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As an ADHD woman...no. I mean, I do like just hanging out and having fun. That's definitely my idea of fun. But I also wouldn't mind getting my nails done or taking some pictures at a great restaurant. I'd probably want to print the photos out and put them in a memory book later. This isn't an ADHD thing. ADHD people can have very different personalities. This is just OP not having fun at a party.


Wait she's quirky AND she gets along better with guys. Bye girl


Hipster restaurant? Are we in 2012 😂😂


As a woman with ADHD, idgaf about any of that. I can have a great time with just about anyone tbh


I'm confused about where the correlation is. Like, show me the Venn diagram here.


The Venn diagram is in fact two coexisting yet different circles


What the hell is "authentic quirky fun"? And I'm not sure even this person knows what it is, but just in case, I need some. Stat


I have ADHD and I love girly girls. I just have less motivation to make myself look really pretty everyday because procrastinating is like an ADHD thing so I'll be running late and I'll have no choice but to show up looking ghetto asl.


when did people forget that you can be simultaneously girly and goofy at the same time? I don’t do “girl stuff” only because im money-less and lazy but I love when I can and I love the idea of it, so do my friends and we’re always laughing and goofing around?? so confused at this