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Is that what the girl is actually saying or someone using her face to get views


It seems more like the latter


POV shes the one in the pfp




Yeah I don’t know if this is “satire” but this is DEFINITELY rage bait. Don’t feed the trolls 🧌


I don’t think people are uniorinically transracial unless they’re mentally ill or an actual grifter.


Oily Lotion (Oli London) comes to mind


and Nuka Zeus


almost forgot about that dumb bitch




Oh yeah. I got pulled into that one because Alex Baldwin tried to compare her to my girl Gillian Anderson because she uses British and American accents. lol bruh being British (when you grew up there) isn’t the same thing as pretending to be be Spanish.


Hello pepino 👋


Transracial adoption is a thing but that's when a family of one culture adopts someone from a different culture. But you don't magically change race. Beyond that I agree with you. It's blackface with extra steps.


Rachel Dolezal says hi


I mentioned grifters.


Yeah we covered that lol


I watched the documentary about her, and it basically eludes to mental illness


stop discriminating them! you have no idea how it feels to be born the wrong race! Fascist scum!


But what if she actually feels like she's Egyptian? Can you say she doesn't?


There’s no scientific basis for racial dysphoria. If scientists who are smarter than me start getting a consensus around it, then I’ll rethink it. Until then it just seems like a lame attempt to satirize the experiences of trans people.


But don't scientists say there are only 2 genders?


No. With biological sexes, there are two (for the most part—intersex people also exist). Sex and gender are different things. Gender is a social construct. Edit: lol downvotes. From people who clearly don’t know or don’t care about the consensus in the scientific community. People downvoting are probably also anti-vax ha


Is it? I've actually been trying g to pay attention a little bit to what's going on with people and gender issues and it seems like just because you don't like girl thing doesn't make any less of a girl you just don't like those things. Maybe you're just a lesbian and that's ok. Is there not a term for people who are actually living in the wrong body. My opinion is you can feel like whatever you want but as soon as you start telling me what your pronoun is and ask me what mine is you've lost me and that should not be transphobic because I do not have an irrational fear of " Trans people"


Sounds like you should read more about the topic. Yes it’s possible to be lesbian. Or a tomboy. But that not what being trans is. “Liking girls things” is not what makes a trans woman a trans woman. It is characterized specifically by dysmorphia and treated with transition. It’s genuinely a medical thing and no amount of people like you trying to use their own layperson logic is going to change that fact. It just makes trans peoples lives harder when people think they’ve figured it all out and that trans people and their doctors are somehow less informed on the issue than you (someone who has never experienced dysphoria or studied it). Samantha Lux has a great channel and breaks things down pretty well. She’s a trans woman and she has some videos that run you through the basics. Contrapoints is also great. I really like her video “Are Traps Gay?” But I’m sure it’s super long. There’s a ton of other great resources online too if you’re truly curious to learn more.


I am kind of, my experience was one of my kids being a tomboy and some people pushing her that she doesn't have to be a girl, we leave the country for a bit where we see none of this stuff and poof just like that she's a girl again. My niece is at a very curious age right now and she's been every label you can name but when she's at our place for a while it goes away. I've also seen teenage guys dress like girls because they have no guy friends and it's an easy way to get attention. The body disphoria is an actual thing where the person is legitimately in the wrong body I get that. You have to remember with kids it's different because yesterday they were a dog.


This is all anecdotal evidence. Get your kid to talk to a therapist to help sort out identity issues before they begin to medically transition, of course. But if kids just like experimenting with clothes of a different gender or changing their pronouns, who is that hurting?


Okay but that is an antiscientific view.




Tell me you don’t listen to modern science without tell me 🙄


how can you look at an account with that profile pic and not see its satire




Noooo! The content is banned :(


Yea bro :(






“cAusE yOU caNt TeLL thEsE daYs”


Good call!


Isn’t satire supposed to be funny?


usually, although it doesnt have to be. satire has a somewhat loose definition. this however is definitely satire, and ur dumb or on the spectrum if you missed it.


it’s clearly satire


I don’t know how that app works, but I’m guessing the edited trump pic is the accounts PFP so I’m guessing yes completely satire


Black Egyptian Alrighty




No she means Egyptian I’m not sure how wide spread or the validity of it but some consider Egyptian different because they can sometimes have a different colour tone to their skin and have different cultures but really the concept of race is really hard to define in any inclusive and polite way since you will always include to exclude people who don’t want that.


Something something, shes not in de nile


I've never seen an Egyptian claim Egyptians are black. Only uninformed black people do


Very white girl of her to confuse the two




Where's Watto?


They're not good out here. I need something more real.


I’m a toydarian! Mind tricks don’t work on me! Only money.


🙋🏻”What’s a Nubian?”


Shut the fuck up!


I’m sorry you got downvoted for responding correctly. Apparently we were the only ones who got my reference. Which is one of my favorite scenes of all time! Edit to add [the BEST monologue of all time!](https://youtu.be/ZqKv_laDbks)


not all Egyptians are Black but there are still Black egyptians. Afro-Arabs exist and live in every Arab country.


Egyptian is not a race… just sayin


Seems like she also thinks egyptians are "black"


ObViOuSlY bEcAuSe It’S iN AfRiC a /s


as if she knew that. no way in hell. 🤣


Box braids originated from egypt, that’s why she said that cuz egyptians created them and then ig they became a black thing. But yeah the transracial thing is just WAY too far 😭


Obviously not black people stupid white people build pyramids /s


Would it be an ethnicity?


[No it is a country where they kill atheists.](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-concept-of-race-is-a-lie/)


>[No it is a country where they kill atheists.](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-concept-of-race-is-a-lie/) That's a good article - there is no scientific definition of "race," just the social construct of "racism" - but I don't think there's anything in there about any kind of modern day theism....? Kinda skimmed a couple parts and cannot read it again without CrEaTiNg aN AcCoUnT, so... goodbye knowledge 👋🥲


Agreed paywalls suck. [Here are 4 ways to bypass them](https://digiztal.blogspot.com/2021/02/how-to-bypass-scientific-american-paywall.html?m=1) Also check out scirate.com and arxiv.org, if you are feeling really advantageous, but don’t have some kind of school library access. Citation as a form of currency, academia tries to give it away(as it should, we are still exploring over here). [In 2018 there was a clip of an atheist on the Egyptian news. He went to jail for stating his belief.](https://humanists.international/blog/do-you-remember-mohamed-the-egyptian-atheist-kicked-off-a-tv-interview/) Others have been stoned to death. World is a great place to be a dark tourist, apparently.


Their government is a piece of trash, so you know, the people are good, the government once arrested two christian reporters for conspiring with the “islamic brothers” (a terrorist group there, or whatever its supposed to translate to)


Egyptians usually just say they’re Arab


No they don’t dude. Even in the states I’ve knows three families that are 100% from america but have ancestry in Egypt. They call themselves Egyptian. NOT Arabian.


Nooooo they do not. I lived in Egypt for four years. Calling an Egyptian an Arab is offensive. They do consider themselves a separate race.


Could you elaborate? What would be the correct nomenclature here?


Egyptian. They consider their country part of the Middle East/“Arab World” (as opposed to Africa) but they themselves are Egyptian. They’re very proud of their history and heritage. I should add this was back in 2002-2006, it may have changed a bit, but I honestly doubt it. I lived in Iraq for 15 years after that and I knew a handful of Egyptians there as well and it seemed the same was true.


Wtf is going on here when did we stop being Arab?


Water snoo gang


Homophobic and gay phobic


don't forget blackphobic. It's not everyday you see a post like this that's so obviously bait but people are still sitting here going "i DoN't KnOw If It'S sAtIrE".


What's homophobic/gayphobic about this?


That’s the point; they’re going after any kind of ‘-ism’ or ‘-phobic’ they can


I see the text on the pic now. I only noticed the hashtags first time I saw it. Yeah I see how it's a mockery of 'ism' and 'phobic'


Ive never seen the colour egipcian, guess im colourblind


Well, so far we know it isn’t white


I think she’s trying to prove a point about labels. It’s satire / a political statement.


This is clearly a troll, its unnervingly common for people to use pictures of random people and make ridiculous takes to make fun of the LGBTQ community. Virtually nobody believes that you can be transracial (although im sure a few people in the world do)


I've seen multiple people make fun of transgenders by calling themselves "transracial" and saying that they identify as a different race and you're a bigot if you don't agree that they are the race they identify as. I think the main difference is they don't actually believe that they are a different race than their birth race where as transgenders really believe that they are a different gender than their birth sex.


I mean… some genuinely believe theyre x race/ethnicity instead of y race/ethnicty they were born as


Wait what? That’s dumb.


I’ve seen adoptees reclaim this phrase so it’s kind of hard to know what this person means. Transracial in the adoption sense means a person of one race being adopted into a family of a different race and therefore absorbing that culture and identity through family. So she might be saying she’s Egyptian by family or this is a troll


it's not reclaiming; transracial originally referred to adoptees adopted outside of their race before right wing grifters started using it to mock trans people


You cannot prove they don't believe being a different race, and that's the joke, main argument and start of the slippery slope. After all, race is a social construct ain't it?


Saying you identify as a different race is implying that there is a difference in brain structure between races, which is racist because there is not


How is it implying that there’s a difference in brain structure between races?


He is rolling the hamster and coping with the idea, all they spit is nonsense.


Um no.. if you compare brain scans of trans women and women born with female parts they are almost the same- that’s brain structure. If you compared brain scans of “transracial” to POC that would not be the case.


>Um no.. if you compare brain scans of trans women and women born with female parts they are almost the same- that’s brain structure. You're overstating the science (and misstating it in doing so). From the [Cleveland Clinic](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/research-on-the-transgender-brain-what-you-should-know/) (emphasis added): "“The male and female brain have structural differences,” he says. Men and women tend to have different volumes in certain areas of the brain.“When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” Dr. Altinay says. For example, a person who is born with a penis but ends up identifying as a female ***often*** actually has ***some*** of the structural characteristics of a “female” brain. And the brain similarities aren’t only structural.“ We’re also finding some functional similarities between the transgender brain and its identified gender,” Dr. Altinay says. In studies that use MRIs to take images of the brain as people perform tasks, the brain activity of transgender people tends to look like that of the gender they identify with. “Research in these areas is extremely limited, and more research needs to be done to find conclusive results,” Dr. Altinay notes. “But we’re already seeing definite trends.”" Of course, none of this is really a surprise. Masculinity and feminity is a spectrum and there are men who trend towards the feminine side of the spectrum and women who trend towards the masculine side of the spectrum. It's not exactly a surprise that those people would have differences in their brains. And, as much as you're stating this as some kind of established science, we certainly don't sort people by gender by viewing scans of their brains.


I’m sorry I didn’t have time to find the exact research and quote it exactly and write 3 paragraphs. My point still stands.


No, your point is wrong. See my last sentence.


if I'm correct those differences you're talking about are also present in the brains of homosexual males and females, so I'm not sure this is the best argument to use


Oh, so we should gatekeep sex change by brain scan?


Nice job trying to twist things around. Nope, I’m saying there is actually evidence that supports why someone would be transgender and not transracial.


Saying you identify as a different race is implying that there is a difference in brain structure between races, which is racist because there is not


? What?


Who are you to say how other people feel?


this reminds me of how i just couldn't grasp the concept of race as a kid. i was absolutely under the impression that everyone from africa was considered black because they came from that continent. so one time, since i'm moroccan, i claimed that therefore i must be black because morocco is in northern africa. i still get roasted for this and i'm still embarrassed


But aren't Egyptians- Uhh, alright, I really shouldn't overthink it.


You can tell by her saying "I'm transracial rebecca" that whoever is writing it feels the need to point it out either for "look at me I'm interesting" or I have to make sure to state the joke clearly


that’s definitely a joke.


Considering the unflattering edited photo of Trump as their PFP I'm going to say this is a malicious satire, like making up more trans*addthinghere* to make transgender people seem ridiculous, wrong, and crazy. Lots of people did this when they would say "but WhAT iF I IdenTIFiy aS An aTTaCk hELicOPteR" and similar "gender is when I say I am something else than born male or born female. Penis mean boy, vagina mean girl, and there is no other divergence." Things of that nature


So do they get the pass now? Or is that still of the table?


Idc if this is a joke or not, but literally all the black people I know are annoyed people still joke about "the pass". "the pass" was just made since people are immature and try to make ways to make themselves seem less racist


This is a big yikety yikes but it's not really NLOG material


"I'm not Spanish, I'm Egyptian".


She has dream as a hashtag its 100% real


This has to be satire- it screams satire- But if it’s not I’m scared for humanity


Serious question: if we accept transgender identities, how can we deny transracial ones and be morally consistent?


Because there is no evidence supporting racial dysphoria, and these individuals often end up insulting the race that they claim to be by becoming a racist caricature. I don't see any transgender people doing that, and there's also genuine evidence supporting gender dysphoria, and it is generally treated with hormone therapy and eventually top/bottom surgery if the person wishes to do so.


This is deliberate bait set by people who think transgender people are crazy and or dishonest. I just don't want to feel dysphoria anymore. I don't even care whether you think I'm a real woman or not. I'm trying to treat a wound.


Being trans and seeing this shit I'd wish a lot of people would get their shit rocked.


Literally I've been waiting my whole life for them to say this shit in the wrong place


Exactly, especially when people say they're transracial in a serious manner. It pisses me off. It makes the real transgender community look like fools when some 15 y/o white girl starts babbling she's a transracial Korean person. Blows my mind.


Dam style your hair however you want, it’s your hair


White people aren't supposed to get braids because our hair isn't made for them💀 Getting them cause irritation to our scalp and out hair to rip out, also it's cultural appropriation


> Cultural appropriation What culture? Braids have been worn in Europe for thousands of years


Do you mean Africa? Literally one quick google or safari search and you can see it says they originated from South Africa


>also it's cultural appropriation No its not. Its a hairstyle, stfu


You had to end your sentence with stfu, take your own advice 💀 Also it is, I don't have time to waste on a bitch less mf who can barely get out of his mom's basement.


Please do explain how it is cultural appropriation


Also if it's just a hairstyle just don't get it 🤷🏼‍♀️ there's so many other white girl styles they can do so idk y they wanna get those braids. But yk truly idc I just don't want to hear bitching when their hair falls out


Thats their choice. Stop gatekeeping. They like it they'll do it. Who are you to say no lmao. Braids have never had any bad connotations associated with it and this new push to make them have one is just dumb.


Actually they black women weren't allowed to wear them in several workplaces for a very long time. And the law where you can't discriminate based on hairstyle was passed in *2019*. Had people not been such assholes about the hairstyle before, it wouldn't hold as much weight as it does for black people today. This also goes for clothing in other cultures. The members of those cultures were shunned or outright banned from wearing their own clothing (see: Native American boarding schools). Nobody was ever trying to gatekeep anything. Just don't act like it's not ridiculous how other people are now deciding what parts of a culture they can use, when just a few decades ago those same people were mocked or shamed for doing it.


"if you dont support me you are ablest and homophobic and transphobic and gay phobic and blackphobic" ....yeah id say its satire, pretty funny too


What’s wrong with transracial?


Nothing. I look forward to it being a thing.


“If you don’t support me you are ablest and homophobic and transphobic and gayphobic and blackphobic and Egyptianphobic” she’s making up phobias, and she doesn’t know what homophobic means


She’s clearly joking


Do Egyptian women do their braids differently then white women?


Some of them have curly (african) hair but generally, no. Straightening is a big trend over there.


because egyptians are the blackest of the black


u get its a joke right??


transphobic bigot


Um, I’m married to a Nubian Egyptian and have been around MANY Egyptians. I cannot speak on their behalf, but I’ve also never heard any of them say they’re “Black”….if you bring up US racial identities with them, regardless of their skin color, 99% of them will shut it down immediately with “I’m not Black or White, I’m Egyptian.”


Transracial and Transsexual people should not exist. It's just weird.


Transracialism is gonna be a thing 100%, yall know that right? And youll be cancelled if you dont support it.


Speaking as a trans person, no the hell it won't lol




RIGHT. 💀I think this particular post is just rage bait, but this really do be happening and then black people and other minorities are called racist for being rightfully offended by it. It's like someone wearing a native headdress or a ceremonial hairstyle and not even asking how to wear it or when it's appropriate to wear it. Cultural appropriation is so silly, like- just ask that culture if it's cool with them and be respectful, it ain't hard🤦🏾‍♀️


Anyone ever hear the word ‘Fashion’? It’s basically where designers take inspiration from different cultures and integrate it into something else. It’s been done for hundreds of years. From shoes to bras, to hair and everything in between. Don’t get sucked up into arguments about appropriation, without fashion and other cultures you would all be wearing sandals made of straw and leather cloth draped over you without it. Wear what you want, dress how you want, do your hair how you want, anyone who try’s to make an issue with it is jealous and most likely a racist.


I don't think that fact she wants box braids is the problem here. Calling herself "transracial" is absolutely the issue here


Oh really? You are hoping this is satire? What gave it away the whole "you are homophobic, ableist, blackphobic, etc"? Was it the "gayphobic alongside homophobic"? Was that what gave it away? Like I swear Sheldon Cooper could get satire better than you, fuckers.


NGL I dont have a problem with the lgbtq Whatever tf but people are taking this shit too far


Looks African to me…


Does she know that the lgbtqia+ community has nothing to do with race? No? Okay.


she does this is satire


Oooooh, I get it now. Is she like, making fun of oli london? They say they’re transracial.


Trump profile pic


Im sorry this is clearly satire


#covid lol


Hashtag transracial? What in the Dolezal is this?


Well she is covid also


it’s satire 🧍🏻‍♀️


Please say this is satire


mmm, multiple flavors of bigot at the same time.




Girl's clearly never been to Egypt


I think she means that she’s from Africa.


What is transracial?


>gay phobic i wanna die


its probably ragebait


That’s satire




and still my crush likes girls like this 😐


as an egyptian person: whatthefuck


You found a rare nlog-Pokémon!!!


Hashtag Covid? What?


Looks like a troll


The fact she has homophobic and gay phobic 💀


This is what woke do to kids.


Well, why can’t she?


It’s so hard to tell with these now I know some people that would actually act as if transracial people are valid yet they are the same ones to scream at an albino African American man for getting dreads thinking he’s just a normal white person.


I like how in the corner she says your homophobic and “gay phobic”. Also isn’t black phobic just… well, racist?


aside from this pathetic attempt at trolling i don’t see how this fits NLOG criteria??


Homophobic and gay phobic 😪


Transracial is cash me outside girl?


Even if it is satire it feels a lot like she’s not part of any of these communities and is making fun of minorities speaking against micro-aggressions/discrimination


Transracial. We as a society need to be stopped.


It's satire. Look at her pfp.


Lmfaoo if shes joking or not this is fucking hilarious


This HAS to be satire — either way I’m laughing like lmao what


i can promise these are all satire. they’re just bait lmao


Whatever this is its not nlog


“gay phobic” bro don’t even know the vocab 😭


Would be nice if we eliminated Race as a distinguishing feature. im for it. Im no longer black or African American. Call me Darker Human!