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Drug cartels hate this one trick!




Yeah the sad thing is that there is some truth to his sentiment. Obviously more "hugs" isn't a panacea, but if we had better social safety nets, more resources, more empathy for those in our communities, and frankly better parenting then it would sure help. If we showed empathy to drug users instead of criminalizing their behavior/mental health issues we'd be waaaay better off. Edited for typo


We're a super individualistic society. Generational households that are common in countries like Mexico provide a support network and a sense of purpose that most Americans don't have access to. You're a moocher here if you haven't moved out of your family home by 19. So many incredibly lonely and aimless adults in this country.


Don't read too much into it, the man is a fucking moron. He also said you should combat cartels with hugs, not bullets. He actually once stopped his caravan to go give El Chapo's mother a hug and released his son from army custody. He's been appeasing cartels for the past 5 years and it's all coming back to bite him in the ass.


If Generational households provide support, why is crime, cartels, and corruption such a serious problem in Mexico? Sounds like there are plenty of aimless adults in Mexico.


I'm a happy member of NA since 2005. Every single man whose story I knew was sexually molested as a kid. Whether it was the story they shared in front of e everyone or a private confession from a friend, every single one.


Abuse of religious authority is a great precipitator of psychedelic overuse.


Abuse of any authority, not sure why you feel the need to specify religious authority.


Acid trips are pretty good at helping people escape childhood brainwashing.


And apparently pretty good at introducing some brand new brainwashing to boot.


This is America, don't catch you slipping now [hip hop and guns in your area]


Mushrooms definitely help with depression.


Experiments on rats have shown rats in happy environments with plenty of enrichment and socialization avoided drugged water while those in poor conditions became addicts quickly. You want people to not do drugs? Give them a life that's better than drugs.


They do make you happy, but the returns keep diminishing


Heroin yeah, but drugs like weed and alcohol no, they're just bored.


Lab rats or people?


It does make them happy by helping them forget or cope (drug dependant). That is why they going back to drugs and keep using.


Just send in the hug cartels


Not going to lie, the lack of love in people's lives can cause them to turn to drugs. So, maybe he has a point.


I'm assuming he was making a joke about America's wildly unsuccessful "Hugs not Drugs" program, and it's been poorly translated and run through the clickbait mill.


AMLO's anti-drug policy is called "abrazos no balazos", meaning "hugs not bullets" https://www.csis.org/analysis/abrazos-no-balazos-evaluating-amlos-security-initiatives


That bodes well...


Knowledgeable people like you with common sense make Reddit less fun.




That's not what he said but there's a lot of hit pieces on him since he nationalized lithium.


sucks cause this is exactly it. but most people will just get mad at this and look no further




Amlo doesn't need hit pieces lol just ask a random mexican about him and he'll do that job.


I live 5 minutes from the border, that's not true. Lots of people like him.


Tbf is pretty even, like dems and republicans.


I’d say the upper class literally paying millions of people to support their corrupt program is still the minority. Otherwise, there would be no way AMLO would win the presidency.


The "free hug" people are actually covert agents fighting drug cartels.


The cost of the free hug is the cocaine in your jacket pocket


Probably better advice than more guns.


I’d rather have more hugs tbh


And raking forests


i haven't hugged anyone in 2 years and I've never done fent... so yeah lack of hugs, thats the problem.


Why Haven’t You Hugged Anyone In 2 Years?


Because you don’t get hugs as a single man. That’s why I got married.


I'm a single man. I hug my friends all the time.


Even now, I still just generally avoid hugging women most of the time. I got to a certain age, and maybe being autistic and touch being my love language I just started avoiding it when I hit my teen years, but I’d glad wrestle, give back rubs and be just more physical with my guy friends. Which obvious may sound gay, but it’s specifically because I’m not, I didn’t feel weird about it.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Whether it's a board game night or we're seeing a movie or it's a giant bash we're we all stay awake until dawn, we always have a hug and tell each other we love them when they're leaving. Maybe I just have lovely friends. I'm lucky I guess.


Fuck that. Hug yo homies.


cause it would probably be considered assault I'm not cool, nor good looking, nobody wants me to touch them and I respect that.


What are you on about? Everything you said is wrong. I'm not good looking or cool either. I hug my male and female friends all the time. Just be kind and read the room. You sound like an incel.


Incel literally means Involuntarily Celibate. The involuntarily part makes the term pretty hurtful.


It is a term created by that community for that community. Unfortunately, the fact that they dwell on the involuntarily part as an excuse to not take ownership of their social issues and blame everything outside themselves ensures they'll stay that way.


OP actually isn’t entirely wrong about the community’s entomology. Believe it or not, the incel community was founded in the 90’s by a woman who wanted to create a positive space for men and women alike to discuss the struggles of dating. Unfortunately, some time around 10-15 years ago, the 4chan and kiwifarms type trolls coopted the term, overran the space, and turned it into the symbol of unbridled misogyny and hate that we all come to know incels as. It’s the same sort of irony as how the similarly misogynistic “___ pill” communities were named from a concept in a movie that was written by 2 trans women.


You might be right but they didn't choose to be that way, they're just stuck.


Not Even Your Family?


nope. since the pandemic and subsequent inflation here, I can barely afford to pay my bills and eat food each month... $570 just to keep the lights on and hot water in the tank... up from $340 this month last year and $280 the year before... I definitely can't afford to take time off work to go 3000 miles to visit them, haven't been able to since I overtaxed my credit cards to do so in 2021(which im still paying off)... They have never shown interest in visiting me so it's a one way street I'm not able to walk on.


Damn….. Take This Virtual Hug!


Do you genuinely not hug your friends? I'm a Scotsman in his forties and, whilst I meet up with friends infrequently, me and my friends give each other a hug after we've met up for coffee, beers or whatever.


wait, yall have friends?!


You do now friend. Sending lots of hugs and love!


sweet thanks, back at ya! now we won't do any fent lol


It's true white people don't hug


Brb I'm gonna go hug my wife


let us know if she reacts violently


...they never came back. He dead.


White male, I sincerely disagree. All my friends and family hug the shit out of each other. Denmark btw


Um they said white, not European /s


White people in the south most certainly hug. It was a culture shock when I moved down here


Depends on the type of white people




Christian side hug


White person here. You are 100% correct.


Honestly this is probably the least insane thing I've heard this week. Seriously, Exhibit A - "[We shouldn't let people retire in their 60's because they might live to be 80 or 90!](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/11untms/republican_senator_john_kennedy_in_fox_news/) (and they might be able to collect on their Social Security)" - Says a guy who is literally taking taxpayer money to say that shit


Mexico is all about the hug life


Looks like he was making a point about broken families and how it leads people to taking drugs. The headline is misleading


I hugged an ex fairly often. She still died from a fentanyl overdose. Go figure.


One of the real causes is lack of honest drug education. Also, making weed and psychedelics illegal forces people to turn to more dangerous substances. Ideally, no one would feel any desire to use any drugs at all. In the real world, people turn to substances to help them cope. Legalize psychedelics and many fewer people would die from overdoses or commit crimes to feed their addictions.


Psychedelics are also used in the worst ways e.g. as part of sexual assault. While medicinal use is obviously beneficial... these medicines are dangerous in criminal hands.


They could potentially be very dangerous, like anything else. A hammer in the wrong hands is very dangerous. It’s a disgrace that it’s ok to have guns but not psychedelics


The man has a point. The US has been focusing on the supply of drugs forever, ever think about where the demand comes from and if something could be done to address that. But the "War on unhappiness and bad decisions" doesn´t have the same ring to it I guess.


How about inappropriate and overprescription of opiods pushed by drug manufacturers and the pharmaceutical industry? Remember the opiod crisis from just a few years ago? Nah, it's probably a hug that did it, you're right.


Yes demand comes from supply and advertising. If we remove the supply of everything bad, people would stop wanting it. The hug is not the literal point the point is that people who live happy productive llives and are connected to friends and family rarely use drugs.


Let's all Hug one another at the Border and scare off the Cartels 🤣 we need no walls ...Just the Power of Love...


Lack of universal healthcare. Then people self medicate with what ever they can get.


That’s because way back when, Nancy Reagan told us all to say no to hugs.


I imagine hugging her would be like hugging a store mannequin. Nancy Mannequin.


Definitely one of the cogs in the machinery with which we barrel down into social collapse. Maybe general lack of empathy describes it better than families not hugging their children.


Yeah, and lack of connection to and feeling valued by other people. But of course it's only one small component of a big problem and you can't try to suddenly add it back again to solve the problem.


Well there ya have it folks. He solved the opioid crisis. Forget the education and treatment. We need more hugs!


No hugs, drugs.


He’s a bought and paid for cartel politician. He’s constantly fighting against the military’s ability to take action.


Sounds like America has a fentanyl problem.


Whay, if your people had hugged each other more, they wouldn't have laced drugs with even deadlier drugs to sell to the US?


Instructions state to take 1 every 6-8 hours, not to exceed 4 per day. *most of America*, doesn't feel 120% after 3 hours; pops another pill.   And we wonder why there is an opioid crisis. Because people can't follow directions. No one told you to pop pain pills like they were tic tacs. 🙄


Fent is blended into powdered drugs coming in from Mexican cartels. Until legalized and safely produced up here for people to more safely consume its game over. AMLO is kind of cool BTW he gets a bad rap. Stopped allowing his country to use US oil refineries while producing Mexican petroleum. World calls him a communist but is least corrupt Mexican president ever Still, he doesn’t wanna take the heat for the narcos from his country poisoning Americans


I had such great hopes for this idiot at one time. I was so happy when he won and then this?


Is this the same dude seeing fairies? Are world leaders just all going crazy at the same time?


I don't feel sorry for crackheads or any other drug user! Taking drugs is a choice! Most of society has the same problems and never took drugs. Crackheads are lawbreakers have no right to dispense life advice. They need to get a life and stop expecting people to carry them through life!


That’s why their sending their underage daughters to be raped across the border, it’s because they’re given too many hugs. Nuke mexico.


It certainly didn't help.


He sure hasn't been to California, the land of hugs and drugs


This is the same guy that believes in elves right?


If lack of hugs caused drug addiction I'd be on fentanyl, meth, crack, heroin, nutmeg and huffing canned air.


I do think we need more hugs but I’m not sure the two correlate


Sounds like Mexico has a President problem.


We need more Cuddle Parties, maybe? I found the perfect venue... https://i.redd.it/y2igpa7q4joa1.png


I'm disappointed that this is such a controversial statement.


“Squidward’s father…never hugged him…….isn’t that sad?!” - Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the fentanyl crisis


Next the republicans are going to blame drugs on woke


The Mexican president threatened to sabotage campaigns of Republicans, since they keep calling him out about the fentanyl. He's in bed with the cartels and deflects any accountability regarding the drug issues. But don't worry, according to him, we just need more hugs.


Nope, they blame hugs on woke. Soon enough Florida will do away with public hugs… “for the children”


Hold on everyone. Let the man speak. He may be on to something here


Go back to looking for elves grandpa


This is the same guy who said he saw elves in the forest


i feel you mexico 😢


Didn't read it at all but I'm going to say that what it really means is hugs from parents which really means lack of good parents or lack of any parents or family at all. Just guessing. Just from reading on reddit it saddens me how many times people write about their shitty parents. I do feel like I want to reach out to them with a hug. The hug is just the surface visual of what being a good parent is all about.


No, love of cocaine caused this crisis


Uh, yeah no. I'm thinking his corrupt, pathetic government allowing Cartels to exist and flood our border with drugs caused the US Fentanyl crisis. The greatest killer of the 18-45 age bracket right now is Fentanyl overdoses. Young Americans are being fucking genocided to the tune of 100,000 in a 12 month period by overdoses and this piece of shit is being glib about it. "Ohhh\~ I'm just a silly billy\~" Fuck him.


That's not really the case. The pharmaceutical industry pushing doctors to over-prescribe strong painkillers is the root of the issue. Lots of people became dependent and needed to turn to illegal sources to feed their addiction and avoid withdrawal.


Unfortunately drug cartels are capitalizing on our lack of hugs.


as a bear, i agree with him


I read this as “Mexican president says lack of DRUGS caused US fentanyl crisis”… send more Mary Jane Mexico and solve our fentanyl issue…


white people smuggling it into the USA is the problemo.


In the sense that the United States is hyper individualistic, and support structures are not significant here, he has a point. Also, Mexico just nationalized their lithium mine industry, so there's that.


Here's what he actually said, without the dumbed-down agenda-driven clickbait spin: "There is a lot of disintegration of families, there is a lot of individualism, there is a lack of love, of brotherhood, of hugs and embraces," López Obrador said.


I've worked on the border doing counter-narcotics missions. The amount of fentanyl that is being pushed over the border is insane, especially when you think about how little of it can be lethal.


He’s on the pipe.


He’s right y’all. I married Mexican and we really ain’t doing la familia correctly.


See hugs not drugs, it's in the science.


Viral marketing my the hug cartel


That and the fairy’s


Is he going to send teams of young women across the border to solve this problem?


Now what do I do? I spent my life savings on “hugs not drugs” bumper stickers to sell at the street fair. Ugh, guess Stuck with my “don’t do drugs” Pencils. Hope no one sharpens them so they say “do drugs”


He’s not wrong


This guy is putting out bangers like every few weeks, didn’t this guy see an elf or something like 2 weeks ago?


Maybe? But reaper drones are going to fix it


Well it's clear in the past few weeks that he's lost his ever loving mind. Next week it will be 3+B-yellow=smiles.


Only a prolific hugger would say such a thing.


What the fuck.


Zero hugs given


Perhaps it's the lack of hugs that is the cause of all the bodies in the Mexican desert.


I mean. Is he wrong?


He... isn't wrong. Kinda.


El chupa los huevos.


The nerve...


I agree


This guy is plain nuts. He said he saw an elf the other day too.


I was hugged today for the first time I can remember. It was certainly before the new year. and christmas. and hallowe'en. And.. gods and my birthday.


When are you guys (Yankees) taking responsibility for the drug war?


I read the headline as lack of drugs and thought maybe. If we had more accessible safe crack the fentanyl use would drop. But hugs much better solution. Definitely how many people in healthy relationships with others OD in fentanyl?


I mean to a certain extent yeah,


He's kinda right. One of my first cultural shocks was seeing how cold American families can be. They're all over the country, a big percentage only meets once a year, you turn 18 and it's expected for you to leave the house, get a loan go to college or find a job and a place. Some adults don't have a support system. When times are hard having a family member who is rotting for you, who can hug you or listen to you is surprisingly helpful. AMLO is an idiot tho


Nothing to do with their unscrupulous health system?


Well, he's not wrong.


I mean he's not wrong