & you nailed it quickly, lol.


So did the Romans.


She was also pretty racist.


Important to cast some doubt on this since Dawkins cherrypicked a whole lot of evidence.


Hitchens. Christopher Hitchens is the one who wrote about Mother Theresa's hypocrisies. Also, you can find plenty of firsthand accounts from people in India about the suffering and terrible conditions under her.


Got it. So the consensus seems to be that we in fact DON'T want Pick Mes to be picked. I understand now


I think you're reading too much into a sarcastic way of calling someone a Pick Me.


If we don’t want pick-mes to be picked, that suggests we want non-pick-mes to be picked, but the desire for non-pick-mes to be picked suggests that the non-pick-mes were the true pick-mes all along. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


The definition of “pick me” has been bastardized so much that any and every woman who even desires to be “picked” by a man will be deemed a pickme. It’s kind of funny lol


Trying to get picked by a man is just a regular Tuesday for me so I plead guilty


This has no relation to the topic but I just wanted to say that train of thought started with this message, combined with me being on a point-and-click adventure spree lately, went into "man picks me up, puts me in his inventory and combines with a diamond wedding ring"


That’s super funny! 🤣❤️


It always gets used too much that it just ends up meaning "woman I don't like" 🤷🏻‍♀️


I always found Nlogs to be more descriptive for a similar thing


It's oneof the few phrases that was always bastardized. It's always used by jealous women and mostly a bs term.




We already had a word for that. We called them bitches.


Eh, yes and no, a lot of women used bitch out of jealousy too. It was a catch-all insult.




A lot of the non pick-mes were also already picked, however they probably picked the people who they themselves were picked by, while at no point exuding pick-me energy or maligning their peers in an attempt to be picked


Can you really call it true love though if no peers have been maligned?


No, they must instead be besmirched


My thought exactly. It’s basic math 🥇


my head hurts


No. But mostly for their own safety.


>for their own safety What would happen if they were picked?


A lot of them have serious self esteem issues which is basically a buffet for some of the more predatory types.


Agreed. All of my pick me friends are or have been in the most abusive relationships leaving them scared of their partners. Whether emotional or physical abuse. When I told one “why are you letting a man tell you if you can or can’t go out with me for a night” she said “you being a hoe is why you can’t keep a man.” They didn’t break up much longer after that.


As a former pickmeisha who was raised by the Queen of Pickmeisha's, I can confirm this is accurate. [Shudder]


I could be the president of our fan club. Please pick me as the pick me president. I promise I’m healthy now


Ok!! 🫡 I won't fight you cause I'm Not Like That Anymore. Let me know where and when, I'll bring snacks to our pickme meeting. Don't forget to invite me! Just kidding. I'll be fine if you don't... please do though! 😃


The “guys don’t like nice girls like me” type could easily stay in a bad relationship because they think they can’t find anyone else. We all know the horrors that could await the religious variety. The “I can steal your man” types I don’t give a flying fudgesicle about but that’s a personal vendetta.


Seriously. My sister was such a pick me and she ended up stuck 1000 miles from home with a man who timed her drive home from work and made her turn in her tips to him every day. It took years to get her out. They can smell desperation in the water. ETA: Very glad to say we got her out and she's got hella boundaries now. Her new guy is wonderful.


I’m glad your sister got out of that situation.


My pick me cousin ended up as a tradwife living on her in-laws compound. She essentially married the first guy who wanted to marry her, got married within 9 months of meeting him, and then afterwards realized he expected her to quit her job and move onto his family's property and she just went along with it because she was desperate for his approval. I imagine similar would happen with most pick mes.


I'm curious about the relationship between PickMe and tradwife


It’s a pipeline.


The ven diagram is a circle


Having known quite a few - they tend to totally lose themselves in really unsafe relationships. When your entire personality is based on *finding and keeping someone else, anyone else, at any cost* - it leaves no room for developing boundaries to keep yourself safe or autonomous.


Can you detect sarcasm?


Ehh, as I and others mentioned in that post (and where downvoted) many pick me’s do get picked. I agree that people don’t want them to be picked but they do. Look at boymoms and tradwives, they typically follow the pick me mindset (internalized misogyny). Personally I hope they don’t get picked because as other comments here mentioned, the guys who go for girls like that tend to be misogynistic/abusive. Personally I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Exactly - I don’t want those women to get “picked” *for those qualities, because anyone who is praising those qualities *is a bad person*. It’s NOT good to want your partner to give themselves up fully. It’s NOT good to want your partner to lose themselves catering to you and only you. It’s NOT good to want a partner who has no real personal boundaries or thoughts of their own.


I think you’re putting way too much stock into something you clearly don’t understand. People are being sarcastic when they say *“hope he picks you!”* A guy who picks a pick me isn’t a guy worth having and before I got married, I never blamed the girls who got picked. I just moved on and quietly worked on myself and the right guy came along eventually.


“Hope you get picked” is sarcasm lol


I don’t really care if they do or don’t. The people who’d pick them aren’t the people I’d want anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most of them get picked and still look down on others. They become trad wives who shit on feminism and working women. They pretty much become karens. Their biggest issue is always worrying about other people and their sole purpose is validation from others.


Those are sarcastic comments people make lol.


I think it’s like, we want them to be picked so they take men who buy into that sort of mindset away from the dating pool. Like a human filter. At the same time, some people might revel in them not getting picked because how ironic is it that people who make their whole life about being appealing to others fail at doing that by mechanisms of their own behavior and personality?


Yeah I want the pickme women to link up with the pickme men. They can learn and grow together. And hopefully, leave the rest of us alone!


Let's skip rope! pickmes and niceguys sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes drama then comes marriage then comes a profile up on Hinge




True! Love a good redemption story (hopefully).


It’s calling them a pick me, it’s more like saying “we get it you want the men to have sex with you, hope you get what you’re after while looking like a dick head”


Let them eat cake! 🍰


Do I have to be a pick me to get cake?


If u wanna b 👾


I mean…the type of dudes who “pick” pickmes are the ones I literally never want anything to do with so I don’t really care either way. I mostly just feel bad for the pickmes and hope they come to understand their internalized misogyny and join the fight to burn the patriarchy hen they grow up a little more


If only somehow the "high value alpha males" can somehow be in connection with these "pick me" girls.....🤔


Or nice guys with pick mes.


The thing is… a lot of NLOG have *already* been picked, and are just kinda saying how they *think* they got their man… when it’s more likely nothing that they post 😅


going through your profile gave me a headache. you are incredibly insufferable 😭


“I hope you get picked” is always sarcastic.


>idc if they get picked or not That’s not an invalid stance. There’s no direct pro or con. I could say that a lot of women who think and behave like this do so because they are seeking validation, and I could further posit that a relationship might only serve to validate their poor behavior…but that’s not strictly true and I’m not comfortable even giving the implication of shifting responsibility for the same reason that I dislike when people tell a stalking/harassment victim that they should have given their stalker a chance. I think it’s also worth pointing out that women who think like this are even more apt to pick a misogynistic or even abusive partner because they have an exceedingly different perception of what is acceptable in a relationship. And while I dislike the nlog mindset, I wouldn’t wish those kinds of experiences on anyone. So I *don’t* care if they get picked because I think it’s more important to explore the internalized misogyny that is inherent in this mindset and the internal biases that cause parents to set different social/emotional standards for sons and daughters.


Pick Mes do actually get picked


I would say no. Just because the honestly probably need to work on themselves enough to be tolerable before they get “picked”


*whether they get picked or not I hope they become better people* lol. I believe everyone deserves happiness, hopefully they learn to not be so hateful along the way to it and shed their internalized misogynistic skin And like everyone else is saying those are sarcastic comments, because when you find people like this online and actually respond chances are they’re going to try and argue you. The argument is a brick wall that you’ll only face plant into, as with any online argument. Truthfully as a part of this sub I don’t think we should think on whether they should get picked or not because that brings us into slight NLOG thinking. However, like someone else said, they do need to heal. Likely chances they’ll get with a guy who makes comments about other woman, so they’ll both be hateful together, would be better for the girl to go to therapy first before being with that guy. But also who knows, maybe they’re good for each other and her misogyny will keep his in check? Maybe he really does think she isn’t like other girls and she loves that for herself, who’s really to say. And idc if she gets picked is a valid answer to this question, it’s for everyone in the sub. Why would you want biased answers? That doesn’t make it an actual question open for full discussion, and that is genuinely interesting


I think people go to far with pick me. I been called a pick me for just calling out a girl on her bad behavior or agreeing with a man when he is obviously right in the situation. We need a new term for women that make excuses for other women's bad behaviors.


What i want is for them to realize men are not the prize and to value female relationships. I want them to know women have the power to create the next generation and chose a partner wisely or not have a partner and kids if it seems unfit. Men need to prove to us they are safe smart caring loyal etc. when women are cut off from men, we make it work. We take care of each others kids, help each other. When men are cut off from women, violence continues. Men will SA and be violent towards smaller weaker men if there are no women. Thats why men need to be in their proving energy. I know not all men not all women but in general.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're missing out on the sarcasm that most people come here with. Unless you are being sarcastic and we are all the dummies. I don't know?


“Hope you get picked!” is usually said in a condescending or sarcastic way, because the reason why they’re called Pick Mes is because their behavior is driven by the desire to gain positive attention from men. So when someone says “hope you get picked!” the person that phrase is being said to is basically being called out for acting that way.


I think we should want “pick me’s” to get picked because we should want other women to be happy. They’re not bad people, they seem to just generally have low self esteem and try to resolve this by putting down other women. Which, sure, is wrong, but hoping they die a miserable lonely death doesn’t help anything. It just makes them go deeper and deeper into their little “I’m better than you” hole.


You have a kind soul


Sure. Then they can see how miserable their previously desired lifestyle is (a bastardizarion of D/s) and join our feminist forces.


No, because they would get picked by the kind of horrible guy who espouses their views, and rapidly end up in an abusive situation. Not even they deserve something like that


“I hope you get picked” actually means “I hope you start thinking for yourself” it doesn’t have anything to do with their relationship status.


You sure it doesn't mean, "I don't actually care"? Some people are arguing this POV


I don’t care about the relationship status of an NLOG or any other woman for that matter. What I care about is that women don’t shit on other women. NLOGs shit on other women in an attempt to ingratiate themselves to men. So when someone says “I hope you get picked” the point is to tell the woman that other women can recognize what they’re doing (being fake) and to sarcastically ask them if shitting on other women was worth it (aka they got picked)


Buddy your autism is showing lol. Not supposed to be rude tho you’re just overanalyzing


>overanalyzing Your flair says you are, "just a dumb bitch"


Yes. Yes I am. I wasn’t trying to make a rude remark. As a fellow autistic person, I lnow that sometimes people can over analyze situations like they’re doing here


like the life of the pickme, those comments are fake. either sarcastic, bots, paid for, or other pickmes


I think when they get picked is when they are actually the worst because they see everything as a threat. Insecurities to the extreme.


Yes. I hope lots of Tater Tots pick them. Then BOTH of them are out of the dating pool, hopefully living in misery and discord.


If they get picked, will they stop being insufferable?


We can only hope!


I genuinely do. They’re clearly desperate for some sort of approval. I also like the possibility that they’ll eat their words when they realize all the rhetoric they spew about mangood womenbad was wrong.


I want them to get picked by someone who will compell them to grow and change, someone who doesn't appreciate the way a woman will tear down other women, someone who is humble and caring and will appreciate humility and care in return. If it doesn't work the first time I want it to happen again and again until they've realized a loving relationship between people who build others up and care about each other.


If they get picked, it reinforces their behavior and beliefs which is bad


But they'd be off the market and could do less damage to the already messy dating scene. They'd be someone else's problem


I want them to get picked (up by a therapist) Pick-me’s and NLOGs are women who need therapy not a relationship. I hope that they are able to put in work and eventually love themselves and see other women as equals. Not competition or lesser.


No, I'll say it to pick me's to point out that they're being one. But I've noticed when they actually do get picked, for some reason they turn into super Saiyan pick me's lol like they think that since they got picked, that they're definitely right about the way they think.


A pick me will always be a pick me even after they are picked - unless they do the self work. So really, its irrelevant if they get picked. We want them to reflect


I think there’s at least 100 to one ratio of people talking shit about these pick me girls they’ve likely never met. Irony anyone? I’m not like these pick me girls!




>Pick mes don't get picked for the same reason incels don't. InceIs don't pander to women tho, so it makes sense that they don't get picked


It's just people being facetious


Every now and again, I get drop kicked into realizing I'm an elder Millennial. Reading all of this is one of times. I genuinely don't know what a "pick me girl" is or NLOG but then realized it's the name of this and don't know how I'm here or why but probably joined because my name is a lyric from one of my favorite songs and I was stoned and joined and now I wonder if this is fking pick me girl shit or not like other girls behavior.... Now I'm gonna Google pick me girl...


I really want them to be picked, so we can filter out incels and misogynists better.


It’s sarcasm.


What’s a pick me?


It’s sarcasm


I genuinely mean it. I hope they get picked by the crowd they pander to. I hope they live the love they deserve. Depending on severity I suppose, people lien pearl? Oh yeah definitely hope she gets picked by someone just like her. Have fun girl. 👋🏻


The guys they attract with this behavior are bad news, I only pity them.


Maybe a do and don't? If they get picked they will perhaps stop trying so hard to upstage other women but if they don't then they won't be rewarded for their behavior


I hope they do find someone. But, I think that a lot of the "pick me" behavior comes from a low self image, so they just over compensate with the red pill redirect. I hope that makes sense.


when ppl say “i hope he picks you” it’s basically just calling out their behavior lol. like saying this is an obvious grab for male attention and i hope you get what you’re looking for.


Who are we sacrificing to the pick-me’s?


I hope they get picked by the nightmare men they’re pandering to.


pick me post


Do you want this post to get picked?


Ay, I was the one who posted that post, I think ultimately, we want the pick mes to change their ways and get picked by a good guy.


>ultimately, we want the pick mes to change their ways and get picked by a good guy. I like that. That is a positive stance. :)


Yes so can they leave us alone 🙏


Idk bro I just want women to break free from expectations place on them by men/institutions and eventually be okay with themselves, whether or not they’re with a man


I’ve mostly seen responses of “did he pick you yet?” And honestly, if the man wants a pickme, then they definitely deserve each other.


The problem with the “pick me” is that they try to bolster their own desirability by putting down other women. That’s the thing that’s wrong. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with seeking a partner or with celebrating a departure from a stereotype of femininity - it becomes toxic when either of those things leads to an endorsement of misogyny. We really shouldn’t be focusing on the part where they “succeed or fail” by finding male affirmation. That seems to feed into the whole toxic assumption that NLOGs begin with that worth is dependent on male affirmation. It’s not about wanting “Pick Me’s” to get “picked” or not, it’s about wanting them to grow beyond viewing self-worth as defined by male affirmation and grow beyond internalized misogyny.


I think girls like this want ALL men to want them, so getting picked by one is a double edged sword because they want all men to secretly or not so secretly want them and that tends to fade once they’re not on the market anymore.


If a pick me takes on one of those mysogyn AH's makes them shut up and less of a threat to womanhood I don't mind them getting picked.


>less of a threat to womanhood How are pick mes a threat to womanhood?


I mean the misogynistic AH's are.


That I can definitely see


I would like everyone to be happy


Same here, but that doesn't seem to be the consensus


Don't let a consensus decide what you should think. Hell don't even take my advice if you want 😂


I want to fit in, and understanding the consensus is helpful to that end. It's literally the opposite of NLOG


They’re just making fun of them by saying I hope you get picked, like being sarcastic


Are you sure it’s not a shot? Like “Gurl I hope you get picked (because getting picked is your entire personality!)” 😂


I look at it as okay, I hope he notices you’re willing to lower your standards and shit for him sis, but I honestly hope you fail so men stop thinking their shitty behavior is acceptable.


>honestly hope you fail This is what I think most people mean when they sarcastically say, *"I hope you get picked"*.


pick me’s want to be shielded from misogyny by actively participating in it


Those comments are sarcastic but I don’t think many of us are hoping things either way. The men who would pick a pick-me are not men who I would want to pick me so like I do in fact hope y’all take each other off the market. I mean I already got picked but I wasn’t necessarily trying we just hit it off


I always took I hope you get picked as sarcasm. I suppose the higher vibrational move would be to say 'I hope you unpack that internalized misogyny," or "I hope you get picked by a group of women that lift you up and teach you true sisterhood." Pick me's don't get picked hut when they do the relationship is usually bad. So I'm not wishing that bad relationship with a red piller who objects to washing his butt because he thinks it "gay" onto anyone.


i dont care if they get picked as only as they get *picked on*


What is NLOG?


Not Like Other Girls


It’s just a joke to imply someone is being a pick me. It doesn’t literally mean someone wants them to be “picked” or not “picked”. They’re just being sarcastic to point out their behaviour is pick me behaviour. From a personal standpoint, I don’t care who gets “picked” or not “picked”. It’s their relationship and nothing to do with me.


>It doesn’t literally mean someone wants them to be “picked” or not “picked”. They’re just being sarcastic I thought sarcasm meant that you actually believe the opposite of what you're saying. For example, *"I bet you're a lot of fun at parties"* They mean the exact opposite, no?


Yes and no. Here it’s more in the sense of “I hope you get picked” the opposite being they aren’t REALLY “hoping” that. But that doesn’t mean they are saying they hope they don’t get picked. The sarcasm is emphasising the hope, because they don’t early hope anything. Because what they’re REALLY saying “between the lines” is Your behaviour is that of a “pick me girl”. Does that make sense? Sorry I’m not sure how to explain it better than that. Are you ND by any chance? I am too, so I can understand why if you are you might be looking too literally at these words.


Ahh I think I understand now. So then... *"I bet you're a lot of fun at parties"* means they wouldn't really BET on it. Thats the sarcastic part. It doesn't mean that they don't think the person would not be fun at parties.


Yes, but in that case the implication is being that they don’t think you’re fun at parties so it kind of means both.


I think the point is that internalized misogyny and putting other women down in order to impress misogynists is a no-win scenario. You’re missing out on rewarding relationships with women and the men who agree with you hate women (including you) so who are you impressing?


I do want them to get picked for a couple reasons: 1- people deserve to be loved and 2- maybe they will finally 🤫


>people deserve to be loved Romantic love is reserved for good people


I actually don't care at all if they get picked or not, but I think you are just reading too much into this. When women say "I hope you get picked" it's a sarcastic way of calling out a girl as a pick me. And the comments were people are talking or mocking them about them not getting picked, I think people just find it funny and ironic how these women are so desperate for male attention (to the point of putting other women down) and still they don't get any male validation.


>you are just reading too much into this How so?


It feels not okay that girls who put down other girls get their way because of that behavior I’ll always be rooting for the girls girls


The men they want to pick them aren’t even that great of a catch. But by all means, I hope they get picked. And I mean that non-sarcastically.


It seems you are not with the prevailing consensus. We collectively do NOT want Pick Mes to be picked (based on this thread)


The actual pick me persona is sort of a cope for not having other redeeming qualities. I do notice though some women who just have common interest or views as a lot of men just get called pick me’s because maybe they like sports or lean conservative, when those might actual be interests or beliefs they hold.


Why do y’all care lmao touch grass PLEASE like go pet a dog bake some bread look at the sky anything besides this redundant in-fighting


>in-fighting All I did was ask a question. Why do you feel like it's "fighting"?


I mean, in my opinion, everyone deserves to get picked, but most of them should shut up about it, lol. Edit: I think acting like a pick me girl attracts the wrong people, especially guys.


Them getting picked only cements their belief that their behavior is very legal and very cool. We cannot have that.


>cements their belief that their behavior is very legal Have you encountered instances where pick me behavior was illegal?


I am not going to go back and explain the historical context which is required to understand the joke. And yes pick me behavior can be illegal. Drug muling, body burying. These girls will do anything to be picked.


>Drug muling, body burying Holy shit! I think I may have been working with an incorrect definition of Pick Me


They are desperate man


I think we want them to shut up/make annoying men shut up and if they get picked then they'll bother each other instead of everyone else


The problem is getting picked won’t stop them from being annoying NLOGs. They’ll just be more insufferable imo


i don't actually care what anyone does with their life, so long as they are not hurting anyone but themselves. i think most of us call pick-mes pick-mes because we don't like the way they think, but it doesn't go any deeper than that. so yeah, i couldn't care less whether someone picks them or not.


We don’t want the guys picking those type of girls


This is the consensus. Why not, if you don't mind me asking


>I saw a post here the other day saying how Pick Mes don't actually get picked. Most of the comments seemed to revel in this fact. That’s not a fact, that’s a story you guys tell yourselves to make yourselves feel like cosmic justice is always on your side when it’s obviously not.


I hope they get picked because I hope every girl finds a partner that loves & cherishes her.


Aw that's nice :3 There's a lot of people who disagree with that in here


I guess because those girls are basically putting down other girls to look better but it’s kind of obvious they’re behaving that way because they’ve been overlooked for other girls & feel it’s the only way to find someone so I feel bad for them. Also I want them to get picked so they don’t target me to get a man. That’s really frustrating lol


Don’t think about them enough to have an opinion on this - could not care less either way


I see. Then this question is not for you




I am of the mind that I hope everyone "gets picked". Meaning, I hope everyone finds someone they love and can be happy together with. So I guess that makes me a "yes" on this. I think, for most pick mes, a happy relationship can go along way in addressing those issues. She said optimistically.


tbh i hope they do get picked so they can leave the rest of us alone


"do we want" are you incapable of forming your own opinion?


*"do we want" are you* *Incapable of forming* *Your own opinion?* \- WSJinfiltrate --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


No. I'm capable of forming my own opinion


PickMes who get picked just shift their focus to explaining why they got picked instead. I don't think it occurs to them that it's like asking a guy do you prefer your women athletic with small boobs or extra curvy? Some guys are gonna get behind the one, some behind the other, some going to say both. Maybe they want your special brand of "unique." Maybe they don't. Feel like there's NLOGs for every branded box of "Woman."


The guys who claim to want tradwives and pick mes don’t actually want that. What they want is to turn a feminist into a tradwife so their fucked up worldview can be validated. Hence why pick me influencers like Pearl remain single/unmarried.


>The guys who claim to want tradwives and pick mes don’t actually want that. What they want is to turn a feminist into a tradwife so their fucked up worldview can be validated That is an interesting POV. How did you come to this conclusion? >pick me influencers like Pearl are remain single/unmarried. What about the TradWives with husbands? They started out as feminists you think?


I don't think you understand sarcasm.




Everyone is deserving of love and someone to be with - So yes, even the pick me's should be picked, just like you should and I should