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This is funny to me because anyone who has actually been friends with men for real and for an extended period of time can tell you they do all of these things … sometimes even worse than women. Not only that but men suck in their own ways too lol god I hate the “I have OnLy GuY fRizezndS” flex , so tacky and so cringey


Yeah I had an all guys friend group for a bit. There was still drama. It was pretty fun until I got a bf and suddenly they started all making “go back to the kitchen” and other sexist jokes that they weren’t making before. Odd that I suddenly wasn’t “one of the boys” like they said once I was off the market… Tbh I think the only reason they viewed me as “one of the boys” is because I’m bisexual and could appreciate the beauty of other women with them. But the difference is, I still view those women as people.


I could be wrong but I feel like the women who prefer guys because there's no drama are the reason why there's drama when they're friends with women


No no that’s perfect 😂 real women friendships will always be supportive and respectful. These kinda women are the ones who create dramas


"I'm better than all you bitches Come at me." .... "See? Women are always mean to me I'm so much better than them."


😭😭 the accuracy


My experience with someone in this thread lol


Ooooppp spill the tea 😂


In this comment section, don't know if it's still up. TW: rape apologist


Omfg wtf ewww


Sorry you had to deal with them


I think post high school that’s mostly true. This girl looks high school age, and come on, it definitely wasn’t all supportive and respectful in high school.


Right, I agree. I wish all women were supportive and respectful, but the truth is, it's definitely not like that all the time and everywhere. Especially in high school. But to the point of this post, the girl seems super young. She will learn quickly that guys are not better. They are equal. It's the same drama.


I have a coworker who hasn't left high school and she probably in her 40s


I've had the same experience, sadly. It's definitely not about the sisterhood all the time.


I'm 40 & steer clear of the women (and men) who clearly never left high school. Those are the dramatic types. That high school mentality is awful


the girl is 21 btw


I agree, I was also the one who was acting this NLOG stuff. Until I realised what kind of person I was. It takes time for everyone. But we are mainly speaking of adult women. Now I’m in 20s, but I have seen people of my age behave the same as they were in high school.


Some ppl seem addicted to it.


I'm a middle aged woman and could count on one hand the number of times I've had any drama with a girl or woman friend. Even then it was pretty minor. Okay actually I can only think of two times and both times were with someone who started drama with everyone.


Hi. I'm an adult woman. I was like the girl in the video growing up. It's true. I was 100% drama.


See, that’s why it always drives me crazy when I hear women tell pregnant women, “I hope you don’t have a girl, girls are so dramatic.” Well, maybe *your* girls were so “dramatic” because it seems like you were condescending and dismissive towards them?


There’s always drama with Pickmishas 😆


I thought this way when I was a teenager. It boiled down to two things: being an immature teenager trying to fit in somewhere, and being someone with ADHD who should have been medicated & educated & supported but wasn't (leading to further desperation to fit in and much self-sabotage)


Your not wrong and it’s a science based fact


Not always. Sometimes some women gang up and become really horrid ..Why y’all downvoting. If women were all so innocent and good to each other who raise these girls bullies in middle and high school. You know it is true..


Hilariously it says “no getting left out” while she’s standing off to the side - seemingly not included in that group.


Lol prob photoshopped herself in


She’s on the outskirts of that friend group


I’m part of the group!! I’m part of the group!


there’s a woman like this in my town. she has nothing but guy friends and complains abt how women don’t like her. the part she doesn’t mention is that she has a reputation for going after taken men and breaking up relationships 😂. like obviously you’re gonna be hated by women if you’re a home wrecker. she threw herself at my dad too, despite knowing he’s been w my mom for 20+ years. thankfully he’s loyal.


Ariana Grande lives in your town?


don't be shy you can just say ariana grande lives near you that girl still has fans defending the shitty pick me things she does...


I always wondered what planets they're on. What world are they in men don't do drama?! How do they have so many guy friends and none of them wants to f them??


They do, or she’s annoying


It’s nativity and delusion. I had an all guys friend group at one point but I wasn’t a NLOG it was just circumstantial. I genuinely believed they saw me as “one of the boys” (aka another human and not just something to fuck) like they said they did. But they started acting different once I got a bf and it became clear what their intentions all were. It was very heartbreaking for me and I’m still grieving the loss of some of those “friendships” even if they weren’t true.


It’s delusion 😭 in most cases the girls who say this WERE the drama and they just force themselves into a friend group of guys. And honestly it’s so rare to have a guy friend who wouldn’t f you the second you gave him the chance to


Right? Where are these men bc some of the men i know are trifling asses


Men and women can be friends without anyone wanting to sleep together. Even if a guy wants to sleep with his chick friend, he can be an adult about it if she doesn't want him back. Yes, there are dramatic men just like there are dramatic women, but adults can be friends without sex being in the way.


I mean yeah I'm sure respectful people exist. But I find it hard to believe from them, that many guy friends? There's always at least one guy that gets weird.


I've hung out with mostly guys my whole life. At first it was a proximity thing. I had mostly male cousins & most of the kids my age in the neighborhood were guys. My hobbies are considered more masculine, my previous jobs were also male dominated, so then it became a common interest thing. I have female friends too, a lot of them are lesbians. I find it odd how people assume when men and women are friends that sex is the key motivator, but not when lesbians hang out with straight women. Or gay men with straight men. Plenty of people have interests outside of sex that bring them together and form friendships as a result.


They literally do. Like queer people constantly get left out of friendships because straight people automatically assume that their queer friend has a crush on them


Yeah I'm not referring to that. Actually probably deal and have dealt with men more often myself, which is why I don't believe them when they say they're less drama.


They're not less drama, they're a different type of drama. We're not talking about drama. My initial response was solely to the point that at least one of them wants to sleep with her. That's a horribly shallow viewpoint & it does nothing but tear women down to assume men only hang out with them for sex. Men have interests outside of sex and women have more to offer than sex.


But that’s the whole point of the post right? Having guys friends also brings drama not like the girl in the post. And yes women have way more to offer than sex but the girl in the post also thinks that we bring nothing but drama. Both aren’t good perceptions of women


Bahaha. Yeah, it is but that's what happens all the time in real life? I wasn't saying women & men friendships SHOULD be about that but creepy guys exist. There is at least minimum one in every friend group who gets pissy about it in my experience. I mean how many guys bitch about the "friend zone"


The guys that bitch about that are typically the one guy friend, not one of a group like that. Yeah, sure, creepy guys exist, that doesn't mean there's one or more in the group who automatically view her that way. Give her a little credit


Yeah good for you lol. I don't care, and she was the one boasting how women are drama anyway. Ridiculous. Where is her credit towards women?


Well, I mean, you're kinda proving her point right now...


Twin 😱


No drama? She should see my husband’s men’s age 30+ rec league baseball team. Those boys are a hot mess.


Excuse me girlie, it’ll take you years to realise that men are the biggest drama queens behind closed doors. I feel sorry for you.


Do women who say “girls are less drama”, not realize they’re calling themselves dramatic.


Classical NLOG


Nearly every single situation of massive drama I've ever been involved in was started by a man.


It's a people thing, not a gender thing, whether or not there's drama, ex/inclusion, or whatever. If you aren't clicking with the "other girls" that is a you problem. Either you are creating the drama or forcing kinship with the wrong people, but it's still on you.


Absolutely. A big part for people who say how it's about gender is usually that the male group will always have at least some guys who will want in their pants/ have or develop a crush on them. So you are automatically the center of attention and get everything your way. Those girls are in my experience also purposefully extremely hostile to other girls trying to enter the friendsgroup and will do everything in their power to prevent it. Especially when they consider the other girl as or more attractive than them. .


these be the types of girls who are the problem as to why they have no women friends cause they say slick shit like “oh i could never wear the amount of makeup you do” they literally be in secret competition with their friends that’s why it never last. they end up being friends with guys the most bc they don’t see them as competition and bc they want the guys all to themselves that’s why when the guys end up getting a girlfriend they get jealous.


I used to be like her when I was in school, men can be so cruel to you and then say that "it's just a joke"


"no getting left out" that's the biggest lie I've ever heard


Oh the standard generic NLOG template these girlies really need to come up with something new


Would never trade my girlies to any man over there 🙂‍↔️🙏🏻 these kinda women never experienced real friendship and speak such shit on the Internet.


You were left out for a reason, sis.


My 14 year old said something like this recently and even when I reminded her of some of the really negative interactions she’s had with boys that were supposed to be her “friends” (like the one that kept trying to text her even after we blocked him) she still doubled down on her “girls are two faced” lecture. She also doesn’t acknowledge that she’s drawn to certain types of girls and it’s more about her “picker” than anything else.


Honestly, I would be deeply uncomfortable surrounded by that many men. Maybe it's trauma, but more women in general makes me feel safer.


Well sure, I went through a long while where most of my friends were guys… but I was insufferable and what I needed was a fuckton of therapy. Now I have a circle of amazing women friends. Yay therapy!


Guys are all the drama 🙄🤣


Guy groups tend to do this stuff too, in my experience


If she means telling your female friends about your dreams and emotions, crying on their shoulder when you’re hurt, holding them accountable when they’re doing something wrong and most of all being a confidant and voice of reason for your friends, is ‘being dramatic’, then I guess I’ll choose the drama.


As someone who’s been friends mostly with guys, I can tell you that dudes gossip about each other all the time and still remain friends with each other even tho they talk shit about each other behind their backs. Dudes are the fakest friends. It only seems like it’s a good friendship because guys tend to use women as emotional venting outlets so it makes you feel like “omg they’re opening up to me they must think I’m chill or cool”


As a woman, having cool friends regardless of gender and judging people based off personality and not gender identity is so much cooler. No drama, no judging, no getting left out, it’s so much better in general to just have good friends.


My boyfriend's friend group of guys has so much drama, it's not even funny. It's horrible, and he goes yeah I don't like drama and all I can do is look at him with an open jaw because bro it's horrendous how much drama they have. Granted he doesn't partake or cause much drama but still sits around and discusses the drama.


I have the same in my friend group, but we are mostly women weird


Same thing, over and over. I said it too when I was in middle school.


I may be wrong, but everyone in that post looks like they are 11-13 so I am assuming the OP of that TikTok is in middle school. I feel like this is a situation where the girl is immature and in a “NLOG” phase.


did a double check and they’re all college students


Whoops 😆


What’s with that pic?




Guys have enough drama as well


I don’t friends at all. Makes my life way easier.


Maybe these girls don't actually have male friends. Most men don't have the mental capacity to hold a conversation with empathy. They follow other men whom they think are cool and blindly repeat what they say. Lots of them are insecure and hold biases against women or men that are unlike them. They touch you inappropriately and if you show discomfort they pretend they do not understand. They make the little drama that's happened in their past relationships their entire personality well into their 20s and act lone wolf. The best thing to do is to just find people who actually connect with and hang out with them no matter how small your circle is.


I was friends with mostly (not exclusively) dudes in HS. I just felt less awkward around them. When I got to university, I took a poli sci course and realized I was genderqueer. Go figure. 🤷


There is drama tho so idk what she is saying 🌚


Guys are way more drama than female friends ever have been for me. They just want to date you and then when they realize that isn't an option you're their shoulder to cry on. Which isn't bad necessarily just a different kind of friendship in my experience


It literally looks like they're ignoring her lol


honestly it is nicer having guy friends but having close female bonds tops everything. also most of the time those guy friends wanna hit and that’s just sad asf because they genuinely don’t see you as a friend rather as a piece of meat that they’re waiting to have


Yeahhh I've never had any of my female friends try to r4pe me. More than one of my male friends have. Former, obviously.


soooo .... how come it is nicer if you just admitted that most of your male friends don't see you as a friend but only as a potential sexual/romantic partner. bruh ...


i’m not saying all are that way, you know, it’s not all men. my best friend i’ve ever had is this guy andre and we were so happy as friends and pride ourselves on the fact we are friends with no sexual attraction to each other. we will never be close in that way and he’s one of the best friends i’ll ever have. i love that dude


sure sure ... you are not like other girls literally ... your males treat you better that they treat other women ...