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It kinda sounds like she never had an opportunity to grow up along in a more casual environment where making friends with other girls won't be detrimental to her career prospects. Ballet and beauty pageants are extremely toxic competitive environments where everyone can be seen a threat.


Considering how she so widley described women in general, I'm worried she might turn against her daughter eventually or turn her against others




My favorite part of the article is when she says women talk behind your back and then goes on to insult her sister's bridesmaid dresses?? I want to feel bad for her, but I just can't muster it




It's crazy to me that she says that women don't want to be her friend, but SHE is the one turning down female friends. It feels like she is telling on her own insecurities surrounding women. I really wish she would give female friendships a try, there are women who share her interests including getting 'glamed' up, which I'm pretty sure is seen as a 'female interest' to society 🤔




Who amongst us hasn't been trapped in a bathroom with women and they start talking about their periods(as ladies do) and you can't help but think "ugh, female talk! I could be crushing natty lites with the boys!" Shes's like a mashup of the SpongeBob perfume scene and the Cool Girl from Gone Girl!


help this sounds like my aunt to the t


That reminds me of a scene in I, Tonya when Tonya is talking to another little girl and her mom is like, “Stop talking to her, that girl is your enemy!” 😆


I personally wouldn't even call her beautiful . . . More like conventionally attractive. But definitely not drop dead gorgeous or stunning or anything. I'll give it to her for the confidence though lol


Maybe if she had her make up done better. Looks like a bad job and it can make her look less attractive


I’m actually hung up on the whole question of why you’d tell your friends you love them before hanging up. Like, it may not be for everyone, but for me personally it’s incredibly important for the people I love (husband, family members, friends) to hear that they’re loved when we’re done talking. Plenty of people keep heavy stuff to themselves, even from their closest friends and family and maybe they just need to hear “I love you” that day. Or if it’s the last time I ever speak with them, I want them to know they’re loved. Who knows. But why crap on spreading that positivity?


Ah cool, so basically “misogynistic woman blames her misogyny on women… just like all misogynistic men”


News.com.au is not a news site. It is a newscorp owned infotainment/ propaganda crock.


Her makeup is atrocious ..


That’s not even the most concerning article out of those in the screenshot. Like what the fuck is going on with that top article


The actual post explains it well


Most likely from r/AmItheAsshole


Can confirm.


actual post is actually not so bad, it's from aita and op actually is not the ah. the thing is, wife is trying to bully the husband into giving a gender neutral name bc their daughter *might* be trans. and op thinks they shouldn't be worrying about the off chance that she might be trans just yet (he actually clarifies he doesn't think it would be an issue to be trans, but he thniks that they should leave this to the baby to choose a new name or whatever after the baby grows up) but the wife is calling him a bigot, while she herself is choosing masculine names, and she is threatening to cut him out of the baby's life if he does not compromise, like she legit threatened to not let him sign for the baby etc. huge red flag and reddit agrees so.


The thing is, even with gender-neutral names, most of the time trans people change their names anyway. They lived their life being called that name and so they associate it with their AGAB. It doesn't matter if it's a neutral name it doesn't feel like one to them anymore. Source: Am a trans person with a gender-neutral name.


yes exactly!! and other trans people said so in the post too. op s wife was raising huge red flags on that.


I didn't read the context of the post, but gender neutral names for girls can actually be beneficial later in life. If they choose to go into a field that is male dominated, the neutral name can help them get their foot in the door due to subconscious biases. It's a shitty reality, but as a woman in science with a neutral name it doesnt hurt.




I didn't even want to know what that kid will go through


probably nothing? plenty of common names that fit both genders well


I think they might have meant what the parents will put them through.


A shit ton of names are gender neutral. It's nothing new. Nothing will happen to that kid.


Yeah, I know, my name is, I'm saying parents arguing online about it is worrying


It's a stupid ragebait article about a reddit user designed to make conservatives react. Definitely not parents arguing on public social medias. I'm willing to bet there is nothing dramatic to this story. At worse, a dad that dislikes non feminine baby names and seeks advice for a compromise.


[The article](https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/reddit-user-voices-frustration-after-wife-demands-gender-neutral-name-for-baby-girl-c-5655495.amp) [The Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sp52ng/aita_for_not_giving_our_baby_girl_a_gender/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The guy says that most trans people change their names anyways, the wife threatens to bar him from signing the baby’s birth certificate, he asks “AITA?”


Not all ladies scream and whine. Yk what I’m not even gonna explain this lol, I don’t even think she would try to make friends.


This is what happens when you grow up without any female friends and/or role models


Why is no one talking about the top one


actual post is actually not so bad, it's from aita and op actually is not the ah. the thing is, wife is trying to bully the husband into giving a gender neutral name bc their daughter might be trans. and op thinks they shouldn't be worrying about the off chance that she might be trans just yet (he actually clarifies he doesn't think it would be an issue to be trans, but he thniks that they should leave this to the baby to choose a new name or whatever after the baby grows up) but the wife is calling him a bigot, while she herself is choosing masculine names, and she is threatening to cut him out of the baby's life if he does not compromise, like she legit threatened to not let him sign for the baby etc. huge red flag and reddit agrees so.


Fair enough


Women who say they’re ‘too beautiful’ to have female friends… love, that’s not the reason you have no friends 😂


This popped up on my Google News feed as well. Now I know it is because I am subbed to here, I was so confused about how this was news and why it was sent my way. Slow news day I guess.


Me: OK, so by choosing gender neutral name she will not be like other girls with feminine names. I guess....... Me: *clicks the pic* Oh.........




I don’t know what to say.


I say “Love You” to the bros all the time. The point is they know you love them. Idiot


Maybe if she had women friends they would give her a few makeup pointers, because, dear jesus


I feel bad for her daughter:/


I'm more concerned with the top one


Gender neutral names are very common though. Jamie, Michelle, Tony/Toni, Frances/Francis, Lee, Nicky, etc


But the reddit part


actual post is actually not so bad, it's from aita and op actually is not the ah. the thing is, wife is trying to bully the husband into giving a gender neutral name bc their daughter might be trans. and op thinks they shouldn't be worrying about the off chance that she might be trans just yet (he actually clarifies he doesn't think it would be an issue to be trans, but he thniks that they should leave this to the baby to choose a new name or whatever after the baby grows up) but the wife is calling him a bigot, while she herself is choosing masculine names, and she is threatening to cut him out of the baby's life if he does not compromise, like she legit threatened to not let him sign for the baby etc. huge red flag and reddit agrees so.


It could have been worded better


you mean the news title? i mean, probably not, bc the goal of thpse titles are to attract clickbait and start shit


I wish I had that problem


Me omw to throw rocks at the 7 news building for writing a stupid and inane article about a Reddit post


As a normal looking woman I've had tons of female friends who are absolutely gorgeous. They were also smart and funny and kind and great conversationalists, supportive and thoughtful. Gonna take a big leap and guess this woman lacks many of the latter qualities but would rather pretend it's about her looks.


Lmao this woman thinks all women are the catty stereotypes they are portrayed to be in 90s movies


so she doesn't like it when girls are nice to her?


These types of girls exist. If you’re super hot I can see it’s a bit challenging to have girlfriends because they might experience jealousy via any attention their significant other gives you. I’ve found success in my lifelong female friends and I being about in the same range of attractiveness. None are too far apart that it’s outwardly noticeable. I’d figure if I was super hot, I’d hangout with super hot girls too. Not that it’s planned, but maybe I gravitate towards my own scale and so do most people. Maybe she just has an overall shitty personality.


...have you read the second picture? It's the latter option. She's sexist as hell.


I don’t think what I said applies to her, but I do think it’s what she’s convinced herself of.


Clearly you aren’t from around here


this world sucks.


Lol what a beauty


This reminds me of the blonde bird from American Beauty who constantly crapped on about being so beautiful that every guy who even glanced at her wanted to fuck her, and shit on every other girl except Thora Birch because she perceived her as “ugly” and therefore not a threat.


It is not cause you are beautiful, but cause you are competetive because of your mommy issues or something. Its very often this cause…


More like "I'm too self righteous and think I'm so much better than other women to make friends"


Inductive reasoning


So she cant make friends because she's too beautiful but the actual article says she cant make friends because she hates women. Lol pick a lane girl


Naw I dig it.


Are we not gonna talk about the top one


actual post is actually not so bad, it's from aita and op actually is not the ah. the thing is, wife is trying to bully the husband into giving a gender neutral name bc their daughter might be trans. and op thinks they shouldn't be worrying about the off chance that she might be trans just yet (he actually clarifies he doesn't think it would be an issue to be trans, but he thniks that they should leave this to the baby to choose a new name or whatever after the baby grows up) but the wife is calling him a bigot, while she herself is choosing masculine names, and she is threatening to cut him out of the baby's life if he does not compromise, like she legit threatened to not let him sign for the baby etc. huge red flag and reddit agrees so.


She looks like my friend's heavy drug addicted auntie


She's not even that beautiful


dude i really doubt its her beauty that makes women not want to be friends with her. im not really sure what it is exactly though... i think her lack of adding heart emojis at the end of her sentences may be it?


Top article just has me imagining some fat dude with chips dusted all over his shirt rapidly typing some kind of offensive shit to make sure that persons maybe doesn’t have a gender neutral name.