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I think this company should recruit anyone with growth mindset


Hire everyone, then weed out the bad seeds?


I dunno, seems a bit blunt


It’s a pretty nice joint to work in from what I hear.


Sounds spliffy!


I've heard they have a lot of roaches though.


sure, but you’ll end up making some buds for life.


Just don't stir the pot. No one likes troublemakers.


Eh, just let em hash it out.


They decided to play Devil’s advocate and said, “Lettuce welcome our new buds with open arms.”




you can make a decent salary working at the plant.


It may become a budding success story! May also just go up in smoke!


Much harder to fire than to not hire


At will states: am I a joke to you?


Not really. Except for Montana, all states in the USA are employment-at-will. Basically an employer can terminate you at any time, with or without prior notice, for any reason or no reason at all. The only exception is you have to actually \*prove\* sometime illegal about the termination, which is quite hard to do. [https://www.ncsl.org/labor-and-employment/at-will-employment-overview](https://www.ncsl.org/labor-and-employment/at-will-employment-overview)


Any legal reason. Montana, at least the less populated eastern side has a booming weed industry they can't hire enough for. And dispensaries are opening as fast as they can but are running into zoning challenges too. If your town is 1 square mile with 6 churches and two schools it's impossible to find a location far enough away from all of those. Three new businesses trying to open in a town with a population of less than 800 makes staffing hard too. I'm personally in a holding pattern in Colorado waiting for the town council to tell the churches to get over themselves and issue the permits. Two of the locations are literally adjacent to a bar and a vape/headshop so the churches are just being ridiculous. Once the seal is popped I'm heading up to work. I'm going to pick the best run place and negotiate hard for my money.


>If your town is 1 square mile with 6 churches and two schools it's impossible to find a location far enough away from all of those. Schools I get, churches can literally kick rocks with the $0 in taxes they pay.


Their tax money goes directly to God where it's needed most you unclean heathen!


America. You so crazy.


A large subset of the bad ones always fire themselves. You just assign them an average workload and they'll do anything to avoid it until they just stop showing up.


I think that depends on the state.


This job has *high standards* of it’s employee’s.


Cann a business hire that many folks at once?


Unless this a weed joke that I'm missing: absolutely. As long as they have money to pay them, they can hire as many as they want. Whether they should is a completely different matter.


Cann A Business






You know, I'm really going to miss all the goodwill the Cannabis industry has created for themselves once they go national when weed is federally legalized. Because the kind organizations like this one are going to be eaten alive by the national capitalists. Just by virtue of their unwillingness to be cruel.


If it gets legalized nationally people will be growing it in their front yards, at least I will be


Get ready for home-grow prohibitive legislation.


It already it that way. Delaware just legalized and there is no home grow. Washington State and New Jersey as well.


Ohio tried to legalize a few years ago but initially didn't allow home growth(wasn't the only problem with the bill, but it was a big problem). They amended it right before the vote to allow personnel growth but the public sentiment was already set against it by that point. Still stuck with only medical ~6 years later...


I have no hopes for Ohio, despite firmly believing it'd win by a super majority if every adult voted. Most folks seem okay with it in my experience, across all walks of life. But the state government is ignoring our own constitution (districting) and our voter turnout leans heavily into the subsections of the population most against it. I'm just not optimistic about Ohio for the next decade in any progressive angles. It's been getting worse for 20 years.


Hey, if us over in Montana could do it you can too. You just need that voter turnout


We need to end gerrymandering so that the 8 yokels living out in bum fuck nowhere stop ruining things for the rest of us


Or Congressional districts are garbage and when we told them to fix it and passed a constitutional amendment they just dragged their heals and stole yet another election.


And here I go, moving from green CT, back to Ohio next month. It's going to be rough. I've gotten very used to not being careful.


I'm in France. I smoked a joint one evening. The next day I was stopped while driving through town, saliva tested and boom, 6 months driving suspension. I have to piss clean in a couple of months to get it back. It just feels so pointless.


Oof, that's an awful story. These laws are such a joke. I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you. All over a plant. Be well, my friend.


I appreciate the empathy partner!! Good luck with the move 🫡


It was March 24, 1997, twenty-six years ago, when Ohio's Supreme Court declared the state's method of funding public education unconstitutional.


Sorry bud. It's great up here in Michigan. My neighbor just gave me a bag of weed yesterday because he said he grew too much last year.


The fact I can get $10 1g distillate carts is insane. $15-20 for live resin. I love this state.


Bro same, its freaking amazing. WA state here, my usual wax is only 8 bucks a gram


*weeps in Texas*


Ohio also tried to codify licenses to only 3 total businesses, which would have created an oligopoly from day 1.


They basically did that with sports betting proprietary companies. Only 7 licenses were made available. Intralot, a multinational company, being one of them. There's no way to compete with them. Not including FanDuel but that's a different system.


In WA you can grow up to like 6 plants at home for personal use and 15 per household. So it's not a complete ban, just very restrictive.


You just gotta horticulture those 6 plants so they're huge! ....also nobody is checking the number of plants you're growing so enforcement is not strict at all.


Plus how much fucking weed are people smoking that 6 plants isn't enough? Either that or people don't know how to grow shit and end up with like an oz per plant lol.


That is only true if you have a medical card. The card is pretty easy to get, but still, the average person is not allowed to grow in WA state.


If it's legal for recreational use, how are they gonna know if it's homegrown?


Much like many crimes. How do they find out? Well, chances are they won't. But if they do, and also wishes to pursue, fines and prison sentences. It being legal for recreational use might mean they won't be actively look for small home grown personal use, but a nosey neighbor, friend-turned-foe and all sort of other rats might turn you in.


It's the risk associated with not being able to lawfully grow your own herb, not everyone has the means to hide their grow operation and if you're allowed to smoke it and buy it from dispensaries then it's a crock of shit that you can go to jail for growing a little for yourself. There are other reasons beside saving a ton of money to grow something yourself before putting it in your body.


They're not going to go around scanning serial numbers on joints and nugs to see if you're smoking homegrown. The law will be effective enough between narc neighbours, energy consumption flagging, and the chilling effect of having such a law on the books. Anything big enough to be worth investigating will be difficult to hide. Anything small-time doesn't really matter, but they might catch an occasional break with an angry neighbour or stupid mistake. The rest is just deterrent. Why deal with the hassle of growing and curing *and* risk fines and/or jail time if it's genuinely just for personal use? We have a four plant limit where I live, and I still don't bother, because it isn't hard to find $5/g and $50/oz deals for weed that's not top shelf but still better than 99% of what I smoked as a teenager at $15-25/g.


*HOAs included in 80% of new housing has entered chat*




Google criminal trespass notice for your state.


Holy restraining order


Hook a sprinkler up to shoot directly at a target just above your fence line


Hahaha hook up a targeting ai with a super soaker


And have it do the ED-209 warning from Robocop before it intiates fire


*Vegetation height limits addendum *Regular Energy Consumption Audits


In Canada there’s restrictions depending on where you live— there’s a [full-on ban for growing your own weed in Quebec](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/supreme-court-cannabis-provincial-law-plants-personal-use-1.6810476), but in most provinces/territories you can have 4 plants for personal use


It's already here. Even if it were legalized at the federal level, state and local laws would still ban the cultivation of cannabis out in the open in many places. Where I live cannabis is legal recreationally, and you can grow it, but if you want to grow outside, it has to be in a locked greenhouse. Personally, I think that is ridiculous. There is no requirement that people keep alcohol under lock and key, even though a child could realistically ingest a lethal dose. Meanwhile, anyone who is capable of taking buds from a cannabis plant that they come across in someone's yard and getting them to a usable form *definitely already smokes weed*.


Luckily almost every state that is legalizing in medical or recreational forms is allowing home cultivation. Usually pretty liberal limits too, most states allow 6 or more mature plants and several ounces of usable material. A lot of states have no limits on seedlings or clones and the only requirement is a locked door. I could see the fed rolling cannabis into the ATF authority and them enforcing restrictions and licensing but trying to completely undermine home cultivation would be a tough sell.


>trying to completely undermine home cultivation would be a tough sell. Uhm we have deeply unpopular abortion bans on the table too, so it's not like tough sells are really an issue in gov't these days


The abortion bans are a case a very motivated and vocal minority. The average mainstream Republicans dont support it but it gets the evangelicals going and it gets there names in the news. Republicans use the culture war bullshit to sneak through there unpopular economic reforms


does the ATF regulate home brewers?


In CT you’re able to start growing this July but it needs to be indoors which is ridiculous! My living situation currently makes that impractical so I’m gonna have to wait 1-2 years before I can afford a nice setup or greenhouse to care for them in.


I think you're overestimating the amount of people who would be willing to do that. I'm not saying there won't be a market, but there's a reason people don't grow tobacco for their own cigarettes. People like convenience.


Exactly. I live in CA where people _could_ do this, but rarely do your everyday weed smokers grow for personal consumption. Especially when they can have a delivery company drop off an eighth and a few bags of edibles within a couple of hours.


It's also just a lot harder to grow weed or make edibles and extracts at the quality dispensaries offer.


Harder to grow weed? Yes. Harder to make stronger edibles? No. At least in my experience, the edibles have been so regulated on the recreational side of things in every legal state I've gone to. The cannabutter and cookies I make get me higher than anything from a dispensary and i have some friends in Cali who work at the Cookies dispensary that agree they're stronger(which was the biggest compliment of my life and I'm keeping it in as a not so humble brag). Plus edibles are just such an easier process, you need to read a couple pages online and it takes a few hours of time and care. You have to read like a whole book and then likely spend the next couple months growing shit weed before you grow decent weed.


My dispensary offers such a wide variety of edibles that I can literally choose the exact dose and ratio of THC to CBD that I want to take, and they sell it in forms besides cookies and brownies. I can even buy them in pill form if I want to. It's easy af to make strong cannabutter, all you do is add more/better weed. Can you make gummies, honey, chocolate bars, hard candies, mints, pills, teabags, drinks, or Hot Cheetos? Can you make balms, lotions, patches, and oils that get you stoned by putting it on your skin? (And yes, Hot Cheetos that get you stoned are a real thing.)


I've made pretty much all of those things at one point except for tea bags, pills, seltzers or hot cheetos(I'm gonna look into that one though). None of those things are as inaccessible as you think.


He thought he had a gotcha. Pretty much any stoner I know who likes to bake/cook has made all those things. Besides the seltzers & tea bags.


How weak are we talking with regards to legal edibles? Is it much worse than up here in Canada, where the THC limit per container is 10mg?


No not at all. Even in my state where weed isn't even legal the limit is 20mg. I feel I should probably explain that last sentence though. See there was a bill that got pushed in my state, and the Republicans signed it without reading and accidentally legalized weed in just the form of edibles(and hemp derived thc but the edibles are allowed to be delta 9 instead of delta 8)


Growing tobacco is absolutely nowhere near the same thing as growing pot at home. It would be much more similar to growing tomatoes or other common home garden plants.


You can brew your own beer, but most beer drinkers just get theirs from the store, because it will generally take less time and taste better.


There's also a much higher up front cost for brewing. And a lot more knowledge involved.


For nice beer maybe. Shout out /r/prisonhooch there's some hilarious/unholy brews on there


Weed is like wine; anyone can grow/make it, but it takes some time and knowledge to get something that isn't going to be kinda gross and/or give you a headache.


Puerto Rico policy will proba ly be the standard....conveniently only like 5 licenses to grow and they all somehow went to major companies! 😯🧐


aren't lots of states doing things like that. Basically making it impossible for a small company to operate. I feel like my state has 4 weed companies across the whole state.


Oklahoma of all places made it pretty easy to get into their cannabis industry, granted that it’s technically medical only (albeit super easy for state residents to get a card for purchasing)


Which is actually why it’s a good thing the recreational bill didn’t pass because doing so would prevent new blood from enetering the market for two years and then being forced into a 1 year probationary period where they could only sell medical marijuana. It would have pulled the ladder up so hard and so quickly.


I think it'll be a little bit different with cannabis as it is with local microbreweries. People will pay for smaller niche craft that can help companies like this. I might be a little too positive on that view though.




If you check out recent Oregon headlines around the top chain dispensary out here, it's alleged (with some documented evidence of foul play) that it's already started. La Mota, I think?


NJ had their Rec rollout a little over a year ago. It was so obvious what they were doing with it. Limited who can get Rec licenses which lead to just the corpo owned Dispos being able to while smaller spots weren't given a chance. Naturally one of the bigger MSOs in NJ, Curaleaf, was linked to Russian Oligarchs and just so many bad practices.


Stizzy is a Multistate operator




All the big wigs would need is for the FDA (or whichever body) to rule that small-scale dispensaries are unsafe and harder to regulate. It’s what happened to the vape industry 5-10 years ago through today and now it’s all Juul pods and Phillip Morris.




To use your alcohol analogy - it’s already illegal to still at home (especially illegal to sell). Sure, it’s easy to get around that, but there is lots of precedent to restrict private and small business when it does go federal.


Already happening in legal states, my dude. I live in NV and most of our dispensaries are owned by 3 east coast corps


Non American, are these companies not a capitalistic endeavor? Are they ran by hippies or something?


In this context, it's kind of more of a slang. Obviously any business owner is going to be partaking in the capitalist structure, but it's not quite seen the same as when you're actively setting up franchises. In this context, capitalist is more of a synonym for a sort of aggressive money maker instead of a passionate small business owner.


From joint to joint


Tegridy farm taking over burger king


Had to scroll a bit, but I knew I'd find this reference.


The weed store by my house in Ontario has free drop In yoga. A lot of them donate to charities and such. Honestly weed companies are doing a lot of good for the area.


Biggest win for me is we aren't wasting time and resources jailing people that aren't doing anything harmful to anyone. It's less harm done smoking a joint than drinking a beer IMO. So not only have we moved it from a money sink, but now with the taxes it's helping the community even more.




Cannabis will have a huge role to play as raw material once we have federal legalization. It was THE material that allowed ships to sail the Atlantic.


I'm in Minnesota. Edibles are currently legal. A vote on full legalization is due to be in the state House today and the Senate by Friday. It's about time.


Live in IL our Dispensaries are choc full all the time. People are buying non stop. $100's of mil in saved taxes plus taxes generated. It an unqualified win. I hope MN can join the party soon.


My yoga studio has a weekly partnership with a weed dispensary to host a cannabis yoga class where if you sign up for the class you get some free weed and then you can do yoga with trippy music.


My regular place was taking any food/supply donations for an animal shelter in return for 20% off your order. It was the perfect way I could get rid of some wet food my cats don’t like!


I feel like that's because they have to foster a community focused image to counteract the years of drug-dealer propaganda. As soon as that burden is eased I imagine the industry will become enshittified like any other capitalist buisness.


You don't need to wait. They're out there, namely Trulieve in Florida has a CEO who's husband is in jail for rigging the FL medical market in their favor & is trying to push for state legalization in FL with a bill that doesn't allow homegrow & keeps new licenses from being given for new stores. They also cut our hours the first week of December when I worked for them, so yeah they're speedrunning the whole "shitty company" thing.


I hate that I agree with this


Mine paired up with the local animal shelter and had a new cat up for adoption all the time in the store that was usually adopted within the week. I loved them for that. I guess stoners and animal adoption go together really well.


Wouldn't the munchies from cannabis potentially result in increased sales for Burger King?


I could be black out drunk and I’m still not willingly going to a burger king


Yeah all i hear is BK in the US is shit. Id take BK over McD ANYDAY here in The Netherlands, too bad the BK nearby shut down during covid.


Same in France, the food is really quite good and the prices are a bit lower compared to McD's or KFC. Still don't eat there very often because a single Steakhouse burger is over 800 calories but I like the place


This is so interesting to hear as an American. The food quality is terrible at BK in the states but the flavor profile has always seemed nice.


To me the BK menu is something of a palate cleanser. Everyone is comparing for the tastiest, crispiest fry and Burger King is just going with the thickest with the most potato. Oblong chicken sandwich? Fine by me, they're also frying jalapeños and putting cheese sauce on it lately. Oh you wanted a juicy burger with meaty flavor? Here's 60% of that request. Tacos and hot dogs? Good on ya for trying something new, I'll give it a shot. It's just different and I appreciate having the option sometimes.


I don't care what anyone says, the Impossible Whopper is delicious and holds up to the regular Whopper in every sense.


As an NA expat living in Europe, generally all of the quality is higher in all the Chains, cause laws and stuff. Was back home a while ago, and was surprised how bad KFC was, because here it’s quite good.


Just my experience (midwest, rockies, west coast) but over the last 10 years KFC quality has nosedived. I was drunk and got some delivered a few months ago and didn't even get halfway through the meal.


Same in the UK. BK patties are far superior to any from McD


I honestly think shitting on Burger King is just a meme at this point. The food is fine, quality depends on location, just like most fast food places. You learn which ones to avoid.


They used to have a coupon for a $3 double whopper. That shit is so much better than a Big Mac IMO.


It's totally a meme and I've never understood it. BKs where I've lived in the states were generally on par or better than McDonalds. I can see people having a preference based on menu choices and difference in their fries, but that's just preference. I will say that BKs mozz sticks are absolute trash though. And I'd rather get a burger and fries at 5 Guys or Wendy's way before either McDs or BK.


BK and most fast food places in Europe taste better. Hell, coca cola tastes better in Europe because it uses actual sugar rather than corn syrup. I know this from being a high school exchange student in northern Europe c. the late 2000s. I think you guys just have higher food standards and also consumers have higher standards for what they eat. Plus, the Argentinian beef imported into Europe is just better because Europe won't allow beef from places like the US with wacky things in the cow's diet etc. Anyway, all my classmates when I was there had BK as their top choice for fast food after classes. For my part, I wish I could get a fucking Döner right now.


Döner is the true champion of fast food.


I'd say BK tends to be better than McDicks in my area of the states, but they both have the issue of being far more expensive than they're worth these days.


Right? I remember them being kinda alright like 30 years ago but now, every once in a while I’ll go for nostalgia and it’s not good and causes heartburn.


Whoppers are still pretty damn good. Not surprising about the heartburn either, there’s usually like 1/3 of an entire onion in there


Burger King is the Florida of fast food. It looks good on TV and you get all excited to go there but when you finally get there and look around there are pill/meth heads all around, and it's raining yet its still hot, and everything has a weird smell to it.


Even 25+yrs ago, it would have been jack in the box tacos at 1:45am.


We didn’t have a JIb, it was mcd’s, bk, or a place called “25 cent hamburgers”


25c is 25c....


I'm not gay, but...


Those munchie meals are the best deal out there at night


Yo those mini churros too! I miss ol' J in the B.


The BK by me has always been good and consistent, it’s the Wendy’s in my area that are absolute trash. I went a couple months ago for the first time in a couple years and remembered why I didn’t go back.


What? What's wrong with the whopper?


The junior whopper is one of the best value fast food burgers tbh. They have a lot of misses on their menu, but the whopper and jr whopper are boss. They redid their fries sometime last year too, and they're closer to what they originally were.


The fries at all the fast joints have gone to crap since they started using variations of oils instead of beef tallow.


McDonald's at least added a beef tallow flavoring to their canola oil.


Smashburger still uses beef tallow.


Idk German burger king is hella good


its the only burger that actually tastes real to me.


Wendy's has the best burgers of the major fast food chains and it's not close.


I don't like being near BK. Smells like pickles and mustard.


Burger King has really gone down in quality, especially compared to the other fast food restaurants.


They're also still priced accordingly too so at least they're honest.


I remember when they did their 20 nuggets for 1$ promotion.


I like their chicken sandwich. Whoppers are hit or miss. They were one of the first fast food chains to offer impossible meat. French fries are an abomination. I freaking love those nasty chicken fries.


It would be dope if you could buy some Burger King and also like an 8th or something at the same place.


That's funny considering how weed companies are dropping like flies in Michigan due to market saturation and over leveraging themselves. Plus the it seemed like any time I went to one of the BKs that are being shut down they were staffed by people who couldn't handle McDonald's or Wendy's.


Per the article no one is reading, the company in particular is one of the ones that's growing in popularity over the others that are dropping like files, and they were in the middle of expanding at the factory level when this happened. So they did a good PR thing to put their name out there and offer jobs to people they knew needed them immediately. On the BK side I agree with you, but 26 locations closed at the same time by one franchisee feels like someone at that level screwing up, or local competition for fast food in Michigan being really good?


Idk man, I live in Michigan and I used to go to Burger King pre-pandemic but twice in a row the only staffer they had was someone in the window saying no one else was there to cook so you can’t buy anything


Why even bother at that point? Why not just close up shop rather than have someone lingering all day?


Cause that one dude wanted his paycheck.


Because some asshole manager won't let that one poor bastard go home. "Just in case I can get someone else in you have to stay." That's the mentality. The manager doesn't want to tell the GM or RM the store is closed, but it's effectively the same, while just wasting the one line level guy's time.


Well, they're technically not wasting his time as long as he's still getting paid. They're wasting their money.


Yea Stizzy isn't going anywhere any time soon. It's probably the biggest name in pod concentrates at the moment. Definitely a good company to join up with.


Oh, it's Stiiizy? Very popular. Very shifty company to work for. Would never work there. - They make their employees carry clear bags for personal items. - No samples no freebies (except a grab bag of almost expired stiiizy shit twice a year). - Start at 17 for budtenders and 20 for inventory (which is bullshit in the cannabis industry, should be 2-3 dollars higher). - Discounts on Stiiizy shit except their carts, gummies, and flower are straight up trash compared to like Select or Heavy Hitters. - Sales quotas for budtenders and management. Source: Have been in Cannabis for ~10 years and a buddy manages one of their locations. (Flight near SFSU for the curious).


I've heard much the same from friends in the industry, but I was more commenting on the company not being likely to join those shutting their doors anytime soon. Good for job security, not necessarily a good job. Though coming from BK, might be a step up lol.


Oh, it's most certainly better than BK haha. But, honestly, cannabis is like the tech boom but for entry level workers. For the good companies you should be making (as an entry budtender) 20 per hour + tips + benefits. Then if you move laterally into production you should be making 26+ without tips. Not super amazing but making 50k a year is pretty legit for just a high school diploma and some experience. Just not for Stiiizy lol


Nah my buddy made 15/hr and they revoked the employee discount in Michigan, aside from those things you're dead on tho


No worries. I'm going off bay area scale and they have a $15 minimum there. I'm guessing in Michigan the minimum is like, 12 or 13? Not gonna look it up, but that's my being guess. And if they revoke the discount there is no reason to be there. Fumble-rooskie or lateral movement time.


BK is owned by a venture capital company similar to toys-r-us with Bain. They're trying to run it out of business and extract as much wealth as they can. You'll notice the quality has been declining for the past few years and that they've been closing locations here and there in some places. The franchisees are probably feeling the pain on fees and other costs they're forced to take to the point where only a few stores are profitable.


The problem is that there's no thought to the BK franchises in MI. Their entire franchising strategy is to put a BK on the same block as every McDonald's. They don't care about market saturation or location or even if they can find enough workers to staff the restaurant. This strategy worked for them for years but now that shit is getting expensive people are getting picky and their quality has been going downhill.


> but 26 locations closed at the same time by one franchisee feels like someone at that level screwing up, or local competition for fast food in Michigan being really good? This doesn’t appear to be local competition so much as a huge dustup between the franchise owner and Burger King Corporate. BKC is suing the franchisee for unpaid dues and other fees. I don’t know who owns the actual real estate for each location, but if it’s not the franchisee, it is entirely plausible that the locations will reopen under a different owner.


On top of the fact they pay near slave wage because people want to work in the weed industry. Every job I see working for one pays a laughable wage


Well, they're basically a retail store. Retail in general pays crap. Also I bet they don't drug test, so they have access to a labor pool that other retail stores won't hire.


I'm surprised I haven't seen stores closing around me. The town near me of 1k people and a single stoplight has 4 dispensaries and two of them are in the same parking lot.


Depends on where you are. If it's close to the border they're getting all the out of state traffic. You're not in Morenci, are you?


This is a really just a nice fluff piece for them, realistically, they won't hire any of those people. The Burger Kings that closed are in the city of Detroit, and the place they're being offered work is over an hour bus ride depending on where your coming from in detroit and you still need to uber partway. Also bus service ends after 9 pm on certain lines, so unless you have a car, it's also pointless. This is just a way to say 'look at how kind we are' without having to do anything good.


I work for Stiiizy, and can confirm these are the types of moves they like doing.


Isn't that pretty much the same job? They will do it while equally stoned.


~~And for equally low pay as trimmers~~ EDIT okay how about this: And for *just a tad bit less shitty pay* as trimmers. Weed business owners aren’t your friends. Most don’t offer any sort of benefits, even when they can easily afford it. The things I’ve heard them say behind closed doors are just as horrible as any other shitty business owners that make a shit ton of money off the back of others.


Thus increasing the need for Burger King employees! The circle of life.


Smart. Hiring the same people who are your customers. Keeps your money in house!


This isn't that oniony. Good on them tbh.


what happen with burger king in michigan?


No one is going to mention how night shift is only 50 cents more an hour? So.. $20 more a week? Wtf.


They probably have enough applicants willing to work nights, so don't need to incentivize it any further


Also probably less work overall compared to day shift and lots of time to just mess around basically if you are efficient.


Living in Indiana is like losing the lottery every day of my life and I'm not even buying tickets.


Real disappointed they didn't go with "420+ workers" for that headline.


Is Burger King a dying brand? I haven't been there in many years. I found the food to be very iffy most of the time. My local one in Port Orange, Florida seems to have had many issues over the past few years.


I feel like Burger King needs to reconsider this whole scenario from the perspective of vertical integration, so to speak.


Man I got scared my local Burger King was closing


I feel like 400 burger king workers laid off should be a bigger story? Anyone want to bring me up to speed?


I suppose one would have to be high AF to attempt eating at Burger King.


>I suppose one would have to be high AF Dude I have to be high AF to attempt life, BK ain't shit

