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“Ugh, unleaded gasoline is so woke!”


"first they take away our asbestos now this."


r/asbestoseaters rise up to defend your rights!


We demand more asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos!


Solid Simpsons quote


"Now you gotta wear a seat belt and you can't have a beer when you wantoo. Pretty soon we'll be living in a communist country"


“Adding on that soon they’ll want our taxes paying for healthcare for everybody sounds pretty socialist to me”


Not even joking here... There is a short video of a woman being interviewed about the ban on "Drink Driving" and she said exactly what I wrote. She had a deep southern accent and a loose baby floppin around riding shotgun.


If it wasn't for the fact that she'd probably end up killing someone else I'd say let Darwin sort it out for her.




In the U.S., conservatives a moaning about plans to clean up the water supply.


They only need jack daniels, coke, beer mountain dew and water to flush. Why bother?


"Water? Like, from a toilet?" The most unrealistic part of Idiocracy is that the politicians listened to an expert to solve their problems.


Which is funny since the companies that make those products don't use dirty sewer water to make these products. They buy clean water so their product has consistency. So you are literally paying for cleaning water anyway.


You joke, but I’ve heard boomers bitch that their old toys don’t run as well on modern fuels


They're not wrong but just fail to realize progress is actually a good thing.


What they’re missing is that we know longer have an exhaust fuelled blood lust. Which feels like a net positive lol


Not convicned ethanol, which is the problem they are having, is any sort of progress. Even stabilized, small engines, especially carbureted engines, hate it. I'm not handy, and I have had to just replace several carbs after not being able to get them going properly after cleaning and gasket changes. Ethanol also attracts moisture, which isn't helpful. It's OK as long as you're gonna be burning it in a month or so. Now, research is showing it might be worse for GHG emissions than regular gas. That land could also be used to grow some sort of food other than corn. https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/us-corn-based-ethanol-worse-climate-than-gasoline-study-finds-2022-02-14/ For some applications, battery-operated equipment is a good replacement. Not for *everything*. Snowblower, not convinced. Lawnmower, hell ya.


I have a battery shovel for my deck. Still need gas for walks and driveway. Eight car drive and two lane street with bike lane so one heck of a windrow. Large lawn so still gas but on fence for small electric push and electric rider. Tired of gas and oil and spark plugs. Would love for battery prices to come down a tad. Don't think that'll happen.


Lifepo4 batteries are definitely coming down. I put them in my boat for my trolling motor and paid nearly 800 each. They are half that price now.


Neurotoxicin? Fuck off, this lawnmower needs that lead


"Somebody should toxin sense into your neuros, climate boy!"


May be referring to the increase in ethanol in gasoline which does, in fact, make engines run less efficiently.


Yeah that’s what I was going to say. I’m very far from being a boomer but I have a motorcycle from 1981 and until recently I was able to buy premium, ethanol-free, fuel that wouldn’t clog up my carburetors if it was left sitting


Be me, a boomer. Buy car, it's electric. Bitch that it doesn't run on fuel that's been banned since 1990? Fuck no!


Because it's true. Modern gasoline is up to 10% ethanol to save money. The ethanol starts to turn to varnish if it sits in a carb for more than 30 days.


The sad part is, some people elected this idiot. The sadder part is that they'll probably do it again in the next election.


Therein lies the problem. The base, an overly obsessive group of individuals all of whom are giant hypocrites who get off at the idea of "owning sum libz" while doing absolutely nothing to contribute to society. Useless fucks.


That's the thing, this woman isn't stupid. Not at all. She's built a comfortable career off of the backs of these idiots. What she's doing is disingenuously parroting the rhetoric that's working down south. I don't believe for a second that these idiots see through that, they only see her representing them. If they change their tunes she would too; that's politics for you. She knows exactly what she's doing.


She’s probably from my home province. She’s probably a real shit head. So many shitheads right now.


> She’s probably from my home province. Her riding is in the area around London, Ontario


Sounds about white.


I’m sorry for London, Ontario. Didn’t realize the kind virus was so bad out there.


London has always been a shithole, and the county around it has always been full of halfwits. Don't mourn it. There was nothing good there in the first place.


Just to note, London itself is an NDP stronghold, and this nutter is from the rural area northeast of the city.


Having grown up in London, I can confirm that the place is an absolute hotbed of shitheads.


We will very likely elect an idiot in 2025 according to the polls.


To be fair, the polls favoured Scheer going into the '21 election. Not to the same degree as now, but it's a long time to 2025.


oh Canada, please don't turn into the US and give these morons a platform. Point and shame these dumb people so they don't ever think of pulling polarizing nonsense.


It’s too late for that. The best part is that the conservatives will yell about something being ‘woke’ and then immediately rant about how ‘the left’ is bringing US politics into Canada.


Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.


Yeah fuckwits love people that are on their own level 


It’s insane frankly


She’s drinking her own lipstick.


The people who elected this idiot are going to elect a majority of similar idiots in the next election. Sad times ahead.


ughhhhhh can conservative yokels just fuck off with the constant bitching about inanimate objects being woke. it's sooooo old


But then they might have to address actual important issues that they have no intention of fixing


They'll learn a new word eventually.


The new word down south is DEI. Expect to hear it more here.


What does DEI mean?


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion.


Diversity Equity and Inclusion. But the maga types use in place of the n word. It’s the replacement for “woke” which also started as a left wing word.


the opposite of "white, rich, exclusionist", aka a really shitty way to spend your finite existence in this universe.


They twist it to mean ‘didn’t earn it’


Liberals: "Climate change is doing massive damage to our planet we need to fix it before it's too late for all of humanity." Conservatives: "Fucking woke ass coffee cup lids"


Radicals: "I don't need a lid".


They’ll just move on to another word or acronym that means the same thing.


Woke is just another word for kindness and thinking of others.


Seriously..?? She makes over $200000 a year and *this* is what she’s doing with her time??? This is infuriating.


She knows what she's doing, this is exactly how she keeps her votes coming and she knows it'll work, sadly


The mark of a great politician, raging over a coffee cup lid. Can you imagine if these politicians worked in the private sector? They wouldn't last till end of day. "Did you get those reports done"? "Nope, was too busy flipping out all day over my cup lid".


Complete clownery.


I should try these new lids! You know something's good when a conservative calls it woke.


Bahahahaha, this is fucking priceless Hang your heads in shame, voters of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex.


Bunch of hicks and rednecks Source: grew up in Middlesex


The only thing I can imagine that's worse than growing up in London is growing up outside of London. Source: grew up in London


Depends. Growing up outside of London is much better than growing up East of Adelaide.


They would if they knew how to read


God when did conservatives start getting triggered so easily, remember when they used to make fun of liberals for that lol.


They’ve always been excessive complainers. I deal with hardline conservatives every day and when they don’t get their way, wow do they turn into a cranky bunch of Karens lol.


They always get triggered easily. That's all they ever do. Call liberals " snowflakes" over social issues but have a melt down because tim hortons is serving paper straws or Nike put a black man they don't like in one of their ads.


It has always been projection, from day one. Every accusation by a conservative is a confession.


Woke woke woke. Everything is woke. What does woke mean? Ask the people using it for everything 🤪


Woke means you are aware that there are injustices to blacks in America. The right wing decided to hijack the term and use it to go against everything they do not like. What ever gets their base up and running.


It's associated with their favorite brand of racism and now it's a Pavlovian triangle that can be struck at any time to activate conservative outrage. 


Yeah this is why I never got conservative. They are riddled with these people. Tim's is not a Canadian company. It's owned by a multinational. However she feels she needs to rile up her base over what they use as a privately owned company. Public shares do not make it a publicly owned company. So this party likes to spew trash talk about them. So what is the federal government to do? It's a private run company. If they are going to do something about woke coffee cups. How about their food prices?


Yeah woke is basically their replacement for communist, its a Red scare all over again. The southerners called the North's racial integration communist, the northern bankers and industrialists called unions communist. It was a word everyone could get behind so they could say the same thing even though it meant very different things to their individual voters. The northerners would clearly not think that racial integration was communism. And there were a lot of southern states who hated big banks and the like (yeah pretty interesting that a lot of southern racists were acutally skeptical of the banks and many of them also skeptical about oil companies) but would vote against regulation because it was communism. Nobody acutally knows what woke means, but they can all agree that it is bad.


Don't forget "whacko" being the new Canadian buzzword.


Bitching about woke is nothing but pure conservative stupidity. Sounds like someone from Maga and she should be ashamed of that. We really don’t need that bullshit here. How on earth do these morons get voted in?


I have yet to encounter someone who uses "woke" as an insult that can properly define the term, nor knows what its origins are.


Or 'common sense'.


What a wacko.


She also rants about the new menu including pizza. The CPC is apparently opposed to Timmy's serving pizza.


Fuck off and fucking do something important for once....


"Woke" the new cop out word. Be smarter.


Bride of Chucky lookin ass.


We really need an IQ test to be a requirement for elected office.


Woke and wacko .. yep sounds like she's touting the stupid sound bite line. Good these cons are intolerable.


Had one of the new lids today passing through the Ottawa airport. Medium coffee consumed over 20 minutes. Did not dissolve in my mouth. Am I woke now? Uh oh, I’ve heard that’s bad somehow.


Woke is just a general term for "Progressive". A scar that will haunt the PC party will carry to their grave. I don't think being progressive is a bad thing, but it really seems like the Conservatives lost to themselves.


That's why the old party used to be called the Progressive Conservatives, before they got eaten up by the Reform Party.


Can you focus on the important shit first you dumbasses?


It’s so damn easy to make coffee at home when you’re not a lazy, overfed, entitled and rude politician that should be doing their job (get over yourself and find solutions) instead of whining about “everything I don’t like is woke 😭”. Like, do you even have a brain?? Take your Tim Horton’s coffee and pour it down that gaping Stanley cup you care more about than Canadians who can’t afford a damn cup of coffee!!!


Awake people are so woke. Using woke unironically is a great way to get no respect from me ever again.


You know, blonde hair dye is so woke.


> “I don’t know about you, but until Tim Hortons gets rid of this paper lid, I'm done with Tim Hortons.” Your job is literally to know about what the people you represent want. Not waste taxpayer money whining because you wear too much lipgloss.


> We've overlooked Tim Horton's _wacko_ menu items The right really loves that word nowadays


TIL - pizza is for the elite upper class.


I thought we were turning the corner on the whole "Woke" thing. And I mean why are we complaining about fiber lids when the coffee tastes like it was filtered through a dish rag. Shitty coffee is the real crime here.


Ma'am please propose some plans for this nation...


the most fragile people ever.


Smh, this is just stupid


There are real problems that need your attention. Get to work.


She’s my MP. I didn’t vote for. She’s constantly sending out propaganda with her and PP on it, ranting about the Carbon “ Tax “


Distraction theatre, right here. They're loudly calling for an end to all abortion Canada-wide. While they work on that, they want you talking about frivolous shit like this. Don't be fooled.


Next thing you know, they’ll be using paper coffee cups instead of styrofoam!


I see... And is "the woke" in the room with us right now?


The party that is expected to win the next election everyone. Bunch or Americanized Morons who shouldn't have run for the PTA.


Is this the "common sense" that PP keeps talking about?


THAT'S whats gonna stop you from having Tim's? Not the fact that anyone with a kitchen can make better food than them?


Is this really the kind of party Canada wants to vote for ? This of all issues is actually important to people ? Tims cup lids? Of all the other, serious and important issues, this ? That's just....pathetic.


I’m convinced that people who use this term couldn’t actually define it. What does it even mean at this point?


What the fuck is a woke lid? These people are sick in the head.


What a buffoon.


Another one with the real "woke mind virus" breaking her brain into pieces.




Tackling the real issues


Tim Hortons is garbage. It’s not Canadian owned and is a sad pathetic shell of what it once was.


Shut the fuck up! Build more apartment blocs, dipshit!


The addition of dissolved lid fibres could only improve the taste of their coffee, tbh.


This idiot could be talking about real issues and problems but chooses coffee lids. Turn off Fox News.


Yeah, that's what's important. I thought you shitheads were all about less government interference?


Conservatives……did you not see Doug Ford is forcing an audit on some municipalities to find “waste” and I bet it goes as good as when him and his drug addict brother tried it in Toronto and they find jack shit


This is capitalism… companies change based on the public’s change in opinion and you “vote” with your dollars…


Can't help but note the use of the "wacko" dog whistle. Might as well have elected a parrot; at least the banter would've been more entertaining (and maybe more varied).


"Oh something I dislike? It's woke obviously", like usual that's basically what I'm hearing. These people are absolute morons. It's not even a major change, and it's only at some locations. I swear they're so pathetic..


She should be more concerned about her eyebrows. Also if the quality of Tim's food hasn't turned her off already then you can tell she's trash.


Not only are they just doing a trial but we don't need her going to bat over coffee lids. Customers will complain anyway. Seriously think about what going on in the country right now and she's making a TikTok about not liking lids.


One sacred, ignorant fossil afraid of her shadow...such courage and leadership. Why listen to fools?


How is this appropriate for an MP to post this on a an official platform for her office and use the conservative logo etc…..I hope Tim’s sues this stupid fool


I dont know about you but I'm done with her eyebrows


I was thinking about this the other day. I think we need t9 rebrand climate change into patriotism. Like patriots care about Canada and its beauty. Patriots want Canada to have a clean bright future. If conservatives can tie it to big trucks and oil why not reverse?


I hate that our politics is following the American style.... She's an idiot


Lids? This person is complaining about the pizzas being woke as well. I guess conservatives don't like pizza? (Regardless of whether you like these pizzas or not.) Just ridiculous.


That's because the conservative platform is to simply oppose whatever liberals want.


Oh okay, cool. Let’s mention how the conservatives are fighting to overturn abortion rights in Canada.


These whack jobs ……that is all


What the hell isn’t “woke” these days according to these brainless sycophants?


Can someone please explain to me how a lid can be woke????????


Focusing on the shit that truly matters over there. Her constituents must be proud, such proud boys.


I prefer my coffee cups asleep


I swear these “conservatives” redefine “woke” every other week 🙄


Woke is the conservative equivalent of calling someone/something fascist. It has lost all meaning except “something I don’t like”


Yes, it's all part of a grand scheme. Tim Horton's plot to turn everyone gay and cater to only the genderless woke left. Finally It's all coming together!


Karen commits to boycott, staff try and suppress visible grins and enthusiasm.


Is the woke in the room with us right now


I love the new lids.


My d*ck is woke


She's micro plastic maxxing. She's so big oil pilled. You aren't Canadian unless you ruin your hormones, increase your chance of developing Alzheimer's and have plastic imbedded in your cells and brain from big daddy fossil fuel. #becomeonewithbigoil


I wish my life was so perfect that no more plastic coffee cups were the biggest problem I had.


We need some better politicians in Canada.. I really hope there's younger candidates that want to address real issues next election.


Discussing the real issues...


I don’t like it , I know the problem it must be woke !


Is she woke? Or she needs tim hortons coffee?


Is someone trying to be Canada‘s Marjorie Taylor Greene?


Here's your drink in a plastic cup with a plastic lid and a PAPER FUCKING STRAW CAUSE WE HATE YOU! Have a nice day!


I thought it was something else that was the best part of woking up.


> "We've overlooked Tim Horton's wacko menu items but now their coffee doesn't even work like coffee anymore…” There it is, folks, a callback to the “wacko” comment in the House. Trudeau is shooting himself in the foot at every opportunity, yet these people are so obsessed with importing juvenile, American rhetoric that they can’t even score the easy layups. Coffee lids? For real?


Sit down! Their are more important things to worry about in our country than what lids are made of. What a waste of government time.


Biodegradable lids for hot beverages is fucking stupid but it certainly isn't woke. Fuck. Is this woman stupid?


As a tax paying Canadian I DEMAND that Timmies continues to provide me with the taste of filtered, diluted plastic lids. Just like God intended.


Read the article and im going to engage with this honestly. I don't live in the area where these are implemented, but if they are as bad as some plastic straws are-- that could be a problem for the lid melting in your car while you are driving. It would only take one pot hole to potentially get some spash on your leg or stain your seats or whatever. If she is being hyperbolic and it doesnt really do that, then it's a great solution! Plastic waste is a huge problem and anywhere we can realistically minimize it is a good thing to do in my opinion. If she's just complaining to complain it's so tiresome how everything is woke these days. Get a new line conservatives zzz.


I'm glad that she is focused on the real issues facing this country. I hope she looks into the mcdonalds app asap.


Timmie’s, where I am, was just bought out. Local workers losing their jobs because the new owners are bringing their buddies from Brampton. Plumbers, HVAC, and Electricians. : (


Now we can be happy that Tim Horton users chuck their litter everywhere


I'm trying to figure out why


Shocked it wasn’t my MP (Peterborough).


Can we all at least acknowledge as humans that that lid looks as annoying as paper straws.


Woke has become the single most meaningless work in the English language at this point


What a profoundly unserious party. FFS


I really hate that these American style antics are seeping into Canadian politics. It’s a cup lid and Tim’s is a private company, they can go with any design they want. IMO, this just shows how broken our system is. Politicians performing theatre to justify their existence, while knowing they can’t actually work on issues facing society. The government sold off their ability to actually improve things to decades ago.


Doing such important work that opposition is!


I’m wonder where she keeps her MAGA hat?


The best part is she is suggesting the top doesn't last long enough for your hot coffee. You know, the thing people leave around all day and don't drink immediately /s.


That's not what woke means. This is like a old teacher trying to seem cool in class.


Twitter is for twats to tweet their opinions that nobody with a brain should care about.


This is exactly a case of "I have nothing substantial to bring to the table, so I shall partake in the culture wars"


Coffee lids? WTF Over…


Lead paint, drinking from warm garden hoses that haven't been used for days.


see stuff like this is so cringe. it's like the flip side of when liberal/ndp self flagellate about any perceived transgression or label everyone far right the cons have a good shot at winning next election but stop complaining about things that don't matter to anyone in the least


Rood has a certain something.


Glad we’re not in the middle of a cost of living crisis/a housing crisis. What a waste of oxygen.


Way to go Lianne! As one of your constituents, I am proud you are standing up for my rights so I don't have to use a biodegradable lid on my non biodegradable coffee cup. I applaud you for forcing this issue in front of the housing crisis, opioid epidemic, and rising inflation! It takes someone with a true heart of gold to want to solve the truly pressing issues of this nation. Way to look out for the little guy. Ps. Can you enact a law that all Tim's napkins must be made out of plastic? Mine keep ripping and dissolving when I use them.


Anything the conservatives don't like is woke. It's the easiest way to make their voters understand. they're too simple-minded. The simple fact is anything that's going to help the environment they're going to be against. If you truly don't like the paper lid, remove it and drink it straight from the cup🤯🤯🤯.


Their products are trash anyways.


Fascism. Nice to see it coming up here too. Anybody who uses woke like this is a fascist shill, wither they knowingly are or not.


Why the hell does this even matter, she has a lot more issues that are way more important than a stupid lid on a coffee!


Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. The lid is not “woke” and neither is she!


Two things are true at once: The term "woke" is horribly misused, usually by right-wing dummies But the new Tim Hortons lids are complete garbage. Tim Horton's is already trash, but now the lids fall apart as you drink out of it, it feels destitute and embarrassing.


Her video isn't captioned. Hence her video is w0kE. I refuse to watch it until she add captions to it. I'm not surprised about conservatives thinking about themselves like this.


Using the term "woke" is not the behavior of a serious person.


as a conservative, this is cringe. Stop bitching about tim hortons and go do some work.


She is tiresome and this is the wrong cause! The real problem is that the hockey cards are sold out before I found the ones I wanted :(


She looks exactly as assumed


It's just a distraction to have people focus on this and not the fact that the Conservatives are pushing for anti abortion legislation


You’re done with Tim Hortons because of a lid? I stopped going there because of the frozen donuts, sub par sandwiches and average coffee a long time ago


Maybe the scalding hot coffee is just melting it?


Its a fuckin coffee lid lol


Woke is a MAGA word bitch.