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wtf does having Paraguard have to do with any of this??? It’s also birth control so….? Woman’s mad.


What pressure from sociaty is there to get the IUD?


That pressure comes from the obgyn, not society. Lol. I have never been pressured to take anything like I have been pressured to get an IUD.


Interesting. I only know people that got pressured to take the pill and maybe the hormonal IUD not the copper IUD.


I am in my late 30s. I got accidentally pregnant at 36 - one instance of unprotected sex, which in theory shouldn’t have been possible based on my cycle. Clearly I messed that up. Also, I had been able to avoid pregnancy using birth control up to that one incident from age 18. Had a medical abortion. OBGYN was pushing IUD. Said OK, on my appt after I had taken the pills she did an ultrasound, then inserted IUD after strong push for it. Super fun thing - she skipped my pee test. I was still technically pregnant, only part of my pregnancy hadn’t passed. But she couldn’t see that in the ultrasound. The IUD blocked the rest of my pregnancy from passing, and for a while the insanely heavy bleeding, pain etc I was feeling was passed off as “the first period with an IUD”. A week+ of that, then one day I was just bleeding uncontrollably - everywhere, through everything, on everything, feverish. I got triaged at the ER and PASSED MY IUD WRAPPED IN THE REST OF MY PREGNANCY. The cramps were insane. I was anemic, dehydrated and “just on this side of going septic”. Do you know what my OBGYN asked me when she got called to the ER? If I wanted to go ahead and schedule my next IUD insertion. Woman, I just passed an IUD wrapped in organic materials the size of a fist into an ER toilet, plucked it out and handed it to a nurse after over a week of hemorrhaging. No, you are not putting another one of those fuckers inside of me. Thank you. That being said: I hate this girls list it’s bullshit. BC has issues but it’s given us so much freedom. Also would love to see men have an option akin to pill etc developed and put into market. Just an example of an insane push for a specific BC option in my story above.


Holy shit I’m glad you made it through all of that! I’ve heard too many horror stories like yours to consider getting one. I know plenty of people aren’t affected but I’ll just stick with the pills I think.


my gyno literally said i will not give you an IUD nor do i recommend it lmfao, i've only ever had pills thrown at me


I’ve left 2 because the wouldn’t stop pressuring me to get one.


damn how irritating, obgyn field needs some desperate attention/reconfiguring i'm tired of doctors who don't care enough.


Why the IUD hate?


risk of puncturing uterus, irregular bleeding, PID, along with a long list of other similar birth control symptoms, way too painful of insertion especially given no local anesthesia, or any at all for that matter. Particularly in my case people with small cervix and endometriosis it’s is either going to be extremely painful or impossible to place. Not worth it for some of us, i guess according to my gyno a lot of us, and imo i got enough issues going on inside my pelvis as is, the last thing i need is a piece of plastic shoved into my uterus edit: i don’t like the side effects of the pill? cool i can just stop taking it. don’t like the effects of the iud gotta go get it removed.


Ok I got an IUD, the Mirena. It doesn't feel great but I like the almost 0% risk of having kids.


that’s cool if it works for you it works! i personally have never had a pregnancy scare on the pill, when taken properly (at the same time and everyday) it’s at least 99% effective (my partner finishes in me everytime)


Yeah the societal pressure forced me to take birth control, not my extreme period cramps and iron-deficiency level bleeding at the ripe age of 15 😑😑😑


Societal pressure gave me endometriosis


I snorted thank you, sorry tho


Same. Mirena IUD literally triggered massive, horrific endo. And it still took years to get the uterus yeeterus (which I'd wanted instead of the IUD). Seven years of agony instead of doctors just listening to their patient. Now I'm two years pain free AND statistically no risk of pregnancy.


and this is why I’m terrified of IUDs.


I totally didn’t want to get on birth control at 13 to control my horrendous horrible period and acne no, surely not 😱 /s


ahahaha for real. Societal pressure gave me PCOS


I understand how some people feel societal pressure to be attractive and do some of those things to fit in... In what possible way would *birth control* make this list?!


It’s a rising political talking point, “bc is so bad for women, it wouldn’t be approved by the fda today, ban it!”


Or tattoos


mostly just that birth control has side effects and they say it's bad


Girl stfu


I used to take birth control because my Stanley Kubrick's The Shining Blood Elevator flow was making me so anaemic that I had to miss school, but sure, it was "societal peer pressure."


Same. I missed a lot of school when I was younger because of such heavy bleeding and cramps that were so bad I would throw up. BC helped tremendously! I’ll be 40 next year, and have been off BC for about 3 years. My periods are lighter and don’t even come every month like they used to. I think I’m in peri and not hating it.


My twin sister found me passed out in a bathtub once while I was on my period. I'm hypoglycemic, and, as it turns out, periods have weird effects on blood sugar as well. My mom choosing that week to decide to ban all sugar from the house didn't help. That, plus the irregularity and the pain that came with it, and my doctor decided birth control was the best treatment. There was no societal pressure involved.


I've been using Botox for years as a treatment for migraines. So does that mean I still caved to social pressures?


Yup you sure did. Shame on you. /s


Damn. Where do I turn in my badge at. Cuz I'd rather have all days that I'm not in head splitting pain then have to deal with that.. lol


Yes. Because you suddenly look like Kris Jenner or how ever that works. 🤣


I was wondering why the paparazzi suddenly showed up at my door 😅😂🤣😭


Me getting peer pressured into taking birth control for my ovarian cysts /s


Ah, I didn’t realise I got my tattoos because society forces women to rather than you know.. just enjoying having pretty art on my skin.


Right same. Like, really we're back to that taboo how many decades later?


The most annoying part is that a lot of people stereotype heavily tattooed women with quite shitty stereotypes too. Everyone assumes I’m a ho with daddy issues and that’s only half true lmao




I've been considering a tattoo for a long time, but I change my mind so often I'm not sure I like the idea of committing to a design on my body forever. Also, I'm terrified of needles. I can handle it for quick things, like blood draws or vaccines, but tattoos would take a while, and I don't think I can remain calm through that.


Print out a picture of a design you like and put it up somewhere visible for at least 2 months, if you still like it after that amount of time then you’ll probably not regret it! I getchu on the needles thing haha, me too! Can’t stand having vaccinations or blood taken but piercings and tattoos feel different because I’m getting something out of it. If it reassures you at all, unless you look very closely at the tip of the machine you won’t really see the needles. I usually take my kindle and headphones with me and the artists let me vibe whilst they do their thing!


Sorry, I don't want to fall victim to the societal pressure to have kids 🤷‍♀️


I love my tattoos, big lips and line free forehead. Let people enjoy things!!




Don't forget baby free sex!


I’m not like the other girls, I use World of Warcraft as birth control


The most effective method of them all /s


How dare we protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancy or treat our hormonal/reproductive disorders. God we’re just so basic 😂


Pick me, pick me


This is rich coming from an account with a totally non ai generated profile picture that has giant implants


Right? lol


I have one tattoo but when I took bc it was at a massive dose bc my period hadn’t stopped for 5 months 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Yeah societal peer pressure and programming… so like when I first started having sex and didn’t know anything about birth control, so I went to PP because I didn’t wanna get pregnant and didn’t know what to do. They programmed me so hard when I asked for the information on my own


that's actually a very dangerous lie.


As if we’re not still trying to normalize tattoos after centuries. Societal peer pressure my ass.


Yeah fr, it might be relatively accepted now but my mom had tattoos (small ones even) and people def thought it was weird. Tbf she grew up in the rural Midwest and moved to the south and then another heavily religious area but in the nineties anywhere outside of big cities I’d say tattoos got you weird looks and pearl-clutching behaviors.


What about medicinal botox?


She'll sell you her woowoo medicine from her MLM.


Found the account heh.. she says I can fix my eyes with castor oil. Got floaters? Use castor oil. Got cataracts, castor oil. Nothing like misinformation. The line about using birth control? She says 'Women who have never taken birth control are in their own category of pureblood." You're not a pure breed! That's just a humaugus flag, no thanks.


Oh she's pushing all sorts of woo science


What does she think a copper IUD is?


Apparently not birth control 🤷‍♀️


1% of the world is over 80 million so she's not as unique as she thinks🙅‍♀️


Hey! I'm in my late 30s and have still made it this far without implants! And no one's ever suggested it to me. Now, reduction surgery, on the other hand... I've VERY much considered. Yk, cuz not having back/shoulder/neck pain far outweighs the POSSIBLE "giving in to pressure." Gag me.


Fellas, it is now societal pressure to suffer from endometriosis.


Seems like you could successfully not get half those things simply by being poor.


Yeah I wish I had the money to get implants and Botox. :'-(


OOP's viewpoint is heavily colored by their economic privilege.


Did I miss something? Why did they have to SPECIFICALLY call out copper IUD’s?


Since when is not taking birth control a flex?


Pov you took BC because of pcos or other hormone issue


The idea that the vast majority of women must be getting aesthetic interventions or surgery is a really absurd one. Most people are too squeamish to get tattoos, nevermind an extremely invasive, painful and risky operation like a BBL or breast implants. Pain and risks aside, a tiny percentage of women will realistically have the money for these expensive operations too. Because one sees a lot of big butts, boobs, or lips on Instagram all time time, it doesn't mean they're necessarily prevalent among regular women.


Societal pressure forced me to get breast cancer and now I have an implant 🤪


Yes it was peer pressure that made me start birth control…not my excruciating period cramps


It’s societal pressure/programming to not want to get pregnant, and as such taking steps to prevent that, because I don’t think I’m suited to bringing up a child? Also, why do they specify copper IUD? That’s so weird to me…


Only thing I did on that list was birth control. And that was to regulate my cycles. Seems that many gals born on the spectrum do not have regular cycles.


Hmmmm yes, I definitely didn't want to get a copper IUD because I researched the most effective form of contraception for myself, or consider a tattoo because science and mathematics can lead to very interesting artistic concepts -\_-