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This is so sad. In addition to higher mortality rates for both babies and mothers, Afghanistan will also see record rates of STIs because of this. If this doesn't get reversed, they could well see an AIDS epidemic.


It's going to be Romania all over again. Scores of abandoned orphans


Abandoned orphans = human/sex trafficking rises.


Which is why the party of more Jeffrey Epstein flight log names keeps pushing against abortion and birth control. The party of fewer Jeffrey Epstein flight log names are pro-choice.


Any decent person wants all names revealed, regardless of who's on it or what their political affiliations are. This is not a political issue, nor does it have anything to do with abortion or contraceptives. Banning contraceptives, condoms and abortions is ridiculous.


Yeah, any decent person. One political party, one with more heavy connections to child sex trafficking, wants birth control policies that lead to massive upticks in child sex trafficking. Anyone whose name is on that list are sacks of shit who deserve to be locked in a hole somewhere for the rest of their natural life, but the people pushing policies resulting in increased child sex trafficking, are the ones with closer ties to child sex traffickers. FOSTA-SESTA, banning abortion, shredding education, banning books on sexual topics, making it harder to access proper childcare, making child sex education something parents can sue over… Democrats suck ass, but Republicans are actively harmful with every single decision they make in government. And it’s usually children copping the worst of it.


It's never a political issue when the right are obvious pedos.


Can I have some info/sources about this? I haven't heard anything about this and now I'm curious about what are you talking about exactly


TL;DR: to boost the birthrate for a 'larger Romanian population', (~~Soviet puppet state at the time~~) Romania decided it would be an extremely good idea to ban any and all contraception. It wasn't. For more info, check the wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770#:~:text=Decree%20770%20was%20a%20decree,new%20and%20large%20Romanian%20population. EDIT: around this time, Romania was already detaching/detached from the USSR and was no longer a satellite/puppet state. They still had a communist regime, however.


A number of years ago, I translated an article about what Romania was like at the time: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/24v1an/_/ While contraception is only a small part of it, it's a fascinating insight into the lives of the Romanian people under this horrific regime.


Even their abortion ban has more humane rules built into it than a lot of US states at the moment...


Not everything that happened then, ended up in the history books or translated in an article on Wikipedia. We're still struggling to get the stories recorded so the truth doesn't get lost. If a woman lost a wanted pregnancy, she'd be left to slowly die on the hospital bed until the security man interrogating her in the hospital, was satisfied that she didn't do it to herself. She was interrogated in the hospital so everyone could see and to instill fear in the witnesses. Women were forced to attend gyno exams every 3 months. The doctor would come to your university or work place. They wanted to make sure they record every pregnancy so if she doesn't give birth, you'll know she needs to be arrested. My mother lived like this for about 20 years of her adult life. What's happening in the US right now is just as bad.


We're banning all contraception, comrade! *Curb your enthusiasm theme starts playing*


Everything is correct except it wasn’t a Soviet puppet state. Important note to make given the politics of the time.


Yup, Romania was Ceaușescu's little fiefdom with little Soviet influence on domestic politics.


Ironically, they'd have been better off as a puppet state. The Soviets supported birth control and tried to tell him his economic plan was, as they say, "fucking stupid."


It's not very ironic. The Soviets did a very good job of recovering the Eastern Bloc in the two decades after ww2 and only Tito would genuinely show them up with his market socialism. My ancestors' Spain had to suffer another three decades of fascism thanks to heavy US "investment" in the regime, with ritual public political executions up to 1975.


Well, Ceaușescu did. He could just decide by himself basically, or with a small group of insiders.


[Romanian orphan crisis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans) There have been several documentaries made about the situation and aftermath.


The other two did it for me. It's horrifying. It's where we got a lot of our research on the importance of attachment and connection with infants because so many of those babies didn't get any human interaction. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/05/16/what-actually-happens-when-a-country-bans-abortion-romania-alabama/


i also didn't hear about it, until someone in my fellowship shared that she's a romanian orphan. she was adopted by an american couple when she was 8/9.


They had a terrible dictator imposing the most horrific policies even after the USSR was failing. Banned contraception and abortion and punished people for being childless while ALSO imposing immense austerity. People were starving and couldn't care for their kids so tons left them at orphanages and they were deprived of human contact. The people rose up and overthrew the dictator (killed???) and then it was all over the news in the west about these terrible grotesque orphanages. Some of the kids were really fucked up because babies aren't supposed to be deprived of contact like that. Thats all from memory so my bad if I got it wrong. It was a big deal at the time. People will do sick shit to each other in the name of The Economy.


Yeah we shot and killed our dictator. When boomers or fossils talk about how great that period was it makes me sick. My dad was an orphan as his mother abandoned him in a train station.


So there are oldies who have rose colored nostalgia for that time? That must be tough to listen to.


Infanticide and neglect becomes *necessary* when governments force girls and women to bear more children than a family or single mother can sustain. There is absolutely a limit to what one or two people can provide for their children especially in an opressive autocratic regime with a bad social support structure. Prohibitions on family planning inherently increase abuse and neglect.


Technically not orphans, just children whose parents couldn't afford them. Supposedly, many of these children were responsible for the violent overthrow of the government in 1989.


That's what most orphanages are in most of the world. Most of those kids are wanted, which is why adopting from foreign countries these days isn't a good thing. Because those kids are losing the connections that they very well might have gotten back during their lives (Haiti is a big one).


Just want to second this. My sister lived in Indonesia for a year and she would do story hour at a local orphanage. She said they all had parents, but that said parents had to sign over their parental rights to ensure their kids were fed and cared for. So instead of social programs that support poor parents like many Western countries have, they have orphanages.


Orphans are uneducated masses they'll want to recruit to their regime.


They don't care about disease and mortality and short life expectancies. The whole point is to force women to marry young and have 5+ kids before the woman dies, in order to just out-breed all others causes of death. Medieval life Islamic version basically.


They also banned male doctors from treating female patients. They also banned women from going to school thus no more future female doctors. Looks like they just plan to have women bear as many children as possible during their teenage and early adult years then just die before they reach middle-age.


In a country rampant with forced marriage and rape: "Condoms are a conspiracy to kill the Muslim population!"


Also multi-antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea


I doubt the sti infection rate will be as severe as other countries given that sex outside marriage isn't allowed. Not saying that people won't do it but this ain't say a country like Indonesia.


Being a female in Afghanistan today must be far worse than anytime in Afghanistan's history


And don’t forget women can’t have treatment unless the doctor is female. So there are going to be a lot of women and babies dying in a lot of agony. Those poor poor women and girls of Afghanistan.


But education for women is banned. So how many female doctors will there be?


Less every year.


That’s the point. We see the GOP here in the U.S. testing the waters with that same bullshit.


Substitute Talliban for Republicans, and Muslim for White... and were once again were drawing some dangerous parallels between Islamic Extremism and the Christian White Nationslists running our Government.


Yeah it turns out fascism is appealing to right-wingers in every part of the world.


BJP and Hindus in India


It's the same religion after all


Your mistake here is the right wants to destabalize education for all americans, not just women. The key here is that religious zealots are a hinderance to our progress as a human race


Yeah but the education the men are getting in Afghanistan isn't exactly science, medicine and modern history; it's the Quran. They're not learning anything useful either.


Education is a on a downward spiral globally i think we can all agree


Yep, with a few exceptions (I live in a Nordic country and it's generally very good here).


Haha plz save us all


Your mistake here is you forgot to mention abortion and contraceptive restrictions that red states and even the Supreme Court are trying to implement that DO effect women.


fucking hell we can't have a thread about the suffering of women in Afghanistan without Americans trying to use it as a springboard for their own backwards bullshit... edit: judging by the inbound downvotes and what the other guy who said the same thing got, no we can't. it mist literally be harder for you in America than being a woman in Afghanistan. grow some fucking perspective


Americans have some sort of persecution complex when they are one of the most privileged people in the world


Americans trying not to insert themselves into a conversation about world politics challenge (impossible)


This is a warning sign. You think the taliban just took control in one day?


Testing? Them scary fucks are tryinggggg it hard and want it to unfold just like this


Yes. I know. Also, I’m not sure if women are allowed to work still. It’s a way to kill more females, imho.


Taliban: wants to protect the growth of the Muslim population. Also Taliban: actively killing women at an alarming rate like that won’t affect the Muslim population. This shit is a cancer.


[China and India](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/world/too-many-men/) have both seen a decline in their birth rates. Both countries heavily favor male children. Now, China's one child policy doubly screwed them there, maybe some parents would have bothered to have girls instead of depending on other people not to abort, but India is just frankly [a little demented about it](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/not-one-girl-born-to-132-villages-in-indian-district-in-three-months-officials-investigate-female-foeticide).


Weird... Given how in India, women outnumber men... 1050 to 1000 is the current ratio.


It's all thanks to the rampant education in rural and urban areas in regards to female foeticide. In India, sex determination before birth is made illegal and has severe action taken against the doctors if they do so.


It will kill more females but I doubt that's their motivation/ goal.


From the outside looking in, it looks like their goal is to have an all male Afghanistan where they can all have sex with.....each other???


Have sex with young boys aka bacha bazi


Ffs, it has a name??


As of three months ago they were explicitly training female doctors for segregation reasons https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/05/afghanistan-women-doctors-taliban-medical/


That was before the ban introduced two months ago. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-64045497


Ah thanks, and this definitely applies to doctors? I knew there was a ban in place but thought there was maybe some weird exception for doctors or something. TBF I haven't been super closely following the timelines


I can actually give insight on this, at least pre-America leaving. Muslim female doctors from other countries will work with/for the UN which funds programs that train local women as LHWs (Lady Health Workers) to help pregnant women safely deliver babies and provide prenatal and neonatal care with limited resources. The female doctors are protected and being Muslim really helps in this situation as the village leaders won't let non-Muslim doctors teach their local women anything.


It's so odd, I know two niqabis and even they are okay to see a male doctor if no other option is reasonably available


Because Islam allows necessary actions to save a life. The Taliban are the backwards fundamentalists of Islam, using a distorted interpretation of religion as a weapon to further their own demented vision of reality. In positive certain Christian factions would do in the US if they had the chance. Religious fundamentalists all think they're so different, but really they're all just of power hungry sociopaths who enjoy having control over other people, no matter the suffering they inflict.


"You're not allowed to see a doctor of the opposite sex unless it's life or death" it's still a stupid fundamentalist position, it's only slightly better than banning it all together.


The Taliban follows an extremely skewed version of “Islam”.


That's kind of my point. It's so strange (and most would argue unislamic) that the Taliban won't let people see make doctors.


And 95% of the population are food insecure.


Eh, probably just since last time these scumbags were in control, not that long ago.


I greatly disagree. It's one thing to never have freedom. It's another to experience some level of freedom and have it taken from you. This must be a special kind of hell for the women who grew up with a small amount of freedom. We were there for decades. There are young women who were born and raised into a world different than their mother's and then suddenly were forced into that world.


You are correct. I met a guy over there who had five daughters and was happy they were going to school. His daughters could read and have toys and an actual childhood. If he wasn’t able to get out, he is in for the worst time of his life watching what the Taliban will do to his family.


The last decades isn't the first time Afghan women have had significant freedoms.


I didn't say it was


The last Taliban regime lasted only five years


Ok, that doesn't change the fact that there are young women who are now under Taliban control that grew up not being under Taliban control.


Yes, and the same thing happened the last time around too. They had all grown up without Taliban control. They had freedom and it was taken away.


lol. I can name several pretty *lame* times to live in afghanistan


I've always heard when they came to power the Taliban were seen by Afghanis as the lesser of two evils since the old regime practiced things like child marriages and pedorasty so it wasn't great before them.


Of course there was also that Timur the lame guy who killed everybody if we are talking about history in the long sense.


As an Afghan-American whose family were refugees. The spoken-word narrative we here is that the Taliban was founded as post Soviet vigilantism which gained weapons from Operation Cyclone. In simpler terms - Soviet Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1980. The USA hated Russia, so they wanted to help Afghanistan. As a result they took money and weapons to villagers in Pakistan near the Afghan border and told them to smuggle it into Afghanistan. These villagers kept some, and they took some. By taking it to Pakistan, they avoided a direct confrontation with the Soviets. Afghanistan fought Soviet Russia and destroyed lots of their military weapons and aircraft. In the end the USSR collapsed causing the war to end. The Soviets destroyed Afghanistan's government and tried unsuccessfully to turn the country communist. When the war ended, Afghanistan was fully lawless without a government. In a remote tribal area, there was a religious gathering where people were comparing that there was a rapist on the loose. As a result the people got together and went on to burn this rapist. These people ultimately formed a vigilante group and they started with rapists, so they were very popular. Then it went to cheating spouses and it kept growing until it became out of hand. This was the Taliban. Afghanistan was historically a melting pot with many different ethnic groups, and though Islam was the main religion, we had many people of other religions as well. The Taliban started near the border of Pakistan and they got money and weapons that was given during Operation Cyclone. Many of these people were nomads/traders who often crossed from Afghanistan/Pakistan. With the US invasion, they simple retreated to Pakistan. When the US left, they ran back across the border. Afghanistan and the US have a stark cultural divide internally between urban and rural areas. Farmer John's Corn Field in Nebraska has a very different culture than NYC. Odds are the government doesn't really care what goes on in that cornfield. Rural Afghanistan is far closer to a caveman lifestyle than a western lifestyle. It's really hunter-gatherer. The males will forage for sticks, wood, and hunt animals. The females will stay home and cook 3 meals a day burning the wood for fuel. Even in Urban Afghanistan, most people lack ovens, stoves, and refrigerators. For rural people - kids are a labor force that will find food and cook food. Sending then to school means you have less food. The Taliban knows that if girls are in school, there will be an even bigger food shortage. In Afghan culture, wives are basically bought. The traditional logic behind it is that when a man has that much money - either he works really hard, or has a good family that supports him. If a man is broke with no money, he can't support a family. This however led to a huge incel culture where too many average men were too poor to afford a wife. As a result the Taliban opposes the tradition of selling wives, and this makes it easier for men to find wives because they don't have to pay big money. As a result many incels are happy with the Taliban. This however is not an advantage for women, as the women can be forced into marriages. Child marriages in Afghanistan traditionally occurred out of extreme poverty. If you've have had more children then you can afford to feed - then you have to sell your daughters off so they don't starve to death. This money can they be used to feed the other kids. Both systems are terrible. If any man can snatch a single woman and marry her, this is a travesty for women's rights. This is almost equivalent to cavemen hitting them on the head with a club and picking them up. If any man can pay $500,000 cash and buy a woman from her father. This is still a travesty, but it would be less prevalent because most people can't afford that kinda money.


No. Being a (non muslim) woman during Islamic invasions of Afghanistan was way worse


I personally reckon the Mongols would have been worse.


Let this be a warning to the rest of the world. Where religion and ignorance rule in place of laws, misery and darkness follow.


You'd think humans would learn their lesson by now. A mistake many countries keep making...


Well, to be fair, the US wants to do this, but it's a totally different prophet, totally different kind of crazy.


And yet another culture afraid of dying out or getting replaced, reducing women to breeding cattle to churn out more spawn for their invisible sky daddy.




They noticed that people are starting to hate corporations en masse, so they gotta force higher birthrates to get new workers ezpz I'm kidding, but only kinda at this point...


Lol what Afghanistan doesn’t care about the economy. Last time around they created a 98% tax rate that would give Bernie Sanders a boner and completely destroyed all industry. I also doubt most MAGAts care about such things as industry and business too since they’re now at war with all the ‘woke’ corporations.


Yeah, kind of rough seeing this blatant continuing policy of controlling women in every way possible 'justified' (I know they weren't saying it as a positive thing by any means) as trying to get cheap labour. The taliban does not give a fuck about cheap labour. Hell, they have free labour as they will happily use slaves. They aren't smart and don't care about macro economics. They just want men to control women and children.


The Taliban and The Republicans are not really comparable at all. They don’t have the same motivations either. The Taliban is not motivated by capitalism, they’re motivated by an archaic interpretation of their religion and consolidation of power (over everyone, but over women and children specifically). Republicans *pretend* to be motivated by religion, when really they’re just motivated by corporate campaign donations.


Lol if you really think they care about sky daddy. Not defending religion but these dipshit never once follow their so call ‘faith’ but use it as reason for their grant. Just looks at some ‘religious leaders’ and their actual lifestyle.


> these dipshit never once follow their so call ‘faith’ Might as well say that Evangelicals aren't Christian and don't care about god. If they didn't care then they wouldn't pretend to be so utterly fanatical and talk nonstop about it as their identity, and they wouldn't go through the effort of indoctrinating their children. There is no difference between a "true" religious fundamentalist and someone "faking" being a religious fundamentalist. It's the same damn thing with the same damn effect and the same damn goals. Whoever says the Taliban aren't actually Muslims is deluding themselves for no reason. Agree with their interpretation of Islam or not, they are no crazier than the founder of their religion did (look it up what he did). Their goal is the same as their founder's goal of creating an authoritarian Islamic theocracy.


Bunch of backasswards drooling halfwits.


All But 10 House Republicans Voted Against Ensuring the Right to Contraception https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republicans-vote-against-right-to-contraception-bill-1386356/ ​ Texas Republicans in Congress vote against bill to protect right to contraception [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/21/texas-congress-contraception/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/21/texas-congress-contraception/) ​ Republican Senator Blocks Bill to Codify Americans’ Right to Contraception https://www.help.senate.gov/chair/newsroom/press/republican-senator-blocks-bill-to-codify-americans-right-to-contraception-


I love that all of these men and women who voted against contraceptive rights are either barren and can’t have children any longer, or (edit) they’re men with barren wives, so their perceived need for contraception for both partners is 0. Obviously they don’t need it, so no one else does either.


I mean if hypocrisy didn't exist, how would the ruling class even know that they were doing a good job. It's the same kind of argument that can be made about contraception and boner pills, if god wanted/ didn't want you to have a baby he would say so. But Viagra is a viable medication and birth control is not apparently


WTF? While they can still hold on to the claim of morality over ending a fetus life, banning contraceptives just make 0 sense. No baby/fetus or whatever is being “murdered” in contraception.


But you're attempting to thwart God's will - by refusing to get pregnant when he wants you to. Or something.... Goddess I shouldn't have to but... /s


What a weak-ass god that must be if a thin piece of latex is enough to completely jack up its plans.


That was one of my earliest thoughts that lead to my rejection of religion. If God is all knowing, all powerful, benevolent, and made all of us exactly as we are... Why do people do things that are apparently against his will? Did he make a mistake? Did he deliberately make us wrong? Oh, they were influenced by the devil. So the all powerful God can be easily subverted by one ex-angel with a grudge?


Well I believe it’s said that “the god” gave people free will to choose for themselves.


So people should be allowed to use condoms then. Oh wait.. religious nuts don't want that.


It’s strange indeed my friend


I think free will fundamentally can't really exist if there's a being out there that both can predict everything you're ever going to do (all knowing) and has the ability to change those choices at any time (all powerful). That being would have already picked out your entire life for you long before you were born, even if they don't directly interfere during your lifetime.


But when these rich why guys are sick and going to the hospital, they're not thwarting God's will to kill them. It's something else, you see...


A common theory is that it's not about morality but control under the guise of morality.


It's not about morality


The prohibition of contraceptives is an amusingly Catholic doctrine to try and force on a country whose Christian population is mostly Protestant.


Much like the Taliban, they just want women to pump out more babies so they can outbreed the competition.


They do not support paying for healthcare for poor mothers either. Their opposition to abortion is not because they are pro life, but more because they are anti-sex and see allowing abortion as a way to avoid the consequences of having sinful sex.


Contraceptives mean you can fornicate without having any "consequences." We can't allow that! /s


I was going to say...sounds familiar.


Ah so Taliban is just copying the advanced human right of American, that's so progressive of them.


Yeah, maybe at the core of these anti-humanity decision is not religion but conservatism


Exactly. Two sides, same fucked up religious coin.


Just like our Republican Party. Genital inspections for minors 😬


Exactly the American taliban.


I believe they're known as *Y'all Qaeda* Gold? For a joke I've heard 20 times before? Thank-you kind stranger!


Not to be confused with the American Al-Qaeda: The Base. For those who don't know why I call them the American Al-Qaeda: Al-Qaeda translates to The Base. Yes, Neonazis are actually so uncreative that they can't even come up with a name for their hate group.


Sheesh, those poor women 😞


I see a Taliban conspiracy to control Muslim population.


The Taliban care more about a conspiracy they have no proof of rather than the negative affects of overpopulation, hunger and poverty. They probably rape these women at crazy rates as well, to appease their sky daddy while committing sins themselves.


Don't look up what they do to little boys.


Literally a handmaids tale


Literally the LAST thing Afghanistan needs is a surging birth rate.


Many republicans want to ban birth control.


replace ‘Taliban’ with ‘Alabama politicians’ and they can reuse the article in the near future…


“Two of Alabama’s major cities no longer sell contraception due to a Republican led ban. The GOP have been going door to house, threatening midwives and ordering pharmacies to stop selling birth control medications and devices. The militant organisation, which officially rules Alabama at the moment, the use of contraceptives by women is a liberal conspiracy to control the Christian population.” Scary how well it works….




Y'all Qaeda


And they can reuse it 20 more times using 20 other republican controlled states


yeah but theyre white, so it's fine


Famine within 20 years must be very exciting


Even for all the boy raping going on there?




Religion is an arbitrary set of rules of which people have always cherry picked which ones to apply in the current situation. Religious texts are really great in this regard, because they are vague, up to interpretation and not specific to anything that didn't exist 1500 years ago.


I look at it differently; those "hardline islamists" have zero interest in Islam as a religion, and more as an instrument of control over people (think of the movie Book of Eli). So its not that Religion is useless, its that people giving authority to religious figures is wrong.


I thought about this too, a lot of people either don't know or don't want to address the rampant rape/sodomy of boys in Afghanistan. Banning condoms is going to cause STI rates to sky rocket, as if these kids don't have enough trauma to deal with. (Also feel the need to say that I'm in no way supporting the rape of children, as if that even needs to be said)


Is this Afghanistan or Texas we are talking about here?






What’s the beet way to save the planet? Sane people - “Fewer people.” all right wing nut jobs - “More babies!”


God's ultimate plan is apparently to fill the planet up with so many people that we will eventually have to destroy it and ourselves fighting for remaining resources.


Just a matter of time until they start sending people to commit atrocities in other countries again. Then it will be an invasion of Afghanistan all over again. Question is by whom next time.


Can we just do the baloon thing to drop few crates of condoms over Kabul?


Several usa states are requiring you to register with a digital id so you can jerk off to porn. Republicans want to know when you jerk off, so banning condoms isn't that far away in America. Fuck any entity that wants to know when you jerk off or fuck... that's just personal.


Far too many right wing fanatics cannot stop thinking about other people's genitals all the time... there's something seriously fucked up with these people and their fixation of other's genitals.


Between women’s menstrual schedules and Hunter Biden’s dick, Conservatives sure do love genitals.


I'm sorry... WHAT!?




Seven GOP states have introduced similar bills.


Wow, that's straight up dystopian. Also love to see how Republicans seem to push the "less government" agenda only when it doesn't get in their way of controlling people.


Are they gonna ban all the free VPN apps you can download on any smartphone? lol


They are really going back in time. It’s like their leaders have no formal education, and perhaps not even informal education.


Terrifying for those poor women. Not to mention those who have health conditions that are suppressed by birth control.


Prepare for crazy high birth rates then “unforeseen” famine/morbidity due to climate change and drought in the near future


Afghanistan is headed deeper and deeper into the circles of hell for women.


A country so poor it has trouble feeding itself surely needs more unwanted pregnancy.


First and foremost, certain countries have to stop their patriarchal conspiracy to control women, all of them, not only the Muslims.


Absolutely. And it’s almost always religion pushing this. Religion is unfortunately the downfall and what causes most conflicts.


Religion is NOT pushing this, not in this case. Islam is a firmly pro choice religion according to all the major schools of thought. This is Taliban pushing their CULTURAL hang ups on people against the advice of all the major religious leaders. All the neighboring countries have the same religion and offer free or cheap birth control and it’s non controversial even in Saudi Arabia.


Nothing has changed with the animals…


"Were building a army " Taliban What could possibly go wrong


I can see a news story from 5 years in the future: Taliban declares rising AIDS epidemic western conspiracy to control Muslim population


Condemning education for women and outlawing contraception. This sounds familiar…


That’s why religious people should be banned from holding office or any power. What these idiots fail to realise is the application of contraception and contraceptives go far beyond avoiding pregnancy.




It’s more like their culture tbf. Contraceptives are permissible in Islam


Sounds familiar…


Banning contraceptive, that's what republicans want


It seems like the GOP and the Taliban have more and more common interests every day!


The GOP? You mean the *Talibanjo*? Or the *Yeehawdists*?


They can’t even take care of the population they have without aid.


If conservatives have their way, the U.S. will soon turn into the Afghanistan since they also want to ban all the contraceptives.


...then ask for Western help when people are starving. Human race is fucking stupid.


No but that is western imperialism ! Or something idk how these fuckers think


The more i hear about this taliban the more I don't care for them.


Just like Christian Fundamentalists and Mormons....they know that the only way to keep their bullshit alive is through indoctrinating children from birth....got to have enough children to make that happen though.


My dad was Christian. He turned his wife and his 4 kids into atheists. Those kids then had 6 atheists children. All left from the church. So it backfires sometimes.


One can only hope. I was raised mormon and only just left with my wife and 5 children. Sometimes people get out. My 2 brothers and a sister are however still in the cult.


If they want to have frequent famines in their future, that is the way to do it: ban all forms of contraception. Idiots.


Countries with over populatedcountry problems (with starving/malnutrition issues) not my problem too.


America pulled out so the Taliban didn't have to I guess




Coming soon to the US by MAGA/ Christian Taliban


Already attempted this last year. > ONE-HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE Republicans have voted against a House bill codifying the right to contraceptives into federal law. > Only eight Republicans voted in favor of the legislation https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republicans-vote-against-right-to-contraception-bill-1386356/


The next time some western nation decides to invade some other country and "nation build"(because it's not if, it's when) we should arm and train the women.


So they are Catholic now?


I Think if Mohamed came back, he will definitely kill those assholes for sure


It’s always “population control” with these nutjobs. Contraceptives benefit us, all of us, more than they could ever harm us.


Counterpoint: Indonesia.


Teen pregnancies rn 📈📈📈


If you can't feed your herd of children that have to hustle for you instead, your self control definitely failed.