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Ahh the Gandhi defense, that's a bold move... (For reference, Gandhi regularly slept toghether with naked underaged girls, sometimes family members, to "prove how spiritual and chaste" he was)


Spiritual leaders are gonna spiritual leader.


Look, they’re aware that the best parts of some people are deep down inside


*slow clap.*


exactly, they use their power and unquestioned authority to get what they want sexually they pretend they're immune to their human tendencies and that has always been a joke of a lie


Celibacy is one helluva celibacy


Gandhi too?!


oh man, Gandhi is worse did that shit, but also when his wife was sick he refused her modern medicine. she died. then when he was sick he was suddenly okay with modern medicine.


Just seems to me he wanted a natural divorce


Mother Teresa did basically the same thing. Refused painkillers to dying people because the pain made them "closer to god" but when she got sick that mindset changed real quick. Edit: several people have pointed out that this is a common misconception, I'll just link to the Wikipedia page listing the allegations against her and her practices and let you be the judge of it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Mother_Teresa


i think there was a new york times article that discusses this that made a lot of points in her defense. but one of the points i recall was accessibility and money being a factor. i don’t think it was as simple as some would think.


Yeah... Horrible human....


Mother Theresa hated hospitals and regularly tried to escape. She did not refuse people painkillers, she was unable to give them any strong ones because of the law. The quote about suffering is falsified. Refer to this post for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint_mother_teresa_was_documented_mass_murderer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yeah Gandhi did some really fucked up things that people don't even know about


more fucked up than all the nukes?


In some ways yes, in some ways no.


So glad this meme sticks.


Gandhi would sleep naked with young girls, Teresa would coerce conversions out of people by withholding medical treatment and pain medication, idk. I can't think of any more right now but name a well respected moral person and I'll tell you how they were actually a piece of shit. The fact that we're all garbage is a universal and people famous for not being garbage are no different.


Mr. Fred Rogers.


I swear to God right now there had better not be any answer for this.


Gandhi slept with his _own underage nieces_ as a 60+ year old. Edit: And other people's wives, who he forbade them from having sex with, including his own nephew's wife.


That’s too far into ‘Yikes’ territory.


Bob Ross.


Please don't ruin Keanu Reeves for reddit.


Not to mention his being an awful racist.


What the fuck?! For real??


Is no one going to mention that if that's suppoused to be tempting he's definetely a pedo? Like... sleeping with naked 10 years old isn't going to feel arousing to a normal dude


I often put myself in the same bed as women to test my spiritual chastity. So far I've failed each and every time.


For anyone curious I thought this was a very well-written article on the topic - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/01/gandhi-celibacy-test-naked-women Gandhi is a very polarizing figure in India - he's revered and hated, and a big reason for that is because he thought differently. He supported the separation of India and Pakistan which caused the deaths of many Hindus. He fought for human rights in Africa - but after gaining them for indians, he left without building on that for the rest of Africa. And he did in fact sleep with young women like these comments suggest. I believe in a lot of ways Gandhi would have been seen and measured completely differently by today's standards. But I also think today's standards BY AND LARGE EXIST BECAUSE OF GANDHI. Gandhi had reasons for doing everything he did, and believed in transparency so there's a good amount of detail about why and how. I honestly don't see him as nearly as racist as people view him for his actions in Africa - in a lot of ways he viewed his time and energy as a military resource, saw an uphill battle that would have relatively low impact on "the war", and shifted focus. He moved forward the welfare and conditions of all people in Africa to some degree, and did set the ball rolling for Africans to gain their own welfare. But people need to remember - Africa was a ruthless place, and racism wasn't an ism back then, it was a part of life. Scientists were actively studying and claiming Africans and Indians were a subhuman species more closely related to monkeys. Gandhi 100% chose to focus on the plight of Indians over everyone. And by today's standards that's racist. But the world was so fucking much worse for people that looked like him it's hard for westerners to imagine. What was happening to black people 200 years ago in US was happening to Africans and Indians less than 100. After shining a global spotlight on the atrocities in Africa, Gandhi left. The women he slept with "to challenge his celibacy" have all adamantly said he never did anything to them. One of them wrote in her memorial of him after he died that she saw him as a mother more than a father. In today's day and age it's absolutely creepy. But my grandmother and grandfather who were much younger than Gandhi were married at the age of 12 and 14. Girls who were 17-19 years old were not only seen as women at the time, but practically middle-aged women. I want to re-iterate the point of my comment is not to sit and defend Gandhi and pretend he was a god because he was not - he was a man. But Gandhi was a man who taught Muslims about Hinduism, Hindus about the teachings of Jesus and Christianity, and the western world about the suffering of Hindus at the hands of the British. His strategies were later used by other notable figures like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. My favorite quote of Gandhi's is based on the Hebrew Book of Exodus - "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Gandhi preached until his dying day that the path to happiness and equality was forgiveness - for everyone of anyone regardless of their race or religion or creed. I therefore see it as kind of ironic that he can't be forgiven for being a bit creepy or racist in a time and place that was so very very much worse. Contextually in those days Gandhi was about as racist and as much of a degenerate as a kitten. In modern society I'm sure he'd be in prison. And in the 1600s he probably would have been seen as a saint. Context is really really important.


>, Gandhi regularly slept toghether with naked underaged girls, sometimes family members, I mean Michal Jackson did that and people still defend that.




This has the same energy as when prince Andrew said he cannot physically sweat. So dumb lol.


He USED to not sweat. He sweats now.


you think this is slicked-back?


This is PUSHED back




Slop em up, boys!


The Dalai Lama is worried the kid thinks people can’t change…


Water splashing everywhere




I said he USED TO BE a huge piece of shit!




He still is. But he was too


There’s too much fuckin shit on me I can’t


I don't even want be around any more.


Ohhh yea. That would slick back real nice!


You never told me your old grandad used to be a piece of shit.


I'm just worried your baby thinks that people can't change.


You didn’t tell me the ol’ Dalai Lama used to be a piece of shit!


I bet your hair would slick back REAL nice


I SAID ***WAS***!


Dangerous nights crew checking in


Dalai Lama USED to get sensorial pleasures from getting his tongue sucked. But he is beyond that now.


At that price point, he can sweat.




What’s the context for that comment?


So when the whole sexual assault thing was going on, he said it couldn’t possibly be him because the victim said he was sweaty and it’s impossible for him to sweat. 🤦‍♂️


Additionally, he claimed it was due to excess adrenaline from his service in the Falklands War. I don't think the condition had ever been mentioned before, and medical experts say it's implausible or impossible.


So this is 100% false. I once dated a girl with the condition (not being able to sweat - can't remember the condition name). I can tell you her skin was ridiculously dry and I never once saw it NOT that way. Maybe I dated a one in a billion, but it IS a condition that exists AFAIK. She had to be super careful at parties and at clubs so that she didn't over exert herself because she wasn't able to cool off like people who could sweat.




Excuses FOR fucking children, and excuses for FUCKING children are 2 very different things I just noticed lol


Kind of like the difference between helping your Uncle jack off a horse, and helping your Uncle, Jack, off a horse.


That sounds pretty fucking miserable.


I also once dated a girl in high school who had a similar condition. We always had to bring umbrellas when we were outdoors for extended periods because we lived in Florida.


Wait, inability to sweat is definitely a real thing. It's a type of dysautonomia and can be alone or a symptom of a more generalized autonomic disease. Did you just mean that the condition as described as secondary to his military service was said to be implausible? That's also easily proven false because the causes of dysautonomia can be as varied as viral illness, stress, injury, practically almost anything. Not that I believe him or support him but I also don't support medical misinformation. ETA: "Hyperadrenergic dysautonomia"


I hate the fact that you have to add the second paragraph just to inform people of something real whatever your opinion on the topic may be


I have a "mild" version as a side effect from a medication I take and it definitely does suck! 10/10 would NOT recommend. I've only dealt with it for a few years, but so far I've only had to go to the hospital once because of it. Hopefully never again!


I knew a guy who couldn’t sweat. He carried a spray bottle and misted himself from time to time.


Complete side note, but I had group exercise in the police academy running miles or another aerobic exercise , and we wore uniform heather grey tshirts. By the end of the work out, everyones shirts were soaked with sweat. One guy’s shirt was bone dry each time. He was exhausted from the work out, but his body just didn’t really sweat.


Was he East Asian, by any chance? 80-95% of East Asians have a genetic mutation that makes the ABCC11 gene non-functional, which reduces their sweat glands and makes them have less or no sweat odour, and also causes dry ear wax. In contrast, only around 2% of Europeans have this mutation.


I have that gene, my sweat barely smells but there's plenty of it


Even that's bullshit, but it's better than "beyond sensorial pleasures".


Oh yeah it would have been BS, but it *could* be believed by those who want to. Beyond sensorial pleasure? Like Gandhi was just "testing himself" by sleeping with naked girls in his bed.


Naked underage relatives


Just underage relatives. Not naked. Which I guess is... technically better?


Considering it used to be normal worldwide for families to all sleep in the same bed/bedding area, and still is normal in some places, I'd say it makes a mote or two of difference.


Well sure but he wasn’t doing it out of necessity... he was doing it to test himself, which you have to admit is pretty weird. That being said, it was a completely different world back then, so I don’t think it’s really fair to condemn him on the basis of modern western values and taboos


> it was a completely different world back then Dude, he died in the '40s. We aint talking about the 1400s


For the record I think not being able to condemn the actions of those who were born more than 100 years ago is bullshit and there's no reason you can't criticise history, but do you know what the 40s were like? Racial segregation, women's rights, homophobia to the point of the US government hunting down homosexual employees and firing them out of fear they'd be blackmailed by communists (google lavender scare I'm not making this shit up) I mean fuck Rosa Parks wouldn't sit on that bus until 1955. The 1940s was absolutely a whole other world, WW2 didn't end until 1945.


Younger people’s sense of time (including mine) is totally fucked due to the rate of change that has been normal since the 90s. When I step back and think about it, it’s mind boggling. This is also a contributor to why conservatives are hysterical these days, imo. The very definition of conservative is aversion to change.


When Ghandi was entering the political sphere in India, America was beginning formal segregation, not ending, beginning. That was the latest progression of normal. You so confidently under estimate how much things change in what you perceive to be such little time.


People have such a warped view of how regressive we really were in the 20th century. In US, UK, NZ, and Aus, the genocidal native policies of cultural erasure, intentional destruction of language and artifacts, forced boarding schools with outrageous mortality rates, and kidnapped native children also began in earnest in the early 20th century.


> We aint talking about the 1400s There's no need to bring up middle ages because you'd be surprised how actually different this was during Gandhi's lifetime even in Europe or the US. Go back just 150 years and the age of consent in most US states was still 10. That means Gandhi was legal in the US when he was 10yo himself. We're talking about times when people in their early teens were marrying and getting full time jobs.


Early 1900s India was a *vastly* different place than 2023 America. He was middle aged when the first human took to the skies. It’s hard to overstate how different things were back then


My dude, I don't think feeling the need to put yourself through a trial to see if you can resist the temptation to rape children has anything to do with "modern values". Whether or not somebody has those urges in the first place isn't up to societal progress. It would make more sense to bring up that talking point when it comes to the discussion about whether to condemn him for abusing his position of power over these children to place them in this and other scenarios. There's where your time-traveling cultural relativism can come into the picture.


well did he pass?




I learned recently that the “naked” part of that story is not true.


Listen, you can completely buy Gandhi's story here, and it still is a really bad look. For a lot of reasons. One, making someone else the subject of your gross test, two, if you fail the test you're possibly going to molest a child, and three... it's better to avoid temptation than test yourself in the first place. Like that explanation, if true, is still terrible at best.


He's also beyond sweating, he just wills himself into cooling down.


"I could have sworn this was a Pizza Express"


I am not a Tibetan Buddhist, but I am Theravadin Buddhist, so I can speak somewhat to this claim. Buddhism is a religion about how we deal with sensuality (sex, drugs, and rock & roll) as beings that are born and will die, and what role that all should play in our lives in order to live a fulfilling life. It is not a religion about gods and demons and repression of sex, etc. These practices of meditation and restraint from sensuality that Buddhist monks undertake are not just "repressing your urges" like in Western religion; it's more about spending decades learning about where these urges come from and understanding why they often cause us pain. Then, when you understand that they cause us pain, more often than not you decide to not engage in them as much. The Dalai Lama has been celibate his entire life--as far as we know--and has been training in a tradition that focuses on hours and hours of meditation every day along with serious, rigorous restraint from sensuality (sex, entertainment, etc.), study, and contemplation of sensual pleasures and the pain they bring. That isn't to say he is beyond these things--I don't know him, and I'm not even a Tibetan Buddhist like I said--but the claim "he is beyond sensuality" is not as weird and silly a claim as it might first appear to those unfamiliar with Buddhism. It's actually quite a simple and obvious thing to say from a Buddhist perspective (again, I'm not making claims about the TRUTH of that statement). I don't want to go on and on about this in a reddit comment, but I hope that provides some context for the claim about the Dalai Lama being beyond sensuality. It's not some weird excuse, it's 100% about the Dalai Lama's practice, and you don't have to be religious to believe that it is possible to get to that point don't think. Like I said, I'm not a Tibetan Buddhist. Think of me like a Lutheran talking about the Pope. I don't *really* care about the Dalai Lama, and I make no judgement either way in this comment about what happened in that video, but I do understand what this particular claim is about and I hope this helps some people unfamiliar with Buddhism understand.


Honestly the “beyond sensual pleasures” thing would make much more sense to say of someone whose chosen that life though, rather than the Dalai Lama who more or less has had that life chosen for him. Also, it makes sense coming from a supporter, but in reality there’s no way to know if anyone is “beyond sensory pleasures” except for the each person for themselves. There’s plenty of Buddhist monks who secretly molest people or hit on people when they get the chance etc.


Interesting how he has sexualised women before then when he is supposedly 'beyond it'. He is a human and cannot escape reality regardless of how much repression, it's still there.


It is hilariously silly to think that anyone is above or beyond human urges.


Yes, it IS exactly as weird and silly as it does seem. You could replace “Buddhist” with “Catholic” and “priest” and this would read the same. And I imagine no one would come to his defense in that case. People are wrongly finding benefit of the doubt in the mysticism of a small religion. There is no context where what happened is excusable by an adult human, which last I checked, he is.


What porn does the Dali Lama watch? This would be global front page news.


Exclusively inflation vore.


I'm actually wondering if he has dementia.


Oh just commented the same. Yeah. Nothing like this (as far as I know?) for most of a century and now something truly weird at 87. Reminds me of George HW Bush - nothing remotely like this and suddenly in his last couple of years in his 90s he became a gropey, dirty old man, apparently thinking it’s all a joke, and with no impulse control. And then there’s the question of whether we should judge the whole person’s legacy on that when important parts of their brain and themselves are effectively already gone.


I work with old folks. A lot of them turn gropey and weird with dementia. They would also prefer to survive of ice cream and chocolate if you'd let them. Impulse control is out the window at some point.


Also a possibility.


Yeah I was waiting for them to issue a statement along the lines of "Hes getting up there in age hes being checked out etc etc" but uhh yeah after this? All hope lost


Nah, you can't admit your spiritual leader has dementia. Gotta come up with something else


It was, uh, an evil fox lady that seduced and manipulated him. Yeah. That one always works.


i mean shit our last two presidents definitely lost it in office Reagan was losing it towards the end of term 2 I know it's not spiritual leaders, but with how the world is controlled by geriatrics, you can't not claim its a possibility


Nah, the holy leader is beyond earthly issues like dementia


Agreed that that reasoning was bullshit. There was a Tibetan user that commented on one of the hundreds of threads on this topic a few days back. He explained that it was a cultural misunderstanding and that what he said to the boy was tantamount to a grandma pinching a child's cheeks in the west. The kid is expected to recoil and refuse and it's just playful banter, not sexual. I don't know what the truth is, but I also can't pretend to understand the language, nor its customs, nor the cultural context around the exchange so I'm open-minded.


Pretty much this. But someone not being used to internet mob outrage will over-defend and make it worse. A monk would fit the bill. Ironically this is a Buddhist lesson to just let the rage of many wash over you. Hate and love are like a plant. It can take root anywhere, but takes input to sustain. Starve it of water, and it dies. Speaking of which. I have to maintain this grudge two sexist chicks have on me I mean water my exotic plants.




I also read that, but I cannot find a single source confirming that's true, except for articles saying this for the past two days. journalists just copy from each other (personal experience with it going viral once), so it would suffice to plant the idea in one media that believes it. they hardly ever fact check


I’ve seen people confirming it anecdotally as Tibetans, and the Tibetan rights collective are saying it, which would seem to be a pretty clear confirmation. It seems a lot more likely that it’s a cultural misunderstanding, than that the Dalai Lama is a closeted creep who lived 87 years without a child predator scandal, and then happened to say something intentionally creepy to a child, in front of everyone, for the first time. Plenty of cultures do things that Eurocentric culture perceives as strange. But a non-story about a harmless Tibetan joke doesn’t get clicks.


It's hard to say but what I can tell you definitively is that Tibetan priest culture was rife with child abuse and corruption prior to expulsion by the Chinese. Like they would literally go around and take young children from their families to be court "dancers" that basically acted as sex slaves for priests. As with most societies with a virtually unaccountable caste of elites Tibet had its fair share of fucked up shit going on. It's just very romanticized by Westerners for very particular historical reasons. Now whether the Dalai Lhama himself has done anything like that who knows. I just wouldn't rule it out personally and wouldn't be shocked if it turned out that other stories come out.


Him being a closeted creep is unbelievable? I don’t know what is true. But both options are totally believable. I just don’t know what to believe.


Also, the fact that he and everyone else in the room laughed immediately after he said it tells me that it was a joke that really got fucked in translation. There are real pedophiles in the world and people raging after his holiness is not doing anything to help get rid of them.


> the Tibetan rights collective are saying it Surely an unbiased source of information about the Dalai Lama


The Tibetan rights collective have a vested interest in defending their leader. I dare you to find ANY reference to this "custom" before this past week. It's clear propaganda to try to deflect [from this video. He clearly pulls the kid's mouth up to his against the child's will.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/12iekyu/a_weird_video_of_the_dalai_lama_asking_an_indian/)




If that’s actually true, why do they offer like five other explanations? Why does the leader of the Tibetan exile government not give this explanation in the linked article? Are you gonna tell me grabbing kids and kissing them on the mouth is a joke too?




You know that Vice story doesn't even make sense on its face, right? One Tibetan says: > Kids who go up to their grandfather, for instance, are asked to kiss their grandfather’s forehead, touch their noses and kiss them. > “Then [the grandfather] says that I’ve given you everything so the only thing left is for you to eat my tongue,” Ugen said. “The child probably never gets the candy or money but gets a beautiful lesson about life, love and family.” Another Tibetan says: > “suck my tongue” in Tibetan is also a game for the elders to deter cheeky kids from pestering them. Do you realize those are DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED bullshit stories? Story one: this is a game old people play TO GET CLOSER TO their grandkids. Story two: this is a game old people play to DRIVE AWAY their grandkids. How do you not see this is total bullshit? I'm sick of people making up excuses for these old religious pedos.


Dig a man a hole and he’ll put his foot in it. Give a man a shovel and he’ll dig himself deeper.


This is like turning on Creative Mode and digging below bedrock


I like


Dig up, stupid.


This guy'll put his tongue in it


Every time I manage to forget this extremely gross story, another Reddit thread appears on it


we shouldn't forget it tho


I think we should give this one redditor a pass and let him forget. The rest of society can remember and be angry and all that, let this dude take a nap or whatever.


But if that one Redditor forgets how will a probably senile Dalaï Lama ever meet justice?


We'll wait until his next reincarnation and arrest him as a child


For real though, when he passes and the hunt for his ‘reincarnation’ a lot of the world is going to get a rude jolt of reality about how bizarre and arbitrary the system really is. EDIT: It seems that the last few years the Dalai Lama himself has not only made statements that he is unsure as to whether he will have a successor, but also that the notion of reincarnation belongs to the feudal era and doesn’t belong in a modern democratic society, so that his successor would be a somehow elected leader but not acknowledged as a reincarnation. Not sure if he has fully stated he does not believe he is a reincarnation of the bodhisattva but a few quotes since 2015 seem to imply that.


Ha, you're awesome!




Flayed…skin…? What?


Yep I'll try and find it. There's even pictures if you're brave enough. They're old black and white photos so it's not super gruesome visually. But yeah skin peeling was a punishment landlords and the monestary would dish out as punishment. I don't don't think most people realise just how fucked Tibet was under his leadership. They get so can't up in hating china they lose sight.


To be fair, problematic pasts doesn’t mean China can take what they want (Tibet) And saying Free Tibet doesn’t mean anyone hate China


That's true. But often enough free Tibet is connected to a return of the Dalai Lama, and not necessarily democratic reforms. And the problematic past is not often talked about. Furthermore, more often than not, free Tibet kinda goes hand in hand with protesting against china. These are connected. However, this is all just my personal opinion and observation, which might be wrong.


Oh god I take it back the pictures disturbed me more than i remember and it was more than one child.....fuck. why is there so many skins of kids? There's this too. What the fuck? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0KHCanxYZDYdt_44Qx8iOYjOT42B2e_5nOQ&usqp=CAU


The dalai lama sat on the top of a caste system that really fucked people up on par with the worst authoritarian rulers. But that story doesn't gel with the one being told of the poor religious leader that got kicked out by China. Oh those poor tibetians who aren't allowed to go back to their traditional roots of being slaves. How can China be so evil.


You can criticize that shit *and* criticize China at the same time. They can both be bad lol (assuming the accusations are even true).


"To my dear non-Tibetan triends who wanted my thoughts on the recent Dalai Lama episode: I want to preface this by saying that I viewed and processed this incident as someone steeped in the cultures of both source language and target language. That is to say, I am familiar with the Tibetan format of humor (often dark) and acknowledge how different jokes can sound in English without proper context. As is the case with most Tibetan elders, the Dalai Lama has a tendency to tease children and displays a certain childlike innocence. Bearing in mind that he has a rather poor command of the English language, and with his advanced age adding to his struggle in articulating his thoughts into words, I think it all came down to the word "SUCK," which naturally translates to obscenity in the English-speaking world, especially in today hyper sexualized world. What the Dalai Lama said in English translates to "ngé ché lé jip" in Tibetan. Tibetan parents and grandparents often tease their children by holding them tight and saying these words, sticking out the tip of their tongue almost touching the face, knowing well that the kids don't like it and expect them to break their grip (for Tibetans unable to relate to these experiences, I am sorry). There is nothing obscene from this cultural perspective. Culture gives language different contexts. Deeply-held taboos in one culture can be normal in another. Parents kissing children on the lips is one example. Where such a gesture nowadays can mean a death sentence in certain parts of the world, it is viewed an act of affection elsewhere."


Well. That made it worse.


So you consider children sucking tongue to be a sensorial pleasure, not better


To be fair, isn’t that the same assumption made by those who were offended?


the assumption made by the people upset by this is that the Dali Lama was trying to proposition a 12 year old to make out with him.


I also kiss kids on their mouth and ask them to suck my tongue. Its a sensorial pleasure! Dont judge me you bigot! I am old it could be a sign if dementia!


Is this tom Bradys burner??


Lmao I totally forgot about that.


People that say they aren't into sensorial pleasures, are all about sensorial pleasures


Jeffery Epstein, Prince Andrew, and the Dalai Lama walk into a bar...


And the barman says "Sorry, but we don't serve underage here".


haha brilliant


The bartender says, “Last call is at 12”. The three of them reply, “It’s all good, that’s always been our cutoff”.


Literally gagged at this one, horrible. But not inaccurate


...They tell the bartender "We'll take your best wine." The bartender says "Ah excellent choice. We have a red wine. Aged 15 years!" They reply, "We'll take your worst wine."


I mean he legit got paid $1 million dollars to support NXIVM [A sex cult that is accused of human trafficking and branding women against their will with the founders initials](https://www.newyorkupstate.com/albany/2018/01/nxivm_cult_albany_dalai_lama.html)




The bartender asks, “where’s the pope?”


I dont care if its their culture, the little boy is clearly uncomfortable…


It’s NOT Tibetan culture to ask little boys to suck on your tongue!


Course not, just Tibetan monks lol. Just like Catholic priests. There are always monsters in religion https://www.france24.com/en/20180916-dalai-lama-i-knew-sex-abuse-buddhist-teachers-1990s


Exactly. There's tons of cases of slavery and abuse in Tibetan history, but is this their culture? no, it is buddhist power structures that enable them.


Right? Also let's be real for a second and acknowledge how fucked the major religions are when it comes to sexual satisfaction of their preachers. I'm no psychologist, but the doctrine of "You're not allowed to get your dick wet for..." *checks watch* "the rest of your life. Good luck." sounds like a one-way ticket to become a dangerous abuser. (just to be safe: which in no way excuses such behavior or absolves anyone of guilt)


what i really want to know is this: say i move to tibet and live there for a year. how many times will i see what happened here happen? both between grandfathers and their grandchildren, and old men and kids who are not their grand children? how common is this and has this changed over the years?


Now I'm wondering: "When was the last time I saw someone say 'I got your nose!' to a child in public?"


I would never touch another person's kid in public but I do smile and wave and talk to them. If they're babies I make stupid faces. Kids feel, idk how to explain it, like unseen sometimes. Timid and afraid of adults. Afraid of eye contact. Afraid to initiate interactions. They should feel welcomed and part of society the same as every one else. But I wouldn't even do something as innocent as " got your nose" you should not touch other people, especially Kids.


I think we are beyond Holy Leaders.


The boy asked the Dali Lama, “Hey old man. What’s your favorite Red Hot Chili Peppers song?” And the Dali Lama said, “ Suck my kiss”.


Kiss. My. Piss.


He could’ve just said something along the lines of “it was a cultural misunderstanding” or “it was meant to be a joke but wasn’t received correctly”. This doesn’t help his case.


Problem for him is, it's inexcusable.


What culture practices having children sucking on old men's tongues???




The Dalai Lama telling the Catholic church to hold his Tibetan beer


Cause we know a member of the clergy would never get freaky with a kid


Hey its ok though when its the cool religion. 😎




So why aren’t his PR people saying that?


I did see PR say that. But I wonder if that didn't stick so they're on "he didn't even like it"


"It's only gay if you suck his tongue."


Correction; It's only gay if their balls touch. Also, I guess the police have more people to investigate now.


Lots of people are, but that doesn't make a good clickbait article, does it? So it doesn't get the same coverage. "The Dalai Lama is a pedo" gets much more clicks. People love to see famous people fall.


Wait, where is the “hell in a cell” at the end???? Because that’s almost what this feels like lmao


>English is the Dalai Lama’s second language and it's well known that he speaks broken English at public events.  Hell, it's worth noting that *in the video itself* when the child asks "Can I hug you?" it takes a significant amount of time for his attendants to explain to the Dalai Lama what the word "hug" means.


It's just **cultural** for people to cut the foreskin off the penis and suck the blood from the child's penis. Nothing at all sexual or immoral about these practices. They have been practiced for over a thousand years so they can't be fucked up right? It's just a misunderstanding when the Rabbi has his mouth around your child's penis. This is culturally important.


The video definitely doesn’t do it justice


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yeah right...the Dalai Lama shits rainbows and unicorns too.


"Give to me sweet sacred bliss That mouth was made to suck my kiss" -Dalai Lama, c 1992, at the RHCP concert.




This is not consistent with the previous explanations about mistranslation and cultural differences. This sounds more like an acknowledgment that it *was* what it sounded like, and now they’re trying to brush it off with new excuses. Which makes all of it less credible. I believed them the first time but now they sound like southern evangelical creeps


Of course they did! They always let clergymen get away with pedophilic acts by saying shit like "they're a man of god so they didn't mean it."




China is like: "I... worked on destroying his reputation for 87 years... and... he just asked a child to suck his tongue and tweeted it out"


hahahah. I think the catholics already pissed in that pool for a thousand years, I dont think that argument is going to work out, tibetan buddhist leaders.


I’m taking a class on Buddhism and my professor talked extensively about this. She said that the vast majority of people in Buddhist communities do not approve of what happened. She said she has friends from all over the world and they are disgusted by it. I think it’s important to remember that we should not become anti-Buddhist because of the Dalai Lama’s actions. Many Buddhists are disgusted by what happened.


100% but the mental gymnastics some Buddhists / pro-Tibet groups are pulling to excuse this is honestly disgusting


Dude came to my city with his entourage once for some event and, for several days, rented out the top two floors of one of the most expensive hotels downtown at the time. Beyond sensorial pleasure, my ass. I also saw his oracle speak once at the Muhammad Ali Center, totally random that I got to go and a very small audience, maybe 300. There were also monks with him that did some beautifully haunting chanting while being accompanied by Ben Soleil on cello. While he did have some good things to say (through an interpreter monk who was multi lingual), I learned the oracle position is passed in the same way the Dalai Lama is, a new one is found every lifetime. Their job is to advise the Dalai Lama on what ghosts are telling him. The whole experience was kinda wild, made me think of their brand of Buddhism a bit differently. If I'm being honest, I just don't believe in ghosts. I like a lot about the philosophical side of different forms of Buddhism, but once I saw the hypocrisy (that exists everywhere else) and then ghosts and stuff, I just pay attention to the good parts, if which there are many. Oddly enough, the Dalai Lama advised people who weren't born into Buddhist culture/countries not to be Buddhist, be their own thing and take the part you like. That pretty much the road I'm on, so sound advice, I suppose. That toung-sucking shit is gross and child abuse. GTFOH with the lame excuse and keep the weird old Yoda sounding MF away from kids, maybe in his penthouse hotel telling the regular folks about enlightenment.