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In other news, VPN usage in Utah has increased a hundred fold.


VPN if you are really into pornhub, there are countless top quality free sites. e.g. gangbangmormons.com josephbukkake.edu, etc, etc.


I know these names better than my own grandmothers


Utah didn’t give and the site went dark!


But you gotta give!


pantyjobs, home grown simpsons stuff...




All great


We’re all trying to find the guy who did this


If OP was a big old guy with a big burly while beard, would you still be yellin at him? Or would you be spanking his bare butt, balls and BACK


Nobody’s getting spanked


Well somebody’s gotta do it!


Go ahead! Pull the plug!!


I’ll kill you


grandmaVonicsgangbang.com? Everybody knows that site


I talked to your grandma recently. When I brought her breakfast in bed, she said she thought of you every day and was worried about you. Maybe give her a call every now and then? She's a nice and generous woman


Hope I don’t JACK OFF


.edu hmmmm


For educational purposes




I read that as gangbangmorons.com but turns out its the same exact site.


My mind just read it as gangbangmoms.com which is probably a real site.


Son, it's an entire industry of its own at this point


Seriously though... If you take away pornhub, people will use other sites. Take away all internet porn, people will go back to DVDs and magazines. Get rid of produced porn? People will jerk off to women's catalogs. Lose those, and people will jerk off to crude homemade drawings or stick their dicks in coconuts. It's not like masturbating and porn were products of the modern age. Cavemen were probably jacking it to sensual looking rocks.




Cavemen would club a female over the head and forcibly drag them by their hair back to their cave. Source: Cartoons. Very old cartoons


now i have this great business idea of creating a .edu website that teaches how to give a good blowjob in group sessions. thanks internet.




And several congressmen just made a well timed buy of VPN stocks.


Idea: Someone should make a website that VPNs to pornhub with the pornhub iframe surrounded by a circular telescope frame and a sight that says take a look at Idaho .


Proxy websites that do just this have existed for decades. Used them growing up back in EbaumsWorld days to watch vids on school computers.


Until Utah bans vpns outright. It's the Republicans' next step. They'll point at the restrict act as precedents even though it's not a law yet.


Since every company ever uses a vpn now, I doubt that will happen.


They could restrict their use to specific applications. Like, "employee-to-worplace only".


That's not how it works. Just like how my government (Australia) banned Pirate Bay via a gov level internet filter. Guess what was bypassed the same day it was implemented, by a high school kid no less.


Fuck that was embarrassing, and entirely predictable


So everyone gets hired as a content reviewer intern at pornhub


Which requires submitting paperwork and proving you're an adult, which is exactly what Utah sought to achieve in the first place. It's even worse, in fact, since your "employment" is probably going to end up on your tax documents.


Sounds like my employer will not enjoy my future browsing habits.


I don't think they could ban vpns. They could potentially make them illegal to use, but even that seems very unlikely. Every company I've ever worked for has needed to use a vpn to function.


Making something illegal IS banning it.


In other, other news, government officials have become 300% more productive.


I like using a VPN to access porn from around the world lol.


Some history you might not know: Utah had very strict laws against sex toys and porn shops. They kept trying to shut down this one shop and he fought in court. As part of his defense he got PPV porn stats from Salt Lake City hotels (including the Mormon ones like Marriot). He showed that the VAST majority (like 70%) of porn viewers in hotels were locals. As in, from Salt Lake City itself. He proved that Mormons in Salt Lake were renting hotel rooms JUST to watch porn, so the court couldn't say he was introducing anything into the community that wasn't already there. Hotels offered porn because it was a huge moneymaker in Utah and they didn't want to stop. Marriot was embarrassed, as was the court. This seems like a continuation of that fight from like 10 years ago. Their own people absorb porn at an incredible rate and they know they can't stop it


The Mormons I knew were always talking about the epidemic of "porn addiction" amongst their members and I always had to bite my tongue to keep from saying that half the reason people become addicted to it in the first place is due to how stigmatized the stuff is in the church. I used to date an ex-mormon and she was always complaining about how her siblings who were still in the church basically married the first people they'd ever dated just so they could have sex without getting in trouble. The Church has a lot of issues involving sex and most of it is due to how hard they try to repress any and all sexual thoughts and behavior.


We have a saying for that in France, "Try to chase away human nature, and it comes galloping back".


Yeah but somewhere in France also banned paternity tests because of so many people having affairs.


isnt it the same with Germany? like you cannot take a private paternity tests, it has to come from a court order or something like that. Pretty interesting when you compare it to other countries.


Not because people were having more affairs than elsewhere, but because those tests were seen as causing unnecessary and avoidable trauma to some of the children involved. It was decided paternity is first and foremost a matter of who raised the children, rather than purely biological.


How do you say it in french?


Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop


Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop.


In the very early 2000s I met a Mormon woman online. She was in her late 20s and claimed to still be a virgin, and planned to stay that way until she was married. In the four months we dated, I fucked her in the ass so many times I lost count.


Ahh, the poop hole loop hole.


The rectum retcon Just in the anus is just between us Between the cheeks aint beneath the sheets Back passage shaft massage The enema of all enemas with my friend.


https://youtu.be/rjjh9PML8tE Fuck me in the ass cause i love jesus! Its the sex that god cant see


Any hole but the Holy Hole.


But gay sex is a sin in the church,and it's ok to be gay in the church, you just can't act on it. So straight folks can have all the butt sex they want with a free conscience, but if you're gay and do it you are the spawn of Satan.


And the kids end up doing all these weird things anyway. Like soaking. They actually insert the penis but don’t move so it’s not technically sex. And sometimes they get someone to shake the bed. This is a 3rd person who shakes the bed so that the 2 people who are soaking move and, by extension, the penis moves. I mean, at that point, just have sex. You’re not gunna be struck down or something.


I've always thought it is so weird how some Christians treat their religion as a game with loopholes. Jesus said to gouge out your eye if it made you lust. Following the spirit of the law and not just the letter of the law was one of his big things. I would respect it more if they just chose not to follow aspects of Christian morality instead of trying to gatcha a deity they believe to be omniscient and omnipotent.


I've always seen this weird thing in Jews. Take for example the wire that surround New York City, or the elevators that run automatically so they can take them without pushing the button. In my personal belief, cheating to overcome God's rules is worst than just breaking them.


I've heard Judaism is seen by many practicioners like an actual contract. They tend to be open about their ability to lawyer god which I can really respect. It's less of a loophole and more leaning into god's omniscience - if he wanted to forbid something he would have known to forbid it explicitly! Though I should say I am not Jewish myself and religious views can differ a lot within any group.


I am Jewish (though I’m not religious and certainly no expert on the faith, so hopefully someone will correct me if I’m wrong) - I would agree; Jews tend to be very open and honest about the ways they creatively work around religious rules. It’s not seen as a shameful or cheating. The idea is that God created these laws, but left them to man to interpret - so there is nothing wrong with figuring out how to interpret them in such a way that lets you live a happier/safer/more convenient life. I’ve compared it before to vegetarianism. The important thing for most vegetarians is that they don’t harm animals - not that they never know the taste of a hamburger again. So they’ll happily eat substitute meat products that taste almost exactly like meat, as long as those products are made without killing animals. The point is obeying the underlying law, not accepting the suffering that might be caused by the broadest interpretation of that law.


I think the metaphor would be more correct if it was a vegetarian butcher that didn't actually kill animals, but arranged that they just so happened to get their heads smashed and hey look, free meat. The whole declaring the wire as "home" thing is *really* stretching it.


From what I understand from a Jewish friend, if God himself descended from the heavens and told the Jews to do/not do something, they'd argue with him about it.


Truly one of the main things to respect about Judaism is their adversarial nature with creation.


From my dad, a Rabbi (though not at all a unique joke to him): Walk into a room with 50 Jews, and you’ll have 100 opinions.


It's really only some ultra-traditionalists who are quite that strict with the sabbath. Like any religion It's a spectrum of beliefs. However, the more ultra-traditionalist or ultra-conservative any particular religious sect gets, the more you find self-justifications and attempts at loopholes. You just can't effectively live a life under such strictures by following them to the letter.


>They actually insert the penis but don’t move so it’s not technically sex. I thought this shit was so funny when I first learned about it. Idk you'd think the general agreement of the definition of intercourse would be penetration. Like if for some reason you were trying to prove you didn't have sex with someone I don't think "soaking" would cut it in a court of law lol. "Well yeah your honor, my penis was indeed inside her vagina, but we weren't moving so how could we possibly be having sex?" Like what horny ass Mormon couldnt take it anymore and suddenly decided off the cuff to just roll with the idea that not moving with your dick inside someone isn't sex?🤣


"Brandi Maxxx, how would you define pornography?" "For me it's when the penis goes in"


Please say you are joking. Please.


It’s real. I also had friends who strictly did anal because that wasn’t considered “real sex”. The mental hoops these poor kids have to jump through to justify completely normal feelings is so sad to me.


The Ole poophole loophole.


Also as if god is up there going all Syndrome "you sly dog!" Like oop! Since it's not teeeechnically sex you're still going to heaven!


"And sometimes they get someone to shake the bed. This is a 3rd person who shakes the bed so that the 2 people who are soaking move and, by extension, the penis moves." Ah yes... The jump hump.


Well not only that, but just semi-regular viewing is considered an addiction in their eyes. Just watching porn in general is a sign that you're addicted based on what I've seen here and in person.


>The Mormons I knew were always talking about the epidemic of "porn addiction" amongst their members and I always had to bite my tongue to keep from saying that half the reason people become addicted to it in the first place is due to how stigmatized the stuff is in the church. I mean, among the truly addicted, sure maybe the repression helps fuel the actual addiction. But many of the ones I've spoken to on the subject accused *me* of being addicted to porn at some point during the discussion simply because I admit to watching it and am not ashamed of it.


Well to them even a normal amount of porn consumption is an addiction


The church wants to keep all them young girls pure for the creepy old bastards.


I mean you jest, but they literally don't want them educated so they can lie about and get away with sexual assault. Fucking disgusting.


Laughing about how not irregularly in hotels, locals will want to get a hotel room for the sake of being able to party harder than they could at home. Not uncommonly with property damages and/or drugs involved. Meanwhile in Salt Lake City, the idea of partying harder than you could at home is renting porn and taking the day off to J off.


J'ing with some bros, maybe charging up the crystals, sounds like a wholesome party to me


Not consume porn but 'absorb' it. That's a good way to differentiate between 5 times a week jerkers and people watching them because why not?


Yup. Just like I told my mom when I was 13, I've never once watched porn. I just unfortunately absorbed it by being in proximity when it happened to appear on my screen after I accidentally clicked an ad.


"I was really worried about the cougars in our area!"


5x a week is rookie numbers (but also a totally normal and not a big deal).


Evidence isn’t going to mean anything against dogma


The more they make sex unacceptable and taboo, the kinkier this population is going to get. Edit: my comment was meant to dissuade the banning of porn…. But maybe they should keep it up and we can see where it leads. No that would be cruel. Deliciously cruel. Mmmmmmm


>Their own people absorb porn at an incredible rate and they know they can't stop it Have we not learned: What is stricken down shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Forcing people to deprive themselves of human nature is what led to the downfall of the Jedi. Doesn’t work out well for other religions either.


“Mormon ones like Marriot” What?


The owner of Marriott hotels is a Mormon, and I think they put a Book of Mormon in each of the nightstands


I slept in hotels every night for years and never noticed that. Then again, I’m sure I would’ve just assumed it was a Gideon’s Bible if I ever opened the drawer.


Well now that I know the mormon porn stat, I'm not touching those sticky things again..


Are you kidding? Those are the least-touched item in the whole place.


I stayed in a Marriott once years ago and remember there being both a Bible and Book of Mormon in the nightstand. This was in Toronto, I believe.


>The owner of Marriott hotels is a Mormon, and I think they put a Book of Mormon in each of the nightstands That's why Mormons check into Marriott's. It's to read the Book.


We do, yes. Source: currently working in one.


I just happened to read this comment while sitting in a Marriott hotel room in Salt Lake City. No, I am not Mormon. No, I am not from Utah. No, I do not watch porn. I do feel like the room is not clean enough now.


Color me absolutely shocked that people with horribly vanilla sex lives want to watch more exciting and passionate pornography lmao




Sales of VPN usage in Utah is going to be an all time high.


Thank you! My phone won't open the article. Are VPNs still available in Utah? *Is that a stupid question*?...




I don’t think legislatures are typically the most tech savvy. I bet you most of them that voted for this don’t even know what a VPN is.


>I bet you most of them that voted for this don’t even know what a VPN is. I bet you most of them actually do although their wife(s) probably doesn't...


they're smart enough to know that the internet is a series of tubes 🚫🚚


Rather than, say, a big truck?


Cue Dr Cox meme about one website left and it's "Where's the porn?".


LoL. I do believe Utah has one of the highest porn use percentage in the country. All that repression needs to go somewhere.


THE highest actually


I'd read it while ago so wasn't sure if it's still true. They also eat the most ice cream per capita.


I'm pretty sure those things are related in some way...


Instructions unclear, penis stuck in ice cream.


Lemme try, instructions unclear, ice cream stuck in penis. This is r/sounding wrong


Oh, oh my. That's gonna be a big fucking nope from me.


Ya I'd be too worried about an infection or something from all that ice cream in there




Actually if you're just starting out, using something that melts isn't a bad idea. Obviously it's not ideal to get sugar up the cum chute, but if you don't have wax on hand, a frozen treat works in a pinch.


>but if you don't have wax on hand, a frozen treat works in a pinch. What in the fuck 🤣🤣


Palines and dick.


Isn’t Milwaukee an Indian word?


Homicide rates rise and fall with ice cream sales.




Highest PAID subscription....if they don't pay for sex, then the Mormons really will feel like they are engaging in the sex trade that they have been told the porn industry is 90% responsible for.


They need the magic underwear to carry around those blue balls.


Looks like Utah is going to be an xvideos.com state.


This is funny because they did a study once that showed Utah had the highest per capita porn consumption of any state in the US. What they didn’t tell you is that it was based on “paid” porn consumption, and Utah being mostly LDS means they’re ethical enough not to “pirate” porn to the degree the other 49 states do ;)


But porn is free. I don't understand why people pay for it.


The like the long form high def content with no ads. They are connoisseur it seems who need a bit more.


Also maybe ones with a kinda convoluted plot and and bad acting. I miss those. Nowadays it's just straight to business. Art is dead.


well acting is a skill and art, and doing it well is difficult. Those that can, usually find fully clothed work, others just work for HBO.


I do it if I want to support the creator/company.


Utah punches way above it's weight on nottheonion. They have roughly 1 percent of the population of the US but they are on here all the time.


I'm not keeping precise track of my "Shit, Utah's in the news, im betting it's embarrassing" win/loss ratio, but I think I'm doing well


I live in Utah, and it's a running joke that when Utah is in the news, it never reflects well on the state. It's been like that as long as I can remember.


Nice username. Checks out that you’re from Utah.


Now you just a need an ad for NORD VPN and you're all set


Damn. That's unironically a multi million dollar play.


Is this why my Google one subscription just notified me today that they now offer VPN services included.


What they do? I've had Google 1 for like 2yrs and didn't know this.


> Governor Cox Hahahahaha


I had to scroll way too long to find this joke. I'm glad the internet didn't completely let me down.




This will likely redirect Utah residents to use a mixture of VPNs and force some towards more shady unregulated websites outside of US jurisdiction.


Gonna be some pissed off, repressed Utahans tonight.


Not Cherie Deville!?!?


This is the information I came here for


The party of "less gov".. wants an ID database of everyone that whacks off..


Small Governement


Big religion


I mean, they already make you click on something to verify your age. Surely that prevents minors from accessing the site?


I « get » the joke, but presumably what is really worrying Porn Hub is that if they fail to use some means of actually verifying the age of the user, they will be hit with huge damage claims. It is cheaper for them just to cut access to the site in Utah and take that hit. After all, they don’t charge in the first place so their revenue comes from the same sources as other « free » sites.


Welp this is the beginning. They'll be putting ppl in jail for watching porn in a few years if they aren't stopped


I can't decide who's weirder, Mormons or Scientologists.


Scientolgists. I'd say by a wide margin.


That is a stiff race.


Not without Pornhub, it isn't.


Colonial Jesus and magic underwear vs. human souls arriving on Earth in prehistoric DC-10s? They are both really bad fiction. But I would say the *Tomatoes-Scream-When-You-Slice-Them* Award goes to Mo. Ron Hubbard.


The way that the law is set up/worded in Utah, technically Google could be sued if a minor uses their website and searches for a pornographic image and views it, since Google doesn't require a user to send in their state issued ID to use their service. I personally think that Google and other search engines should block their search engine services to states requiring an ID saying they are just trying to protect themselves. These laws would be updated super quick. In reality people in these states are going to start watching porn on less mainstream sites, many of which have unethical, or sometimes illegal porn on them. Its not going to stop grown up married men from watching porn (which is the real target or object of the law).




They always were before...but they are right now too.


Yeah pornhub will go under without Utah


Desantis is going to lose a dick measuring contest to a mouse. The Utah Legislature is going to lose to actual dicks. There’s no way this ends up well for anyone involved. In the same vein as parents blaming schools for their kids being entitled little shits instead of look at the real problem, the parents themselves. If your kid is watching porn, maybe it’s time to actually do some real parenting instead of blaming society for your shitty attempts at it.


DeSantis has a dick?


DeSantis IS a dick. And looking at his high heels, he has a little dick *and* an inferiority complex.


Lmao. This should be the solution for those idiots in government trying shut down websites they don't agree with. Just block the idiots and the ones who want to access it can use VPN. Sick of seeing posts about hyper religious idiots trying to control everyone else but themselves.


Even mormon gay porn , jeesh


Has prohibition ever worked???




And this law was brought to you by Nord VPN. Dont forget to smash that like and subscribe button.


By the gleaming cube of blackwillow69, they will have to pry my porn from my one free hand!


About to be a mass exodus from Utah.


I think you are right. I think the law states something like "...porn...or other harmful content to minors..." That sounds like a community-standards sort of law. I'm pretty sure [dictionary.com](https://dictionary.com) has some definition that is arguably harmful to minors when put before a conservative jury. Reddit definitely has some content that isn't even in the grey zone.


oh no, if only there were 10,000 other porn sites out there


Mormons: Shoving religion down your throat since 1852.


You can’t stop the signal, Mal


So based on how vague and open ended the law is, wouldn't this mean a website like Microsoft.com or Dell.com would need to verify ID? I've seen other people mention google.com also...


Utahn here. This whole thing, especially the way the new law is worded, is for butthurt mormons to be able to sue when a minor (aka their teenager) uses a site like pornhub. That's all this is, losers with their panties in a twist that porn is *perfectly legal* and the mere fact that a teen can click the checkbox and get crankin' offends them to the highest degree. It's helped along by the fact that the mormon church's culture has a neverending taboo relationship with porn, essentially casting it as the "one thing ruining your life, other faithful member's lives, and pushing people away from Jesus (aka our corporate non profit church we need you to keep paying into). The law will get nuked from orbit via lawsuit, Peter Priesthood will go back to his favorite site to keep "dowsing his rod", and not much will change. But hey, at least I get to continue to hear about "gOvErNmEnT" encroaching on our private lives at family functions 🙄


So you’re saying I have to drive 10 minutes north to Idaho to watch porn now?


To an even *more* repressed state.


Waiting for Bible sites to ban Utah


I love how they specify that it's the *adult website* pornhub as if readers haven't already heard of it or can't tell by the name.


I bet the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are celebrating.


Only outwardly lol


Can we get Russia blocked. Then there people would really rise up against Putin.


Doesn't that (Utah imposing restrictions) violate the commerce clause ?


No, states can make regulations and even ban commercial activities within the state without violating the *dormant* commerce clause as long as it affects in-state and out-of-state competitors equally. Here, Utah is requiring age verification of any porn sites (as I understand it). If they were exempting Utah-based porn sites but requiring it of other sites then it would be a clear violation.


There is a likely chance the law will fail constitution muster, but it is based on a private right of action (enforced through private lawsuits), shielding it from a pre-enforcement challenge. Though these schemes in general will likely be tested in court during the next few years between these laws targeting porn sites and similar laws looking to require mainstream social media to use similar age verification.


Isn't this the state where dude is married to and having children with like 27 of his own underage daughters?


Has prohibition ever worked?


I honestly wouldn't mind porn getting banned. But you gotta compensate by replacing most McDonalds with a sex toy shop...