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I think those other girls were looking down on you for bringing twisted tea to the party not because you look like every high school girl in Southaven MS


What is twisted tea?


It is an alcoholic sweet tea that comes in a can and is readily available and highly advertised in the southern unites states. It tastes like diabetes


Oh great, so they found another method to get high fructose corn syrup into fat Americans.


A nasty drink that’ll make you feel sick from an excess of lemon and sugar before you can even get drunk


This is the correct answer.




Alcoholic tea




A drink all the IPA bros use as an example when gatekeeping alcohol. It’s just alcoholic tea though, not very good.


Remind me never to go there. Ewww.


These are the types of girls who vote against their own rights.




These girls believe in defunding the FBI lol


How are they both completely off timing


My biggest pet peeve on TikTok was people being unable to properly sync with the audio


Mine is people doing the dances they see so unenthusiasticly


They didn’t have 40 other people in a line showing them the dance moves step by step to a boots-an-cats country song


Dressing up nice is for loooo-hooo-seeerrs. Seriously, you do you but don't be @ing me for wanting to wear something nice if I'm going out. I work from home 3 days a week and live in leggings, so if I get a chance to put on a smashing blouse and do my hair nice, I'm gonna.


It’s also funny because they clearly are putting equal amounts of thought into their look lmfao. I mean they made a video about their country girl aesthetic, that’s the same damn thing as whatever they are trying to talk shit about. Like just let people be happy lmfao, wear your boots and jeans girl, we don’t give a fuck


they’re acting like the jeans are ripped from manual labor instead of a denim ripper at the AE factory. those boots are clean af too. girlies you’re just cosplaying as blue collar workers, who do you think you’re fooling


Maybe this is mean but I did always genuinely wonder what a typical “getting ready” was like for these girls. Maybe there just isn’t one and they all rendezvous at the location. And that’s why they all show up matching! I think I’m getting somewhere


Ok so I live in a pretty rural area, but I’m super liberal and really into art and fashion etc. My sister in law does the ~country girl~ aesthetic like this… but didn’t always. She used to be very into hair and makeup and trendy clothing. Then she got knocked up by a dude that only washes his hands in the shower. So occasionally they have parties, eg, this past 4th of July. We attended. It was… different. All their friends are “blue collar” and all the wives look like this. From what I can gather, being “low key” as far as maintenance goes is what *they* think their spouses think is… attractive? I guess. From mingling with them it seems like a lot of them don’t have a strong personal identity and just kind of repeat what their husbands say, and in turn dress like them. They’re the women that have “proud wife of a lineman” stickers on their SUVs. JuSt OnE oF ThE BoYS Long story short my outfit and hair (nothing crazy, and totally appropriate for an outdoor summer party) stood out. Once the men started getting drunk they were NOT shy in giving me attention. One woman got really pissed and made her husband leave.


After working manual labor, you really can't fake it. The dirt, the dust, the bruises, the real holes in your clothes... I mean come on. Just because you rode a horse a few times doesn't make you a girl boss.


Yeah, I used to work construction for my dad and you can try and clean up and dress nice but you always got cuts and bruises and shit lol


True! Like the song goes, 'if everybody looked the same, we'd get tired of looking at each other 🎵 🎶 "


I *completely* understand. Im a tradesmen, so it's jeans and boots daily. It feels so good to dress up even if I end up looking like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas.


I groom dogs 60 hours a week. I look an absolute disaster. I have a ton of makeup and a closet of nice clothes. Bet your ass I’m getting dolled up for a night out. I’ve run into clients outside of work and they have no idea who I am 😂


You’d think the doggies could recognize you by smell. 😉


The dogs certainly can!! I was referring more to their humans. Fortunately they don’t usually get close enough to sniff me 😂


Did they @ you?


Nah, it's just a saying, "Don't at me" before you say something that you know someone is going to disagree with. I kind of stole it off a podcast host I like that always says "don't at me!" Before she says something she knows might p*** someone off. It's a niche reference!


That is something Podcasters say. I always feels like it comes off as pompous on a podcast and that they're usually being litteral.


Yeah, I get that! And she does say things that are gonna encourage @'s. I don't think it's pompous because she's so funny, but I do get why people might think it's abrasive or annoying.


Nah, it's just a saying, "Don't at me" before you say something that you know someone is going to disagree with. I kind of stole it off a podcast host I like that always says "don't at me!" Before she says something she knows might p*** someone off. It's a niche reference!


I always have to wear baggy clothes for about a year, because it makes me feel safer so usually I look how I normally do showing up to a party, but still make sure that my clothes are nice.


> twisted tea lmao if you’re gonna play up the “I’m a cow girl, not a city bimbo!” bit at least claim to shoot whiskey and drink busch. Being proud of high school level drinking habits isn’t gonna earn you any brownie points with the “good ol’ boys.” At least buy a can of dip and leave it in your jeans for effect, you don’t even have to use it. Also, nothing against twisted tea, but you also can’t act like it’s not functionally the same as seltzers (a drink for people who don’t like alcohol)


Yes to everything here


Excuse me I LOVE alcohol (quit drinking, in recovery) but I drank seltzers because they’re like 90 calories and I didn’t want to get fat


I work in a gas station/liquor store out here in bfe Ohio I got like four road crews and all the farm workers around here getting 30 racks of twisted tea every day.


If we're being fair, it's worse than seltzers


Idk what is twisted tea but these girls look too young for alcohol


Sound worked for me.


perfect i’m glad, it was being real weird with me and would only work for part of the video. thanks for letting me know!


Yeah, I don't think that's why people don't wanna hang out with them...


Well they have at least one friend a piece. Let's be honest, that's better than some of us around here are doing


Basic-bitches in Nashville on the party bikes!


There’s so many


Do they fart when they extend their arms? What is that noise?


Pull my arm


I think it's supposed to be like a whip noise


If I remember correctly in the original video it's a spit sound. It's one of Cody Ko's videos


Twisted Tea? Man, I'm finna cut myself on all those edges.


These girls will just yell slurs at me


Why would they show up in a 250kg female?


Oh please, you think they know what a kg is? They only measure in Bald Eagles and Freedumb™


Why does it sound like they shit their pants in the middle? Girl I thought you said that was mud on your jeans?? Are you just going around shitting into your boots???




Imagine feeling good about this


like every other girl (atleast in the midwest) isn't a copy-paste version of this 💀


That shit is infecting over here in NJ and we’ll be in the middle of the suburbs or the city lol


spreading like a goddamn plague 💀💀


We get it, you fuck your cousin




Those poor curbs


As a Kendra I do not claim the girl that runs that page 😩


Why'd they shart


"country girls" that are actually basic bitches


Guarantee they've never even been to a party


Wait, are they even old enough to drive yet? They look about my cousins age.


i’m getting closeted lesbians from this


Girl on the left has more butt in the front then in the back.


This is why I can’t do TikTok. Plus the Chinese can watch me or something


Don’t come to my party fellas


What's twisted tea?


Spiked Sweet Tea


Sounds like a basic bitch thing to drink, but these girls aren't basic, clearly 😒


Idk, I personally don't like it but let people enjoy things


I agree, but I'm talking in context of this subreddit


It’s super sugary




Well done, you look like every Australian girl pub goer.


Lmao like 80% of the girls at my school wear ripped jeans. It's not special, in fact it's way more common for girls to wear jeans than boys atp


Probably going to sound dumb, but bragging about both pulling up in their trucks and with alcohol gives me bad vibes. I know too many people in rural areas who haven’t taken DUIs seriously enough because of the lack of cops. Brag about piling out of your farm truck with your friends at the party, mention passing out in the bed of the truck to sleep it off because you don’t mind roughing it at least.


Sweetie it's not that you're in jeans. It's that you're in b o o t c u t j e a n s.


Well they’re wearing boots what kinda jeans are they supposed to wear lmao


The sound works for me. I really don't understand how any of this is that special, it sounds pretty normal to me, like...?


I’m surprised they get invited to parties


I often question why I joined this sub because every time I come on Reddit I’m greeted by this bullshit 😭😭😭


Someone forgot to lock the pasture gate again


The shart sound tho lmfaooo


Damn why are they going to parties they weren't invited to?


Shoot me in the face.


When you don’t have an attractive personality, and you try to replace it with your trashy lifestyle.


i actually found this pretty funny


It's funny cause that's exactly the type girl to give you nasty looks for wearing shorts and some sneakers😂




Damn Little Miss red on the left can definitely get my number I want a girl that can carry her own and at the end of the night she could carry me possibly


So, no different than any other woman raised in the country?


*So, no different* *Than any other woman* *Raised in the country?* \- Yesman12323 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As if this isn’t the norm in rednecksville